Meats I - Rawson Memorial District ( ~he...

L DR. M. M. WICKWARE, General practicing Physiclan and Surgeon. Office andresldence fourth door south of New Sheridan. REGULAR office hem's from 10:00 a. m. to 2:00 p.m. 'Phone 15, one ring. W. A. WELLEhIEYERE, M. D. Hem copathlc Physician and Surgeon; Gradu- ate of Chicago llomeopathlc Medleal College. Ofltce ~nd residence in City Block over post- office. Regular office hours 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.M. RIKER & BALL, Tonsorial artists. First class work. DENTISTRY. I. A. FRITZ, RESIDENT DENTIST. Office over T. II. Frltz's drugstore. We solicit your prtronage when in need of dental work, JOHN R. FOOTE, M. D. Graduate of Detroit College of Medlelne. Calls promptly answered day or night. No- vesta. Mleh. A complete line of-~...,m~ Harness Coeds, Whips, Robes, Blankets, Etc. always on hand. l=(epa|rlng a Specialty. WM. MESSNER. BLACKhM ITH IN(i AND I;(EPAII~INO receive our attention six days in the week. If you wish anything in that line, give us a call. Horseshoe|rig /Yiade~ a Spocla|t'y Tri=County Chronicle. A Weekly Newspaper, Devoted to the interests of Cass City and sur rounding country in Tuscola, Ituron and Sanilac eounti es. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year, $1.00; six months, 50 cents; three months, 25 cents. Advertising ~ates made known on application. TELEPHONE SERVICE. The CmmN~CL~ is connected with the Moore Telephone System "md can be reached from any office on the lines. FREDERICK KLUHP, Publisher. MAN. By A, (3. Tiff'any, o£ the Ferrls School. The noblest sthdy of mankind is man--bu~ man's favorite study is wo- man. There are two leading ~heories to- day as to the origin of man. The old- est theory is expressed in the words of the Bible, "And God said, 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let him have dominion over all the earth." So God created man in his own image. The second and more modern theory is ~he Darwinian theory, that man is the product of evolution from lower animals. If Darwin founded his ~heorg of evolution on the monkey shines man is continually cutting up, he didn't miss it very far. Darwin tries to support his theory by citing the masher as an illustra- tion of the kind of animal man was before he became a man. Mankind is divided into two great classes: those who earn a living without getting it with us. Our sllop is on Main Street, and those who get a living without just west of the grist mill. earnin~ it. These in turn are divided JOHN ~ENSHLEI~. CASS CITY BARR, AUTEN ~[~ 8 E E L E Y ~ PPoDs. J. F. 8EELEY~ I.B. Auten~ Garo~ M|~h. ~a88 ~ity~ M|ch. (~S~AnLzSn~b ~88=.) into nine distinct classes as follows: , 1. One class is represented by those men who never consider other men wise till those other men come to them for advice. 2. Another class is those who imve a gallon of words for every spoonful of thoughts. They remind you of a toy balloon. If they were pricked wi~h a pin there would be nothing left of them. These men that we call shal- low are generally despised, but did A Ceneral Banking Business Tran. you ever notice that they do not need sacred. Foreign Exchange Bought and Sold. Drafts issued payable in any Country in the World. Money Loaned on Real Estate. Col- lections a Specialty. C, W. McKENZIE, County Telephone. Cashier. L . . . . . . H. L. PlNNEY, ||. W. SEED, Cashier. Asst. Cashier. E](CHA E B/INK CASSCITY, MICH. @@@ as much watching as deep ones? 3. Then another class of men who never unbend until they are "broke." 4. The fourth class is represented by those fellows who flatter them. selves that they are the style of man called "A- d-e-v-i-I- o-f-a - f-e-l-l-o-w," simply because they go around wibh a cloven breath. 5. Then comes a little groupof men who are cl]aracterized by the fact that they reason in a circle--that is why there is no and to their argu- ments. 6, Tim sixth class is a very large one and is composed of those men wl]o misl~ake their hats for telephones. 7. A class of men vow commonly Seen is those who have become loafers because they are too light for heavy Loans 1V~oney on approved notes work and too heavy for light work. and real estate. In Partial Payment rl"erms if desired. (.Pays interest on Time Deposits. Collections a Specialty. V : E, FI, PI HEY, PROP, ?~2 , ...... . CASS CZTY .zcz) CARe STA6E LINE AND LIVERY, 8. Those men we call geniuses: that is men who when they accidentally s~y a good thing can make ~heir llear- ors believe it was intention!d~com- pose the eighth class. 9. The ninth and last class consists of men who are so constituted: ~hat the more they have the more they want~unless it happens to be twins. Now tl]ere are a few facts that we should know about men. 1. Every man thinks everybody else knows him~that's why he writes his name so j(ou can'~ read it. / 2. Only one man in a thousand is a leader of men--the other 999 are fol- kind, but it does not include such men as George Washington, who, with but a handful of ragged and half starved soldiers, ,won freedom for a nation and its people. This does no~ apply to such a man as Abraham Lin- coln, who was noted for .his ungainli- ness and his honesty, and to-day "Hon- est Abe" is the idol of every true heart. This does not describe Dewey, who coolly sailed into the jaws of MAI~KET REPORT. Thc Tone ot' the Ma~,liet I~ Stcady in Nearly All Line~,. Detroit, Mich., May 1, 1901~The market for hay is firm and prices are a little higher. Straw is in good de mend and h!gher also. The marke for feed is active and millers have all they can do to fill orders at good prices. In the produce market there death and destroyed the enemy's fleet, is a little improvement in the feeling This does not describe Moody who is in potatoes, and eggs are easy. Butter known as a true man of God, This shows no change, dairy being scarce does not describe John G. Wooley, who is the champion of the temper- ance cause of to-day. This does not describe the President of ~his school, who is doing everything in his power far the young men and women of the country. It is these men, and such as they, that have made this country what it is; that have raised manhood lethe position which it now holds, and have given to America the motto, "The land of the free, the home of the brave." MAY T[RM 0~: COURT. The following is a list of the case~ ~o be tried at the May term of Circuit Court for Tuscola,County. Also the petit jurors who are to serve. The court convenes on Tuesday, May 7th. The Journal Printing Co., com., vs. Leslie E. Morningstar, def., bill for injunction. Gee. Welkins, Irving Welkins vs. Frank E. Stone, assumpsit. Charles E. Burns vs. James B. Roe, Herbert W. Caswell, attachment, Dora Conkhrit~ vs. Clarence E. Conkhrite, divorce; in chancery. Luciana A. Culver vs. Lemuel L. Culver, divorce; in chancery. Bertha MeShed vs. Wesley C. Parish bill to annul mortgage. Luciana Culver vs. Leonard L. Cul- ver, in chancery. and creamery plentiful, Poultry is scarce and firm. General business in produce was active to-day and the tone of the market firm. Strawber- ries are coming io more freely and the market is working a little lower. GENERAL PRODUCE. :NEW POTATOES--S2.50 per bushel. E(ms~Fresh receipts, 12~c per doz. I~APLE SUGAR--Prime. 