MBE Memorization Chart

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    Standing Requirements:1 Inur!" #usuall! e$onomi$%2 Causation3 Redressa&ilit!

    3rd Part! Standing Rule ' (o 3rd )art! standing *(L+SS:1 Close relations,i) &etween )lainti-- and inured 3rd )art! #do$tor)atient%2 3rd )art! una&le to assert ,is own rig,ts

    3 /n organiation ma! sue on &e,al- o- its mem&ers I:a. t,e mem&ers would ,ae standing to sue"&. t,e interests are germane to t,e organiations )ur)ose" and$. t,e $laim does not require )arti$i)ation o- indiidual mem&ers

    4ax)a!er Standing '



    1 4,e ,ards,i) t,at will &e su--ered wit,out )reen-or$ement reiew2 4,e -itness o- t,e issues and t,e re$ord -or udi$ial reiew

    ootness1 Ca)a&le o- re)etition" &ut eading reiew2 6oluntar! $essation #&ut de-endant -ree to resume )ra$ti$e at an! time%3 Class a$tion suits

    Politi$al uestions Politi$al questions will (84 &e de$ided9t,ese in$lude:1 4,e re)u&li$an -orm o- goernment $lause2 Presidents $ondu$t regarding -oreign )oli$!3 Im)ea$,ment and remoal )ro$ess Partisan gerr!mandering

    Cases $ome &e-ore t,e Su)reme Court in 2 wa!s:1 ;rit o- Certiorari #Court ,as dis$retion w,et,er to ,ear $ase%

    a. /ll $ases -rom state $ourts $ome t,is wa!&. /ll $ases -rom *S Ct/)) $ome t,is wa!

    $.2 /))eal #Court *S4 ,ear $ase9in$ludes all $ases -rom 3 udge -ederal distri$t $ourt%

    /))eals to Su) Ct -rom states i-:1 inal a))lies to:1 ilitar!

    (o generalied griean$es ' P must not &e suing S8L+L> as a $itien or as atax)a!er interested in ,aing t,e got -ollow t,e law

    +x$e)tion ' (o tax)a!er standing *(L+SS t,e tax)a!er is $,allenging gotex)enditures as iolating t,e esta&lis,ment $lause

    Rule ' in order -or a $ase to &e ri)e" t,ere must &e a genuine and immediate t,reat o-,arm #w,en !ou see de$larator!

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    2 Indian reserations3 ederal lands and territories Aistri$t o- Colum&ia

    6er! &road )ower ' use a rational &asis test' $an atta$, strings or $onditions on s)ending

    Commer$e Power Congress ma! regulate:123

    10t, /mendment 1 /ll )owers not resered to t,e *S are resered to t,e states2

    ' Congress C/(" ,oweer" indu$e state a$tion &! atta$,ing DstringsD on grants' Congress ma! )ro,i&it ,arm-ul $ommer$ial a$tiit! &! state goernments

    Aelegation o- Powers ?eneral Rule ' Congress C/( gie" &ut C/(4 ta=e'' Legislatie and line item etos are unal' or Congress to a$t t,ere must &e &i$ameralism and )resentment'

    Eierar$,! o- Laws 1 *S Constitution2 ederal Statute or 4reat! #last in time )reails9w,i$,eer is most re$ent%3 +xe$utie /greement #-oreign% +xe$utie 8rder #domesti$% State Law


    Presidential Powers 1 oreign Poli$!

    a. 4reaties #must &e rati-ied &! Senate%' )reail oer $on-li$ting state laws' i- in $on-li$t wit, a -ederal statute" t,e one ado)ted last in time )reails

    ' i- a treat! $on-li$ts wit, t,e *S it is inalid

    &. +xe$utie /greements #do (84 require Senate a))roal%' $an &e used -or an! )ur)ose ' signed &! Pres. and -oreign ,ead o- nation' )reail oer $on-li$ting state laws" &ut (+6+R oer $on-li$ting -ederal laws

    $. Commander'in'C,ie- #$ommand /meri$an troo)s in -oreign $ountries%' (+6+R unal ' nonusti$ia&le

    2 Aomesti$ /--airsa.

    &.' is an o--i$er w,ere inde)enden$e -rom t,e President is desira&le /(A' $annot )ro,i&it remoal" onl! limit it to w,ere t,ere is good $ause


    d. /&solute Immunit! ' -rom $iil suits -or F damages -or an! a$tion w,ile in o--i$ee.

    4axing S)endingPower

    Congress ma! tax and s)end -or t,e general wel-are

    (ote: Dgeneral wel-areD is 8(L> a $orre$t answer i- dealing wit, Congresstaxings)ending or )oli$e )owers

    4,e C,annels o- interstate $ommer$e4,e Instrumentalities o- and )ersons or t,ings in interstate $ommer$e

    A$tiities ,aing a su&stantial e--e$t on interstate $ommer$e ''B $umulatie im)a$ttest #i.e. ' w,eat grown -or ,ome use $ase%

    ' an! regulation &! t,e states )la$ing undue &urdens on interstate $ommer$e areunal *(L+SS aut,oried &! Congress

    Congress $annot $om)el state regulator! or legislatie a$tion

    Congress Powerunder Se$tion 5 o- t,e


    a! not $reate new rig,ts or ex)and t,e s$o)e o- rig,ts. a! onl! a$t to )reent orremed! iolations o- rig,ts re$ognied &! t,e $ourts and su$, laws must &e)ro)ortionate and $ongruent to remed!ing al iolations

    Congress $an ,and o-- an! legislatie )ower to an agen$!" exe$utie &ran$, or

    Congress ma! (84 delegate an! exe$utie )ower to itsel- or its o--i$ers #i.e. eto

    /))ointment Power ' am&assadors" -ederal udges G o--i$ers o- *S #Congress ma!a))oint in-erior )ositions #,eads o- de)artments%

    Remoal Power ' ma! -ire an! exe$utie &ran$, o--i$erH Congress ma! limit to w,ere

    Pardon Power ' onl! t,ose a$$used or $oni$ted o- -ederal $rimes9(84 $iil #does(84 a))l! to eents w,i$, led to an im)ea$,ment%

    +xe$utie Priilege ' a))lies to )a)ers and $onersations" &ut must !ield to ot,erim)ortant goernmental interests

    Im)ea$,ment andRemoal

    4,e President" 6P" -ederal udges and o--i$ers o- t,e *S $an &e im)ea$,ed andremoed -or treason" &ri&er!" or -or ,ig, $rimes and misdemeanors

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    ' Im)ea$,ment &! t,e Eouse requires a maorit! ote' Coni$tion &! t,e Senate requires a 23 ote


    Preem)tion 12

    a. State law C/( &e more stri$t #o--er more )rote$tion% t,an -ederal law&. I- state law im)edes t,e a$,ieement o- a -ederal o&e$tie" -ederal law trum)s$. I- Congress eiden$es a $lear intent to )reem)t state law" -ederal law trum)s

    a$tors:a. Eow $om)re,ensie is t,e state law&. Su&e$t matter traditionall! resered to Congress$. Im)ossi&le to o&e! &ot, lawsd. 8erla) o- state and -ederal lawe. Pur)oses sered &! t,e laws

    (ote: States ma! (84 tax or regulate -ederal goernment a$tiit!ill o- /ttainder

    Aistri$t o- Colum&ia Congress ,as t,e )ower to exer$ise +@CL*SI6+ legislation oer AC

    Eint ' alwa!s t,e wrong answer *(L+SS it deals wit, t,e rig,t to trael

    /s= ' does t,e state law dis$riminate against out'o-'statersJ

    1 >+S

    a. It is ne$essar! to a$,iee an im)ortant goernment )ur)ose

    &. Congressional a))roal$. ar=et )arti$i)ant

    (ote: Cor)orations and aliens C/((84 use t,e P G I $lause' dis$rimination must &e w regard to $iil li&erties or im)ortant e$onomi$ a$tiities

    2 (8

    a. P G I $lause does (84 a))l!&.

