Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).

Program ofM inor A ctinide N uclear D ata M easurem entsand Evaluation . Leonid I. Ponom arev Russian Research C enter “ K urchatov Institute” and Research C oordinative C enter “ MUC ATE X ” , Moscow, Russia W hy itisim portant? W hatw e are planning to study? W ho willdo that? H ow itw illbe done? W hatisa finalresultofthe program ?


Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute). Maximum average beam power is 20 KW. Measurements of the fission characteristics of. transuranium. isotopes. Yu.A. Khokhlov,. I.A. Ivanin, et al.,. (. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).

Page 1: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).

Program of Minor Actinide Nuclear Data Measurements and Evaluation.

Leonid I. Ponomarev

Russian Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”

and Research Coordinative Center “MUCATEX”,

Moscow, Russia

Why it is important?

What we are planning to study?

Who will do that?

How it will be done?

What is a final result of the program?

Page 2: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).

Objectives of studying MA.

Nuclear date for minor actinides (isotopesof Am, Cm, Cf, etc.) are very poor andcontradictive.

In reactor – burners the concentration ofMA is high and they essentially influencethe neutron spectrum.

For optimization of different types ofburning scenarios we need in bench – markexperiments with MA.

Page 3: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).

Fundamental R&D on Neutron Cross Sections for Innovative Reactors using Advanced

Radiation Measurement Technology

Masayuki IGASHIRA Tokyo Institute of Technology


SensitivityAnalysis andDifferential and Integral Nuclear Data for Transmutation

A expression of interest for the 6 FWPof the EU in theP&T area

Enrique M. Gonzalez-Romero


Los Alamos Evaluation Work for the AFC InitiativeLos Alamos Evaluation Work for the AFC InitiativeM.B.Chadwick, T.Kawano, R.E.McFarlane, P.Talou, P.G.YoungT-16, Nuclear Physics Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory

The AFC Initiative

New Evaluations of n+238U, 239Pu, 241Am, and 237Np.

+ gas production on Ni isotopes

Our new nuclear reactionmodelingcodeMcGNASH

Future Evaluations / Outlook

Need for new evaluations

HINDAS Workshop -Sep. 1-5, 2003 - GSI Darmstadt

Importance of Neutron Cross-Sections for Transmutation

AdonaiAdonai HerreraHerrera--MartínezMartínez1,21,2, Marcus Dahlfors, Marcus Dahlfors1,31,3, , YacineYacine KadiKadi11, Geoffrey Parks, Geoffrey Parks22

1 CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), Switzerland2 University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

3 Uppsala University, Sweden

Page 4: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).

0,1 1











ss s






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

, - present work- Fomushkin- Brown- Dabbs- JENDL - 3- ENDF/B -6

neutron energy (MeV)(Fursov, 1999)

Page 5: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).

0,1 1




neutron energy (MeV)(Fursov, 1999)











1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

, - present work- Fomushkin- Ivanin- JENDL - 3- ENDF/B - 6

Page 6: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).

What we are planning to study?

Four types of measurements are planned:

Measurements of cross-section of fission SIG-F(E), capture SIG-C(E), absorption SIG-A(E), resonance parameters (RP) and resonance integrals of fission (RIF) and capture (RIC), and ALFA-value in the neutron energy range E = 0.5 ÷ 200 eV.

(FACEL Linac, RRC “Kurchatov Institute”).

Measurements of differential nuclear characteristics of minor actinides (cross-sections (E), multiplicity f, etc.) in the energy range E = 0.1 ÷ 30 MeV.

(LU – 50 Linac, VNIIEF, Sarov; EG-1 and EGP-15, IPPE, Obninsk).

Integral in-pile experiments with burning minor

actinides. (High flux reactors SM-3 and BOR-60, RIAR,

Dimitrovgrad). Benchmark experiments with critical and subcritical

assemblies. (BFS, IPPE, Obninsk).

Page 7: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).

I. High precision measurement of MAnuclear date in resonance neutronenergy range

G. Muradyan et al.(RRC ‘’Kurchatov Institute’’, Moscow)

f(E) – fission

c(E) – capture

a(E) – absorption

(E) = c/f

RI – resonance integralsRP – resonance parameters

237Np238Pu, 241Pu241Am, 242mAm, 243Am243Cm, 244Cm, 245Cm, 246Cm, 247Cm251Cf

with accuracy ~ 3% at energy rage E = 1 100 eV.

Page 8: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).

Measurements of neutron cross sections are performedon FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).

Maximum average beam power is 20 KW

Page 9: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).

