Mc080400906 Shafiq Report

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Transcript of Mc080400906 Shafiq Report

  • 8/6/2019 Mc080400906 Shafiq Report


    Presented By:

    Muhammad Shafique RamzanSdutent ID: MC080400906

    Session: 2008- 2010

    Date: July 30th 2010

    Virtual University of Pakistan

  • 8/6/2019 Mc080400906 Shafiq Report




  • 8/6/2019 Mc080400906 Shafiq Report



    Internship Certificate


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    My hard work is dedicated to my mother, who taught me that the best kind of

    knowledge to have is that which is learned for its own sake. It is also dedicated to my

    wife, who told me that even the largest task can be accomplished if it is done one

    step at a time and finally to my friends who encouraged me by saying

    Nothing is Impossible.


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    I am greatly thankful to Mr. Imran Aslam, Hub Manager, BAL Gulberg, who helped

    me a lot throughout the internship and taught me almost every operation

    management and consumer banking procedure from the scratch to the professional

    level. I also be obliged my deepest gratitude to Mr. Asad Ali Shah, Operations

    Officer, BAL Gulberg, who made available his support in a number of ways to show

    me how to schedule tasks, supervise staff, solve technical problems, written and

    verbal communication and also made me familiar with the banking policies and

    operating procedures.

    I am also thankful to my friends and colleagues who gave me what I needed the

    most to accomplish this task which was



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    Executive Summery

    This report is sequenced with the Introduction Of The organizations

    business sector which refers to the main areas and where the organization deals

    with the consumer services as well as the overview of the organization, telling

    about the brief history, Business volume, product lines, and about the

    competitors. Purpose and scope of the study. Including the Hierarchy of the

    Bank. This proceeds with the findings of the internship, which summarizes the

    Management and Operational practices followed in BAL and a detailed

    elaboration of Training and Development practices in BAL.

    In the end I have done the SWOT analysis of the Bank Alfalah Limited.

    Report has been finalized with the conclusion and recommendations.


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    Table of ContentsLetter of Undertaking 2

    Internship Certificate 3

    Dedication 4

    Acknowledgement 5

    Executive Summery 6

    Brief Introduction to Banking Evolution 8

    Brief History 11

    Nature of the Organization 12

    Business Volume 12

    Product Lines 14

    Competitors 14

    Organizational Structure 15

    Organizational Hierarchy Chart 18

    Number of employees 19

    Main Offices 20Introduction of all Departments 21

    Comments on the organizational structure 35

    Plan of my internship Programme 35

    A brief introduction of the branch where i did my internship. 35

    Starting and Ending dates of Internship 36

    Names of Departments, I got training 36

    Training Program 36

    Detailed description of activities of departments I worked in. 42

    Detailed description of tasks assigned to me 42

    Functions of management 43

    Planning 43

    Decision Making Process 44Organizations Current Strategies 44

    Organizing 45

    Organizational Design 45

    Departmentalization 46

    Span of Control 47

    Chain of Command 47

    Centralization 48

    Decentralization 48

    Formalization 49

    Work Specialization 49

    Managing Change and Innovation 49

    Managing IT and Communication 50

    Leadership 51Traits of Leader 51

    Power and Politics 52

    Motivation 52

    Controlling 53

    Controlling Approach 53

    Controlling Standard 53

    Controlling of Operations 54

    Controlling of Performance 54

    Controlling of information/Knowledge 54

    Critical Analysis 55


    SWOT analysis 56Conclusions 58


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    Recommendations 59

    Reference & Sources 60

    Annexes 61

    Brief Introduction to Banking Evolution

    The word bank has been taken from the word Bancus or Banque. The

    history of banking evolved in 2000 B.C from Greece. The most popular financial

    agents, Priest and Goldsmiths used to perform financial activities by keeping moneyand valuables in safe places. So the first step in the development of banking was

    taking cash as deposit from the people having extra money and willing to keep at

    safe place.

    So the goldsmiths used to take money from the people who had extra cash

    and lend a part of it to the needy people on interest. They also used to give a part of

    interest as a profit to the depositors. By keeping the most part of cash they gavefacility to depositors to withdraw cash more then what they deposited as an

    overdraw facility and charged interest on the overdrawn amount. This is how the

    concept of banking and its procedures was evolved.

    To develop the confidence between the people, plans were initiated to

    regulate the banking sector and therefore, a conference was held in Nuremberg in

    1548, in which it was decided to establish a bank which would regulate the banking

    sector for a country. So the first central bank was established in Geneva in 1694.

    Modern banks are consumer services providers as they act as payment

    agents. Banks open different kinds of accounts for customers, accept cheques and

    deals with other payment methods like telegraphic transfer, online money transfers

    etc. Banks also borrow money from its customers by accepting cash deposited on

    current accounts, term deposits and by issuing debt securities such as banknotes


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    and bonds. Banks also lend money to its customers as a loan on mark-ups to

    generate profit for the bank. Banks can produce money in a lot many ways like

    interests, transaction fees, inter-country funds transfer fees and financial advice. The

    bank earns profit from the difference of interest it pays for the deposits and the

    interest it takes from lending. This difference is also known as the spread between

    cost of fund and the loan interest rate.

    Types of Banks

    Banks are divided into two major categories as retail banks and investment

    banks. Retail and investment banks are further divided into sub categories as:

    Retail Banks

    Community Banks

    Community Development Banks

    Commercial Banks

    Postal Savings Banks

    Offshore Banks

    Savings Banks

    Building Societies

    Investment Banks

    Investment Banks

    Merchant Banks

    Another type of bank is Islamic Bank which performs according to Islamic law

    Banking Sector in Pakistan


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    The history of banking system in Pakistan was started after the independence

    of Pakistan in August 14 of 1947 when many banks transferred their head offices as

    well as funds after fall in India.

    An assessment of various books there were 3496 branches of Indian scheduled

    banks in undivided sub-continent as on 1st March 1947 out of which only 487 branches

    were located in Pakistani constituency. Moreover, 195 to 487 banks were declined

    immediately after partition.

    After the partition only two banks were having the honor first is Commercial

    Bank of Pakistan namely Habib bank Ltd, which was established in 1941, having their

    Head Office in India and as well as Australasia Bank Ltd, was established in 1944 withits Head Office in Pakistan.

    The Banking history of Pakistan was started in 1948 by the establishment of

    State Bank of Pakistan which was inaugurated by Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali

    Jinnah. Right after three banks were established which are Muslim Commercial Bank

    Limited, National Bank of Pakistan, and Habib Bank Limited.

    In the last few years a gradual and noticeable improvement in the economyand organizations has initiated their policies on country debt reduction, implementation

    of IMF program with filling the gap with a progressive strengthening of the external

    account. These integral factors has led a strong and healthy build-up of banking

    reserves with efficient investment is showing the economic overview of Pakistan.

    The domestic level of the financial industry, the focus on monetary policy

    initiated in 2001 to revive the economy continued output in surplus liquidity in the

    banking sector which is further decreasing of interest rates.

