Medicine in the Islamic Golden Age

MEDICINE IN THE ISLAMIC GOLDEN AGE By Allie Pinosky, Kelly Herring, and Frances Grimball


Medicine in the Islamic Golden Age. By Allie Pinosky, Kelly Herring, and Frances Grimball. General Advancements. Surgery Pharmacology Medical Texts Drugs Nutrition Causes and sources of disease. Ibn Sina (Avicenna). 16 medical works Qanun General Principles Simple Drugs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Medicine in the Islamic Golden Age

Page 1: Medicine in the  Islamic Golden Age



By Allie Pinosky, Kelly Herring, and Frances Grimball

Page 2: Medicine in the  Islamic Golden Age

GENERAL ADVANCEMENTS Surgery Pharmacology Medical Texts Drugs Nutrition Causes and sources of disease

Page 3: Medicine in the  Islamic Golden Age

IBN SINA (AVICENNA) 16 medical works

Qanun 1. General Principles2. Simple Drugs3. Diseases of particular organs and parts of

the body4. Diseases which spread to other body parts5. Compound medicines

Translated into Latin (12 century) “Canon”

Chief Medical Text of Europe

Page 4: Medicine in the  Islamic Golden Age

AL-ZAHRAWI Medical Encyclopedia

At-Tasrif30 volumesTranslated into Latin 12th

century Great advancements in

SurgeryVariety of operations and

procedures Illustrations and

explanations of surgical instruments

Page from a 1531 Latin translation by Peter Argellata of El Zahrawi's treatise on surgical and medical instruments. 

Page 5: Medicine in the  Islamic Golden Age

AL-RAZI Kitab al-Mansuri

Largest Encyclopedia Experiments on Animals Opium as form of Anesthesia Wrote book of home remedies Discovered bad effects of alcoholism Employed by Harun Al-Rashid to build

first hospital

Page 6: Medicine in the  Islamic Golden Age

HOSPITALS (BIMARISTANS) First Hospital: 86 AH (712 CE) High level of Organization Cairo, Damascus Doctors worked shifts 5 types of hospitals

1. Mental disease2. Leprosy3. Road4. Prison5. Mobile


Page 7: Medicine in the  Islamic Golden Age


CanonWestern Europe

At-Tasrif Surgical Techniques and Instruments Hospitals Recording Greek knowledge

Page 8: Medicine in the  Islamic Golden Age

WORKS CITIEDAhmed, Dr. Monzur. "El Zahrawi (Albucasis)-father of

surgery." Muslim Scientists and Scholars. Aug. 1990. 7 Oct. 2008 <>.

Ghazl, Dr. Sharif Kaf al. "The Origin of Bimaristans (Hospitals) In Islamic Medical History." Foundation for Science Technology and Civilization (2007).

Ghazl, Dr. Sharif Kaf al. "The Valuable Contributions of Al-Razi (Rhazes) In the History of Pharmacy." Foundation for Science Technology and Civilization (2007).

Ghazl, Dr. Sharif Kaf al. "Al-Zahrawi (Albucasis) The Great Andalusian Surgeon." Foundation for Science Technology and Civilization (2007).