MCHffi New Spring Horses Mules Goods. and of i Young to ...€¦ · "TOTHINEOWNSELFBETRUE, ANDIT...

"TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE, AND IT MUST FALLOW AS THE MCHffi By Steck, Shclur HugliM & Shclor. WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNj New Spring Goods. Our Spring Goods are now arriving, Come in and look them over, «g The prices are right. C. W. & J. E. Bauknight. WALHALLA, S. C. IT PAYS TO BUY FOR CASH. The Demand for Fertilizers Is Coming* NEVER DOUBT IT! Tho American farmer is nobody's fool. To «cut his fertilizer jimms to reduce lils crop. To reduce lils crop means to lessen his income. Ho knows thai bet ter than any ono Also. Ho will withhold ills orders tHl tho lust moment, like any other business man in a falling market, hst when tho time comes ho wiU buy as near his normal amount of fertilizer as his cash and iris credit will permit. Extract from an editorial in tho Bulletin of the United States Potash Producers' Association. (adv.-13-14 NOTICIO OF ELECTION. Tho State of South Carolina, County of Oconee. To the Qualified Electors and Regis¬ tered Freeholders of Legal Voting Age in Mndison School District, No. 75: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That an Election will be hold at Madison School House od WEDNESDAY, the 13th day of APRIL, 1921, for tho purpose of voting upon the question of levying a Special Tax of Four Mills on all taxable property of «aid District, to be used for school pur¬ poses in said District, in accordance with Section 1742, Civil Code of South Carolina, 1912. Respectfully, A. P. DUKE, J. P. ARVE, J. P. KNECHT, Trustees. March 30, 1921. 13-14 NOTICE OF ELECTION. State of South Carolina, Coutny of Oconee. To the Qualified Electors and Regis¬ tered Freeholders of Legal Voting Age in Chauga School District, No. 23: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: That an Eloction will be hold at Chauga School House on WEDNESDAY, the 13th day of APRIL, 1921, for the purpose of voting upon the question of levying a Spoclal Tax of Seven Mills on all taxable property of said District, to be used for building nur- posos in said District, In accordance with Section 1742, Civil Code of South Carolina, 1912. Respectfully, W. N. SULLIVAN,,. W. M. COLLINS, ALBERT SMITH. Trustees. March 30, 1921. 13-14 NOTICE OF ELECTION. State of South Carolina, Coutny of Oconoe. To tho Qualillèd Electors and Regis¬ tered Freeholders of Legal Voting Ago In Clevela'nd School District, No. 12: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: That an Eloction will be hold at Clovelnnd School Houso on WEDNESDAY, tho 13th day of APRIL, 1921, between the hours of 7 A. M. and 4 P. M., for the purpose of voting upon the ques¬ tion of levying a Special Tax of Six Mills on all taxable property of said District, to bo used for building pur¬ poses In said District, in accordance with Section 1742, Civil Code of South Carolina, 1912. Respectfully, .1. A. JONES, .1. C. MOORE, ,1AM ES SPENCER, Trustees. March 30, 1921. 13-14 Subscribe for The Courier. (Beat.; NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS. In tho District Court of tho United States for the Western District of South Carolina.-In Bankruptcy. In thu .Matter of Frederick Charles Ayer, Bankrupt. To the Creditors of Frederick Charles Ayer, of Seneca, In the Coun¬ ty of Oconee and District aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 19th day of March, A. D. 1921, the said Frederick Charles Ayer was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that tho first meeting of his creditors will be held in the offlçe of E. L. H ERNDON, Esq., in Walhalla, S. C., on the Eighth Day of APRIL, A. D. 1921, at ll o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before the said meet¬ ing. C. E. COOLEY, Referee in Bankruptcy, Anderson, S. C. 'March 28t,h, 1921. 13 Itamseur Succeeds Blackburn. Congressman F. H. Dominick an¬ nounces the resignation of his pres¬ ent secretary, W. F. Blackburn, and the appointment of Walter G. Ram- seur, of Central, Pickens county, as his successor. Mr. Blackburn resigned in order to accept tho position of chief clerk in the office of tho Chief Game War¬ den in Columbia. Mr. Ramseur was Congressman Dominick's secretary when ho first wont to Washington four years ago, remaining with him ns secretary un¬ til September, 19 17, when he entorod tho army ns an army field clerk and served In France as such for two years. --«.»» Killed at Bottom of Well. Gaffney, S, C., March 27.-James Adkins, who was well) known In this city and section, and who had fol¬ lowed the business of digging wells for a number of years, was instantly killed Friday while working in a well In Gaffney. From information obtained from people in the neigh¬ borhood of whore tho accident oc¬ curred, it seems that two wlndlnss mon were handling tho bucket, and In some way it became detached from the rope while at tho top of the well and struck Adkins on tho hoad when lt foll back to the bottom of the well, where ho was at work. Mr. Adkins was G ¡J years of ago and Is survived by his widow and a number of children. Adah, in Babylonia, discovered by tho University of Chicago excavat¬ ing expedition in 1 9 04, ls consid¬ ered tho oldest city in tho world. HIGH AM IS GUILTY OF MURDER. Jury Heilders Verdict In Two Hours . und Ten Minutes. Florence, March 28.