    Despite of stable and reinvigorate the economy, the real sector continues

    plagued with sub standard economic activity which increase in unemployment levels.

    There are various factors for the current scenario as going far as the real sector is

    concerned. Therefore the large scale manufacturing involve in excess supply as the

    output of heavy investment in the nineties.


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    Overview of The Organization


    Bank Alfalah Limited was established on June 21st

    , 1997 as a public limited

    company. Its operations started from 1st November 1997. BAL started commercial

    banking and related services according to banking companies ordinance 1962. The

    bank has 45 branches in 21 cities, of Pakistan and its Head offices is registered as

    Bank Alfalah Building, 11 Chundrigarh Road, Karachi.

    Bank Alfalah was further strengthened with the banking of Abu Dhabi

    Group. The strategic goals and plans were set by its board of management to boost

    up the efficiency of BAL.

    The BAL has perceived the needs of their customers and matched them with

    their quality products and service solutions. Within last few years BAL has improved

    their banking sector to retain their customers as well as gain the competitive

    advantage in the market. BAL is one of the most financial institution in the region who

    meet the needs of tomorrow. Bank Alfalah Limited has encouraged and motivate

    their employees with providing them facilities of training about the various parts ofbanking, and customer services.

    Bank Alfalah Vision

    To be the premier organizations operating locally and internationally that

    provided the complete range of financial services to all segments under one roof.

    Bank Alfalah Mission


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    To develop and deliver the most innovative products, manage customers

    experience, deliver quality service that contributes to brand strength, establishes a

    competitive advantage and enhances profitability, thus providing value to the

    stakeholders of the bank.

    Nature of the Organization

    Bank Alfalah Limited (the Bank) is a banking company incorporated in

    Pakistan on June 21, 1992 as a public limited company under the Companies

    Ordinance, 1984. It commenced its banking operations on November 01,1992. The

    Banks registered office is at B.A. Building, I.I. Chundrigarh Road, Karachi and islisted on the Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad Stock Exchange. The Bank is engaged

    in banking services as described in the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962 and is

    operating through 253 conventional banking branches including 4 sub branches

    (2009:253 branches), 7 overseas branches (2009:17 branches), 60 Islamic banking

    branches and 1 offshore banking unit.

    The Group Comprises of the holding company and a subsidiary Alfalah

    Securities (private) Limited. The principal objective of the Alfalah Securities (Private)

    Limited, is to undertake the business of brokerage house. The Company obtained

    corporate membership from Karachi Stock Exchange Limited on November 24,2003.

    The Bank holds 76 percent shares of the Company.

    Business Volume

    Year 2006 2007 2008 2009

    Operational Results

    Total Income 24,416 31,822 35,789 40743

    Operating Expenses 5918 8289 9957 11002

    Profit Before Income Tax and 3264 6906 3831 4711


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    Profit Before Income Tax 2566 4536 1795 1016

    Profit After Taxation 1763 3130 1301 897

    Balance Sheet

    Shareholders Equity 10573 13767 14609 19770

    Total Assets 275686 328895 348991 389070

    Advances net of Provision 149999 171199 191790 188042

    Investment net of Provision 56502 88492 75973 99160

    Deposits and others Accounts 239509 273174 300733 324760


    Imports 119937 184305 190289 197304

    Exports 70844 79090 93406 100493


    Capital Adequacy 9.48 9.85 8.03 12.46

    Profit before Tax Ratio 12.11 17.59 5.80 2.86

    (PBT/Gross Mark up income 28.12 35.54 33.82 30.67

    Income / Expense ratio 4.13 3.84 3.59 3.70

    Return on Average Eqity 20.37 25.72 9.17 5.22

    Return on Average Assets 0.67 1.04 0.38 0.24

    Advances/Deposits Ratio 62.36 62.67 63.77 57.90

    Cash Dividends - - 15% -

    Stock Dividend 33.33 30.00 23% 12.5%

    Book value per share

    excluding revaluation of


    21.15 21.18 18.27 14.65

    Book value per share

    including revaluation of assets

    24.48 24.95 21.32 16.41


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    Basic Earnings per share 2.91 3.92 1.41 0.71

    Product Lines

    Bank Alfalah has diversified their business portfolio in every part of the

    banking sector to meet the financial needs. They offered a high value products for

    their customers consists on

    Car Financing

    Home Financing

    Rupee Travellers Cheque

    Credits Cards

    Debit Cards

    On line Banking

    ATM and consumer Durables etc.

    BAL has recently started their new business unit of Islamic Banking Division

    as an isolated branch. It is providing the products according to Shariah. Now these

    Islamic Banking branches have increased to more then 50, with these efforts the

    bank is trying to enhance their energies and resources to create a high value

    satisfaction for their customers, as well as employees. The BAL wants to increase

    their banking technology intensively in remote areas where the customers cannotmake their access easily to the bank.


    Followings are the major competitors of BAL.

    Askari Commercial Bank Ltd


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    Standard Chartered Bank Ltd

    Union Bank Ltd

    Soneri Bank Ltd

    Prime Commercial Bank Ltd

    Bolan Bank Ltd

    Faysal Bank Ltd

    Platinum Bank Ltd

    Organizational Structure

    Chairmans Message

    Since the inception of Bank Alfalah, by the grace of the Almighty, we have

    moved rapidly in expanding our branch network and deposit base, along with

    making profitable advances and increasing the range of products and services. We

    have made a break-through in providing premier services at an affordable cost to

    our customers.

    Keeping in view our valued clients and the need for constant and effective

    communication of information, we have designed this website to be as user-friendly

    as possible.

    As we pursue the path of excellence, customer satisfaction remains our

    priority. It is only when we know our customers better, can we deliver a higher

    quality of services, thereby adding synergy to our existing management expertise,

    financial strength and profitability. This is yet another channel of communication for

    the delivery of quality products and services that enhance value to our



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    Board of Directors

    H.E. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mubarak Al Nahayan ( Chairman )

    Mr. Mohammad Saleem Akhtar ( Chief Executive Officer)

    Mr. Abdulla Nasser Hawalileel Al-Mansoori

    Mr. Abdulla Khalil Al Mutawa

    Mr. Ikram Ul-Majeed Sehgal

    Mr.Khalid Mana Saeed Al Otaiba



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    Mr. Sirajuddin AzizChief Executive Officer

