ME CORTEX+ v3.2 Net

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  • 8/10/2019 ME CORTEX+ v3.2 Net


    Mass Effect RPG Cortex+ Conversion

    ME1 Chris Challacombe


    Rolling Dice:Players Roll a dice from:

    Affiliation Reputation Distinction (D8 or D4) Race Power Set Class Power set Gear Power Set Skill or Specialities Assets/resources Opponent Stress Complications on opponent

    Before you roll, Plot Points may be spent to Push your dice pool with a d6. Add in an extra trait from a trait group (i.e., two powers from a Power Set, or two Distinctions). Add a stunt die for your Power Set or Specialty. Activate certain special effects (SFX) in a Power Set.

    After You Roll, Plot Points may be spent to Add an extra die from your roll to your total. Keep an extra effect die. Activate an opportunity rolled by the Watcher. Activate certain special effects (SFX) in a Power Set. Use an effect die from a reaction roll. Change stress youve taken to another type.

    During a Transition Scene, Plot Points may be spent to Add a resource die linked to a Specialty.

    Plot Points may be earned when You sse a Distinction negatively. You activate a Limit on a Power Set. You have an opportunity on your dice activated by the Watcher or another player to add to the doom

    pool. The watcher gives you one.

  • 8/10/2019 ME CORTEX+ v3.2 Net


    Mass Effect RPG Cortex+ Conversion

    ME2 Chris Challacombe

  • 8/10/2019 ME CORTEX+ v3.2 Net


    Mass Effect RPG Cortex+ Conversion

    ME3 Chris Challacombe

    Character Creation


    Choose 1 at d10, 1 at d8 and 1 and d6.

    Assault Suppo rt Specialist

    The Direct ApproachHelping the team,

    hindering the enemyThe other stuff

    Physical and MentalAttacks

    Complications andTeam Assets

    Personal Assets andSkill use


    Choose a race and class Distinction .

    Create a character concept. This must include the race and possibly thecharacters class

    Examples: Noble Turian Warrior, Curious Human Explorer, Devious SalarianSmuggler, Asari Huntress in pursuit of Justice

    Choose three further distinctions from these possible:

    Trouble. Pick a distinction that represents a recurring problem. This could bea character flaw, a nemesis or a person that complicates things.

    Background. Choose a distinction that represents the childhood, upbringingand training of the character.

    Turning Point/ first adventure. Choose a distinction to define the momentthe character became a hero. This could be an adventure, mission or someother event.

    Personality. Choose a distinction that represents how the character acts orlooks.

    Catch-phrase/Saying. Choose something that the character likes to say. Values. Choose something based on one of the following:

    o Dutyo Faitho Funo Glory

    o Guilto Justiceo Loyaltyo Love

    o Powero Revengeo Trutho Wealth

  • 8/10/2019 ME CORTEX+ v3.2 Net


    Mass Effect RPG Cortex+ Conversion

    ME4 Chris Challacombe

    How are these used?

    1. If used for something relevant, roll a d8.2. If used as a potential problem, gain a PP and toll a d4.3. These can be used against you; either the opponent gains a d8,

    something bad happens or you have act a particular way: you gain a PP.This is caused a compel.

    Power Sets Races, classes and gear

    Characters have three powers sets

    One based on their race, one for class, and one based on gearEach provides powers, sfx and limits.

    If a racial power lists one die value that power is optional and the value is themaximum, if it lists two those are the max and the min.

    All races have a racial limit. They gain a PP if affected by a a special racialevent or play their racial animosities.

    If characters would have repeated powers (Biotics) split them up so they varybetween the sets.

    Gear depends on class.



    Write down all powers and SFX.maximum spend of 30 dice between Powers sets, SFX and Skills


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    Mass Effect RPG Cortex+ Conversion

    ME5 Chris Challacombe

    Set character as whatever is needed.Check dice ranksd6 - Average - has the ability, but nothing speciald8 - Enhanced - Near Peakd10 - High - Peak for most abilitiesd12 - Ultra - Beyond the norms! Must be a special reason for this.

    New Powers


    AppearanceDexterity Aim

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    Mass Effect RPG Cortex+ Conversion

    ME6 Chris Challacombe


    There are 13 Skills

    AcrobaticsBioticBusinessCombatCosmicCovertCrimeEmpathyMedicalMenacePilotingScience Tech

    Each can be taken at Trained (d6), Expert (d8 or 2d6) and Master (d10 or 2d8or 3d6).

