Media Hypro

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Transcript of Media Hypro

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    1. Introduction:

    My research topic is Media Hypocrisy. Literally, media means

    the Communication medium by which our social condition is reflected. The

    word hypocrisy stands for presenting something in a different way according to

    a persons or organaizations interest. Pratically the word media hypocrisy

    means presenting any information to misled people. Media Hypocrisy is a

    common practice now a days.

    Many incidents happened in this current world. It is impossible

    for a person to know the news of of the other part with the help of the media. But

    these incidents are not favourable all the times for many groups or countries. For

    these reasons they somehow manages the media by their power to broadcast the

    news in such a way which can not tarnish their image. But these activities harm

    the general people. They are misled for these kinds of activities.

    The Media Lords use them as weapons for propaganda purpose

    including political and religious conspiracies. In short, media take advantage and

    interfere with our sense of right and wrong.We all know that the political ideology

    of an individual originates from a combination of primary and secondary


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    influences that are significant elements in the society that provide us with a wide

    range of choices and options where an individual can shape his or her own

    conviction about an issue or a problem. These social institutions are the Family,

    Education, Religious Institutions, Community, and of course Media.

    Being at the mercy of media and media-Gods we are left helpless

    and confused on the edge of falsehood and truth where they decide our future and

    fate. Ours extensive dependence on the tools of modern science and technology

    has further strengthened its capability and made it easier to intervene in our daily

    life for their interest.

    2. What is Media Hypocrisy?

    Media Hypocrisy is the exploitation of knowledge and information

    that reflects dishonesty, insincerity and double standards.

    It is branched into three different parts:

    Distortion of news

    Covering/hiding important information

    Lying totally.

    3. Areas to be studied:

    I would like to investigate the following areas to prepare my research paper:


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    1. The reasons behind media hypocrisy.

    2. Who are the main responsible persons or group for these hypocrisy?

    3. The affects of media hypocrisy on the general people.

    4. How the medias information are chnaged?

    5. The relations between media hypocrisy and world politics.

    4. Hypothesis:

    I will try to depict how the people of the world are misled for

    this media hypocriasy. The long term affects and short term affects which changes

    the lifestyle of the people will also be shown.


    In order to take my hypothesis I will follow both the primary and

    secondary methods. To know the peoples mentality about my topic I will take

    survey by distributing questionaires. As my topic is changing day by day, I must

    take the help of internet which is considered the best source of information. I will

    also go to library to get inormation from books, newspapers and journals. If

    possible, I may go to interview some people who are related with media world and

    the culprits who are responsible for this hypocrisy.


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    6. Hypocrisy-Down the Lane of History:

    As soon as media emerged as a catalyst in peoples life some

    media men intentionally started to misuse media for their benefit. Starting

    from the gallantry stories of Roman Emperors to the recent USA peace

    convention ---they all are some explicit examples of their media hypocrisy.

    We read Alexander, the Great, but that he was a ruthless ruler and tortured

    and tormented people during his time are hardly mentioned because of the

    intentions and role of media. In the time of Industrial Revolution that is in the

    early 1900s, media being both informative and entertaining started to win

    peoples heart and captivate them. It was the post-World War II situation that

    offered media a supreme and influential position that ultimately led to where it

    stands now.

    7. Forces behind the scene:

    It is very evident that media change twist facts since it is the human

    beings who make history and not the other way round. The above line leads to a

    very important conclusion---media take sides. What is a rebel to one country

    might look a terrorist activity in another. What we see is the reflection of the

    intentions of the media-men and the way they project it to the viewers and readers

    reveal the very basics as to-Who controls the media?


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    In every case we see that it is the men in power and men with

    money that control the media. Eventually they are the ones who deceive the

    people, mislead the nation and lie to the world. This vicious circle, consisting of

    journalists, editors, directors, media-gods, intellectuals and politicians possesses

    the same feature in terms of local and global aspect.

    8. Media run by USA and its allies:

    If we look at the international politics we will see, at present, the

    West is ruling the whole world. To be specific, it is USA and its allies who are

    setting the standards of the world by telling us what to believe and who to follow.

