Media evelauation thriller

What technology has taught me during the construction of the thriller!!

Transcript of Media evelauation thriller

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What technology has taught me during the

construction of the thriller!!

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During the construction of our thriller we learnt how to use different types of technology. We used this to make our thriller as interesting and as realistic as possible.

One of the main pieces of technology that we used was the imac. The imac was the most common piece of technology that we used. This was because the imac had all the programs that we needed to edit and make our thriller.

This is a picture of me

using the imac at school

This is an image of the imac that we have been

using that has all the programs on

in that we used to construct are


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Mobygratis.comWe downloaded three different tracks from mobygratis to use at different tracks from mobygratis to use at different stages for our thriller. When going on this site, we had the chance to choose from a selection of tracks that would be suitable for our thriller. We had all agreed on the tracks we wanted for our thriller once we done this we requested a license and once this has been approved we was able to add the music to our thriller we done this by downloading it to the timeline on final cut express.

This is the website moybgratis which

we used to download music for our thriller.

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BloggerBlogger was the website which we used to post everything that we have learnt the process of what makes a thriller. I used Blogger as a diary and wrote all the things we done. Every time we learnt something new we had to update it on to our blogs to show the exam the process of contraction our thriller, to improve on our grades we added photos, films ect to show different types of technology. We also analyzed films, thriller openings, music, mise en scene, characters, setting and the audience and wrote this on our blogs to make it more interesting.

This is a screen shot of my blog this is what I

used to chart my progress of my thriller


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You tubeWe also used you tube when researching thrillers and up loading are priminarlary task/and our thriller then we then transferred it onto our blogs. We also used you tube to analyze thriller openings and past students work and we learnt a lot to help us with our own thriller.

This is what we put our thriller onto so other people can see our

thriller and see if they liked it.

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Live typeDuring the making of our thriller we also used live type for the titles and the names of the people in our thriller were made using this. We used live type to make our thriller ident as well and make it realistic like a real film company. The font that we used throughout the whole thriller was “cracked”.

This is the program that we used to make the tiles that would go

onto our film.

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The camera which we used to film was Canon Md101. this helped us film all the different parts of our thriller which we needed. We used different types of shots in our film like long, short shots, close up and mid shot.

These images are from the camera that we used to film are thriller below is us filming and the camera is filming me getting killed.

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We used to get audience research. before filming we asked about the target audience. We compose a questionnaire for them to fill out on survey monkey and below are the results. We asked them the following questions about thrillers:

Are you a male or female?

Do you enjoy thrillers?

What is the best aspect of a thriller?

How many times do you go to the cinema in a month?

Where do you watch films from?

How old are you?

What are your favorite thriller films?This is the website we used to put our questionnaire onto it and this is the audience feed back that we received.

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Final cut express

We also used final cut express to edit our thriller. This was important because it helped us to make our thriller by being able to upload it, and the pieces that we filmed and be able to add transitions, effects and music on to the timeline . This was an important piece of technology used in making our thriller. To use this we had to upload our video from the camera, add effects and transition. By using this we have learnt that we are able to add different effects to a thriller and make it look realistic and real.

This is the program that we used on the imac that we used to edit our thriller and bring all the part of the film together.

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We use google to look up different types of thrillers and we use this to look into different websites that would help us with constructing our thriller for example the music sites and the thriller openings.

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Mobile phones

We used mobile phones to take pictures of the location that we were going to be filming are thriller at and the actors and actresses to show the examiner. We took the photos and uploaded them on our blogs to show this. We used mobile phones

to send pictures over of the location of our

thriller and so we would know where we are

meeting each other to film. Above is the

location of our thriller and we took this picture

with our phones.

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We used Bluetooth to transfer the images and photos from our phones to the imac’s so we can upload them onto our blogs without any problems.

This is what we used to send photos from our phone to other phones in our group we also used this to send work form the imacs to our phone and emails to put on our blogs.