-Edmund p. Bigham, charged with killing his brother and four others, was found guilty of the murder of hl8 brother here to-day and was sentenced to die April 8th. Tho case was given to the Jury at 1,15 o'clock this afternoon, and at 3.25, following a recess to 3 o'clock, and after a walt of sbme minutes to bring tho prisoner irAo court, the Jury's verdict of guilty of murder was read to a court room crowded with spectators. Convicted Mun Talks. Then, after a painful wait of min¬ utes while the clerk of the court searched for the ceremonial of tho arraignment for sentence, and an harangue by the prisoner in response to .ludge Memminger's question if he had anything to say in his own behalf, the death sentence was pro¬ nounced and Bigham knew that he was to die on Friday, April S'th, un¬ less the Supreme Court grants a re¬ versal of the verdict on the appeal which Attorney A. L. King announc¬ ed his intention to make. Bigham's stolid Indifference to everything around him. bis apparent inability to grasp the solemnity of the proceedings or of the seriousness of his own position, his readiness to respond with a smile on less than no provocation all passed when the prisoner came Into court to hear the verdict. He resumed in part his role of Injured innocence when he sat in tho dock for final arraignment. For a time he leaned forward, his head resting on bis hand as If he prayed for strength to go through the ordeal he had been called upon to pass. He listened with no special interest as his attorney moved for a new trial, and while Judge Mommlnger, in re¬ fusing lt, alluded with much feellug to the fact that Bigham's father had while1 State Senator from Florence comity cast his vote in favor of put# ting Judge 'M'emminger oh trie DeflcBr The shocking part of the whole thing seemed to reach him slowly, but as Its realization progressed by degrees the ashen pallor that had shown In his foco all day became more marked, the aid of bravado passed Into a pitiable weakness that caused the man to look here and there about the> audience with the expression of a hunted animal sur¬ rounded by men who sought its life. Tho old Bigham had passed and did not show again until Judge Mern-1 minger asked him what ho had to say why sentence should not be pro¬ nounced against him. Then, leaning forward on the miling of the pris¬ oner's dock, and in a voice that was calm and unshaken, tho prisoner spoke as follows: "I have nothing to say except that I am innocent. Ii know .nothing of how that crime was committed. That Ts the truth, so help me, God. That's all I have to say. I wish my mother could como down and tell how tho thing hnppened. I wish that little boy had lived when I asked Dr. Boston to save his life. He would have told the same things I and my wife told. Judge, I hope you will give me time, so some of tho people who testified here against me may have a chance to come forward and tell the truth, and not come too late, like Viudas making his offering of the thirty pieces of silver. I do warit to say something more. I hope you will take no exception to it. As far as you are concerned I have had a fair trial. But if people had had time to think things over, consider and take it up with their God, they would have testified differently." When asked to explain the finding of his pistol in his brother's hand, Bigham said: "I left that pistol in my bureau drawer, and it haft been testified that the door was found broken open. That ls tho only way Smiley could have got lt. If I am guilty 'I hope I may be petrified in front of this court house, Just as I was that day or as I am now. T am as Innocent ns a new-born baby." shotgun Duel Near Barnwell. Barnwell, S. C., March 27.-In a shotgun duel which took place about fivo miles from Barnwell this morn¬ ing, Leonard 'Miles, white, was seri- onsly wounded, and Charlie Morris, also white, was painfully injured. Miles was shot in tho chest, the ball passing through his lung and com¬ ing out of his back. Morris was shot in his feet. It Is said that the shoot¬ ing was tho culmination of long¬ standing ill feeling between tho two men, who live on adjoining farms. Each claims that tho other shot first. Tho attending physician said that Milos had an even chance of recov¬ ery. Tom Marshall Gets Appointment. Washington, March 26.-Former Vice President Thoa. R. Marshall and former Senator Nathan B. Scott, of Wost Virginia, woro appointed as members of the Lincoln Memorial Commission to-day by President W. G. Harding. Tho United States had 7 5 posl- odlces In 1790. Sunflower seeds yield a drying oil nearly 1 to thnttof linseed. I ******* **** jf^OR A GENERAL CLEAN Ul». * 1 ¿Friday,- April 1st, Will bo Clean- 9 Up Ray in Walhalla. ? MK Every citizen of tho town of * Walhalla ls called upon to Join . Hub a Clean-up Day, and I most * %/óarnestly ask that everybody * fl Join In with the city officials . .íánd tho Civic League in this ? .^much-needed work. Rake and * Vpurn all the old papers and * ?pother trash or rubbish that will * ?ftburn, thou got together all the ? *^old tin cans, bottles or broken * ?^crockery Into piles whore the * *f.wagons can got it, and early on * ?«Friday morning, April 1st, tho ? ?^wagons will be In every ward . **pf the town for the purpose of ? ..? gathering »ip nnd hauling out * ??¿of town all such rubbish as can- ?v'not be safely burned. ? The Civic League will join in ? this work, and committees will *r$>° appointed to see that every ? part of town is thoroughly cared ?. xor and cleaned. ? 