Media key assessment


Transcript of Media key assessment

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The low key lighting in this opening scene immediately represents perhaps how the character is feeling. The contrast between the light and dark could imply that the character is sad or in a dark place.

The boy appears to be at a desk doing work, which would suggest that he is of school age and is doing homework. On a further level, it could suggest that he is hard working and focus’ on his studies, however, this is only the first scene so we cannot infer too much about his character just yet.

The speaker on the desk could suggest that he enjoys listening to music, which is somewhat stereotypical of teenagers.

In this scene, we hear this characters voice as a voiceover, which is a typical convention of the teen drama genre, and it suggests that he is going to be the main character of this film.

The medium shot is effective in enabling us to create a representation of this character and what his interests are.

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The second shot is of teenagers heading into school, which shows that the main location of this film is going to be a high school, an important convention of the teen drama genre

The long shot, almost a high angle, gives us a clear picture and understanding of the main setting and the characters that are going to be in the film, also emphasising that this is a teen drama film.

Just from the second shot we can establish that the editing of this trailer is fast paced, and uses montage editing to emphasise the key moments in the film.

Compared to the last shot, the colouring of this shot is very bright and colourful, with bright reds and yellows, which often implies youthfulness and innocence.

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This font is used throughout the marketing campaign for this film, and is a good use of branding as it is an easily recognisable choice of typography.

This bright green colour is also used as a way of branding, and it fits the conventions of teen drama as it is bright and youthful and would attract a younger audience.

This insert is used throughout the trailer when adding a message or introducing a character.

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This medium close up shot introduces us to two new characters, a young male and a young female character. Although they are quite close in proximity, it is unclear what their relationship to each other is.

This shot, although mainly being an eye line match shot, it is also an over the shoulder shot, and we gain a closer insight to what the main character is seeing from his point of view.

There is also a very faint focus pull on this shot, which highlights the two new characters and makes them more distinct than the main character at this point.

Two of these characters are wearing very bright, primary colours, which suggest youth and perhaps individuality as they stand out more than the other male character who is wearing navy and white, very plain, ordinary colours and clothing.

In this scene, there is dialogue which talks about ‘finding yourself’, which could imply that this film is going to be a coming of age story.

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This medium long shot is effective in representing what kind of character this main character is. The shot of him sitting by himself on an empty table adheres to the convention of a teen drama having a ‘loner’ character.

The young boy is reading a book alone, which going back to the first shot, could suggest that he enjoys studying and is very intellectual.

This shot would position the audience to feel empathy for the character as he is alone eating his lunch at school, and some teenagers could relate to this situation.

The colours of this shot are fairly basic, mainly dull colours such as grey and black, suggesting that perhaps he is feeling blue and sad, and not very happy.

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This shot of the main charcters at a party used colour and lighting to create meaning and representation. It suggests that teenagers like to party and drink alcohol, and adheres to the stereotype of teenagers.

There is a hue of blue lighting in this scene, which could either represent that the character are feeling sad, or, because it is quite a blue light, could suggest that they are happy and positive about life.

The soundtrack throughout this teaser is quite upbeat and high pitch, which adheres to the conventions of a teen drama.

The medium long shot shows us the characters and their relationships to each other. It also shows us the location and what is happening.

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This shot also shows us another example of the main character being alone and by himself, however, he is smiling and looks happier than in previous shots.

The medium shot also emphasises how he is by himself with nobody around him, representing him as a ‘loner’- a typical convention.

The lighting is quite low key in this, using mainly dark colours, to emphasise the mood of the character.

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This medium shot shows us the main character surrounded by two girls, showing that perhaps he has finally made some friends.

Although the lighting in this scene is still fairly low key and dark, the expressions and body language contrasts this and suggests that the characters are happy and content.

The length of this shot is longer than any of the other shots, which perhaps highlights that this is an important part of the movie as the main character has made friends and is no longer the ‘loner’

In addition, there is more dialogue in this scene than there is in any other shots, which highlights just how much the characters have developed.

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The final shot in this trailer is of two characters singing and dancing with a view of the river. The body language between both characters suggests there is a close bond between them.

The background of this scene shows the river and a misty skyline, suggesting that they are in New York or another popular, huge city.

The high key lighting in this final shot suggests that the characters are happy and enjoying life, compared to the beginning of the trailer which was such low key lighting.

The soundtrack fades out of this shot, and leaves the characters singing loudly together.

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The sequence is 1:38, which is a but longer than the conventional teaser trailer.

From this sequence, we can infer that it belongs to the teen drama convention. We learn from the short trailer that it is about a young boy who is clearly an outcast, and the narrative is based on his journey in finding friends who are like him, which is a conventional narrative of the genre.

The trailer leaves the audience with the main enigma, will he find friends and happiness ?

The target audience is implied to be teens, around the age of 14-21. The trailer follows many conventions so fans of the genre would be appealed to this trailer. This trailer appeals to both genders as the cast are both genders, and because of the narrative, it may appeal to people who perhaps are an outcast or have been bullies, as they could relate to the film and the narrative.

This trailer will help me in my production as it will enable me to gain a clearer understanding of the genre and the conventions. This trailer has also given me inspiration for a narrative for my film, based on the characters and their individual narratives.

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The names of the actors are at the very top of the poster, which almost acts as celebrity endorsement as the actors themselves will attract some fans and audiences. Emma Watson’s name is in the centre of the names, which could perhaps suggest that she is the most well known actor.

‘Based on the critically acclaimed novel’ would attract more viewers as people who are fans of the book would want to watch and see how the film is interpreted on the screen.

The tagline ‘we are infinite’ is centre of the poster, and this tagline is used throughout the marketing campaign to create a sense of branding, and to almost give an insight on what type of film it is going to be.

The typography chosen for this poster is the same typography used throughout the marketing campaign, including the trailer, as it is an easily identifiable font that can create branding for the film. The bright yellow colour also is used throughout marketing, as it is eye catching and would attract the target audience.

The bright blue background is effective throughout the marketing campaign as it one again would attract the target audience, and the blue suggests youthfulness and innocence. Emma Watson uses this pose in another

one of the film posters of her leaning on the main male characters shoulder, which could infer that perhaps he is a love interest or somebody close to her.

The billings block is at the top of the poster, and is important in including important names and credits.