medicine questions

MEDICINE QUESTIONS Dr. vet [email protected]

Transcript of medicine questions

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Dr. vet [email protected]

Page 2: medicine questions

Hello vets , these are some important basic questions regarding veterinary medicine , hope

you enjoy it.

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veterinary medicine

1. Why disease occurs tells us about?

A. Etiology

B. Sign

C. Symptom

D. Lesion

2. The branch of pathology that deals withthe examination of blood, faeces, urine and

other body fluids is known as-

A. Experimental pathology

B. Clinical diagnosis

C. Clinical pathology

D. Chemical pathology

3. Examination of dead animal is known as-

A. Autopsy B. Necropsy

C. Biopsy D. Lethopsy

4. An unusual body reaction to some substance in a particular individual is known as-

A. Sensitivity

B. Toxicity

C. Idiosyncrasy

D. Susceptibility

5. The future outcome or forecast about a disease is called as-

A. Prognosis

B. Sequelae

C. Diagnosis

D. Pathogenesis

6. Smacking noise during swallowing and movement of jaws may be an abnormal

behaviour in cattle in ?

A. Black quarter

B. Foot and mouth disease

C. Ketosis

D. Fascioliosis

7. Animal becomes unconscious and fails to respond to painful stimulus in a condition


A. Hypomagnesemia

B. Comma

C. Mania

D. Tetany

8. Examination of superficial lymph nodes by fingers or hands is an example of-

A. Auscultation

B. Indirect palpation

C. Direct palpation

D. Percussion

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9. Circling movements in buffaloes can be seen in-

