Medieval Russian Icons Class Outline

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  • 8/3/2019 Medieval Russian Icons Class Outline


    Medieval Russian Icons

    By Lady Sofya la Rus - Heraldshill, Calontir

    Mka Lisa M Kies Mason City, Iowa

    December 2007

    Slavic University of the Midrealm

    Historical Context

    The Orthodox church has been a major influence on Russia The conversion of Rus' coincided with the peak of the Byzantine development of


    Icons have been an important part of Russian churches and homes ever since.

    Schools of Russian Icons

    Introduced by Byzantium, but adapted by the Rus

    Three Russian schools developed even before the Mongols.

    Kievan closest to the Byzantine tradition rich and majestic. Novgorod brighter colors and more natural forms.

    Vladimir-Suzdal intermediate. Other centers also developed over time Moscow, Tver, etc.

    Function of Icons Instructional tools Devotional aids

    Collective/civic identity

    NOT objects of worship, but rather windows on heaven Detail, beauty and symbolism assist in the meditation of the Divine Mysteries

    they represent

    Found in churches, of course (eg. St. Sophia in Kiev)

    But not just in churches:

    The beautiful corner of every Orthodox home/room Great Flag of army of Ivan the Terrible (shows the Apocalypse)

    13th Century Helm (of Iaroslav Vsevolodovich?) with Great Archangel

    Michael, help your servant Feodor and a metal plate on top with Christ, and

    Saints George, Vasiliy, and Feodor, Clothing and jewelry

    The Iconostasis The wall of icons in the front of a church.

    Between the sanctuary where the Eucharist is celebrated and the nave where the

    congregation stands. The sanctuary symbolizes the spiritual and the Divine

    The nave represents the physical and the human, so

    The iconostasis shows how they can be reconciled thru the windows of the


  • 8/3/2019 Medieval Russian Icons Class Outline


    The columns of the iconostasis represent the firmament/sky dividing the spiritual

    from the sensory,

    The horizontal beams represent the union between the heavenly and the earthlythrough the love of God.

    Development of the Iconostasis The early forms varied from a solid chest high wall to a high latticework with a

    curtain opened during certain parts of the services.

    Later a triptych was added above the wall, Christ flanked by the Virgin and Johnthe Baptist.

    This was the form that came to Russia.

    There it developed until the 16th century through the addition of tiers until it

    reached its present five-tiered form.

    The Worship Tier

    The feast day icon/s are there for worship and are more accessible to worshippers

    for veneration: kissing, candle-burning, and meditation. More varied and local in character than the other tiers.

    Usually an icon of the Virgin and Child and one of Christ flank the Royal Door.

    The Royal Doors

    The North Door leads to the sacrificial table, the Royal Door leads to the

    Sanctuary, and the South Door leads to the deaconry. Represents the entrance to the Jewish Holy of Holies and to the Kingdom of


    So the announcers of the kingdom are usually depicted: the four Evangelists andthe Annunciation.

    North and South Doors depict two archangels or sainted deacons as servants of

    the Mystery. Access thru these doors is restricted.

    The Savior made without hands King Abgar of Edessa had a portrait painted from a piece of linen on which Christ

    had pressed His face.

    Exemplifies the dogmatic principle of iconography not arbitrary creations but

    obey divine inspiration. The letters on the halo are the Divine name revealed to Moses - "I am".

    Boris and Gleb Early Kievan princes (sons of Vladimir I who converted Rus) killed by their older

    brother in a struggle for the succession.

    The humility and faith they showed in facing their killers, led to their veneration.They were the first Rus canonized.

    Their old Russian names thereby became Christian names. (Most people

    dont know their Christian names were Roman and David.)

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    Elijah Being Taken up into Heaven

    More common in Russia than elsewhere.

    The Prophet Elijah is associated with the Slavic god of thunder and fire, Perun Elijah is taken up into heaven in a fiery chariot, while his disciple, Elisha, tries to

    keep him on earth.

    The angel at the bottom is waking Elijah for his journey.

    The Deisis/Deesis Tier

    Grew out of the original triptych of Christ, the Virgin and John the Baptist. Deisis means "prayer" and, accordingly, the saints are shown standing in prayer

    before Christ.

    The most important part of the iconostasis - represents the goal of every church

    service - prayerful standing before the throne of God. This tier is represented in the embroidery of Mikhail Romanovs Coronation


    Christ Enthroned Christ is usually depicted in the form of the icon called Christ Pantocrator.

