Medical Consultation for Patients With Hip Fracture

Official reprint from UpToDate ® ©2012 UpToDate ® Print | Back Medical consultation for patients with hip fracture Authors R Sean Morrison, MD Albert L Siu, MD, MSPH Section Editor Kenneth E Schmader, MD Deputy Editor H Nancy Sokol, MD Disclosures All topics are updated as new evidence becomes available and our peer review process is complete. Literature review current through: Feb 2012. | This topic last updated: Sep 16, 2011. INTRODUCTION A total of 310,000 individuals were hospitalized with hip fractures in the United States in 2003 [1 ]. Hip fracture rates among the elderly are declining in the US, possibly due to a concurrent rise in bisphosphonate use [2 ]. Hip fracture is associated with increased mortality rates for both the short-term (3 to 6 months) and long-term (5 to 10 years) [3 ]. A meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies found a five- to eight-fold increase in mortality rates within three months of fracture; this comparative increase relative to age-matched controls without a history of hip fracture lessened but persisted ten years following the fracture. Of those who survive to six months, only 60 percent recover their prefracture walking ability and only 50 percent recover their prefracture ability to perform activities of daily living [4 ]. Hospital readmission rates after initial treatment for hip fracture range from 20 percent within 30 days of discharge (for a predominantly male group of veterans) [5 ] to 30 percent within six months (for a group predominantly female) [6 ]. Early readmission correlated with medical comorbidities including fluid and electrolyte problems, renal insufficiency, and underlying cardiac and pulmonary disease [5 ].

Transcript of Medical Consultation for Patients With Hip Fracture

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Official reprint from UpToDate® ©2012 UpToDate®

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Medical consultation for patients with hip fractureAuthorsR Sean Morrison, MDAlbert L Siu, MD, MSPHSection EditorKenneth E Schmader, MDDeputy EditorH Nancy Sokol, MDDisclosures

All topics are updated as new evidence becomes available and our peer review process is complete.Literature review current through: Feb 2012. | This topic last updated: Sep 16, 2011.

INTRODUCTION — A total of 310,000 individuals were hospitalized with hip fractures in the United

States in 2003 [1]. Hip fracture rates among the elderly are declining in the US, possibly due to a

concurrent rise in bisphosphonate use [2]. Hip fracture is associated with increased mortality rates for

both the short-term (3 to 6 months) and long-term (5 to 10 years) [3]. A meta-analysis of prospective

cohort studies found a five- to eight-fold increase in mortality rates within three months of fracture; this

comparative increase relative to age-matched controls without a history of hip fracture lessened but

persisted ten years following the fracture. Of those who survive to six months, only 60 percent recover

their prefracture walking ability and only 50 percent recover their prefracture ability to perform activities of

daily living [4].

Hospital readmission rates after initial treatment for hip fracture range from 20 percent within 30 days of

discharge (for a predominantly male group of veterans) [5] to 30 percent within six months (for a group

predominantly female) [6]. Early readmission correlated with medical comorbidities including fluid and

electrolyte problems, renal insufficiency, and underlying cardiac and pulmonary disease [5].

Hip fracture is typically considered a surgical disease. However, medical consultants are almost

universally involved in the care of these patients [7]. Medical consultation is associated with improved one

year mortality for patients hospitalized with hip fracture [8]. This topic will review the most common

decisions that medical consultants are asked to make in the care of the patient with hip fracture. In

particular, we will focus on:

Timing of surgical intervention

Prophylactic antibiotics

Thromboembolic prophylaxis

Prevention and management of delirium

Assessment for underlying osteoporosis

An overview of the diagnosis and management of the different types of hip fractures is provided

separately. (See "Hip fractures in adults".)

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TIMING OF SURGICAL INTERVENTION — The timing of surgery in patients with hip fracture, although

ultimately set by the surgeon, is often dictated by the preoperative medical evaluation. Timing of the

surgical intervention may have an important impact upon patient outcomes [9]:

Delay in surgical repair will result in postponement of full weight bearing status, leading to

delayed functional recovery.

Prolonged bed rest may increase the risk of medical complications, including deep venous

thrombosis, pneumonia, urinary tract infection, and skin breakdown.

Failure to stabilize coexisting medical conditions prior to surgery may increase the risk of

postoperative complications.

A number of studies have examined the effect of operative timing on postsurgical outcome [10-24].

Interpretation of these data is complicated by the fact that many early studies were small and

underpowered; and most did not control for the presence or severity of comorbidities or excluded patients

with complicating medical conditions. Subsequent studies that did attempt to control for comorbidities had

variable outcomes [17-24]. In a meta-analysis of five prospective observational studies controlling for

comorbidities, risk of mortality was lower among patients who had earlier surgery (within 72 hours)

compared to delayed surgery (RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.68-0.96) [25]. However, two large studies that also

controlled for comorbid conditions suggest that the time to surgery is primarily a marker of comorbidity

[21,24]. In a retrospective study of 8383 patients, mortality rates were not different among patients who

had surgery more than 96 hours after admission compared with patients who had surgery 24 to 48 hours

after admission after adjusting for demographic characteristics and underlying medical problems [21]. The

risk of decubitus (pressure) ulcer was associated with delayed surgery (OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.6-3.1). A

subsequent prospective cohort study of 2250 patients also found no association of in-hospital mortality or

complications with surgical delays of ≤120 hours after adjusting for demographic characteristics and

comorbid conditions [24]. However, higher rates of mortality and medical complications were associated

with surgical delays >120 hours, despite adjustment for these factors.

