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DEPARTMENT OF DRAVYA GUNA CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that Ms. MEENA.H.R has satisfactorily completed the Compilation work on LANGALI (GLORIOSA SUPERBA) as Year prescribed by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science for II B.A.M.S Course in this College in the Year 2012-13

Lecture in Charge.

Head of Department

Registration No: Date of The Practical Examination: Examination Center.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTI express my sincere acknowledgement to the holy sanctum of SHRI KALABYRAVESHWARA SWAMY AYURVEDIC MEDICAL COLLEGE, The temple of learning, for giving an opportunity to purse the degree in bachelor of Ayurveda, medicine and surgery (B.A.M.S) and thus helping in shaping our carrier. The immense pleasure and joy one drives on completion of compilation is beyond description. Its duty of the concerned person to pay his/her respect and acknowledgement the advice, guidance and assistance received from all qurters for such accomplishment. First and foremost I wish to thank the principal Dr. Kiran Gowda for encouraging me to help in the project. I express my grateful thanks to H.O.D of Department of Dravya Guna Dr. Neetha for her encouragement, support and guidance to the student community in all fields of education. A student without the teacher is like a ship without a captain directionless. I express my great full thanks to the guuide Dr. Neetha, Dr. Satish. B.N, Dr. Keerthi Unakall for providing necessary ambience and inspiring me to work on this project successfully I end with a sincere note of thanks for the intensity, drive and assistance of all who contributed to it.





INTRODUCTION TO AYURVEDAAvurveda provided rational means for the treatment of many diseases, which are considered to the obstinate and incurable in other system of medicine. Simultaneously in lays a great deal of emphasis upon the maintenance of positive health of an individual thus aim at both the prevention and cure of diseases. In ayurveda chikitsa of the many diseases is mentioned and prevention of disease by the sadvritta and swasthavritta is also mentioned. Dravyaguna is the basic subject of ayurveda though no enumerated in astanga ayurveda. Dravyaguna. May be called as the material medica of the ayurveda which includes pharmacology, phormaco therapeutics and phormacognosy/ the subject was taught in guru-sishya parampara. Totally in guru-sishya practical ine and hence it was not discussed as separate subject in the pro-historic age. There are lots of difference of opinion regarding identification, properties, guna, and karma of each drug this was necessity for type of work called compilation to be done in drugs to bring the various methods of administration, preparation to nbe done in drugs to bring the various methods of administration, preparation and other information to a common platform and as for the second phase a compilation work is a part of syllabus, this is the compilation work on the langali.


INTRODUCTION TO DRAVYAGUNA Characteristics of Dravyaguna Shastra :-

The first mentioning of Dravyaguna is traceable from the description of Charaka who identified Ayurveda as the science which deals with the dravyas, gunas and karmas of helpful and harmful materials . Dravyaguna shastra has been identified as separate specially by Narhari the author of Raj Nighantu. Actually Acharya PV Sharma defined Dravyaguna Shastra as the branch which deals with the properties with the properties, action & therapeutic effects of various dravyas. Seven constituents of Dravya :-

Bhavamishra quoted about the five constituents of Dravyas viz Rasa, Virya, Vipaka, Guna and prabhava adding Dravya and Karma to the above. Y T Acharya mentioned that sapta padarthas. Dravyaguna Shastra mainly Deals mainly deals with these seven aspects under the fundamental principles. 1. Dravya : The Substances which possess guna and karma with inherent relation in it is known as Dravya. 2. Rasa: The property which is percieved through the taste buds is known as Rassa. Ayurveda accepted six tastes viz Madhura, Amla, Lavana, Katu, Tikta, Kashaya. 3. Guna: It is property which will have inherent relation with the dravya but remain inactive that means it cannot perform any activity of its own without the help of other ingredients. It also acts as non-inherent reason for a given therapeutic effect eg. Snigdha, Sheeta, Tiksna etc.


