MCP Application for AIESEC Myanmar 15-16

Application Booklet (Q&A)


This was published to be used by MCVP candidates as a reference for their application should they want to align their plans and vision with the MCP-elect.

Transcript of MCP Application for AIESEC Myanmar 15-16

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Application Booklet (Q&A)

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1. What is an agent of change and why are you one?

I am an agent of change because I exhibit most of these behaviors, and it has been very apparent in my AIESEC

career as mentioned in my CV and endorsement letters, and even in this MCP application process, I felt myself

develop more as a change agent.

I started my application with research and consultation on the current economic, political, social, and

environmental condition of AIESEC and Myanmar and I immediately felt that

our organization can do more. There is a lot of hesitance and resistance

coming from both the MC and the country and one thing I’d like to offer is my risk-taking behavior. I have already

begun looking for organizations and people who can help me and the entity.

The only thing left to do is inspire action in the executive board and in the youth of Myanmar and I hope to do that

as MCP.

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2. What are the AIESEC global trends and how does it influence the development of a new entity like

AIESEC in Myanmar?

Based on discussions from the International Congress in Taiwan, Asia Pacific Summits, AP MCP meeting, and the Global Expansion

Summit in 2014 and the AI replanning happening right now, many changes are ahead for AIESEC. To name a few we have:

new customer flow, EXPA, GIP innovation, new Leadership Development Model, new value propositions for our programs,

more regional initiatives in GCDP (ASEAN and AP), a GEC coaching system and entity growth plan, updated AIESEC way, and the possibility of a different AIESEC experience. All these bode well for a young entity like Myanmar, because we are a

clean slate.

While others will be struggling with implementation and change management, Myanmar will run these changes as if it were status quo or standard operations. We have the potential of

piloting these changes for the global network and even advise them on improvements and feasibility checks. All these will put

Myanmar on AI’s radar, we can ask them to expect more from us and we can push ourselves towards delivering on that promise. More coaching, simplified leadership development models and AIESEC frameworks, and avenues for collaboration will make a small entity like Myanmar clearer and bigger in the eyes of its

locals and of its ministry, thus giving us more credibility.

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3. What is your personal mission and vision in life and how will working in the MC in Myanmar

support you to achieve it?

After almost 4 years in AIESEC, I’ve come to truly believe that I am a leader. This realization allowed me to dream bigger and dream differently. Before AIESEC, I simply wanted to be a doctor like all my peers, but now I know I’m capable of so much more, like government leadership in Health, which is why I need an experience like MCP to push me towards my maximum potential, my maximum capacity, in the organization that gave me so much of my leadership.

Being MCP will allow me to I was fortunate to find the perfect combination between personal duty as an AIESEC and passion as a person, because Myanmar is the kind of entity I see myself being deeply connected with as it is a start-up. Myanmar is exactly the kind of developing country I would love to serve as well when I pursue a career in Public Health, It’s an added bonus that so many universities offer the course there, and Myanmar is one of the ASEAN countries actively fighting against the rise of HIV/AIDS, which is a cause I’ve believed in since I led my first PBOX on it in my first year in AIESEC.

Lastly, throughout the application process and upon learning the challenges of Myanmar youth and crafting my vision, I have grown to truly care about the entity. I’ve already made initial contacts to relevant institutions and I feel like I will pursue my efforts to help the entity whatever the result may be. I’ve invested so much of myself into this, it will be hardt to turn away.

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4. Please identify one current issue in Myanmar and describe how AIESEC can impact and improve this

issue, as well as capitalize on this issue for the development of our members, our external presence,

and our financial sustainability.

Myanmar is on a slowly changing political and social environment, while international investors are forcing them to adapt quickly though economic reforms. This disparity and lack of youth mobility puts Myanmar at risk of missing great opportunities of globalization in the future. AIESEC needs to be the pioneers of such a reform among the youth. About one-third of Myanmar is composed of young people, and with the slow pace of the reform, it is expected to fully break through in 10 to 20 years–- the same time today’s youth will have the authority and resources to have an influence in policies and programs.

Young people today are relied upon to be more culturally aware and open to a lifestyles, behaviors, and knowledge on rural development and global policy from various countries. They must also lead in embracing diversity amidst the friction between foreign influx and ethnic groups.

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Financial Sustainability With more proactive people to run operations and more support from partner organizations, we will be able to adhere to the Business Model of AIESEC. I specifically see ICX driving the exchange and leadership culture first, and it also covers all bases from membership productivity to external relations to acquiring revenue streams. As long as our ICX is aligned with solving the issue of youth mobility and awareness of global trends and local opportunities, finding partners will be easier and more targeted.

External Presence Identifying ourselves with specific skills development that benefit the relevant sectors of Myanmar 2015 (which I identified to be education, environment, and tourism) will guide us towards which companies or organizations to approach and seek support or endorsement from. I really think it’s possible to even get the support of the Ministry through international groups like United Nations and Asian Development Bank, this will make us more than a mere youth group to the society and maybe they will put more trust in us and in our effort to support the changes happening.

Member Development* See Question #10

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5. What are you personal reasons to apply for MCP in Myanmar? What will be your main personal

challenges during your term?