1 cannot stress too much the ? importance of this work, for it ? is a well recognized fact that ? filth and rubbish are tho Incu- ?. gaters for filos and other enr- ? Mers of disease germs, und ? (therefore should not be allowed ?>|o accumulate in our back yards ? pd on our promises. The age-old question may be ?. asked, "Am I my brother's keep- ?' er?" and the answer ls, "We Winnot live unto ourselves." ? Every one is a part of tho great Vahóle and must, therefore, ns- ? alst in the betterment (Y the liv- ? Rig conditions of the town or ? ? Community in which his or her ? ? lot is cast. ? ? 1 therefore call upon every ? ? :qno, white and colored, to do ? ? his or her part In the matter of * ?'deaning up and beautifying the ? Aurally beautiful to-m of Wal- ? Ha. W. M. Brown, . * * ? ? * * ? * ? ITEMS OF SENECA LOCAL NEWS. ¡ 1 - Clans Rivalry Brings Into tho Sunday Helloo). Many Now Members. Seneca, March 29.-Special: 'Miss Nancy Hines, a member of the music faculty at Winthrop College, was at home for the Easter holidays. Friends of Mrs. L. David Wyly, of Fayetteville, N. C., will bo pleased to know that she and bor four-year- old son, David, Jr., arrived Tuesday night on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Reid. Mrs. Singleton Vernor and her two boys, Oliver and James, left Satur¬ day for the "Gate City," where they expect to spend the month of April. After a pleasant visit of several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Low¬ ery, Rev. and Mrs. M. R. Kirkpat¬ rick loft last Wednesday morning for their former home on Wadmalnw Island. Rev. D. J. Fant will preach In the Baptist church at tho morning hour for services next Sunday, and Rev. J. W. McGlothlln, president of Furman University, will fill tho pulpit at the evening hour. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to attend these services. The monthly meeting of the Par¬ ent-Teacher Association will be held Tuesday afternoon, April Gth. A full attendance is desired. The beginners' department of the Presbyterian church were given an Easter egg hunt Friday afternoon In the church yard by Mrs. W. F. Aus¬ tin, superintendent, and Mesdames! H. P. Hôlleman and Claude Hopkins, teachers in this department. The little tobj had a happy time and tho hours were all too short for them. Ice cream was served, and thnt, too, was enjoyed by the children. E. O. Todd, of Greenville, spent several day? the past week with his homofolks. He is recuperating from the after-effects caused from having his tonsils removed. Miss Mary Strlbllng has returned to flreenvllle, after a pleasant visit to Miss Rebecca Todd and other friends. Tho sale of aprons and pies which was given Saturday under tho aus¬ pices of tho Christian Endeavor So¬ ciety was a pronounced success. Tho aprons and pies were sold as rapidly as tho proverbial "hot cakes," which ls very gratifying to those who had the sale in charge. Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Hines hod as their guest for tho Easter season their relative, Adjt.-Gon. W. W. Mooro, of Columbia. Although tho clouds were heavy and threatening, there was a large number of tho Onco-a-Week Club members who attended tho meeting last week when Mrs. Clinton Marett charmingly entertained at her home In Mowry. At tho conclusion of the program the hostess sorved a tompt- ing salad course, with leo cream and cako. Tho membership drive which was Unlicked by tho Fidelis class of tho Baptist church was brought to a closo aftor about four weeks of pleas¬ ant rivalry between tho two chosen sides. Tho class had even ono dozen girls enrolled, but thoy were deter¬ mined to bring others In, and with Misses Winnifred Adams and Viola Horses - I HAVE A 35 Head of Goo< and Muk and they are worth thc monc Good Paper, These are all kind you will need for the he have Buggies, Wagons and Repairs, Chattanooga Plows right prices, & Milk Cows and see me. HOYS' ORATORICAL CONTEST. Ttie Occasion will Take Place Friday Night of This Week. Tho boys' oratorical contest will be held Friday of this week in the auditorium of the Walhalla High School, beginning at 8 o'clock. Five schools have given notice of entering the contost and have sent the names of their representatives. These are as follows: 1. Seneca. (Name of representa¬ tive and subject not designated.)- 2. Norton. (Representative and subject not given.) Columbus. 4. Richland. Kenneth Hughs, rep¬ resentative; subject, "Results of Work." 6. Westminster. David Stribling, representative; subject, "Declara¬ tion of Independence." A contest of unusual merit is an¬ ticipated, for the local contests by which these representatives have been chosen have boen of a high or¬ der. It is hoped that the auditorium will he filled on Friday night. In order to meet the necessary ex¬ penses incident to the contest an admission fee of 2f> cents will be charged. EXHUME HO DI ICS OF NEGROES Murdered in Georgia-Eleven Aro Reported to Have Reen Killed. Atlanta, March 26.