In patients without active comorbid illness, surgical repair of hip fracture within the first 24 to 48 hours of

admission is associated with a decrease in one-year mortality. A meta-analysis of 16 observational

studies found that delay in operative repair beyond 48 hours was associated with significantly increased

mortality at 30 days (OR 1.41, 95% CI 1.29-1.54) and at one year (OR 1.32, 95% CI 1.21-1.43) [26]. Early

surgery is also associated with reduced pain and decreased length of stay [22].

Given available data, it seems reasonable to suggest the following:

Perform early surgery (within 24 to 48 hours) in patients who are medically stable and do not

have significant comorbid illness. Whether to operate immediately (eg, in the middle of the night)

or to wait until a more convenient time is best determined by local hospital staffing and available

support, rather than by the medical consultant.

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There does not seem to be substantial harm in waiting as long as 72 hours in patients with active

comorbid medical illness, such as congestive heart failure, active infection (eg, pneumonia),

unstable angina, or severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Such individuals would likely

benefit from more extensive preoperative evaluation and medical management of these

conditions prior to repair of their fracture. (See "Estimation of cardiac risk prior to noncardiac

surgery" and "Evaluation of preoperative pulmonary risk" and "Perioperative heart failure in

noncardiac surgery".)

Avoid delaying surgery beyond 72 hours.

Unless contraindicated, thromboembolic prophylaxis should be instituted in patients who are

awaiting surgery (see 'Thromboembolic prophylaxis' below).

Aggressive decubitus ulcer prevention measures should be employed in patients in whom

surgery is delayed beyond 24 to 48 hours. (See "Prevention of pressure ulcers".)

Preoperative morbidity — Hip fractures most commonly occur in frail older people who have significant

underlying comorbidity. In this context, questions arise about the risks of proceeding to surgery with

uncorrected underlying abnormalities versus the risks of delaying surgery to perform a thorough

preoperative assessment and maximize preoperative status. A prospective cohort study has identified a

set of major clinical criteria that would impact surgical outcome if uncorrected prior to surgery; validation

of these criteria awaits further study [27].

PROPHYLACTIC ANTIBIOTICS — Prophylactic antibiotics are commonly administered to prevent wound

infection following orthopedic procedures. Staphylococcus aureus was the most common organism

isolated from multiple reports of wound infections in patients with hip fracture [28-34].

Studies addressing the use of antibiotic prophylaxis prior to repair of hip fracture have focused upon four

main areas:

The efficacy of antibiotic therapy

The timing of administration

The duration of use

The choice of agents

Efficacy of antibiotic prophylaxis — A systematic review of 22 controlled trials of administration of

prophylactic antibiotics in 8307 patients undergoing surgical management of hip and other long bone

fractures found that antibiotic prophylaxis reduced the risk of deep wound infections by 60 percent and

also reduced the risk of superficial wound infections, urinary tract infections, and respiratory tract

infections [35]. A meta-analysis of 15 placebo-controlled randomized trials in hip fracture surgery found

that 20 patients would need to be treated with antibiotics to prevent one wound infection [36].

Timing of administration — The timing of administration of antibiotic prophylaxis has not been well

studied. The only trial available to date is a cohort study of 2847 elective surgical hip procedures [37].

Patients given their first dose of antibiotics less than two hours before surgery had the lowest incidence of

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postoperative infection; relative risk for infection increased with antibiotic administration within three hours

following surgery (RR 2.4, 95% CI 0.9-7.9); 3 to 24 hours following surgery (RR 5.8, 2.6-12.3); or 2 to 24

hours before surgery (RR 6.7, 2.9-14.7). Thus, prophylactic antibiotics should be initiated within two

hours prior to surgery.

Duration of therapy — The optimal course duration and number of antibiotic doses depends on the half-

life of the antibiotic selected. A systematic review of randomized trials found that a single intravenous

dose of an antibiotic that provides significant blood concentrations for 12 to 24 hours is as effective as

multiple doses of agents with shorter half lives in preventing deep wound infections (RR 0.57, 95 % CI

0.2-1.6), superficial wound infections (RR 1.01, 0.35-2.9) [35], and urinary and respiratory tract infections

[38]. However, a single dose of a short-acting parenteral antibiotic was marginally less effective than

multiple doses in preventing deep and superficial wound infections [35].

Given these results, antibiotic therapy should be given to provide antibiotic concentrations for 24 hours.

Therapy may be provided as two or three doses of a shorter-acting drug or a single parenteral dose of an

agent that provides a minimum inhibitory concentration over 12 to 24 hours. In general, shorter-acting

drugs are less costly and have a more appropriate narrow spectrum (see 'Choice of agent' below).