    1 4,e $ourt t,at rendered t,e udgment ,ad urisdi$tion2 4,e udgment was on t,e merits3 4,e udgment is -inal

    (e$essar! G Pro)er /L;/>S wrong" unless atta$,ed to anot,er )ower

    Im)rea$,ment does (84 remoe a )reson -rom o--i$e ' Eouse ,as t,e S8L+ )owerto im)ea$,

    +x)ress ' Congress de$lares t,at -ederal law is ex$lusie in an area" t,en it isIm)lied ' I- -ederal and state law are mutuall! ex$lusie #not )ossi&le to $om)l! wit,&ot, simultaneousl!%" -ederal law )reem)ts state law

    /n! -orm o- legislatie )unis,ment o- a named grou) or indiidual wit,out udi$ial trial.#+x: reo=ing t,e state insuran$e li$ense o- P is su--i$ient legislatie )unis,ment"

    )roision ma=ing it a $rime -or a Commie to a$t as an o--i$er or ++ o- a la&or union%' $riminal )unis,ment -or a $rime t,at was law-ul w,en done" or an in$rease in)unis,ment a-ter it was $ommitted

    Aormant Commer$eClause

    Rule ' State or lo$al law is un$onstitutional o- it )la$es an undue &urden on interstate$ommer$e

    Priileges GImmunities Clause o-

    Rule ' (o state ma! -ail to a--ord $itiens o- anot,er state t,e )riileges andimmunities a--orded its own $itiens

    Priileges GImmunities Clause o-

    1t, /mendment

    Aormant Commer$e

    Clause G P G I Clause/nal!sis I- t,e law &urdens interstate $ommer$e" it iolates t,e dormant $ommer$e $lause"

    I- t,e law dis$riminates against out'o-'staters wit, regard to t,eir a&ilit! to earn aliing" it iolates t,e P G I $lause o- /rti$le " *(L+SS it is ne$essar! to a$,iee anim)ortant goernment )ur)ose

    I- t,e law &urdens interstate $ommer$e" it iolates t,e dormant $ommer$e $lause#a))l! a &alan$ing test%

    State 4axation o-Interstate Commer$e

    States ma! not use t,eir tax s!stems to ,el) in state &usinesses ' ma! onl! taxa$tiities i- t,ere is a su&stantial nexus to t,e state and it must &e -airl! a))ortioned

    ull ait, and CreditClause

    Courts in one state must gie -ull -ait, and $redit to udgments o- $ourts in anot,erstate" so long as:

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    Constitution's Protection of Ini!iu"# Li$erties

    Leels o- S$rutin! 1a. ust &e t,e least restri$tie means&. urden on got

    2a. ust &e narrowl! tailored9(84 least restri$tie&. urden on got

    3a. urden on $,allenger&. ?ot usuall! wins

    +x$e)tions:1 ! statute" Congress ma! a))l! al norms to )riate $ondu$t '



    $. Congress $an(84 use se$tion 5 o- t,e 1t, to regulate )riate &e,aior2


    a.&. State a$tion w,en got leases a restaurant t,at ra$iall! dis$riminates$. State a$tion w,en )roides -ree &oo=s to s$,ools t,at ra$iall! dis$riminated. State a$tion w,en )riate entit! regulates inters$,olasti$ s)orts win a statee.-. (8 state a$tion w,en (C// orders sus)ension o- a $oa$, at a state uniersit!g.

    In$or)oration 4,e ill o- Rig,ts a))lies 8(L> to t,e -ederal got dire$tl!

    1 2nd /mendment ' rig,t to &ear arms2 3rd /medment ' rig,t to not ,ae a soldier quartered in a ,ome3 5t, rig,t to grand ur! indi$tment in $riminal $ases 7t, rig,t to ur! trial in $iil $ases5 Kt, rig,t against ex$essie -ines


    Issue ' ,as t,ere &een a de)riation o- li-e" li&ert! or )ro)ert!J

    Li&ert! Interests



    3 Earm to re)utation is (84 a de)riation o- li&ert!

    Pro)ert! Interests

    +ntitlement ' a reasona&le ex)e$tation to $ontinued re$ei)t o- a &ene-it+xam)les:


    Stri$t S$rutin! ' necessaryto a$,iee a compellinggot )ur)ose

    Intermediate S$rutin! ' substantiallyrelated to an importantgot )ur)ose

    Rational asis ' rationallyrelated to a legitimategot )ur)ose

    ConstitutionsProte$tion o-

    Indiidual Li&erties

    ?eneral Rule ' )riate $ondu$t need (84 $om)l! wit, t,e Constitution

    13t, $an &e used to )ro,i&it ra$e dis$rimination ' )riate ra$e dis$rimination does notiolate t,e 13t," &ut a statute $ould )ro,i&it it

    t,e $ommer$e )ower $an &e used to a))l! al norms to )riate $ondu$t ' su&stantiale$onomi$ e--e$t

    Pu&li$ un$tion ' )riate entit! )er-orming a tas= traditionall! and ex$lusiel! done &!t,e got #i.e. D$om)an! townD or ,olding an ele$tion%+ntanglement ' t,e Constitution a))lies i- t,e got a--irmatiel! aut,ories"en$ourages" or -a$ilitates un$onstitutional a$tiit!

    Courts $annot en-or$e ra$iall! restri$tie $oenants

    (8 state a$tion w,en )riate s$,ool M -unded &! state -ires a tea$,er &$ o- ,er

    (8 state a$tion w,en a )riate $lu& wit, liquor li$ense -rom state ra$iall!

    ill o- Rig,ts is a))lied to state and lo$al got t,roug, in$or)oration t,roug, t,e 1t,"


    Pro$edural AuePro$ess

    Ae- ' a de)riation o- li&ert! o$$urs i- t,ere is loss o- a signi-i$ant -reedom )roided &!t,e Constitution or a statute

    e-ore an adult ma! &e institutionalied" t,ere must noti$e and a ,earing #unless an

    emergen$!%I- a )arent is going to institutionalie a $,ild" t,ere must onl! &e a s$reening &! aneutral 3rd )art!

    Prisoners rarel! ,ae li&ert! interestsAe- ' a de)riation o- )ro)ert! o$$urs i- t,ere is an entitlement and t,at entitlement isnot -ul-illed

    ?ot terminates a o& at N mont,s a-ter )romising 1 !ear o- em)lo!ment9t,is IS ade)riation o- )ro)ert! &$ t,ere was entitlement

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    2 to state or lo$al inter-eren$e wit, existing $ontra$tsState or lo$al inter-eren$e wit, )riate $ontra$ts 8R wit, got $ontra$ts must meetstri$t s$rutin!

    Pria$! is a-undamental rig,t

    )rote$ted under SAP

    #use stri$t s$rutin!unless ot,erwisenoted%

    Rig,t to%"rr&Rig,t to rocre"te4,e rig,t to custo& of one's c(i#ren #&ut state ma! $reate an irre&uta&le

    )resum)tion t,at married womans ,us&and is -at,er%4,e rig,t to )ee t(e f"%i#& to*et(er4,e rig,t to $ontrol t,e u$rin*in* of one's c(i#ren#iolates AP -or a $ourt to ordergrand)arent isitation oer )arent o&e$tion%

    4,e rig,t to )ur$,ase and use contr"ceti!es

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    E+u"# Protection

    /nal!sis 1 ;,at is t,e $lassi-i$ationJ2 ;,at leel o- s$rutin! s,ould &e a))liedJ3 Aoes t,is law meet t,e leel o- s$rutin!J

    1t, /mendment /))lies 8(L> to state and lo$al goernmentAP o- 5t, /mendment /))lies to -ederal got

    Stri$t s$rutin!'