-Agents of the Department of Justice, led by Clyde Manning; a negro, who confessed to having aided in killing eleven ne¬ groes on the plantation of John Wil- Hams, in Jasper county, Georgia, to¬ day dug up the bodies of three ne¬ groes in a pasture a short distance from the Williams home. The search was continued for three more bodies, which the negro is said to have con¬ fessed to having helped get rid of. John Williams, owner of the plan¬ tation, is being held in the Fulton County tower on a warrant charging murder, and his three sons, Julius, Hayler and Marvin Williams, also were arrested to-day on Stato war¬ rants charging murder. Charges of peonage in connection with the ope¬ ration of the Williams' farms are being investigated by the Federal officers. All-Day Sluging at Cross Roads. There will be an all-day singing at Cross Roads No. 2 Baptist church on tho first (next) Sunday in April, tho 3d. All lovers of music, and espe¬ cially tho singers, are invited. Bring well-filled baskets and let's have a day of singing and praise. Bradberry as captains of their re¬ spectivo sides, no time was lost, as lt was known that tho defeated side would bo called on to honor the sue- cessful contestants In a social gath¬ ering. Tho class rapidly grew from ono dozen girls to three dozen and a half. There was a most enjoyable got-togother of this largo class Fri¬ day evening at the Palmetto Hotel. Tho hostesses for the evening wero Mrs. (eu fro, tho teacher; Mrs. John Brock, Jr., Mrs. T. M. Lowery, Mrs. Walter Kelley and Miss Winnifred Adams. Animated conversation and livoly contests and games afforded a pleasant pastime for an hour or moro. Thon tho guests were Invited Into tho dining room, whero a deli¬ cious chicken salad course was serv¬ ed. Tho parlors and dining room were profusely decorated with beau¬ tiful spring flowers appropriate to tho Faster season. Tho place cards were little yellow chickens, sugges¬ tive of the season, and in all details there wero similar suggestions. De¬ lightful punch was sorved through¬ out tho ovonlng. It will bo woll for other Sunday school classes to fall in step with tho Fidelis class and bring Others in. WALHAL J. R. Suttles. - Mules BOUT- i Young Horses ÎS to Sell ;y\ Will sell for Cash or real work stock-just thc :avy spring work, J Also Harness, Oliver Plows and and Repairs-all to go at and Beef Cattle. «s* Come Brown, LA, S, C* SCENES OF TERROR AHE CAUSED Hy Flumes-'Whole City of Tokio Threatened by Great Pire, Tokio, Japan, March 27.-Tho en¬ tire city of Tokio was imperilled last night by tho greatest fire with which it' has been visited in a decade. The conflagration destroyed a thousand houses In tho Yotsuya district, in tho northwestern part of the city, involv¬ ing a loss ostimated at 25,000,000 yen (normally about $12,500,000.) Thousands of persons were matfe homeless, and 138 persons were in¬ jured. The burned buildings Includ¬ ed three hospitals, a bank, and sev¬ eral large Jmajnesa, M^P^t^^M^tí^! a violent, biting .wind .drove* tlTé^. flames In the direction ot' th'è heart- of the city, causing a panic among: the population over a wide area. Four thousand troops aided the Ure- men in combating .tho blaze, but it was only when the force of the wind let down notably that tbolr efforts to control tho fire were rewarded with any degree of success. Scones of Terror. Scenes of terror wore witnessed in many sections as tho course of the flames threatened widespread de¬ struction. The streets wero choked with masses of despairing refugees from the districts already stricken, accompanied by carts loaded with furniture, tho confusion being added to by the flocking In of sightseers from other sections. Many of the half-frozen fugitives fleeing from the flames bore infants strapped to their backs. Mounted police bad great dif¬ ficulty In restraining incipient pan¬ ics. As a measure of relief the Im¬ perial Gardens were opened to the Bufferers. Thjg fire burned with such Intenso brightness and so fiercely that tho skies were Illumined by a fiery halo which was visible for hundreds of miles as it hung over the city. The Diet, which was in session when the blaze started, adjourned when its threatening nature was reported. ROY HELPED HIS MOTHER CLUB Father to I)oath-Carted Body Away to Railroad in Toy Wagon. Grand Rapids, Mich., March 26.- Caspar Dldia, 14 years old, confessed to-day, according to the police, that he helped his mother club to death his step-father, Jos. Scalblus, last night. Then, according to the con¬ fession, he and his brother, James, nine yoars old, placed tho body in a toy wagon and carted it to the rail¬ road yards, where they loft it. Tho body was found early to-day by a switching crow. Caspar declares that he was dur¬ ing the night awakened by a quar¬ rel between his mother and stop-fa¬ ther. "I struck him with nr. axe and a shovel, and my mother hit him with a stick," tho police quote him as saying. "Then my brother and I carried the body in tho cart." Mrs. Scalblus and tho two boys wore taken Into custody shortly af¬ ter the body was found. Nervous Influenza Now. London, 'March 26.-Nervous In¬ fluenza ls the latest form malady that has visited London, according to Dr. Hernard Hollander, an emi¬ nent Harley street physician, who says that, although the now form of "flu" ls not prevalent to any alarm¬ ing extent, thoro aro undoubtedly many casoB of lt In London. Dr. Hol¬ lander remarked a similar form of Influenza thirty years ago and be¬ lieves that the present attack can¬ not bo provonted with drugs, tho only chance of escape being by keep¬ ing flt. Largo stocks of vaccine aro being hold in readiness for distribution throughout the country in caso tho necessity arises. -.«..>-- Yokohama was only a small fish¬ ing vlllago 65 yoars ago.