Choice of agent — The major pathogen in wound infections is Staphylococcus aureus. We suggest

using a first generation cephalosporin (eg, cefazolin 1 to 2 g intravenously Q 8 hours) [39]. Vancomycin (1

g intravenously Q 12 hours) should be used in patients allergic to penicillins and cephalosporins and for

those admitted to hospitals in which methicillin-resistant S. aureus and S. epidermis are a frequent cause

of postoperative wound infections [40]. (See "Overview of control measures to prevent surgical site


THROMBOEMBOLIC PROPHYLAXIS — Venous thromboembolism is one of the leading causes of

postoperative morbidity and mortality in patients with hip fracture. In the absence of thromboprophylaxis,

the prevalence of venography-detected proximal DVT was 27 percent in a review of data from eight

prospective studies of patients who had hip fracture surgery [41]. Fatal pulmonary embolism occurs in 0.4

to 7.5 percent of patients within three months of surgery for a fractured hip [41]. (See "Prevention of

venous thromboembolic disease in surgical patients".)

Factors increasing the risk of venous thrombosis include advanced age, malignancy, previous venous

thromboembolism, obesity, heart failure, paralysis, or the presence of an inhibitor deficiency state (table

1). The most common inhibitor deficiency state is activated protein C resistance, a defect usually caused

by a mutation in the gene coding for coagulation factor V and known as factor V Leiden. (See "Activated

protein C resistance and factor V Leiden".)

The high risk associated with orthopedic surgery results from a number of factors that contribute to

venous stasis, including the supine position on the operating table and the anatomic positioning of the

extremity. Intimal injury can occur as a consequence of the original trauma or surgical intervention, and

transient release of tissue factors may further increase the risk of thrombosis.

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Although thromboembolic prophylaxis is a routine aspect of the care of the patient with hip fracture,

questions remain regarding the optimal agent and the timing and duration of prophylaxis. The 2008

guidelines from the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) for the prevention of venous

thromboembolism in patients undergoing hip fracture surgery recommend prophylaxis using

fondaparinux, low molecular weight heparin, adjusted dose vitamin K antagonist, or low dose

unfractionated heparin [42].

Anticoagulant therapy

Fondaparinux — Fondaparinux is a synthetic highly sulfated pentasaccharide that binds to antithrombin

(AT) with a higher affinity than heparin, and causes a conformational change in AT that significantly

increases the ability of AT to inactivate factor Xa. (See "Therapeutic use of fondaparinux", section on 'Hip

fracture surgery'.)

In the largest randomized trial of thromboprophylactic therapy to prevent venous thromboembolism in

patients with hip fracture, patients undergoing surgery for fracture of the upper third of the femur were

randomly assigned to treatment with fondaparinux (2.5 mg once daily starting 4 to 8 hours

postoperatively) or enoxaparin (40 mg/day starting 12 hours preoperatively) [43]. The incidence of venous

thromboembolism (largely asymptomatic) by day 11 was significantly lower with fondaparinux (8.3 versus

19.1 percent). There were no significant differences in the incidence of death or major bleeding.

Fondaparinux is approved by the US FDA for prevention of venous thromboembolic disease in patients

with hip fracture. It is recommended as an option for first-line prophylactic therapy by guidelines from the

ACCP [42]. However, it is more costly than other options.

Unfractionated heparin — A systematic review of thromboprophylaxis (31 trials including 3000 patients

with hip fracture) found both low dose unfractionated heparin and low molecular weight heparin to be

protective against DVT (RR 0.60, 95% CI 0.50-0.71), but could not determine the superiority of either form

of heparin [44].

Low-dose unfractionated heparin (5000 units subcutaneously twice daily) has been the agent most

frequently studied for thromboembolic prophylaxis. A meta-analysis of eight studies involving 623 patients

undergoing general, orthopedic, or urologic surgery found that low-dose unfractionated heparin reduced

the risk of deep venous thrombosis by 64 percent compared with placebo [45]. Only two studies have

looked at the use of low-dose unfractionated heparin specifically in patients with hip fracture; both found a

substantial reduction in risk of venous thromboembolism, although the studies were small and had large

confidence intervals [46,47].

Anticoagulation with low-dose unfractionated heparin slightly increases the risk of postoperative bleeding

from a baseline rate of 2.9 percent in patients treated with placebo to 3.5 percent in patients treated with

heparin [45].

Low molecular weight heparin — Low molecular weight heparin confers reduction in the risk of

thromboembolic disease similar to low-dose unfractionated heparin [41,44,48].

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A number of low molecular weight heparin fractions are available. Since patients undergoing surgery for

hip fracture are considered to be at the highest risk for thromboembolism, high doses of low molecular

weight heparin (>3400 units daily) should be given [42]. Recommended regimens for enoxaparin are 30

mg subcutaneously every twelve hours or 40 mg once daily. Renal impairment needs to be taken into

account when deciding on doses of low molecular weight heparin, especially in elderly patients. (See

"Low molecular weight heparin for venous thromboembolic disease".)

