Medicine School Abroad Vicenza 7th September 2013

Medicine School Abroad Vicenza 7th September 2013 Relator : Camilla Bonaudo School of Medicine And Surgery, Padua


Medicine School Abroad Vicenza 7th September 2013. Relator : Camilla Bonaudo School of Medicine And Surgery, Padua . The School of Medicine in Padua: PADUA  FIRST IN ITALY. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Medicine School Abroad Vicenza 7th September 2013

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Medicine School AbroadVicenza

7th September 2013 Relator : Camilla Bonaudo School of Medicine And Surgery, Padua

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The School of Medicine in Padua: PADUA FIRST IN ITALYPadua : THE BEST UNIVERSITY IN




Veterinary Medicine

Engineering and



Economy and Statistics

Earth Science

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The School of Medicine in Padua The impartial accurate evaluation by

Anvur (Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca ) shows :



Corriere del Veneto , 17th July 2013

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The School of Medicine, Padua

RESEARCH FINDINGS recognised and published in the most important International Medical Journals

Research Fields : -Oncology -Virology -Molecular Biology -Molecular and Clinical Pathology

Linking pre-clinical and clinical trials to the patient

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What does the School of Medicine in Padua offer?

Quality  Education International competitiveness and visibility in scientific

researchEfficiency in the clinical fieldContinuing professional development  Internationalization : -bilateral agreements with International Universities -partnership with American and North European


Mission , official website:

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The School of Medicine in Padua








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The School of Medicine , Padua 6 years 360 CFU (“Crediti Formativi Universitari”) 12 semesters 36 courses 3 years pre-clinical courses 3 years clinical courses Degree Specialization 5 or 6 years

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The School of Medicine, Padua “Pietro d’Abano”The Biomedical School of Excellence “Pietro

d’Abano”: a parallel path which allows medical

students to deepen their scientific knowledge, in the field of research

Pros Reduction of the post-lauream research doctorate from 3 to 2 years Scientific research Conferences Cons More hours of lectures (usually in the afternoon) More Exams

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The School of Medicine ,Padua The SISM

The “Segretariato Italiano Studenti Medicina” : Part of the “International Federation of

Medical Students’ Association” (IFMSA) Indipendent Students’ organization MISSION : Consider the patient as a human being Avoid “bio-reductionism”

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The School of Medicine, Padua the SISM


ENTHUSIASM becoming good doctors


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Donare il corpo alla scienza (donate your body to science) :

Thanks to this project at the School of Padua, people can donate their bodies for teaching and scientific purposes

This project exists in Padua thanks to the Professors of the Anatomy Departement, managed by Prof. R. De Caro

Dissections are carried out with respect and sensibility

This project is the only one of its kind in Italy

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How to become a Medical Student

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The School of Medicine, Padua ADMISSION Admission: this year 420 places(for people who come from the EU) 22 places (for non E.U. International students )The admission test presents 60 questions 100

minutes to complete itGeneral culture 5 questions Logic 25 questions Mathematics and Physics8 questions Chemistry 8 questions Biology 14 questions

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The School of Medicine , Padua ADMISSION a) Test Evaluation(max 90 points )

+ 1,5 points corret answer ; - 0,4 points incorrect answer ; 0 points no answer

b) Pre-Admission Evaluation (max 10 points) : The result will be given only to candidates who have obtained at least 80/100 whose mark is not inferior to the 80th percentile of distribution of marks given by the same commission in the school year 2012/ 2013

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The School Of Medicine , Padua ADMISSION

High School Final Exam Points

100 e Lode 1099-100 997-98 895-96 793-94 691-92 589-90 486-87-88 383-84-85 280-81-82 1

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The School of Medicine in Padua ADMISSION EQUAL POINTS : Additional Assesment to determine grade

profile : General Culture and Logic , Biology,Chemistry,  Mathematics and Physics;

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The School of Medicine , Padua We can choose one of Three Curricula : 1)Humanistic 2) Biomedical 3) Traditional Differences : credits for the exams courses to get more credits The student can choose the optimal course

of studies

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The School of Medicine, Padua Taxes: the ISEE

First instalmentSeptember

Second instalmentFebruary

Third instalmentMay

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The School of Medicine , Padua Students have to attend courses and

lectures for a maximum of 4500 hours and a minimum of 3375 hours (75% )

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From Medical Student to Physician: Our MissionLa missione del Corso di Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico si identifica con la formazione di un

medico alivello professionale iniziale con una cultura biomedico-psico-sociale, che possieda una visionemultidisciplinare ed integrata dei problemi della salute e della malattia, con una educazione

orientataalla comunità, al territorio e fondamentalmente alla prevenzione della malattia ed alla promozionedella salute, e con una cultura umanistica nei suoi risvolti di interesse medico; tale missione specifica risponde in maniera più adeguata alle nuove

esigenze di cura e salute,in quanto centrata non soltanto sulla malattia, ma soprattutto sull’uomo ammalato, considerato nella sua globalità di soma e psiche ed inserito nel contesto sociale.

La formazione medica così orientata è inoltre vista come il primo segmento di un'educazione che deve

durare nel tempo, ed in quest’ottica sono state calibrate le conoscenze che lo studente deve acquisire

in questa fase, dando giusta importanza all’autoapprendimento, alle esperienze non solo in Ospedale

ma anche nel territorio, all’epidemiologia, per lo sviluppo del ragionamento clinico e della cultura della


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From Medical Student to Physician: Our Mission

Communication skills

Continuing Education

Evidence based Medicine

Continuing professional development Interprofessio

nal Education

Linking Learning to practise

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From Medical Student to Doctor : Our Mission SKILLS