10 per lb. CABBAm~S=--$1.25 @ $1.50 per 100 lbs. POPCOr~N~New, 1 @ I½c; old 2c per lb. LE)IO~S--California, $2.50 @ $3.25 par box. CRANBERRIES~Cape~ Cod, $2;00 3.25 per box. S~VEET'POTATOES~Jersey, $2.75 per bbl. CHEESE~Ful] Michigan" cream, 11½ @ 11c per lb. oItAN(~Es--California navels, $2.25 @ $3 per box. HONKY--NO. 1 white, 14 @ 15c; light amber, 10 @ 11c; dark amber, 8 @ 9c; extracted, 6~ @ 7c per lb. DRESSED CALVES~Fancy, 7~ @ 8c; fair, 6½ @ 7c per lb. I'OTATOES~Car ]OISS, 28 @ 30C; store lots(%c per bu. APPLES~Best, $3.00 @ $3.50 per bbl; cooking, $2.75 @ $3 per bbl. oNIoNs~Michigan, $1.25 @ $1.40 bu; Spanish, $1.75 per crate; Havana, $3 per crate. OYSTERs~Standards, 17c; extra standards, 20c; selects, 23c; extra se- Gee. Walton vs. John Hubinger, as- lected, 25c; counts, 30c rer can. sumpsit. H.E. Randall, al~t~rney for defendant. D. Sutton, Wm. Longley~vs. Frank M. Greenougli. assumpsit. H.E. Randall, attorney for defendant. Theophile Parent vs. Win. O. Ward and Henry Mathews, certiorari. Peter Haffey, attorney for plaintiff. John Neal vs. Thomas Smith, note of issue. ~:'~ J..5. DUNHAM, Prop. lowers of women. Man laughs at wo- GoIN(~ W~sT: Leaves Cass Cityat 7:30 man because sbe follows the fashions, a.m. Arrives at Care at 9 a. m. and woman laughs at man because he GoiNa EAST: Leaves Care at 1:30 p. follows her. m. Arrives a~ Cass City, 4:30 p. m. FAI~,--Onc way, $1.00; round trip, 3. :No man was ever blamed for be- $1.50. Good rigs always in read: ing a gentleman, althougl~ many have hess. Commercial men a specialty been falsely accused. 4. Did you ever notice how kind n,ttm'e has been to mankind.. She has Cass City w~, arranged matters so that a man can neither pat his own back nor Foundry and ,d~ himself. 5. Another fact which is very prom-i inent and probably is the cause of r3achine Co. more swearing than anything else, is, that nine out of every ,tan men never think to wind the clock until after they have put out the light and got ,~--~--Manufacturers of into bed. 6. Then did you ever notice that a man is never bored as long ~s you talk (:iang Plows to him about himself? 7. That a man is always wanting Digests What you eat. something he can't get, and always This preparation contains all of the Dew No. 3 and No. 44 Plow getting something he don't want? digestants and digests all kinds of food. I~ gives instant relief and never Cass City Steel Plows. The world may owe every man a lie- fails to cure. It allows you to eat all ing but the majority of them are too the food you want, The most sensitive I stomachs can take it. By itsuse manyl thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. I~ is unequalled for all stomach troubles. lazy to hustle around and collect it. 8. Another proven fact is that a man sometimes gets light on a sub- ject by scratching his headed match always does. Just a few words of advice: Never trust a man: ha may be as honest as the day is long and still do a lot of mischief during the night. Never judge a man by the umb~lla he carries until you( find. 0ut ~¢1i0 owns It. 7 ~: )7![ / If you want) your fellow men to speak well of you, lay down and die. This, ladies and gentlemen, de- scribes tlle largo majority o1' man- We also manufactnre Plow Points for all plows, and Stone Boats with Cast Fronts. Give us a call and we will save you money. COFFEE--Package coffee, sold on the equality plan on a basis of $11,50, less 75c per 100 lb case ,in :New York. BUTTER~State creamery, extra, 19 @ 20c; filsts 18c; seconds 17c; se- lect dairy 15 @ 16c; fair grades 13c per lb; roll butter, choice, 14 @ 15c; good, 13c per lb. cumbers, $1.50 per doz; cauliflower, $1.50 @ $1.75 per doz; lettuce 13c per lb; head lettuce, 75@80c per doz, mushrooms, 45c per lb; pieplant, 45 @ 50c per doz; tomatoes, $2.75 @ $3 per six-basket crate. WHEAT~Prices here a year ago were 72½c for No. 2 red wheat, 400 for No. 2 corn and 29c for No. 2 white oats. 'The Open Board~Wheat~-Cash No. 2 red, 76½c. coR~Oash :No. 2, 2 cars at 45~; No. 2 yellow, 1 car at 46~c; No. 3 yellow, 46c nominal. OATS~Cash No. 2'white, 31c; ~No. 3 ,white, 2 cars at 30c. RYE--Cash No. 2, 55½c nominal. CLOVERSEED--Prlme spot, 30 bags at $6.50; October, 50 bags at $~%30, 100 at $5.30; No. 2, 17 bags at $6.55, 18 at $6; rejected, 14 bags at $5.50. BEANS~Cash, $1.85; 5CHWADERER BROS., ED. BROTHERTON, J. H. ,STRIFFLER~, Proprietors. hidden trouble pay heed to the early warnings. Strengthen the D p heart's muscles, quiet its nerv- ous irrltation and regulate its yspe sia Cure a&ionwith that greatest of all CASS CITY MARKETS. Oass City, Mlch, May'3, 1901 Wheat, No. 1 white .......................... 7, Wheat, No. 2 red . .......................... 70 Rye, No. 2 .................................. 48 White oats, No. o o7 Hand picked beans ..................... ;... I 60 Peas .......................... , .............. ~5 55 Barley, per cwt ............................ Eggs per doz................................ 11 Butter ..................................... 12 Live hogs, per awl .... ~.................... 5 25 Beef, live weight ...................... 3 00 4 00 Sheep live weight, per ]b .................. 5 5~ Lambs.. " 5 Dressed Veal ............................. 7 S Dressed Hogs .......................... 6 75 Dressed Beef ................. .......... chicken ................................... ~ 7 Ducks ..... : .............................. 7 Geese .... : ............................ . 6 Turkey .................................... 6 7 Hides, green ................................ 5 ROLLER MILLS. White Lily, per bbl ..................... :... 4 00 IIeller's Best par bbl ...... :..- ........ 4 50 Pillsbury's Best ........................... 4 80 Graham tlour per bbl .................... 4 00 Granulated meal, per cwt .................. 1 50 Feed per cwt .............................. 1 cO Meal per cwg ................................ 1 00 Bran per cwt ................................ 80 Mlddlings per cwt ......................... 90 Rye flour per ewt ........................... 2 00 Buekwlmat flour per cwt .................. '2 75 8HER WIN' WILLMM$ BUGGY PAINT Was made originally to paint buggies with, but is just as good for any number of other things. A buggy, boat, flow- er stand, baby carriage, sleigh~ children's tWs, &e., can be made to look clean and bright at very lttle expense. The eel- or and varnish are applied to- gether, giving a fine gloss. One of our customers saids "For twenty-five cents I have fixed up the old stand that I was going to throw away b~ cause it looked so badly. '* You can do the same. We can always show sam. plcs of the colors carried in stock . . . . . John L. Jackson, Gee. L. Little, FEED--Jobbing prices are as follows: Thomas Liskow, H. J. Willett vs. Bran, $17; coarse middlings, $17; fine Frank Taylor, issue of fact. middlings, $18; cracked corn, $17; John Jackson eta1 vs. Frank Taylor, coarse corn meal, $17; corn and oats issue of fact. chop, $14.75 per ton. JURORS. Daniel Randall, Indianflelds; Whir: ~tay~No. 1 timothy in car lots, field Houghtaling, Gilford; L. L. Wil- $12.50 per ton; No. 2 timothy $11 son, Juniata; Win. Clothier, Koylton; $11.50; clover mixed, $11 @ $11.50: Arthur Legg~ Kingston; John Lennox, wheat and oat straw, $5 @ $5.50; rye Mill:utteR: ,Robert Shaw, Tuscola: straw, $7 per ton, car lots, on track. G. S. Warner, Vassar; James Colling~ Watertown; Joseph Mallsbury. Wells; FLOVR~hiichigan patent; $4.25; Gee. A. Jones,:Wisner; Job tlartwick, Michigan clear, $3.75; Michigan Novesta; Alfred Bell, Arbela; John straighh $3.35; Detroit made, spring Uhl, Akron; Malcolm i~e]l, Columbia: Herman Zwerk, Denmark; Waltm; patent, $4.20; Minnesota patent, $4.20; (ySer, Dayton; A. J. Wallace, Elk- Minnesota clear, $3.20 per bbl. in job- nd; Gee. Hunter, Fremont; John bluff lots. Paul,:Gilford: Win. H. Pearce, Ind:. POULTRY~Dressed turkeys, 10@11c; ianflelds; L.:A. House, Juniata; Win. dressed chickens, 11 @ 11~c; dressed Ash, Tuscola; Win. Fulford, Vassar. fowls, 10.