    Mr. Parvez A. ShahidCo-Chairman Central ManagementCommittee

    Mr. Shakil SadiqChief Operating Officer

    Mr. Talib RizviGroup HeadRetail & Middle Market, North

    Mr. Adil RashidGroup HeadConsumer Finance

    Mr. Shahab Bin ShahidGroup HeadRetail & Middle Market, South

    Mr. A. Wahid DadaGroup HeadOperations

    Mr. Adnan Anwar KhanGroup HeadRetail & Middle Market, Central

    Mr. Nadeem Ul HaqGroup HeadTechnology & Operations

    Mr. Mohammad YousufGroup Head


    Mr. M. Iqbal SaifiGroup Head

    Credit Monitoring

    Mr. Arfa Waheed MalikGroup HeadCorporate & Investment Banking

    Mr. Ijaz FarooqGroup HeadIslamic Banking

    Mr. Bakhtiar KhawajaGroup HeadLearning

    Mr. Yasar RashidGroup HeadAudit & Inspection

    Mr. Zahid Ali H. Jamall

    Chief Financial Officer

    Mr. Falak Sher

    Chief Compliance Officer

    Mr. Tariq MirGeneral ManagerInternational Business

    Mr. M. Mudassar AqilGeneral ManagerHuman Resource & Quality Assurance

    Mr. Shahid H. KaziGeneral ManagerStrategic Planning

    Mr. Ather ShehabGeneral ManagerEstablishment & Administration

    Mr. Haroon KhalidGeneral ManagerRisk Management

    Mr. Hamid AshrafGeneral ManagerLegal & Company Secretary

    Mr. Imtiaz Ahmad SheikhGeneral ManagerInformation Technology

    Mr. Hamid M. MirzaHead of Marketing

    Mr. Nasim AhmedHead of Equity Portfolio

    Mr. Umer HayatHead of SAM South

    Mr. Muhammed Omer DogarHead of SAM North

    Mr. Khurshed A. KhairHead of Special Projects

    Mr. Zafar IqbalHead of Treasury

    Mr. Syed HassanHead of FI

    Mr. Yawar Ali Gulani

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    Organizational Hierarchy Chart


    Board of Directors

    Chief ExecutiveOfficer


    S ExecutiveIncharge

    StrategicPlanning& & & GlobalMarketing


    International &Treasury Division


    Human ResourceDivision


    IT Division


    Credit Division


    System &Corporation


    ExecutiveInchargeCredit Monitoring



    Incharge Establishment &


    ExecutiveInchargeBusiness Development



    Incharge Legal Affairs



    Incharge Audit & Inspection


    ExecutiveInchargeFinance Division


    Corporate ExchangeFinancing & Home



    Islamic Banking



    New Products & ServiceQuality Division


    Cards Division

    Area ManagerNorth



    Area ManagerSouth



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    Number of Employee

    Bank Alfalah is the fastest growing financial institute with constantly increasing

    of manpower to provide the best services to their customers. Human Resource

    Department has an ability to manage the work force diversity around the country and

    provide them a conductive environment to play a challenging role and also help them

    in gaining knowledge. Increase in number of employees can be seen in the following



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    Main Offices

    The detail of Bank Alfalah main offices all over Pakistan isas under:

    KARACHIB.A. Building, I.I Chundrigar Road, Karachi111-777-786021-2414030-9 021-2414030-9

    LAHOREMall Road, Brnach, Lahore


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    RAWALPINDIMain Branch, The Mall, Rwp.

    051-5582288 051-5582288051-566084-6 051-566084-6

    ISLAMABADBlue Area Branch, Islamabad

    051-2275286 051-2275286

    051-2270193 051-2270193

    051-206986-7 051-206986-7

    Introduction of all Departments

    Accounts Opening




    I T (Information Technology)


    Human Resource


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    Accounts Opening Department

    Account department is playing a key role and is working under the retail

    banking facilities which are provided by the bank. Here are two important types of

    accounts discussed below.

    Deposit Account

    This is a deposit bank product available for all persons who are eligible to

    open a deposit account as per our Banks criteria. The account can be opened singly

    or preferably jointly (husband & wife. This product is designed to attract procure

    deposit/savings of citizens by offering attractive, innovative incentives and higher rate

    of profit to.

    Current Account

    For the opening of current account, there should be minimum Rs. 10000, and

    there will no deduction of Zakat fund from the account holder. However all the

    account holders are allowed to receive a debit card without any restriction on the

    number of withdrawals or deposits made.

    Operations DepartmentOperations departments has to perform following major activities.




    Cash Transfers


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    In big branches of Bank Alfalah all above activities are performed by separate

    departments but in case of a small branch all the activities are performed by the

    same operation department. This operation department is also called the transact



    Clearing department is meanly responsible for clearing all kinds of checks

    received by the bank. These checks may differ in kinds like:

    Inward Clearing

    Outward Clearing

    Online Clearing

    Outwards Bills for Collections

    Inward Clearing

    Inward Clearing is done when bank alfalah account holders draws a cheque

    in favour of an account holder which does not belong to alfalah bank. The

    processing of inward clearing consists of following steps.

    a. Operations department received cheque from NIFT.

    b. All the particulars are verified by the bank officer. If any ambiguity is found

    then the cheque is marked as returned, giving the reason with it.

    c. If there is no fault found then the cheque is posted in the system and the

    customers account is debited.


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    d. Returned cheques particulars are fed in the O/W returned of inward

    clearing registered and are send to NIFT.

    Outward Clearing

    The process of clearing the cheques in favour of Bank Alfalah drawn by non

    Alfalah Bank customers and the amount is transferred to Alfalah Banks account is

    called outward clearing.

    The process of outward clearing consists of following steps:

    a. Operations department of bank alfalah receives the cheque.

    b. Customers account is credited in favour of whom cheque is drawn.

    c. Cheque is stamped as cleared and sent to the other bank through NIFT.

    If the cheque is returned in the next few days, the cheque amount is debited

    from the customers account and cheque is posted to the customer. Returned

    cheque record is kept into cheque return register.

    Online Clearing

    Online clearing usually takes place when a cheque is drawn by customers

    which does not belong to Alfalah Bank in favour of Alfalah Bank customer but the

    amount is deposited into Alfalah Bank. In this case the person who had drawn the

    cheque should have an account with the Alfalah Bank.

    The process of online clearing consists of following two steps.

    a. The bank sends the cheque as an outward clearing through NIFT.

    b. If the cheque is cleared the amount is credited to alfalah bank using the

    online transferring software.



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    Alfalah Bank uses bank smart software for transfers. There are two types of


    a. Internal Transfers

    Internal transfers usually take place between two Alfalah bank customers

    having account in the same branch.

    b. Online Transfers

    Internal transfers usually take place between two Alfalah bank customers

    having account in the same branch using online transfer facility.


    There are two kind of remittances.

    Pay Order

    Pay order is normally used within the same city. It is a safe way of carrying

    money instead of cash.

    Demand Draft

    Demand draft is normally used when someone wants to transfer money to

    someone outside the city.

    There are two types of demand draft.

    Outward DDs

    Inward DDs

    Cash Transfers

    The cash transfers are the responsibilities of transact department. It is liable

    for all cash deposits and withdraws made by Bank Alfalah.


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    Accounts Department

    Accounts department works at the backend of the bank. It produces the

    accounts statements which is a report based on the activity of all the accounts owned

    by bank. Secondly, it generates statement of affairs which shows the liabilities and

    assets of the bank. Thirdly, it generates the statement of foreign exchange which

    shows the foreign exchange currencies present at the bank . Fourthly, it generates

    the statement of profit and loss which shows the income and the expenditures of the

    bank. These reports are generated at daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly basis

    as required by the bank.