    '' Seniorit! s!stems ma! (84 &e disru)ted -or a--irmatie a$tion

    Intermediate s$rutin!'



    ?enerall!" stri$t s$rutin! is used #i.e. usuall! got will lose%'


    ' Intermediate s$rutin! is used -or dis$rimination against undo$umented alien $,ildrenIntermediate s$rutin!


    1 /ge dis$rim

    2 Aisa&ilit! dis$rim3 ;ealt, dis$rim +$onomi$ regulations5 Sexual orientation dis$rim'


    4,e rig,t to "$ortion. Prior to ia&ilit! states ma! not )ro,i&it a&ortions *4 ma!regulate a&ortions so long as t,e! do not $reate an undue &urden on t,e a&ilit! too&tain a&ortions. /-ter ia&ilit!" states ma! )ro,i&it a&ortions *(L+SS ne$essar! to)rote$t t,e womans li-e or ,ealt,. ?ot doesnt ,ae to su&sidie or )roide in )u&li$,os)itals. S)ousal $onsentnoti-i$ation laws are un#$%. Parental noti$e and $onsentlaws are o=a! -or an unmarried minors a&ortion S8 L8(? /S it $reates analternatie )ro$edure w,ere a minor $an get an a&ortion &! going to a udge

    Rig,t to engage inri!"te consensu"# (o%ose,u"# "cti!it& ' no arti$ulated leel o-

    s$rutin!Rig,t torefuse %eic"# tre"t%ent. / state ma! require $$ eiden$e t,at a )ersonwanted treatment terminated. / state ma! )reent -amil! mem&ers -rom terminatingtreatment -or anot,er.

    Ra$e and (ational8rigin Ra$e $lassi-i$ation $an #1% exist on t,e -a$e o- t,e law or" #2% i- -a$iall! neutral" )roing

    a ra$ial $lassi-i$ation requires demonstrating &ot, dis$riminator! im)a$t /(Adis$riminator! intent

    Ra$ial $lassi-i$ations &ene-iting minorities ' numeri$al set'asides require $lear )roo- o-)ast dis$rimination

    +du$ational institutions ma! use ra$e as a -a$tor in admissions

    ?enderClassi-i$ations ?ender $lassi-i$ation $an #1% exist on t,e -a$e o- t,e law or" #2% i- -a$iall! neutral"

    )roing a ra$ial $lassi-i$ation requires demonstrating &ot, dis$riminator! im)a$t /(Adis$riminator! intent

    ?ender $lassi-i$ations &ene-iting women t,at are &ased on role stereot!)es will (84&e allowed

    ?ender $lassi-i$ations t,at are designed to remed! )ast dis$rimination anddi--eren$es in o))ortunit! ;ILL &e allowed

    /lienageClassi-i$ations #non'

    *S $itiens%8nl! rational &asis is used -or alienage $lassi-i$ations t,at $on$ern sel-'got and t,edemo$rati$ )ro$ess #oting" sering on ur!" &eing a )oli$e o--i$er" tea$,er" or)ro&ation o--i$er%

    8nl! rational &asis is used -or Congressional dis$rimination against aliens #regulatingimmigration%

    Ais$rimination againstnon'marital $,ildren Laws t,at den! a &ene-it to /LL non'marital $,ildren" &ut grant to /LL marital $,ildren

    are un

    /ll ot,er t!)es o-

    dis$rim are reiewedunder r"tion"# $"sis

    undamental rig,ts)rote$ted under +P

    4,e rig,t to trael ' laws t,at )reent )eo)le -rom moing into a state or durationalresiden$! requirements must meet strict scrutin&. Restri$tions on -oreign traelneed onl! meet r"tion"# $"sis-

    4,e rig,t to ote ' laws t,at den! some $itiens t,e rig,t to ote must meet strictscrutin&. 8ne )erson'one ote must &e met -or all state and lo$al ele$tions. /t largeele$tions are $onstitutional *(L+SS t,ere is )roo- o- a dis$riminator! )ur)ose. 4,euse o- ra$e in drawing ele$tion distri$t lines must meet stri$t s$rutin!.

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    T(e First A%en%ent

    ' ust meet stri$t s$rutin!'

    Content (eutral (eed onl! meet intermediate s$rutin!Prior restraints


    8er&readt, '

    ' ig,ting words are un ague and oer&road

    *(PR84+C4+A SP++CE 8R L+SS PR84+C4+A SP++CES!m&oli$ S)ee$,

    1 4,e material must a))eal to t,e )rurient interest2 4,e material must &e )atentl! o--ensie under t,e law )ro,i&iting o&s$enit!3

    ?ot ma! )unis, )riate )ossession o- $,ild )orn4,e got ma! seie t,e assets o- &usinesses $oni$ted o- iolating o&s$enit! laws

    Commer$ial S)ee$, '

    ''' 4,e got ma! (84 )ro,i&it a$$ountants -rom in')erson soli$itation o- $lients -or )ro-it' 8t,er $ommer$ial s)ee$, $an &e regulated i- intermediate s$rutin! is met'

    Ae-amation '



    Pria$! '


    ' 4,e got ma! limit its dissemination o- in-ormation to )rote$t )ria$!PL/C+S /6/IL/L+ 8R SP++CE

    Pu&li$ -orums ' ?ot )ro)erties t,at t,e got is required to ma=e aaila&le -or s)ee$,'


    ' Regulations need (84 use t,e least restri$tie alternatieLimited Pu&li$ orums ' ?ot )ro)erties t,at t,e got $ould $lose to s)ee$," &ut $,ooses to o)en to s)ee$,

    ' ust -ollow rules -or )u&li$ -orums

    Content asedRestri$tions +it,er su$.ect %"tter restrictions or !ie/oint restrictions

    Court orders su))ressing s)ee$, must meet stri$t s$rutin!. 4,e got $an require ali$ense -or s)ee$, 8(L> i- t,ere is an im) reason -or li$ensing and $lear $riterialeaing almost no dis$retion to li$ensing aut,orit!.

    / law is un ague i- a r&l )erson $annot tell w,at s)ee$, is )ro,i&ited and w,at isallowed

    / law is un oer&road i- it regulates su&stantiall! more s)ee$, t,an t,e allows to&e regulated

    4,e got $an regulate $ondu$t t,at $ommuni$ates i- it ,as an im)ortant interestunrelated to su))ression o- t,e message and i- t,e im)a$t on $ommuni$ation is nogreater t,an ne$essar! to a$,iee t,e got )ur)ose

    In$itement o- Illegal/$tiit!

    4,e got ma! )unis, s)ee$, i- t,ere is a su&stantial li=eli,ood o- imminent illegala$tiit! and i- t,e s)ee$, is dire$ted to $ausing imminent illegalit!

