MCC MISSION CONTROL CENTER MANNED SPACECRAFT … · and dormitory facilities utilized by flight...


Transcript of MCC MISSION CONTROL CENTER MANNED SPACECRAFT … · and dormitory facilities utilized by flight...

Page 1: MCC MISSION CONTROL CENTER MANNED SPACECRAFT … · and dormitory facilities utilized by flight controllers during space flights of extended duration. The Mission Control ... Display/Control
Page 2: MCC MISSION CONTROL CENTER MANNED SPACECRAFT … · and dormitory facilities utilized by flight controllers during space flights of extended duration. The Mission Control ... Display/Control


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Spacecraft development ' and testing for the Apolloand Space Administration, Washing,. n s being undertaken concurrently with the work on

ton, D. _,:Th_management responslblhty mcludes plannmg _ .... the Gemini program. Apollo, using a three-man spacecraft,

and :_: some earth;orbital missions_i_toprovide experience forand

formed tech-specific

crewtraining whilethrough ModuleOn a period ofL. ._xperiments on the lunar surface,

they :will !ift:°off the moon and rendezvous with the orbitingspacecraft. They will then initiate action for the return

been " earth: ::,:: . .: . : :During Gemini and Apollo flights, from lift-off through

_0ntrol is exercised from the Mission Control Center-Houston: Operations personnel in the Mission Control Center


space in a world-

physical to accomplishdocking spacecraft; experimenting _' "flight ObjectiVes and assure mission success.with Thus the Mission Control Center plays a critical rolebefore in.manned space:flights of the Ufiited States.

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_, "_ [] Aerialviewof MannedSpacecraftCenter


Mission Control Center--Houston (MCC-H) is lo-cated in MSC Building 30, a three-story structure consistingof a Mission Operations Wing (MOW), an Operations Sup-port Wing (OSW), and an interconnecting Lobby Wing. TheMOW contains systems and equipment required to supportthe mission control function. The OSW contains office, labora-tory and technical support areas for the Flight OperationsDirectorate. The Lobby Wing provides additional office spaceand dormitory facilities utilized by flight controllers duringspace flights of extended duration. The Mission ControlCenter is supported by an emergency power building whichhouses standby electrical power and air conditioning systemsin the event of failure of primary sources.

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The basic function of mission control is to increaseflight safety and mission performance by providing the flightcrew with ground-based sources of information during normalor alternate missions and during mission emergencies.

Research and development testing of aircraft usuallyfollows the pattern of a fixed flight plan with a predeterminedset of tests followed by post-flight analysis. The flight-enve-

__ lope boundaries are approached slowly because in-flight evalu-

_ ation by the pilot and possible observers is limited by theavailable instrumentation and the ability to develop real-time

___l__l_"=_=_ solutions. The action in the event of emergencies is to return__ [__/_ quickly to a more acceptable part of the flight envelope and,

__[ i-_L._ _i_--,Al if necessary, abandon the aircraft.L-- I$1_!II _h_- -.-- The flight test phase of manned space flight programsrL lim,,!ll_m'_. FflKi_ _- .__...,,,,,.:._.v__.._'U_iiUemmm" ee is in many respects similar to comparable aspects of experi-

_ I=_ mental programs of high performance aircraft. There are,

_._ however, very major differences. Principal among these dif-ferences are: (1) An essentially new and unknown flight

environment, (2) A requirement for an early commitment

to an ultimate design mission, (3) Limitations in ground-based flight simulation facilities, and (4) the scope and com-plexity of space flight operations.

The Mission Control Center-Houston provides cen-tralized control of NASA manned space flight missions. Itexercises full mission control from launch through recovery,and technical management in the areas of vehicle systems,flight dynamics, life systems, flight crew activities, recoverysupport and ground systems operations. In addition, flightcontrollers are also deployed to remote stations to aid in

- analyzing the data and, in certain instances, to make com-UNnED_ra_s mand decisions.


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MSC Building 30 has been designed to give total sup-port to NASA manned space flight missions. One of its wingshas been designed to house the MCC-H; the other wing, theflight operations personnel and equipment required to developthe comprehensive operational planning and to train theflight operations team which will man the critical decision-making positions during mission periods.

The MCC-H is comprised of five basic systems: theDisplay/Control System (Page 11), the Real Time ComputerComplex (RTCC) (Page 10), the Communications system(Page 12), the Command System (Page 13) and the Simula-tion, Checkout and Training System (Page 15) (SCATS).

These systems are designed to provide the flight opera-tions team with the necessary real-time data and associated

reference data for rapid assessment of mission progress, andfor rapid decisions in the event of abnormal or emergencysituations. The reference data are the result of the enormous

effort that is spent prior to the mission in analyzing everypossible contingency situation that may occur, and contains [] Bldg.30 Entranceand MissionOperations Wingpredicted trend data, mission rules and carefully planned,detailed operational procedures for regulating the mission.