    He is enthroned as the Creator and Redeemer ruling over the world. He is in a circle, a mandorla, representing His divine glory and two squares

    forming an eight-pointed star that symbolizes the "eighth day" - the future life.

    The Church Feasts Tier Show the primary church Holy Days events of the New Testament Church and

    the lives of Christ and the Virgin.

    They represent "the principal stages of Divine Providence in the world" and thefulfillment of what was foretold by the tiers above them (see below).

    The Birth of the Virgin Her parents are Joachim and Anna and the ending of their long sterility is a

    prefiguration of the Resurrection.

    In addition, St. Anna's release from barreness to bear the Mother of Godsymbolizes the freeing of human nature from the sterility of sin to bear the fruits

    of grace.

    The Presentation of the Virgin Depicts the Virgin consecrating herself to the service of God.

    She is welcomed by priest Zacharias who was to be father of John the Baptist.

    He allowed her in the Holy of Holies, violating Jewish law, because she was thenew Ark, the "living Ark" of the new covenant.

    The Nativity of Christ The cave represents the sinful world into which Christ, "the Sun of truth,"


    In addition, the cave and swaddling clothes prefigure His tomb and burial clothes.

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    The ox and ass represent the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy, "The ox knows its

    owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel does not know Me, and the people

    has not regarded Me." Mary is shown as the new Eve, the Mother of renewed mankind.

    When she is half-sitting, it shows the absence of the usual travails of childbirth

    and thereby the Divinity of Christ. More commonly, she is shown lying down asif tired, indicating Christ's human nature.

    Joseph is off to one side to emphasize his non-paternity, and is being tempted by

    the devil to doubt the Virgin birth. The shepherds represent simple, uneducated people, with whom God can

    communicate directly.

    The wise men represent educated people who can only come to know the divine

    truth indirectly through their studies. In addition, the shepherds represent the Jewish church, while the wise men

    represent the Gentile church.

    The Baptism of Christ Another depiction of the Holy Trinity: God the Father spoke, God the Holy Spirit

    descended as a dove and God the Son was immersed, establishing the sacramentof Baptism.

    The Holy Spirit as a dove recalls Noahs flood when a dove was used to see if the

    earth was ready for new life. Baptism symbolizes death, burial and rebirth and so the cave in the icon

    foreshadows Christ's tomb..

    The Annunciation The Archangel often carries a staff symbolizing his role as a messenger.

    Mary in sometimes stands in attention to God's command, while in others she is

    shown seated to show her superiority over the angel. Her head is bowed in consent and submission. The Divine Incarnation could not

    result from God's will alone, but also required the free will and faith of the Virgin.

    The Spice-bearing Women at the Tomb

    One of two Easter Icons used. (The other is the Anastasis or Descent into Hell.)

    Since the Gospels are silent about the actual moment of Resurrection, neither

    Easter Icon depicts it. This icon depicts what was seen by those who came to the tomb after the


    The Descent into Hell/Limbo

    Christ is in white to show divinity. The aureole (elongated halo) around Him also

    shows this. At His feet are the demolished brass gates of Hell.

    He pulls Adam and Eve from their tombs, now free from their sin in Eden.

    The Righteous of the Old Testament are on the left, with Kings Solomon and

    David; and the New Testament are on the right.

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    The Ascension

    The completion of the events of Christ's life on earth - salvation accomplished. It emphasizes the Virgin and the Apostles more than the actual Ascension,

    because the importance of the event is its significance for those left on earth the

    new Church. This is why the Apostle Paul, who wasnt at the actual Ascension, is included as

    part of the whole New Testament Church.

    The Virgin is the personification of the Church, the earthly temple of the incarnateWord.

    Christ is in the act of blessing, showing His continuing work in watching over the

    Church. The angels next to the Virgin are messengers of Divine Providence, and

    reminders that Christ will return in glory

    The Descent of the Holy Spirit

    Gods new covenant with the new Israel Occurred during the Feast of Pentecost, the Jewish commemoration of the original

    covenant. The unity of the Church is again emphasized by the inclusion of the Apostle Paul.

    The order shown reflects the view of believers vs. the chaos observed by

    unbelievers who did not understand the event. The empty space at the top between Peter and Paul is for the Head of the Church,


    The figure at the bottom is in darkness, since the world had been without faith.

    He was made old by the sin of Adam. The crown signifies sin, which ruled the world;

    The white cloth with twelve scrolls represents the twelve Apostles, who brought

    light to the whole world with their teaching."

    The Transfiguration

    Manifestation of Christs Divinity to His disciples, Peter, John and James. It overwhelmed them and they fell down.