Low molecular weight heparin can be given once or twice a day at a constant dose without laboratory

monitoring and is associated with a lower incidence of thrombocytopenia than unfractionated heparin. As

an example, one randomized, double-blind study of patients after hip surgery found that

thrombocytopenia occurred in 9 of 332 patients (2.7 percent) receiving unfractionated heparin compared

with none of 333 receiving low molecular weight heparin [49]. (See "Therapeutic use of heparin and low

molecular weight heparin".)

Studies of low molecular weight heparin report the incidence of postoperative bleeding to be similar to

bleeding associated with unfractionated heparin. Low molecular weight heparin has been reported to

cause bleeding or hematomas within the spinal column when used concurrently with spinal or epidural

anesthesia [50]. Recommendations from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are that

patients receiving epidural/spinal anesthesia who are treated with low molecular weight heparin should be

monitored frequently for signs and symptoms of neurologic impairment [50].

Warfarin — Low-dose warfarin (INR of 1.5) has been compared to placebo in two controlled trials of

patients with hip fracture [51,52]. Warfarin, at a target INR of 2 to 2.7, has been compared to aspirin [51].

Warfarin significantly reduces the risk of thromboembolic disease compared with placebo or with aspirin.

Warfarin has not been compared directly with low-dose unfractionated heparin. Based upon studies that

have compared heparin with aspirin or placebo, the magnitude of risk reduction with warfarin appears to

approach that of low-dose unfractionated heparin.

Low dose warfarin has been compared with low molecular weight heparin and was less effective than low

molecular weight heparin (incidence of deep venous thromboembolism 21 versus 7 percent) [53]. It

should be noted, however, that the target INR for warfarin in this study was only 1.5. Comparison studies

using higher targeted INRs are not available.

Thus, low-dose warfarin is more effective than aspirin but may be less effective than low molecular weight

heparin. The need to monitor INR for appropriate treatment with warfarin is a potential drawback.

However, patients who wish to avoid the discomfort of a twice daily injection may better tolerate and be

more compliant with warfarin than low molecular weight heparin.

Based upon the studies reviewed, we recommend a target INR of 2.5. The suggested initial oral dose of

warfarin is in the range of 2 to 5 mg/day for the first two days, with the daily dose subsequently adjusted

according to the INR. Initial doses at the lower end of this range are suggested for elderly patients,

especially those with nutritional, hepatic, or cardiac impairment. Higher initial ("loading") doses of warfarin

are not recommended. (See "Therapeutic use of warfarin".)

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Timing and duration of anticoagulation — The appropriate timing and duration of anticoagulation is


Whether to initiate thromboprophylaxis before or immediately following surgery has been controversial.

DVT may begin at the time of fracture. Most studies have examined the efficacy of prophylactic

anticoagulation upon admission to the hospital. Until more definitive data are available, it seems

reasonable to recommend the initiation of anticoagulation as soon as possible following fracture given the

apparent low risk of bleeding complications associated with the use of the agents described above and

the increased risk of thromboembolism following fracture and bed rest [7]. A short-acting anticoagulant,

such as low molecular weight heparin, or low dose unfractionated heparin, is preferable for preoperative


There are few data in patients with hip fracture that address how long anticoagulant therapy should be

continued. Two autopsy series suggest that the risk of thromboembolism decreases but still persists after

the immediate operative period [54,55]. In one study of patients with hip fracture who did not receive

antithrombotic prophylaxis, the rate of fatal pulmonary embolism declined from 1 percent at 30 days, to

0.4 percent at 60 days and to 0.2 percent at 90 days [54]. In a second autopsy series of patients who

received prophylactic antithrombotic agents, the majority of fatal pulmonary emboli were observed 30

days or more following fracture repair [55]. These studies suggest that prolonged prophylaxis might be

helpful in some patients.

The risks of bleeding from prolonged anticoagulation need to be weighed against the risk of DVT and

thromboembolism. A randomized trial compared outcomes of fondaparinux given postoperatively for 12 to

23 days, or for 6 to 8 days. The relative risk of venographically documented thrombosis was reduced by

95 percent in the group receiving longer treatment, but this was associated with a trend toward more

major bleeding [56]. At present, it seems reasonable to continue prophylaxis until the patient is fully

ambulatory and to extend prophylaxis further in patients in whom the risk of deep venous thrombosis may

be increased (eg, those who experienced prolonged immobility post-repair, patients in whom surgery was

delayed, or prior history of thromboembolism). The 2008 guidelines from the American College of Chest

Physicians (ACCP) recommend that prophylaxis for thromboembolism be extended beyond ten days after

surgery and up to 35 days for patients who are at increased risk for thrombosis [42].

Direct thrombin inhibitors — A number of new small molecule direct thrombin inhibitors are under

development. These orally active drugs offer the potential for an effective oral antithrombotic agent that

does not need to be monitored (see "Anticoagulants other than heparin and warfarin").

Ximelagatran, the first oral direct thrombin inhibitor studied for DVT prophylaxis, was associated with

hepatotoxicity [57,58]. It did not receive US FDA approval and has been withdrawn from manufacture.