~ @ 11c per lb: live turkeys, Farm Fo~ Sale. 10½@11; live ducks, 9 @10c; live geese, Consisting of two hundred and six 9 @ 9~c; live chickens, 10½c; live fowls, acres; 180 acres under cultivation; good house, two large barns, goodorcl~ard, 10 10½c 130 acres seeded to timothyand clover mmvIsIONs~Family pork, $16 @ For sale cheap and on easy terms. $16.00; mess, $14.50; short clear ligl~t, Enquire of E. B. LANDON. $15.50; lieavy~ $16.50; pure lard in tier- cos, 9c; kettle rendered, 9~C; ~ihoke'd ~iTTry Heller's special process hams, 11 @ ll~c; b,~d0n, lO @ ll~c: ~ buckwheat flour. . shoulders, 7~ (a3 ~C; picnic hams, 8c per lb. . LINE COLU/qN linseed, 58c; belied lin- ~SOLDB¥ seed, 5%, less 1 per cent for~chsh in 10 R~Tr:s--Three cents a llnefor each laser-day;~ turpentine, 39½c; extra lard oil, N. Bigelow & 5on. tieR. 7~c; No. 1 lard oil, 4(~c; water white . . . . . . SECOND-ItAND cook stove (wood) for sale kerosene, 0½c; family grades, 11c; de- at a bargain. T. II. AHR. " ooo,., oo Choice vEam'A~L~s~Asparagus, 40 @ 500 per bunch; beets, 50 @ 60c per doz; cu- - ~ - ~ That's the kind you want: We keep $ Fresh, Sailed and _Smoked "~° ~ Our location is easily found--in the ~;:i, are Nature's warning notes of old Sheridan House. Give us a trial. d ~"'~'Oj ~'l ~pprOaching danger frOm a dis- I t eased heart. If you would :~void debilitating diseases, or CENTRAL MEAT MARKET even sudden death from this Jno. Schwaderer, Prop. sllle s,Y0r, Delivered at Your Home " " " TRIAL, FREEI - - - 20 other kinds .......$i5.00 upt0$50.00 EverYmachine guaranteed ten years, The No, 19 New Home has a double feed; a scientific treadle motion that will not make your back ache; steel bearing; automatic tension. "Nothing like it; no other kind just as good. Costs no more than an old-fashioned machine. It is the greatest wonder 9f the age. See the No. 18 NewHome beiore you buy any other. BARGAIN LIST ~REE. Call on our" Agent, or write the NEW HOME SEWINQ MACHINH CJ)., ~hlgago, Ill, C, D. STRIFFLEI;(, Agent Cass City, i~lich. • ~t can't help / but do you good Prepared only by E. O. DEWzTT & C0., Chicago The $1. bottle contains 2½ $imes the 50c. size, HEADACHE heart remedies, Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. "3fy hear~ bea~ so hard that i~ sho,,k :he bed, and the pain was so sharp and severe thab I could mrd.y breathe. I used four bob- tlcs of ])r. Nih~s' Heart Cure and t~c: paltAtl; ~icm and pain were gone.:' ~lits. C. BLACK, Charleston, S. O. %, 1 Cu,e cofltrols the heart aCtion, accel- :~rates the circulation and builds :~p the entire system. Sold by druggists on a guarantee Dr. ]Kilos Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. Coming• " to Cass C ty" and , Rupture Cured Or No Pay for ~er'~|ce~. NO OPERATION, NO PAIN: N0 DETENTION from business. We give a written guarantee to absolute- ly and permanently CURE all kinds : of Ruptures of both sexes withoutuse of the knife or any surgical operation. I~UPTU~E IS NOT A PRIVATE DISEA.hE tnd should not be concealed from your family or physician. , For over seven yea}s Chief Consulting Pllysician for the O. E. /IILLER HERNIA TREAT/IENT CO. (INCORPORATED NOV. 5, ~1890)i ~ ::: : DETROIT, /VII CH. May be consulted in parson, FREE OF CHARGE, at ?IAi LETTE,, Exchange Hotel Tuesday and Wednesday, May 14 and 15; 2A55 CITY, HOTEL (iOI DON Thursday and friday, May 16 and IL : Remember, TWO DAYS ONLY. Call first day Of visit if possible. Dr. Marsh treats Rupture; Varicocele, Hydrocele and Kindred ):senses and is probably the greatest living authority on the treat- ~ent of this class of diseases. In fact he is the ON~Y LICENSED eHv- ~C~AN IN THE STATE that gives his whole time ~o the treatmen~ of :senses as above stated. Remember Tr[A,~ YOU .)lAY ARRANGE ~Vi.l,:H 7~[3I TO BE CURED BEFORE YOU PAY FOR :HIS SERVICES. Why will you out:Rue to suffer from these TROUBLESOME AND IkANGI~ROUS DIS- ASKS when sure and certain relief is at hand. Rupture never gets ,ell of itself. Any man having a Rupture is not as good a man as he 'ould be if he had no'Rupture. Many people suffer greittly from wear- ]g badly'fitting trusses- They not only suffer, but they are constant- in uanger of Strangulation, and its terrible results. If you would ke to be cured we would be pleased to have you call, or write uS for ~rther information. If you do not care to be treated for a cure, we m furnish you with the bast Rupture Support in use We have been 'e~ting Rupture in I)etroit for the past 15 years. " , leererences in nearly every town in the state. Cass City term:cRees ];application. Marlette references: C.C. Hubbell, banker; B~Uce :cGill, lumber, etc.; tIarry C. Warner/clerk; Melvin Whittaker, far- er; and many others. Consultation and trial treatment free. For further information 11 or address { The Marsh Rupture Institute, or Dr. It[, W. Marsh, No. ~ Wash|n~ton Ave., Detro|t~ M|gh. ~_~Note. All persons suffering from chronic m: obscure dis0aseS e requested to call on the doctor for consultution and advice FREE ready to trim over Your old hat; but would rather sell~ , . you a new one, but will try to give satisfaction on: and Saturday but every day in the:week: .'If you do~,~ , either one. We are not only having sales o6 Friday not believe it, call in and examine stock :and Pricesl !. ~Miss GalluP has charge of our trimming r0om and hei: ; i ~0rk is second:lo none. , ,: ~k f~II line of r : - Meats I SI--II[FeT fA]STS Ladies are invited to call and see them before purchasing else- where. Mrs, fi, W. (i0rf ' Farms for sai8 in Tusc01a,Huronand Sanilac Counties ~heap and on terms to suit purchaser. 0 Will 'accept $25.00 as first payment. Address, P d J, H, H0Jmes, Gaget0wn, Mich. promptly prooured~ 0R N0 ¥~. Sen4 model, 8ketch, orphoto for free report on patentability. Book ',How to ObtainU.8. and ForMgn Patentsan4 Trade-M~rk a," PDJ~E. Fairemt temms over offered to inventors. PATENT LAW~]~i~8 OF 2S YEARS ~ PRACTICE 20,000 PATENTSPROCUFIED THROUGH THEM " All business oonfl4cntia], Sound advice. ~'aitl~flJl e~orviee. Modcrat$ 0hargeJ, ~'*lt°C K. SNOW & CO tO ® ® PATENT LAWYERS, gpp._U._8._PatentOfflce, WASHINGTON, D. G. A BoOk for Young and O[d. 0UR ~. wECURE RECORI),,i -. NERVOUS [St~ 1878 BLOOD 25o.0ooii s xN DlS~SliD ~-i pRIVATE '~ MEN !: [}]5[AhE5 CURED F., 2SO, 000 CURED VttllMt~ UAlt| Rave you sinned I.UUi|U |lIH|| against nature when ignorant of the ~erriblo crime 7ou were commltting. Didyoilon]yconsldor the fascinatingallurements offlhi~evil habit? When too latoto avoid the ter- rible results, were your eyes opened to your peril? Did you lateron in man- hood contract any PRIVATE*or BL0 0 D disease? Wcroyoucurcd? Doyounow: and then see some alarming symptoms'? Dare you marry in your present con- dition ? You know, "LIKE ]PA'£11EIt. d '# LIKE SON. If married,arc you con- stantlylivingin dread? Is marriage failurewithyou on account of any weak- ness csused by early abuse or later ex- cesses? Have you been drugged With mercury? This bookletwillpointout to you the results of these crimes andpoint out how our NEW METHOD TREAT- MENT will positively cure, you. It shows how thousand s have been save ~ by our NEW TREATNENT. ~ It prdves J how we can GUARANk'EE TO CURE I ANY CURABLE CASE Oil NO PAY. We treat and cnro~EMISSIONS VARICOCELE, SYPIIILIS. GLEET' STRICTURE_ IMPOTEN(]Y, SE: CRET DRAINS(UNNATURAL DIS- CHARGES, KIDNEY and BLADDER diseases. CURES GUARAHTEED The Wages of Sin seht~ free by enelDsing 20stamp. CONSULTATION FREE. If unable to call, write for ~ UESTION BLANK for HOME REATlVIENT. KDIREDY¢ KF..RGAH CoT, NichJganAve,and Shelby St, DIETROITt M|CH, ~'r, ;! } • ],:[" "\

