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Program 21 Philadelphia versus Laodicea Learn why the final generation must leave Laodicea and join the church of Philadelphia. * * * This is WBCQ bringing World’s Last Chance Radio to you from Monticello, Maine, USA. Violent crime! Political unrest! Financial instability! Everything points to an impending crisis; a crisis like no other. Tune in to World’s Last Chance Radio to learn how you can spiritually prepare for what lies ahead. WLC Radio: preparing a people for the Saviour’s imminent return! * * * Part 1: Philadelphia Miles Robey: Hello! Welcome to World’s Last Chance Radio! I’m your host, Miles Robey. Dave Wright: And I’m Dave Wright. Thanks for tuning in. 1

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Page 1: 21... · Web viewI know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my

Program 21

Philadelphia versus Laodicea

Learn why the final generation must leave Laodicea and join the church of Philadelphia.

* * *This is WBCQ bringing World’s Last Chance Radio to you from Monticello, Maine, USA.

Violent crime! Political unrest! Financial instability! Everything points to an impending crisis; a crisis like no other.

Tune in to World’s Last Chance Radio to learn how you can spiritually prepare for what lies ahead.

WLC Radio: preparing a people for the Saviour’s imminent return!

* * *

Part 1: Philadelphia

Miles Robey: Hello! Welcome to World’s Last Chance Radio! I’m your host, Miles Robey.

Dave Wright: And I’m Dave Wright. Thanks for tuning in.

Miles: I’m going to tell you a funny little quirk about my wife. She loves getting letters.

Dave: Well, I don’t think that’s so funny. It’s rather nice to get something besides a bill or junk mail.

Miles: Sure! And she doesn’t care if it’s an email. Better still is a card or a chatty letter. So, I try and give that to her. I’ll leave her a note where I know she’ll find it. When I have to be gone, I always try to send her a card or a letter.


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But texting, now, texting doesn’t cut it. She doesn’t want a text; she wants what she calls a “real” letter. If I send her a text, it doesn’t count.

Dave: Now, see, with me it’s just the opposite. A text is faster; it’s more efficient. But send me a letter, and the handwriting is usually too sloppy to read easily. And even if it’s typed, it puts on me this burden of having to respond in kind. Texting is so much easier.

Miles: I agree! Well, the other day, she was going through this box of old family letters her grandmother had left her when she died. At the time, my wife was too upset to go through it, so she just put it off until she felt stronger.

Dave: Anything interesting in the box?

Miles: Oh, yeah! There was a bundle of letters her great-grandparents had exchanged during World War II. There were some faded newspaper clippings. There were even some really old family letters from the 1800s!

Dave: I’ll bet those were interesting!

Miles: Oh, they were! There was this one that was really hilarious. Apparently, some ancestor had left home to seek his fortunes elsewhere and was writing to his parents. He made some comment about not knowing if he would see them again since, as he put it, they had “one foot in the grave.”

Dave: Seriously! He said that? Miles: I kid you not. And the thing is, since we don’t know this chap, we’ve got no clue if he was joking or being serious!

But this brings me to my point: letters can convey a lot of information. Since we can’t hear vocal tone in a letter, we’re left with just the surface meaning of the words. And, when we know the letter-writer, that’s generally enough. We can tell if he’s teasing based on our knowledge of his character.

Today, I’d like you to share with us about the letters to the churches in Revelation. Specifically the letters to Philadelphia and Laodicea.

Dave: Certainly! Well, as we’ve said before, prophecy is Yahuwah’s gift to the final generation. It gives us information on important events; things we must know to stand firm through the last days. The letters to the churches are a bit different. They are prophetic, but they also contain a personal message to every individual believer.


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Miles: That’s what I’m wanting to hear today. Before we get into that though, I just want to offer a quick explanation to any first time listeners. Dave just mentioned “Yahuwah.” If this is your first time joining us, you’ll hear that a lot. On WLC, we prefer to use the personal name of God, which is Yah, or Yahuwah. The title “god” can refer to any number of gods, so we prefer to be more precise and use His personal name.

And the name of the Son is very similar. It’s Yahushua.

Okay. So. The churches. Why do you say that they’re both prophetic and contain personal messages to each individual believer?

Dave: The messages to the seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3 were letters to actual churches in existence at the time John wrote the Revelation. They were messages from Yahuwah to the faithful of each church, and each church has its own unique character revealing various strengths and weaknesses.