    These can be used to create resources at one die less than their main level.

    Characters start with 5-20 die steps of skills (d6 costs 1 etc) Including skillsgained from class.

    You can then choose 3 specialities at d12, d10, d8, which must be higherthan the relevant skill. Note some specialities come up twice.

    Acrobatics - (Dodge, Jumping, climbing, freerunning)Biotic- (Telekinesis, Barrier, Warp, Slam, Charge, Mental) Business (Trade, valuing, contacts) Combat - (Pistol, SMG, Shotgun, sniper, Assault rifle, Melee, Tactics) Cosmic (Specfic Race or Planet, History,)Covert - ( Stealth, Hacking, Theft, sniper, disguise) Crime (contacts, Legal system, cons, Deceit) Empathy (Persuade, Bluff, Read people, charm, Seduce) Medical (First Aid, Diseases, poisons) Menace - (Taunt, intimidate, Psych-out)

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    Mass Effect RPG Cortex+ Conversion

    ME7 Chris Challacombe

    Piloting - (Fighter, Freighter, Cruiser, Ships systems, Ground craft) Science - (Specfic area of Knowledge, Genetics)Tech - (Hacking, Computers, Omni-Tool, Repair, Modify).


    ASARISuggested Distinctions Courtesan, Politican, Justicar, Polite, RestrainedSuggested skills Science, Biotic, EmpathyPowers Biotics d6-d10

    Intellect d10, Charisma d10, Appearance d10Sfx Longevity Asari typically live up to 1,000 years old.Limits Asari disliked by Krogans and suffer penalties on

    contact with.


    Violent, Terrorist, Aggresive, Pirate, Slaver, Criminal

    Suggested skills CombatPowers Strength d8.Willpower d8, Stamina d6Sfx None.Limits Batarian . Humans and batarians have a great dislike for

    each other. Many races distrust Batarians and view themas mercenaries and criminals.


    DRELLSuggested Distinctions Loner, Wanderer, Silent, Observant, WatcherSuggested skills Combat, covertPowers Senses d6-d10, Reflexes d8.Sfx Drell have excellent memories. Can remember events

    for a PP. Limits Drell . Drell cannot be cured of diseases once infected.

  • 8/10/2019 ME CORTEX+ v3.2 Net


    Mass Effect RPG Cortex+ Conversion

    ME8 Chris Challacombe

    Suggested DistinctionsSuggested skills AnyPowers Intellect, Charisma, willpower d8

    Strength, Stamina, reflexes d6SfxLimits Human. Viewed as impetuous and nieve by most races

    and hated by batarians.

    KroganSuggested Distinctions Mighty, Berserk, Angry, Hothead, DourSuggested skills Combat, Menace

    Powers Strength d6-d10, Stamina d6-d10, Durability d6-d10.Resistance ( Poison and disease )d6-d10

    Sfx Natural ArmourKrogans reduce physical stress by one die step.

    Limits Krogan . Most races fear and distrust Krogans.


    Explorer, Pilgrim, Mr Fix-it, Nervous, Migrant

    Suggested skills Tech, PilotingPowers Tech power d6-d10

    Reflexes d8, Intellect d8Sfx When Quarians make assets from tech parts there are

    worth a die step more than normalLimits Quarian

    Complex NeedsQuarian biology prevents them from eating any food madeby other species with the exception of turians.Also, Quarians have no immune systems. They must wearspecial environment suits when out in the open on otherplanets or on space stations, with the exception ofspecialized rooms with volus life support systems.

    Eerie Presence/ReputationMost people regard the quarians with mistrust because of thecreation of the geth and the subsequent self-imposed

    isolation of the quarian people. First impressions are almostalways negative.

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    Mass Effect RPG Cortex+ Conversion

    ME9 Chris Challacombe



    Distracted, hyperactive, observer

    Suggested skills Empathy, covert, Piloting, SciencePowers Senses d8, Reflexes d6-d8, speed d6, intellect d8,

    charisma d8Sfx None.Limits Salarian. Hated by the krogan.

    Short-LivedA typical salarian lifespan is roughly 40 years.