    For this, they are bluntly using media to accomplish their malevolent intentions.

    The Americans and the British own most of the worldwide dailies and TV-

    channels. Having powerful satellite connection, they monitor other media so that

    no one can go against them and if anyone does, they put the terrorist tag behind

    them or impose numerous economic embargos. Thus they enjoy full control over

    the electronic and print media. For instance, CNN, BBC, Time Warner, Disney,

    NBC, Sky News and even organizations such as NATO, EU, G-8---they all are

    part of the same ideological system, serve the same clientele, and are owned by

    the same relatively tiny group of people whose interest is to secure their

    dominance and then extend them.


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    9. Organization Lies:

    The worst thing about the NATO --- remember that news today is

    effectively controlled by five major international corporations, all of them with

    intimate ties to the defense industry---focuses unquestioningly on what NATO

    says and what pictures NATO gives out, the media in effect is part of the NATO

    campaign, obliterating history and reality with propaganda. (Internet)

    10. WHY:

    Media has been abused for a long time for financial and political gains.

    The main reason behind media hypocrisy is none other than personal or group

    interests including monetary benefit. Even if it takes to lie nakedly most of the

    media and their owners will happily do it. One good example of this is the recent

    debate over exporting gas to foreign countries. Although the Bangladeshi

    newspapers and experts are saying over and over again that there is not enough

    gas to export foreign media are deliberately saying the opposite.

    Second comes the political aspect. To control the political environment

    the super powers of the world mostly rely on media and for that they decide what

    is best for us. They preach democracy everywhere but when it comes to Saudi


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    Arab monarchism is one and only choice. It is through media they make weaker

    countries swallow the bitter pills of free market economy and globalization.

    In addition to these, media is also used to make a diversion. Creating a

    false or an artificial situation, obviously crucial, media divert the attention of the

    people. There is considerable evidence of Clinton using the Kosovo crisis as a

    way of repairing the damage he caused himself over Monica Lewinsky.

    Another possible reason of media hypocrisy is to control institutional and

    social discipline. This will not be another Vietnam. These words were repeated

    over and over again by President George Bush during the Persian Gulf War. To

    some, this meant that the war effort promised to be successful. But, to journalists

    this meant that the free-for-all reporting that took place during the Vietnam War

    would no longer be permitted.

    In her essay on the Gulf War, Elizabeth Burch noted that after the Vietnam

    War, Press and military relationships became strained when military authorities

    came to believe that biased reporting turned public sentiment against the war.

    [Burch 3] In an effort to maintain high public approval of the war, the military

    created an elaborate and unprecedented set of guidelines and restrictions to be

    followed by all media correspondents during the Persian Gulf War. By


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    withholding data and giving misleading information, allowing only sanitized

    visual images to be shown and providing reporters with little more than their

    slanted press releases, the military violated the presss first amendment rights and

    cheated with the nation.

    11. Media Hypocrisy in the present political world:

    11.1 11th September Issue:

    Last year on 11th September, Twin Tower, the symbol of New Yorks

    pride was leveled to ground by a massive attack. In this situation where the lives

    of common US citizens were at stake the media played the most extraordinary

    role of propaganda and mockery.

    As the logic of truth is the logic of the conqueror, USA suspected

    Osama Bin Laden as the prime suspect without even conducting significant

    amount of investigation To stir the tension all over the world, few media showed

    Palestine jubilation on the eve of 11th September attack, but later it was found out

    that that footage was taken from a wedding ceremony! Sad but true, media

    completely overlooked the factor that 4,000 Jews did not go to work at World

    Trade Center on 11th September. Later it became clear that they remarkably did

    not show up in their jobs based on hints from the Israeli General Security


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    Apparatus, the Shabak. How the Israeli government learned about the incident

    before it occurred, has never been a grave concern for the American media as they

    were extremely busy exploring evidence of Osama Bin Laden masterminding the

    incident! For its part, the Israeli Ha'aretz newspaper revealed that the FBI arrested

    five Israelis four hours after the attack but what they concealed was those five

    Israelis, with adequate tools were filming the smoking skyline from the roof of

    their company's building. (We surely live in a strange, strange world, full of media

    hypocrites and humbugs.)

