Media technologies in the evaluation stage

Media Technologies in the Evaluation Stage BY ELLA LANE

Transcript of Media technologies in the evaluation stage

Media Technologies in the Evaluation StageBY ELLA LANE

Media technologies in the evaluation stage helped me to gain instant feedback from my target audience through;

•Social network

•Uploading the video on YouTube


I displayed my results using Excel so they could be easily analysed.

YouTube•I used the media technology website YouTube. I uploaded the initial music video to YouTube to receive comments and criticism from those who watched it.

•The site reached out straight to my target audience of young people and those who like British Hip-Hop and Rap.

•My analysis video was also uploaded so the audience also got the reasons behind some of the creative decisions.

•The URL of the music video could be shared to other social media platforms. This allowed me to connect with a wider audience and get more views on the video. The use of the comments function on YouTube was an integral part in helping me completing the evaluation questions in assessing what was good and bad about the video.

Excel•I used Excel to evaluate the results of the feedback.

•The results from my pie chart where displayed in a pie chart as I thought this was a more effective as you can see the results in one quick glance. It showed me that the video effectively targeted the audience that we set out to target.

•The bar charts and pie charts could be put on WordPress to link the results and audience feedback. This meant it was easier it answer the evaluation questions.