I first made the decision that I want to devote at least one more year to AIESEC. When I looked back on the experiences and regrets I’ve had so far, I realized that my next step must be MCP. I’ve grown so much in my term as MCVP. My MCP, Michael Fua has taught me so much about seeing the bigger picture and making bold sometimes unpopular decisions for the good of the entity. I’ve seen the way his experience changed him from a good leader to a great one, and how he tried to pull the team up with him. I want that chance, too. I want to be in a position where I can inspire a team to develop an entity, to inspire them to reach a set goal. I’m up for the challenge. I chose Myanmar after talking to two of my trusted friends in AIESEC. They gave me a 360° assessment and determined that my strength is in building foundations and adjusting to changes. I would say that this strength will benefit me as an international MCP inculcating myself in a new environment, and benefit the entity as one experiencing changes from its country and AI. As I expect myself to take bold actions and inspire others to do the same, there is a risk of losing the motivation of some people who are not as strong-willed as the task calls for. I may also get a lot of resistance from all sides, but I will try my best to compromise and use my knowledge of the situation to benefit most stakeholders. I will definitely bank on problem-solving and crisis management skills from when I was in ICX, but this time multiplied by 10. For this particular challenge, I hope to get the support of the EB and BOA.

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I mentioned our role as pioneers globally for the changes AI has proposed, but more than that, we can contribute to initiatives regionally, and even sub-regionally in focus issues or industries. Because AIESEC Myanmar currently has a leadership program that essentially merges GCDP and GIP the issues and industries may overlap. Shown below are contributions we can make as ICX, as that will be our focus program for 2015-2016.

6. What is the role of AIESEC in Myanmar in the global network and the contribution that the entity

should make?

Education (Cultural Awareness and Skills


Environment (CO₂ emissions) and Tourism

Social Entrepreneurship and Leadership

Environment (Water) and Tourism

For OGX, many young people in Myanmar study more modern courses such as Agricultural Science, Computer Science, Medicine, Nursing, and Public Health. They can offer the world (GIP TNs) their technical skills in those fields and even their characteristic discipline as pupils of hard sciences. For undergrads, many environment & subjects educations TNs are available in the network.

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7. Considering global trends, what is the direction of AIESEC globally for 2020?

Further develop competencies & leadership skills to meet the global standard through avenues in addition to exchange

Use global youth voice to push for policies that safeguard human rights and national identity, because diversity is still important

Take advantage of the connectivity and use it to improve program delivery and customer experience by investing in better IT

Complement tech and manufacturing opportunities with targeted projects or social businesses

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8. What is your vision for AIESEC in Myanmar for 2015-2016 and for 2020? Please describe how your

term will set the direction for 2020?

For my term, the focus and greatest measure of success will be the youth’s change in mindset and behavior towards more openness to risk-taking. Myanmar is young and it hasn’t existed long enough to make the mistakes it needs to make in order to learn. With all these global changes, this is the year for experimentation, the year for innovation, and hopefully the year for breakthrough if only internally.

Bold individuals will pave the way for a bigger more collaborative entity as members themselves will be reaching out and offering support to the social development network. Together, these organizations and companies can influence national decisions and programs, until finally, AIESEC itself is seen as a representative of a youth that is action-oriented, collaborative, and socially powerful youth.

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9. What should be the 3 main goals of AIESEC in Myanmar for 2015-2016? Please use tangible and

quantified goals and explain your reasoning for each of them.

Through combined iGIP & oGCDP leadership program

Through strategic international and

government partners

Finding or developing new AIESECers (TMP/TLP/OGX)

# of youth and international orgs, # of regional initiatvies part of, and # of governement-endorsed events:

show collaboration and potential influence

# of co-created social projects and # of participants: show social impact # of new AIESECers (EPs/members): shows size and potential influence

# of TMP/TLP/oGCDP/oGIP; show talent capacity and IR

NPS Score: show quality and effectiveness of program

# of new SUs, OEs, IGs,, LCs: show potential influence

# of local successors: shows sustainability of ambition

# of TNs and LPs: show collabotation locally # of OC members: show talent capacity and pipeline # of exchanges: show collaboration internationally

Revenue/Reserves: show sustainability # of entity partners: show long-term collaboration and available resources

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10. How should AIESEC develop leadership in Myanmar youth? Analyze the current strategies for leadership development and explain what should be

continued and what should be changed.

Member Development

The reform in Myanmar rely a lot on individual effort, young people need direction and guidance. AIESEC can provide that as it has tried to recruit members in the past, but the challenge was keeping their interest and patience. After identifying the most important skills needed from the youth, we can craft a Leadership Development Program (much like the one currently proposed) that will allow students to have a more concrete JD and tasks that can contribute to the country and the region.

We can give the hesitant applicants micro-experiences, small roles, and short-term events within a project first, and those who pursue AIESEC beyond that can be part of the core membership. It is also possible to find existing youth organizations in Myanmar that already have members who are patient and proactive and include them in the core. Acquiring and building HR is one of my three focuses for the term.

We can keep the program as it is in terms of delivery, where each participant can go through TMP and GCDP, and iGIP EPs can run the program with the help of MPDC. It’s a very self-sustaining yet impactful program that can definitely be replicated with other institutions and even offered as a product for country partnerships.