    11.2 Israel-Palestine Issue:

    It is very clear that todays media reflect an anti-Muslim attitude.

    Consider that whenever Hamas or Hizbullah, or Iranians or Palestinians, are

    referred to by the media -- in particular when "terrorism" is what is being pointed

    out -- the adjective "Muslim" never fails to appear. This practice stems from the

    fact that the North American press, English and Afrikaans, have traditionally held

    a strong anti-Islamic view.

    It is a consequence of fake journalism, that has led to the persistent

    paranoia about Muslims in general and Palestinians in particular, that they are by

    nature mindlessly violent; and the belief that Israel is under siege and deserving of

    sympathy, not censure. In his landmark study A Brutal Friendship, Palestinian


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    author Said Aburish claims that the image of Arab leaders and countries are

    regularly doctored to suit their usefulness to Western needs. Facts are

    subordinated to images, and what filters through to the average person is aimed at

    inducing them to concur with what has already been decided. For example, that

    UN Security Council resolution 242 demands the complete and unconditional

    withdrawal of Israeli forces from territories captured during the 1967 war,

    including East Jerusalem is kept hidden from most of the world; and so are the

    real scenarios of Palestine.

    Where media have labeled the Palestinians as terrorists and justified

    Israels attack on the Palestinian children I see no way of evading the fact that in

    1948 one people displaced another, thereby committing a crime and how in the

    course of interrelated Israeli and Palestinian life since 1948, one people, the

    Palestinians, have borne a disproportional share of the pain and loss.

    If Palestinians with stones and crackers are called terrorists by media

    then what do we call Israel armed with the latest weapons aided by its guardian

    USA? (The US taxpayer supplies Israel directly with $3 billion in aid, plus a

    constant re-supply of weapons that amounts to a total of almost $5 billion.)


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    11.3 Double Standards:

    Media has all along kept silent when it comes to USA. Though USA

    talks about global disarmament it is the only country in the world that has

    intervened militarily all across the globe in the past 12 months, and has used its

    economic sanction power over 60 times in the past decade. With its planes flying

    600-plus missions every day, with General Wesley Clark requesting more planes,

    bombs and troops, and with at least a half dozen powers in possession of nuclear,

    biological and chemical weapons on a large scale, humanity risks a great deal in

    the immediate future.

    In his book, Hitchens's argued that Clinton ought to have been

    impeached, not for lying about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, but for the

    bombing of Sudan, Afghanistan and Iraq, all of them raided illegally and without

    clear provocation. A decorated U.S. Army veteran of the Persian Gulf War,

    McVeigh hereby offers his contribution to the debate over U.S. policy toward

    Iraq, a policy that McVeigh says is marked by a "deep hypocrisy."

    11.4 Iraq and Gulf War:

    The administration, through media, has said that Iraq has no right

    to stockpile chemical or biological weapons mainly because they have used them


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    in the past. Well, if that's the standard by which these matters are decided, then the

    U.S. is the nation that set the precedent. The U.S. has stockpiled these same

    weapons for over 40 years. The U.S. claims that this was done for deterrent

    purposes during the "Cold War with the Soviet Union. Why, then is it invalid for

    Iraq to claim the same reason (deterrence) with respect to the continued threat of

    its neighbors Israel and Iran? Whatever Iraq makes is a threat to the world

    whereas weapons made by the Western countries are always environment

    friendly! Weird and wonderful!

    If Saddam is such a demon, and people are calling for war crimes

    charges and trials against him and his nation, why do we not hear the same cry

    even fifty years after the bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? (At these two

    locations, the U.S. killed at least 150,000 non-combatants -- mostly women and

    children -- in the blink of an eye.) World media have intentionally been neglecting

    war crimes of USA and England where in the case of Germany, Iraq they are at

    the top of their voice.