Transcript of Meats I - Rawson Memorial District ( ~he...

Page 1: Meats I - Rawson Memorial District ( ~he Darwinian theory, that man is the product of evolution from lower animals. If Darwin


DR. M. M. WICKWARE, G e n e r a l p r a c t i c i n g P h y s i c l a n a n d S u r g e o n . Office a n d r e s l d e n c e f o u r t h d o o r s o u t h of New S h e r i d a n . R E G U L A R office h e m ' s f r o m 10:00 a. m. to 2:00 p . m . ' P h o n e 15, o n e r ing .

W. A. WELLEhIEYERE, M. D . H e m c o p a t h l c P h y s i c i a n a n d S u r g e o n ; G r a d u - a t e of Ch i cago l l o m e o p a t h l c M e d l e a l Col lege . Ofltce ~ n d r e s i d e n c e in C i t y B l o c k o v e r p o s t - office. R e g u l a r office h o u r s 2 to 4 a n d 7 to 9 p . M .

R I K E R & BALL, T o n s o r i a l a r t i s t s . F i r s t c l a s s w o r k .


I . A. F R I T Z , R E S I D E N T D E N T I S T .

Office o v e r T. II . F r l t z ' s d r u g s t o r e . W e s o l i c i t y o u r p r t r o n a g e w h e n in n e e d o f d e n t a l work ,


G r a d u a t e o f D e t r o i t Co l l ege o f Med le lne . C a l l s p r o m p t l y a n s w e r e d d a y o r n i g h t . N o - v e s t a . Mleh .