    Accounts department is also responsible for following:

    Income and Expense


    Activity Checking

    Storage of Record


    Marketing Department

    Marketing department plays a very important role for the success of an

    organization. Bank Alfalah is following a strategy of centralised marketing so that

    everyone anywhere in the Pakistan gets the same message for the promotion of a

    product. While marketing, Bank Alfalah keeps in view the sales targets, need

    identification, positioning, targeting and promotion. They have also outsourced the


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    product dependant marketing tasks to other companies to overcome the marketing


    I T Department

    I T Department of a Alfalah Bank is responsible for processing all kind of

    electronic information. It is the most restricted department and only few employees

    are authorised to even enter in the department. It is responsible to keep the record

    up to date and make them available at all time for the bank and the customers. I T

    department is also responsible of

    Online Banking

    Phone Banking

    ATM Banking

    H R Department

    This section includes a summary of the HRM practices followed in BAL and a

    detailed study of Training and Development. The most important Division at the Head

    Office is responsible for human resource management, including planning,

    recruitment, staffing, training & development, compensation, performance

    management, employee relation and evaluation. The Division also handles matters

    relating to administration that proves an integrative linkage between HRD and


    Different practices are briefly summarized as follows:


    HR Department is responsible for an effective HR planning regarding demand

    and supply of employees and forecasting for these practices.


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    Forecasting Employee Demand: -

    Employee demand at BAL is derived from following factors;

    Internal Growth

    a. Opening a New Branch.

    b. Setting up New Technology.

    c. Changes in Customer Demand.

    d. New Services.

    Forecasting Employee Supply

    HRD at BAL ensures the employee supply on following basis;


    BAL transfers its employees from one branch to other branch with in the same

    region, especially whenever a new branch is opened.

    Internal Movements

    Internal movements, which include promotions and rightsizing, are a part of



    Job rotations are also done within the departments from time to time to

    decrease the monotony and to make up interest in the job. It is most common

    for On Job Training of MTOs.


    To compensate the workload, most of the employees voluntarily work over-

    time at their jobs. As the employees are not forced to work over-time so they

    are not paid for this overtime. Sometime the supervisors also ask their

    subordinates to work over-time.


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    Apart from this, there are night shifts working in Information Technology

    Department (ITD) at BAL. Overtime is done whenever there is a workload

    regarding the making of ATM and Credit Cards etc.

    Temporary / Contractual

    Temporary and Contractual employees also work in BAL normally in ITD who

    work as Hardware Technicians and Software Engineers etc.

    The same are sometimes contracted from different Software Houses.

    Other than this all the employee at BAL is not permanent, most of them

    are at contract (employment at will).

    Employee Shortage

    As BAL has currently a growth strategyand for that BAL is opening five to six

    branches every year at national level. This makes an employee shortage for BAL, but

    BAL covers it by hiring in following two categories.

    Management Trainee Officers. (Recruited once in a year)

    Junior Officers. (Recruited according to the need)


    BAL recruits both fresh and experienced persons on regular basis to support

    its growth strategy. A part from this, BAL recruits in both categories (MTOs & JO) as

    discussed above. For this BAL uses following internal and external recruitment



    BAL advertises the vacancies in popular newspapers, which can either be in

    English or Urdu papers according the job and situation.



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    BAL has its own website, where it advertises the vacancies. It also has

    electronic data bank where the interested persons apply for the jobs.

    Direct Applicants

    Fresh graduates keep on submitting their CVs to the HR Department from

    time to time. HRD selects the effective persons for interview and tests

    whenever a job is vacant.


    After the recruitment the selection of most reliable and efficient persons is

    done at BAL under the supervision of HR personals. The selection process at BAL is

    sequenced as follows:

    a. Entry Level Test:

    After recruitment all the candidates have to give an entry-level test.

    Test is comprised of, General Knowledge, English, Math, Accounting and

    other subjects which might vary according to the caliber of the job. Those who

    clear the test are proposed to proceed further for the selection process and

    the remaining are short-listed.

    b. First Interview

    The selected candidates have to take the 1st interview, which is

    conducted by a team of Subject Matter Experts including HR officials. The

    candidates are again short listed by the interviewers.

    c. Second Interview

    Now the Vice President - Human Resource, again interviews the next selected



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    d. Third Interview

    Finally, Senior Vice President of HR interviews the successful candidates.

    Medical Test

    The selected candidates submit their medical reports of the required medical

    tests. If a candidate is medically unfit, he or she is given a recovery period of 3 4


    Training and Development

    BAL also conducts the training of the selected candidates, which is conducted

    by the Training Wing in alliance with HR and other related departments. The high

    leverage training is done in two main areas;

    Banking (General Banking, Credit Division, Foreign Trade):

    Personality Development:

    As hiring is done in two categories (MTO and JO), so because of the

    difference in ranking and working methodology, the training needs for both are

    varied. Among various training methods, classroom and OJT are most commonly in

    practice in BAL. Other than the training of new hires, there are more than 50

    Refresher Courses for the improvement and development of current employees.

    Employee Development:

    Regarding employee development, following approaches are followed by BAL:

    On Job Degrees and Certifications. Sabbaticals for Training.


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    Assessment Centres.

    Performance Appraisals.

    Employee Assistance Program.

    Interpersonal Relationship Development.


    HRD of BAL has kept its compensation and equity practice confidential.

    Performance Management

    BAL has an effective performance management system. HRD in alliance with

    the different departments evaluates the performance of employees at annual basis.

    For this, Annual Performance Report (APR) of each employee is made and 3600

    feedback is used as a tool for completion of APR..In APR employees are evaluated

    on basis of following skills and are graded on scale of grades starting from A to E,

    which have different percentages.

    Leadership Qualities.

    Marketing Skills.




    Job Knowledge.

    Technical Knowledge. Etc.

    This is the most important practice of HRD as, the promotions, increase in salary,

    training needs of an employee etc. all are dependent on it.


    During my finding I studied the training and development process of BAL


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    Training At BAL

    As priory written in the scope of study that BAL is managing its training needs

    from a single Training Centre, so it is feasible to elaborate some facts about the

    Training Centre before breaking the training methodology.

    The training centre was established in 1999, since then it is managing the training

    needs of Punjab, NWFP and AJK region. It also handles the Sindh and Baluchistan

    Region in alliance with main branch of Karachi. For Sindh and Baluchistan, Training

    camps work to fulfil the needs of the region, this is done 3 4 times in a year.

    HR and Training Wing make all strategies side by side. The Training Wing

    implements these strategies and the result of implementation is reported to HRD,

    which is further reported to the President.

    Areas Of Training

    The training at BAL is done at two broad areas, which are further categorized, these


    a. Banking:

    b. General Banking

    Credit Division

    Foreign Trade

    c. Personality Development

    Management. (Leadership & Controlling etc)

    Marketing and Selling

    Behavior Modeling. (Personality development)

    Communication Skills. Etc.


