MEDITATION ENTRANCE O Christ, the healer Sunday, …Geistliches Lied, Op. 30 Johannes Brahms...


Transcript of MEDITATION ENTRANCE O Christ, the healer Sunday, …Geistliches Lied, Op. 30 Johannes Brahms...

MEDITATION Sunday, September 9, 2018

The Twenty Third Sunday In Ordinary Time

See Worship Book 932

The burning sands will become pools. (Isaiah 35:7) Isaiah’s promises seem extravagant, don’t they? If we look at them literally, they are quite marvelous. God will permanently alter the Holy Land itself. If we read these verses spiritually, the promises become even more inspiring: God is promising to alter us at the very center of our hearts. This is exactly what he has done too. He has made us a new creation! But for all the generosity he has shown us, God still asks us to come and receive his grace. He still asks us to settle ourselves in his presence so that he can fill us up. St. Bernard of Clairvaux, a twelfth-century monk from France, explained it this way: The man who is wise . . . will see his life as more like a reservoir than a canal. The canal simultaneously pours out what it receives; the reservoir retains the water until it is filled, then discharges the overflow without loss to itself. . . . You too must learn to await this fullness before pouring out your gifts. Do not try to be more generous than God. God never intended us to be a “canal,” always giving away whatever we receive, never holding onto anything for ourselves. No, he wants to take care of us—day after day after day. He knows that if we can learn to be like “reservoirs,” not only will we become more joyful and peaceful, but we will also become more effective in caring for the people around us. We pour ourselves out every day: for our children, for our aging parents, for our coworkers, and for our neighbors. But if we spend all of our time taking care of everyone else, we’ll end up physically exhausted and spiritually depleted. There’s nothing wrong with taking five or ten minutes each day to soak up the love and mercy of God. There’s nothing wrong with becoming a reservoir instead of a canal. God’s extravagant promises are for you just as much as they are for everyone else.

“Here I am, Lord. Come and fill me up!” Reprinted with permission from The Word Among Us

Please pray for our parishioners and friends of St. Louis Church who are sick: Ginny Collins, Barb Arland-Frye, Greg Ennis, Anne Hallgren, Tom Nutter, Keith Sando, Roy Sheehan and Evelyn Virnig.

ENTRANCE HYMN 747 O Christ, the healer

RESPONSORIAL PSALM 932 Praise the Lord, my soul! Praise the Lord!

POSTCOMMUNION HYMN 749 He healed the darkness of my mind


Geistliches Lied, Op. 30 Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) Do not be sorrowful or regretful; Be calm, as God has ordained, and thus my will shall be content. What do you want to worry about from day to day? There is One who stands above all who gives you, too, what is yours. Only be steadfast in all you do, stand firm; what God has decided, that is and must be the best. Amen.

— Paul Flemming (1609-1640).

Communion Vovete et reddite Gregorian, Mode II Make vows unto the Lord your God, and accomplish them, all you who gather around him to present offerings; to the awesome God who takes away the life of princes; he is greatly feared by all the kings of the earth. — Psalm 75:12,13.

Antiphon Sub tuum præsidium Mode VII Under thy protection we seek refuge, Holy Mother of God; despise not our petitions in our needs, but from all dangers deliver us always, Virgin Glorious and Blessed.

— Oldest extant Hymn to the Blessed Virgin; circa 250 A.D.

Ave verum Edward Elgar (1857-1934) Hail, true Body, born of the Virgin Mary, having truly suffered, sacrificed on the cross for mankind, from whose pierced side water and blood flowed: Be for us a foretaste [of the Heavenly banquet] in the trial of death! O sweet Jesus, O holy Jesus, O Jesus, son of Mary.

— attributed to Pope Innocent VI (1282-1362). _____________________________________________

TUESDAY ORGAN RECITALS, 12:35 pm — 1:05 pm

11 September — Brian Carson Choirmaster-Organist, The Church of Saint Louis, King of France.

A significant portion of the costs of the Tuesday recitals for the current season was graciously given by

Sharon Bigot in loving memory of ALFRED E. BIGOT.

SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday, September 10 First Corinthians 5:1-8; Psalm 5:5-7,12; Luke 6:6-11 Tuesday, September 11 First Corinthians 6:1-11; Psalm 149:1-6,9; Luke 6:12-19 Wednesday, September 12 First Corinthians 7:25-31; Psalm 45:11-12,14-17; Luke 6:20-26 Thursday, September 13 First Corinthians 8:1-7,11-13; Psalm 139:1-3,13-14,23-24; Luke 6:27-38 Friday, September 14 Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 78:1-2,34-38; Philippians 2:6-11; John 3:13-17

Saturday, September 15 Hebrews 5:7-9; Psalm 31:2-6,15-16,20; John 19:25-27 Sunday, September 16 Isaiah 50:4-9; Psalm 116:1-6,8-9; James 2:14-18, Mark 8:27-35

“Enrich the harvest of your charity.” PLEASE REMEMBER SAINT LOUIS IN YOUR WILL

Wedding Banns