MCQ Gate 2015

7/21/2019 MCQ Gate 2015 1/34 Geotechnical Engineering-Probable Question for GATE 2 15 Department of Civil Engineering, MIT Moradabad Page 1 Multiple Choice Questions for GATE 2015 CIVIL ENGINEERING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING MIT, MORADABAD Prepared by: N. K. S INGH , H.O.D., CE P RADEEP K UMAR (A SST . P ROF .) A. K. B ANSAL (A SST . P ROF .)


MC questions for gate

Transcript of MCQ Gate 2015

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Geotechnical Engineering-Probable Question for GATE 2 15

Department of Civil Engineering, MIT Moradabad Page 1

Multiple Choice Questions

for GATE 2015





Prepared by:N. K. S INGH , H.O.D., CE



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Q.7 Match list I with list II and select the correct answer using the codes given

below the lists :

List – I

A. Casagrande’s apparatus

B. Hydrometer

C. Plate load test

D. Oedometer

List – II

E. Determination of grain size distribution

F. Consolidation CharacteristicsG. Determination of Consistency limits

H. Determination of safe bearing capacity of soil.

Codes :


(a) E G F H

(b) E G H F(c) G E F H

(d) G E H F

Q.8 The natural void ratio of a sand sample is 0.6 and its density index is 0.6. If its

void ratio in the loosest state is 0.9. Then the void ratio in the density state will be :

(a) 0.2 (b) 0.3 (c) 0.4 (d) 0.5

Q.9 A soil has bulk density of 22 kN/m 3 and water content 10%. The dry density is:

(a) 20 kN/m 3 (b) 15 kN/m 3 (c) 18 kN/m 3 (d) 19 kN/m 3

Q.10 Select the correct range of density index ID :

(a) ID>0 (b) ID≥0 (c) 0<ID<1 (d) 0≤ID≤1

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Q.11 The ratio of the shear strength of undistributed soil to that of remoulded soil

is known as the :

(a) liquidity index (b) activity

(c) relative consistency (d) sensitivity

Q.12 The ratio of saturated unit weight to dry unit weight of a soil is 1.25. If the

specific gravity of solids (G S) is 2.65, the void ratio of the soil :

(a) 0.625 (b) 0.665 (c) 0.944 (d) 1.325

Q.13 The water content of a saturated soil and the specific gravity of soil solids

were found to be 30% and 2.70, respectively. Assuming the unit weight of water to

be 10 kN/m 3, the saturated unit weight (kN/m 3) and the void ratio of the soil are:(a) 19.4,0.81 (b) 18.5, 0.30 (c) 19.4, 0.45 (d) 18.5, 0.45

Q.14 The saturated unit weight of the sand (kN/m 3) is :

(a) 15 (b) 18 (c) 21 (d) 24

# Following Statemet dues 15 & 16-

Statement :- Laboratory sieve analysis was carried out on a soil sample using a

complete set of standard IS sieves, out of 500 gm of soil used in the test, 200gmwas retained on IS 600µ sieve, 250gm was retained on IS 500µ sieve and the

remaining 50gm was retained on IS 425µ sieve.

Q.15 The coefficient of uniformity of the soil is :

(a) 0.9 (b) 10 (c) 1.1 (d) 1.2

Q.16 The classification of soil is :

(a) SP (b) SW (c) GP (d) GW

Q.17 The liquid limit (LL), Plastic limit (PL) and shrinkage limit (SL) of a

cohesive soil satisfy the relation :

(a) LL>PL<SL (b) LL>PL>SL (c) LL<PL<SL (d) LL<PL>SL

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Q.18 Stoke’s law is valid only if the size of the particle is :

(a) b/w 0.2mm and 0.0002mm (b) greater than 0.2mm

(c) less than 0.0002mm (d) all of the above

Q.19 If the plasticity index of a soil mass is zero. The soil is :

(a)looss (b) clayey site (c) silt (d) sand

Q.20 For a given soil sample if C c=1 and C u=4, then the value of D 30/D10 would be:

(a) 2.00 (b) 1.75 (c) 1.50 (d) 1.25

Q.21 Valid range for S, the degree of satu ratio of soil is in % is :

(a) S>0 (b) S≤0 (c) 0<S<100 (d) 0≤S≤100 Q.22 By placing a soil sample at 105 0C for 24 hours in an oven.

