Medicines Management 2014

11-14 SEPTEMBER 2014 Darwin Convention Centre NORTHERN TERRITORY SUPPORTER PROSPECTUS Medicines Management 2014


Supporter Prospectus

Transcript of Medicines Management 2014

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11-14 September 2014Darwin Convention Centre N o r t h e r N t e r r i to ry

Supporter proSpectuS Medicines Management 2014

Page 2: Medicines Management 2014


11-14 September 2014Darwin Convention Centre

N o r t h e r N t e r r i to ry

Supporter participation is a very important feature of Medicines Management Conferences and the delegates are appreciative of the support and look forward to the exhibition. As always there will be numerous opportunities for supporters to have direct access to leading pharmacy practitioners with the welcome reception, tea breaks, lunches and poster viewing all being held in the exhibition hall.

SHPA Medicines Management Conferences always attract a large number of delegates with an average of 900 delegates each year. The 2014 Scientific Program Committee have put together a program that aims to broaden everyone’s professional and personal horizons. It is a very innovative program that will inspire all attendees to be able to make a real difference in medicines management. For full program details please visit

The supporter prospectus offers a variety of packages. They are designed to provide numerous opportunities for participating companies’ brand exposure before, during and after the conference. In addition to the packages, I welcome the chance to discuss developing a package individually tailored to meet your specific company requirements.

Book as early as possible as the exhibition does sell out.

To our long term Supporters whose continuing support we greatly appreciate and to new Supporters, we look forward to your participation in Medicines Management 2014.

Kind regards

Sally Ridgers

SHPA SPonSorSH iP And ConferenCe MAnAger

For tens of thousands of years people have gathered under the deep blue skies and in the lush tropical surroundings of Australia’s top end.

The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia invites you to join us in Darwin, for Medicines Management 2014, Australia’s leading event for hospital pharmacists, technicians and associates practising in the health system.

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11-14 September 2014Darwin Convention Centre N o r t h e r N t e r r i to ry


Being part of MM2014 will give you the opportunity to:

→ create an increased awareness of your brand as a leading supplier within the industry, both nationally and internationally;

→ deliver a clear message that you have a genuine commitment to safe and effective medicines management;

→ have networking opportunities in a variety of formats greatly enhancing your long term relationships and sales opportunities;

→ launch new products; and

→ give clients “hands on” experience with your products.

Who attends? → Directors of Pharmacy from public and

private hospitals → Pharmacists from:

• Public and private hospitals • Community pharmacy • Academia • Research • Industry • Government • Consultant pharmacy • Quality use of medicines projects,

clinical governance and medicines management programs

→ Pharmacy Technicians → Allied healthcare professionals.

Opportunities to support MM2014

Op p Ortun iti eS at a g l anc eAll PRICeS QuOTeD In AuSTRAlIAn DOllARS AnD ARe GST InCluSIve.

Support including Exhibition Space/Booth

Major Supporter $23,000 8 opportunities

exhibition Supporter $6,000

Conference e–Communications

Conference Application (App) $10,000 exclusive

Re-charge Station $8,000 exclusive

Promotional Opportunities on the App $2,200

Conference Program

Concurrent Session $4,400 14 opportunities

Conference Hospitality

espresso Bar $5,500 3 opportunities

Conference Materials

Writing Pads $2,200 + stock exclusive

Pens $1,500 + stock exclusive

Advertising in the Conference Handbook

Full Page Advertisement $2,200

Half Page Advertisement $1,800

Quarter Page Advertisement $1,100

To confirm your support please

C l i C k H e r e

or complete and return the attached booking form on page 7.

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11-14 September 2014Darwin Convention Centre N o r t h e r N t e r r i to ry


ma jOr Sup p Orter 8 opportuNities

$23,000 Including GST

entitlementse x h i b i t i o n S p a c e

→ large 5m x 3m space, in a premium location.

→ Booth provided if required including: • Matt finished anodised aluminium

frame with white laminate infill • Corporate signage on fascia.

(vinyl cut uppercase lettering onto a white background, with names on all open sides)

• Back and side walls to the height of 2.5m

• 2 x 150 watt track lights • 1 double outlet, 4 amp capacity

power point.

r e g i S t r a t i o n S

→ Four full registrations including, Welcome Reception (Friday), Conference Gala Dinner (Saturday) and access to all scientific sessions.

a c k n o w l e d g e M e n t / l o g o

p l a c e M e n t

→ Acknowledgement of support during the opening ceremony.

→ Company logo and acknowledgement as a Major Supporter: • on conference website, with a link to your homepage

• on official MM2014 conference signage at venue

• in the online registration brochure • in the MM21014 App.

→ Half page, full colour advertisement in conference handbook [Artwork to be supplied by sponsor].