A complete line of-~. . . ,m~

Harness Coeds, Whips, Robes, Blankets, Etc.

always on hand.

l = ( e p a | r l n g a S p e c i a l t y .



receive our a t ten t ion six days in the week. I f you wish anything in tha t line, give us a call.

Horseshoe|rig /Y iade~ a S p o c l a | t ' y

Tri=County Chronicle. A Weekly Newspaper,

D e v o t e d to t h e i n t e r e s t s of Cass C i t y a n d s u r r o u n d i n g c o u n t r y in T u s c o l a , I t u r o n a n d S a n i l a c e o u n t i es.


S U B S C R I P T I O N R A T E S . One Y e a r , $1.00; s ix m o n t h s , 50 c e n t s ; t h r e e

m o n t h s , 25 c e n t s .

Advertising ~ates made known on app l i ca t ion .

T E L E P H O N E S E R V I C E . T h e CmmN~CL~ is c o n n e c t e d w i t h t h e Moore

T e l e p h o n e S y s t e m "md c a n be r e a c h e d f r o m a n y office on t h e l ines .

F R E D E R I C K KLUHP, Publ i sher .

MAN. B y A, (3. T i f f ' any , o£ t h e F e r r l s School .

The noblest sthdy of mankind is man--bu~ man's favorite study is wo- man.

There are two leading ~heories to- day as to the origin of man. The old- est theory is expressed in the words of the Bible, "And God said, 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let him have dominion over all the ear th ." So God created man in his own image.

The second and more modern theory is ~he Darwinian theory, tha t man is the product of evolution from lower animals. I f Darwin founded his ~heorg of evolution on the monkey shines man is continually cut t ing up, he d idn ' t miss i t very far.

Darwin tries to support his theory by ci t ing the masher as an illustra- tion of the kind of animal man was before he became a man. Mankind is divided into two great classes: those who earn a living without get t ing i t

with us. Our sllop is on Main Street, and those who get a living without just west of the grist mill. earnin~ it. These in turn are divided


CASS CITY BARR, A U T E N ~[~ 8 E E L E Y ~ P P o D s .

J . F. 8EELEY~ I . B . Auten~ G a r o ~ M | ~ h . ~ a 8 8 ~ i t y ~ M | c h .

(~S~AnLzSn~b ~88=.)

in to nine dis t inct classes as follows: , 1. One class is represented by those

men who n e v e r consider other men wise till those other men come to them for advice.

2. Another class is those who imve a gallon of words for every spoonful of thoughts. They remind you of a toy balloon. I f they were pricked wi~h a pin there would be nothing left of them. These men tha t we call shal- low are generally despised, but did

A Ceneral Banking Business Tran. you ever notice tha t they do not need sacred.

Foreign Exchange Bought and Sold.

Drafts issued payable in any Country in the World.

Money Loaned on Real Estate. Col- lections a Specialty.

C, W . McKENZIE, County Telephone. Cashier .

L . . . . . .

H. L. PlNNEY, | | . W . SEED, Cashier . A s s t . Cash ie r .



as much watching as deep ones? 3. Then another class of men who

never unbend unti l they are "broke." 4. The fourth class is represented

by those fellows who flatter them. selves tha t they are the style of man called "A- d-e-v-i-I- o-f-a - f-e-l-l-o-w," simply because they go around wibh a cloven breath.

5. Then comes a l i t t le groupof men who are cl]aracterized by the fact t ha t they reason in a circle-- that is why there is no and to their argu- ments.

6, Tim sixth class is a very large one and is composed of those men wl]o misl~ake their hats for telephones.

7. A class of men vow commonly Seen is those who have become loafers because they are too l ight for heavy

L o a n s 1V~oney on a p p r o v e d n o t e s work and too heavy for l ight work. • a n d r e a l e s t a t e .

I n P a r t i a l P a y m e n t r l "e rms if

d e s i r e d .

( . P a y s i n t e r e s t on T i m e D e p o s i t s .

Co l l ec t ions a S p e c i a l t y . V

: E, FI, PI HEY, PROP, ?~2 , . . . . . . .



8. Those men we call geniuses: t ha t is men who when they accidentally s~y a good th ing can make ~heir llear- ors believe i t was intent ion!d~com- pose the eighth class.

9. The ninth and last class consists of men who are so constituted: ~hat the more they have the more they want~unless i t happens to be twins.

Now tl]ere are a few facts tha t we should know about men.

1. Every man thinks everybody else knows h i m ~ t h a t ' s why he writes his name so j(ou can'~ read it. /

2. Only one man in a thousand is a leader of men-- the other 999 are fol-

kind, but i t does not include such men as George Washington, who, with but a handful of ragged and half starved soldiers, ,won freedom for a nation and its people. This does no~ apply to such a man as Abraham Lin- coln, who was noted for .his ungainli- ness and his honesty, and to-day "Hon- est Abe" is the idol of every true heart. This does not describe Dewey, who coolly sailed into the jaws of


T h c T o n e o t ' t h e M a ~ , l i e t I ~ S t c a d y i n

N e a r l y A l l L i n e ~ , . Detroit, Mich., May 1, 1901~The

market for hay is firm and prices are a l i t t le higher. Straw is in good de mend and h!gher also. The marke for feed is active and millers have all they can do to fill orders at good prices. In the produce market there

death and destroyed the enemy's fleet, is a l i t t le improvement in the feeling This does not describe Moody who is in potatoes, and eggs are easy. But ter known as a true man of God, This shows no change, dairy being scarce does not describe John G. Wooley, who is the champion of the temper- ance cause of to-day. This does not describe the President of ~his school, who is doing everything in his power far the young men and women of the country. I t is these men, and such as they, t ha t have made this country what i t is; t h a t have raised manhood l e t h e position which i t now holds, and have given to America the motto, "The land of the free, the home of the brave."

MAY T[RM 0~: COURT. The following is a list of the case~ ~o

be tried a t the May term of Circuit Court for Tuscola,County. Also the peti t jurors who are to serve. The court convenes on Tuesday, May 7th.

The Journal Pr in t ing Co., com., vs. Leslie E. Morningstar, def., bill for injunction.

Gee. Welkins, Irving Welkins vs. Frank E. Stone, assumpsit.

Charles E. Burns vs. James B. Roe, Herbert W. Caswell, a t tachment ,

Dora Conkhrit~ vs. Clarence E. Conkhrite, divorce; in chancery.

Luciana A. Culver vs. Lemuel L. Culver, divorce; in chancery.

Bertha MeShed vs. Wesley C. Parish bill to annul mortgage.

Luciana Culver vs. Leonard L. Cul- ver, in chancery.

and creamery plentiful, Poultry is scarce and firm. General business in produce was active to-day and the tone of the market firm. Strawber- ries are coming io more freely and the market is working a l i t t le lower.

G E N E R A L P R O D U C E .