A. hydroscopic moisture is lost

B. capillary water is lost

C. free water is lost

D. structural water is lost

Which of the above statements are correct :(a) 1,2 and 4 (b) 3 and 4 (c) 1,2,3 and 4 (d) 1,2 and 3

Q.23 Match list- I with list- II and select the correct answer using codes given

below the lists :

List – IA. ML


C. PtD. MH

List – IIE. silty sand

F. inorganic silt with large compressibility

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G. inorganic silt with small compressibility

H. soil with high organic content with high compressibility



(a) G F H E

(b) H E G F

(c) G E H F

(d) H F G E

Q.24 A soil mass contains 40% gravels, 50% sand and 10% silt. This soil can be

classified as :(a) silty sandy gravel having coefficient of uniformity less than 60.

(b) silty gravelly sand having coefficient of uniformity equal to 10.

(c) gravelly silty sand having coefficient of uniformity greater than 60.

(d) gravelly silty sand and its coefficient of uniformity cannot be


Q.25 the correct sequence of plasticity of minerals in soil is an increasing :(a) silica, kaolinite, illite, montmorillonite

(b) kaolinite, silica, illite, montmorillonite

(c) silica, kaolinite, montmorillonite, illite

(d) kaolinite, kaolinite, silica, montmorillonite, illite

Q.26 Among the clay minerals, the one having the maximum swelling tendency is :

(a) kaolinite (b) illite (c) montmorillonite (d) halloysius

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Q.6 Due to rise in temperature, the viscosity and the unit weight of the percolating

fluid are reduced to 60% and 90% respectively. If other things remain constant, the

coefficient of permeability :

(a) increases by 25%

(b) increases by 50%

(c) increases by 33.3%

(d) decreases by 33.3%

Q.7 In a falling head permeability test, the time taken for the head to fall from

27cm to 3cm is 10 minutes, if the test is repeated with the same initial head i.e.

27cm, what time would it take for the head to fall to 9cm :(a) 3 minutes (b) 5 minutes (c) 6 minutes (d) 7.5 minutes

Q.8 Consider the following statements :-

Capillary water in soils

A. causes negative pore water pressure

B. reduces effective pressure

C. increases bearing capacityD. reduces bearing capacity

Which of true statements are correct :

(a) A and C (b) A and D (c) B and C (d) B and D

Q.9 The water level in a lake is 5m above the bed. The saturated unit weight of the

lake bed soil is 20 kN/m 3. The unit weight of the lake bed soil is 10 kN/m 3. The

effective vertical stress at 5m depth below the lake bed is :

(a) 50kN/m 3 (b) 75kN/m 3 (c) 100 kN/m 3 (d) 150 kN/m 3

Q.10 In a soil deposit of three layers of equal thickness, the permeabilities of first

second and third layers are in the ratio of 1:2:3. The ratio of average permeability

in horizontal direction (K h) to that in the vertical direction (K v) will be :

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(a) 22:18 (b) 18:22 (c) 24:12 (d) 12:24

Q.11 Which one of the following is correct in respect of pore water pressure µ and

effective stress , in the soil just below the bottom of a pond due to a 2m rise in

water level in the pond :(u=pore water pressure , =effective stress)

(a)u ≤ increases by 20kN/m 2 and remains unaltered

(b) u increases by 20kN/m 2 and decreases by 20kN/m 2

(c) u decreases by 20kN/m 2 and remains unultered

(d) both u and remain unaltered.

