Meet the Press

Presentation DIPLO Seminar March, 2011


Presentation during the Modern Diplomacy Workshop - Year 2011.Presenter Mrs. Lourdes Pullicino

Transcript of Meet the Press

PresentationDIPLO SeminarMarch, 2011

New Unusual Interesting Significant About people

Proximity Principle and Personal Impact

Simulation Exercise

Prepare a statement Issue a press release Grant Interviews Hold Press Conference Use your website – special link on home page

for crisis related news

A Press Statement is a written or recorded message directed at members of the news media for the purpose of announcing something claimed as having news value.

Short and concise and written or delivered in the passive voice.

An explosion at the Airport occurred today at 3 p.m. The incident is under investigation and more information is forthcoming.

May also include:5. Time and Venue for Press Conference to be given by

Spokesman of the Airport.6. Number of casualities (only if information is definitive and

not speculative and only if family members have been notified).

A more elaborate statement including the basic reporting - the 5 Ws.

Who? What? When? Where? Why?

Anything longer than a page is usually too long. Headings: Insert contact info at the top; date of the

release and when it can be published. Write a clear summary headline Write a summary lead with basic information: who,

what, where, when, why. Avoid adjectives and superlatives. Keep the writing

simple and newsworthy. Repeat contact info at the bottom of the release. Proof read.

2/3 key messages Deliver message simply and succinctly Anticipate questions Speak in simple terms

Dress smartly – businesslike – solid colours Prepare – incl. possible questions Know what you are going to say – 2/3 key pts. Think of a memorable one-liner Forceful without being strident Try to finish on a strong note Body language is crucial

If you have time, ask interviewer what questions likely to ask.

Keep your answers brief. Have 2/3 statistics to substantiate your

points. At end of PC/interview, thank media for

helping with getting out the CORRECT information.

Assure media, available for clarifications.

Much of communication is non-verbal :- voice tone/quality/body language


If standing or sitting, maintain good posture. Look at the interviewer and not the camera. Look the interviewer straight in the eye. Never, ever lose your cool. Project lots of energy

Body language Ian Duncan Smith

1. Conclusion or main point first2. Supporting Information3. Background and technical details 1. Conclusion

3. Details

The lead summarizes the most important points so even if you do not read the full text, you have a fair idea of what the story is about.

It has to sell the story to the casual reader or listener.

Practical advantage – editors cut from the end without harming the story.

Simulation Exercises

Dispel fears Dispel rumours Avoid confusion, anger and negative

reactions Government/Organizations perceived as

inept or criminally negligent, at worse Without proper communications, operational

response will break down

Who? How many died/injured/survived? What and why? Cause – statistics When and where? Time/location (graphics) Weather Where people go in case of evacuation Hospitals: whenever people injured Disaster scene: gather every detail of sight,

sound, emotion and other sensory feelings. Estimated cost of damages & property loss

Eyewitness accounts Government agencies involved Consumer information eg. Giving blood Relief agencies involved Safety precautions Survivors: list of names Victims: list of names Perspective: eg. worst flood in 40 yrs Background: Historical

Simulation Exercises