M u l t i p l i c i t y S p e c t r o m e t r y M e t h o d

C a p t u r e , f i s s i o n a n d s c a t t e r i n g e v e n t s a r e d e t e c t e d b y am u l t i s e c t i o n 4π - d e t e c t o r . I n e a c h n e u t r o n - n u c l e u s i n t e r a c t i o na c t , i n c i d e n t n e u t r o n e n e r g y , n u m b e r o f γ - q u a n t a ( ν ) a n d e n e r g yo f e a c h γ - q u a n t a ( E i) i n e m i t t e d γ - c a s c a d e a s w e l l a s t h e n u m b e ro f e m i t t e d n e u t r o n s ( ν n ) a r e m e a s u r e d .

M o d e r a t o rH 2 O

e -

F l i g h t p a t h , L

N e u t r o nt a r g e t

E l e c t r o nb e a m6 0 M e V

S h i e l t e rw a l l

C o l l i m a t o r

S a m p l e

M u l t i s e c t i o n4 - d e t e c t o r


e v a c u a t e dn e u t r o n g u i d e


T h e d i a g r a m o f t h e e x p e r i m e n t a l s e t u p .

5 4 0 x 5 4 0 x 3 0 0 m mn

4 0 5 х 4 0 5 х 3 0 0 m mnn

6 7 5 x 6 7 5 x 6 0 0 m m

4π - d e t e c t o r s a s s e m b l y

S c a t t e r i n g ν = ν n = 1C a p t u r e ν = ν γ ~ 3F i s s i o n ν = ν γ + ν n ~ 7 + 2 = 9

Page 10: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).

Measurements of the fission characteristics of transuraniumisotopes

Yu.A. Khokhlov, I.A. Ivanin, et al.,

(Russian Federal Nuclear Center, VNIIEF, Sarov)

Fission cross sections and neutron multiplicities

in the energy range E = 20 keV – 12 MeV for isotopes:


241Am, 242mAm, 243Am,

244Cm(?), 245Cm, 246Cm, 247Cm.

Page 11: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).
Page 12: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).

III. Measurement of cross sections of fastand resonance neutrons induced fission of


B.I.Fursov et al.

(IPPE, Obninsk and INR, Troitsk.)

241Am, 242mAm, 243Am,243Cm, 244Cm, 245Cm,246Cm, 247Cm, 248Cm.

measurement of fission cross-sections of Am and Cmisotopes in the neutron energy range E=530 MeV usingneutrons produced in reactions t(p,n), d(p,n) and t(d,n) attandem generator (IPPE, Obninsk);

measurements in the neutron energy range E=1eV50 keVusing lead slow down spectrometer (100 tons lead cube atINR, Troitsk).

Page 13: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).

Tandem generanor EGP-15(IPPE, Obninsk)

Page 14: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).

IV. Integral Experiments in High-Flux Reactor SM-3 and Fast Reactor BOR-60

Yu.G.Toporov, A.V. Bychkov, et al. (RIAR, Dimitrovgrad, Russia)


Monitoring: four-group neutron flux density, neutron gas temperature, energy


Postreactor analysis of irradiated ampules.

Comparison of experimental results and calculations.

238U, 237Np,

240Pu, 242Pu, 244Pu, 241Am, 242mAm, 243Am, 242Cm, 244Cm, 245Cm, 246Cm, 248Cm, 249Bk, 250Cf, 251Cf, 252Cf.

Page 15: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).

Experimental fast reactor BOR-60(RIAR, Dimitrovgrad)

Reactor BOR-60 is an unique many-purpose facility that has beenoperating to solve sodium cooled fast reactor problems. It is used also forproviding investigations that are urgent in different spheres of science andengineering.

BOR - 60 main characteristics

Reactor capacity

thermal 60 MW

electrical 10 MW

Maximum neutron flux density 3,7 1015 sm-2s-1

Maximum specific power 1100 kW/l

Non-uniformity factor of heat rating 1,15Average neutron flux density 0,45 MeVFuel UO2 - PuO2235U enrichment 45 - 90 %

Fuel burn up rate up to 6% per year

Neutron fluence per year 5.10 22sm-2

Damage dose rate up to 25 dpa /year

Fuel pin zone layout, from upper part of pin:

upper reflector 100 mm

core 450 mm

lower reflector 150 mm

lower gas volume 300 mm

Coolant sodium

Coolant temperature:

at inlet in reactor up to330оС

at outlet of reactor up to 530 оС

Microcompaign duration up to 120 days

Reactor generates energyapproximately 265days per year

Page 16: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).