    Remember Dresden? Sudan? How about Hanoi? Tripoli? Where is

    human rights when thousands of Bosnians are offered death instead of a free

    province? Why the media is silent when Chechens die in the hands of Russians?

    Where is Geneva Convention when refugees are killed in Baghdad? What is to be


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    the status of Kosovo? On what grounds are "the ethnic Albanians", as the media

    persists in calling them, going to be offered a new future, where, and in what

    relationship to Serbia, which still has uncontested sovereignty over the province?

    These are some of the basic questions upon which Bush and his pet allies, the

    egregious Tony Blair and their media haven't yet paused to reflect.

    We have seen the pictures of a Kurdish woman and child frozen in

    death from the use of chemical weapons. But, have we ever seen these pictures

    juxtaposed next to pictures from Hiroshima or Nagasaki? I have yet to see a

    program on the families of the 46,000 Kurdish victims of Turkey's genocide, or

    even a mention that this genocide, as well as the continued starvation of Iraqi

    civilians is taking place right now, with active US participation (supplying NATO

    member Turkey with Apache helicopters and F-16s, for example).

    How many voices in the media pointed any of this out, or mentioned

    that if the West was justified in attacking Vietnam, then by the same morality and

    logic they should have been justified in attacking Cuba, which for the sake of its

    proximity is only 90 mile away and begets out interest. The fact that virtually no

    one in the media pointed this out, that no real debate was permitted and that

    coverage reflected only the 'official' view, is a matter of grave concern.


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    11.5 Hypocrisy by Indian Media:

    Its not the Western media alone, but even the Gujarati press should

    be made responsible for fanning sheer hypocrisy. In a perceptive report in The

    Hindu (April 28) Sevanti Ninan writes: "When Hindus vandalize Muslim places

    of worship and plant small statues of Hanuman in each of these mosques what

    does the media do tell it like it is? In his article Ninan asks: "Should TV and

    print report that a foetus was ripped from its mother's womb and then burnt?

    Should they report that people were electrocuted in a room by avenging mobs?

    Moving from the international politics to our very own problems,

    we see right now Indian media are blatantly trying hard to portray our country as a

    Taleban state, which we are not. Far from being a communal state,

    religiously driven state, we are far more secular than India and its political parties.

    It is a hilarious show when Extremist Hindu Leaders like Adbhani or Bajpayee

    tries to teach us communal tolerance! Bajpayee and Adbhani are the ones who

    during the early 90's were extreme Hindus and wanted to destroy Babri Mosque.

    These guys are leaders of a political party BJP that is the Al Kayeda equivalent

    of Hindu politics.

    Furthermore, Indian media is now telling the world that we have

    religious extremist terrorists camps in Chittagong Hill tracts. Ridiculous! In fact


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    it is India and its Military that have been training the Shanti Bahini of Chittagong

    for decades. During several fights with our Bangladeshi Military, the Shanti

    Bahini leaders died and some of them fled leaving their Indian-made weapons

    behind. From giving weapons to our Shanti Bahini of Chittaong to killing

    innocent Bangladeshi people everyday in our Borders--- it is India that creates

    anarchy and violence and border insurgency in Bangladeshi border. But irony of

    fate, the Indian media is now in a campaign to prove to the world that we, with

    help from Al-Kayeda and ISI are destroying Indian security!

    Another example of Indian media hypocrisy was when the BDR -

    BSF war took place in Padua border in 16th April 2001. It is quite evident that a

    small country like Bangladesh, which is forced to make compromise with India in

    every sector, will not initiate a war with the big neighbor. But amazingly, when

    the Indian BSF was trounced in a lethal border fight with our patriot BDR forces

    and when BSF died like hens and rodents with a official dead count of 27(BSF) 3

    (BDR), the Indian media tried to deny the fact that any of their forces died in

    Bangladesh border fight. Afterwards, when Bangladeshi BDR lied down all the

    dead bodies of BSF members on the paddy field for International media attention,

    Indian media hypocrites started to discover crazy facts all of a sudden and all

    the Indian TV channels shamelessly lied in unison that BDR abducted 2 trucks of


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    border patrolling BSF members and killed them. What can be a perfect example of

    media hypocrisy than this one?