:NEW P O T A T O E S - - S 2 . 5 0 p e r b u s h e l .

E(ms~Fresh receipts, 12~c per doz. I~APLE SUGAR--Prime. 10 per lb. CABBAm~S=--$1.25 @ $1.50 per 100 lbs. POPCOr~N~New, 1 @ I½c; old 2c per

lb. LE)IO~S--California, $2.50 @ $3.25

par box.

CRANBERRIES~Cape ~ Cod, $2;00 3.25 per box.

S~VEET'POTATOES~Jersey, $2.75 per bbl.

CHEESE~Ful] Michigan" cream, 11½ @ 11c per lb.

oItAN(~Es--California navels, $2.25 @ $3 per box.

HONKY--NO. 1 white, 14 @ 15c; l ight amber, 10 @ 11c; dark amber, 8 @ 9c; extracted, 6~ @ 7c per lb.

DRESSED CALVES~Fancy, 7~ @ 8c; fair, 6½ @ 7c per lb.

I'OTATOES~Car ]OISS, 28 @ 30C; store lots(%c per bu.

APPLES~Best, $3.00 @ $3.50 per bbl; cooking, $2.75 @ $3 per bbl.

oNIoNs~Michigan, $1.25 @ $1.40 bu; Spanish, $1.75 per crate; Havana, $3 per crate.

OYSTERs~Standards, 17c; extra s t a n d a r d s , 20c ; s e l e c t s , 23c; e x t r a s e -

G e e . W a l t o n vs . J o h n H u b i n g e r , a s - l e c t e d , 25c; c o u n t s , 30c r e r c a n . s u m p s i t . H . E . R a n d a l l , a l ~ t ~ r n e y f o r d e f e n d a n t .

D. Sutton, Wm. Longley~vs. Frank M. Greenougli. assumpsit. H . E . Randall , at torney for defendant.

Theophile Parent vs. Win. O. Ward and Henry Mathews, certiorari. Peter Haffey, at torney for plaintiff.

John Neal vs. Thomas Smith, note of issue.

~:'~ J . . 5 . DUNHAM, Prop. lowers of women. Man laughs at wo- GoIN(~ W~sT: Leaves Cass C i t y a t 7:30 man because sbe follows the fashions,

a . m . Arrives a t Care a t 9 a. m. and woman laughs a t man because he GoiNa EAST: Leaves Care a t 1:30 p. follows her.

m. Arrives a~ Cass City, 4:30 p. m. FAI~,--Onc way, $1.00; round trip, 3. :No man was ever blamed for be-

$1.50. Good rigs always in read: ing a gentleman, althougl~ many have hess. Commercial men a specialty been falsely accused.

4. Did you ever notice how kind n,ttm'e has been to mank ind . . She has Cass City w ~ , arranged matters so tha t a man can nei ther pat his own back nor

Foundry and , d ~ himself. 5. Another fact which is very prom-i

inent and probably is the cause of

r3achine Co. more swearing than anything else, is, t ha t nine out of every ,tan men never th ink to wind the clock unti l after they have put out the l ight and got

, ~ - - ~ - - M a n u f a c t u r e r s of into bed. 6. Then did you ever notice tha t a

man is never bored as long ~s you talk

(:iang P lows to him about himself? 7. Tha t a man is always wanting Digests What you e a t .

something he can ' t get, and always This preparation contains all of the Dew No. 3 a n d No. 44 P low gett ing something he don' t want? digestants and digests all kinds of

food. I~ gives ins tan t relief and never Cass Ci ty Steel Plows. The world may owe every man a lie- fails to cure. I t allows you to eat all ing but the majori ty of them are too the food you want, The most sensitive I

stomachs can take it. By itsuse manyl thousands of dyspeptics have been cured af ter everything else failed. I~ is unequalled for all stomach troubles.

lazy to hustle around and collect it. 8. Another proven fact is tha t a

man sometimes gets l ight on a sub- ject by scratching his he a de d match always does.

Just a few words of advice: Never trust a man: ha may be as

honest as the day is long and still do a lo t of mischief during the night.

Never judge a man by the umb~l l a he carries unti l you( find. 0ut ~¢1i0 owns It. 7 ~: )7![ /

If you want) your fellow men to speak well of you, lay down and die.

This, ladies and gentlemen, de- scribes tlle largo majori ty o1' man-

We also manufactnre Plow Points for all plows, and Stone Boats with Cast Fronts. Give us a call and we will save you money.

COFFEE--Package coffee, s o l d o n t h e

equality plan on a basis of $11,50, less 75c per 100 lb case ,in :New York.

BUTTER~Sta te creamery, extra, 19 @ 20c; filsts 18c; seconds 17c; se- lect dairy 15 @ 16c; fair grades 13c per lb; roll butter, choice, 14 @ 15c; good, 13c per lb.

cumbers, $1.50 per doz; cauliflower, $1.50 @ $1.75 per doz; lettuce 13c per lb; head lettuce, 75@80c per doz, mushrooms, 45c per lb; pieplant, 45 @ 50c per doz; tomatoes, $2.75 @ $3 per six-basket crate.

WHEAT~Prices here a year ago were 72½c for No. 2 red wheat, 400 for No. 2 corn and 29c for No. 2 white oats.

'The Open Board~Wheat~-Cash No. 2 red, 76½c.

c o R ~ O a s h :No. 2, 2 cars at 45~; No. 2 yellow, 1 car at 46~c; No. 3 yellow, 46c nominal.

OATS~Cash No. 2'white, 31c; ~No. 3 ,white, 2 cars at 30c.

RYE--Cash No. 2, 55½c nominal. CLOVERSEED--Prlme spot, 30 bags

a t $6.50; October, 50 bags at $~%30, 100 at $5.30; No. 2, 17 bags a t $6.55, 18 a t $6; rejected, 14 bags a t $5.50.