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    Information Technology training is also given to the related employees in

    collaboration with the Information Technology Department (ITD).

    Who Need Training

    The new hires always need training. There are two types of new hires;

    a. Fresh Hires

    Fresh employees are those who have recently completed their studies

    and have no or little experience of banking. Such employees need to attend a

    formal training session to get aware of banking technicalities. These fresh

    selected employees are categorized in two separate parts according to their

    posts; hence the training methodology of both differs with each other.

    b. Management Trainee Officers (MTO)

    MTOs are hired only once in a year, and they are selected for middle

    level executive posts, so their training is quite complex as compared to JOs.

    After the selection, they have a Theoretical Training Sessionof 2 3 months

    followed byOn Job Training (OJT) for further 3 years. The theoretical training

    session is conducted by the Training Center, where formal lectures and

    presentation techniques are adopted. Whereas, the OJT is conducted at the

    relevant branch and department. MTOs get training in all the areas of banking,

    i.e. General Banking, Credit, Foreign Trade and Personality


    c. Junior Officers (JO)


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    Junior Officers are hired according to the needs of different branches

    and departments. There work is non-managerial and clerical in nature, so their

    training needs are not as complex as of MTOs. After the selection, JOs have

    to attend only a 2 weeks Theoretical Training Session. They get training

    only in the General Bankingand Personality Developmentand not in Credit

    and Foreign Trade. No OJT is conducted for JOs.

    d. Experienced HiresExperienced employees are those who have already worked in other

    banks at executive posts. Such employees do not need any formal training

    session; they are informally trained in their specific area.

    e. Current Employees

    BAL offers more than 50 Refresher Courses in different aspects of

    banking, so that the training needs of current employees are fulfilled.

    Training Need Assessment Process

    The identification that either the training of current employees is necessary or

    not depends on the results ofAnnual Performance Report(attached in annexure).

    In APR the Training Pressure Points might be the following one;

    Poor Performance of Employees.

    Lack of Skills in Employees.

    Employee Himself Asks For Training.

    His Boss Identifies Him For Training.


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    Other than APR, following are also some of the valid reasons for conducting the

    training program.

    New Hires.

    New Technology.

    Internal Growth. (New Branch)

    New Services.

    Comments on the organizational structure

    Various organization make their own structure to perform efficiently its depend on

    their resources and utilization of work force. Organizational Structure of the bank

    alfalha is flexible which allows employees to work more freely and effectively to

    meet the given targets in the specific time. Because in a flexible organizational

    structure like bank Alfalah has provided the best performing environment where

    everyone can share their ideas with each other, and try to make their best

    communication to achieve the organizational objectives of the bank. I have

    myself experience the behaviour of top level management and middle level

    management they are as cooperative as friends. Such organizational structure

    allowed me to learn and excel my educational treats more practically and


    Plan of my internship Programme

    A brief introduction of the branch where i did my


    I worked in Bank Alfalah Limited Gulberg Branch situated at

    125-E /1, Gulberg III, main Boulevard, Lahore.

    Telephone No. 0092-42-5877800-08 Fax No. 0092-42-5754900


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    Starting and Ending dates of Internship

    I went to complete my internship program at BAL, Main Boulevard Gullberg

    Lahore. I started my internship on 1st June, 2010 and completed on 12th July, 2010.

    For the period of six weeks, I never felt any boredom in that refreshing environment

    where I havent seen any dispute or ordinary organizational politics. Besides it, there

    was no manager-subordinate discrimination among the staff members. The

    remarkable cooperation among the employees is one of the major causes of the

    success of not only the branch but the bank as well.

    Names of Departments, I got training

    For first four weeks I got training in Operations Department and last two

    weeks in Consumer Banking.

    Training Program

    Operations/Activities of Departments I Worked in

    1.Operations Department

    Operations departments has to perform following major activities.




    Cash Transfers

    In big branches of Bank Alfalah all above activities are performed by separate

    departments but in case of a small branch all the activities are performed by the


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    same operation department. This operation department is also called the transact



    Clearing department is meanly responsible for clearing all kinds of checks

    received by the bank. These checks may differ in kinds like:

    Inward Clearing

    Outward Clearing

    Online Clearing

    Outwards Bills for Collections

    Inward Clearing

    Inward Clearing is done when bank alfalah account holders draws a cheque

    in favour of an account holder which does not belong to alfalah bank. The

    processing of inward clearing consists of following steps.

    e. Operations department received cheque from NIFT.

    f. All the particulars are verified by the bank officer. If any ambiguity is found

    then the cheque is marked as returned, giving the reason with it.

    g. If there is no fault found then the cheque is posted in the system and the

    customers account is debited.

    h. Returned cheques particulars are fed in the O/W returned of inward

    clearing registered and are send to NIFT.

    Outward Clearing


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    The process of clearing the cheques in favour of Bank Alfalah drawn by non

    Alfalah Bank customers and the amount is transferred to Alfalah Banks account is

    called outward clearing.

    The process of outward clearing consists of following steps:

    d. Operations department of bank alfalah receives the cheque.

    e. Customers account is credited in favour of whom cheque is drawn.

    f. Cheque is stamped as cleared and sent to the other bank through NIFT.

    If the cheque is returned in the next few days, the cheque amount is debited

    from the customers account and cheque is posted to the customer. Returned

    cheque record is kept into cheque return register.

    Online Clearing

    Online clearing usually takes place when a cheque is drawn by customers

    which does not belong to Alfalah Bank in favour of Alfalah Bank customer but the

    amount is deposited into Alfalah Bank. In this case the person who had drawn the

    cheque should have an account with the Alfalah Bank.

    The process of online clearing consists of following two steps.

    c. The bank sends the cheque as an outward clearing through NIFT.

    d. If the cheque is cleared the amount is credited to alfalah bank using the

    online transferring software.


    Alfalah Bank uses bank smart software for transfers. There are two types of


    c. Internal Transfers


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    Internal transfers usually take place between two Alfalah bank customers

    having account in the same branch.

    d. Online Transfers

    Internal transfers usually take place between two Alfalah bank customers

    having account in the same branch using online transfer facility.


    There are two kind of remittances.

    Pay Order

    Pay order is normally used within the same city. It is a safe way of carrying

    money instead of cash.

    Demand Draft

    Demand draft is normally used when someone wants to transfer money to

    someone outside the city.

    There are two types of demand draft.

    Outward DDs

    Inward DDs

    Cash Transfers

    The cash transfers are the responsibilities of transact department. It is liable

    for all cash deposits and withdraws made by Bank Alfalah.

    Consumer Banking

    Consumer banking is a vast field deals in many lending areas as mentioned below

    Credit Card

    Debit Cards

    Auto Loans


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    Credit Cards.

    Alfalah Bank offers different kind of credit cards to different people depending on the

    pay back capacity.