A. Rinderpest

B. Leptospirosis

C. Theileriosis

D. Trypanosomiasis

10. Heart sounds can be heard in animals by-

A. Percussion

B. Palpation

C. Auscultation

D. Perforation

11. Temporary muzzle can be used for controlling-

A. Cow

B. Horse

C. Sheep

D. Dog 12. Restraining by twitching is preferred in-

A. Dog

B. Buffalo

C. Horse D. Cat

13. The tranquilizer used to make the animal calm and quiet is-

A. Penicillin

B. Ascabiol

C. Promazine

D. Calcitonin

14. Restraining by Tail raising method is advisable in-

A. Furious animals

B. Vicious animals

C. Docile animals D. Small animals

15. Kicking by the animal especially cow during milking can be prevented by?

A. Tying the forelegs

B. Tail raising method

C. Halters

D. Milker’s restraint 16. The balanced homeostasis is responsible for-

A. Pyrexia

B. Fever

C. Hypothermia

D. Stability of body temperature

17. Normal body temperature of cattle is-

A. 106.8-108°F B. 103-105°F

C. 101.8-102.4°F D. 102.8-104.2°F

18. The demand for increased heat loss of body is met by-

A. Vasodialation of skin and increased

production of sweat

B. Vasoconstriction of skin and increased

production of sweat

C. Excessive oxidation of nutrients in

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muscles and liver

D. Hyperglycemia in body

19. Hyperthermia is generally associated with?

A. Hyperglycemia

B. Hypoglycemia

C. Hypercholesteremia

D. Hyperproteinemia

20. The body temperature of animals is generally measured in?

A. °C

B. °F

C. °K

D. °C and °K

21. In horses the pulse is taken generally from which artery-

A. Facial artery

B. External maxillary artery

C. Femoral artery

D. Both A and B

22. Trembling pulse is observed in-

A. Distended artery

B. Distended vein

C. Constricted artery

D. Constricted vein

23. In dog, the normal pulse rate is:

A. 90-100

B. 40-50

C. 120-160

D. 20-40

24. Increased heart beat is called-

A. Bradycardia

B. Tachycardia

C. Pulsation

D. Varicose vein

25. In case of horse, the quality of pulse is-

A. Large and strong

B. Small and mild

C. Small and strong

D. Large and mild

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Page 5: medicine questions

1. The normal respiration rate in cattle is-

A. 10-30

B. 40-50

C. 5-10

D. 8-16

2. The respiration is controlled by respiratory centres present in-

A. Hypothalamus of brain

B. Medulla oblongata of brain

C. Hippocampus of brain

D. Spinal cord

3. Increased respiration rate with reduced

depth of respiration is known as-

A. Eupnea

B. Dyspnea

C. Polypnea

D. Hyperpnea

4. The reduction of oxygen level in body

tissue below the normal levels is known as-

A. Anoxia

B. Hypoxia

C. Asphyxia

D. Dyspnea

5. Respiratory insufficiency leading to increased concentration of CO2 in blood is


A. Dyspnea

B. Anoxia

C. Asphyxia

D. Hypercapnia

6. A discoloured non-elevated spot on the skin is known as-

A. Bulla

B. Papule

C. Macule

D. Nodule

7. Inflammation of hair follicles is called as-

A. Funiculitis

B. Folliculitis

C. Impetigo

D. Acanthosis

8. Destruction of superficial layer of skin i.e epidermis is known as-

A. Vesicle

B. Ulcer

C. Erosion

D. Excoriation

9. Chorioptic mange causes ‘Itchy leg’ syndrome in-

A. Cattle

B. Sheep

C. Horse

D. Goat

10. Foot rot is an infectious disease caused by-

A. Staphylococcus aureus

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B. Corynebacterium pyogenes

C. Sphaerophorus necrophorus

D. Demodex bovis

11. White muscle disease in calves occurs due to deficiency of-

A. Vitamin A

B. Vitamin C

C. Vitamin E

D. Vitamin D

12. Inflammation of bone marrow is known as-

A. Osteitis

B. Osteomyelitis

C. Myelitis

D. Spondylitis

13. Inflammation of hip joint is called-

A. Coxitis

B. Gonitis

C. Arthritis

D. Bursitis

14. Osteodystrophia fibrosa in horses occurs due to excessive feeding of-

A. Phosphorus in diet

B. Calcium in diet

C. Vitamin D in diet

D. Magnesium in diet

15. Vitamins that helps and favours the growth of bone is-

A. Vitamin A

B. Vitamin C

C. Vitamin D

D. Vitamin A, C and D

veterinary medicine

1. Abnormality in appetite in which animal ingests the substances other than food is

known as-

A. Anorexia B. Inappetence

C. Anophagia D. Depraved appetite

2. Inflammation of palate in cattle is known as-

A. Glossitis B. Gingivitis

C. Cheilitis D. Lampas

3. Vesicular stomatitis is observed in cattle in-

A. Foot and mouth disease

B. Rinderpest

C. Rotavirus diarrhoea

D. Wooden tongue

4. The deposition of grey or yellowish thick material on the mucous membrane of oral

cavity in birds is known as-

A. Carie B. Thrush

C. Dental pad D. Pyrrhoea

5. Diazo reagent is used in the liver function test like-

A. Icterus index

B. Vanden Berg’s reaction

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C. BSP clearance test

D. D-xylose malabsorption test

6. The lower respiratory tract consists of-

A. Nostrils and trachea

B. Larynx and trachea

C. Trachea, bronchi and lung

D. Larynx, bronchi and lung

7. Which one is the disease of the upper respiratory tract-

A. Glanders

B. Rinderpest

C. Johne’s disease

D. Leptospirosis

8. Metastrongylus apri is a lung worm of:

A. Cattle

B. Horse

C. Cat

D. Pig

9. What respiratory lung sounds are produced when there is no air beneath the area of


A. Ringing sounds

B. Tympanic sounds

C. Cracked pot sounds

D. Dull sounds

10. The moist rales are bubbling and originate from-

A. Larynx

B. Alveoli, bronchi and bronchiole

C. Trachea

D. Larynx and trachea


Veterinary Pharmacology &Toxicology-Questions|Quiz-1

Benifits of camel milk production in INDIA – Rural Farmers

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1. Arteriosclerosis is seen in- A. Aorta B. Arteries C. Vein D. Large sized blood vessel

