Media evaluation


Transcript of Media evaluation

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For this section, we will be concentrating and looking at how we developed our skills in:

Editing AND Camerawork

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One of the great progressions we made as a group was our development of knowledge about the editing software ‘iMovie’

We were able to improve editorial skills, such as:

Cutting and lengthening the timing of film available

Adding transitions and sound effects


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Cutting our film

Our overall amount of film we had initially after filming was around 5 minutes

We knew it had to be 2 minutes at the most, so a lot of hard work was required

After a couple of weeks of cutting and editing film, we produced a film with a duration of about 2 minutes and 30 seconds

We named this ‘Our rough cut’

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We got peoples opinions on this rough cut and looked at how we could improve further before completing our final copy.

Some more filming was required to improve lighting, however the overall feedback we received was very positive

We added in the new improved film we had most recently shot and added it to our rough cut

The film was finally cut down and our final product was complete.

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Whilst cutting our film, what skills did we develop?

How to judge timings so we could meet our required duration of film

How to move different pieces of film about to allow our final piece to be more fluent.

These are all aspects of creating a film (short or long) that we learnt and then progressed over the weeks of hard work whilst editing.

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We added transitions to allow certain shots to follow others more smoothly and fluently.

We used commonly seen transitions, such as, wipe and dissolve.

These transitions allowed us to slow the editing down, and in scenes where we wanted to create tension, these transitions helped us.

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Sound effects

We used sound effects to create more of a dramatic effect.

The use of sound effects allowed us to have certain noises in our final product that we would not be able to create ourselves.

The intention of using them was to keep the audience interested and excited by the film.

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Whilst adding transitions and sound effect, what skills did we develop?

To add sound effects we had to be very precise about the timing of the sound. This lead to us improving on our judging of time.

We realised when adding transitions that they could not just be put anywhere. They had to be placed in specific places to match the mood. We changed and altered the positions of some transitions and in the end, were very successful

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When filming we made sure that we used many camera techniques to make the final product as exciting as possible. To do this we used what was available to us.

We were given a tripod to use to keep the camera steady and we also had a wheelchair we could use. This allows us to use tracking shots to very good effect.

What was good to take note of was how much we had improved in our camerawork since we filmed our preliminary task.

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Preliminary task

Looking back the preliminary task was very simple

We had to make a film that was about 30 seconds long

And we had to include: The 180 degree rule Match on action Shot/reverse shot

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Preliminary camera work

The preliminary task was the first time we used a camera.

Here are some of the shots we used

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This is a close up Lewis’ hand opening the door.

We did this to emphasise that his character for the short clip was going into an important room to talk to an important person.

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This is another close up of Lewis This highlights clearly the approval his

character shows at listening to a piece of music. The close up helps toget his expression across to the audience easily.

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This is an over the shoulder shot of Andrew talking to Lewis.

It conveys his expression and body language all from Lewis’ point of view.

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What we could take from our Preliminary, and develop in our final product

What we noticed as a group from our preliminary, was that close up shots were very effective in showing and getting across emotion and expression to the audience.

This was ideal to include in our final product, and we took full advantage of it.

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Camera shots in the final product

We knew these camera shots would have to be more complex for our final product.

We took what we learnt from the preliminary task and took full advantage of it by expanding and developing all our ideas and thoughts

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This is a mid shot of Lewis We used this to show him searching for

the criminal in our final product. We used this shot so we could show the

church background, his body language and his facial expressions all at once.

We believed this shot was used to great effect.

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This is a close up of Andrew’s face looking round the corner.

As we found in the preliminary task, close up were extremely good as conveying characters expression and emotion

We all believed this shot was perfect as it really bought across the fear on the characters face as he searched for the criminal

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This is a close up of Andrew’s feet going up the stairs

This shot was used to create tension and suspense to the audience.

We believe this was very effective as it is used right at the end of end of the film, and leaves the audience waiting to see if the criminal is captured