Dabigatran etexilate, the prodrug of the active compound dabigatran which binds directly to thrombin, is

being investigated for prophylaxis of DVT and thromboembolic disease following hip replacement surgery

[59,60]. This drug is not approved in either the US or Europe for prevention of DVT after joint


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Antiplatelet agents — A meta-analysis of 10 orthopedic trauma trials found that aspirin significantly

reduced the rate of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism compared with placebo (OR 0.69

for deep venous thrombosis and 0.40 for pulmonary embolus) [61]. However, this reduction was

significantly less than for other agents.

In one double-blind, randomized controlled trial of 251 hip fracture patients, administration of low

molecular weight heparin resulted in a relative risk reduction of 37 percent (95% CI 3.7-59.7

percent) compared with aspirin [62].

In another trial, 194 patients were randomly assigned to receive aspirin, warfarin or placebo

following hip fracture [51]. The incidence of all thromboembolic events in the warfarin group was

approximately half that observed in the placebo or aspirin groups (20 percent versus 40.9 and 46

percent for aspirin and placebo respectively).

In the largest trial, 13,356 patients with hip fracture were randomly assigned to receive 160 mg of

aspirin or placebo for 35 days after surgery [63]. About three quarters of the patients also

received another form of thromboprophylaxis (heparin or compression stockings). Patients who

received aspirin had a significantly lower incidence of symptomatic DVT or pulmonary embolism

(1.6 versus 2.5 percent). There was no benefit to aspirin in the subgroup who had received low

molecular weight heparin. There was no difference in all cause mortality for any group, and

aspirin increased the incidence of bleeding complications.

Thus, aspirin alone provides some, though suboptimal, protection against thromboembolic events after

hip fracture. The ACCP recommends against the use of aspirin alone [41]. Aspirin, at a dose between 325

and 650 mg per day, should be used as sole chemoprophylaxis only in patients at highest risk for

hemorrhagic complications with anticoagulants in whom the risk of bleeding outweighs the benefit of

optimal DVT prophylaxis. Such patients should receive concurrent mechanical thromboprophylaxis (see

'Intermittent leg compression' below).

Intermittent leg compression — Pneumatic sequential leg compression devices appear to decrease the

incidence of postoperative deep vein thrombosis in urological, neurosurgical, and general surgical

patients [64]. A systematic review of five trials with 487 hip surgery patients found lower pooled rates of

DVT in patients treated with mechanical pumping devices (7 versus 22 percent), although methodologic

flaws in the studies were noted [44].

There are no randomized trials of the combined use of mechanical and anticoagulant thromboprophylaxis

in hip fracture patients, although effectiveness of this approach is suggested by at least one observational

study [65]. We suggest the routine use of intermittent pneumatic compression devices in addition to

anticoagulation until the patient is ambulating on a routine basis. These devices should be used with

caution in the elderly delirious patient who may perceive them as a form of restraint, and in whom they

may increase the risk for falls.

Graduated compression stockings — A prospective randomized trial of graduated compression

stockings, worn for a mean of 42 days, as adjunctive therapy to short-term fondaparinux in 795 patients

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undergoing hip surgery found no difference in the prevalence of DVT for patients treated with stockings

plus fondaparinux versus fondaparinux alone [66]. While mechanical compression may be of benefit for

patients in whom anticoagulation cannot be administered, routine use of graduated compression

stockings is both costly and bothersome, and is not recommended for patients who can be treated with

anticoagulation postoperatively.

DELIRIUM — Delirium is a transient global disorder of cognition characterized by concurrent difficulty with

attention, perception, thinking, memory, psychomotor behavior, and the sleep wake cycle [67,68]. It may

be the most frequent complication observed in the hospitalized elderly [69]. Delirium occurs in an

estimated 11 to 30 percent of elderly general medical patients [70] and in as many as 61 percent of

patients with hip fracture [71]. Despite its prevalence, delirium is often unrecognized or misdiagnosed,

particularly in the elderly [70,72]. (See "Diagnosis of delirium and confusional states".)

Risk factors for the development of delirium include advanced age, history of cognitive impairment,

preoperative use of psychotropic medication, greater illness severity, sensory impairment, vision

impairment, dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, tobacco use, history of vascular surgery, and hip

fracture on hospital admission [73-80]. Among 365 patients hospitalized for hip fracture in Norway,

independent risk factors for postoperative delirium were cognitive impairment, indoor injury, and low BMI


Common precipitating factors include physical restraints, urinary catheters, iatrogenic medical

complications, more than three new medications (table 2), and malnutrition [76]. In one study, over half of

the cases of delirium in patients with hip fracture occurred after surgery [82]. Most cases had multifactorial

etiologies; the most common causes included sensory/environmental, infection, drug use, and

fluid/electrolyte disturbance. A systematic review found that regional anesthesia, compared to general

anesthesia, was associated with a reduced risk for acute postoperative confusion [83].

Pain increases the risk of delirium in patients and adequate analgesia can decrease this risk [84,85]. In a

systematic review and meta-analysis including four randomized trials of patients following hip fracture,

moderate level evidence indicates that pain control with nerve blockade reduced the risk of delirium [85].