2. Patent formen ovale is present in- A. Left ventricle

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B. Right ventricle C. Left auricle D. Between left and right auricle

3. Heart failure cells in lungs as a results of cardiac failure are- A. Hemosiderin containing macrophages B. Hemosiderin containing neutrophils C. Hemosiderin containing eosinophils D. Hemosiderin containing monocytes

4. Mitral murmurs in horse and dogs are loudest on left side at- A. Ist intercostal space B. 3rd intercostal space C. 5th intercostal space D. 8th intercostal space

5. Systolic murmurs occur during stenosis of- A. Aortic valve B. Pulmonary valve C. AV valve D. Aortic and pulmonary valve

6. The bulbourethral glands are also known as- A. Seminal vesicles B. Prostate gland C. Cowper’s gland D. Retropharyngeal glands

7. Increased sexual desire in a cryptorchid stallion is known as- A. Libido B. Sexual urge C. Oestrus D. Satyriasis

8. The main cause of follicular cysts is- A. Increased secretion of FSH and LH B. Increased secretion of FSH and decreased LH C. Decreased secretion of FSH and LH D. Decreased secretion of FSH and increased LH

9. Summer mastitis in cattle is caused by- A. Staphylococcus aureus B. Staphylococcus galactiae C. Actinomyces pyogenes D. E. coli

10. Endometritis is the inflammation of- A. Uterus B. Endometrium C. Myometrium D. Perimetrium

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Page 9: medicine questions

1. Dilatation of pupil is known as-

A. Myasis B. Mydriasis

C. Sclerosis D. Cyclops

2. When both the eyelids are fused together, the condition is known as-

A. Microphthalmia

B. Cyclops

C. Strabismus

D. Ankyloblepharon

3. Ceruminous glands are present in the-

A. External ear B. Middle ear

C. Internal ear D. Eye

4. The inflammation of internal ear is known as-

A. Otitis externa B. Otitis media

C. Tympanitis D. Labyrinthitis

5. Epiphora is also known as-

A. Glaucoma B. Hordeolum

C. Water eye D. Cataract

6. Common site of bone marrow collection in cattle is-

A. Sternum and ribs

B. Iliac crest

C. Skull bones

D. Femur

7. Aplastic anemia occurs due to-

A. Aplasia of bone marrow

B. Dysplasia of bone marrow

C. Trypanosomiasis

D. Babesiosis

8. In wet film, the trypanosomes are recognised by their-

A. Serpent movement

B. Zig-zag movement

C. Swirling movement

D. Whorling movement

9. The unit of measurement of hemoglobin is-

A. mg/100 ml blood

B. gm/100 ml blood

C. mg/10 ml blood

D. gm/10 ml blood

10. Lymphocytosis is observed in-

A. Pyogenic infections

B. Acute bacterial infections

C. Tuberculosis

D. E.coli

11. Normal value of Hb in cattle is-

A. 5-10 gm% B. 8-14 gm%

C. 12-18 gm% D. 4-8 gm%

12. The nucleus of monocytes in a blood smear appears-

A. Small and round

B. Large and round

C. Horse shoe shaped

D. Crescent shaped

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13. Macrophage in inflammation is derived from-