    The major credit cards offered by the bank Alfalahare followings.


    Gold & Silver

    Young Professional

    Women Exclusive

    Student Card

    Supplementary Card

    Visa Mini

    Awami Card

    Names and properties of credit card offered keeps on changing as required with the

    passage of time. Credit Limit is offered normally by checking the credit history of

    the customer and his paying back capacity.

    Benefits and features of credit card offered by BAL.

    Powered by VISA

    No Joining / Annual / Renewal fee

    Phone Banking Facility

    Utility bills payment

    Auto Debit instructions

    SMS for card usage

    Mini statement


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    Cash withdrawal

    Monthly Card Statements

    Properties of the debit card offered by BAL

    Powered by Visa Debit Card

    Alfalah Hilal Card

    Financial needs

    Unlimited accesss

    No Interest

    No Mininum Income Requirement

    No PIN required

    Accepted 29 Million locations

    Uses of Hilal Card.

    Auto Loans

    Auto loans facility offered by BAL is the major profit earning activity used by bank

    Alfalah, following are the features and the benefits which interact customer to

    come and avail these loans.

    Quickest processing

    No hidden charges

    Minimum down payment

    Complete repayment

    Tenure period

    Financing brand

    Financing limit


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    Corporate & Individual Car Leasing




    Detailed description of tasks assigned to me

    I worked for about six weeks Bank Alfalah Ltd, Gulberg III, Main Boulevard,

    Lahore as my internship organization.

    There, I worked in two departments. I started up with account opening (operations),

    where I worked for about one week and learned about different types of accounts,

    and how to open a new account, etc. after that I moved towards Remittance where

    i learned one week that how to transfer the money from one place to another and

    one city to another city through pay order and demand draft, after completion in

    remittance i joined transfers and i worked one week and learned about the different

    transfers internal and online. At fourth week I worked in cash transfers which is

    belongs to transact department and i learned about cash deposits and withdraws

    methods ,during my internship in operations i worked under the supervision of the

    Operation Officer.

    Operations, Mr. Asad Ali Shah was at my internship in that department.

    After working in Operations, I was moved to Consumer Banking, where I

    learned to weeks that how to handle different kind of customers and how to

    satisfied them with various kind of tactics at front desk during this period I seen

    many situations between customers and bank staffs it was a totally unique

    experience because I have worked under the supervision of Mr.Ali Raza who

    encouraged me at every spot when i was confused. Gulberg branch has got a wide


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    range of excellent services departments been supervised under the best ambiance

    and a very well educated staff. The following list is showing the main departments

    at Gulberg Branch.

    Operations Department

    Consumer Banking Department

    Functions of management

    PlanningPlanning is such kind of function which is performed by the top level

    management which is following

    Defining the goals and objectives of the organizations.

    Establishing the strategies to achieving those goals.

    There are two types of planning

    In Bank Alfalah both kind of planning formal and informal has used.


    Formal planning is such kind of planning which is written down, with

    management focus in which rules and policies has prepared with shared focus of the



    In formal planning, there are informal way used for the preparation of different

    policies and rules which is at local discussions between the individuals of the firm

    and they have no importance for the firm.


    The objectives of the Bank Alfalah are to make financial strength and to

    generate profit for the organization.

    The 2nd objective of Bank Alfalah is to satisfy our customer by providing them a

    quality products and services at a reasonable cost.

    At third step the objective of the organization is to expand our branch network around

    the world.

    There are two types of objectives of the Bank Alfalah.


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    Short Term

    The short term objective of the bank Alfalah is to increase our profit.

    Long Term

    The long term objective of the bank Alfalah is to best utilization of the

    resources increase the profit of the organization at favourable cost.

    Decision Making Process

    Top Level Management

    In Bank Alfalah all the decision making process has made at the top level ofthe organization.

    Regional manager

    Regional manager of bank alfalah makes all types of decisions at regional

    level according to delegation of power.

    Branch Manager

    Similarly the branch manager makes all types of decisions at their branch


    Organizations Current Strategies.

    In Bank Alfalah there are various kind of strategies has been used which is


    Bank Alfalah has initiated an efficient and innovative banking system, by the

    automated machines in different regions of Pakistan.

    Bank Alfalah has building their long lasting relationship with the people to make them

    loyal as well as to retain by providing a valuable service to their customers to meet

    the needs of tomorrow.

    Bank Alfalah is compared their banking standard according to their customers

    requirements, therefore it has made a benchmark in the banking sector.

    Bank alfalah is not only providing a excellent service to their clients, as well as

    introduced new technology for the customer.


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    The one of the most important strategy of bank alfalah is to maintain their well

    positioned in the banking sector.

    The main focus of the bank is to identify their banking relationship,

    communication, their cooperate with every single customer to provide him a full

    attention with utilizing their various resources to attain their financial goals.

    The value of their culture on the basis that they provide a most important product

    with the superior service.

    The current strategy of the bank alfalh is to providing the best training to their

    employees with greater resources for more attention towards their customers, which

    not only increase their revenue as well as repute in the market.

    Bank Alfalah is consists on one of the most high skilled and professional experts and

    economist which providing the understanding with the local economy and to informed

    about the various decisions of authorities which could harmful for the organization.

    Bank Alfalah is one of the best single larger bank in the banking sector which has

    opened Islamic branch.

    The focus of the management of the bank alfalah is to create an international

    standard in all over the world and gives their full attention to all the segments of the



    Organization is a arrangement of the people to achieve specific goals. In our

    society we have different kind of organizations some are working for the profits or

    earnings and some are social organizations, for instance banks, hotels, and their are

    some colleges, schools types of organizations, but every organization has some

    common features or characteristics. Every organization has its own purpose to

    establish itself which could be expressed in term of goals and achievements. Every

    organization is consists on people to accomplish their goals.

    At last in every organization there must be a structure of the firm to perform their


    Organizational Design.

    Bank Alfalah structure.


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    Swedens premiere bank is one of the largest banks in the Nordic region. Lars

    Grunted (pictured) presided and group chief executive, oversees a business that is

    organized around a decentralized structure with a network of some 540 branches in

    Norway, as well as in nine European countries and six countries outside Europe. He

    believes that the banks 30-plus years of developing its branch network has allowed it

    to consistently grow market share and achieve a return on equality above the

    average of its Nordic competitors are starting to copy Handelsbankens structural

    model. Handelsbankens branch managers can choose their customers and product

    mix. They also set staffing numbers and decide salary levels. All customers, private

    and corporate, no matter what size, are the responsibility of a local branch.

    Handelsbankens flat management structure and emphasis on personal responsibility

    and consensus approach is well suited to the Swedish culture.