Q.12 A flow net of a coffer dam foundation has 6 flow channels and 18

equipotential drops. The head of water lost during seepage is 6m. if the coefficientof permeability of foundation is 4 X 10 -5m/min, then the seepage loss/m length of

dam will be :

(a) 2.16 X 10 -2m3/day

(b) 6.48 X 10 -2m3/day

(c) 11.52 X 10 -2m3/day

(d) 34.56 X 10-2


/dayQ.13 Capillary rise is maximum for :

(a) coarse grained soils

(b) well graded soils

(c) fine grained soils

(d) gap graded soils

Q.14 Water is flowing in an upward direction through a stratum of sand, 4m thick,

under a total head difference of 2m. The sand has a specific gravity of 2.65 and

void ratio of 0.065. The factor of safety against quick sand condition would be :

(a) 3 (b) 1.0 (c) 1.5 (d) 2.0

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Q.15 For design of filter the criteria usually adopted is :

(a) D 15 of filter/ D 85 of base materials < 4 to 5

(b) D 15 of base materials / D 85 of filter < 4 to 5

(c) D 15 of filter /D 85 of base materials > 40

(d) D 85 of filter/ maximum opening of pipe of drain < 2

Q.16 In an earther dam the phereatic line is :

(a) straight line (b) circular line (c) parabolic line (d) zigzag line

Q.17 Darey’s law for flow through soil is valid if Reynold’s no. is less than :

(a) 4000 (b) 3000 (c) 2000 (d) 1Q.18 The critical gradient of a soil i c is given by :

(a) G-1/1-e (b) G+1/1+e (c) G-1/1+e (d) G+1/1-e

Q.19 Which one of the following explains the flow condition accuring with in a

soil when its effective pressure is reduced to zero :

(a) Laminar flow condition(b) quick sand condition

(c) liquefaction condition

(d) stratified condition

Q.20 To provide safety against piping failure with a factor of safety of 5, what

should be the maximum permissible exit gradient for soil with specific gravity of

2.5 and porosity of 0.35 :

(a) 0.155 (b) 0.167 (c) 0.195 (d) 0.213

Q.21 During seepage through an earth dams the direction of seepage is :

(a) parallel to the equipotential lines

(b) perpendicular to the stream lines

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(c) perpendicular to the equipotential lines

(d) along the direction of gravity

Q.22 A soil has a discharge velocity of 6 X 10 -7 m/s and a void ratio of 0.5. its

seepage velocity is :

(a) 18 X 10 -7 m/s (b) 12 X 10 -7 m/s (c) 6 X 10 -7 m/s (d) 3 X 10 -7 m/s

Q.26 For the soil strata shown in figure , the water table is lowered by drainage by2m and if the top 2m thick silty sand stratum remains saturated by capillary actioneven after lowering of water table , the increase in effective in effective vertical

pressure in kPa at mid height of clay layer will be


2m zone of capillary saturation after drainage

GWT after drainage

10m Silty sand sat= 22KN/m 3

7m clay sat= 19KN/m 3

(a) 0.2 (b) 2 (c) 20 (d) 200

Stress distribution in soils, compressibility & consolidationQ.1 z is the vertical stress at a depth equal to z in the soil mass due to surface

point load Q .The vertical stress at depth equal to 2z will be

(a) 0.25 z(b) 0.50 z(c) 1.0 z

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(d) 2.0 z

Q.2 The intensity of vertical pressure ,directly be low a concentrated load of 3/2πtonnes at depth of 3/2π metres is given by

(a) 1.5t/m 2

(b) 1.0t/m 2 (c) (3/2π) 1.5t/m 2 (d) (3/2π) 2.5t/m 2

Q.3 Newmark ’s influence chart is used for(a) rectangular loading condition

(b) loaded area of any shape

(c) strip loading

(d) circular loaded area

Q.4 Influence factor I depends on

(a) applied vertical load

(b)Types of soil

(c)Location of point with respect to load

(d) soil modulus

Q.5 Boussinesq’s influe nce factor for vertical z and at centre of a circular area ofdiameter A carrying uniformily distributed load is

(a) 1-[1/1+(A/2Z) 2]3/2

(c)3/2π[1/1+(A/Z) 2]5/2



Q.6 Match list-I with list-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:

List-IA. Stress distribution due to point load in homogeneous isotropic mediumB. Stress distribution due to point load in an anisotropic soil medium

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C. Influence chart for stress distribution in a rectangular areaD. Influence chart for stress distribution in irregularly shaped areas.