B E A N S ~ C a s h , $1 .85 ;



h i d d e n t r o u b l e p a y h e e d to t he

ear ly w a r n i n g s . S t r e n g t h e n t he D p hear t ' s musc l e s , q u i e t i ts n e r v - ous i r r l t a t i o n a n d r e g u l a t e its

y s p e sia Cure a & i o n w i t h t h a t g r e a t e s t o f all

CASS CITY MARKETS. Oass C i ty , M l c h , May '3 , 1901

W h e a t , No. 1 w h i t e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, W h e a t , No. 2 r e d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Rye , No. 2 .................................. 48 W h i t e o a t s , No. o o 7 H a n d p i c k e d b e a n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . I 60 P e a s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~5 55 B a r l e y , p e r c w t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eggs per doz ................................ 11 B u t t e r ..................................... 12 L i v e hogs , p e r a w l . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 25 Beef , l i v e w e i g h t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 4 00 Sheep l ive weight, p e r ]b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5~ L a m b s . . " 5 D r e s s e d V e a l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 S Dre s sed H o g s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 75 D r e s s e d B e e f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . c h i c k e n ................................... ~ 7

D u c k s . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 G e e s e . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

T u r k e y .................................... 6 7 Hides , g r e e n ................................ 5

ROLLER MILLS. W h i t e L i l y , p e r b b l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . 4 00 I I e l l e r ' s B e s t p a r b b l . . . . . . : . . - • . . . . . . . . 4 50 P i l l s b u r y ' s B e s t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 80 G r a h a m t l o u r p e r bb l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 G r a n u l a t e d mea l , p e r c w t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 F e e d p e r c w t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 cO

M e a l p e r cwg ................................ 1 00 B r a n p e r c w t ................................ 80 M l d d l i n g s p e r c w t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 R y e f lour p e r e w t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 B u e k w l m a t f lour p e r c w t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '2 75


BUGGY PAINT Was made originally to paint buggies with, but is just as good for any number of other things. A buggy, boat, flow- er stand, baby carriage, sleigh~ children's t W s , &e . , can be made to look clean and bright at very lttle expense. The eel- or and varnish are applied to- gether, giving a fine gloss. One of our customers saids "For twenty-five cents I have fixed up the old stand that I was going to throw away b ~ cause it looked so badly. '* You can do the same. We can always show sam. plcs of the colors carried in stock . . . . .

John L. Jackson, Gee. L. Little, FEED--Jobbing prices are as follows: Thomas Liskow, H. J. Wil let t vs. Bran, $17; coarse middlings, $17; fine Frank Taylor, issue of fact. middlings, $18; cracked corn, $17;

John Jackson eta1 vs. Frank Taylor, coarse corn meal, $17; corn and oats issue of fact. chop, $14.75 per ton.

J U R O R S . Daniel Randall, Indianflelds; Whir: ~tay~No. 1 t imothy in car lots,

field Houghtaling, Gilford; L. L. Wil- $12.50 per ton; No. 2 t imothy $11 son, Juniata; Win. Clothier, Koylton; $11.50; clover mixed, $11 @ $11.50: Ar thur Legg~ Kingston; John Lennox, wheat and oat straw, $5 @ $5.50; rye Mill:utteR: ,Robert Shaw, Tuscola: straw, $7 per ton, car lots, on track. G. S. Warner, Vassar; James Colling~ Watertown; Joseph Mallsbury. Wells; FLOVR~hiichigan patent; $4.25; Gee. A. Jones,:Wisner; Job tlartwick, Michigan clear, $3.75; Michigan Novesta; Alfred Bell, Arbela; John straighh $3.35; Detroit made, spring Uhl, Akron; Malcolm i~e]l, Columbia: Herman Zwerk, Denmark; Waltm; patent, $4.20; Minnesota patent, $4.20; (ySer, Dayton; A. J. Wallace, Elk- Minnesota clear, $3.20 per bbl. in job-

nd; Gee. Hun te r , Fremont; John bluff lots. Paul,:Gilford: Win. H. Pearce, Ind:. POULTRY~Dressed turkeys, 10@11c; ianflelds; L.:A. House, Juniata; Win. dressed chickens, 11 @ 11~c; dressed Ash, Tuscola; Win. Fulford, Vassar.

fowls, 10.~ @ 11c per lb: live turkeys, F a r m F o ~ Sale. 10½@11; live ducks, 9 @10c; live geese,

Consisting of two hundred and six 9 @ 9~c; live chickens, 10½c; live fowls, acres; 180 acres under cultivation; good house, two large barns, goodorcl~ard, 10 10½c 130 acres seeded to t imothyand clover mmvIsIONs~Family pork, $16 @ For sale cheap and on easy terms. $16.00; mess, $14.50; short clear ligl~t, Enquire of E. B. LANDON. $15.50; lieavy~ $16.50; pure lard in tier-

cos, 9c; kettle rendered, 9~C; ~ihoke'd ~iTTry Heller's special process hams, 11 @ ll~c; b,~d0n, lO @ ll~c: ~

buckwheat flour. . shoulders, 7~ (a3 ~C; picnic hams, 8c per lb. .

LINE COLU/qN linseed, 58c; belied lin- ~SOLDB¥ seed, 5%, less 1 per cent for~chsh in 10

R~Tr:s--Three cents a llnefor each laser-day;~ turpentine, 39½c; extra lard oil, N. Bigelow & 5on. tieR. 7~c; No. 1 lard oil, 4(~c; water white . . . . . .

SECOND-ItAND cook s t o v e (wood) for sale kerosene, 0½c; family grades, 11c; de- a t a b a r g a i n . T . II . A H R . "

ooo,., oo Choice vEam'A~L~s~Asparagus, 40 @ 500 per bunch; beets, 50 @ 60c per doz; cu-

- ~ - ~ That ' s the kind you want: We keep

$ Fresh, Sailed and _Smoked

"~° ~ Our location is easily found--in the

~;:i, are N a t u r e ' s w a r n i n g no t e s o f old Sheridan House. Give us a t r ia l .

d ~ " ' ~ ' O j ~'l ~pprOach ing d a n g e r frOm a dis- I t eased heart. If you would :~void debilitating diseases, or CENTRAL MEAT MARKET even sudden death from this

Jno. Schwaderer, Prop.

sllle s,Y0r,

Delivered at Your Home " " " T R I A L , F R E E I - - - 20 other kinds ....... $i5.00 upt0$50.00 EverYmach ine guaran teed ten years, T h e No, 19 New Home has a doub le feed; a scientific treadle motion that will not make your back ache; steel bearing; au tomat ic tension. "Nothing l ike it; no other k ind jus t as good. Costs n o more than an old-fashioned machine. I t is the greatest wonder 9f the age. See the No. 18 N e w H o m e beiore you buy any o t h e r . BARGAIN LIST ~REE.

C a l l o n o u r " Agent, or write the N E W HOME SEWINQ MACHINH CJ)., ~hlgago, Ill,

C, D. STRIFFLEI;(, Agent Cass City, i~lich. •

~t c a n ' t help / bu t do you good

P r e p a r e d o n l y b y E. O. DEWzTT & C0., Chicago T h e $1. b o t t l e c o n t a i n s 2½ $ i m e s t h e 50c. s ize,


hear t r emed ie s , Dr . M i l e s ' H e a r t Cure .

"3fy hear~ bea~ so hard t h a t i~ sho,,k :he bed, and the pain was so sharp and severe thab I could mrd.y breathe. I used four bob-

tlcs of ])r. Nih~s' Heart Cure and t~c: paltAtl; ~icm and pain were gone.:' ~lits. C. BLACK,

Charleston, S. O.