Most of the trials included in this meta-analysis used bupivacaine for nerve block. Although opioids

produce sedation and may also be associated with delirium [86], the beneficial effect of controlling

perioperative pain appears to outweigh the risk for most opioids; on balance perioperative opioid use

does not increase, and may decrease, the risk of delirium [84,87]. Meperidine, however, appears to have

a particularly strong association with delirium, and should be avoided [84]. (See "Prevention and

treatment of delirium and confusional states", section on 'Risk factors and causes'.)

Another etiology of delirium to be considered is benzodiazepine or alcohol withdrawal in patients with

substance dependence prehospitalization. History obtained from the patient or family and physical exam

findings can suggest the diagnosis of withdrawal. (See "Identification and management of alcohol use

disorders in the perioperative period" and "Sedatives and hypnotics: Clinical use and abuse" and

"Prevention and treatment of delirium and confusional states".)

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Delirium in hospitalized patients increases the length of stay, risk of complications, mortality, and

institutionalization [88-92]. Delirium in patients with hip fracture can interfere with rehabilitation activities

and delay the return to weight bearing.

Prevention and management — The majority of patients who develop delirium have at least some

persistent symptoms six months later. Thus, prevention and appropriate treatment of delirium is an

important aspect of patient management. Treatment strategies are not as effective as prevention [93].

There are four basic principles of delirium prevention and therapy (algorithm 1) (see "Prevention and

treatment of delirium and confusional states"):

Avoid factors known to cause or aggravate delirium

Identify and treat the underlying acute illness

Provide supportive and restorative care to prevent further physical and cognitive decline

Control dangerous and disruptive behaviors so the first three steps can be accomplished.

Prevention — Early geriatrics consultation may be helpful. A randomized trial of 126 patients over the

age of 65 admitted for surgical repair of hip fracture found that proactive geriatrics consultation reduced

the risk of delirium compared with usual care (32 versus 50 percent) [94]. One case of delirium was

prevented for every 5.6 patients in the geriatrics consultation group. Ten components of care were

included in the consultation:

Adequate oxygen supply for CNS function

Fluid and electrolyte balance

Treatment of pain

Eliminating unnecessary medication

Management of bowel and bladder function

Adequate nutrition

Early mobilization

Identify and treat postoperative complications

Environmental stimulation

Treat agitation

Other preventive interventions have been evaluated in nonrandomized studies.

One study compared a multicomponent intervention (geriatric assessment, oxygen therapy for

hypoxia, early surgery, and aggressive treatment of perioperative blood pressure falls) in 103

subjects with hip fracture, compared to 111 historical controls [95]. The incidence of delirium

during the first seven postoperative days was 61 and 48 percent in the historical controls and the

treatment group, respectively. Subjects in the intervention group were less likely to be confused

for more than seven days and had a shorter length of stay.

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A nursing intervention that included "preventive measures" (addressing strange environment,

altered sensory input, loss of control and independence, immobility, and disrupted elimination

patterns) and "ameliorative approaches" (related to mild confusion, sundowning, and unsafe

behaviors) decreased the incidence of delirium in the first five postoperative days. Delirium

occurred in 44 percent of patients who received the intervention and 52 percent in controls [96].

Other studies of nursing interventions in the medically ill elderly, however, revealed no significant

differences in the development of delirium, although one study [97] found that the intervention

cohort had shorter duration and decreased severity of delirium [97-99].

Pharmacologic prophylaxis for delirium has not been well studied. One randomized control trial evaluated

the use of low dose haloperidol (1.5 mg/day) in 430 hip surgery patients aged 70 years or older who were

at risk for delirium based on visual impairment, cognitive impairment, dehydration, and illness severity

[100]. Haloperidol was started preoperatively and continued for up to three days postoperatively. The

incidence of postoperative delirium was not reduced in the treatment group, although haloperidol-treated

patients had a decrease in duration of delirium and hospitalization.

Treatment — Once delirium has developed, there is little evidence that intervention can improve

outcome. A randomized trial to assess the impact of geriatric assessment on the management of delirium

in the medically ill elderly found no significant effect on mental status, behavioral assessment, use of

restraints, length of stay, discharge site, or mortality rate [101].

Low-dose neuroleptics (eg, haloperidol) and occasionally benzodiazepines may be necessary in some

patients for prompt symptom control to prevent harm or allow evaluation and treatment. However,

benzodiazepines may increase confusion, and most neuroleptics increase risk for extrapyramidal side

effects, especially in higher doses and in elderly patients; the atypical antipsychotics risperidone and

olanzapine may be preferable. All antipsychotics carry a black box warning for an increased risk of

arrhythmias and death in older patients, and should be monitored closely. (See "Prevention and treatment

of delirium and confusional states", section on 'Medications'.)