4. Virya. It is the property by which the drug produces the therapeutics control of Virya eg. Sheeta virya and Usna virya. 5. Vipaka It is a property of drug which is responsible for change in the original taste etc on exposure to GIT enzymes which is responsible for the drug inside the body. 6. Prabhava. When the drug produces a result which is not in accordance with the constituents viz rasa, guna, virya, vipaka, then it is denoted as prabhava or shakti eg. Shirisha acting as vishaghna, Pushakaramula acting as Hridya etc. 7. Karma. The inseperable reasons for the association and dissociation of a drug in exhibiting it is pharmacological action is known as karma and it is independent eg. Deepana, Paachana.


INTRODUCTION TO LANGALI (GLORIOSA SUPERBA)Langali is a Perennial climber with tuberous root it is a soft and good looking plant. With very glorious red colored flower, It is found in many parts of India, It is also widely grown as an ornamental plant in cool temperate countries, under Glass conservatories. Langali obtained from wild habitat and cultivated form analytically and pharmacologically. Langali Is called kalihari in Sanskrit and and latin name is Golriosa superb, In ayurveda it is known as The Magical medicine for removal of any type of foreign body inside body without any plain,. Anesthesia & surgical intervention. Gloriosa Superba any plant of the genus Gloriosa of tropical aftrica and Asia, a Perennial herb climbing by means of tendrils at leaf tips having showy, yellow to red flowers, all parts are poisonous one species glory lily A Plant that when touched or ingested in sufficient quantity can be harmful or fatal to an organism. Gloriosa is a genus of ten species in the plant family Colchicaceae, and include the formerly recognized genus Littonia. They are native in tropical and southern Africa to Asia, and naturalized in Australia and the Pacific as well as being widely cultivated. The most common English names are flame lily, fire lily, gloriosa lily, glory lily, superb lily, climbing lily, and creeping lily. They are tender, tuberous rooted deciduous perennials, adapted to summer rainfall with a dormant dry season. All parts of the plant contain colchicine and related alkaloids and are therefore dangerously toxic if ingested, and contact with the stems and leaves can cause skin irritation. Various preparations of the plant are used in traditional medicines for a variety of complaints in both Africa and India. Gloriosa superba is the national flower of Zimbabwe. A Diamond brooch in the shape of the flame lily was a gift from Zimbabwe to Queen Elizebeth II on a visit in 1947 while she was still the crown princess. It is also state flower of Tamil Nadu state in India, and is the national flower of Tamil Nadu, and as such was displayed during Maaveerar day.



LATIN NAME: Gloriosa Superba FAMILY: Liliaceae KULA: Rosanakula.


MYTHOLOGICAL ORIGIN OF LANGALI:Langali is called kalihari in Sanskrit and latin name is gloriosa superba. In ayurveda it is known as the magical medicine for removel of any type of foreign body inside body without any pain, anesthesia and surgical intervention. The arrow was found situated deep routed so Hanumanji brought vaidya sushen (famous ayurveda physician of that period) then vaidyaji applied paste made of root of kalihari and removed the arrow. Sanghini was used for wound healing, sanjeevani for regaining consciousness and sarvakarini for removing scare. This mythological story remained unrecognized and unacceptable by so called people of modern civilization who following the theory of lord macolay and lives the life of European culture even living in Indian environment, forgetting their well advanced ancient Indian culture. However the real predecessors of lord macolay i;e eropean lead NASA has recognized the presence of that bridge (adams bridge/raam sethu) in ocean linking Indian origin million years back.


Vernacular namesBengali bishalanguli, bisha English malbar glory lily, tigers claws, wolfs bane, climbing lily, flame lily, glory lily Gujarathi varhvardi Hindi Languli, kulhari Kannada - Agnisikhe, Akkatangi balli, balipapu, gowrigadde, shivaraktiballi, sivasaktiballi, totil, Malayalam mendoni, kantal Marati nagkuria, indai Oriya panjangulia, ognisikha Punjab kariari Santhal siric samano Telugu Angi skikha, pottidumpa Tamil kalayi. Anaravam Tibetian la nga la Urdu kalhar, kanol


HISTORY OF THE DRUG VEDIC PERIOD:The drug langali is not be found in any vedic period books.