1. Stein Brenner

2. Newmark


4. Westergaard



(a) 4 3 2 1

(b) 3 4 2 1

(c) 3 4 1 2

(d) 4 3 1 2

Q.7 Consider the following statements :

1 . coefficient of consolidation normally increases with decreasing liquid limitof clay .

2.The larger the value of coefficient of consolidation , the longer it takes forfull consolidation to occur.

Which of these statements is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) both 1 and 2

(d) neither 1 nor 2

Q.8 The settlement analysis for clay layer draining from top and bottom shows a

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Settlement of 2.5cm in 4 years and an ultimate settlement of10cm.however detailed subsurface investigation reveals that there is nodrainage at the bottom. The ultimate settlement in this condition will be

(a) 2.5cm(b) 5cm(c) 10cm(d) 20cm

Q.9 Coefficient of consolidation is used to calculate

(a) time rate of settlement

(b) total settlement

(c) pre consolidation pressure(d) stress in the soil

Q.10 Rate of consolidation

(a) increases with decreases in temperature

(b) increases with increases in temperature

(c) is independent of temperature

(d) is unaffected by permeability of soilQ.11 When the primary consolidation process in a soil is complete ,then

(a) the hydrostatic pressure will become zero

(b) the excess pore water pressure will become zero

(c) both the hydrostatic and excess pore water pressure will become zero

(d) the effective stress will become zero

Q.12 A Normally consolidation clay layer settles by 25mm when the effectivestress is increased from 15kPa to 30kPa .if the effective stress is later increasedfurther from 30kPa to 60kPa, then the additional settlement would be

(a) 25mm

(b) 50mm

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(c) 75mm

(d) 100mm

Q.13 when the degree of consolidation is 50%, the time factor is about

(a) 0.2

(b) 0.5

(c) 1.0

(d) 2.0

Q.14 In consolidation testing , curve fitting method is used to determine

(a) compression index

(b) swelling index

(c) coefficient of consolidation

(d) time factor

Q.15 the ultimate consolidation settlement of a structure resting on a soil

(a) decreases with the increases in the initial void ratio

(b) decreases with the decreases in the plastic limit

(c) increases with the increases in the initial void ratio

(d) increases with the decreases in the porosity of soil

Q.16 The unit of the coefficient of consolidation is

(a) cm 2/gm

(b) cm 2/sec

(c) gm/cm 2/sec

(d) gm-cm/sec

Q.17 If the time required for 50% consolidation of a remoulded sample of claywith single drainage is t, then the time required to consolidate the same sample ofclay with same degree of consolidation but with double drainage is

(a) t/4

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(b) t/2

(c) 2t

(d) 4t

Q.18 Cofficient of consolidation for clays normally

(a) decreases with increases in liquid limit

(b) increases with increases in liquid limit

(c) first increases and then decreases with increases in liquid limit

(d) remains constant at all liquid limits

Q.19 Given that for an over consolidation clayey soil deposit ,the pressure underwhich the deposit has been fully consolidation in the past is 125KN/m 2 and the

present overburden pressure is 75KN/m 2,the OCR of the soil deposit

(a) 75/125

(b) 50/75


(d) 200/75

Q.20 The change that takes place during the process of consolidation of a saturatedclay would include