    Cop, Determined, Disciplined, Honorable

    Suggested skills Covert, CombatPowers Senses d8, willpower d8, intellect d6Sfx

    Limits TurianComplex NeedsTurian biology prevents them from eating any foodmade by other species with the exception of quarians.



    Money grabbing, Rich, Banker, Merchant

    Suggested skills BusinessPowers Intellect d6-d8, charisma d6Sfx /Limits Volus

    Complex NeedsThe high-pressure, ammonia-based atmosphere of theirhome planet makes the volus incapable of breathing the

    air that other species do or enjoying their food. They must

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    Mass Effect RPG Cortex+ Conversion

    ME10 Chris Challacombe

    wear special environment suits when out in the open onother planets or on space stations, with the exception ofspecialized rooms with volus life support systems.CowardThough not exactly cowardly, their frail and undexterousphysique lends to them getting away from violence morethan other species.Little PersonThe volus are shorter than other species, at about two-thirds their height or shorter.


    Vicious, Scavenger, Refugee, Outcast

    Suggested skills Combat, menacePowers Stamina d6-d10, Durability d6, Speed d8, Strength d6,

    Reflexes d8Weapon d6 (claws)

    Sfx Regeneration

    Recover 1step of stress every beat, and all stressoutside of a scene for cost of a PP.Environmental AdaptionImmunity to one environmental condition, limited .The immunity changes after a week in a hostileenvironment. A player may pick a specific type ofenvironment that the character is already resistant tobefore the game begins.

    Limits VorchaShort-LivedA typical vorcha lifespan is roughly 20 years.Out for BloodVorcha communicate primarily through violence. Assuch, if words just aren't cutting it, teeth, guns, clubs,and whatever else is handy will.


  • 8/10/2019 ME CORTEX+ v3.2 Net


    Mass Effect RPG Cortex+ Conversion

    ME11 Chris Challacombe

    Each class provides a number of D6 skills and a choice of powers.Spend 5 points on class powers

    SOLDIERPower Options Carnage, Overkill, Concussive shot, Adrenaline rush,

    FortificationSkills at D6 Combat, MenaceGear 3 weapons of any type.

    Heavy ArmourBasic Omni-tool (d6)

    ADEPTPower Options Biotic Control, Throw, Shockwave, singularity, WarpSkills at D6 BioticGear 1 Light weapon, 1 heavy weapon

    Light Armour

    Basic Omni-tool (d6)

    ENGINEERPower Options AI Hacking, Damping, Overload, Incinerate, Cryo-blast,

    Combat Drone, Energy DrainSkills at D6 Tech

    Gear 2 weapons of any type.Medium ArmourMil-spec Omni-tool (d8)

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    Mass Effect RPG Cortex+ Conversion

    ME12 Chris Challacombe

    INFILTRATORPower Options Overload, Cryo-blast, Sabotage, Marksman, Stealth

    FieldSkills at D6 Tech, Covert, CombatGear Assault rifle, Sniper-rifle and one light gun

    Light ArmourMil-spec Omni-tool (d8)


    Power Options Concussive Shot, Shockwave, Telekinesis, Charge,Skills at D6 Biotic, CombatGear 2 weapons of any type

    Medium ArmourBasic Omni-tool (d6)

    SENTINELPower Options Overload, Cryo-blast, Tech Field, Warp, ThrowSkills at D6 Tech, bioticGear 2 weapons of any type.

    Light ArmourMil-spec Omni-tool (d8)

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    Mass Effect RPG Cortex+ Conversion

    ME13 Chris Challacombe

    Biotic Powers

    All biotic Powers have the following limits and SFX:

    No Biotic Power can be used in 2 consecutive turns. Biotic powers do not work on shielded targets.

    (unless stated) SFX shutdown. Shutdown a power for 1PP.

    Regain on an opportunity or at a transistionscene.

    Biotic abilities

    Base POWERS

    Biotic Control = Kinetic ControlDominate = Mind controlMind Reading = TelepathyBarrier = DurabilityLevitate = Movement (levitate)

    SFX Lift / Pull Afflict bonus on floating complications Singularity - Area Attack. Stasis - Afflict bonus on In Stasis complications, but that can also

    be used as a defense by the target.

