Measuring Product Management/Ownership Effectiveness in a Lean/Agile world

Metrics for the LEAN/Agile Product Manager Yuval Yeret


Effective Product Ownership is key to enabling an effective agile delivery. What goals should we set? How would we measure them?

Transcript of Measuring Product Management/Ownership Effectiveness in a Lean/Agile world

Page 1: Measuring Product Management/Ownership Effectiveness in a Lean/Agile world

Metrics for the LEAN/Agile Product Manager

Yuval Yeret

Page 2: Measuring Product Management/Ownership Effectiveness in a Lean/Agile world

Main things we want to pay attention to

• Performance of the Production floor – covered elsewhere (Simple KPIs Slides)

• Performance of the Product Management group: – Business Value–Wastes related to PM– Technical Debt

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Business value

• We care about outcome – features delivered, adopted, used, paid for

• How can we measure this? • Manage a kanban at the high level features level,

that tracks when features are adopted, and upon first paying customer.

• Then see how much WIP of features not yet adopted we have, LEAd/Cycle time to adoption, features that we dropped on the way.

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• A lot of time debt is taken due to PM decision

• We want to track how much debt we have, and take action to minimize it.

• E.g. we need to release ASN1 now, so we don’t “automate tests”/”code it correctly”, so every work on ASN1 is slower, until this is fixed

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Tracking debt in kanban

• Have debt card type that is created when debt is taken on

• Track amount of debt versus overall WIP/Backlog

• See whether stable, improving, worsening trend

• Decide on policy for dealing with debt – WIP Limit, etc.

• Track the cycle time and WIP for debt cards to see whether they get the SLA they deserve

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Wastes related to PM

• Waiting for PM• PM related Churn / Context switching /

Expediting• Sunk Costs• Rework due to late feedback by PM

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Waiting for PM

• Look at the CFD, observe the size of the PM-related queues over time. – Especially Pending PM Review which is in the

middle of DEV/Test– And Ready-MMFs as well as DEV Ready in some

cases which depend on PM approval– Advanced – in the cycle time performance

report, focus on PM areas

• When looking at exceptions to Cycle time, participate in the root cause analysis, and see if interaction with PM was part of the long cycle time.

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PM related Churn / Context switching / Expediting

• Add Expedited class of service– Can be used by PM to

override priorities in DEV WIP – just to top of queue, don’t override current WIP

• Add emergency class of service– Can also override current


• Assumption – – This is value trumps flow.

We give up efficiency when we use these COSs

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Measuring the effect of value over flow COS

• Look at cycle times for different kinds of classes of service

• Look at distribution of different COS in the WIP

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Look at amount of changes in scope

• Replace – need visualization that shows scope changes in content

• Add – can simply look at total scope for a “Release” and observe whether its growing

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Case Study – Typical release behavior

1 2 3 4 5 60











Total Required WorkLinear (Total Required Work)Actual DonePlanned ScopePlanned DoneOriginal + Dark MatterLinear (Original + Dark Matter)

Added Scope

Growth in Feature

Cost / Dark Matter

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• Dark Matter – Is where we thought a feature costs X

• But then, during breakdown, analysis, creating iteration stories, we understand it actually costs X+D

• Then, PM decides whether to scope to fit down to X again, or D is worth it.

• Worthwhile tracking our behaviour on this, and learning from it.

• What is the right D number/percent? Good question!

• Can be observed in the CFD for a release.

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Sunk Costs

• Add a LANE that collects features/stories that are “ON HOLD” – the Recycle Bin in the archive area

• The amount of work done on them is the sunk cost

• Amount of work hard to measure, so use alternative:– CYCLE TIME – look at cycle time for end

lane being the recycle bin

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Rework due to late feedback by PM

• Will appear as high cycle times• Will appear as moving back cards on

the board (need to find way to measure)

• Can use special Class of service / card type to identify these kinds of stories better for measurement/tracking purposes

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Workload compared to DEV

• See how much workload is in PM compared to DEV

• Look for trends and major changes that can indicate:– Bottleneck in PM– Idle and slack capacity – expect to see PM seeing

clients/customers at those times

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