They are also prophetic. The “character” of each church is reflective of different periods in the history of the Christian church.

Miles: I’ve heard that they’re also representative of the individual spiritual life.

Dave: You’re getting just a bit ahead of me there, but you’re right. They are. The characteristics of the original seven churches are reflective of different periods of church history. They also reflect growth in the individual spiritual life.

Miles: There are always lessons to be learned by those who have spiritual eyesight.

Dave: Exactly. Of the seven messages, though, the messages to Philadelphia, the sixth church, and Laodicea, the seventh church, are the most important to Christians today because they are specifically intended for the final generation.

They’re also unusual in that Philadelphia received no corrections or admonishments. They received only praise.

By contrast, Laodicea received no praise at all! Their spiritual condition was so deplorable, that only the most straightforward denunciation was given.

Miles: That’s saying something, because Yahuwah is always compassionate. As David said, “He remembreth that we are dust.” [Ps. 103:14] Isaiah foretold of the Saviour: “A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench.” [Is. 42:3] Yahushua always sought to uplift and encourage others.


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Dave: Yes, but don’t forget the next part of that verse. It says: “He shall bring forth judgment unto truth.” He always told the truth in love, but He did tell the truth when the truth was called for.

Let’s take a look, first, at Philadelphia. Could you read that for us? It’s in Revelation 3.

Miles: Let’s see. It says:

To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write . . .

I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. [Rev. 3:7-9]

Dave: I’m going to stop you for a moment. Philadelphia was at an important cross roads. They were uniquely positioned to spread the gospel, and they did. More than any other church, they reflected the character of Yah.

As such, they were given some pretty special rewards. Philadelphia actually received six rewards. Why don’t you read them for us?

Miles: Okay. The first one is: “Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.”

Then it says:

“Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God.” “He shall go no more out. “I will write upon him the name of my God. “And the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem . . .” And, “I will write upon him my new name.”

Dave: So, for their full surrender, for the beautiful way they honored Yah, Philadelphia is richly rewarded. But I want to talk about two rewards in particular.

The first is, over-comers will be made a pillar in the temple of Yah.


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Miles: What does that even mean? ‘Cause I have to say, Dave, it sounds rather weird.

Dave: It does, yes. But, you see, Philadelphia was built in a very earthquake prone area. The measures these ancient architects took to make their temples earthquake-proof are remarkable.

When they built a temple, the foundations were laid on beds of charcoal that had been covered with wool fleeces. This allowed the entire structure to “float” above the ground, sort of like a raft. The stone blocks were joined together with metal clamps, again, allowing for some movement.

Miles: That’s ingenious!

Dave: It really was!

Miles: I’ve seen pictures of ancient pillars throughout Aegean Turkey that are still standing today, but I had no idea of the process that went in to making them so strong and secure.

Dave: Obviously, the average person couldn’t afford to build their homes and businesses this way, so the temple was actually the most secure structure in the city!

Miles: So, a promise to make one a pillar in the temple of Yah as a reward for faithfulness, is really a promise of security and safety.

Dave: You got it. It’s a beautiful promise! And these pillars were often inscribed with dedicatory inscriptions. And, that’s precisely what is also promised the overcomer. He, she, will be inscribed with the name of Yahuwah, the name of the city of Yahuwah—New Jerusalem—and Yahushua’s name as well.

Miles: That’s beautiful. They have stayed faithful, so they are now Yah’s. But there was more. It said that the overcomer would be given a new name. Can you tell us a bit about that? What’s the significance of that?

Dave: Well, again, let’s look at history. I like the name “Philadelphia.” It means “the city of brotherly love.” But the city was renamed twice in the first century.

Miles: That would be odd! Why was it changed?

Dave: In AD 17, there was a devastating earthquake in the area. Tiberius Caesar funded restoration efforts, so the name was changed to Neocaesarea, or “New Caesartown,” in his honor.


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The second name change occurred after another catastrophe. This time, it was the emperor, Vespasian, who sent financial aid.

The point is, each name change happened to honor and show gratitude to one who had given assistance.

Miles: Okay. I can see the over-comers being inscribed with Yah’s name because He has given them assistance. But why would their own name be changed as though they had given assistance? It doesn’t make sense.

Dave: Oh, but it does! They have rendered Yah assistance.