POURANIKA PERIOD:The drug langali is not to be found in any pouranika period books.

SAMHITA PERIOD: CHARAKA SAMHITHA [122 B.C]The charaka samhita is the text, which belong the Atreya sampradaya describes more than 500 drugs. The drugs are divided mainly in 50 ganas. The mangali is the drug mentioned under the bhedaneeya gana.

SUSHRUTA SAMHTA [100 B.C]In sushruta samhita also the reference regarding this drug is given inmany contexts. He mentioned the guna and karma of the drug. He mentioned intreatment of normal delivery etc.

ASTANGA HRIDAYA:Acharya vagbhata mentions it under sutra sthana, sareera sthana, chikitsa sthana and uttara sthana. He was also mentioned the properties andation of the drug.

SHARANGADHARA SAMHITA [14th CENT A.D]Acharya sharangadhara mentions about this drug. Under the properties of langali taila.

BHASHAJYA RATNAVALI [18th CENT A.D]The drug mentioned under the preparation of kasisadi taila and langalyadi loha. NIGHANTU PERIOD.

DHANAVANTARI NIGHANTU:The drug its synonyms, properties and actions are mentioned in thisbook.

HRIDAYA DEEPIKA NIGHUNTU:The synonyms and action are mentioned.

SHALIGRAMA NIGHANTU:The synonyms of the drug, properties and action are mentioned in this book.


Synonyms :Agnisika Agnijvala Agnimakhi Agnijihva Agnika Bhara Deepta Garbhapatni Garbhanut Halini Haripriya Hali Hindupushpika Kari hari Kali hari Kalikarika Langalika Langali Nalarandhri Prabhata Puspasi Sukra pushpika Siri Ulka Vishalya Vanimukhi Vidyut




GANAS OR VARGA Sl no 1. 2. Abhayadi varga Guduchyadi varga 3. Shatahvadi varga 4. Shatapushpadi varga 5. 6. 7. Aushadi varga Lashunadi varga Shakavarga bhedaneeya gana 8. Upavisha + & + + + Gana or varga B.P.N CS RN PN MN DN KNRasavagbhata And Bhavamishra













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SCIENTIFIC CLASSIFICATIONKingdom Plantae Devision Spermatophyte Sub devision - angiosperms Class Equisetopsida Subclass Mangolidae Order Liliales Sub order Monocots Family Colchicaceae Genus Gloriosa Species Superba Binomial name Gloriosa superba


GENERAL CHARACTERS OF LILIACEAEThe Liliaceae, or the lily family, are a family of monocotyledons in the order Liliales. Plants in this family have linear leaves, mostly with parallel veins but with several having net venation (e.g., Cardiocrinum, Clintonia, Medeola, Prosartes, Scoliopus, Tricyrtis), and flower arranged in threes. Several have bulbs, while others have rhizomes. Shade-dwelling genera usually have broad, net-veined leaves, fleshy fruits with animal-dispersed seeds, rhizomes, and small, inconspicuous flowers; genera native to sunny habitats usually have narrow, parallel-veined leaves, capsular fruits with wind-dispersed seeds, bulbs, and large, visually conspicuous flowers. Many plants in the Liliaceae are important ornamental plants, widely grown for their attractive flowers. Many species are poisonous if eaten and may cause serious complications, such as renal failure in household pets, especially cats. The lily family was formerly a paraphyletic "catch-all" group of petaloid monocots that did not fit into other families. It included a great number of genera now included in other families and in some cases in other orders, including Agavaceae, Alliaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Asparagaceae, Ruscaceae, Asphodelaceae, Smilacaceae, Hyacinthaceae, Tecophilaeaceae,



Themidaceae, Tofieldiaceae, and Uvulariaceae, and members of the monocot orders Asparagales, Dioscoreales, and Alismatales. Smilacaceae appears to be the family most closely related to Liliaceae in its modern restricted sense. The genus Calochortus, which includes the sego and mariposa lilies, and its allied genera are separated into a separate family Calochortaceae in some schemes, while others maintain them as a subfamily of Liliaceae, the Calochortoideae.


BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION A beautiful glabrous herbaceous climber or with underground white. Tuberous rhizome. Erect. Perennial tuberous climbing herb.

Leaves:- Alternate, sessile ovate lance late with acuminate tips prolonged intwo tendril like spiral 3-8 inchas long. Flowrs:- Showy, axillary, solitary or subcorymbose towards the ends of branches at first erect & greenish, afterwards becoming reflects and truning to ylleow or orange and finally scarlet. Fruits:- Fusifor or linear oblong capsules and just like peanut. Seeds:- Subglobose, grey, many and or red in colour Stamens:- 6 spreading Hypogynous. Anathers:- Extros, modified versatile opening by longitudinally. Slits Petals:- are wavy , Ovary:- Superior 3 celled Ovules:- Numerous Pedicles:- 7.5-15 cms long, the tips deflexed periapt segments eaching 6.3 cms 18-30 mm Filaments :- 3.8- - 4.8 Cms long spreading anthars nearly 13mm long. Style :- Reaching 5Cms long arms about 6mm long deflected at based projecting from the flower more or less horizontal . Capsule:- 4.5 by 2cms linear ablong Stem:- Is thin.


MiCROSCOPIC AND MACROSCOPIC STRUCTURE:Tuberous root: It is thick, almost cylindrical or slightly laterally flattened, occurringin pieces of 15.30cm long. 2.5-3 8cm thick, often bifurcated with taperingends, brownish externally and yellowish often bifurcated with taperingends, brownish externally and yellowish internally. MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE tuberous root shows single layered epidermis externally cuticularised, consisting of rectangular cells followed by ground parenchyma withscattered small vascular bundles, parenchyma cells large, thin walled,

havingintercellular space, its outer layar filled with starch grains, measuring 8.33 uin dea. Vascular bundless collateral, numerous, scattered throughout groundtissue, consisting of xylem and phoem. Xyem composed of vassels, tracheoids and parenchyma, the xylemparenchyma cells usually rectangular. Plloem consisting of sieve tubes, companion cells. The phloem parenchyma cells, very small and thin walled.


HABITATThrough out topical india form the North Weth to assam , Exteanding to Burma. Mulacca and srilanka , Common in dehara dum and east words along the sub himalayam tracts and bundelkhand and N.Oudh also in bundelkhand and Marwara. In Australia, "scattered naturalized populations exist in the understorey of coastal dry sclerophyll forest and sand dune vegetation throughout south-east Queensland and New South Wales". It is considered a rampant and dangerous invasive weed in Australia, dominating the coastal dunes at the expense of native species and leading to deaths of native animals and birds when ingested. In India, Glorious is distributed in the Western Ghats but the density is rapidly decreasing due to excessive uprooting by the Herbal Medicine producers.


VARIETYDepding upon of the size and shape of the route, there are two typs,

Male plant and female Plant.MALE PLANT:- Root is long, Round and dividied into two parts and mostly used for medicinal purpose, FEMALE PLANT:- Root is Round, long 1 in Number. There are two verities of this plant. The Route of one Plant. Divides dischotomously that of the other does not divide at all, but appears has a single piece shouting into ground the former is supposed by the natives to the be the male plant and the later the female.