→ 150 word company listing and logo in conference handbook.

d e l e g a t e i n f o r M a t i o n

→ electronic copy of delegate list [name, organisation, email, state only] one week prior to the conference.

exh i bitiOn Sup p Orter

$6,000 Including GST

entitlementse x h i b i t i o n S p a c e

→ 3m x 3m space. Booth provided if required including: • Matt finished anodised aluminium

frame with white laminate infill • Corporate signage on fascia • Back and side walls to the height

of approx. 2.5m • 2 x 150 watt track lights • 1 double outlet, 4 amp capacity

power point.

r e g i S t r a t i o n S

→ Two exhibitor/Supporter registrations, including Welcome Reception [Friday] and access to all scientific sessions [Conference Gala Dinner nOT included].

a c k n o w l e d g e M e n t / l o g o

p l a c e M e n t

→ listing in the MM2014 App with logo.

→ 80 word company listing in conference handbook.

d e l e g a t e i n f o r M a t i o n

→ Printed copy of delegate list [name, organisation, state only] provided at the conference.

MM2014 Supporter Opportunities

cOn ference a p p lic atiOn Sup p Orter 1 opportuNity

$10,000 Including GST

The MM2014 Conference App will ensure that delegates have all conference information at their fingertips, before, during and after the conference. The MM2014 App for all smart devices will showcase the full program, abstracts, posters, speaker details, social programs, sponsor and exhibitor listing, audience polling, alerts and maps and other new innovations.

entitlements → Prominent branding on the MM2014

App front page. → Acknowledgement of support during the

opening ceremony. → Company branding and acknowledgement

as the MM2014 App supporter: • on the conference website, with a link to your homepage

• on the official MM2014 conference signage at venue

• in the online registration brochure.

→ The chance to have four “push alerts” on app (two on Friday and two on Saturday).

→ Half page full colour advertisement in conference handbook [Artwork to be supplied by supporter].

→ 100 word company listing in conference handbook.

d e l e g a t e i n f o r M a t i o n

→ Printed copy of delegate list [name, organisation, state only] provided at the conference.

Sup p Ort i nc ludi ng exh i bitiOn Space /bOOth

cOn fer enc e e - cOm mun ic atiOn S

To confirm your support please

C l i C k H e r e

or complete and return the attached booking form on page 7.

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11-14 September 2014Darwin Convention Centre N o r t h e r N t e r r i to ry


re - cha rge StatiOn

$8,000.00 Including GST

Delegates are constantly needing somewhere to re charge their electronic devices.

The re charge station will be located in a prominent position in the exhibition hall and will be clearly branded with your logo. Please note it may be possible to position it close to your booth dependent on the floor plan and Darwin Convention Centre requirements.

entitlements → One exhibitor/Supporter registration,

including Welcome Reception and access to all scientific sessions [Conference Gala Dinner nOT included].

→ Company logo on the recharge station. Opportunity to place one pull up banner beside the recharge station (to be supplied by company).

→ Acknowledgement with company logo in the conference handbook.

→ 80 word company listing in conference handbook.

→ Printed copy of delegate list [name, organisation, state only] provided at the conference.

prOmOtiOnal OppOrtunitieS On th e m m 2014 a p p

$2,200 Including GST

The MM2014 App will have all Supporters listed and identified on the exhibition map.

We are offering supporters the opportunity to increase your exposure to conference delegates and beyond before, during and after the conference, by being able to upload documents (such as promotional flyers and product fact sheets) to their listing.

Please contact Sally Ridgers if you require further information or a demonstration.

cOncurrent SeSSiOn S

$4,400 Including GST

There will be a number of concurrent sessions on Friday 12 and Saturday 13 September. Further details are available on the conference website. The program is regularly updated.

entitlements → Acknowledgement with company logo:

• in the online registration brochure • in the conference handbook • on screen in the session.

→ Provision for the supporter to provide two freestanding banners for display in the room during the session.

→ Printed copy of delegate list [name, organisation, state only] provided at the conference.

cOn fer enc e hOSp italit y

eSp reSSO StatiOn 3 opportuNities

$5,500 Including GST

Please note these are the only coffee machines in the exhibition hall. No individual stands can have their own coffee machine.

This option includes an espresso bar being placed as close as possible to your stand or in another premium location.

Supply of espresso machine, baristas, and consumables included.

entitlements → One exhibitor/Supporter registration,

including Welcome Reception [Friday] and access to all scientific sessions [Conference Gala Dinner nOT included].

→ Company branding with logo and acknowledgement of support on signage placed on or near the espresso cart. SHPA will provide this signage.

→ Opportunity to place one pull up banner at the rear of the expresso bar (to be supplied by company).