    8&s$enit! G Sexuall!8riented S)ee$,

    4a=en as a w,ole" t,e material must la$= serious redeeming artisti$" literar!" )oliti$alor s$ienti-i$ alue

    /dertising -or illegal a$tiit!" and -alse and de$e)tie ads are (84 )rote$ted &! t,eirst /mendment

    4,e got ma! )reent )ro-essionals -rom adertising or )ra$ti$ing under a trade4,e got /> )ro,i&it attorne!" in')erson soli$itation o- $lients -or )ro-it

    ?ot regulation o- $ommer$ial s)ee$, must &e narrowl! tailored" &ut does (84 need

    to &e t,e least restri$tie alternatieI- t,e P is a )u&li$ o--i$ial or running -or )u&li$ o--i$e" t,e P must )roe f"#sit&o- t,estmt and a$tual%"#ice

    I- t,e P is a D)u&li$ -igureD t,e P must )roe f"#sit&o- t,e stmt and "ctu"# %"#iceI- t,e P is a )riate -igure and t,e matter is o- )u&li$ $on$ern ' t,e P must )roef"#sit&and ne*#i*ence&! t,e A. 4,e P ma! re$oer )resumed or )unitie damagesonl! &! s,owing "ctu"# %"#ice

    I- t,e P is a D)riate -igureD and t,e matter is (84 o- D)u&li$ $on$ernD ' t,e P $anre$oer )resumed or )unitie damages ;I4E8*4 s,owing a$tual mali$e

    4,e got ma! (84 $reate lia&ilit! -or t,e trut,-ul re)orting o- in-ormation t,at waslaw-ull! o&tained -rom t,e got

    Lia&ilit! is (84 allowed i- t,e media &road$asts a ta)e o- an illegall! inter$e)ted $all"i- t,e media did not )arti$i)ate in t,e illegalit! and it inoles a matter o- )u&li$

    Regulations must &e su&e$t matter and iew)oint neutral" or i- not" stri$t s$rutin!must &e metRegulations must &e a time" )la$e" or manner regulation t,at seres an im)ortantgot )ur)ose and leaes o)en adequate alternatie $,annels o- $ommuni$ation

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    (on Pu&li$ orums

    ' Laws t,at )ro,i&it or )unis, grou) mem&ers,i) must meet stri$t s$rutin!'


    1 /$tiel! a--iliated wit, t,e grou)

    2 Onowing o- its illegal a$tiities" and3 ;it, t,e s)e$i-i$ intent o- -urt,ering t,ose illegal a$tiities' Cannot &e used to $,allenge a neutral law o- general a))li$a&ilit!'S t,ere must &e a Se$ular )ur)ose -or t,e law+ t,e +--e$t must &e neit,er to adan$e nor in,i&it religion@ t,ere must not &e e@$essie entanglement wit, religion

    ?ot )ro)erties t,at t,e got $onstitutionall! C/( and A8+S $lose to s)ee$,. 4,egot $an regulate s)ee$, so long as t,e regulation is r0$# "n VP neutr"#

    reedom o-/sso$iation Laws t,at require dis$losure o- grou) mem&ers,i)" w,ere su$, dis$losure would $,ill

    asso$iation" must meet stri$t s$rutin!

    Laws t,at )ro,i&it a grou) -rom dis$riminating are unless t,e! inter-ere wit, intimateasso$iation #small dinner )art!% or ex)ressie a$tiit! #(ai )art! $an ex$lude gie assistan$e to )aro$,ial s$,ools so long as it is not used -orreligious instru$tion. 4,e got ma! )roide )arent )arents ou$,ers w,i$, t,e! usein )aro$,ial s$,ools

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    /nal!sis 1 /))li$a&le Law2 ormation3 S8 4erms5 Per-orman$eN +x$use Remedies7 3d Part! Pro&lems

    /rt. 2 /))lies


    Creation o- a Contra$t 1 +x)ress ' $reated &! t,e )arties words #oral or written%2 Im)lied ' $reated &! t,e )arties $ondu$t

    uasi'O +lements:1 Plainti-- ,as $on-erred a &ene-it on Ae-endant" and2 Plainti-- reasona&l! ex)e$ted to &e )aid" and3 Ae-endant will &e unustl! enri$,ed i- Plainti-- is not $om)ensated

    easure o- Re$oer! ' Reasona&le alue o- &ene-it $on-erred9(84 t,e O )ri$eilateral O 4,e )arties swa) )romises

    / &ilateral $ontra$t $an &e a$$e)ted in an! reasona&le manner

    *nilateral O 4,e o--er $an &e a$$e)ted onl! &! )er-orman$e

    ilateral +xe$utor! O


    /dertisements ?eneral Rule ' adertisements are usuall! (84 o--ers

    1 La)se o- 4ime2 Reo$ation &! 8--eror3 Ree$tion &! 8--eree Aeat, o- an! )art! &e-ore /$$e)tan$e

    La)se o- 4ime /n o--er la)ses a-ter a reasona&le timeReo$ation 1


    1 8)tion O ' $onsideration must &e )aid to =ee) o--er o)en2 Aetrimental relian$e ' must &e reasona&le and -oreseea&le3 Part Per-orman$e under a *nilateral O ' mere )re)aration not enoug,



    Conditional /$$e)tan$e ' o)erates as a ree$tion and terminates an o--er/$$e)tan$e Containing /dditional or Ai--erent 4erms:1 Common Law ' ree$tion #irror Image Rule%2

    /rti$le 2 Ree$tion /n o--erees additional terms are in$luded 8(L> i-:1 ot, )arties are mer$,ants2 4,e term is (84 a material $,ange" and3 4,e o--eror does (84 o&e$t wit,in a reasona&le time

    Sale o- goods ' moea&le" )ersonal )ro)ert! #)ri$e is irreleant" dont ,ae to &e

    mer$,ants% ''B 4@ tests onl! on /rt 2 and /rt 2/ #lease o- goods%

    (ote: /ll Os are &ilateral unless t,e o--er sa!s it $an &e a$$e)ted onl! &!

    /n agmt t,at an e,istin* c#"i%s,all &e disregardedin t(e future&! t,e rendition o-a su&stituted )er-orman$e. (ote: 8n$e t,e agreement is $arried out ' t,ere is a$$ordand satis-a$tion. *suall! deals wit, a #i+ui"te "n unisute situ"tion

    I- an adertisement is to quali-! as an o--er" it must in$lude a quantit! term and w,oma! a$$e)t t,e o--er

    4ermination o- an8--er

    Aire$t ' statement o- o--eror to o--eree and t,at is in$onsistent wit, t,e o--erIndire$t ' o--eror $ondu$t in$onsistent wit, o--er and o--eree is aware o- t,at $ondu$tReo$ation o- an o--er onl! e--e$tie i- it is re$eied &e-ore a$$e)tan$e ' e--e$tie onl!on re$ei)t

    5 Situations w,ere an8--er ma! (84 &e


    irm 8--er under /rti$le 2 ' t,ere must &e a signed" written )romise to =ee) an o--ero)en &! a mer$,ant #ma! &e =e)t o)en -or u) to 3 mont,s%

    Signed written )romise to =ee) an o--er o)en t,at re$ites )ur)orted $onsideration and)ro)oses a -air ex$,ange win reasona&le time

    Counter 8--er ' o)erates as a ree$tion" &ut &argaining does (84 #a question is$onsidered &argaining9Dwill !ou ta=e F100JD%

    /rti$le 2 ' additional terms do (84 )reent agreement as long as )ri$e and quantit!are un$,anged

    (ote: /n o--erees terms are almost neer in$luded9a term is material i- itsu&stantiall! e--e$ts t,e e$onomi$s or remedies under t,e O

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    Aeat, o- a Part!(ote: Onowledge o- t,e )arties deat, is irreleant+x$e)tions:

    1 8)tion O2 Part )er-orman$e under a unilateral O


    ilateral O ' start o- )er-orman$e IS a$$e)tan$e

    ilateral O ' a return )romise IS a$$e)tan$e*nilateral O ' a return )romise is (84 a$$e)tan$e

    ail&ox RuleIt does not matter i- a$$e)tan$e letter neer arries+x$e)tions:

    1 I- t,e o--er )roides ot,erwise #o--eror $an oerride t,e mail&ox rule%2 Irreo$a&le 8--ers3 /$$e)tan$e" t,en Ree$tion ' w,i$,eer arries -irst is e--e$tie Ree$tion" t,en /$$e)tan$e ' w,i$,eer arries -irst is e--e$tie


    1 La$= o- Ca)a$it! to O2 /m&iguit! o- 4erm3 ista=e o- a$t la$= o- Consideration

    La$= o- Ca)a$it! to O /))lies to:1 inors #under 1K%2 Intoxi$ated )ersons3 entall! In$om)etent )ersons

    /n in$a)a$itated )erson is lia&le -or ne$essaries" &ut onl! on a quasi'O &asis

    / Plainti-- ma! en-or$e a O wit, an in$a)a$itated Ae-endant i-:1 Ae-endant la$=s $a)a$it! at t,e time o- agreement2 Ae-endant later gains t,e $a)a$it! to O" and3 Ae-endant im)liedl! rea--irms t,e O wit,out $om)laint

    /m&iguit! o- 4erm 8$$urs w,en t,e )arties atta$, di--erent meaning to a term in t,e OResult ' t,ere is (8 $ontra$t+x$e)tion: 8ne )art! ,as reason to =now o- su$, am&iguit!Result under ex$e)tion: inno$ent )art!s meaning )reails

    ista=e o- a$t Result ' u!er (84 &ound(ote: mista=e as to mar=et alue is (84 $onsidered material

    La$= o- Consideration (84 $onsideration:1 Past $onsideration2

    IS $onsideration:1 or&earan$e2 Promissor! esto))el

    /n o--er is terminated i- one o- t,e )arties to t,e O dies &e-ore a$$e)tan$e

    Start o- Per-orman$e

    as /$$e)tan$e *nilateral O ' start o- )er-orman$e is (84 a$$e)tan$e #must &e -ull )er-orman$e to$onstitute a$$e)tan$e%Promise as


    (ote: /rti$le 2 is extremel! -lexi&le9generall! an o--eree $an a$$e)t in an!reasona&le manner

    Sending t,e ;rong?oods as /$$e)tan$e

    ?eneral Rule ' I- u!er orders @ and Seller s,i)s >" t,ere is a simultaneousa$$e)tan$e and &rea$,

    /$$ommodation +x$e)tion ' I- u!er orders @ and Seller s,i)s >" &ut Seller ex)lainsw,! t,e s,i)ment is non$on-orming" t,ere is a $ounter o--er and (8 &rea$,

    ?eneral Rule ' /$$e)tan$e is e--e$tie w,en mailed

    Ae-enses toormation

    (ote: Person must la$= $a)a$it! at t,e time o- agreement

    /n in$a)a$itated A++(A/(4 ,as t,e rig,t to disa--irm #aoid% t,e O

    utual ista=e ' &ot, )arties are mista=en as to a material -a$t

    *nilateral ista=e ' one )art!s mista=e is (84 a -atal -law in t,e agreement )ro$ess*(L+SS t,e ot,er )art! =nows o- t,e mista=e

    Partial )a!ment o- a due and undis)uted de&t

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    Common Law ' must ,ae additional $onsideration to modi-! #Pre'+xisting Aut!%

    Statute o- rauds Statute o- -rauds a))lies and" t,ere-ore" a writing is required -or:1 4rans-er o- interest in real )ro)ert!2 Seri$e O in$a)a&le o- &eing )er-ormed wit,in 1 !ear -rom date o- agreement3

    Sale o- goods -or F500 or more

    Contra$ts ot,er t,an t,e sale o- goods must $ontain:1 /ll material terms2 Signed &! t,e )art! to &e $,arged

    Contra$t -or t,e sale o- goods must $ontain:1 uantit! term2 Signed &! t,e )art! to &e $,arged

    4,e S8 is satis-ied wit,out a writing w,ere t,ere is:1 ull )er-orman$e o- a seri$e O2

    3 Sales o- goods w,ere:a Part )er-orman$e -or goods deliered &! seller or )aid -or &! &u!er& Custom made goods #on$e wor= ,as &egun%


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    2 Im)lied ;arrant! o- er$,anta&ilit!3 Im)lied ;arrant! o- itness -or a )arti$ular )ur)ose

    +x)ress ;arranties a$t" Promise or des$ri)tion ' (84 o)inion*se o- a sam)le or model gies rise to an ex)ress warrant!

    1 u!er ,as a s)e$ial )ur)ose2 u!er is rel!ing on seller to sele$t suita&le goods3 Seller =nows ita +x)ress warranties $annot &e dis$laimed&$

    d 4o dis$laim -itness" must &e in writing and $ons)i$uous

    4@ Law ' $ourt de$ides on a $ase &! $ase &asis i- t,e warrant! extends to a 3rd )art!



    1 /greement o- t,e )arties2 rea$,ing )art! is lia&le" een i- loss is unrelated3

    ;,at loss is &orne I- seller ' )roide new goods at no additional $ost or oO damagesI- &u!er ' )a! -ull O )ri$e

    a /s= ' is t,e seller a mer$,ant& >es ' ris= s,i-ts w,en t,e &u!er ta=es )ossession o- goods$ (o ' ris= s,i-ts w,en seller tenders #ma=es aaila&le% t,e goods

    Su$, $lauses will &e gien e--e$t I:1 (ot &oiler)late in t,e O"2 4,ere is a alid reason -or in$lusion" and3 8ne )art! is not materiall! &ene-ited w,ile t,e ot,er ro!all! ,osed




    a Ae- ' O language t,at requires or aut,ories seller to delier in se)arate installments&

    a erel! )a!ing is not enoug," must ,ae a rn&le $,an$e to ins)e$t t,e goods&

    8n$e !ou a$$e)t goods it is too late to ree$t t,em" &ut !ou $an still get damagesa 8n$e a$$e)ted !ou $annot reo=e a$$e)tan$e&

    ualit! in a Sale o-

    ?oods #/rt. 2%

    Im)lied ;arrant! o-mer$,anta&ilit!

    Ae- ' goods are -it -or t,eir ordinary)ur)ose /(A mer$,ant must deal in goods o-t,e =ind #R+?*L/RL> sell out o- inentor!%

    Im)lied ;arrant! o-itness -or a

    Parti$ular Pur)ose

    Ae- ' goods are -it -or t,e &u!ers )arti$ularpurpose#loo= -or w,! t,e &u!er wantst,e goods

    Ais$laiming;arranties in a Sale

    o- ?oods #/rt. 2%Im)lied warranties $an &e dis$laimed ' Das isD or Dwit, all -aultsD dis$laims all4o dis$laim mer$,anta&ilit! !ou must sa! mer$,anta&ilit! and i- in writing must &e$ons)i$uous" and

    Limiting Remedies ina Sale o- ?oods #/rt.


    Limits re$oer! -or &rea$," not warrantiesH Can limit een &rea$,es o- ex)ress4est ' *n$ons$iona&ilit! ' wit, $onsumer goods limiting remedies -or erson"# in.ur&it is )resumed un$ons$iona&le

    Priit! o- O andwarrant! lia&ilit!