Transcript of MCHffi New Spring Horses Mules Goods. and of i Young to ...€¦ · "TOTHINEOWNSELFBETRUE, ANDIT...

Page 1: MCHffi New Spring Horses Mules Goods. and of i Young to ...€¦ · "TOTHINEOWNSELFBETRUE, ANDIT MUSTFALLOW AS THE MCHffi By Steck, Shclur HugliM & Shclor. WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA,


New SpringGoods.

Our Spring Goods are now

arriving, Come in andlook them over, «g Theprices are right.

C. W. & J. E. Bauknight.WALHALLA, S. C.


The Demand for FertilizersIs Coming*

NEVER DOUBT IT! Tho American farmer is nobody's fool. To«cut his fertilizer jimms to reduce lils crop. To reduce lils cropmeans to lessen his income. Ho knows thai bet ter than any onoAlso. Ho will withhold ills orders tHl tho lust moment, like anyother business man in a falling market, hst when tho time comes

ho wiU buy as near his normal amount of fertilizer as his cash andiris credit will permit.

Extract from an editorial in tho Bulletin of the UnitedStates Potash Producers' Association.



Tho State of South Carolina,County of Oconee.

To the Qualified Electors and Regis¬tered Freeholders of Legal VotingAge in Mndison School District,No. 75:PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That an

Election will be hold at MadisonSchool House od WEDNESDAY, the13th day of APRIL, 1921, for thopurpose of voting upon the questionof levying a Special Tax of FourMills on all taxable property of «aidDistrict, to be used for school pur¬poses in said District, in accordancewith Section 1742, Civil Code ofSouth Carolina, 1912.

Respectfully,A. P. DUKE,J. P. ARVE,J. P. KNECHT,

Trustees.March 30, 1921. 13-14


State of South Carolina,Coutny of Oconee.

To the Qualified Electors and Regis¬tered Freeholders of Legal VotingAge in Chauga School District,No. 23:PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: That an

Eloction will be hold at ChaugaSchool House on WEDNESDAY, the13th day of APRIL, 1921, for thepurpose of voting upon the questionof levying a Spoclal Tax of SevenMills on all taxable property of saidDistrict, to be used for building nur-posos in said District, In accordancewith Section 1742, Civil Code ofSouth Carolina, 1912.


Trustees.March 30, 1921. 13-14


State of South Carolina,Coutny of Oconoe.

To tho Qualillèd Electors and Regis¬tered Freeholders of Legal VotingAgo In Clevela'nd School District,No. 12:PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: That an

Eloction will be hold at ClovelnndSchool Houso on WEDNESDAY, tho13th day of APRIL, 1921, betweenthe hours of 7 A. M. and 4 P. M., forthe purpose of voting upon the ques¬tion of levying a Special Tax of SixMills on all taxable property of saidDistrict, to bo used for building pur¬poses In said District, in accordancewith Section 1742, Civil Code ofSouth Carolina, 1912.

Respectfully,.1. A. JONES,.1. C. MOORE,,1AM ES SPENCER,

Trustees.March 30, 1921. 13-14

Subscribe for The Courier. (Beat.;


In tho District Court of tho UnitedStates for the Western District ofSouth Carolina.-In Bankruptcy.

In thu .Matter ofFrederick Charles Ayer, Bankrupt.To the Creditors of Frederick

Charles Ayer, of Seneca, In the Coun¬ty of Oconee and District aforesaid,a bankrupt:

Notice is hereby given that on the19th day of March, A. D. 1921, thesaid Frederick Charles Ayer was dulyadjudicated bankrupt; and that thofirst meeting of his creditors will beheld in the offlçe of E. L. HERNDON,Esq., in Walhalla, S. C., on theEighth Day of APRIL, A. D. 1921,at ll o'clock in the forenoon, atwhich time the said creditors mayattend, prove their claims, appointa trustee, examine the bankrupt, andtransact such other business as mayproperly come before the said meet¬ing. C. E. COOLEY,

Referee in Bankruptcy,Anderson, S. C.

'March 28t,h, 1921. 13

Itamseur Succeeds Blackburn.

Congressman F. H. Dominick an¬nounces the resignation of his pres¬ent secretary, W. F. Blackburn, andthe appointment of Walter G. Ram-seur, of Central, Pickens county, ashis successor.

Mr. Blackburn resigned in orderto accept tho position of chief clerkin the office of tho Chief Game War¬den in Columbia.

Mr. Ramseur was CongressmanDominick's secretary when ho firstwont to Washington four years ago,remaining with him ns secretary un¬til September, 19 17, when he entorodtho army ns an army field clerk andserved In France as such for twoyears.


Killed at Bottom of Well.

Gaffney, S, C., March 27.-JamesAdkins, who was well) known In thiscity and section, and who had fol¬lowed the business of digging wellsfor a number of years, was instantlykilled Friday while working in awell In Gaffney. From informationobtained from people in the neigh¬borhood of whore tho accident oc¬curred, it seems that two wlndlnssmon were handling tho bucket, andIn some way it became detachedfrom the rope while at tho top of thewell and struck Adkins on tho hoadwhen lt foll back to the bottom ofthe well, where ho was at work. Mr.Adkins was G ¡J years of ago and Issurvived by his widow and a numberof children.

Adah, in Babylonia, discovered bytho University of Chicago excavat¬ing expedition in 1 9 04, ls consid¬ered tho oldest city in tho world.


Jury Heilders Verdict In Two Hours. und Ten Minutes.