Gloriosa aurea Gloriosa baudii Gloriosa flavovirens Gloriosa lindenii Gloriosa littonioides Gloriosa modesta Gloriosa revoilii Gloriosa rigidifolia Gloriosa sessiliflora Gloriosa superba


CONTROVERSIAL STATUS In C.S.Su271106 dangalaki is mentioned as a vegitalbe (Sake) but is not clear whether gherious leaves are used or costus rhizomes used. It is possible that the terms Lengala andDangalahy (S.SCi 9155) are indicative of costes. It is abserved that costus speciou in often used substitute for geriosa sperba in the market. Inspite of this controverry we the come across the description of longal in brhat trayi works,. It is included under upa visial key bhavanisra and rara vagbhata. Langali is considered as a uapvisha by many texts, but according to Dr. Bapalal Vaidya in his text some controversial drugs in Indian Medicine. He mentioned it as non poisonous. Bhavamishra has drawn the attention the word upavisha shoud beconstructed as the attention the word upavisha should beconstructed as gounavisha, in Astanga Hridaya has used it as rasyana, Many have translated this workdd Langali menaing Mucuna Pruriens Langali is the synonyms of KapiKachchu, In Gujarajath it si know as vadhawordi menaing is quarrels in sanskritti know as kalikarika meaning the promoter of quarrel. But in Charaka, Sushruta and vagbhata there is mention of work kalikarika or kalihari But in Amara Kosha There is the synonym for Jalapippaili













katu tikta



katu tikta kshara


katu tikta

katu tikta lavana

katu kashaya




tiksna laghu sara


Sara tiksna laghu


Sara tiksna


Laghu tiksna guru

Veerya Vipaka Doshaghnatha

Ushna Kapha vatahara

Ushna -

Ushna -

Ushna Pittavard aka

Ushna -

Ushna -

Ushna Katu

Ushna -

Pittava Kapha rdaka vatahara

Pittava Kapha rdaka vatahara


SEASON OF AVAILABILITY: Flowering and fruit June to October.


CHEMICAL COMPOSITION.Plant contain: Alkaloid gloriosine, aromatic oil benzoid, acid, salicylic acid, colin sugar, fatty acid and resinous substance. Tuber contain: Tannin, supperbine, resin, gloriogine, starch Tuber and seed: Colchicines, isoperlolyrieand related tropolane alkaloids. Aerial stem: Colchicines, alkaloid. Young leaves: Chelidonic acid Flower: Glucosides.


ACTIONS ActionsRecaka Pittavirecaka Dipana Balya Vamaka Garbhapatana Kushaghna Sothaghna Arsoghna Vranaropana Sulaghna Kaphagna Krimighna Vrana Shoola hara Shalyaharana Vastishula Rasayana

AN+ + + + + + + -

DN+ + + -

MN+ + + + -

RN+ -

KN+ + + + + + + + -

BPN+ + + + + + + -

PN+ + + -



PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES Sposmolytic, CNS Depressant. Anlibiolic oxytocic, uterine slimillant numaticial. Colchicine (2,4 & 5mg) when infused into added goats decreased milk production in some animal mammary gland udod flow was increared from 8 to 24 hrs after infusion which returned to named after 4 days of infusion. The water souble ration of the alcoholic extact & Rhizone of this relant

passesurs strong oxyotic effect on isolated uterus of guine pigs, rabbits. Dogs and human beings in all the cases action was found to be direct on the muscle in higher doeses it. Intiated labour in pregnant rabbits it has further shown spasmodic activitiy of vergines degree in isoloated dogs. Tra cheal chain some depressant action on isolated frogs heat and has also shown mild miptrotoxic activitiy.


USEFUL PARTSTuburous root / corm. According to RN Seeds, Mula.


SROTOGAMITVA Dosha kaphaghna, pittaghna and vataghna Dhatu rakta shodhana (Dermatoses, piles) Mala - purisha bhedaka (anthelmintic) Organs Uterus (abortificient local application on umbelicus, pelvis or palms and soles. Prabhava garbhapatana


USES The tuberous root is a specific for snake poison effective against gonorrhoea. Root made into paste and applied to the navel supra pubic region and vagina promotes labour pains. Root paste applied to the soles of the feet accelerates delivery. Powder of dried roots mind with honey is applied in eye disease. This plant has two tuberous roots, one protruding upwards and another protruding downwards. The two tubers have entirely different physiological action in the human system. The tuber protruding upwards causes retardation of delivery in women and the one protruding downwards accelerates the delivery. Another important property these tubers is the effect each has on the digestive system. It acts as abortefacient and antipyretic properties.

