Meeting the needs of children and families simon - by sayeda sultana




Transcript of Meeting the needs of children and families simon - by sayeda sultana

Page 1: Meeting the needs of children and families   simon - by sayeda sultana
Page 2: Meeting the needs of children and families   simon - by sayeda sultana

Scenario Simon, three-year-old boy, is in junior preschool classroom where I work. He has autism: very little impulse control and echolalia (repetitive oral language). Fond of cars and wheels Two teen-aged brothers. Living with his father and brothers in a single parented family. New comer to Toronto. His father is looking for service resources and seeking my advice. Source: Assignment package, ECEP 233

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Special Needs of Simon Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) health card to access to a neurologist, psychologist, developmental pediatrician, speech language pathologist, learning consultants etc. Agencies that provide various services for autistic children Live in a loving, caring and happy environment Proper social acceptance and inclusion Constant communication and socialization Involvement in group settings so he can feel himself accepted and included. Source: Source:

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Needs of Simon’s parent/family Find housing Settlement services Childcare services including counseling and services to adapt Simon’s special needs Family support services. Workshops Resources Information and advice on Simon’s special needs Source: Source:

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Simon has ‘Autism’ - a neurological disorder that affects brain functioning. Its characteristics are: (1) Impaired communication: Language developed slowly or not at all Echolalia is evident. (2) Problems with social relationships and play skills: Little interest in making friends Little eye contact Hugs, holding hands craved or avoided Little spontaneous or imaginative play Poor motor-imitation skills Short attention span Source:

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(3) Stereotypical/repetitive behaviours: Overactive or very passive Repetitive gross motor sequences Tantrum for no apparent reasons Demonstrate strong interest in a single item, idea, activity or person Demonstrate difficulty during routine changes (4) Sensory problems: Show various levels of sensitivities in areas of sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. Source: Reading package, ECEP 233

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How I would help Simon:It is important to understand and identify Simon’s strengths, needs and skills in six developmental domains as well as self-care skills so that appropriate strategies are adopted for Simon.Observing & understanding behaviours; identifying skills: Simon has little impulse control and he has echolalia. These require some adaptations and modification in approaches. I’d regularly observe, identify and record his existing skills and behaviours Accordingly, to teach Simon, I’d adopt various strategies described in next slides.

Source: and Reading package, ECEP 233.

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Adjustments in group settings: Appropriate adjustment in group settings includes Physical environment: space and materials Visual supports Transition strategies Schedule and routines Individualized programming Source:


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Setting goals and teaching new skills: A short-term teaching target. Identify specific skills that work on Simon. Break a skill into smaller steps so that he can learn easily. Adopt prompting and fading using physical, modeling, gestural,

visual and positional prompts Praise, encouragement and reward strategy e.g. patting and saying

“Good job!”, “Excellent!” etc. and offering attractive stickers Keenly record Simon’s behaviours on regular basis to assess

developmental changes Source: and Reading package, ECEP 233.

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Developing communication skills: Simon has echolalia. So, one strategy is to form phrases from his

perspective. For example, when something (say a red toy car) fascinates Simon,

I’d say, “I want red car.” instead of saying, “Do you want red car?” Thus, he would practice appropriate phrases from his perspective. I’d perform it consistently. I’d use adaptive devices e.g. Sign language. Source:


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Developing Adaptive behaviour Break tasks of daily living into smaller steps; e.g. “Zip up a zipper” Through task analysis, teach Simon daily living skills to develop

adaptive behaviours. Improving pro-social skills:

Using some strategies, I’d teach Simon how to perform self-calming joining in a group, sharing and turn-taking asking for and offering help, asking for play using “Please”, “Excuse me” etc., greetings and farewells recognizing other children’s emotions and nonverbal cues Source: and Reading package, ECEP 233.

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How I would help Simon’s parent/family: As an ECE, I would make an extra effort to connect him with localagencies that support children with autism and their families. I will Communicate and report him regularly about Simon’s progress Encourage him to teach Simon the skills at home, using the

same techniques as I adopt in the classroom Provide lists of autism support services agencies Brochures or pamphlets that provide information about autism. Provide support system that maintains open communication

with the child’s family


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Geneva Centre for Autism, Toronto A multi-service agency Provides direct clinical services to families living in GTA Extends clinical services in Peel, Halton, Simcoe and York Regions Provides information, resources, consultation and training to individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), parents, service providers, educators and other professionals across Ontario, Canada and globally. Source:

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Geneva Centre for Autism (continued)Services available for children: Toronto Partnership for Autism Services (TPAS) Behaviour communication and social skills services Respite Asperger specific programs Fee-based Services Summer campServices for parents-caregivers: Parent support and Parent training, Fee-based services Source:

Service coordination.

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Autism Ontario (formerly Autism Society Ontario) Skilled and committed volunteers organize and support parent to parent contact Provides representation for ASD in boards of education, camps and public awareness forums. Mission: “To ensure that each individual with ASD is provided the means to achieve quality of life as a respected member of society.”



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Autism Ontario’s programs include: Potential Programme: Designed to ensure greater access to ASD experts in communities. Provides community-based learning opportunities for children with

ASD. ABACUS: Specializes in Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) in Ontario. A self-searched listing of ABA providers in Ontario. Families who are looking at setting up their own ABA program use

this resource to locate and connect directly with providers. Source:

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Surrey Place Centre, Toronto Provides specialized clinical services that meet the needs of

individuals with developmental disabilities in Toronto region. Services and programs include assessment, diagnosis, one-on-one

treatment, family counseling and group support. Offers workshops for clients, families and caregivers Provides education and consultation services to community agencies.

Source: Source:

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Surrey Place Centre’s servicesTreatment services: Behavioural analysis and behaviour therapy Counseling Developmental therapy Medicine and nursing, Parent training, Psychology Speech-language pathology


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Surrey Place Centre’s services (continued)Clinical services: Children and Youth Program Infancy and Early Childhood Program Toronto Partnership for Autism Services Toronto Autism ABA Services School Support Program


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Do2learn Provides a great deal of free pages with social skills and

behavioural regulation activities and guidance, learning songs and games, communication cards, academic materials and transition guides.

Offers various products including View2do, JobTIPS, FACELAND, books and apps.


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