Florence, March 28.-Edmund p.Bigham, charged with killing hisbrother and four others, was foundguilty of the murder of hl8 brotherhere to-day and was sentenced to dieApril 8th. Tho case was given to theJury at 1,15 o'clock this afternoon,and at 3.25, following a recess to 3o'clock, and after a walt of sbmeminutes to bring tho prisoner irAocourt, the Jury's verdict of guilty ofmurder was read to a court roomcrowded with spectators.

Convicted Mun Talks.Then, after a painful wait of min¬

utes while the clerk of the courtsearched for the ceremonial of thoarraignment for sentence, and anharangue by the prisoner in responseto .ludge Memminger's question ifhe had anything to say in his ownbehalf, the death sentence was pro¬nounced and Bigham knew that hewas to die on Friday, April S'th, un¬less the Supreme Court grants a re¬versal of the verdict on the appealwhich Attorney A. L. King announc¬ed his intention to make.

Bigham's stolid Indifference toeverything around him. bis apparentinability to grasp the solemnity ofthe proceedings or of the seriousnessof his own position, his readiness torespond with a smile on less than noprovocation all passed when theprisoner came Into court to hear theverdict. He resumed in part his roleof Injured innocence when he sat intho dock for final arraignment. Fora time he leaned forward, his headresting on bis hand as If he prayedfor strength to go through the ordealhe had been called upon to pass. Helistened with no special interest ashis attorney moved for a new trial,and while Judge Mommlnger, in re¬fusing lt, alluded with much feellugto the fact that Bigham's father hadwhile1 State Senator from Florencecomity cast his vote in favor of put#ting Judge 'M'emminger oh trie DeflcBrThe shocking part of the whole

thing seemed to reach him slowly,but as Its realization progressed bydegrees the ashen pallor that hadshown In his foco all day becamemore marked, the aid of bravadopassed Into a pitiable weakness thatcaused the man to look here andthere about the> audience with theexpression of a hunted animal sur¬rounded by men who sought its life.Tho old Bigham had passed and didnot show again until Judge Mern-1minger asked him what ho had tosay why sentence should not be pro¬nounced against him. Then, leaningforward on the miling of the pris¬oner's dock, and in a voice that wascalm and unshaken, tho prisonerspoke as follows: "I have nothingto say except that I am innocent. Iiknow .nothing of how that crime wascommitted. That Ts the truth, so helpme, God. That's all I have to say. Iwish my mother could como downand tell how tho thing hnppened. Iwish that little boy had lived whenI asked Dr. Boston to save his life.He would have told the same thingsI and my wife told. Judge, I hopeyou will give me time, so some of thopeople who testified here against memay have a chance to come forwardand tell the truth, and not come toolate, like Viudas making his offeringof the thirty pieces of silver. I dowarit to say something more. I hopeyou will take no exception to it. Asfar as you are concerned I have hada fair trial. But if people had hadtime to think things over, considerand take it up with their God, theywould have testified differently."When asked to explain the finding

of his pistol in his brother's hand,Bigham said: "I left that pistol inmy bureau drawer, and it haft beentestified that the door was foundbroken open. That ls tho only waySmiley could have got lt. If I amguilty 'I hope I may be petrified infront of this court house, Just as Iwas that day or as I am now. T amas Innocent ns a new-born baby."

shotgun Duel Near Barnwell.

Barnwell, S. C., March 27.-In ashotgun duel which took place aboutfivo miles from Barnwell this morn¬ing, Leonard 'Miles, white, was seri-onsly wounded, and Charlie Morris,also white, was painfully injured.Miles was shot in tho chest, the ballpassing through his lung and com¬ing out of his back. Morris was shotin his feet. It Is said that the shoot¬ing was tho culmination of long¬standing ill feeling between tho twomen, who live on adjoining farms.Each claims that tho other shot first.Tho attending physician said thatMilos had an even chance of recov¬ery.

Tom Marshall Gets Appointment.Washington, March 26.-Former

Vice President Thoa. R. Marshall andformer Senator Nathan B. Scott, ofWost Virginia, woro appointed asmembers of the Lincoln MemorialCommission to-day by President W.G. Harding.

Tho United States had 7 5 posl-odlces In 1790.

Sunflower seeds yield a drying oilnearly 1 to thnttof linseed.

I ******* ****


1 ¿Friday,- April 1st, Will bo Clean-9 Up Ray in Walhalla.


MK Every citizen of tho town of *

Walhalla ls called upon to Join .Hub a Clean-up Day, and I most *

%/óarnestly ask that everybody *

fl Join In with the city officials .

.íánd tho Civic League in this ?

.^much-needed work. Rake and *

Vpurn all the old papers and *

?pother trash or rubbish that will *

?ftburn, thou got together all the ?

*^old tin cans, bottles or broken *

?^crockery Into piles whore the *

*f.wagons can got it, and early on *

?«Friday morning, April 1st, tho ?

?^wagons will be In every ward .

**pf the town for the purpose of ?

..? gathering »ip nnd hauling out *

??¿of town all such rubbish as can-?v'not be safely burned.? The Civic League will join in? this work, and committees will*r$>° appointed to see that every? part of town is thoroughly cared?. xor and cleaned.? 1 cannot stress too much the? importance of this work, for it? is a well recognized fact that? filth and rubbish are tho Incu-?. gaters for filos and other enr-? Mers of disease germs, und? (therefore should not be allowed?>|o accumulate in our back yards? pd on our promises.