Miles: How? Because I’m not seeing it. I guess, you could say they cooperated with heavenly agencies to witness, but . . . well, why do you say they helped Yah?

Dave: There’s more than one definition of the word, “witness.” First is one who can give a firsthand account of something seen or experienced.

Miles: Then, there’s the definition: “One who furnishes evidence.”

Dave: Right, and finally: “Something that serves as evidence.” The over-comers are all of the above. Yes, as you pointed out, they do share with others what they have seen and experienced of Yah’s goodness for themselves. In this, they furnish evidence. They are a witness.

But more than that: the transformation of their own lives from sinners to over-comers with Yah’s law written in their hearts, that—in and of itself—is the greatest witness of all to Yahuwah’s infinite love and power.

Miles: They love much, because they have been forgiven much. You’re saying this is what causes them to reflect the image of Yahuwah.

Dave: Right. They reflect the divine image to a degree not achieved by any of the other churches. And that’s how they render Him assistance. That is why they are given a new name. They have trusted Him enough to make a full surrender. So, through them, He was able to demonstrate His love and forgiveness, His might and power to transform lives.

Miles: Don’t go away, folks! When we return, Dave is going to tell us about the seventh church, Laodicea.

Dave: And why you don’t want to stay in that church!

Miles: Yeah, I want to hear that. Be right back!


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Part 2: Laodicea

Miles: Aaaand, we’re back. We’ve been talking today about letters. Specifically, Yah’s letters to the seven churches of Revelation, which are also symbolic of seven different epochs in the Christian era, as well as being messages to individual believers.

Earlier, Dave was telling us how the message to Philadelphia—

Dave: --The Church of Brotherly Love.

Miles: Yes. Their message is unusual in that it contained no admonishments, no corrections: only commendations for faithfulness.

Dave: And that brings us to Laodicea.

Laodicea’s a completely different kettle of fish. Most of the churches received both praise and correction. Laodicea, however, receives nothing but correction and when you read it, admittedly, it sounds pretty harsh.

Miles: Okay, wait just a sec. Let me read it so we know what we’re talking about here. It says:

Unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith . . . the faithful and true witness . . .


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I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot . . .

So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:

I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

I like that last verse because, you’re right. It’s rather harsh!

Dave: And yet, it’s said in love. They’re in danger! He’s pointing out their state because He loves them.

Miles: So, basically, they’re just spiritually proud when they’ve no reason to be.

Dave: Yes, but . . . there’s no “just” about it. The effect of spiritual pride is so spiritually damaging, that it’s very dangerous. Yahuwah’s messages to Laodicea is like a soft-spoken mother screaming, “Stop!” to prevent her child from running in front of a car. It’s a last-ditch effort to wake them up, to save them from impending danger.

Miles: I remember for a class in university, studying the Levant area. Historical Laodicea was built south of some hot springs, and north of an abundant cold-water spring which they piped into the city. Dave: Literally hot-and-cold running water! Huh!

Miles: Well, no, actually. The thermal springs were undrinkable and by the time the cool water actually made it into the city, it was lukewarm at best.

The amazing thing about this ancient city was that, just as described, it really was a wealthy city. In fact, Laodicea was so rich, that after the earthquake of AD 60, that devastated lots of Asian cities, Laodicea was the only one to refuse the offer of financial assistance from Rome. That’s how rich they were.

Dave: Wow. Definitely a fit illustration of last-generation Christendom. More than any previous generation, Christians today have the most light! Every church within Protestantism has been blessed with more truth than what Christians had


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during the dark ages. Even the  Roman Catholic Church, despite all its clinging to tradition, has more light now than it did before Martin Luther.

Miles: But that’s a good thing! How can having more light be bad?

Dave: Increased light necessitates increased devotion and faithfulness. But has that happened?

Miles: No, not really.

Dave: Christians today, with all their increased light, are actually less devout than they were at the height of the Spanish Inquisition. They’re complacent. They know they know more, and so they feel spiritually superior.

Miles: They “talk the talk” but they don’t “walk the walk.”

Dave: Right. They point to how much more they know today, but the very fact that they do have more light just confirms their sense of superiority.

You’ll even hear the occasional sermon warning church members not to be “lukewarm.” And the people sit there, nodding their heads, agreeing that they are lukewarm and by this very act of acknowledgment, they esteem themselves better than others who do not admit to being Laodicean.