    Sellers Aelier!8&ligations in a Sale

    o- ?oods using aCommon Carrier

    S,i)ment O ' Seller must get t,e goods to t,e $ommon $arrierH ma=e rn&le delier!arrangements /(A noti-! t,e &u!er #$om)letes delier!% #8 $it! w,ere seller is%

    Aestination O ' seller must a$tuall! get t,e goods to w,ere t,e &u!er is lo$ated #8an! $it! not w,ere t,e seller is%

    ;,o &ears Ris= o-Loss in Sale o- ?oods

    O ' Eierar$,! Aelier! &! $ommon $arrier ' ris= s,i-ts to t,e &u!er w,en t,e seller ,as $om)leted itsdelier! o&ligations

    ;,o &ears R8L w,ent,ere is not a $ommon


    4ime is o- t,e+ssen$e Clauses

    Per-orman$e o- Os -orSale o- ?oods

    Per-e$t tender rule ' seller must delier )er-e$t goods in t,e rig,t )la$e at t,e rig,ttime or t,e &u!er ma! ree$t t,e non'$on-orming goods

    Cure ' seller ,as an o)tion to $ure I t,e time -or )er-orman$e ,as not ex)ired or t,e&u!er ,as a$$e)ted non'$on-orming goods in t,e )ast

    Installment Sales Osand Per-orman$e Per-e$t tender rule does not a))l! ' &u!er ,as a rig,t to ree$t an installment w,en

    t,ere is a su&stantial im)airment t,at $ant &e $ured. u!er ,as t,e rig,t to ree$t t,eentire O i- t,e installment su&stantiall! im)airs t,e alue o- t,e w,ole O

    /$$e)tan$e o- ?oods#/rt. 2% Im)lied a$$e)tan$e o$$urs w,en I ,ae t,e goods in m! )ossession wit, an

    o))ortunit! to ins)e$t and I ma=e no $om)laint

    Reo=ing a$$e)tan$eo- ?oods #/rt. 2% +x$e)tion ' 8(L> i- t,e non'$on-ormit! su&stantiall! im)airs t,e alue /(A it was

    di--i$ult to dis$oer

    Pa!ing Os under /rt.2

    C,e$=s are -ine" &ut t,e seller $an demand $as, ' t,e &u!er t,en ,as a rn&le amt o-time to get t,e $as,

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    a Su&stantial )er-orman$e ' dont need )er-e$tion& 8nl! a material &rea$, ex$uses )er-orman$e" &ut !ou $an still sue -or oO


    a Sale o- goods ' need )er-e$t tender ' i- not $an ree$t all" some or a$$e)t all& Common law ' su&stantial )er-orman$e required ' must ,ae less -or t,is ex$usea Ae- ' re)udiate &e-ore )er-orman$e is due ' ex$uses !our )er-orman$e'

    ' Can onl! sue on an anti$i)ator! re)udiation i- t,ere is material )reudi$e' +x)ression o- mere dou&t $annot su))ort an anti$i)ator! &rea$,1 odi-i$ation ' ta=es e--e$t immediatel! and dis$,arges existing o&ligations2



    23 ?oernment regulation or order

    u!er ,ad a )rimar! )ur)ose" &ut somet,ing ,a))ens #got regulation%


    2 Condition )re$edent$on$urrentsu&sequent

    +x$using Conditions a

    & +sto))el ' Later stmt &! )rote$ted )art! /(A Relian$ePersonal Seri$es O


    1 S)e$i-i$ Per-orman$e2 Rig,t to Request /dequate /ssuran$es o- uture Per-orman$e3 *n)aid Sellers Rig,t o- Re$lamation +ntrustment

    S)e$i-i$ Per-orman$e Ae- ' $om)elling a )art! to do w,at ,e agreed to doParties are rarel! entitled to s)e$i-i$ )er-orman$e8nl! aaila&le w,en mone! damages are inadequate

    /lwa!s aaila&le in real estate deals #)ro)ert! is unique%

    er$,ant &u!ersduties as to rig,t-ull!

    ree$ted goods

    /-ter t,ere ,as &een a rig,t-ul ree$tion o- goods" t,e is under a dut! to #a% -ollowr&l instru$tions re$eied -rom t,e S wit, res)e$t to t,e goods and in t(e "$sence ofsuc( instructions5 6$7 %")e r0$# efforts to se## t(e% for t(e se##er's "ccount-;,en t,e sells t,e goods ' ,e is entitled to reim&ursement out o- t,e )ro$eeds -orr&l ex)enses o- $aring -or and selling t,em ' not to e,cee 89: of *ross rocees

    Per-orman$e o-Common Law Os

    Aiisi&le Os '

    Common Law

    Ae- ' )mt on a )er unit &asis ' use su&stantial )er-orman$e on a $ase &! $ase &asis '

    get O )ri$e on t,e )artial )er-orman$e" &ut lia&le -or &rea$,

    +x$uses ased on8t,er )art!s &rea$,

    +x$use &ased on8t,er )art!s/nti$i)ator!Re)udiation

    >ou $an retra$t an anti$i)ator! re)udiation as long as t,ere ,as &een (8 relian$e &!t,e ot,er )art!

    +x$use ased onLater /gmt /$$ord and Satis-a$tion ' ,as no long term e--e$t" wi)es out t,e original o&ligation

    8(L> w,en it is satis-ied. Can sue eit,er on t,e a$$ord or on t,e original de&t

    utual Res$ission /gmt ' +a$, )art! must ,ae some )er-orman$e remaining ort,ere is no $onsideration.

    (oation ' su&stitute a new )art! -or an existing on ' /LL )arties must agree or it is amere delegation o- duties

    +x$use ased on*n-oreseen +ent

    ma=ing Per-orman$eIm)ossi&le #seller%

    Aestru$tion o- somet,ing (e$essar! -or t,e )er-orman$e. Common Law ' ma=es)er-orman$e im)ossi&le. /rt 2 ' same &ut t,e destro!ed goods *S4 &e t,e su&e$tmatter o- t,e O #)arti$ularl! identi-ied% or i- t,e &u!er &ore t,e ris= o- loss t,ere is noneed -or ex$use o- )er-orman$e

    Aeat, or in$a)a$it! o- a )erson +SS+(4I/L -or )er-orman$e #an!one $an )a!

    +x$use ased onrustration o- Pur)ose


    +x$use ased onailure o- an +x)ress


    Ae- ' limits o&ligations &! O language #Di-D" Dso long asD" D)roidedD" Don $onditiont,atD" DunlessD" Dw,enD%. ust ,ae S4RIC4 $om)lian$e

    Satis-a$tion Clauses ' eans rn&le satis-a$tion #8

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    /lwa!s aaila&le i- goods are unique #art" antiques" $ustom'made goods%

    /dequate /ssuran$es

    Request must &e in writingCannot use t,is remed! to rewrite a = or to demand a )arti$ular =ind o- assuran$e

    Rig,t o- Re$lamation ?eneral Rule ' an un)aid seller ,as no rig,ts in goods it ,as deliered

    +x$e)tion: Seller ,as t,e rig,t to re$laim i- u!er:1 ;as insolent w,en it re$eied t,e goods" and2 Seller demands return o- t,e goods wit,in 10 da!s o- &u!er re$eiing t,e goods

    onetar! Remedies 1 Liquidated Aamages2 +x)e$tation Aamages3 In$idental Aamages Consequential Aamages5 itigationN Punitie Aamages are (84 aaila&le

    Liquidated Aamages Permissi&le i- damages were:1 Ai--i$ult to estimate" and2 a reasona&le -ore$ast o- )ro&a&le damages

    ixed sums are generall! inalidLiquidated damages are $ommon in t,e $onstru$tion industr!