    11.6 Hypocrisy by Bangladeshi Media:

    Talking about Bangladeshi Media, it is said that you need to read at

    least 4-5 papers to get the independent view since different papers take different

    sides. (Too much Freedom of Speech, I would say!) . Here, media still fight over

    who was he main man behind our war of liberation and the flow of evidences

    never stop coming. Yellow Journalism is omnipresent since democracy is the key

    word. Television and radio are all-time Pro-Government. However, there are

    indeed some impartial newspapers in our country and their increasing popularity

    proves that people are becoming conscious and they want to know the real story.

    12. Limitations:

    My research topic covers a huge area but the timeline is really limited.

    If I get enough time, I hope to make it a better one. Again some people do not

    have knowledge about my topic, they just fill up my queationaire without any

    specific knowledge.


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    13. Data Analysis and Evaluation:

    Question 1: Are you a regular observer of news, movies & other programs?

    16 people answered that they are the regular observer of news, movies & other

    programs, while only 3 pepople said that they are not that much regular observer.

    Question 2: How much do you believe in foreign media when it comes to politics?

    As we can see 15 people answered that they dont believe much but still there are

    some truths behind some cases, only 2 people said they believe 100% and 7

    people agreed that they dont have any other options.

    Question 3: Do you think media reflects our society perfectly?

    Only 4 people think that media reflects our society perfectly, 12 people have clear

    doubts about their transparency and 7 people dont have much idea about this.

    Question 4: Do you rely on local media, both print and electronic regarding



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    16 people preferred only few print medias regarding politics and 2 people said not

    at all.

    Question 5: What is the purpose of the media hypocrisy / fabrication ?

    14 people think the main purpose is political interest while 8 people think the

    main purpose is cultural value.

    Question 6: How do you take medias effect in your daily life?

    We see that 15 people said that to some extent media helps them to set their

    beliefs and 9 said that they set their ideology entirely basing on media.

    Question 7: What kind of news do you want from media?

    While answering this question 22 people said they want informative, entertaining,

    neutral, extensive and easy to understand news from media.

    Question 8: Can media be neutral?


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    It is seen from the above graph that 10 people agree tle22222222222222222222n

    be neutral if they want to, 9 said that as media is for manipulating it cant be

    neutral and said media has to take side.

    Question 9: Should the Government run any media?

    As it is shows that 15 people said that government can run media but there also

    should be private media and 11 said it doesnt matter as long as they remain


    Question 10: In our country, which is the best and reliable form of media?

    15 persons agreed that satellite and television is the best and reliable form of

    media, 0 person said that radio is and 7-mentioned Internet as a reliable source.

    Question 11: Should there be any restriction on media?

    When asked if there should be any restriction on media 12 said no it should be

    free and 11 said to some extent and 7 agreed there should be.

    Question 12: As a citizen of a democratic country, how do you see yellow


    Asked about yellow journalism 13 people said it could stay as long as it does not

    cross the line and 9 said it couldnt be tolerated in the name of democracy.


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    14. Evaluation:

    From the survey it is apparent that people do depend on media in

    their every day life and that is why they dont want to see forgery of news and

    information to manipulate people. At this point public do not totally believe in

    media because of its hypocrisy. They dont want complete restriction on media

    and on the contrary demands transparency from it.

    15. Conclusion:

    Media at present is a monopoly. Having said and admitted that,

    however, is no reason to accept the consequences passively.Unfortunately, there

    are no quick solutions either, no ready-made tactics to replace the prevailing logic

    of false dichotomies or an exacerbated sense of endangered identity. But by

    raising self-conscious awareness of what the media at present distort and hide, we

    can at least begin to stiffen our resistance to the direction that they are heading

    towards. Fortunately the individual journalists and editors who have dared to

    break away from the tradition, which demands truth and justice are on the

    increase. In conclusion, I would suggest everyone not to believe in whatever

    media show rather to believe in ones sense of judgment and fairness and for that

    media of course is helpful but not the decision maker.


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