Patients whose delirium interferes with care may benefit from a low-dose neuroleptic (eg, haloperidol 0.25

mg to 0.5 mg orally or intravenously every 6 hours, risperidone 0.25 mg to 0.5 mg orally twice a day, or

olanzapine 2.5 mg orally once a day). These drugs should be stopped as soon as the delirium has


OSTEOPOROSIS — Hip fracture is a manifestation of severe osteoporosis. Approximately 20 percent of

hip fracture patients will incur another fracture in the next two years [102]. Physicians and patients need

to be educated on the importance of osteoporosis treatment after a hip fracture. (See "Overview of the

management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women", section on 'Medical intervention after fracture'.)

Patients with a recent hip fracture should be evaluated and treated for their underlying osteoporosis [103].

2008 guidelines from the National Osteoporosis Foundation recommend pharmacologic intervention for

osteoporosis in postmenopausal women and in men who have a history of vertebral fracture, regardless

Page 12: Medical Consultation for Patients With Hip Fracture

of bone density findings [104]. Bone densitometry is indicated to establish a baseline to monitor treatment

response, but not to determine whether to initiate treatment.

Unfortunately, the majority of patients who have had fragility fractures are not evaluated for osteoporosis

and do not subsequently receive antiresorptive therapy, which has been shown to reduce the risk of a

second fracture [105-107].

In a retrospective review of 124 women with fragility fractures, over 50 percent were not receiving

any treatment for osteoporosis [105].

In a second community-based study of 60 women over age 65 with a recent hip fracture, only 13

percent were receiving adequate treatment for osteoporosis as defined by the National

Osteoporosis Foundation [106]. Forty-seven percent of women were receiving inadequate

treatment and 40 percent were receiving no treatment at all.

It has been recommended that hip fracture patients maintain an adequate intake of calcium (1200 mg

daily minimum) and vitamin D (400 to 800 IU daily) [103]. However, two randomized trials found no

significant effect for calcium and vitamin D in fracture prevention for high risk patients [108] or patients

with history of hip fracture [109].

Bisphosphonates are considered first line drugs [110]. (See "Overview of the management of

osteoporosis in postmenopausal women" and "Treatment of osteoporosis in men".)

Intravenous bisphosphonates can cause serious hypocalcemia in vitamin D deficient patients; the

incidence of vitamin D deficiency in hip fracture patients may exceed 50 percent [111].

A randomized trial compared annual zoledronic acid infusion (5 mg) versus placebo, initiated within 90

days of surgical hip repair, in a population of 2100 patients who had refused or been intolerant of oral

bisphosphonates [112]. At median follow-up of 1.9 years, patients treated with zoledronic acid, compared

to placebo, had lower rates for overall fractures (8.6 versus 13.9 percent) and decreased mortality (9.6

versus 13.3 percent), although rates of second hip fractures (2.0 versus 3.5 percent) were not significantly

reduced. All patients received a loading dose of 100,000 to 125,000 units of vitamin D at least one week

prior to zoledronic acid infusion. Patients also received ongoing calcium and vitamin D supplementation.

OTHER ISSUES — Other issues that arise in patients with hip fracture include nutritional management,

prevention of pressure ulcers, urinary tract management, and assessment of fall risk.

Attention should be paid to prevent constipation, especially in patients who receive opioid

analgesics. Stool softeners and prokinetic agents, such as senna compounds, may be helpful.

Peripherally-active opioid antagonists (alvimopan or methylnaltrexone) may be helpful [113].

Patients who are eating and have not had a bowel movement in two days should be treated with

gentle laxative therapy (eg, bisacodyl, magnesium citrate or magnesium hydroxide). (See

"Postoperative ileus" and "Management of chronic constipation in adults".)

Page 13: Medical Consultation for Patients With Hip Fracture

Oral nutritional supplementation (eg, Ensure™ or Sustacal™, one can three times daily between

meals) may be beneficial for reducing minor postoperative complications in patients with hip

fracture, preserving body protein stores, and reducing the overall length of stay [114-117],

although a systematic review found only weak evidence based on trials with methodologic flaws

[117]. Nocturnal enteral feeding should be considered for patients with moderate to severe

malnutrition [118]. (See "Enteral feeding: Gastric versus post-pyloric" and "Nutrition support in

critically ill patients: Enteral nutrition".)

Pressure ulcers occur in 10 to 40 percent of patients hospitalized for hip fracture, and increase

nosocomial infection rates and lengths of stay [119]. The incidence of pressure ulcers was

greater during the acute hospital period than in the subsequent rehabilitation or nursing home

setting over a period of 32 days [120]. Use of foam or alternating pressure mattresses, compared

with usual care, reduce the incidence of pressure ulcers [119]. In one report, as an example, a

six-inch deep foam mattress reduced the incidence of pressure ulcers among elderly patients with

hip fractures from 68 to 24 percent [121]. (See "Prevention of pressure ulcers".)

Short-term use of indwelling urinary catheters appears to reduce the incidence of urinary

retention and bladder overdistention compared with intermittent catheterization alone, without

increasing the rate of urinary tract infection [122]. Catheters should be removed within 24 hours of

surgery to prevent iatrogenic urinary infection; patients can be managed subsequently with

intermittent catheterization if needed [122-124]. (See "Urinary tract infection associated with

urethral catheters".)

