MCPA Winter Nexus

VISIT US ONLINE TODAY: / President’s Letter - February By Will J. Cribby - President 2010-2011 Greetings and Happy New Year MCPA! I am hoping you are all dug out from all our recent snow and that the new year has brought on new energy to motivate you through to the Spring. The ground hog brought us great news, forecasting that we should expect an early Spring. I must admit, the news made shoveling the day after Groundhog Day a little easier. With the New Year, many of us find ourselves making resolutions to better ourselves whether it be to improve our diets, to quit unhealthy habits, to start an exercise program, or do something for ourselves that we have been putting off. I find myself doing this every year and usually try to focus on trying to accomplish something on my personal “bucket list”. Last year I set my sights on training to run the 114th Boston Marathon. I can report that not only did I accomplish this great feat, I also survived! Early into the new year, a good friend of my partners who I had gotten close with the last few years, suddenly passed away. We had seen him last at a holiday party in December and he appeared to be both happy and in good health. In writing my update for the newsletter, I found myself reflecting on this as I thought about making resolutions for the new year. In speaking with family and friends at the wake of this friend and then watching a slide show of pictures of his life after the funeral. I noticed that most of the pictures were recent and due to his career working for an airline, many were of his travels and vacations with his partner. It got me thinking about the many things he did in his life and also the things he wasn’t going to be able to accomplish. Resulting from this, I find myself contemplating the achievements and blessings in my life, and also the things that I tell myself I want to do, but find myself putting off. Many of these things range from catching up with old friends, reading a book, trying a new restaurant, traveling somewhere I have never been, studying a new language or refreshing a language I have already studied, starting the process for my next degree of education, going through an old box of paperwork, or any of the other things that get put on the back burner in our lives. Inspired, I have decided to make this year’s resolution to start cleaning off that back burner and not let these items become regrets. The list seems a TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1 -PRESIDENT’S LETTER Welcome from the Current President PAGE 2 -SPONSOR ADVERTISEMENT Johnson & Wales University -MCPA COFFEE TALK II Discussion of our November Coffee Talk -FACEBOOK/TWITTER Connect with us through Social Media PAGE 3 -MCPA DRIVE IN REVIEW Review of the MCPA Drive In PAGE 4 -ACPA 2011 UPDATE Attend our Social at ACPA 2011 -NETWORKING AS A NEW PROFESSIONAL Brush up on your Networking skills! PAGE 5 -REGISTER & SAVE THE DATE- COFFEE TALK 4 Job Search is our focus! -ACPA – MMI 2011 : A MEMORABLE PROFESSIONAL JOURNEY Words from a past MCPA president!(Continued through page 6) PAGE 7 -CONVENTION 2011 Late Registration still available! FEBRUARY - 2011 WINTER ISSUE - THE NEXUS - PAGE 1 MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATION THE NEXUS 2010-2011


The Nexus for Winter

Transcript of MCPA Winter Nexus


Inves tor Newslet terPresident’s Letter - FebruaryBy Will J. Cribby - President 2010-2011

Greetings and Happy New Year MCPA!

 I am hoping you are all dug out from all our recent snow and that

the new year has brought on new energy to motivate you through to the Spring. The ground hog brought us great news, forecasting that we should expect an early Spring. I must admit, the news made shoveling the day after Groundhog Day a little easier.

 With the New Year, many of us find ourselves making resolutions to better ourselves whether it be to improve our diets, to quit unhealthy habits, to start an exercise program, or do something for ourselves that we have been putting off. I find myself doing this every year and usually try to focus on trying to accomplish something on my personal “bucket list”. Last year I set my sights on training to run the 114th Boston Marathon. I can report that not only did I accomplish this great feat, I also survived!

 Early into the new year, a good friend of my partners who I had gotten close with the last few years, suddenly passed away. We had seen him last at a holiday party in

December and he appeared to be both happy and  in good health. In writing my update for the newsletter, I found myself reflecting on this as I thought about making resolutions for the new year. In speaking with family and friends at the wake of this friend and then watching a slide show of pictures of his life after the funeral. I noticed that most of the pictures were recent and due to his career working for an airline, many were of his travels and vacations with his partner. It got me thinking about the many things he did in his life and also the things he wasn’t going to be able to accomplish.

