Medical Sociology C 6

Copyright ©2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 6 Health Behavior and Lifestyles Medical Sociology Twelfth Edition William C. Cockerham


Health Behavior and Life StyleMedical Sociology

Transcript of Medical Sociology C 6

  • Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Chapter 6

    Health Behavior and Lifestyles

    Medical Sociology Twelfth Edition

    William C. Cockerham

  • Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Health-Oriented Behavior

    Illness behavior

    Activity undertaken by a person who feels ill for the purpose of defining that illness and seeking relief from it

    Health behavior

    Activity undertaken by individuals for the purpose of maintaining or enhancing their health, preventing health problems, or achieving a positive body image

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    Health Lifestyles

    Collective patterns of health-related behavior based on choices from options available to people according to their life chances

    Involves decisions about food, exercise, relaxation, personal hygiene, risk of accidents, coping with stress, smoking, alcohol and drug use, as well as having physical checkups

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    Health Lifestyles

    The WHO divides the 20th century into the:

    Medical era

    The first half of the 20th century

    The dominant approach to health was mass vaccination and the extensive use of antibiotics to combat infection

    Postmedical era

    Present period in history

    Physical well-being is threatened by social and environmental factors that cannot be directly improved by medicine

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    Health Lifestyles: Weber

    Members of the same social class generally share similar lifestyles

    Lifestyles reflect the types and amounts of goods and services one uses or consumes

    Contrast with Marx, who distinguished classes by their relationship to the means of production

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    Health Lifestyles: Weber

    Lifestyle choices are influenced by ones life chances, or socioeconomic circumstances

    Lifestyle patterns distinguish social classes from one another

    But some patterns eventually spread across class boundaries

    e.g., the Protestant ethic and health lifestyles in Western society

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    Health Lifestyles: Bourdieu

    Habitus Class-related set of durable dispositions to act in

    particular ways

    Serves as a set of perceptions that routinely guides and evaluates a persons choices and options

    People of a particular social class tend to share similar lifestyles because they typically have a similar upbringing and experiences in life That is, they are socialized to prefer their lifestyle

    preferences over those of other classes

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    A Theory of Health Lifestyles

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    Health Lifestyles in Western Society

    Seven good health practices identified in research: 1) Seven to eight hours a night of sleep

    2) Eating breakfast every day

    3) Seldom if ever eating snacks

    4) Controlling ones weight

    5) Exercising

    6) Limiting alcohol consumption

    7) Never having smoked cigarettes

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    Health Lifestyles in Western Society

    Comparisons between the U.S. and Germany: Lack of difference between social classes in health


    The presence of a comprehensive, national health insurance system (Germany) does not appear to undermine personal incentives to stay physically fit compared to the American system

    Great Britain Important differences still exist between social

    classes on health behaviors

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    Health Lifestyles in Western Society

    Health lifestyles appear to be spreading throughout Western society

    Most extensive participation in the U.S., Germany, and the Netherlands

    Signs of spread in Britain and France

    More research needed in other countries

    Participation greatest among upper and middle socioeconomic groups

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    Health Lifestyles in Russia and Eastern Europe

    Declines in life expectancy over the second half of the 20th century

    Rise in mortality largely among middle-aged working-class males

    Health lifestyles characterized by extremely heavy drinking and smoking, disregard of diet, and an absence of leisure-time exercise

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    Preventive Care

    Routine physical examinations, immunizations, prenatal care, dental checkups, screening for heart disease and cancer, and other services intended to ensure good health and prevent diseaseor minimize the effects of illness if it occurs

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    Preventive Care

    Underutilization of preventive care among the poor is common in both the U.S. and Europe

    May not have regular source of care

    Health care facilities may not be nearby

    Personal expenses if insurance does not cover services or if uninsured

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    Preventive Care: Health Belief Model