MC Tutorial 1-Question

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  • 8/17/2019 MC Tutorial 1-Question




    1. What is the defnition o management consultancy?

    Management consulting is a management activity. A consultant goes intoan organisation and undertakes a specifc project. Consultants oer theirmanagement ailities! e"pertise and insight to create value or the client.Consulting should e seen y the client as an investment. #he consultantmust have the skills o a general manager as $ell as specifc ailities. Amanagement consultant provide service to either non%proft organi&ation!governmental and non%governmental 'private( organi&ation. #he types o project % proering o technical e"pertise ) development o inormationtechnology systems! generating cultural change $ithin the organi&ation!resolving internal con*icts $ithin the organi&ation or helping theorgani&ation to uild relationships $ith outside parties. #ime rame % time

    scale ) say $eeks or at most! a e$ months.

    +. What does ,adding value- entail?

    Mean consultant use their kno$ledge to help client to e moreeective in running and developing their usiness! pulicadministration agency or other non%proft organi&ation.

    . Why $ould a consultancy $ant to e seen as a generalist in termso marketing its services?

    /eneralist are large consultancy frms that oer a $ide range o 

    services. 0perates in dierent market and industries. ave pool o e"perts rom various areas. 2ooking or opportunities orimprovement in various areas and eeding the client $ith ne$inormation and ideas.

    3. What is the dierence et$een a generalist frm and a niche orspecialist consultancy?

    /eneralist are large consultancy frms that oer a $ide range o services. 0perates in dierent market and industries. ave pool o e"perts rom various areas. 4pecialist frms operate in a variety o 

    dierent markets. 0nly concentrate on one particular area. /ro$ asa result o consultants leaving the larger frms and setting up theiro$n consultancy practice ) sole trader. 5ierent specialists comineto orm a niche company.

    6. 5o specialist frms operate in the same market as the generalist?

  • 8/17/2019 MC Tutorial 1-Question


    7o! 4pecialist frms operate in a variety o dierent markets. 0nlyconcentrate on one particular area. /ro$ as a result o consultantsleaving the larger frms and setting up their o$n consultancypractice ) sole trader. 5ierent specialists comine to orm a nichecompany.

    8. o$ may a one9person operation e"pand its service oering totarget larger contracts?

    :educes the amount o time spent on ac;uisition $ork and ensuresregular income

    . s it possile to use $estern management practices in theinternational arena?

    7o! t should e aout applying the proper techni;ues intoorgani&ations and recogni&ing their dierences in terms o cultureand politics.