 Resulting from this, I find myself contemplating the achievements and blessings in my life, and also the things that I tell myself I want to do, but find myself putting off. Many of these things range from catching up with old  friends, reading a book, trying a new restaurant, traveling somewhere I have never been, studying a new language or refreshing a language I have already studied, starting the process for my next degree of education, going through an old box of paperwork, or any of the other things that get put on the back burner in our lives. Inspired, I have decided to make this year’s resolution to start cleaning off that back burner and not let these items become regrets. The list seems a


PAGE 1-PRESIDENT’S LETTERWelcome from the Current President

PAGE 2-SPONSOR ADVERTISEMENTJohnson & Wales University-MCPA COFFEE TALK IIDiscussion of our November Coffee Talk-FACEBOOK/TWITTERConnect with us through Social Media


PAGE 4-ACPA 2011 UPDATEAttend our Social at ACPA 2011-NETWORKING AS A NEW PROFESSIONALBrush up on your Networking skills!PAGE 5-REGISTER & SAVE THE DATE- COFFEE TALK 4Job Search is our focus!-ACPA – MMI 2011 : A MEMORABLE PROFESSIONAL JOURNEYWords from a past MCPA president!(Continued through page 6)PAGE 7-CONVENTION 2011Late Registration still available!



THE NEXUS 2010-2011


little daunting, but I will make a concerted effort to resolve this to do list one item at a time.

 So with this, I ask you while tackling New Year’s resolutions, please consider joining me in remembering the things in your life that you too may be putting off and try to make them accomplishments before they can become regrets! Don’t forget to keep your involvement with MCPA in mind. We are planning some great professional development opportunities for you in the next few months including a coffee talk for graduate students, our networking social at the ACPA convention is Baltimore, our Senior Student Affairs dinner(formerly called the “Vinny T’s Event”), and the Administrative Assistant workshop. We will also be announcing winners of this year’s

MCPA awards and conducting elections for open positions on the executive board for next year. Please stay tuned as we will keep you posted on details for these upcoming opportunities.


Will J. Cribby

Associate Dean of Students

Mount Ida College

MCPA CT IIFeature from Caela Provost, MCPA Member

On Friday, November 12, 2010, the Massachusetts College Personal Association, MCPA, hosted an informational and interactive “Coffee Talk” entitled, “Inclusivity & Diversity in Student Affairs” at Eastern Nazarene College in Quincy, MA. The talk, which covered a broad range of topics within the realm of social

justice and cultural understanding within the college atmosphere, was led by Karen Marshall, MSW & MBA and Dr. Eric Severson of Eastern Nazarene College and took place between 9:30 and 11:30am.

As this was my first ever MCPA “Coffee Talk,” I was unsure of how much valuable information I would take from such an experience; many other events I had previously attended, through other groups, conferences, and associations, had merely introduced a topic with little to no group feedback or interaction involved. Needless to say, this particular “Coffee Talk” was far from a banal and humdrum lecture; the leaders of the talk provided insightful information, in addition to serving as excellent facilitators of the group discussion as a whole.

One thing in particular that struck me at this event was the overall


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collective concern and passion of the group concerning the perception and acceptance of the idea of equality in university systems. Everyone at the “Coffee Talk,” leaders and participants alike, all shared a similar drive to fight the inequalities in their workplaces whether those disparities concerned race, religion, income, or sexual orientation; this common “drive” led to an influx of intelligent conversation, feedback, and ideas. I left the two hour dialogue feeling not only hopeful and inspired, but also wishing that there was more time booked for further discussion.

The November 12th MCPA “Coffee Talk” went far above and beyond my expectations of any cooperative discussion I have ever attended. Those who were present, without a doubt, gained important insight into the issue of social inequality, and, furthermore, were reminded of the numerous untapped resources we as educators and role models have that can and will conquer prejudice, close-mindedness, and hate in our colleges.

MCPA Drive-In ReviewFeature from John O’Connor MCPA Newsletter Editor

On a chilly morning in early December MCPA members from all over the state gathered at Worchester State University to discuss, reflect and learn about Wellness at this year’s MCPA Drive-In Conference: Root Yourself in Wellness. The conference focused exclusively on wellness. We started the day hearing from our Keynote Jenny Finn who is a licensed social worker (LSW), embodiment educator and owner of Soma, Ltd, and offers opportunities for healing through

creative expression and embodied practice. She led conference attendees through a dynamic and interactive keynote. A message through the keynote and the day was taking time away from our busy email, blackberry, tweet and Facebook filled lives to reconnect with ourselves and be in touch with our own minds and connections.