1 Cu,e cof l t ro ls t he h e a r t aCtion, accel- :~rates t he c i r cu l a t i on a n d bu i l d s :~p the en t i r e s y s t e m . So ld b y d rugg i s t s o n a g u a r a n t e e

Dr. ]Kilos Medical Co, Elkhart , Ind.

Coming• " t o C a s s C ty" and ,

Rupture Cured

Or N o P a y f o r ~ e r ' ~ | c e ~ . NO OPERATION, NO P A I N :

N 0 D E T E N T I O N from business. We give a wri t ten guarantee to absolute- ly and permanently CURE all kinds : of Ruptures of both sexes wi thou tuse of the knife or any surgical operation.

• I~UPTU~E IS NOT A PRIVATE DISEA.hE tnd should not be concealed from your family or physician.

, For over seven yea}s Chief Consulting Pllysician for

the O. E. /IILLER HERNIA TREAT/IENT CO. ( I N C O R P O R A T E D NOV. 5 , ~ 1 8 9 0 ) i ~ : : : :

D E T R O I T , /VII CH.

May be consulted in parson, FREE OF CHARGE, at

?IAi LETTE,, Exchange Hotel Tuesday and Wednesday, May 14 and 15;

2 A 5 5 CITY, HOTEL (iOI DON Thursday and friday, May 16 and IL :

Remember, TWO DAYS ONLY. Call first day Of visit if possible. Dr. Marsh treats Rupture; Varicocele, Hydrocele and Kindred

):senses and is probably the greatest living author i ty on the treat- ~ent of this class of diseases. In fact he is the ON~Y LICENSED eHv- ~C~AN IN THE STATE t h a t gives his whole t ime ~o the treatmen~ of :senses as above s t a t ed . Remember Tr[A,~ YOU .)lAY ARRANGE ~Vi.l,:H 7~[3I TO BE C U R E D B E F O R E YOU P A Y F O R :HIS S E R V I C E S . W h y w i l l y o u out:Rue to suffer from these TROUBLESOME AND IkANGI~ROUS DIS- ASKS when sure and certain relief is at hand. Rupture never gets ,ell of itself. Any man having a Rupture is not as good a man as he 'ould be if he had no'Rupture. Many people suffer greittly from wear- ]g badly'fi t t ing trusses- They not only suffer, but they are constant-

in uanger of Strangulation, and its terrible results. I f you would ke to be cured we would be pleased to have you call, or write uS for ~rther information. I f you do not care to be treated for a cure, we m furnish you with the bast Rupture Support in use We have been 'e~ting Rupture in I )etroi t for the past 15 years. " ,

leererences in nearly every town in the state. Cass City term:cRees ];application. Marlette references: C.C. Hubbell, banker; B~Uce :cGill, lumber, etc.; t Iarry C. Warner/clerk; Melvin W h i t t a k e r , far- er; and many others. Consultation and trial t rea tment free. For further information

11 or address {

The Marsh R u p t u r e Ins t i tu te , or Dr. It[, W. Marsh, N o . ~ W a s h | n ~ t o n A v e . , D e t r o | t ~ M | g h .

~_~Note. All persons suffering from chronic m: obscure dis0aseS e requested to call on the doctor for consultut ion and advice FREE

ready to tr im over Your old ha t ; but would ra ther sell~ , . you a new one, but will try to give satisfaction o n :

and Saturday but every day in the:week: .'If you d o ~ , ~ , e i ther one. We are not only having sales o6 F r i d a y

n o t believe it, call in and examine s tock :and Pricesl !. ~Miss GalluP has charge of our t r imming r0om and hei: ; i ~0rk is second:lo none. , ,:

~k f ~ I I l i n e o f r • : -

Meats I SI - - I I [FeT


L a d i e s a r e i n v i t e d to cal l a n d see

t h e m b e f o r e p u r c h a s i n g else-

w h e r e .

Mrs, fi, W. (i0rf

' Farms for sai8 in Tusc01a, Huron and Sanilac Counties

~heap and on terms to suit purchaser.

0 Will 'accept $25.00 as first payment. Address,

P d J, H, H0Jmes,

Gaget0wn, Mich.

promptly prooured~ 0R N0 ¥ ~ . Sen4 model, 8ketch, orphoto for free report on patentability. Book ' , H o w to Obtain U. 8. and ForMgn Patents an4 Trade-M~rk a," PDJ~E. Fairemt temms over offered to inventors. PATENT LAW~]~i~8 OF 2S YEARS ~ PRACTICE

20,000 PATENTS PROCUFIED THROUGH THEM " All business oonfl4cntia], Sound advice. ~'aitl~flJl e~orviee. Modcrat$ 0hargeJ,

~'*lt°C K. S N O W & C O tO ® ®

P A T E N T LAWYERS, gpp._U._8._PatentOfflce, WASHINGTON, D. G.

A BoOk for Young and O[d.


[St~ 1878 BLOOD

25o.0oo ii s xN DlS~SliD ~-i pRIVATE '~

MEN !: [}]5[AhE5 CURED F.,

2SO, 0 0 0 CURED VttllMt~ UAlt| Rave you sinned I.UUi|U |lIH|| against nature when ignorant of the ~erriblo crime 7ou were commltting. Didyoilon]yconsldor the fascinating allurements offlhi~ evil habit? When too latoto avoid the ter- rible results, were your eyes opened to your peril? Did you later on in man- hood contract any P R I V A T E * o r B L 0 0 D disease? Wcroyoucurcd? Doyounow: and then see some alarming symptoms'? Dare you m a r r y in y o u r p r e s e n t con- di t ion ? You know, "LIKE ]PA'£11EIt.

d '# LIKE SON. If married, arc you con- stantlyliving in dread? Is marriage failure withyou on account of any weak- ness csused by early abuse or later ex- cesses? Have you been drugged With mercury? This booklet willpoint out to you the results of these cr imes a n d p o i n t out how our N E W METHOD T R E A T - M E N T wi l l pos i t ive ly cure, you. I t shows how thousand s have been save ~ by our N E W T R E A T N E N T . ~ I t prdves J how we can G U A R A N k ' E E TO CURE I A N Y C U R A B L E CASE Oi l NO PAY.

We t r ea t a n d c n r o ~ E M I S S I O N S V A R I C O C E L E , S Y P I I I L I S . G L E E T ' S T R I C T U R E _ I M P O T E N ( ] Y , SE: CRET D R A I N S ( U N N A T U R A L DIS- C H A R G E S , K I D N E Y and B L A D D E R diseases.

CURES GUARAHTEED The Wages of Sin seht~ free by

enelDsing 20stamp. C O N S U L T A T I O N F R E E . I f unable to call, wri te for ~ U E S T I O N B L A N K for H O M E


KDIREDY¢ KF..RGAH CoT, NichJgan Ave, and Shelby St,

D I E T R O I T t M | C H ,




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