4 5

3 2


D10 D4






10 11

7 8

9 12


D1 D3


19 20




14 15






30 Irradiation Cells in Reflector

Fuel Assembly

Special Fuel Assembly with 4 Irradiation Cells

4 Shim Rods with Additional Fuel Assembly

Central Neutron Trap

2 Automatic Shim Rods

Beryllium Reflector

Reactor SM Cartogram (RIAR, Dimitrivgrad)

Page 17: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).

V. Benchmark Experiments

with Minor Actinides at BFS-complex

I.P. Matvyenko, et al.

(IPPE, Obninsk)

Fission rate distribution;

Capture rate distribution;

Reactivity coefficients;

Spectral indexes as a function of (r, z) - geometry;

Neutron importance as a function of (r, z) - geometry;

Void reactivity effect;

Doppler effect (237Np, 241Am);

Analysis of experimental results;

Estimation of data uncertainties;

Development and verification of ADS - oriented nuclear data base.

Page 18: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).

BFS-1(IPPE, Obninsk)

BFS-2(IPPE, Obninsk)

Page 19: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).

List of MA isotopes planned to be measured.


characteristicsEnergy range Team leader

c(E), RIC 0.52000 eV Muradyan

f(E) 0.0412 MeV Ivanin


c 0.1100 keV Toporov

1 237Np <f> *)

<c >

Doppler effect<

in >CRC

Fis.thres.5 MeV0.05100 keV0.05100 keV

0.85 MeV


Doppler effect 0.05100 keV Matveyenko2 238U


c 0.1100 keV Toporov


RIA0.530 eV

0.5300 eVMuradyan

<f >

<c >

0.15000 keV0.05100 keV

Matveyenko3 238Pu

f(E) 0.0412 MeV Ivanin

4 239 Pu<

f >

<c >


0.15000 keV**)

15000 keV***)

0.1100 keVMatveyenko

<f >



Fis.thres. – 5 MeV0.05100 keV

Matveyenko5 240 Pu

<f >, <

c> 0.1-100 keV Toporov

6 241Pu(E)



0.5200 eV0.5300 eV

0.52000 eVMuradyan

7 242Pu8 244Pu

<f >, <

c> 0.1-100 keV Toporov



0.55 eV0.5300 eV

0.52000 eVMuradyan


530 MeV1 eV50 keV


<f >, <

c> 0.1-100 keV Toporov

<f >

Doppler effect<

c >CRC

Fis.thres. – 5 MeV0.05100 keV0.05100 keV


9 241Am

f(E) 0.0412 MeV Ivanin



0.55 eV0.5300 eV

0.52000 eVMuradyan


530 MeV1 eV50 keV


f(E) 0.0412 MeV Ivanin

10 242mAm

<f >, <

c> 0.1-100 keV Toporov

Page 20: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).



0.510 eV0.5300 eV

0.52000 eVMuradyan


530 MeV1 eV50 keV


f(E) 0.04-12 MeV Ivanin

<f >, <

c> 0.1-100 keV Toporov

11 243Am

<f > Fis.thres. – 5 MeV Matveyenko

12 242Cm <f >, <

c> 0.1-100 keV Toporov


530 MeV1 eV50 keV


13 243Cm(E), RP, RIF, RIA 0.510 Muradyan

<f >, <

c> 0.1-100 keV Toporov


530 MeV1 eV50 keV


f(E), (E), (E)

RIF, RIC0.5200 eV Muradyan14 244Cm

<f >

<c >

Fis.thres.5 MeV0.05100 keV


<f >, <

c> 0.1100 keV Toporov


530 MeV1 eV50 keV


<f >

<c >

0.1500 keV**)

0.15 MeV***)

0.05100 keVMatveyenko15 245Cm

RP, a(E), (E)RIF, RIA


0.520 eV0.5300 eV

0.52000 eVMuradyan

<f >, <

c> 0.1-100 keV Toporov


530 MeV1 eV50 keV

(Pb-cube)Fursov16 246Cm

RP, c(E), RIC 0.550 eV Muradyan


530 MeV1 eV50 keV


17 247Cm a(E)



0.5100 eV0.5300 eV

0.52000 eVMuradyan

<f >, <

c> 0.1-100 keV Toporov

18 248Cm f(E)

530 MeV1 eV50 keV


19 249Bk20 250Cf

<f >, <

c> 0.1-100 keV Toporov

<f >, <

c> 0.1-100 keV Toporov21 251Cf

RP, RIF, RIA 0.55. Muradyan

22 252Cf <f >, <

c> 0.1-100 keV Toporov

*)<> - spectrum averaged cross-section. **) MSR neutron spectrum averaged.*) LBC neutron spectrum averaged.+) CRC - central reactivity coefficient.