The MCC-H has dual facilities and equipments, pro-viding the capability to provide various combinations of simul-taneous real-time missions, simulation exercises, or systemcheckout. For instance, it is possible to conduct an actualGemini flight from one control area while at the same time, toeither train another flight operations team or check out theother control area for an Apollo mission.

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Second Floor, MCC.H

_ , Principal areas on the second floor are the Mission Operations

__- _ ...._-;_,:::_"_2',::::::.... Control Room (MOCR), the staff support rooms (SSR), the simulationJ facilities and the Master Digital Command System. The MOCR is the

;_r_ °°w_7_'::_'°-" principal command and control center, staffed with the key mission..... ;_z..... operations team responsible for overall management of the flight.

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First Floor, MCC.H g':,:._;, "_',7,;°2¢:"21"::"

Principal systems located on the first floor, MCC-H, are the Real " 1°°'5:::5 ...... -- t----

Time Computer Complex and the Communications System. These sys- H_I_ ::]i: "_"_'''_tems support the dual mission facilities and systems located on the second _:_._:'_. ....... _,:_.:,_::;:,._.

and third floors. The Communications System provides the interface _ ___._ ,_ _ ......between MCC-H and both the Manned Space Flight Network and the

launch site. _ _:;._;_ _,'. _'3:_ _ __;:.

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Third Floor, MCC-H

Principal areas on the third floor are the Mission OperationsControl Room (MOCR), the staff support rooms (SSR), the RecoveryControl Room (RCR), the Meteorological area and the Display andTiming area. The MOCR and SSR are exact duplications of the areason the second floor. The Recovery Control Room, the meteorological areaand the display and timing areas support the dual mission facilities andsystems on the second and third floors.

[] Mission Operations Control Room

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Page 9: MCC MISSION CONTROL CENTER MANNED SPACECRAFT … · and dormitory facilities utilized by flight controllers during space flights of extended duration. The Mission Control ... Display/Control

The Mission Operations Control Room (MOCR) is 10. Spacecraft Communicator--voice communications withthe principal command and decision area in the MCC. the astronauts, exchanging information on the progress of theCritical information relating to spacecraft, launch vehicle mission with them.and ground systems, as well as aeromedical parameters, from 11. Flight Dynamics Officer -- monitors and evaluates thethe world-wide stations, ships and aircraft, is processed and flight parameters required to achieve a successful orbitaldisplayed within the MOCR. Based on analysis of this con- flight; gives "GO" or "Abort" recommendations to the Flighttinuous flow of information, personnel in this room must Director.assess the spacecraft flight status and progress, and then, in 12. Retrofire Officer--monitors impact prediction displaystime-critical periods, determine the continuation, alternation and is responsible for determination of retrofire times.or termination of the space flight. 13. Guidance Officer -- detects Stage I and Stage II slowrate

The 16 positions in the control room and the primary deviations and other programmed events, verifies proper per-responsibilities are as follows. A graphic illustration shows the formance of the Gemini Inertial Guidance System and recom-location of these consoles, mends action to the Flight Director.1. Mission Director m overall mission responsibility and con- 14. Booster Systems Engineer -- monitors propellant tanktrol of flight test operations. In Project Mercury there were pressurization systems and advises the flight crew and/orno alternative mission objectives that could be exercised other Flight Director of systems abnormahties.than early termination of the mission. The Gemini and Apollo 15. Assistant Flight Dynamics Officer -- monitors and evalu-missions, however, of[er many possible alternatives which have ares Gemini launch vehicle systems and reports any abnormal-to be decided in real time. ties to the Flight Director.2. Department of Defense Representative m overall control 16. Maintenance and Operations Supervisor--responsibleof Department of Defense forces supporting the mission, in- for the performance of MCC-H equipment and its ability tocluding direction of: the deployment of recovery forces, the support the mission in progress.operation of the recovery communications network, and the Information is displayed on television monitors, in-search, location and retrieval of the crew and spacecraft, dicator lights and digital readout devices on the consoles.3. Public Affairs Officer--responsible for providing informa- Information is also displayed on the large group displaytion on the mission status to the public, projection screens at the front of the control room.4. Flight Director-- responsible to the Operations Director A visitor viewing room, providing seating space for 74for detailed control of the mission from liftof[ until conclusion persons, is located at the rear of each MOCR. This is aof the flight; assumes the duties of the Operations Director separate room with a glass front which permits authorizedin his absence, visitors to observe the functioning of the control room during5. Assistant Flight Director--responsible to the Director a mission.for detailed control of the mission from liftoff through con-clusion of the flight; assumes the duties of the Flight Directorduring his absence.6. Network Controller--has detailed operational control ofthe Ground Operational Support System network.7. Operations and Procedures Officer--responsible to theFlight Director for the detailed implementation of the MCC/Ground Operational Support Systems mission control pro-cedures.8. Vehicle Systems Engineers- monitor and evaluate theperformance of all electrical, mechanical and life supportequipment aboard the spacecraft (this includes the Agenaduring rendezvous missions).9. Flight Surgeon -- directs all operational medical activitiesconcerned with the mission, including the status of the flightcrew.