    +x)e$tation Aamages Aesigned to )ut t,e )lainti-- in as good a )osition as -ull )er-orman$e

    In$idental Aamages

    itigation / )art! ma! (84 re$oer damages t,e! $ould ,ae aoided wit, r&l e--ort;,en dealing wit, a terminated em)lo!ee:

    1 +m)lo!er ,as &urden o- )roo- to s,ow em)lo!ee $ould ,ae mitigated damages2 8t,er em)lo!ment must &e t,e same t!)e o- wor= in t,e same $it!3 +m)lo!ee does (84 ,ae to ta=e new o&



    2 Promisor ' )erson w,o )romises to do somet,ing -or t,e 3rd )art!3 Promisee ' t,e ot,er $ontra$ting )art!5


    6esting o$$urs w,en:1 3rd )art! required to or as=ed to $onsent to t,e O and s,e does so"2 3rd )art! learns o- t,e O and detrimentall! relies on it"3 3rd )art! -iles a lawsuit to en-or$e t,e O

    Intended &ene-i$iar! $an sue t,e &rea$,ing )romisor #no )riit! required%

    Aoes (84 a))l! to seri$e $ontra$ts #indentured seritude%9&ut $ourts $an issueinun$tion to =ee) em)lo!ee -rom wor=ing -or a $om)etitor

    / )art! ma! request adequate assuran$es -rom t,e ot,er )art! i- t,e! ,aereasona&le inse$urit! as to w,et,er t,e ot,er )art! will )er-orm under t,e =

    +ntrustment#/rti$le 2%

    Rule ' /n owner w,o entrusts ,er )ro)ert! to anot,er ,as no rig,t to re$laim ,er&elongings i- t,e ot,er sells ,er )ro)ert! to a &ona -ide )ur$,aser

    (ote: a=e sure t,e ot,er is in t,e &usiness o- selling t,ose t!)es o- goods #i- not"t,ere is )ro&a&l! (84 a &ona -ide )ur$,aser%

    Lost 6olume Seller $an re$oer lost )ro-it i- t,e &rea$, $on$erned a good t,at was)art o- t,e sellers regular inentor!

    Ae- ' $osts reasona&l! in$urred in arranging a re)la$ement deal #adertising" ),one$alls" et$9%


    Ae- ' s)e$ial damages t,at were reasona&l! -oreseea&le at t,e time o- $ontra$t

    3rd Part! ene-i$iar!Law #6o$a&ular!%

    4P ' a )erson w,o did not ma=e a $ontra$t" &ut ,as rig,ts under it &e$ause t,e$ontra$t was intended to &ene-it ,im

    Intended ene-i$iar! ' i- t,e 3rd )art! is named in t,e $ontra$t" s,e is a intendedIn$idental &ene-i$iar! ' i- a 3rd )art! is (84 named in t,e $ontra$t" s,e is an

    in$idental &ene-i$iar!Creditor ene-i$iar! ' i- a 3rd )art! is a $reditor o- t,e )romisee" s,e is a $reditorAonee ene-i$iar! ' i- a 3rd )art! is (84 a $reditor o- t,e )romisee" s,e is a donee&ene-i$iar!

    Res$ission orodi-i$ation o- O

    Rule ' a )romisor and )romisee ma! (84 res$ind or modi-! a O a-ter t,e 3rd )artiesrig,ts ,ae ested

    Ri ,ts o- 3rd Part

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    1 Aelegating Part! ' )erson w,o delegates t,e dut! to )er-orm2 Aelegate ' )erson to w,om t,e dut! is delegated3 8&ligee ' )erson to w,om )er-orman$e is owed

    Aelegation o- Auties ?eneral Rule ' $ontra$tual duties ma! &e delegated ;I4E8*4 t,e o&ligees $onsent+x$e)tions:

    1 4,e $ontra$t )ro,i&its delegation #$ontra$t language $ontrols%2 4,e $ontra$t requires #1% s)e$ial s=ill" or #2% a )erson wit, s)e$ial s=ills

    4,ere are (8 requirements -or e--e$tie delegation #i.e. no $onsideration required%

    1 Aelegating )art! remains lia&le21 /ssignor ' )erson w,o trans-ers rig,ts under a O2 /ssignee ' )erson to w,om t,e rig,ts are trans-erred3 8&ligor ' )erson w,o owes t,e )er-orman$e1 Consideration is (84 required231 Common Law ' t,e assignment $annot su&stantiall! $,ange t,e duties o- t,e o&ligor



    Rig,ts o- an /ssignee 1 /ssignee $an sue t,e o&ligor2 8&ligor ,as t,e same de-enses against assignee as it would against assignor

    Rule ' t,e last gratuitous assignee in time wins

    ?eneral Rule ' -irst assignee -or $onsideration wins

    1 Ee does not =now o- t,e )rior assignments" and2 Is t,e -irst to o&tain )a!ment or a udgment


    ene-i$iar! / )romisor" ,oweer" $an raise an! de-ense ,e ma! ,ae against t,e )romisee w,en

    sued &! t,e 4P

    Intended &ene-i$iar! $an sue t,e )romisor onl! i- ,e is a $reditor &ene-i$iar! o- t,eAelegation o- Auties


    Requirements -or+--e$tie Aelegation

    Consequen$es o-Aelegation Aelegate lia&le to o&ligee 8(L> i- delegate re$eied $onsideration -rom delegating

    /ssignment o- Rig,ts#6o$a&ular!%

    Requirements -ora=ing an

    /ssignment/ writing is required 8(L> i- t,e amount assigned is more t,an F5000ust use words o- )resent assignment #not DI willD or DI )romise toD%

    Limitations on

    /ssignment Requirements Contra$t ' assigna&le as long as t,e assignees requirements are inline wit, t,e assignors

    Contra$t $lauses ' rig,ts ma! (84 &e assigned i- t,e $lause inalidates anassignment #i.e. Dall assignment ,ereunder are oidD%9rig,ts C/( &e assigned i- t,e$lause merel! )ro,i&its assignment #i.e. Drig,ts under t,is $ontra$t are notassigna&leD%

    (ote: 8&ligor )a!ment to assignor is e--e$tie unless o&ligor =nows o- t,eulti)le ?ratuitous


    ulti)le /ssignments-or Consideration +x$e)tion: later assignee -or $onsideration ta=es )re$eden$e oer earlier assignees

    /n ex)ress )romise to )a! all or )art o- an inde&tedness o- t,e P8R" dis$,arged in aO )ro$eeding &egun &e-ore t,e )romise is made" is &inding +6+( ;I4E8*4C8(SIA+R/4I8(

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    Lar$en! 12 /s)ortation #some moement%3 Cor)oral )ersonal )ro)ert! o- anot,er rom t,e )ossession o- anot,er5 ;rong-ull! ' wit,out )ermission 8R wit, )ermission o&tain &! de$e)tionN ;it, intent to )ermanentl! de)riea

    & 8nl! ,ae to ta=e t,e )ro)ert! -rom one wit, a greater rig,t o- )ossession

    Lar$en! +x$e)tion

    +m&element 1 Eae )ossession o- )ro)ert! under trust arrangement

    2 Conersion o- t,at )ro)ert! #use it $ontrar! to t,e terms o- t,e trust%3 Intent to Ae-raud

    +m&element: rules a



    alse Pretenses 1 8&taining title to )ro)ert! -rom anot,er2 ! means o- a misre)resentation o- )ast 8R )resent -a$t3 ;it, intent to de-rauda *n=e)t )romises or misre)resentations o- uture -a$t are (84 su--i$ient& >our state o- mind $an &e a misre)resented )resent -a$t$ ailure to $orre$t a misunderstanding is su--i$ient i- A $reated t,e misunderstanding1 Re$eiing #ta=ing )ossession%2

    3 Onowing t,at t,e )ro)ert! is stolen ;it, t,e intent to )ermanentl! de)rie t,e owner


    Requires intent to )ermanentl! de)rie ' and $oers all $rimes a&oeRo&&er! Lar$en! in w,i$, )ro)ert! is ta=en eit,er &!:

    1 or$e ' -or$e to o&tain )ro)ert! or )reent i$tim -rom immediatel! regaining it 8R2

    Ro&&er!: (o -or$e ;,en A li-ts item -rom Ps )o$=et 8R sli)s item -rom Ps ,and wit,out resistan$e