It is important to take time from our schedules to disconnect from our over connected world. Don’t forget to take 5 minutes to decompress!

Have a suggestion for next year’s topic? You can always email [email protected] with suggestions for the Drive-In or the newsletter!






New Professionals; Are you REALLY networking at conferences?Feature by Ryan Greelish

Article previously appeared in the December BACHA newsletter but was submitted separately to MCPA for Publication by the author.

Many people advise new professionals to attend conferences to network. New professionals take the advice and attend a conference or two. However, just attending the conference is not real networking! Networking is taking action to have conversations outside of the presentations. This is something that is not fully explained to new professionals as they begin to start their career. The following are a few of my own rules that I would like to share with other new professionals.

1. Attend the conference with the goal of collecting five business cards of professionals from other institutions. These should be professionals that you

have not met prior to the conference.

2. Bring your own business cards! Whether you are full-time or a graduate assistant, make sure that you bring your own business cards. If you do not receive them from your institution, order them online or print them off your computer. There should be no excuse why you don’t have your business cards with you!

3. Many departments attend conferences together, but remember why you are attending the conference. There are two goals; retain valuable information for professional development and to network through meeting other professionals. This means that you should not be socializing with your co-workers. Do not eat lunch together and do not attend sessions together. Separate yourself to get out there and meet other professionals!

4. When you first arrive, introduce yourself to the

committee members who organized the conference. This will give you an idea of some key professionals that you should get to know. They are primary contacts to make throughout conferences.

5. As you mingle, keep your eyes out for professionals that you recognize and already have met at past conferences. Reintroduce yourself so that they will be more apt to remember who you are. Make references to where and when you met, such as if you attended their past presentation or ate lunch with them.

6. After the keynote speaker and all attended sessions, take a few minutes to approach the presenter and ask them a question. If you are unable to think of a question regarding their presentation, ask a question about their past experiences or something that you are struggling with at your own institution. This will create more of a connection



between you and the presenter.

7. During all interactions with other professionals, exchange business cards. Of course many new professionals all ready know this, but here is an additional tip. After each interaction, take a moment to handwrite on the back of the business card you received. Handwrite notes such as what conference you met at, date, name of their presentation, who you both know in common, past institutions they worked at, what you spoke about after their presentation, etc.

8. Throughout the conference, say hi and continue conversations that you already started with other professionals. The more interactions that occur, the more you will both remember.

9. Consider presenting at conferences. You will be nervous, but why not start now. If you feel more comfortable you have an option of presenting with another professional.

Everyone has something to offer!

10. After the conference is over, your networking is not over! In the next few days, take your time to email all of the professionals that you have met. Thank them for taking time to speak with you and to answer your questions, ask a follow-up question, or ask for a copy their power point (many like to do that). This will serve as a reminder that you have met and a confirmation that they have your information on file.

Keep in mind that networking is extremely important, but so is retaining the valuable information in presentations. Above are a few tips that work for me and I wanted to share them for all new professionals. These tips may not work for everyone, so in that case, please take this with a grain of salt. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].


Ryan Nicole GreelishResidence Hall DirectorSacred Heart University

ACPA – MMI 2011 : A Memorable Professional Journey Feature by Jeanne Sevigny, Boston University, Assistant Director Housing, Past President MCPA

Having been a member of ACPA for over 19 years, it is an honor to share this journey from MMI 2011 (Mid Level Professionals with minimally five years full time work experience) Continued on Page 6


MCPA Presents Coffee Talk 4 - The Job Search 

This coffee talk is especially for our graduate students interested in learning more about the student affairs job search. Even if you aren't job searching this year, this will be a great opportunity to get a leg

up on the competition.  Although this is designed for graduate students, all professionals are welcome to share their own tips with

rising new professionals who are about to embark on this exciting job search journey.

10:00 am-12:30

Check - In & Refreshments begin: 10:00am

Free to MCPA members, $5.00 for non members. 

Please bring exact change or a check made payable to MCPA


Bridgewater State University


Continued from page 5 with you. To be honest, it was five days in Tampa, FL, January22-26 where I made new friends and grew professionally. Okay being in the southern warmth made the demanding academic schedule very tolerable!