(a) an increase in pore water pressure and an increases in effective pressure

(b) an increase in pore water pressure and a decreases in effective pressure

(c) a decrease on pore water pressure and a decreases in effective stress

(d) a decrease in pore water pressure and an increase in effective pressure

Q.21 Which one of the following soils has stress-strain response similar to that ofdense sand? (OCR stands for consolidation ratio)

(a) over consolidated clays having high OCR

(b) over consolidated clays having low OCR

(c) normally consolidated clays

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(d) unconsolidated clays

Q.22 Sand drains are used to

(a) reduce the settlement

(b) accelerate the consolidation

(c) increasing the permeability

(d) transfer the load

Q.23 The time for clay layer to achieve 90% consolidation is 15 years. The timerequired to achieve 90% consolidation if the layer was twice as thick ,3 times more

permeable and 4 times more compressible would be

(a) 60 years(b) 75 years

(c) 80 years

(d) 85 years

Q.24 Consider the following processes involved in consolidation

1. Void reduction2. Pore pressure development3. Seepage of water4. Creep

What is correct sequence of the processes given above?(a) 4-1-3-2(b) 2-3-1-4(c) 4-3-1-2(d) 2-1-3-4

Q.25 for a certain loading condition ,a saturated clay undergoes 40% consolidationin period of 178 days. What would be the additional time required for further 20%consolidation to occur?(a) 89 days(b) 222.5 days(c) 329.5 days)(d) 400.5 days

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Q.26 At a reclamation site for which the soil is shown in figure , a 3m thick layerof a fill material is to be laid instantaneously on the top surface .if the coefficient ofvolume compressibility , m v for clay is 2.2x 10 -4 m 2/kN , the consolidationsettlement of the clay layer due to placing of fill material will be

3m fill material sat= 21KN/m 3 G ▼ GWT

4m silty sand sat= 20KN/m 3

10m claysat

= 18KN/m 3 mv=

2.2x10 -4m2/kN

(a) 69.5mm (b) 139mm (c) 228mm (d) 278mm

Shear strength of soil, stability of earth slopes, lateral earth pressure&retaining wall

Q.1 which one of following conditions is valid in case of unconfined compressiontest in comparison to tri-axial test?(a )minor principal stress =0(b) minor principal stress =0.5x major principal stress(c) minor principal stress = major principal stress(d) major principal stress =3x minor principal stress

Q.2 which one of the following is appriopriate tri-axial test to assess theimmediate stability of an unloading problem ,such as an excavation of clay slope?

(a) UU test(b) CU test(c) CD test(d) unconsolidated drained tests

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(d) 33.5t/m 2

Q.8 Unconfined compressive strength test is:

(a) Undrained test

(b) drained test

(c) consolidated undrained test

(d) consolidated drained test

Q.9 The ratio of the undisturbed shear strength to the remoulded shear strength incohesive soil under undrained conditions is

(a) zero

(b) 1

(c) greater than 1

(d) between 0 and 1

Q.10 The unconfined compressive strength of a pure clay soil is 100KN/m 2.Whatis the value of cohesion of soil in KN/m 2?

(a) 200

(b) 100(c) 75

(d) 50

Q.11 Match list-I (field test) with list-II (useful for) and select answer using thecodes given below the lists:


A. Vane shear testB. Standard penetration testC. Static cone penetration testD. Pressure meter test


1. End bearing and skin friction resistance

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2. In-situ sress-strain characteristics3. Soft clay4. Sandy deposits

Codes:A B C D

(a) 4 2 1 3(b) 3 4 1 2(c) 4 3 2 1(d) 3 4 2 1

Q.12 A vane 20cm long and 10cm in diameter was pressed into a soft marine clayat the bottom of a bore hole .torque was applied gradually and failure occurred at1000kg-cm.the cohesion of the clay in kg/cm 2 is