Miles: Wow, I can see that. In fact, I’ve fallen into that myself. I once heard a man say, “Well, I don’t think I’m Laodicean. I feel quite good about myself.” My wife and I looked at each other in shock! This bloke fit the Laodicean description perfectly!

And yet, by our own sense of superiority to him, we did, too! We just didn’t realize it.

Dave: And that spiritual blindness is part of the Laodicean condition. They say, “We’re rich and increased with goods and in need of nothing!” and don’t realize they’re wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked, and in need of everything.

The thing is: the church of Laodicea represents all Christian churches today. There’s no denomination or organization that’s exempt. Because each one does have more light than previous generations, each one takes pride in the light they have, and are content with what they have. They don’t search out more truth. They’re satisfied.

Miles: There’s another danger here I think we should bring out. When you’re convinced that you are spiritually rich, that you’re in need of nothing because you already know it all, it creates the expectation that everything else—everything you don’t have already—is, by default, wrong.


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Dave: You’re right, Miles. That’s an excellent point and I’m glad you brought it up. All Christian denominations today are Laodicean because every single one of them, in one area or another, has rejected truth and refused still further advanced light.

Thankfully, the Saviour has the remedy. Do you remember what He offers?

Miles: Gold tried in the fire—

Dave: Which is the Saviour’s own all-conquering faith. And?

Miles: White raiment.

Dave: Which stands for Yahushua’s righteousness. What else?

Miles: Eye salve.

Dave: Yes. Laodiceans are blind. They don’t see their own needs and they certainly don’t perceive the danger they’re in. Eye salve is a tremendous gift because it is the spiritual discernment necessary to clearly perceive truth from error in these last days.

Miles: Everything we need, He gives us!

Dave: The church of Laodicea has no redeeming qualities or characteristics. When Laodiceans repent of their self-satisfied, spiritual pride, that undergo a marvelous transformation and become members of Philadelphia, the church that most perfectly reflects the divine image.

This act of leaving Laodicea and joining Philadelphia sets the final generation apart. No other group of people have ever been called to step free of their spiritual heritage and the ties that bind to friends and family to this degree.

Miles: That’s exactly what Revelation 18 says: “Come out of her, My people!” Or, as the Geneva Bible translates it: Go out of her.

Dave: Every repentant Laodicean will obey. And in doing this, they will do what no other group has ever done before. They will truly “follow the Lamb wherever He goes” even if that’s out of the churches they’ve known their entire life.

Miles: And that’s really hard! You can see how not many people are going to want to do this. It’s human nature to want the affirmation of belonging to a group of people who believe the same as you do!

Dave: You’re right, but for those who do, the rewards are incomprehensible.


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The Apostle Paul wrote: “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which Yahuwah hath prepared for them that love him.” [1 Corinthians 2:9] Obviously, this promise will be fulfilled for all the redeemed. But it reaches its ultimate fulfillment for the remnant who leave Laodicea and become transformed into the divine image, joining the Church of Brotherly Love.

Miles: Well, they’re the same six as given to Philadelphia, right? I mean, they join the church of Philadelphia, so as Philadelphians, they’re given those rewards.

Dave: No, remember: this group was, originally, from Laodicea. Now, here’s a fascinating point most people don’t know.

Jon Paulien is a professor who’s studied the book of Revelation in depth for many years. He discovered that the seven churches have unique rewards.

The church of Ephesus, the first church, has one reward. The second church, Smyrna, has two rewards. Thyatira, the third, has three rewards.

And so on, and so forth. Philadelphia, as we’ve noted, has six rewards. It’s not as obvious in English, but the grammatical construction in the Greek makes it very clear.

Miles: But, looking at Revelation 3, I don’t see seven rewards listed for Laodicea.

Dave: Right! That’s what’s so fascinating. But they do get seven rewards in total. The first six they get when they join Philadelphia: the six rewards given to Philadelphia. But for those who repented of the Laodicean condition, there is one more reward. And it encompasses everything.

Why don’t you read it for us? Verse 21.

Miles: Revelation 3:21 . . . Uh: “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in His throne.”

Hmmm. Incredible.

Dave: Isn’t it? Sitting with Yahushua on His throne. That’s what’s being offered here.

