Measles symptoms 5

Measles Symptoms Plus Alternative Health Ideas Click on the link below for a free video guide to using dietary supplements and alternative health!


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Transcript of Measles symptoms 5

Page 1: Measles symptoms 5

Measles Symptoms

Plus Alternative Health Ideas

Click on the link below for a free video guide to using dietary supplements and alternative


Page 2: Measles symptoms 5

Today I'm going to give you some really good quick foods for constipation to relieve this problem, plus some alternative health ideas. Constipation is that annoying feeling of wanting to have a bowel movement, but you’re unable to do that. Your stools can be hard, dry and it might feel like you’re about to give birth to a baby.

There are tons of reasons that might cause this annoying health problem, but a major one has to do with a person's diet. If fact, I would argue that a person's diet really plays a key role in their health in general.

The million dollar question is what are some ideas for some quick foods that a person can eat, to make their digestive system run like a brand new Porsche or Ferrari?

One idea would be to eat popcorn. Sounds strange, but if you consume popcorn that is light on butter and salt you will be taking in whole grains.

The reason whole grains helps with constipation, is because it has fiber. Fiber helps due to it allowing more water to remain in your stools, making them larger and softer. The hard dry stools of constipation can take place when someone doesn't get enough fiber.

The next snack to munch on when you’re feeling this annoying problem is one of my favorites, and it's nuts. It could be walnuts, peanuts or even pecans. I really love the nuts that have a shell that you have to open up. It's like you have to work for the prize.

The thing to be careful with these finger foods is they can make you gain a lot of weight if you’re not careful.

I used to eat a ton when I was watching TV and before I knew it a whole bag would be gone. If you don't have nuts or popcorn nearby, maybe there is some fruit or vegetables. Perhaps you have some broccoli or carrots in the fridge, or maybe some apples around.

Lastly there is always bread with fiber, oatmeal or some good cereal you can eat. As you can see there are tons of options when it comes to food for constipation.

What you don't want to eat is dairy products. This could be cheese, ice cream or a yummy steak. Also fried foods, chips, cookies and bananas can even make things worse.

I know what you’re thinking bananas that is a strange choice. Unripe bananas make it difficult for the body to digest, but ripe bananas can help with digestion and relieve constipation.

Apart from fiber there could be many other reasons someone has difficulty with creating stools. Another common culprit would be not drinking enough water, pharmaceutical drugs and not getting enough physical exercise. Also a virus or bacteria could bring about this problem.

In your digestive system you have a good bacterium that helps you, and it is constantly battling bad bacteria. If the bad guys win it could spell trouble. Interestingly enough if you take antibiotics to fight off bad bacteria it usually kills some of the good kind inside you, leading to digestive difficulty like constipation.

There are tons of supplements and herbs that can help like milk thistle, prebiotics as well as enzymes. I can't go over everything today, but the good news is that I created a video guide on using supplements and herbs for better health.

This guide can really help you, and the best part is that it's completely free. You can learn more by clicking on the link free guide to using supplements and herbs.

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Alternative places to get ideas on improving health

U tube video on constipation

Blog post on dealing with bowel problems

Video on Measles

My report on dealing with viruses

Click on the link below for a free video guide to using dietary supplements and alternative