For the many readers who are new professionals and graduate students just starting their journey in MCPA, and the field of higher education, I hope you quickly learn how unique and rewarding this profession can be. To the many colleagues in that midpoint of professional commitment (five to ten years) hopefully you will start preparing for your career advancements. For those in the field 10 plus years, it is my hope to ignite your flame to seek new professional experiences in your daily work environment and through contributions to our profession.

Coming from many different roads and communities, 58 professionals gathered to share wisdom, experiences and opportunities for continued professional maturing. The students of MMI 2011 were selected by the faculty in November 2010. Attendants received preparatory readings to expand our knowledge and reinforce our skills required for achieving career success.

The presentations from outstanding faculty covered areas that are more prevalent as one moves upward in the professional rankings: Crisis Management, Managing Campus Politics, Institutional Cultures, and many great activities for personal growth. Faculty represented the academic and practitioner populations. When combine, they represented work experience

from many different collegiate settings: large/small; private/public; community college/two year/four year institutions from all across our great USA. After each inspirational lesson we worked with our peers in cohorts led by faculty.

Speaking of cohorts, it was very exciting to learn that I shared this experience with three colleagues from our great state. In an attempt to give back to our profession, I have asked our MA cohort to share a special thought from their experience with you.

James Albuquerque, Endicott College, Assistant Director of Residence Life offers the following insight from his experience: “The Donna M. Bourassa Mid-Level Management Institute was an experience that all Mid-Level Managers in the field should participate in. To be able to share ideas and discuss current problems facing our institutions is instrumental in my professional development. Finally the faculty that attended were great individuals with years of knowledge and experience that all of us hope to have one day. “

Erik Muurisepp, Curry College, Director Res. Life & Housing, also known for his service to MCPA as past president has the following to share: “The ACPA MMI was an experience that I will never forget and will always be thankful for being a part of. This five day immersion program allowed me, and other participants, to be away from work routines and stressors of campus while we reflected on what we do and why we do it. The sessions at MMI took “everyday” topics and then had you go deeper within your mind and ask why and even why not? It is not very often that you have this opportunity to be honest and open with colleagues – and then

walk away so empowered and ready to take on what lies ahead… “

Annie Ruvolo Warechol, Springfield College, Assistant Director of Student Activities shares a few thoughts from her journey: “Attending the MMI 2011 provided me with an incredible opportunity to meet and network with other mid-level managers in the field. This institute helped me identify specific skills on how to become a better leader-manager at work and has renewed my sense of purpose within the field. This was an amazing experience and I am so fortunate to have met such powerful and inspirational leaders within the field. “

As a long term ACPA member, I have waited for this experience. Working and learning from multidisciplinary peers, it was refreshing to be reminded that we all have challenging aspects of our assigned tasks, that political demands as part of daily decisions everywhere and that there are many more ways we can be working together to make work easier for all. Within my cohort, we each had minimally 15 years experience within our concentration. The higher education/ student affairs groups, academic support, multicultural services, counseling, student activities, career services, wellness/fitness and many areas of Residence Life and Housing. Each offered great ideas and shared fabulous approaches for serving students. Manipulating and adjusting programs for individual campus cultures is one way of learning.

Working full time in housing, I miss the opportunity of mentoring and collaborating. As past president of MCPA I feel compelled to share how important it is that we all



take initiative to refresh our skills, reading articles and remember that change is constant. Without change we could be missing out on improvements or reaching student needs. I hope to influence growth in my department over the next view months as I reconnect with campus life post MMI.

I want to thank the ACPA MMI 2011 faculty for making the commitment to invest in my personal and professional growth. As a newly energized state

leader, I am making the commitment to you to share the lessons learned from MMI with mid level managers and those aspiring for that position in the near future. I invite all readers to take a new challenge, move forward with intention and a willingness to learn. May you find a way to share your skills and use your strength as well as seek support to expand in the areas you are less developed.

With all that we do each day it is my hope that you are also taking time to celebrate your successes and accomplishments. It will be my personal goal to provide additional lessons for all to expand personally and professionally from my journey. Thank you for allowing me to share this personal accomplishment with you. I look forward to seeing many of you at the BeMORE convention on March 26-30, 2011.


On-Site/One-Day Rates now apply:

Member - 495/275Student - 150/120

Non-Member - 650/[n/a]

You can still register! Don’t forget to

register for convention!30 Days