    DepartmentalizationOrganizational structure could be utilized in efficient manners when the

    structure of the organization is divided into various departments and each

    department has assigned different kind of task to accomplish their goals. The

    objective of the departments is to increase the efficiency and specialization of the

    employees as well as to generate the revenue of the organization. Through various

    departments achievement of the organizational task is quite easy, and task of the

    whole organization is divided into various people. Every department is consist on a

    specialize work force which they can get. There could be various aspects on which

    an organization can divided their departments, for instance its depend on products

    and functions of the firm. In every organization each department is directly or

    indirectly interact with each other for the smooth working of the organization for

    instance Human Resource department has needed the funds to purchase the

    stationary or furniture for the firm in that case finance department has play the

    integral role to prepare the budget for HR department, similarly marketing and theother department has made their communication for the accomplishment of their


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    goals. Especially Information technology is one of the most important departments in

    now days which is performing a giant role, to connect the whole organization at one

    place with the help of networking whether it is inside the organization or outside. The

    Bank Alfalah Gulberg branch has various departments which are performing their

    task efficiently and effectively. Every department has made their connection with

    other we can say that if we wanted to see the real departmentalization we should

    have a look at bank where each department could not work without help of each

    other for instance a person wanted to open his new account in bank alfalah, he will

    fill the form and submit to the account branch then account branch will forward it to

    the backend where the computerized process would be completed and next step will

    start until the process completed. In bank alfalah every department provided the

    complete information with excellent communication which could be understandable

    for the employees, in operations department remittance, cash, credit, and I.T

    department are all providing such kind of services which can satisfy their customers

    as well as to build their repute in the market.

    Span of Control

    Span of control means number of employees working under the one officer.

    The concept of span of control has been started many years ago, the main objective

    to use the span of control is to save the resources of the firm as well as to increase

    the authority of the officer. Many organizations used this strategy to make their

    control possible on the employees, but the research has proved greater the span of

    control will decrease the efficiency of the organization, however if span of control is

    lower than efficiency of the firm would increase because when an officer can control

    6 to 7 employees easily but if the employees would increase more than 10 then it

    would be difficult for the supervisor to handle the all employees efficiently. Those

    organizations who are handling larger span of control are enjoying their revenue.

    Span of Control in Bank Alfalah is increasing widely because all the banks are

    working under the one area manager, that shows the efficiency and effectiveness of

    the management who have organized such kind of structure which decreasing the

    cost as well as increasing the revenue of the firm with lower rate of employees.

    Chain of Command


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    Chain of Command means organizational hierarchy is control by a single

    person who lo ok after the whole organizations activities, chain of command is a

    traditional way of dealing with the employees. In bank alfalah there are two important

    types of command which is used one is most important Central Command and 2nd is

    Branch Command. Chain of Command is centralized power in Bank Alfalah which is

    control by the higher authorities Group of Abu Dhabi and the all decision making has

    been made at central level, the final authority is the Chairman who can take every

    kind of decision with communication of their board of directors. Specially marketing

    decisions which has the great importance made according to the centralized

    procedure. Branch Command is a delegation of power has given by the chairman

    and the board of directors which also have the importance because a branch

    manager is a kind of person who can take the immediate decisions at the spot. A

    branch manager in bank alfalah who have the command and control of their branch

    where he can change the branch environment, but he also controlled by the regional

    manager, and his task is restricted.


    Bank is a kind of organization where centralization is more or less its

    depending on the functions of the department. In Bank Alfalah there are some

    functions which are centralized like marketing, profit increase cost decrease increase

    shares in the market and some where branch managers or area managers could

    make their interference for instance in various operations such as account opening,

    treasury functions and I.T operations which are performed by the direct regional and

    area manager.


    When the organization divided their centralized power into different

    departments and officers is called decentralized process. In this process the power

    has given to the officers who can take the decisions at their own level which is

    conventional and daily routine based. For instance a branch manager can reject the

    cheque, can interference in various departments, can stop their work on emergency

    basis, and can take the decision on fire alarming situation.


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    In organization formulization is a process in which all the organization

    activities, strategies, and policies formulized in an friendly environment where every

    employees share their ideas freely, where attitude of the people are looking good

    and where the conflicts and disputes have no place to stay, and then organization

    convert their process in an efficient way to achieve their goals is called formalization.

    Bank Alfalah is a highly discipline, like all the employees strictly adopt the

    punctuality, there absence from duty has checked and if not available then

    explanation has called and then notice is given by the manager. Such kind of

    process and activities build the morale of the firm as well as create a discipline

    environment in the organization.

    Work Specialization

    In earlier times no concept of work specialization has been introduced but with

    the passage of time various theorist has invent the new methods of work which not

    only make the way of process easily but also gives a new hope to improve the

    efficiency of the labours, a work specialization is a step of the same process, at

    earlier times many people achieved their task together which not only waste theirtime but also waste their labours.

    Work specialization is a kind of work activity which is divided a work into

    different task and every task is performed by a new people, for instance a tailor

    master was cut their cloth before waving them but after the work specialization he

    divided their task into different expertise, which is not only save their time as well as

    money also.

    In Bank alfalah every department consist on many expertise which not only belongs

    to the account department but almost from every department I.T, Cash, Credit,

    Marketing, etc performed their role efficiently to achieve the objectives of the


    Managing Change and Innovation

    Managing change and innovation is the fighting job for todays organizations.

    Change is most important process in every organization where the change is neededbut at first organization should make sure that change is necessary for the firm and if


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    the essential then at first he should realize to their employees who will play the

    integral part during the change, because change has performed by the employees of

    the firm. In todays scenario many employees feel that new change will decrease

    their reward, bonus, and their benefits and so on. Some people think that change will

    decrease their power within firm, so therefore its management responsibility to adopt

    the change successfully according to the desires of the employees. At once change

    has occurred then management need to maintain their change with smooth handling

    to their employees.

    Similarly Innovation is also most important process within firm because those

    organizations who did not make any kind of change will not sustain for long time, andthose who create innovation in their organizational process with new ideas are

    processed successfully.

    Bank Alfalah introduced a new change in their organizational process which

    could be seen in their processes working activities their environment and throughout

    the whole picture of the organization, They have managed their customers with a

    new technique and new styles, they have offered their customers a lot promotional

    schemes, Car Loan, Home Mortgage, with new offers infect they are satisfying their

    customers as well as maintain the change and keeping their process.

    Bank Alfalah have some expertise people who have innovative ideas to maintain

    their market leadership, they have offered such kind of offers which has never

    offered by any banking sector with reasonable interest. Bank Alfalah has introduced

    a new Islamic branch with according to shariah Law, which is a excellent

    achievement in this regard.

    Managing IT and Communication

    In bank alfalah I.T department has managed the whole system of the bank

    with the help of software as well as technical expertise who spread the whole

    networking process throughout the Pakistan. I.T department efficiently performing

    their online transactions and online account process, they have efficiently complete


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    their transactions among the other branches. I.T has provided a wide network for the

    whole organization.

    Bank Alfalah has made their communication both way Upward and


    At upward all the transactions and process which is started from lower level of the

    firm is forwarded to the upward to the higher authorities to complete the process.

    Higher Management forwarded the instructions inform of communication towards the

    downward, and these all process is completed efficiently and smoothly, because all

    the departments have the positive communication and interactions with each other.