Now, we mustn’t get overly literal here. It’s not talking about some huge chair we all take a turn sitting in. We’re speaking status, here. Throne-ship status. Sharing


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that status with the only begotten Son of Yah.

Miles: If you’ve got that, you’ve got everything.

Dave: What more could you ever want or need?

Miles: The parable of the husbandman, who rewarded the 11th hour workers far beyond those who came before, is just like this. You’ll recall Yahushua explained: "So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many are called, but few chosen." [Matthew 20:16]

In a sense, the final generation honor Yahuwah more than any that has ever gone before. The reason’s simple: they’re the last generation, the furthest from Adam. They’ve inherited six thousand years of accumulated tendencies to evil.

And yet, by faith in the Saviour and full surrender, they’re over-comers! The transforming power of divine, redeeming love is shown in their lives and in their salvation more than in any previous generation.

Dave: It really is. And this is why they’re witnesses for Yahuwah.

As the final generation, Laodiceans had the accumulated truth of the last 6,000 years! But that just made them spiritually proud unlike any previous generation.

Their cases were almost hopeless ... but with Yahushua, there is always hope. By His power, His might, and His love, those who repented were granted still more light, showing errors to which they’d ignorantly clung.

The over-comers from Laodicea humble themselves, repent and in doing so, they silence the accusations Satan made against the law of Yahuwah like no previous generation ever could.

Miles: Throughout all eternity, they are Exhibit A, revealing the power of redeeming love.

Dave: In addition to the six rewards given the Philadelphians, they are granted throne-ship status with Yahushua. And all because, as the last, the worst of the worst, they honored Yahuwah the most when, despite their weakness, blindness, and inherited depravity, they turned to the Saviour and, by faith in Him, let Him inscribe His law on their hearts.

Miles: It’s an encouraging, but very solemn message at the same time. Laodiceans will understand, better than anyone else, the depths from which redeeming love drew them.


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It’s an unprecedented demonstration of divine love and power to raise people as sunken in sin as the final generation, to sit on the throne of the universe with the Saviour Himself. Dave: This is the future being offered each one of us. Right now. You won’t be able to see your true condition because, as a Laodicean, you’re blind to it. But accept the word of Him that cannot lie. Accept it by faith. Then, by faith, reach out your hand to grasp His.

An eternity of joy, happiness and untold honor await all who will humbly accept the pronouncement of their true spiritual condition, repent, and enter Philadelphia, the Church of Brotherly Love.

* * *

You are listening to World’s Last Chance Radio on WBCQ, at 9330 kilohertz on the 31-meter band.

World’s Last Chance Radio! Preparing a people for the Saviour’s soon return!

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Daily Mailbag


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Miles: Welcome back to our Daily Mailbag. We’ve been talking about letters today, and I like reading the emails and messages we get from hearers around the world.

Dave: Makes us feel connected, doesn’t it?

Miles: It really does, and they’re thought provoking, too. Gets me thinking as well.

Okay, then. Our first message today was sent into our website. It comes from Dinesha . . . don’t know how to pronounce the last name. Sorry. Dinesha in Singapore. She says: “Dear WLC: I hear a lot of arguing between various groups of Christians about what the “Old” versus the “New” covenants are in the Bible. Could you condense it down for me? What are they and what’s the issue?”

Dave: Thanks for writing, Dinesha. I’m glad you’ve asked this because you’re right. It’s an issue that can be confusing, particularly because there are a lot of incorrect ideas about what the Old Covenant was.

Miles: Before you go on, Dave, I just want to clarify what, precisely, is a covenant. It’s a rather old word we don’t use much anymore. A “covenant” is a binding agreement, a legal contract between two parties.

Dave: Good point. Thanks, Miles. The Bible speaks of a number of covenants. You’ve got the covenant between Boaz and a near kinsman for the hand of Ruth. You’ve got other covenants, or agreements.

The covenants to which Dinesha is referring, however, are different in that they are an agreement between Yahuwah and every individual soul.

Miles: What, precisely, are these agreements?

Dave: They have to do with our redemption. And yes, they are legally binding agreements. And that’s where the controversy, and the misunderstanding comes in.

Miles: What do you mean?

Dave: Well, let’s read it. It’s found in Exodus 19. Could you read verses 5 & 6 for us?

Miles: Sure! Uh . . . okay. Yahuwah is speaking here. He says: “Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.”