(a) 1/π x 6/7

(b) 1/π x 5/7

(c) 1/π x 4/7

(d) 1/π x 3/7

Q.13 During the first stage of tri-axial test when the cell pressure is increased from


to 0.26N/m2

, the pore water pressure increases from 0.07N/mm2

to0.15N/mm 2.Skempton’s pore pressure para meter B is

(a) 0.5

(b) -0.5

(c) 2.0

(d) -2.0

Q.14 An initial cross – sectional area of a clay sample was 15cm 2. The failure strainwas 25% in an unconfined compression test .the corrected area of the sample atfailure would be

(a) 15cm 2

(b) 20cm 2

(c) 25cm 2

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(d) 30cm 2

Q.15 In a shear test on cohesionless soils ,if the initial void ratio is less than criticalvoid ratio ,the sample will

(a) increase in volume

(b) initially increase in volume and then remain constant

(c) decrease in volume

(d) initially decrease and then increase in volume

Q.16 A finite slope of cohesionless soil is safe as long as

(a) there is no external load(b) β < φ (c) β > φ (d) the soil is dryQ.17 In the friction circle method the radius of the friction circle is given by(a) r tan φ (b) r cos φ (c) r sin φ (d) r

Q.18 If the unit weight of soil is 20KN/m3 cohesion is 15KN/m

2,factor of safety is

1.5 and the stability number is 0.05, the safe maximum height of the slope is(a) 5.0m(b) 8.0m(c) 10.m(d) 12.0mQ.19 An excavation was made at a slope angle of 54 ® in homogeneous clay.whenthe depth of excavation reached 8m,a slip occurred .the slip surface was likely tohave passed through a point:(a) above the toe of the slope(b) below the toe(c) through the toe(d) near the mid – point of the slope

Q.20 Coulomb’s theory of earth pressure is based on

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(a) the theory of plasticity(b) the theory of elasticity(c) empirical rules(d) wedge theory

Q.21 For a sand having an internal friction of 30® ,the ratio of passive to activelateral earth pressure will be(a) 1(b) 3(c) 6(d) 9Q.22 The nature of earth pressure above dredge line behind a cantilever sheet pilewall is(a) active(b) passive(c)at rest(d) active and passiveQ.23 To stabilize a concrete cantilever retaining wall against sliding , the ratio ofsliding force to resisting force should be(a) ≥ 1.55(b) ≤ 1.55

(c) ≥ 1.0 (d) ≤ 0.645 Q.24 The pore water pressure in the capillary zone is(a) zero(b) positive(c) negative(d) very lowQ.25 What is the critical depth of a vertical cut in a saturated cohesive soil withc=1.5t/m 2 and =1.8t/m 3

(a) 0.83m(b) 1.67m(c) 2.50m(d) 3.33m

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Q.26 A retaining wall 8m high with a smooth vertical back retains a clay backfillwith c=15KN/m,φ=15 ® and =8KN/m 3.(given sin 15 ®=0.25). the pressure at thetop will ,nearly ,be equal to(a) 35.2KN/m 2

(b) 23.0KN/m 2

(c) 27.6KN/m 2

(d) 11.5Kn/m 2

Q.27 Consider the following assumptions :1. failure occurs on a plane surface.2. wall is smooth but not necessarily vertical3. failure wedge is a rigid body.Coulomb’s theory of earth pressure is based on assumptions(a) 1,2and 3(b) 1 and 2(c) 1 and 3(d) 2 and 3

Q.28 A saturated stiff clay has unit weight 2gm/cm 3 and unconfined compressivestrength 2kg/cm 2

.the depth of tension crack that would develop in this clay is

(a) 2m

(b) 5m

(c) 10m

(d) 20m

Q.29 Rankine’s theory of earth pressure assum es that the back of the wall is

(a) plane and smooth

(b) plane and rough

(c) vertical and smooth

(d) vertical and rough

Bearing capacity & shallow foundation , pile foundation, soil exploration

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Q.1 The net ultimate bearing capacity of purely cohesive soil(a) depends on the width of the footing and is independent of the depth ofthe footing(b) depends on the width as well as the depth of footing(c) depends on the depth , but is independent of the width ,of the footing(d) is independent of both the width and the depth of footing

