McCarter Switching Station by Vivian Cox Fraser

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Transcript of McCarter Switching Station by Vivian Cox Fraser

  • 8/19/2019 McCarter Switching Station by Vivian Cox Fraser


    McCarter Switching Station


    National Environmental Justice Conference and Training Program

    March 9, 2016

    Building an Empowered Community

  • 8/19/2019 McCarter Switching Station by Vivian Cox Fraser


    Urban League of Essex County


    The Mission of O r Mo!e"en#

    The Urban League of Essex County is a non-pro t community-basedorganization whose mission is to assist African Americans and other

    disadvantaged urban residents in the achievement of socia andeconomic se f-su!ciency"

  • 8/19/2019 McCarter Switching Station by Vivian Cox Fraser


    Urban League of Essex County


    The $r%an Lea& e of Esse' Co n#( )$LEC*

    ULEC’s strategy is geared specifcallytowards serving the Essex Countycommunity.Our goals are:

    Economic sel su!ciency or adults"ocial and educational e#uality oryouth"a e communities andneigh$orhoods

    Civic involvement and responsi$ility%acial inclusion

    Founded in 1917

    Ser ice !rea" Essex County# $ew%ersey

    &' fu(()ti*e# 2& +art)ti*ee*+(oyees

    CE," -i ian Cox Fraser

    1' .oard *e*bers

    /ota( o+erating budget of0 #'''#'''

  • 8/19/2019 McCarter Switching Station by Vivian Cox Fraser


    Urban League of Essex County

    Pro&ra"s an+ Ser!ices

    Social and EconmicSelf-Sufficiency

    Employment andCareer

    Counseling & JobPlacement

    Financial Literacy &Foreclosure ssistance

    Teen !entoring"

    Tutoring & CollegePrep

    Early C#ild#ood& fter Sc#oolPrograms


    %LEC accomplis#es its mission t#roug# its programs and advocacy efforts

    Social Enterprise

    and Job Creation

  • 8/19/2019 McCarter Switching Station by Vivian Cox Fraser


    Urban League of Essex County


    I" ac#f - Pro&ra"s.

  • 8/19/2019 McCarter Switching Station by Vivian Cox Fraser


    Urban League of Essex County

    Foc s on Transfor"in& a Co"" ni#(

    T 'ETNE(')*+ )++$

    Fairmount is one of t#e most distressed

    neig#bor#oods in Ne,ar and is amicrocosm of t#e c#allenges in t#e Cityand ot#er urban areas.

    //"000 esidents1"200 C#ildren

  • 8/19/2019 McCarter Switching Station by Vivian Cox Fraser


    Urban League of Essex County


    The Fair"o n# S#ra#e&ic P-an

    T#e Plan identified five ma3or goals4/. Promoting Jobs and Economic

    +pportunity52. Strengt#ening t#e Community"

    Neig#bor#ood and Families56. educing Crime and (mproving PublicSafety5

    1. (mproving Educational +pportunities5 and7. En#ancing 8uality of Life t#roug# Land

    %se and ecreation+ver /"000 residents participated

    in t#e development of t#eFairmount Strategic Plan

  • 8/19/2019 McCarter Switching Station by Vivian Cox Fraser


    Urban League of Essex County


    To &h Cha--en&es in Fair"o n#

    48% o children in&airmount live in poverty'early 70% o all childrenlive in a single parenthousehold

    23.9% housing vacancyrate is nearly twice as high as the national average o().(*+ighest estimatedpercentage o su$prime

    loans and total mortgages inoreclosure with almost 50

    for every 1,000 owneroccupied units going into

    oreclosureUnemployment is 27.9%

  • 8/19/2019 McCarter Switching Station by Vivian Cox Fraser


    Urban League of Essex County


    Chi-+ren of Fair"o n#

    Compared to other children in the city and state, the averagechild in &airmount is more li-ely to – live in poverty – experience or witness violence and crime – live in a one parent home – live in su$standard housing and wal- past a$andoned

    homes on the way to school – not have a clean, sa e, environment in which to play

    /nd less li-ely to – read or write at grade level –

    have health insurance – pass state assessment tests in language arts,mathematics, and science

    – have access to 0(st century technology at home – $e prepared or college and career.

  • 8/19/2019 McCarter Switching Station by Vivian Cox Fraser


    Urban League of Essex County


    Land Use Impacts the Quality of Life in Fairmount

  • 8/19/2019 McCarter Switching Station by Vivian Cox Fraser


    Urban League of Essex County


    /o #his Pro ec# I" ac#s Fair"o n#Economic Impact

    9e ,ant to ensure all options and alternatives are considered because t#is pro3ect forever ta es avaluable parcel out of potential use to create 3obs and economic benefit to t#is neig#bor#ood.Estimated economic cost e:ceeds ; poverty" foreclosures"abandonment" disorder" and t#is ,ill ma e our ,or to improve Fairmount impossible. T#e impacton an already depressed community is far different t#an placement in a more stable neig#bor#ood.

    Ur an Design Impact

    T#is parcel is t#e gate,ay into t#e neig#bor#ood on a ma3or commercial corridor of a residentialcommunity. T#e pro3ect is large and

  • 8/19/2019 McCarter Switching Station by Vivian Cox Fraser


    Urban League of Essex County


    Amplifying Community Voices through Tangible “Wins”

    #airmount$s younger residents protest thedeve opment of the switching station

    Longest ?oning *oard trial in t#e #istory

    of t#e City of Ne,ar " @ #earings.+ver /7 e:pert ,itnesses

  • 8/19/2019 McCarter Switching Station by Vivian Cox Fraser


    Urban League of Essex County


    NIM 3 4 I#5s No# Persona-


  • 8/19/2019 McCarter Switching Station by Vivian Cox Fraser


    Urban League of Essex County


    Co"" ni#( enefi# A&ree"en#

    epositioned and slig#tly smaller footprintEconomic Feasibility studyNe, $esign to ddress Safety Concerns;7 !il for a Ne, Community Center 6.7 cres of land to developNe, Pedestrian Lig#ting in FairmountNe, 'reenspace and ParC#anges in Traffic Patterns to Promote Pedestrian Safety

  • 8/19/2019 McCarter Switching Station by Vivian Cox Fraser


    Urban League of Essex County


    C-osin& Tho &h#s

    Having !our "wn #lan and $esidents Driving the #lan gives your voice more credi ility%ot &ust a community saying '%ot In my Bac( !ard)

    *ccounta ility and Integrity + Helped them to Believe they could Change their%eigh orhood

    Local #olitics and Elections

    ,eeping your Coalition together

    -unicipalities with deficits and spending challenges

    Deep #oc(ets and Long $each

    ,nowing How to Fight and .hen to /top Fighting

    *dvocacy vs0 Influence

    Don1t wait for someone else to do it0 %o one is coming on a white horse0