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Dave: This is the covenant; the agreement. Yah says: if you do this, than that is what you will get in return. Obey and prosper; disobey and reap the consequences. It’s the same for salvation: obey and live; disobey and die.

Miles: So that’s the Old Covenant. What’s the New?

Dave: It’s actually the same as the Old Covenant. The terms of salvation have never changed: Obey and live; Disobey and die. The difference is in how someone obeys and this is where the first covenant, the “Old Covenant” failed.

Yahuwah spelled out His requirements. In return, the Israelites would be blessed above all nations of the earth.

Now remember: these were people who’d been slaves just a few months before. It sounded like a really sweet deal to them, lording it over all other nations. Do you remember their response?

Miles: Oh, yeah! It was a very enthusiastic: “All that Yahuwah has said, we will do!” [Exodus 19:8]

Dave: Right. Now, Yahuwah knows that in our fallen sinful nature, we are unable, of ourselves, to perfectly keep the divine law. It was never His intention that the law which, remember, is a transcript of His character, it was never His intention that the law become a burden with the people trying to keep it in their own power.

Miles: But that’s what happened.

Dave: Yes, but that’s because the people put it on those terms.

“All that Yahuwah has said, we will do.” They were the ones who decided to put it in terms of their own accomplishments. They were the ones who made the law into a works trip, which then became a burden when they discovered they couldn’t keep it.

Miles: They hadn’t yet figured out what David knew when he said, in Psalm 119: “I have seen an end of all perfection: but thy commandment is exceeding broad.” [Psalm 119:36]

Dave: And, as we all know, they failed spectacularly. But this is where some people get confused in their understanding of the two covenants. The covenant failed, not because there was anything wrong with the requirements, but because man was unwilling to depend on divine help to keep the divine law.

They wanted to rely on their own strength.


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That’s the issue. But you get some people preaching that the Old Covenant was the 10 Commandments. It wasn’t. Certainly, it’s the basis of the Old Covenant because obedience to the divine law has always been the requirement for gaining eternal life. However, the 10 Commandment law was not the Old Covenant itself.

Miles: All right, I’m starting to get confused here. I almost feel like we’re splitting hairs. The 10 Commandments are not, actually, the Old Covenant.

Dave: No. The Old Covenant, like the New, is simply an agreement between Yah and His people. That’s all. Obey and live; disobey and die. The big, glaring difference comes over whose strength you use to obey.

The Israelites wanted to obey based on their own strength of will. Their own determination.

Miles: And that’s an effort that is always doomed to failure.

Dave: It really is. We’ve inherited a fallen nature. In and of ourselves, there is no way we can ever perfectly keep the law.

Miles: So then, the New Covenant is . . .?

Dave: The New Covenant still requires obedience to the divine law, but this time it is done by faith in the blood and merits of the Saviour. Like Paul says in Romans 3: “All have sinned and come short of the glory of Yah.” [Romans 3:23] This is why, as Hebrews 4 explains, Yahushua was “tempted in all points like as we are, yet without sin.” [Romans 4:15]

Miles: So it’s never a works trip. Under the New Covenant, obedience is still required, but now it is through faith in Yahushua.

Dave: Precisely. In fact, obedience through faith in Yahushua is the only way true obedience is even possible. Why don’t you read Hebrews 8, starting with verse 8? I love this passage. It explains the difference between the two covenants so clearly.

Miles: All right . . . Uh, it says: “Behold, the days come, saith Yahuwah, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith Yahuwah.

“For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith Yahuwah; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:


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“And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know Yahuwah: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest.

“For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old.” [Hebrews 8:8-13]

Dave: See, in the New Covenant, Yahushua has fulfilled the law for us already, if we receive Him by faith. When He is living in the heart by faith, Yah’s law is engraved on our hearts. Then we will keep the law, because it is a part of us. We are one with Yahuwah, just as Yahushua was, and just as Yahushua prayed we would be.

Miles: I can see that. The Old Covenant was by works by the people’s own choice!

Dave: Right.

Miles: But now, after so many thousands of years of trying and failing to keep the law in our own strength, we’ve finally figured out we just can’t do it.

Dave: And that’s where the New Covenant comes in. By faith in the merits and blood of Yahushua, the divine law is written on our hearts. It’s what enables us to actually keep the law, because obedience is still required. The New Covenant does not change Yahuwah’s law but it equips us with power to obey it.