    Moses and Elijah have been explained variously:

    1) Moses is the law and Elijah, the prophets; 2) Both had had private visions of God; 3) Moses represents those who have died in the faith, while Elijah, taken up to

    heaven directly, represents living believers.

    The Dormition

    The Death and Assumption of the Mother of God.

    She is first to participate in the deification of believers, attained thru the voluntaryhumiliation of her Son, as He took human form through her.

    She is surrounded by the Apostles, miraculously summoned from all the earth,

    and her child-like soul is received by her Son.

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    The Prophets Tier

    A later development (14th-15th cent.).

    Shows Old Testament prophets with their prophecies of the coming of Christ Centered on an icon of the Virgin of the Sign

    Represents the Church of the Old Testament paving the way for the Church of the

    New Testament.

    The Virgin of the Sign

    Represents the fulfillment of prophecy, particularly Isaiah's prophecy, "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; behold a virgin shall conceive

    in the womb, and bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Emmanuel."

    (Isaiah 8:14.) The connection with Isaiah is so strong that his icon is often omitted. The Virgins hands are in the traditional position of prayer

    The image of Christ shows the fulfillment of the Divine Incarnation.

    The angels emphasizes her position higher than the angels.

    The three fibula - the golden jeweled emblems on her shoulders and forehead -symbolize her chastity before, during, and after bearing Christ.

    The Patriarchs Tier

    The top tier of the iconostasis.

    A late period development (15th-16th cent.). Shows Old Testament saints up to Moses Flank an icon of the Old Testament Trinity

    Represents the original Old Testament Church, presaging the New Testament


    The Old Testament Trinity

    The first appearance of God to man in the visit of three Angels to Abraham by theoak of Mambre.

    The Angels are shown sitting at a table under the oak.

    They sit side-by-side as equals, partaking equally in Godhood yet still distinct. Sometimes show Abraham and Sarah serving.

    Shows the origin of the promise of redemption the old covenant.

    Connected to the events of the Descent of the Holy Spirit in the Church Feasts

    Tier (the new covenant) Sometimes the icon of the Divine Fatherhood used instead.

    Painting an Icon The Orthodox take their icons very seriously

    Since icons are a window on heaven only those with honorable, respectful

    purposes should paint them A peaceful, meditative environment is considered necessary for good work

    Ancient tradition has developed the ideal forms for these prayerful expressions

    one should not alter them lightly.

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    Alpatov, M., Colour in Early Russian Icon Painting, Izobrazitelnoye Iskusstvo

    Publishers, Moscow, 1974. Alpatov, M. B., Early Russian Icon Painting, Iskusstvo Publishers, Moscow,


    Dionysios, of Fourna, The 'Painter's Manual' of Dionysius of Fourna, SagittariusPress, London, 1974.

    Gerhard, H. P., The World of Icons, Harper & Row Publishers, New York,

    Evanston, San Francisco, London, 1971. Ivanov, Vladimir, Russian Icons/ Vladimir Ivanov, Rizzoli, New York, 1988.

    Kamenskaya, E., State Tretyakov Gallery: Early Russian Art, Sovietsky

    Khudozhnik Publishing House, Moscow, 1968. Kyzlasova, Irina ed., Russian Icons: 14th - 16th Cent. The History Museum,

    Moscow, Aurora Art Publishers, Leningrad, 1988.

    MacKenzie, David and Curran, Michael W. A History of Russia, the Soviet Union

    and Beyond. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1993.

    Maslenitsyn, S.I. Yaroslavian Icon-Painting, Iskusstvo Publishers, Moscow, 1973. Onasch, Konrad, Russian Icons. Phaiden Press Ltd, Oxford, 1977.

    Ouspensky, Leonid and Vladimir Lossky. The Meaning of Icons. St. Vladimir'sSeminary Press, Crestwood, 1982.

    Ramos-Poqui, Guillem, The Technique of Icon Painting, Search Press Ltd. and

    Burns & Oates Ltd., Tunbridge Wells, Kent, 1990. Rice, David and Tamara Talbot, Icons and Their Dating: A Comprehensive Study

    of Their Chronology and Provenance, Thames and Hudson Ltd., London, 1974.

    Web References: Boguslawski, Alexander. Russian Painting: Icon Painting.

    Fuller, Michael. Russian Icons. Kirpichnikov, Anatolij. Old Russian Arms and Armour: Helmets.

    m Smith, Diane. The Muscovite Army of Ivan IV, the Terrible.

    St. Sophia Cathedral, Kiev. http://www.icon-


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