Patients with hip fractures are at increased risk for a second fracture; risk of a second fracture is

greater for older patients and patients who have a higher functional level [125]. Treatment with

vitamin D is recommended to reduce fall risk and subsequent fracture in patients who have

sustained a hip fracture [126,127]. Vitamin D (2000 units daily) may also reduce rate of hospital

readmission in patients following hip fracture [128]. (See "Treatment of vitamin D deficiency in



Evidence-based guidelines for the management of hip fracture are available from the United Kingdom

[129], New Zealand [130], and Australia [131]. Recommendations in these guidelines largely support the

discussion presented in this topic.


We recommend that hip fracture surgery be performed within 48 hours of hospitalization for

patients who are medically stable and without significant comorbid illness (Grade 1B). Whenever

possible, surgery should not be delayed beyond 72 hours. (See 'Timing of surgical

intervention' above.)

We recommend use of prophylactic antistaphylococcal antibiotics (Grade 1A). We suggest that

antibiotics be initiated within two hours prior to surgery and continued to provide antibiotic

Page 14: Medical Consultation for Patients With Hip Fracture

concentrations for 24 hours after surgery (Grade 2B). A reasonable choice is a first generation

cephalosporin (eg, cefazolin 1 to 2 g intravenously Q 8 hours for three doses) for hospitals where

methicillin resistance is not prevalent; vancomycin (1 g intravenously Q 12 hours) is advised for

patients allergic to penicillins or in hospitals with high rates of methicillin-resistant organisms.

(See 'Prophylactic antibiotics' above.)

We recommend thromboembolic prophylaxis for patients hospitalized with hip fracture (Grade

1A). For patients in whom cost is not a limiting factor, we suggest fondaparinux (2.5 mg once

daily) be given postoperatively (Grade 2A). For other patients, we suggest low-dose

unfractionated heparin (5000 units twice daily), low molecular weight heparin at high doses

(>3400 units daily or enoxaparin 30 mg every 12 hours or 40 mg once daily), or warfarin with a

target INR of 2.5 (Grade 2B). We suggest pneumatic leg compression as an adjunct to

anticoagulation until the patient is regularly ambulatory (Grade 2C). (See 'Thromboembolic

prophylaxis' above.)

We suggest initiating thromboembolic prophylaxis with a short-acting anticoagulant (eg, low

molecular weight or low dose unfractionated heparin) at the time of hospitalization (Grade 2C).

We suggest that thromboembolic prophylaxis be continued for at least 10 days post-operatively

and until the patient is fully ambulatory (Grade 2C); patients at high risk for DVT may require a

longer course of anticoagulation. We recommend not prescribing postoperative graduated

compression stockings for routine postoperative use (Grade 1A). (See 'Timing and duration of

anticoagulation' above and 'Graduated compression stockings' above.)

Patients with hip fracture are at high risk for postoperative delirium. Underlying precipitating

factors should be treated. The benefits of most opioid analgesics in achieving pain control

outweigh risks for most patients. Meperidine has a particularly strong association with delirium

and should not be prescribed.

We suggest treatment with a low dose of a neuroleptic (eg, haloperidol 0.25 mg to 0.5 mg orally

or intravenously every 6 hours, risperidone 0.25 mg to 0.5 mg orally twice a day, or

olanzapine 2.5 mg orally once a day) for patients whose agitated delirium interferes with care

(Grade 2C); neuroleptics should be stopped as soon as the delirium has improved. (See

'Delirium' above.)

Patients with a recent hip fracture should be evaluated with bone densitometry for underlying

osteoporosis. Regardless of bone density results, hip fracture patients should be treated with

bisphosphonate therapy for osteoporosis. (See 'Osteoporosis' above.)

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Topic 4813 Version 10.0

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Risk factors for venous thrombosis

Inherited thrombophilia

Factor V Leiden mutation

Prothrombin gene mutation

Protein S deficiency

Protein C deficiency

Antithrombin (AT) deficiency

Elevated levels of Factor VIII

Rare disorders


Acquired disorders


Presence of a central venous catheter

Surgery, especially orthopedic



Oral contraceptives

Hormone replacement therapy

Tamoxifen, Thalidomide, Lenalidomide


Congestive failure

Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome

Myeloproliferative disorders

Polycythemia vera

Essential thrombocythemia

Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria

Inflammatory bowel disease

Nephrotic syndrome

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Drugs commonly causing delirium or confusional states*


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents

Opioids (especially meperidine)

Antibiotics and antivirals



Amphotericin B










Nalidixic acid








Dopamine agonists







Gastrointestinal agents



Histamine-2 receptor blockers


Herbal preparations

Atropa belladonna extract



Jimson weed

St. John's Wort



Hypnotics and sedatives

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Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

Tricyclic antidepressants

Cardiovascular and hypertension drugs


Beta blockers







Muscle relaxants



Other CNS-active agents






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* Not exhaustive, all medications should be considered.

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Assessment and management of patient with delirium

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DSM-IV: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th edition; CAM: confusion assessment method; EEG: electroencephalogram.

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