Miles: So, briefly, what would you say to those who claim the Old Covenant is the 10 Commandment law and, since it was nailed to the cross, it’s no longer binding?

Dave: I would encourage them to go and re-read Romans 3 where Paul deals with this very issue. In verse 31, he establishes an important principle when he asks: “Do we then make void the law through faith?”

Then he answers his own question, stating emphatically: “Yahuwah forbid: yea, we establish the law.”

Miles: Amen. It’s all Yahushua. His power, His righteousness, even His own faith, given to us as a gift.

Dave: What people need to understand is that the New Covenant does not change Yahuwah’s law. Instead, it equips us with divine power to obey it!

Revelation refers to Yahushua as the “Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” [Rev. 13:8] There’s a lot of significance packed into that little phrase.


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Miles: Well, besides that Yah always had a plan for our redemption, should the need arise, what else do you see there?

Dave: This verse reveals that the New Covenant—the grace provided for through the death of Yahushua—existed from the foundation of the world. It was Yah’s plan all along for the Israelites to keep the law through faith in the promised Messiah. The “Old Covenant” only failed because they insisted on doing it themselves, rather than trusting in the merits of the promised Redeemer.

The book of Hebrews even confirms that Abraham became an heir to the promise by faith and not by works. In other words, Abraham was declared righteous because of His faith in the promises of Yah. He was under the New Covenant!

Miles: That’s helpful to have that pre-Exodus example. I think we’ll all agree that there is no salvation in an Old Covenant experience. No one can be made righteous by the works of the flesh.

Dave: Exactly.

Miles: It is only through the New Covenant experience of faith in Yahushua that we have salvation. And that is “righteousness by faith.”

Dave: If we accept Yahushua into our hearts, letting His will direct us in all things, our lives will, like His, be one of continual submission to the will of the Father. Then our constant prayer, like His, will be “not my will, but thine, be done.” [Luke 22:42]

Miles: Beautiful. That’s really beautiful. And it’s the only way—through faith in the Saviour.

That’s all we’ve got time for today. If you’ve got any questions, comments, even prayer requests, send us a message. We always enjoy hearing from our listeners.

Go to our website at and click on Contact Us. If we can’t get to your question on air, look for an answer in our Q&As on the website. We’ll try to answer every question in one of the two places.

* * *

This is Elise O’Brien with your daily promise from Yah’s word.


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There is not a single situation in life for which Yahuwah has not provided a promise!

During World War I, the 91st Infantry Brigade of the US Expeditionary Army had a commander who believed in the power of Yahuwah’s promises. He gave each soldier in his command a little card on which was printed the 91st Psalm, the same number as their brigade. Every day, the men recited it together, and claimed the promises it contained in prayer.

“… He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust … A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. Because thou has made Yahuwah, which is my refuge, even the Most High, thy habitation, no evil shall befall thee … For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone ….”

Afterward, the 91st Brigade fought in three of the bloodiest battles of the First World War. Other American units who fought in these same battles suffered up to 90 percent casualties! But the 91st Brigade did not suffer a single combat-related casualty.

Nor was that the last time soldiers in danger claimed the divine promises. A fighter pilot in World War 2 was shot down and incarcerated in a concentration camp. One day, after nearly two years as a prisoner of war, he looked up to see the sky filled with B-24s and B-17s. The prisoners started yelling with joy, expecting to soon be liberated.

Their joy soon turned to terror, however, as they realized they might not live to see freedom. The pilot, who was in the infirmary at the time, leaped under an iron table. Two other soldiers scrambled under with him, a young Jewish soldier, and a Roman Catholic. In his fear, the pilot’s thoughts turned to Yah and he began reciting the 91st Psalm. The Jewish boy immediately chimed in: “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty …  Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;  Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.”

The Catholic boy prayed: “Lord, I don’t know it by heart, but Amen! Amen! Amen!”

When the battle was over, the concentration camp, the prisoners’ infirmary, the barracks, everything had been reduced to a pile of rubble. All that was left was an iron table under which were three young men, claiming the promises of Psalm 91.


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They claimed Yah’s promises and He heard and kept His promises to them.

Are you afraid? Do you need help? Do you need guidance? Claim a promise! Yahuwah stands back of every promise He has made, and He will keep His promises to you.