→ Opportunity to provide branded coffee cups, napkins, aprons for baristas at your own additional cost.

→ listing with logo in the conference app. → 80 word company listing in conference

handbook. → Printed copy of delegate list [name,

organisation, state only] provided at the conference.

Writi ng padS

$2,200 plus stock

This is an opportunity to have your branded writing pads availa ble at the registration desk for all delegates to collect.

entitlements → listing with logo in the conference App. → 80 word company listing in conference


p en S

$1,500 plus stock

This is an opportunity to have your branded pens available at the registration desk and the entrance to the plenary for all delegates to collect.

entitlements → listing with logo on the conference App. → 80 word company listing in conference


cOn fer enc e adVerti Si ng

adVerti Si ng i n th e cOn ference han dbO OK

full page $2,200 Including GST

half page $1,800 Including GST

Quarter page $1,100 Including GST

Supporter to supply print ready electronic artwork.

entitlements → Full colour advertisement in

conference handbook [handbook dimensions to be confirmed].

→ Printed copy of delegate list [name, organisation, state only] provided at the conference.

cOn fer enc e mater ialS

MM2014 Supporter Opportunities

To confirm your support please

C l i C k H e r e

or complete and return the attached booking form on page 7.

cOn ferenc e e-cOmmunicatiOnS

cOn fer enc e p rOg r am

Page 6: Medicines Management 2014

11-14 September 2014Darwin Convention Centre N o r t h e r N t e r r i to ry


exhibition schedulethurSday 11 September

Bump in

friday 12 & Saturday

13 September exhibition

Saturday 13 September

exhibition closes (approximately) 4.00 pm

Further details will be provided in the Supporters Manual, which will be distributed approximately two months prior to the conference.

Supporter/exhibitor RegistrationAll staff in attendance at your booth MuST be registered for the conference. Where a complimentary registration is included in the support package you will be required to complete a registration form with the details of the attending delegate. If there will be additional staff attending they will be able to register for the special Supporter rate of $400.00.

Terms and ConditionsThe Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia will hereafter be referred to as ‘the Organisers’.

1. Support packages will be allocated in order of receipt of booking forms.

2. The Organisers accept no liability for damage to exhibits by loss, damage, theft, fire, water, storms, strikes, riots, or any cause whatsoever. Supporters are advised to insure against such liability.

3. The Organisers reserve the right to change the venue and duration if circumstances demand at their discretion. The supporter will indemnify the Organisers in respect of any claims and demands in respect thereof. The supporter must take out adequate insurance in respect of all claims.

4. The Organisers reserve the right to alter the exhibition floorplan:5. the organisers must review all plans for custom booths and have the right to impose

restrictions such as total heights, rigged banners etc.

6. The supporter has no right to use the MM2014 or SHPA logos unless authorised by SHPA.

7. exhibits must not be removed and displays must not be dismantled either partly or in total before ClOSInG TIMe on the last day of the exhibition. All exhibits and display material must be removed by the time indicated in the supporters manual.

8. Supporters may only conduct competitions or offer prizes with the permission of the organisers.

9. The Supporter undertakes that they will not hold any events, educationals or social functions at the same time as official Conference Program sessions or social functions.

10. For cancellation of support at least two months prior to the commencement of the exhibition, full payments will be refundable if the Organisers are able to re-sell the package.

11. For cancellations less than two months prior to the commencement of the exhibition, all payments are non-refundable.

Payment Details → An invoice will be sent on receipt of the booking confirmation form. → SHPA payment terms are 30 days. → If payment is not received within 30 days of receipt of the invoice your booking will be


Please note: If your company requires a purchase order number on the invoice this must be sent at the time of booking.

If your company requires a contract to be signed this must be sent at the time of booking.

To confirm your support please

C l i C k H e r e

or complete and return the attached booking form on page 7.

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11-14 September 2014Darwin Convention Centre N o r t h e r N t e r r i to ry


Supporter Booking FormPlease complete form and return to Sally Ridgers, SHPA Sponsorship and Conference Manager

p 03 9486 0177 f 03 9486 0311 e [email protected]

c o n t a c t i n f o r M a t i o n

n A M e

P O S I T I O n

O R G A n I S AT I O n

P O S TA l A D D R e S S

S T AT e P O S T C O D e

P H O n e ( ) F A x ( )

M O B I l e

e M A I l

Company name is to be listed in the following way in all conference collateral:

S u p p o r t p a c k a g e p r e f e r e n c e S

I/we would like to take up the following support package[s]:

C O S T $

C O S T $

C O S T $


c o n d i t i o n S

I/we accept the terms and conditions of undertaking a Support Package for Medicines Management 2014, the 40th SHPA national Conference:

n A M e

S I G n AT u R e D AT e