    Is the process of influencing the people who are working under control to

    achieve the organization goals. The person who influence and the authority on

    others and has the managerial power is a leader. Bank Alfalah has a leader who has

    the ability and skills to convert inputs into outputs to achieve the organization goals.

    Traits of Leader

    Bank Alfalah leader have the following traits and abilities in his personality.

    Decision Making

    Communication Power


    Strong Vision

    Risk Taking

    Interpersonal Skills

    Competitive Skills


    Vision & Mission

    Types of Leadership


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    There are different types of leadership but the most popular is following here.



    Laissez fair

    Democratic Leadership

    The leadership of bank alfalfa have the Democratic style, because the big part

    of the bank is consists on decentralized process therefore they have delegated theirpower of decision making, but almost they are working like a unit or a group they

    have encourage their employees and give them motivation, which create a new hope

    within employees.

    Power and Politics

    In Bank Alfalah there is no concept of power and politics because they have

    already introduced a democratic style in organization and every employee is working

    quite satisfactory.


    Motivation is belongs to the job satisfaction of the employees and there are

    various factors which directly affected the job satisfaction for instance working

    conditions, environment, social interaction, reward, motivation, encouragement, good

    salary, etc these all factors directly affect the job satisfaction, if the all incentives are

    given to the employees its mean they are satisfied otherwise decreasing job

    satisfaction will also decrease the productivity of the organization.

    In Bank Alfalah every employee are fully satisfied and all kind of incentives reward

    bonuses, are given annually quarterly to the employees to increase their productivity

    and efficiency.


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    Early Theories of Motivation

    Maslow Hierarchy of Needs

    The management of Bank Alfalah are knows about the basic needs, of the

    employees which is essential to performed their work activities, like Physiological

    needs, Safety needs, Social needs, and self actualization needs, which are the basic

    needs to survive. Thats why they are providing to their employees a good social

    interaction with good incentives and bonuses which increase their efficiency to

    performed well.


    Controlling means organization wanted to make sure that their organizational

    system and structure are performing within control and giving a good output.

    In Bank Alfalah there are following criteria to meet the desires approach.

    Controlling Approach

    Data Integrity

    Means organization making sure about the integrity of the data which is used

    during the process.

    Bank Alfalah also check their records with intervals to ensure the accuracy of the



    In bank Alfalah all the functions procedures, rules, policy, are in written

    documented form.

    These documentation are available when required.


    All the data records documentation is need for reviewing before making any


    Controlling Standard

    In bank Alfalah the controlling standard of the organization is quite efficient, in

    banking sector bank Alfalah has make his own benchmarking and market


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    leadership which is controlled by many years, and internally whenever a direction

    has forwarded from the top management the whole organization is followed and

    compliance the orders immediately, and every activity has performed according to

    the rules and procedures which is shows that management has good command on

    their controlling standard.

    Controlling of Operations

    Bank Alfalah are controlling their organizational operations quite excellent and

    according to their plans which has made by the top management, however topmanagement has assigned the duties of the branch managers to control their

    different operations and send the report to regional manager.

    Controlling of Performance

    During the working process in bank Alfalah all the banking activities has

    monitoring by the manager, when a manager assigned a task to the employees he

    checked his performance and time during the working process and it has written in

    record, and then next time management try to increase the performance of the

    employee and control their performance with using various techniques.

    Controlling of information/Knowledge

    Controlling of information is most important process in Bank Alfalah which is

    performed within organizational hierarchy, the information and knowledge are two

    best tools which has mostly used during the operations of bank Alfalah because a

    good information flow performed their task well.


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    Critical Analysis

    On the basis of time i spent in bank Alfalah i have realized that there are some

    critical issues needed to be discussed for improvement in the management process.

    Followings are the few important points.

    Coordination between manager and the other staff was not satisfactory as it is

    supposed to be. For the development of a good organization it is pretty much

    necessary to have a coordination meeting at the start of every day and another

    winding up meeting at the end of every day.

    There supposed to be a friendly environment where no one should feel

    hesitation or restriction to go to the manager or other higher authorities if they face

    any problem or ambiguity in the processing of particular accounts credit or remittance


    Work, work and work is not only a good strategy to establish an efficient work

    progress. There should also be other activities other then worked like small get to

    gather on weekend to share one another problems and to find out the solutions it will

    also help to reduce the stress of extra work load on staff.

    Management of Bank Alfalah should allow to their staff to bring their ideas for the

    improvement as well as for launching the new products.


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    SWOT analysis


    Bank has a confidence on its customer service.

    Bank Alfalah is backed by Abu Dhabi Group.

    Bank Alfalah provides interest according to the Islamic Shariya by Islamic


    Bank Alfalahs strong market share has its great strength.

    Bank Alfalah has most improved information technology structure which

    has enhanced its branch network around the world.

    Bank has friendly environment.

    It provides the best products among all the banks

    It is constantly expanding its branches network.

    It is using latest banking techniques(online + telephonic)

    All the branches are fully computerized.

    Each and every branch is equipped with ATM Machine.


    No facility on behalf of ACBL ATM is offered regarding transfer of funds

    between PLS savings account and current account of same customer

    through same ATM card.

    BAL does not issue traveler cheques.

    In some branches tokens are not issued to customer so the chances of

    doubling are present.

    Personal Lockers are not available in all the branches.


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    Internal audit is not held.

    Number of staff is less so they have more work load.


    BAL can add paying in facility to its ATM as it happens around the world

    and it can reduce the work load on staff.

    BAL can also introduce the drop-in box services for the customer. This way

    customer will be able to pay in cash or cheques instead of waiting in long


    BAL still has the opportunity to expand its branches network to

    international level.


    A big threat for BAL is its competitors who are almost offering the same

    facilities as BAL.

    Another danger, BAL is facing is the economic situation in Pakistan. So,they will have to be very much careful while making lending policies.


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    Following are the some of the recommendations, I am offering to Bank Alfalah

    Limited. These recommendations are based on internship time which I spent

    with them and SWOT analysis.

    BAL should add paying in facility to its ATM to reduce the work load on staff.

    BAL should introduce the check or cash drop-in box services for the customers.

    This way customer will be able to pay in cash or cheques instead of waiting in

    long ques.

    BAL should open more bank branches in countries like United Kingdom and

    European Countries where we have many Pakistanis living and working.

    New performance measurement approaches like, Management by Objectives

    (MBO) and Productivity Measurement & Evaluation System (ProMES) should

    be adopted to make the results more accurate as the bank is in growth stage.

    In 3600Feedback method, there are chances of errors due biasness and halo-

    factor. To avoid this error, Rater Error Training and Rater Accuracy Training

    should be given to the employees.


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    Reference & Sources

    1. Books:

    Human Resource Management.

    Leadership and Team Management

    Principles of Management

    Organizational Behaviour

    Production Operation Management

    2. Websites


  • 8/6/2019 Mc080400906 Shafiq Report




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