External uses:- Locally abortefacient and vitiates blood its paste is applied on wounds, inflammations lynphadenopathy, piles, scorpion stinge its application on palms and soles, umbilicus and lumber region eases the process of delivery and expulsion of plasanta tuber kept in vagina acts as abortefacient. Internal uses:- In low dose it is useful any loss of appetite, pitta disorders, worms, dermatoses, typhoid and general debelity. The root of langali is used in the form of powder to treat arthritis (Vatha Rakta), Piles, Boils, for extraction of foreign body, for easy delivery, baldness, scrofula and ear diseases. It destroys boils caused insects. It destroys scrofula.


PosologyChurna :- 250 to 500mg For garbhapatana 3 to 6gm Fatal period :- 2hours to 24 hours. Fatal dose :- powder of fruit 3 to 5 grams


VISHISTA YOGALangalyadi vati Langali rasayana Kasisadi taila Nasika churna Kalakuta rasa Brihanmarichadya taila Vishyandana taila Karavirada taila Somaraji taila Kachchhurakeshasa taila


SHUDHASHUDHI VIVEKAUnpurified tuber protrotruding downwards if taken internally causes intensive purging and no medicines are capable of stopping the perging. as a result the person is likely to pass away However if immediately the tuber protruding upwards is given internally, the purging stops at once and the person completely recovers.


COLLECTION AND PRESERVATIONThe male root is gathered during the flowering season, cut up in thin slices and soaked in butter milk to which a little salt is added in this composition it is soaked by night and and dried by day for four or five days. It is eventually dried well and preserved by this process its poisonous properties are said to be removed.


AMAYIKA PRAYOGA1) Fro Extraction of Foreign body: by application of the parte of longali tuber on wounds opening. The Foreign body comes out immediately even if hidden since long. 2) For Easy delivery: By Application of the roots of patha langali etc.. on navel, pelvis & vula the woman delivers easily 3) Vatarakta:- Langali is the main clause in langalyadi vatika 4) Piles:- Parte of Langali mixed with sirisa seeds should be applied on the hemorrhoids. 5) Boils:- Root seeds of langali are pounded with sowr gruel and the parte is applied locally it destoryes boils caused by insects. 6) Baldness :- After vensection the part should be scarified deeply and pasted with langili root or karavira juice 7) Scrofula :- Oil cooled with 1/4th paste of langali tuber and four times nirgundi juice should be taken as a snuff etc it destroys scrofula 8) Ear disease :a) Oil cooked with tulasi and langali should be used as a snuff b) Juice of langali root mixed with trikati powder should be filled in the ear it destroys organisms 9) Cobra bite :- Shodhita langali rizomes are given in the internally as an antidote to cobra bite. It is said to be an effectual antidote in cobra poisons. 10) Scorpion and centipeda stinge :- In case of Scorpion and centipeda stinge relief obtained from the pain by applying a paste of the root rubbed up with cold water and warming the part affected over the fire this paste is applied also for parastic affections of the skin. 11) Lice infestation:- The juice of the ground leaves used to destroy lice in the hair.


SUBSTITUTION AND ADULTERATION1) Rhizomes of costus speciosus known kebuka in ayurveda, are some times sold in the market under the name long all. 2) The tuber of gloriosa are used as adulterant to aconite. They are reported to be a good substitute to meadow saffron (colchicum autumnale) which is used in medicine and as narcotic.