    Attack Powers

    Each of the following is a variation on Biotic Attack . Anyone who can has onecan take Biotic attack and then the relevant SFX.

    ThrowSFX Afflict bonus on floating /thrown complications.


  • 8/10/2019 ME CORTEX+ v3.2 Net


    Mass Effect RPG Cortex+ Conversion

    ME14 Chris Challacombe

    CrushSFX = If target has Armour durability, step down their die by two

    steps. Warp Shockwave:

    SFX =Area affect. Does work against shielded targets. Charge (Melee Attack)


    Tech abilities have the following SFX and Limits:

    No Tech Power can be used in 2 consecutive turns. Tech powers do not work on shielded targets. (unless stated) SFX shutdown. Shutdown a power for 1PP. Regain on an opportunity or

    at a transistion scene.

    Tech Powers

    Base POWERS

    Damping = Energy Control AI Hacking = Tech control Tech Shield = Durability Stealth Field = InvisibilityCombat Drone = Sorcery

    SFX Create a combat drone asset and step up by one die.

    Attack PowersEach of the following is a variation on Tech Attack . Anyone who can has onecan take Tech attack and then the relevant SFX.

    OverloadSFX Step up effect die by one against synthetics or two if causing shield

    stress.Limit Step down effect die by one against non-synthetics .

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    Mass Effect RPG Cortex+ Conversion

    ME15 Chris Challacombe

    Energy DrainSFX any stress done can be used to remove users shield stress, or tocreate a boosted shields asset. Limit only effective against shielded targets.

    SabotageSFX Afflict - step up Effect die to place weapon malfunctioncomplication OR pay 1PP to remove weapons with the gear limit.Limit cannot work against targets without modern weaponry, orsynthetics.

    Neural Shock (does mental damage)

    IncinerateSFX Step up damage against targets with armor durability .

    Cryo BlastSFX Step up complication of frozen placed on target.

    Combat Powers

    All combat powers have limit: recharge time of one round in between uses. Some Only work with specific weapon. If that dice is not rolled in the

    power cannot be used.

    Carnage Attack - Shotgun

    Overkill attack - Assault rifle / SMG

    Immunity / Fortification = Durability

    Adrenaline Rush = Reflexes

    Marksman attack, Pistol/Heavy Pistol/Sniper-Rifle

  • 8/10/2019 ME CORTEX+ v3.2 Net


    Mass Effect RPG Cortex+ Conversion

    ME16 Chris Challacombe

    Assassination Attack , Sniper rifle

    Concussive Shot Attack, Shotgun/AssaultRifle

  • 8/10/2019 ME CORTEX+ v3.2 Net


    Mass Effect RPG Cortex+ Conversion

    ME17 Chris Challacombe

    Weapons and Armor

    All weapons and Armor have the gear limit.

    All weapons have limit:Mutually Exclusive Shutdown weapon to switch to another Firearm.

    All Guns have limit:Out of Ammo Shutdown Gun and gain 1 PP. Take an action against the Doom pool torecover


    Basic Versions

    Pistol d6Heavy Pistol d8SMG d6 SFX-Area Attack Assault Rifle d6 SFX-Area Attack Heavy Assault Rifle d10Shotgun 2d8Sniper Rifle d10

    Named Versions

    M-3 Predator d6 pistolM-6 Carnifex d8 pistolM-5 Phalanx d8 pistolM-23 Katana d8 ShotgunM-27 Scimitar d10 ShotgunM-300 Claymore d10 ShotgunM-29 Incisor d10 Sniper RifleM-92 Mantis d12 Sniper RifleM-97 Viper d12 Sniper RifleM-8 Avenger d6 Assault RifleM-15 Vindicator d10 Assault RifleM-76 Revenant d8 Assault RifleM-4 Shuriken d6 SMGM-9 Tempest d8 SMGM-12 Locust d6 SMG

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    Mass Effect RPG Cortex+ Conversion

    h h ll b


    Fists - no diceBiotics - see TalentsForce weapons - d6.Omni-Blade d6


    All armor provides shields stress. All damage is applied to shields. Once the shieldsare stressed out then damage is applied as normal.

    Basic Armour

    Light Armour d6 DurabilityMedium Armour d8 DurabilityHeavy Armour d10 Durability. Strength d8.