Media studies final exam q1 a notes

MEDIA STUDIES FINAL EXAM Q1A) Coursework Brief Digital Technology Used How this technology was used, and how was it developed a A2? AS Brief - Itunes movie maker - Photoshop - Sony Handicam - Slidershare - Flash Mic - Techniques such as transitions, fades text over film e.c.t We edited sound into the video, and a still edited photo of my own creation - I used the dodge burn and smudge tool to make a grey blurred picture in my first year - We used the sonyhandicam to film our first year coursework, using the cable to upload to movie maker and then to edit. We also used a tripod to keep our shots still. - In order to produce our work (the written side) and upload it to the blog we used professional word sharing website slideshare. - To record sound and place it over our movie we used a flash mic, then we used a cable to place it on the mac and used itunesmovie maker to edit it into our coursework. A2 Brief - Final Cut Express - NikonD20 - We used this programme to edit our video for our A2 music video, tools such as razor, transitions and filters such as comic and effects such as dissolve and iris. We then exported files to quicktime and uploaded to blogger and youtube - Our video contained

Transcript of Media studies final exam q1 a notes

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Coursework Brief Digital Technology Used How this technology was used, and how was it developed a A2?

AS Brief - Itunes movie maker - Photoshop

- Sony Handicam

- Slidershare

- Flash Mic

- Techniques such as transitions, fades text over film e.c.t We edited sound into the video, and a still edited photo of my own creation - I used the dodge burn

and smudge tool to make a grey blurred picture in my first year

- We used the sonyhandicam to film our first year coursework, using the cable to upload to movie maker and then to edit. We also used a tripod to keep our shots still.

- In order to produce our work (the written side) and upload it to the blog we used professional word sharing website slideshare.

- To record sound and place it over our movie we used a flash mic, then we used a cable to place it on the mac and used itunesmovie maker to edit it into our coursework.

A2 Brief - Final Cut Express - NikonD20

- We used this programme to edit our video for our A2 music video, tools such as razor, transitions and filters such as comic and effects such as dissolve and iris. We then exported files to quicktime and uploaded to blogger and youtube - Our video contained

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- Adobe Photoshop

heavy use of stop motion, to create this we took multiple photo’s of the action we wanted to capture (at least 7FPS), we then uploaded all of these into final cut, minimized the showing time to a millisecond a photo and were immediately granted with a stop motion short. We did this four times in total with around one minute and a half stop motion footage in the final. -