Page 21: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).

Characteristics of the isotope production by VNIIEF mass separator

Isotope composition (atom %) Isotope 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248

238Pu 99.6 0.4 0.015 239Pu 99.997 210-3 210-4 110-4 240Pu 410-3 99.9 610-2 110-3 241Pu 110-4 310-4 99.998 1.610-3 110-4 242Pu 510-4 510-4 0.04 99.96 510-4 241Am 99.99 242Am 13.0 85.6 1.6 243Am 1.610-3 410-4 99.998 243Cm 99.99 810-3 510-5 110-4 110-4 110-4 244Cm 1.510-2 99.3 610-2 410-3 110-3 110-4 245Cm 610-3 99.998 2.510-3 246Cm 110-2 810-3 99.98 110-2 110-2 247Cm 2.7 0.8 5 90.2 0.5 248Cm 0.1 2.2 0.7 97.0

Page 22: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).

Energy range of the differential neutron data measurements


241Pu 241,242m,243Am, 243,245Cm I

c(En) 237Np,238Pu, 243Am, 246Cm


243,245,247Cm 50MeV electron linac TOF

#2953 f(En) II 237Np 238Pu 242m,243Am 50MeV electron linac TOF

#1749 f(En) III 241,242m,243Am 243,244,245,246,247,248 Cm

#1749 f(En) III 241,242m,243Am 243,244,245,246,247,248 Cm

Lead slowing-down spectrometer driven proton linac-MMF

Tandem generator, electrostatic accelerator

10-7 5 10-6 5 10-5 5 10-4 5 10-3 5 10-2 5 10-1 5 1 5 101 5 102

Page 23: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).




Matveenko – IPPE:BFS (Obninsk)

Muradyan–RRC “KI”:FAKEL (Moscow),

0.5 2000 eV

Toporov-RIAR: SM-3,

BOR-60 (Dimitrovgrad),

0.1100 keV, 0.12.2 MeV

Perekrestenko - INR:LSD (Troitsk),1 eV30 keV

Kuvshinov-VNIIEF:BIGR, KS-2 (Sarov),

1 keV4 MeV

Ivanin-VNIIEF:LU-50 (Sarov),

40 keV12 MeV

Fursov-IPPE:EG-1, EGP-15 (Obninsk),

530 MeV



Evaluation group:

1. Nikolaev M.N.-IPPE2. Tsybulya A.M.- IPPE3. Manokhin V.N.- IPPE4. Ignatyuk A.V.- IPPE5. Abagyan L.P.-RRC “KI”6. Yudkevich M.S.- RRC “KI”7. Anufriev R.A.-RIAR8. Gorelov V.P.-VNIIEF9. Maslov V.M.-INF

Page 24: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).


We are planningthree types of the MA nuclear data measurements:

Differential measurements in the energy range

0.5100 eV (accelerator FAKEL, Kurchatov Institute)0.110 MeV (accelerator LU-50, VNIIEF, Sarov);530 MeV (Van de Graaf EG-1, Tandem EG-15,

IPPE, Obninsk)

Integral in-pile experiments with irradiation ofMA ampoules in high-flux reactor SM-3and fast reactor BOR-60 (RIAR, Dimitrovgrad);

Benchmark experiments with MAat BFS-installation (IPPE, Obninsk)

& Evaluation of obtained data and preparation

of the oriented nuclear data base.

We are searchingfor collaborators who are interested in the mentionedresearch in the framework of the various internationalprojects. ISTC-project is one of the possibilities butthere are many others (IPP, INTAS, SANDAT, CRDF).

Page 25: Measurements of neutron cross sections are performed on FAKEL linac – 60MeV (Kurchatov Institute).

Cumulative information on the Program

Project I II III IV V

Duration, months 36 24 36 36 27 Grants, k$ 261 192 404 480 514 Man×months 562 380 1015 1020 950 Total number of participants 51 79 114 137 90

Average grant/ month/man, $ 142 102 98 174 211

Equipment, k$ 56 81 132 200 42 Materials, k$ 12 44 40 50 92 Others, k$ 27 17 33 30 32 Travels, k$ 18 23 26 46 36 Overhead, k$ 18 25 38 56 48 Total cost, k$ 392 382 680 862 764

Total cost of the program k$ 3 080.