A. Lymphocyte

B. Basophil

C. Neutrophil

D. Monocyte

14. The common site of a bone marrow collection in cattle is from-

A. Femur

B. Radius

C. Sternum

D. Skull

15. The stem cells is an indifferentiated-

A. Mesenchymal cell

B. Ectodermal cell

C. Endodermal cell

D. None of the above

veterinary medicine

1. In diabetes mellitus, the urine becomes-

A. Pale coloured B. Red coloured

C. Green coloured D. Coffee coloured

2. In icterus, the colour of urine is-

A. Red B. Blue

C. Yellow brown D. Coffee

3. Increased foaming in urine is indicative of-

A. Hemoglobinuria B. Anuria

C. Ketonuria D. Proteinuria

4. Colour of highly positive urine for sugar by using Benedict’s reagent is-

A. Blue

B. Green

C. Light yellow

D. Orange

5. Neutrophilia is a feature of-

A. Acute inflammation

B. Subacute inflammation

C. Chronic inflammation

D. Granulomatous inflammation

6. The specific gravity of normal cow milk is-

A. 1.015-1.037

B. 1.35-1.65

C. 2.35-2.65

D. 0.5-1.5

7. In bromothymol blue test for mastitis, the alkaline milk sample will become-

A. Green to blue

B. Blue to green

C. Red to yellow

D. Yellow to red

8. In chloride test for milk, if the sample contains more than 0.14% chloride content then

colour of milk becomes-

A. Red

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B. Green

C. Blue

D. Yellow

9. In the direct microscopic examination of milk for bacteria, the milk is of good quality

if the bacterial count is-

A. 40 to 50 lakhs

B. Less than 5 lakhs

C. 20 to 30 lakhs

D. 10-20 lakhs

10. ‘Summer mastitis’ in cattle is caused by-

A. Streptococcus agalactiae

B. Staphy. aureus

C. Coryne bact. pyogenes

D. Staphy. albus

11. The elevation of CSF pressure is related with plasma-

A. Vitamin A B. Vitamin C

C. Vitamin K D. Vitamin D

12. Specific gravity of CSF is between-

A. 2.5-3.0

B. 1.5-2.0

C. 1.003-1.008

D. 0.5-1.005

13. The early coagulation of CSF may occur due to increase-

A. Protein content

B. Prothrombin content

C. Chloride and fibrinogen content

D. Protein and fibrinogen content

14. In Ross-Jones test, the solution used for precipitation of proteins is-

A. Sodium hydroxide

B. Saturated copper sulphate

C. Saturated ammonium sulphate

D. Saturated ferrous sulphate

15. Favourable sign of prognosis by cytological examination of CSF is-

A. Increased neutrophil count

B. Increased lymphocyte count

C. Decreased lymphocyte count

D. Increased erythrocyte count




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Page 12: medicine questions

these are some important fill-up questions of veterinary medicine ( ICAR-JRF , DVM exam



1. Pathology is the study of abnormal science or abnormal biology.

2.History taking in animals is also known as Anamnesis

3. The diagnosis based on the inspection of animal by looking for clinical symptoms is

known as_Clinical diagnosis

4. The cause of a particular disease is known as Etiology

5. History taking or anamnesis is the first and foremost step for diagnosis of any disease.

6. Restlessness is a sign of an abnormal Behaviour

7. Animal becomes emaciated or cachectic in Chronic wasting diseases like TB.

8. Gait is the movement of animal and involves the locomotor system.

9. Examination of animal by touching with fingers or hands is known as Palpation.

10. Pleximeter can be used to perform Percussion in animals.

11. Use of temporary muzzle can be put in practice for controlling small animals like Dog or


12. Dart gun with desired chemical drug is used to control wild animals.

13. a young calf can be restrained by holding ear at the base with one hand and holding the

_Mandible with other hand.

14. A loop of rope fastened in the hole of a stick is used to make the___Twitch_ for

controlling the horse.

15. __Crush made up of pipes is used for holding cattle, buffaloes and horses in standing

position for clinical examination, collection of blood samples and giving injections.

