Media prestentation slides

This is simply the image it took for my cover. I chose not to edit, as I felt it was efficient enough already, also the people in my picture were in the correct position for the pose. The arrow is on her hand because I wanted to edit the flame of the lighter. I wanted to make it bigger and more brighter to firstly make it more visible and get the point across more clearly that I wanted the clothes to burned. I chose to take the picture outside the school because it’s like new start, you about to get to go to a new school and wear own clothes, so let’s burn ou own ones !! I kept the clothes in the image as it adds to feeling of clothes being burned, also the clothes chosen blend well with what the people are wearing, also white is a very neutral colour.

Transcript of Media prestentation slides

Page 1: Media prestentation slides

This is simply the image it took for my cover. I chose not to edit, as I felt it was efficient enough already, also the people in my picture were in the correct position for the pose.

The arrow is on her hand because I wanted to edit the flame of the lighter. I wanted to make it bigger and more brighter to firstly make it more visible and get the point across more clearly that I wanted the clothes to burned.

I chose to take the picture outside the school because it’s like a new start, you about to get to go to a new school and wear own clothes, so let’s burn our own ones !!

I kept the clothes in the image as it adds to feeling of clothes being burned, also the clothes chosen blend well with what the people are wearing, also white is a very neutral colour.

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I went to Google, and typed in flame and then clicked on Google images.

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Once I was on Google images, I searched for an appropriate and easy image for my flame on lighter.

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Once I had chosen the correct image I copy and pasted it in to photoshop.

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This is the starter of my image, with the edited of the flame.

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Third Slide- I added the title, in Varsity Blue, size 400 called, ‘ New start’ the title, was called this because, your starting a new school, where you can wear your own clothes, it’s possible a massive contrast to your old school. I did it Varsity font, because the whole old style look is very ‘in’ at the moment and I felt It would appeal to wider audience. It was in blue because it complimented the clothes that the others were wearing also, the clothes on the floor. Blue is also a neutral colour, and I felt it was very eye catching. I did the title, by using a text box and going and then scolling down to varsity font.

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In this slide, I added the Kick Explantory, the title was called ‘No more uniform!’ obviously this title, compliments the clothes in the background. I did it in a punk size font called ….. This was done, because I wanted the whole magazine to t 100 because it was big, and appealing but didn’t cover, the main title. It was in white, because it’s a neutral colour also it complimented the background well. White is also a very bright colour. I did this again , by going into text box, and re-sizing etc. The explanatory was in red - maroon, I did this because my model was in maroon and went well with it.

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this was my other kicker explanatory- called ‘ Party hard but study harder’ then the explanatory- Top tips on how to balance your social life, with your school work , I thought this was a good name, because it would appeal to teenagers, because they love partying and most care about work even they don’t show it. I did it white and 100 font my kicker, again so it wasn’t as big as my main title, also did it a rebellious font, so it added to the whole own clothes feeling. It was in a maroon as well to blend well with the model. I did this all by using text box and resizing.

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I did this one by adding a exclusive talk, with ‘pixie lott’ I used her name, because she appeals to a broad audience, especially teenagers, and she was giving advice on what to wear and what not to wear. It was in a bold white colour, around 100 size font, in …… It was placed near the bottom right.

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This is the finished Magazine.

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These are the two magazines covers which I will be talking about. Highlighting areas such as, Master head, Main cover line, Kicker, Coverlines, background colour etc…..

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The masterhead is very effective because it’s in a bold bright red which is very eye catching. It also blends well with the women's dress. Finally Heavy serif font, which is very simplistic. This is effective because it’s easy to read and not hard on peoples eyes.

The coverlines are all on the left, and aligned together. Which show’s it’s professional . The writing is and bold and easier to read. The writing Is in black which very much compliments the white background, again making it easier to read.

The women is the main focus in this magazine. She is in the centre of the magazine. Her purple shirt blends well with the title and also compliments the background efficiently.

I chose this magazine cover because it’s bold and eye-catching. It is very simplistic, with it’s colour and writing but however that’s what makes it effective . The writing is all on the left and aligned together.

The date line is in red which matches the colour scheme.

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I personally don’t like this magazine over because I find it simplistic in it’s colours. The majority of the cover is in black which is depressing and boring. Consequently this would d not appeal to a reader. Also the children are possibly the main focus along with the eagle, and they all look bored and depressed. Therefore it’s not a front cover, which should be bright and appealing, but more like a inside cover, which you would be next to text, and you would scroll by.

The text is aligned to the right hand side. This is not effective because normally as a reader we read from left to right, not right to left. The text is in a boring black which adds to the depressing feeling of this magazine. It’s quoted ‘Empowering students for the future’ to be honest the whole cover contradicts that theory. Also with the previous magazine the brightness of the magazine brought it life, where as in contrast everything is dark, as a result it has a boring feeling, which would most definitely put a reader of.

The masterhead is very plain and simple. Again adding to that feeling of boredom. The title just sums up how depressing this magazine truly is.

There is a dateline, however it’s very small and not bright enough to grab a readers attention. This magazine is presumably targeted for adults, however some adults could have insufficient eyesight and would struggle to read such a small text.

The main focus is the children and the eagle. However the children are looking away. Where as in the previous magazine the women was the main focus, she was bright and appealing: which would make you wanna pick up the magazine, where as the chrilden are dull and boring.

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This is the unedited version of the picture.

I used the spot cleaning tool, on several parts of her face. I also edited the contrast to make her look more tanned and make her lips stand out. I then added layers over her hair and eyes to make them more colourful.

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I maxed the saturation and hue options, and then cut circles out over peoples heads. I then slightly smudged the insides of the circles.