Media pitch


Transcript of Media pitch

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Genre – thriller/horror

Will relate it to horror themed pranks e.g. Italian clown prank, chucky prank, elevator prank etc. – news report, horrific things happening all over the country to teenagers/kids – someone tries to solve the mystery. (movies – prisoners, cabin in the woods – both movies involve kids/teenagers that have something happen to them, prisoners has the element of someone trying to solve the mystery of what's happening)

2 minute sequence – group of friends walking home – some thing horrific happens (not sure what it is yet)

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Characters – group of teens just hanging out, walking through a park or a quite street.

Theme – tense, thriller, dark, suspense, etc.

Sound – tense music, string instruments.

Hair and makeup – girls wearing make up and hair done up nicely.

costumes – typical clothing for teens for example skinny jeans with a plain white top.

Location – a park or a really quite street, not really sure yet.

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