16. Thermoreceptors are present in the anterior hypothalamus.

17. The abnormal elevation of central body temperature is known as Fever

18. Heat regulating centres are situated in the Preoptic anterior hypothalamus of the brain.

19. Neutrophil cells are the most important pyrogen producing cells.

20. The period of maximum temperature is known as Fastigium or acme.

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21. The slow pulse rate is known as Bradycardia

22. Inflammation of vein is called Phlebitis

23. Amplitude of a pulse is a measure of cardiac _ Stroke volume.

24. In cattle, the normal pulse rate is 45-50 per minute.

25. Normally the pulse rate is 3 to 4 times more than the _Respiration rate.

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1. Respiratory process occurs through the intercostal muscles and _Diaphragm.

2. Increased respiratory rate is known as Eupnea_.

3. Respiration with a shallow and rapid breath along with alternate period of apnea is known

as Biot’s_ respiration.

4. An explosive expiration is called as _Sneezing_.

5. A long inspiration followed by prolonged expiration through partially closed glottis is

known as Grunting__.


6. Dermis consists of layer of elastic and collagen fibres beneath the stratum Germinativum

7. The term Ichthyosis__ is used for the scaly skin like fish.

8. Typical itching sensation characterized by scratching, biting and rubbing the skin against

any hard object is called Pruritus _.

9. Increased secretion of sweat gland is known as Hyperhidrosis__.

10. _Acanthosis is the thickening of skin due to hyperplasia of the cells of malpighian layer.

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11. Thickening of all the layers of skin is called Pachyderma __.

12. A small vesicle containing pus is called Pustule _.

13. A break in the continuity of skin thus exposing dermis is called Ulcer__.

14. Sarcoptia mange is caused by _Sarcoptic scabei_.

15. Demodectic mange in cattle is caused by Demodex bovis_.


16. Absence of anterior limb is known as Abrachia _.

17. Swelling and painful condition of hock joint in horses is called_ Capped


18. Hump back condition in animals is known as____Kyphosis_______.

19. Black Quarter in cattle is caused by___Clostridium chauvoei________.

20. The condition of bones becoming porous and brittle is known as Osteoporosis_.


21. Osteoblast cells form the matrix of the bone called Osteoid_.

22. Multinucleated phagocytic cells in bones are called Osteoclasts_.

23. The immobility and consolidation of a joint due to any disease or injury is known as _


24. In _ Osteopetrosis shaft of long bones become thick and hard resembling marble and the

condition is known as “marble bone disease” in poultry.

25. . The inflammation of the bursa between ligamentum nuchae, atlas and axis is known as

Poll evil__.


26. Anorexia__ Partial reduction in appetite and reduced hunger is known as anorexia.

27. Polydipsia_ Vomiting is a pathological condition in all animals except dogs and cats in

which it may occur as a normal practice.

28. _ Coprophagia Inflammation of tongue is called glossitis.

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29. _ Vomition Vesicular stomatitis occurs in foot

and mouth disease in cattle.

30. _ Gag_ Erosive stomatitis is a feature of rinderpest in cattle.

31. _ Sial-adenitis Hardening of tongue has been observed is Actinomyces bovis infection.

32. _ Actinobacillus lignièresi_ Inflammation of crop in birds is known as proctitis.

33. _ Umbilicus The colour of ruminal fluid becomes milky grey in ruminal acidosis.

34. __Post hepatic In traumatic reticulopericarditis persistent increase in monocyte count is a

special feature.

35. _ Toxic D-xylose malabsorption test is helpful to measure the absorptive activity of the


36. The term _Epistaxis is used for haemorrhage from nasal cavity.

37. Inflammation of nasal cavity is called Rhinitis_.

38. Bull nose condition is caused by _ Spherophorus necrophorus.

39. The narrowing of the bronchial lumen is known as _Bronchostenosis_.

40. Increased amount of air in lungs is called Emphysema _.

41. Dictyocaulus __Viviparous causes verminous pneumonia in cattle.

42. Alveoli of lungs are lined by _Squamous_ epithelial cells.

43. Dictyocaulus __Arnifieldi is a lung worm of horse.

44. The process of collection and examination of fluid from thoracic cavity is known as


45. Spirography is done to test the functional activity of Lung _.



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