RESEARCHES1) Colchine increased basal relase of growth harmone from isolated pitutory gland incubated into vitro but had little effect on based release of LH, FSH, or TSH, it enhanced release of its and FSH or LH releasing factor and FSM releaving factor respectively. 2) In primary issue culture of nalignant human glioma, wichine (1-10 llg/me) induced mild and non specific riverside reduction in cell motility and did not change adhesion. 3) Colchine (2,3 and 5 mg) when infused into fodder of goats decreased mill production, in same animals mummers gland had flow was increased from 8th to 24th hour. If infection c returned to normal of 4days of infution clinical studies. 4) In geenia pig the tuber are used in cataplasms for neuralgia.



PROPOGATION AND CULTIVATIONGloriosa can be grown on almost all types of soil, but thrives best on sandy loams seeds or tubers are sown in the last week of june till mid july, the tubers are planted by splitting into two from their V shaped joints or placed as such at the distance of 20x20cm and 5-6cm deep. 1000 to 1200 kg of tubers are required for planting per hectare. The plant flower during july-August and the capsules containing ripe seeds can be harvested at end of semptember. Usually the creeper takes about 2-3 months to mature. The tubers are collected in November / December. The average yield is about 40 to 50 quintals of tubers and 10 quintals of seeds 1 hectare. If the plant is propagated by seeds. They are sown in lines at the distance of 4 to 6cm. they germinate with in 15 to 20 days. Tubers formed they seed germination are very small in size and they about 3 to 4 years to grow to full size. In another trial, youngs sprouts of gloriosa superba were cultured in MS basal medium with kinelian ( 1-4mg) direct regeneration of shoots from explants was obtained.


TOXICOLOGYA pale yellow to greenish yellow alkaloid colchicine is mainly responsible for the toxic effect. The toxins in Gloriosa superba have an inhibitory action on cellular division resulting in diarrhoea, depresent action on the bone marrow and alopecia. After ingestion of tubers, initial symptoms develop within two to six hours. Intense vomiting, numbness and tingling around the mouth, burning and rawness of the throat, nausea, abdominal pain and bloody diarrhoea leading to dehydration etc. are some of the primary symptoms developed initially in the victim. The other important complications include respiratory depression, shock, hypotension, marked leucopenia, thromobocytopenia, coagulation disorders, oliguria, haematuria, confusion, seizures, coma and ascending polyneuropathy. Alopecia and dermatitis are the late manifestations that developed about on to two weeks after poisoning. The alcoholic and aqueous extracts of the plant were found to be toxic at a close of 25mg /kg and 100mg /kg respectively. After ingestion of tubers gastro enteritis, acute renal failure, cardio toxicity and haemotological abnormalities were the main toxic manifestalions. All the parts of plant, especially the tubers, are extremely poisonous. The tubers may be mistakenly eaten in place of sweet potatoes since the tubers resemble those of sweet potatoes. The juic of the leaves is used as an ingrediant in arrow poisons. Impure tubers of langally or its excess dose cause abortion and topically causes inflammation, oedama and bleeding at the site. In excess doses internally it causes burning sensation in the stomach acute gastrities, vomiting and diarrhoea. All the parts of gloriosa contain colchine the roots and seeds are especially rich. The lethal dose of colchicine is about 6 mg/mg. and Gloriosa superba has been used as a means of commiting suicide.


TRADE AND COMMERCEGloriosa superba is believed as most important herb that is exported, and collection of sedds and roots for the foreign market is causing a shortage of raw material for local drug industries in india. If endangered plants like Gloriosa superba are allowed to become damage through excessive collection, a whole series of traditional medicines and plants which have been in use for thousands of years will be threatened. It is therefore need of the hour come forward and rescue this important glorious herb of patalkot. Active participation from everyone is highly needed specially people from chhindwara district.