Q.2 If an SPT test gave the average blow count of 32 in fine sand belowwater table ,then what is the corrected value of blow count?(a) 22.1(b) 23.5(c) 24.2(d) 24.8

Q.3 Match list-I (Types of foundation) with list-II (Suitability) and select thecorrect answer using the codes given below the lists:

List-IA. Spread footingsB. Under reamed piles

C. Raft foundationD. Deep foundationsList-II

1. Soft clay for 20m followed by hard rock stratum2. Up to 3m black cotton soil followed by medium dense sand3. Compact sand deposit extending to great depth4. Loose sand extending to great depth


A B C D(a) 4 1 3 2(b) 3 2 4 1(c) 4 2 3 1(d) 3 1 4 2

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Q.4 A test plate 30cm square , settles by 12mm under a load of 4.5kN in a sandysoil . by how much will a footing 2m x 2m subjected to a load of 200KN settle?

(a) 36.3mm

(b) 20.87mm

(c) 75.7mm

(d) 18.15mm

Q.5 When a load test was conducted by putting a 60cm square plate on top of asandy deposit , the ultimate bearing capacity was observed as 60KN/m 2. What isthe ultimate bearing capacity for a strip footing of 1.2m width to be placed on thesurface of the same soil?

(a) 75KN/m 2

(b) 120KN/m 2

(c) 150KN/m 2

(d) 160KN/m 2

Q.6 The ultimate bearing capacity of square footing on surface of a saturated clay

having unconfined compression strength of 50KN/m2

(using skempton’s equation)is

(a) 250KN/m 2

(b) 180KN/m 2

(c) 150KN/m 2

(d) 125KN/m 2

Q.7 Sinking effort in well foundation is the ratio of weight of well staining to thatof skin friction developed on the sides and should preferably be

(a) < 1.0

(b) =1.0

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Q.12 The SPT value is recorded for the penetration of split barrel sampler for a penetration of

(a) 15cm

(b) 30cm

(c) 45cm

(d) 60cm

Q.13 A raft foundation with a basement floor is placed at a depth of 4m belowground level. The superstructure imposes a load of 150KN/m 2 on the raft. The unitweight of soil is 20KN/m 3. what are the values of the gross and net loading

pressure on the soil, respectively?

(a) 230KN/m 2 , 150KN/m 2

(b) 150JN/m 2 , 230KN/m 2

(c) 150KN/m 2 , 70KN/m 2

(d) 80KN/m 2 , 150KN/m 2

Q.14 The bearing capacity of strip footing on a saturated clay is 120KN/m 2. The bearing capacity of a circular footing (diameter=width) will be

(a) more than 120KN/m2

(b) equal to 120KN/m 2

(c) less than 120KN/m 2

(d) any of the above

Q.15 Allowable bearing pressure for a foundation depends upon

(a) Allowable settlement only

(b) Ultimate bearing capacity of soil only(c) Both allowable settlement and ultimate bearing capacity

(d) None of above

Q.16 In the plate load test for determining the bearing capacity of soil, the size ofsquare bearing plate should be

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(a) less than 300mm

(b) between 300mm and 750mm

(c) between 750mm and 1m

(d) greater than 1m

Q.17 A 300mm square bearing plate settles by 15mm in a plate load test on acohesive soil when the intensity of loading is 0.2N/mm 2. The settlement of a

prototype shallow footing 1m square under the same intensity lo loading is

(a) 15mm

(b) 30mm

(c) 50mm(d) 167mm

Q.18 As per terzaghi’s equation, the bearing capacity of strip footing resting oncohesive soil (c=10KN/m 2) for unit depth and unit width (assume N C as 5.7) is