The age-old question may be?. asked, "Am I my brother's keep-?' er?" and the answer ls, "WeWinnot live unto ourselves."

? Every one is a part of tho greatVahóle and must, therefore, ns-? alst in the betterment (Y the liv-? Rig conditions of the town or ?? Community in which his or her ?? lot is cast. ?? 1 therefore call upon every ?? :qno, white and colored, to do ?? his or her part In the matter of *

?'deaning up and beautifying the ?

Aurally beautiful to-m of Wal- ?

Ha. W. M. Brown, .


* ? ? * * ? * ?


Clans Rivalry Brings Into tho SundayHelloo). Many Now Members.

Seneca, March 29.-Special: 'MissNancy Hines, a member of the musicfaculty at Winthrop College, was athome for the Easter holidays.

Friends of Mrs. L. David Wyly, ofFayetteville, N. C., will bo pleasedto know that she and bor four-year-old son, David, Jr., arrived Tuesdaynight on a visit to her parents, Mr.and Mrs. W. P. Reid.

Mrs. Singleton Vernor and her twoboys, Oliver and James, left Satur¬day for the "Gate City," where theyexpect to spend the month of April.

After a pleasant visit of severalweeks with Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Low¬ery, Rev. and Mrs. M. R. Kirkpat¬rick loft last Wednesday morningfor their former home on WadmalnwIsland.

Rev. D. J. Fant will preach In theBaptist church at tho morning hourfor services next Sunday, and Rev. J.W. McGlothlln, president of FurmanUniversity, will fill tho pulpit at theevening hour. A cordial invitationis extended to the public to attendthese services.The monthly meeting of the Par¬

ent-Teacher Association will be heldTuesday afternoon, April Gth. A fullattendance is desired.The beginners' department of the

Presbyterian church were given anEaster egg hunt Friday afternoon Inthe church yard by Mrs. W. F. Aus¬tin, superintendent, and Mesdames!H. P. Hôlleman and Claude Hopkins,teachers in this department. Thelittle tobj had a happy time and thohours were all too short for them.Ice cream was served, and thnt, too,was enjoyed by the children.

E. O. Todd, of Greenville, spentseveral day? the past week with hishomofolks. He is recuperating fromthe after-effects caused from havinghis tonsils removed.

Miss Mary Strlbllng has returnedto flreenvllle, after a pleasant visitto Miss Rebecca Todd and otherfriends.

Tho sale of aprons and pies whichwas given Saturday under tho aus¬pices of tho Christian Endeavor So¬ciety was a pronounced success. Thoaprons and pies were sold as rapidlyas tho proverbial "hot cakes," whichls very gratifying to those who hadthe sale in charge.

Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Hines hod astheir guest for tho Easter seasontheir relative, Adjt.-Gon. W. W.Mooro, of Columbia.

Although tho clouds were heavyand threatening, there was a largenumber of tho Onco-a-Week Clubmembers who attended tho meetinglast week when Mrs. Clinton Marettcharmingly entertained at her homeIn Mowry. At tho conclusion of theprogram the hostess sorved a tompt-ing salad course, with leo cream andcako.

Tho membership drive which wasUnlicked by tho Fidelis class of thoBaptist church was brought to acloso aftor about four weeks of pleas¬ant rivalry between tho two chosensides. Tho class had even ono dozengirls enrolled, but thoy were deter¬mined to bring others In, and withMisses Winnifred Adams and Viola

Horses- I HAVE A

35 Head of Goo<and Muk

and they are worth thc moncGood Paper, These are allkind you will need for the hehave Buggies, Wagons andRepairs, Chattanooga Plowsright prices, & Milk Cowsand see me.

HOYS' ORATORICAL CONTEST.Ttie Occasion will Take Place Friday

Night of This Week.

Tho boys' oratorical contest willbe held Friday of this week in theauditorium of the Walhalla HighSchool, beginning at 8 o'clock.

Five schools have given notice ofentering the contost and have sentthe names of their representatives.These are as follows:

1. Seneca. (Name of representa¬tive and subject not designated.)-

2. Norton. (Representative andsubject not given.)

Columbus.4. Richland. Kenneth Hughs, rep¬

resentative; subject, "Results ofWork."

6. Westminster. David Stribling,representative; subject, "Declara¬tion of Independence."A contest of unusual merit is an¬

ticipated, for the local contests bywhich these representatives havebeen chosen have boen of a high or¬der. It is hoped that the auditoriumwill he filled on Friday night.

In order to meet the necessary ex¬penses incident to the contest anadmission fee of 2f> cents will becharged.


Murdered in Georgia-Eleven AroReported to Have Reen Killed.

Atlanta, March 26.-Agents of theDepartment of Justice, led by ClydeManning; a negro, who confessed tohaving aided in killing eleven ne¬groes on the plantation of John Wil-Hams, in Jasper county, Georgia, to¬day dug up the bodies of three ne¬groes in a pasture a short distancefrom the Williams home. The searchwas continued for three more bodies,which the negro is said to have con¬fessed to having helped get rid of.