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There are six SSRs associated with each MOCR. The tech-

nical specialists located in these areas are responsible forsupporting their counterparts in the MOCR. They performdata analysis, analyze long-term performance trends, comparethese trends with base-line data and relay this informationalong with their recommendations to the MOOR personnel.The 6 SSRs are:

Flight Dynamics SSR: Monitors and evaluates all aspects ofpowered flight concerning crew safety and orbital insertion,evaluate and recommend modification of trajectories to meetmission objectives, investigate and study potential maneuverrequirements and actual or potential contingency situations.

Vehicle Systems SSR: Monitors the detailed status of trendsof flight systems and components of spacecraft. Concernedwith avoiding_eorrecting or circumventing equipment failureson on-board spacecraft.

Life Systems SSR: Monitors and evaluates physiological andenvironmental data telemetered from spacecraft. _ VehicleSystems Staff Support Room

Flight Crew SSR: Coordinate non.-medical flight crew activi-ties involving effective control of spacecraft, as well as anyscientific experiments attempted during the flight.

Networks SSR: Schedules, monitors and directs network _activities and readiness checks. Verifies remote site pre-pass equipment checks and directs all network handoveroperations.

Operations and Procedures SSR: Provide detailed technicaland administrative support including administration of missionplans and procedures, mission control communication plansand procedures, generate documentation changes notices to -- ....networks and MCC flight controllers.

I_ Life Systems Staff Support Room

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_--'_1_ _l _] _1 I 0 Recovery Control RoomRECOVERY FORCES REPRESENTATIVES


Recovery Control Room

The Recovery Control Room is the command andcontrol center for all recovery operations. Its task is twofold;the DOD personnel are responsible for detailed command andcontrol of the recovery task forces, and the NASA personnelare responsible for coordination of recovery operations asrequired for mission support. []WeatherRoom

Recovery planning takes into consideration not only

the nominal landing area but also all possible contingency Weather Roomlandings. In view of the extensive worldwide areas involved,recovery support for contingency landings is based on a corn- The weather at the launch site and in the recovery areas plays anpromise between calculated risk and reasonable recovery force important part in the operation of manned space flight missions. Accuratedevelopment, up-to-date information on weather conditions is provided to the Flight

Director and his operations team by meteorologists of the U. S. Weather Bu-reau from the weather room at MCC-H. This information is gathered fromstations in the U. S. and around the world, and from Tyros satellite pictures,relayed to the weather room over special circuits and analyzed by the metero-logists. Predictions of weather conditions at the various recovery areas aremade and updated periodically to provide a continuous flow of informationto the flight control team.

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The real-time computer complex (RTCC) provides _the computation facilities in the MCC-H for flight dynamic

analysis, telemetry processing, acquisition predictions, and

flight controller display generation with call-up capability.

This complex consists of five IBM 7094 computers, computer

switching devices, computer room display equipment, and

associated support equipment such as magnetic tape unitsand IBM 1460 computers, i

The primary functions of this complex are to process

incoming tracking and telemetry data for evaluation of over-

all mission conditions. Parameters critical to this evaluation [] Overallviewof RealTimeComputing Complex

are position and velocity of the spacecraft establishing the

go/no go information for each powered flight phase.[] Computer Consoles

To facilitate recovery operations, the computers pre-

dict where the spacecraft will be at any predetermined time

throughout the mission. Also, the computers provide each

tracking station with acquisition information which can be

used for positioning antennas and advising station personnel

of times they can expect to acquire the spacecraft. The com-

puters are also used for monitoring and evaluating telemetry

information received from spacecraft to determine if both

personnel and equipment are performing satisfactorily within

predetermined environmental and operational parameters.

Two computers are used for each live mission (one

operating in dynamic standby) for the functions described

above. Two computers are available for practice exercises to

simulate a mission at the same time a live mission is in


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The display/control system provides mission controlpersonnel with information concerning booster and vehiclesystems, flight dynamics, life systems, the worldwide network,and recovery. This information is necessary to make thedecisions which assure mission success and to advise properactions through the voice circuits and the digital commandsystem.

