MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word...

MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete Complete ! ! CHAPTER Second Edition Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1

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Page 1: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.




Second EditionSecond Edition

Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction


Page 2: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

Learning Objectives

• Use the technique of programmed learning and frames.

• Apply the phonetic pronunciation guides that are used in frames.

• Recognize that medical terminology has both constructed and nonconstructed terms.

Page 3: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

Learning Objectives (cont.)

• Identify each of the three word parts (word roots, prefixes, and suffixes) used to construct medical terms.

• Identify the function of a combining vowel that is added to a word root to form a combining form.

• Recognize that many medical terms are constructed from word parts and can be deconstructed into their word parts.

Page 4: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

The Programmed Learning Approach

• Programmed learning• Missing word is provided in the frame in the left margin.

• Each frame consists of a block of information, with the blank in the box on the right side of the page.

Page 5: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

The Programmed Learning Approach (cont.)

• Write the missing word in the blank as you proceed from frame to frame.

• Work without looking at the answer first, to make each frame a challenge.

• Always check your answer before moving to the next frame, making sure the spelling is correct.

Page 6: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

The Programmed Learning Approach (cont.)

• Pronunciation• Syllable Emphasis• Use the website for pronunciation

Page 7: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

Constructed andNonconstructed Terms

• Constructed medical terms• Learning constructed medical terms

• Deciphering constructed words

Page 8: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

Constructed andNonconstructed Terms (cont.)

• Examples of constructed terms: Pathology (path/o – disease) + (-logy – study of)

Tonsillectomy (tonsill/o – tonsil) + (-ectomy – surgical excision, removal)

Neonatologist (neo – new) + (nat/o – birth) + (-logist – one who studies)

Page 9: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

Terms (cont.)

• Nonconstructed terms• Include eponyms, terms derived from other languages, acronyms, and abbreviations.

• Nonconstructed words must be memorized.

Page 10: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

Constructed andNonconstructed Terms

• Examples of nonconstructed terms: Impetigo Coma Cushing syndrome

Page 11: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

Figure 1.1Medical terms are either constructed words or words you must memorize.

Page 12: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

The Word Parts

• There are three primary types of word parts: prefixes, word roots, and suffixes. Prefix Word root Suffix

Page 13: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

Figure 1.2 Most medical terms are formed by assembling word parts.

Page 14: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

The Word Parts (cont.)

• Not every medical term has all three word parts.

• Many medical terms have more than one word root.

• Some medical terms are made simply of a prefix and a suffix.

• A fourth word element is the combining vowel.

Page 15: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

Figure 1.3The human body, with many of the common combining forms.

Page 16: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

The Word Parts (cont.)

• Combining form The most common combining vowel is the letter o.

Use the combining vowel properly. Combining vowel connects word root with a suffix that begins with a consonant.

Some constructed medical terms use combining vowels to unite two word roots.

Page 17: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

Forming Words from Word Parts (cont.)

• A prefix usually requires no change when another word part unites with it to form a new term.

Page 18: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

Origin of Medical Terms

• Most medical terms come from Latin and Greek.

• The ancient Greeks are considered the fathers of modern medicine.

• The Romans advanced medicine with their own experiments and observations and added Latin terms to the growing body of medical language.

Page 19: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

Origin of Medical Terms (cont.)

• Sometimes the origins of medical terms relate to history, poetry, mythology, geography, physical objects, and ideas.

Figure 1.4The Greek father of medicine,

Hippocrates, who originated many medical terms. Source: Courtesy of the National Library of Medicine.

Page 20: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

Word Parts: Prefixes

• anti- • brady- • endo-• epi- • neo- • pre-

Page 21: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

Word Parts: Word Root / Combining Vowel

• append/o, appendic/o • bi/o • cardi/o • cerebr/o • dermat/o



= skin

= study of


Page 22: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

Word Parts: Word Root / Combining Vowel (cont.)

• electr/o • encephal/o • gastr/o • hem/o• hepat/o

Page 23: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

Word Parts: Word Root / Combining Vowel (cont.)

• hyster/o• laryng/o • leuk/o • mamm/o• mast/o

Page 24: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

Word Parts: Word Root / Combining Vowel (cont.)

• ment/o • nat/o • neur/o • path/o • proct/o



= nerve

= inflammation


Page 25: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

Word Parts: Word Root / Combining Vowel (cont.)

• psych/o • rhin/o • tonsill/o • vas/o

Page 26: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

Word Parts: Suffixes

• -al • -ectomy • -emia • -gram • -ia

Page 27: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

Word Parts: Suffixes (cont.)

• -iatry • -ic • -itis • -logist • -logy

Page 28: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

Word Parts: Suffixes (cont.)

• -pathy • -philia • -plasty • -scope• -tic



= rectum or anus

= instrument used for viewingproctoscope

Page 29: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd


• Medical terms are deciphered by breaking them into word parts, then defining first the suffix, then the prefix, then the word root(s) or combining forms.

Page 30: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

Summary (cont.)

• Prefix • Word root or combining form• Suffix

Page 31: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

Summary (cont.)

• Most common combining vowel• Infrequently used combining vowels

• Retaining the combining vowel• Dropping the combining vowel

Page 32: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Complete! CHAPTER Second Edition Introduction to Word Parts and Word Construction 1.

Medical Terminology: Complete!, Second EditionBruce Wingerd

Combining Form Quiz a. breast2.gastr/o b. liver3.mast/o c. vessel4.hepat/o d. life5.vas/o e. stomach