TREATMENTIf the patient is male and as taken tuber power internally stomach wash is helpful with 1-2% of red potash. If the has vomiting symptotic treatment like madhiphala rasayana, dadimashaka churna is given. If he has diarrhea give kutajaarishta, kutajavati, dopromile, etc. is given. And stomach pain is treated with shankavati, mahashankavati, chandana asava, usheera asava, is given. Complete bed rest is advised and Iv imbalance is regulated. By giving Iv glucose, dextrose or normal saline oxygen is provided if needed. If the patient is female and tubers powder was taken internally for abortion then there will be yonigatha, raktasrava, measures must be taken for sukaparasava and placental delivery must be done safely. Garbhashaya raktasrava must be controlled. Shonithastapana dravyas like Ashoka Nagakeshava, Dataki, lejjalu, can be given. Then the conditions of the patient is assessed and Iv with normal saline is necessary to control any infection.


ANTIDOTEThe substances alleviating pitta dosha like milk, ghee, butter are recommended in diet.


FOLKLORE AND TRADITIONAL USES It is also a popular plant for providing colour in green houses and conservatories. The juice of the leaves is used as an ingredient in arrow poisons. The flower are uses in religious ceremonies. It is used as an abortificient in ancient times.

Tribals of patalkot apply the powder of rhizome with coconut oil in skin eruptions and related diseases for five days. This combination is said to be effective in snake and scorpion bites too. Tribals crush roots of the plant in water and apply on head for curing baldness. To avoid painful delivery, Ghonds and Bharias of patalkot, apply rhizome extract over the navel and vagina. It induces labour pain and performs normal delivery. Bhumkas (local healers) generally prescribe 250 to 500mg of the rhizome as dosage. According to Bhumkas of Patalkot , this dose may lead to abortion if given to a lady with pregnancy of 1 or 2 months. Since the rhizome is having abortive action, this is prescribed for normal delivery. Duke(1985) has also reported the abortificient action of the plant rhizome. In Gaildubba, juice of the leaves is given to to kill the lice. In traditional medicine system, tuber is used for the treatment of bruises and sprains, colic, chronic, ulcers, hemorrhoids, cancer, impotence, noctunal seminal emissions and leprocy. Many cultures believe the species to have various magical properties. The plump roots of the plant have been used in the treatment of parasitic skin infections, leprosy, and internal worms.


SHODHANA 1) According to Ayurveda prakashaThe Small pieces of langali Mula are soaked in gomutra for 24 hours washed and dried in shade and can be used for preparations.


USES IN OTHER SYSTEM OF MEDICINEThe tuber is pungent, bitter, acrid, heating, anthelmintic laxative, alexiteric, abortifacient, useful in chronic ulcers, leprocy, inflammation, piles, abdominal pain, itching, thirst, used to remove the placanta from the uterus causes biliousness (Ayurveda) The root is useful in bowel complaints, the flower for fever and thirst. The tuber is astringent, expectorant, used in bleeding piles and thirst, skin problems, intestinal worms, infertility (Unani) In bombay it is supposed to be an anthermintic and accordingly frequently administered to cattle affected by worms. In madras it is believed to be specific against the bites of poisonous snakes and the stinges of scorpions and it also used as an external application in parasitical affections of the skin. (Sidda system)


SIGNS AND SYMPTOMSIf a person consumes toxic tuberous root the following signs and symptoms are as follows. 1. 2. 3. 4. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, spasmodic pain in the abdomen. Perfuse sweating. Convulsions, spasm and collapse. Oral intake of large quantities of tuber powder causes burning sensation in epigastria region excessive salivation, restlessness, hyper hiridosis colic pain leading to diarrhoea 5. 6. Due to the irritation of the intestine there will be purging. If not treated electrolyte imbalance can lead to severe dehydration and can prove fatal.


MEDICOLEGAL ASPECT1. Mostly accidental while applied fro augmentation of labour or expulsion of placenta. 2. Suicidal or homicidal use is rare.


POST MORTEM SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Severe GI irritations If the body is female there will be signs of perveginal bleeding uterus will be contracted and there will be congestion of the endometrial. If it as gloriosa superb is used as yonipicchu one can see the signs of inflammation of cervix vegina and one can detect the presence of colchicine in the utrus when subjected to chemical analysis in the forensic science laboratory conforming the female had abortion due to gloriosa superb and died due to its excess dose.