We’ve been given great and precious promises. Go and start claiming!

* * *

Part 3: The rewards for faithfulness

Miles: Jodie Picoult, in her book, My Sister’s Keeper, makes a simple, yet profound, statement. She says, quote: “You don’t love someone because they’re perfect, you love them in spite of the fact they’re not.” And that’s how Yahuwah loves us.

Like any loving parent who sees his son or daughter in danger, He’s going to yell as loudly as it takes to get our attention. To wake up! Get ready! And make a full surrender.

Dave: That’s right, Miles. I once heard the late, great Bible scholar, Dr. Leslie Hardinge give a talk in which he said: “I often hear my students say reading the Bible isn’t any fun because it puts you down.”

Apparently, this was a phrase used by teens in the 1970s in the US. They didn’t like to be “put down” or criticized.

But then Dr. Hardinge said, “It does! If you’re a murderer, it’s going to tell you that killing someone else is wrong. If you’re a liar, it’s going to tell you that it’s wrong to be dishonest. But if you’re doing something that is going to keep you out of Heaven, wouldn’t you want to know?”

Miles: Well, yeah! I would! If someone’s in mortal danger, you aren’t doing them any favors to keep silent out of fear of hurting their feelings.

Dave: And that’s the point of the message to Laodicea. If we stay asleep to the danger; if we continue in the path we’re on, fully confident that we know everything necessary for salvation and everything else is, by default, wrong; if we continue to tell ourselves that we’re spiritually rich, and increased with knowledge, and in need of nothing, that day is going to catch us unaware!


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It’s too great a risk. We’re too close to the end to continue in such blindness.

Miles: We really are, Dave. On October 24, 2017, the News Corp Australia Network published an article in which they quoted Russian president, Vladimir Putin saying genetically modified super soldiers are a threat that is, quote, “worse than a nuclear bomb,” unquote, adding that they could soon become a reality.

Dave: What, you mean like a cyborg or some such thing? Didn’t Hollywood make a movie about it? Universal Soldier I think it was.

Miles: Actually, yes. We obviously don’t have time to go into it now, but look into it. This is serious. According to Putin, an army of trained killers, killers incapable of feeling fear or pain, are a very real possibility since scientists are very close to breaking the genetic code that would let them create, quote, “a human with pre-designed characteristics.” Unquote.

Dave: There are weird things going on in the world, most of which we know nothing about.

Miles: It’s a strange time to be living.

Dave: It really is and none of us can afford to say the message to the Laodiceans applies to him, or to . . . her. But not to me.

Miles: Repentance and humble reliance on Yahuwah is the only thing that is going to get anyone through. Listen, when the trumpets start to sound and a third of the trees are burnt up, and all the green grass is burnt, it’s going to be a time of terror. The world will be facing imminent famine, and they’re going to know it.

Dave: And that’s only the beginning. From there, it only gets worse.

Miles: A lot worse! When global shipping is destroyed during the third trumpet, and all the chaos and suffering resulting from tidal waves sweeping inland, it’s only going to be your personal knowledge of the love of Yah that is going to get any of us through.

No one then is going to be saying: “I’m rich! I’m increased with goods! You don’t have anything I want!”

People will then be waking up to how spiritually destitute that are, but for many it will be too late.

Dave: That’s a solemn thought, but it’s true.

Miles: Now, in these times of relative peace, now is when we are to turn to the True Witness, accept His inspired assessment and repent.


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If you don’t think it applies to you, accept it by faith! He knows what He’s talking about!

Dave: He’s not “putting you down.” He’s trying to save you.

Miles: Now is our chance to leave Laodicea and join the church of Brotherly Love. Only by having the law of love written on our hearts, only by taking Yah at His word, will any of us get through.

You don’t have to get yourself ready. Truth is: you can’t. But you do need to make a conscious choice to choose to accept the gift of Yahushua’s righteousness in place of your filthy garments.

Choose—today!—to let Him enfold you in it’s pure, white glistening folds.

Elbert Hubbard once said: “A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.” That’s Yahushua. He knows all about you. He knows every secret sin, every private struggle, every hidden thought, and He loves you anyway.

Join us again tomorrow, and until then, remember: Yahuwah loves you . . . and He is safe to trust!

* * *

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World’s Last Chance Radio! Preparing a people for the Saviour’s soon return!


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