Computer derived data from the real-time computercomplex, unprocessed data from the communications system,telemetry data, and stored reference material are displayed.Flexible and varied combinations of display data are providedby computer driven display generation equipment controlled [] TVStandardsConverterfrom the consoles in the mission operation control room andthe staff support rooms.

A video switching matrix provides each console opera-tor with a selection of displays. A library of prepared referenceslides is available to display static information on the TVprecision monitor. In addition, digital-to-television display



Thus a variety of information is available to the staff =sPrY

support and operation room personnel in many formats and _ _=_combinations, including pictorials, meter-type displays, alpha- _numerics (a display of words and numerals updated simul- [[_ [[ Itaneously with receipt of data) and analog plots. Large walldisplays in the MOCR and support rooms provide televisionand plotting data for group presentation.



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The Communications System processses and distri-butes all signals, except television, entering and leaving MCC-H and provides internal communication capabilities for theMCC-H. The Communications Processor, the MCC-H mes-sage switching center, is a stored-program digital computer

which processes large quantities of data on a real-time basis.[] MessageCenter Telemetry data is routed to a Pulse Code Modulated (PCM)

telemetry system for data processing and display.Teletype and facsimile traffic are routed through the

teletype message center for distribution to printers for textand picture messages. The Voice Communication system

13 CommunicationsController enables voice communication between persons within MCC-H• and between the MCC-H and flight crew training facilities,

i [] Univac490CommunicationsProcessor Manned Space Flight Network, and the spacecraft• The....._:_r_=_.... _. __............. Facility Control systems centralizes quality control and main-tenance for all high-speed data, teletype, and audio frequency

communications circuits that enter and leave MCC-H.

ii :

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The master digital command system(MDCS) in the MCC is the prime commandpoint during operational missions and pro-vides a capability for updating and controllingfunctions in the spacecraft from the ground.In order to perform this function, this com-mand system must receive, store, verify androute digital commands to real-time sites suchas Bermuda and Texas. It also relays prepass

[] MasterDigitalCommandSystem information to digital command system unitsat remote sites.

When the remote sites receive these

data, they are automatically checked for errorsand valid data are placed in memory cores forfuture use. Upon acceptance of the command,delayed by the digital command system unit,the spacecraft acknowledges receipt and vali-dation by means of a telemetry signal referredto as a message acceptance pulse.

[] G 0 S S Network Panel

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The Simulation, Checkout and Training System(SCATS) provides realistic simulation of manned space flightmissions for training both flight control personnel and theflight crew members.

The system has the capability of integrating theMCC-H simulation systems with flight crew trainers locatedat Manned Spacecraft Center and at Kennedy Space Center,Cape Kennedy, Florida.

The system includes simulated remote sites used fortraining remote site flight control personnel. These simulatedstations are exercised by simulation control consoles, usingsource data from the flight trainers, SCATS special equipment,

. and the ground support simulation computer or any combi-nation of these.

The simulation system also provides the capability ofpretesting a mission, procedures, flight controllers and thecrew members by purposely introducing "faults" into theinformation data streams. These faults may be introduced,at the option of the simulation team, into all forms of datasuch as telemetry, digital command and voice. By this tech-nique potential weak points are detected and corrected. Thistraining gives the astronauts and the flight controllers anopportunity to work together and build a mutual confidenceand respect in the ability to successfully handle any contin-

[] SimulationControl gency before the mission is actually flown.

[] Remote Site Pulse Code Modulation Ground Station

[] Gemini Simulator

[] Remote Site Simulator

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The worldwide ground operational supportsystems network is controlled by MCC-H duringGemini and Apollo missions. The network is com-posed of facilities located at the launch site, remoteland based sites, tracking ships and aircraft. Thisnetwork performs four basic funqtions vital tomission success:


*Spacecraft-to-ground voice communication.The stations in this network have varying

capabilities -- for instance, some stations have bothtracking and telemetry receiving capability, othersonly one; some stations can also transmit digitalcommands to the spacecraft and target vehicle;and some stations have direct voice communica-tion capability with the spacecraft.

The data obtained by the network sites asthe spacecraft passes over their respective areas istransmitted to MCC-H where it is evaluated andused to provide the operations control room withcontinuous mission information.

The information is transmitted from the

stations by submarine cable, radio, and land-line.Telemetry data from the spacecraft provides infor-mation on which status of vehicle systems and theastronauts can be monitored. Continuous coverageis not possible since the spacecraft is out of rangeof network sites a portion of the time. Telemetrydata is stored during such periods and periodically"dumped" over major receiving stations.

The command system provides MCC-H thecapability to command either one or two spacecraftas required by the mission. Voice communicationcircuits provide necessary station-to-station com-munications as well as direct communications be-

tween the astronauts and flight controllers.

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