John Williams, owner of the plan¬tation, is being held in the FultonCounty tower on a warrant chargingmurder, and his three sons, Julius,Hayler and Marvin Williams, alsowere arrested to-day on Stato war¬rants charging murder. Charges ofpeonage in connection with the ope¬ration of the Williams' farms arebeing investigated by the Federalofficers.

All-Day Sluging at Cross Roads.

There will be an all-day singing atCross Roads No. 2 Baptist church ontho first (next) Sunday in April, tho3d. All lovers of music, and espe¬cially tho singers, are invited. Bringwell-filled baskets and let's have aday of singing and praise.

Bradberry as captains of their re¬spectivo sides, no time was lost, aslt was known that tho defeated sidewould bo called on to honor the sue-cessful contestants In a social gath¬ering. Tho class rapidly grew fromono dozen girls to three dozen and ahalf. There was a most enjoyablegot-togother of this largo class Fri¬day evening at the Palmetto Hotel.Tho hostesses for the evening weroMrs. (eu fro, tho teacher; Mrs. JohnBrock, Jr., Mrs. T. M. Lowery, Mrs.Walter Kelley and Miss WinnifredAdams. Animated conversation andlivoly contests and games affordeda pleasant pastime for an hour ormoro. Thon tho guests were InvitedInto tho dining room, whero a deli¬cious chicken salad course was serv¬ed. Tho parlors and dining roomwere profusely decorated with beau¬tiful spring flowers appropriate totho Faster season. Tho place cardswere little yellow chickens, sugges¬tive of the season, and in all detailsthere wero similar suggestions. De¬lightful punch was sorved through¬out tho ovonlng. It will bo woll forother Sunday school classes to fallin step with tho Fidelis class andbring Others in.


J. R. Suttles.

- MulesBOUT-

i Young HorsesÎS to Sell;y\ Will sell for Cash orreal work stock-just thc

:avy spring work, J AlsoHarness, Oliver Plows andand Repairs-all to go atand Beef Cattle. «s* Come

Brown,LA, S, C*


Hy Flumes-'Whole City of TokioThreatened by Great Pire,

Tokio, Japan, March 27.-Tho en¬tire city of Tokio was imperilled lastnight by tho greatest fire with whichit' has been visited in a decade. Theconflagration destroyed a thousandhouses In tho Yotsuya district, in thonorthwestern part of the city, involv¬ing a loss ostimated at 25,000,000yen (normally about $12,500,000.)Thousands of persons were matfehomeless, and 138 persons were in¬jured. The burned buildings Includ¬ed three hospitals, a bank, and sev¬eral large Jmajnesa,M^P^t^^M^tí^!a violent, biting .wind .drove* tlTé^.flames In the direction ot' th'è heart-of the city, causing a panic among:the population over a wide area.Four thousand troops aided the Ure-men in combating .tho blaze, but itwas only when the force of the windlet down notably that tbolr effortsto control tho fire were rewardedwith any degree of success.

Scones of Terror.Scenes of terror wore witnessed in

many sections as tho course of theflames threatened widespread de¬struction. The streets wero chokedwith masses of despairing refugeesfrom the districts already stricken,accompanied by carts loaded withfurniture, tho confusion being addedto by the flocking In of sightseersfrom other sections. Many of thehalf-frozen fugitives fleeing from theflames bore infants strapped to theirbacks. Mounted police bad great dif¬ficulty In restraining incipient pan¬ics. As a measure of relief the Im¬perial Gardens were opened to theBufferers.

Thjg fire burned with such Intensobrightness and so fiercely that thoskies were Illumined by a fiery halowhich was visible for hundreds ofmiles as it hung over the city. TheDiet, which was in session when theblaze started, adjourned when itsthreatening nature was reported.


Father to I)oath-Carted Body Awayto Railroad in Toy Wagon.

Grand Rapids, Mich., March 26.-Caspar Dldia, 14 years old, confessedto-day, according to the police, thathe helped his mother club to deathhis step-father, Jos. Scalblus, lastnight. Then, according to the con¬fession, he and his brother, James,nine yoars old, placed tho body in atoy wagon and carted it to the rail¬road yards, where they loft it. Thobody was found early to-day by aswitching crow.Caspar declares that he was dur¬

ing the night awakened by a quar¬rel between his mother and stop-fa¬ther. "I struck him with nr. axe anda shovel, and my mother hit himwith a stick," tho police quote himas saying. "Then my brother and Icarried the body in tho cart."

Mrs. Scalblus and tho two boyswore taken Into custody shortly af¬ter the body was found.

Nervous Influenza Now.

London, 'March 26.-Nervous In¬fluenza ls the latest form maladythat has visited London, accordingto Dr. Hernard Hollander, an emi¬nent Harley street physician, whosays that, although the now form of"flu" ls not prevalent to any alarm¬ing extent, thoro aro undoubtedlymany casoB of lt In London. Dr. Hol¬lander remarked a similar form ofInfluenza thirty years ago and be¬lieves that the present attack can¬not bo provonted with drugs, thoonly chance of escape being by keep¬ing flt.

Largo stocks of vaccine aro beinghold in readiness for distributionthroughout the country in caso thonecessity arises.


Yokohama was only a small fish¬ing vlllago 65 yoars ago.