(a) 47KN/m 2

(b) 57KN/m 2

(c) 67KN/m 2

(d) 77KN/m 2

Q.19 The allowable bearing capacity at 25mm allowable settlement for a footingin a sandy soil is 15t/m 2. The allowable bearing capacity for the same footing

permitting a settlement of 40mm is

(a) 24t/m 2

(b) 30t/m 2

(c) 35t/m2

(d) 40t/m 2

Q.20 The minimum slope of the well curb in well foundation should be (V: H)

(a) 1: 2

(b) 1: 1

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(d) 48KN

Q.24 The settlement ratio of pile group is generally

(a) less than 0.25

(b) between 0.5 and 0.75

(c) between 0.75 and 1.00

(d) more than 1.00

Q.25 A single acting stream hammer weighing 22.5KN and falling through a heightof 1.2m drives a pile . if the final set is 12.5mm , then according to engineeringnews formula.

(a) allowable load for the pile is 300KN(b) ultimate bearing capacity of the pile is 300Kn

(c) allowable load for the pile is 200kN

(d) ultimate bearing capacity of the pile is 120Kn.

Q.26 Negative skin friction on a pile under vertical compressive load acts

(a) downwards and increases the load carrying capacity of pile

(b) downwards and reduces the load carrying of pile(c) upwards and increases the load carrying capacity of pile

(d) downwards and maintains the same load carrying capacity of pile

Q.27 During a sampling operation , the drive sampler is advanced 600mm and thelength of the sample recovered is 525mm. what is the recovery ratio of the sample.

(a) 0.125

(b) 0.140

(c) 0.875

(d) 0.143

Q.28 A soil sampler has inner and outer radii of 25mm and 30mm , respectively.The area ratio of the sampler is

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(a) 24%

(b) 34%

(c) 44%

(d) 54%

Q.29 Which techniques of stabilization foe sub base is preferred for heavy plasticsoils?

(a) cement stabilization

(b) mechanical stabilization

(c) lime stabilization

(d) bitumen stabilization

Q.30 At a site having a deposit of dry sandy soil, an average soil of standard penetration resistance N equal to 6 was recorded . the compactness of the soildeposit can be described as

(a) very loose

(b) dense

(c) medium

(d) loose


Soil types & formations, properties of soil, soil classification and soil


1.a 2.b 3.b 4.c 5.c 6.d 7.d 8.c 9.a 10.d 11.d 12.b 13.a

14.c 15.d 16.a 17.b 18.a 19.d 20.a 21.d 22.d 23.c 24.c 25.a 26.c

Principle of effective stress ,capillarity & permeability ,seepage analysis

1.d 2.a 3.b 4.a 5.d 6.b 7.b 8.a 9.a 10.a 11.a 12.c 13.b14.a 15.a 16.c 17.d 18.c 19.b&c 20.c 21.c 22.a 23.b 24.c25.a 26. c

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Stress distribution in soils, compressibility & consolidation

1.(a) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. ( c) 9. (a)

10. (b) 11. (b) 12. (a) 13. (a) 14. (c) 15. (a) 16. (b) 17. (a) 18. (a)

19. (d) 20. (c) 21. (a) 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (b) 25. (b) 26. (b)

Shear strength of soil, stability of earth slopes, lateral earth pressure&retaining wall

1.(a) 2.(a) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5 . (a) 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (c)10. (d) 11. (b) 12. (a) 13. (a) 14. (b) 15. (d) 16. (b) 17. (c) 18. (c)

19. (b) 20. (c) 21. (d) 22. (d) 23. (a) 24. (c) 25. (d) 26. (b) 27. (c)28. (c) 29. (c)

Bearing capacity & shallow foundation , pile foundation, soil exploration

1.(d) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (b)10. (c) 11. (a) 12. (b) 13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (c) 16. (b) 17. (c) 18.(b)19. (a) 20. (b) 21. (d) 22. (c) 23. (d) 24. (d) 25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (c)28. (c) 29. (c) 30. (d)

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