    (um&er o- Ro&&eries 8ne -or +/CE )erson" &ut not -or ea$, item+xtortion 8&taining )ro)ert! &! means o- ot,er t,reats" su$, as:

    1 4o do somet,ing ot,er t,an ),!si$al ,arm 8R2 Ao ),!si$al ,arm" &ut not imminent

    4a=ing #exer$ise o- actual$ontrol%

    Lar$en!: ta=ing and


    /s)ortation onl! requires S8+ moement and a ta=ing does not require t,e remoal

    -rom t,e )remises" &ut t,ere needs to &e $ontrol

    Lar$en!: Intent to)ermanentl! de)rie

    ust Q t,e time o- ta=ing" I(4+(A to )ermanentl! =ee) t,e )ro)ert! 8R dosomet,ing $reating a ,ig, ris= t,at t,e owner will neverget t,e )ro)ert! &a$="

    ;,en a$t and intent is required" t,e A must ,ae t,e required intent w,en ,e does t,ea$t $onstituting t,e $rime" ex$e)t in some lar$en! $ases w,ere t,ere is a DContinuing4res)assD ' must ,ae wrong-ull! ta=en t,e t,ing in t,e -irst )la$e #wo intent tode)rie% t,en -orm t,e intent

    inders o- lost)ro)ert!

    In order -or a -inder o- lost #or mislaid% )ro)ert! to &e guilt! o- lar$en!" t,e -ollowing 2requirements must &e met: #1% t,e -inder must" at t,e time -o t,e -inding" I(4+(A tosteal it" /(A #2% t,e -inder must eit,er =now w,o t,e owner is or ,ae reason to&eliee t,at ,e $an -ind out t,e owners identit!.

    Intent to return or re)la$e $onerted )ro)ert! does (84 s,ow t,e la$= o- intentrequired -or em&element

    Custod! o- t,e )ro)ert! lar$en!. /n em)lo!ee usuall! onl! ,as $ustod! o- anem)lo!ers )ro)ert!

    ;it, )ossession $an $ommit em&element" &ut not lar$en! ' )ossession requiresextensie and dis$retionar! $ontrol

    alse Pretenses:Rules

    Re$eiing StolenPro)ert! 8- )ro)ert! a$quired &! lar$en! or ot,er )ro)ert! $rime ' O+>: )ro)ert! must a$tuall!

    &e S48L+(

    Ae- ' *nlaw-ull! exer$ises $ontrol oer t,e )ro)ert! o- anot,er wit,out e--e$tie)ermission and wit, t,e intent to de)rie t,e ot,er o- t,at )ro)ert!

    4,reats #intimidate% ' must &e o- immediate ),!si$al ,armH )ut t,e i$tim in -ear o-

    ,armH /(A must $ause a))re,ension in a rznble)erson

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    urglar! 1

    2 ! &rea=ing3 8- t,e dwelling #a$tuall! used as a slee)ing )la$e% o- someone else Auring t,e nig,ttime5 ;it, t,e intent to $ommit a -elon! inside t,e stru$ture

    urglar!: Rules a Intent and entr! must &e at t,e same time& rea=ing onl! requires S8+ -or$e$ (o need to $arr! out t,e intentd Can &e $ommitted &! entering a )art! o- a dwelling" on$e insidee (o need to $arr! out t,e intent

    urglar!: Intent Prose$ution must )roe:1 A entered wit, intent to $ommit $ertain a$ts /(A2 4,ose a$ts i- $ommitted &! A would &e a -elon!

    ista=en &elie- t,at ones $ondu$t is a -elon! is (84 t,e requisite intent/rson 1 ali$ious ' $an &e an awareness o- ,ig, ris=

    2 urning

    3 8- /not,ers dwelling/rson: urning 1 ust ,ae some damage #$an &e minimal%

    2 ust &e &! -ire ' t,e -lame" not smo=e or ,eat3 4o a )art o- t,e stru$ture itsel-


    /nal!sis 1 Aid A $ause t,e deat, o- t,e i$tim2 Aid A a$t wit, mali$e a-oret,oug,t #i- !es ' murder unless 3%3 I- !es ' was t,ere adequate )roo$ation #oluntar! manslaug,ter%


    23 Proximate $ause

    Proximate Cause Seen w,en t,ere is intent to $ause t,e deat," &ut it o$$urs in an unex)e$ted wa!

    Su)erseding Cause (o PC i- a -a$tor is intere$ted into t,e $,ain o- $ausation t,at is:1 Inde)endent o- t,e As a$tions2 *n-oreseea&le /(A3 4,e S8L+ immediate $ause o- t,e i$tims deat,

    S)eeding u) deat, $ausing it

    urder Ae- ' Oilling wit, mali$e a-oret,oug,t ' w,i$, requires:

    1 Intent to =ill 8R2 Intent to $ause serious &odil! inur! 8R3 /wareness o- extremel! ,ig, ris= t,at deat, will result 8R Intent to $ommit a -elon!

    elon! urder a

    & Co -elons are guilt! o- -elon! murder i- t,e deat, was -oreseea&le to t,em

    +ntr! ' an! )art o- t,e &od! or instrument i- t,e instrument is to &e used to $ommit t,e$rime inside

    urglar!: odernStatutes

    a!: ex)and )la$es $oeredH eliminate t,e need -or &rea=ingH eliminate t,erequirement t,at entr! &e in nig,ttimeH ex)and intend

    I- no ' did A eit,er #a% a$t wit, $riminal negligen$e or #&% $ause deat, w,ile $ommittinga misdemeanor #inoluntar! manslaug,ter%

    Causation wit,Eomi$ides

    a$tual $ausation ' D&ut -orD As a$ts" t,e i$tim would not ,ae died /S and ;E+( ,edid

    >ear and one da! rule ' i$tim must die win 1 !ear and 1 da! -rom t,e in-li$tion o- t,e

    PC exists i- t,e i$tims deat, naturall! results -rom t,e As a$tions" een i- t,is o$$ursin an unex)e$ted manner" unless t,e eents are extremelyunusual

    Proximate Cause:Rules /n interening eent $annot &rea= t,e $,ain o- PC i- it onl! &e$omes a $ontri&uting

    $ause o- deat,

    Rule ' /$$idental deat,s $aused during a -elon! are murder I t,e deat, waso&e$tiel! -oreseea&le 8R t,e -elon! was dangerous as $ommitted

    elon! urder:erger Rule

    elon! murder $annot &e &ased on -elon! assault or &atter! $ausing deat, o- i$tim#merges into deat, o- i$tim%

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    &Aegrees o- urder ost =illings wit, mali$e a-oret,oug,t are 2nd degree murders


    1 8&e$tiel! rn&le )roo$ation #mere words are insu--i$ient%2 A a$ted on t,at &e-ore an o&e$tiel! su--i$ient $ooling )eriod ela)sed /(A3 /$tuall! $ause t,e A to =ill t,e i$tima Oilled in t,e $ourse o- $ommitting a misdemeanor 8R&

    Lia&ilit! -or 8missions 12 A was aware o- t,e -a$ts giing rise to a dut! to a$t3 Per-orming t,e dut! was )ossi&le A ,as ne$essar! intent




    Oidna))ing 1 Con-ining or restraining a )erson 8R moing a )erson2 ;it,out aut,orit! o- law

    Oidna))ing: Rule


    1 Commit t,e a$t $onstituting t,e $rime2 Parti$i)ate in eit,er &e-ore or during is $ommission3 *se an inno$ent agent to $ommit it

    (ote: /ssistan$e a-ter t,e $rime does not $reate lia&ilit! -or t,e $rime1

    2 ;it, t,e required s)e$i-i$ intent t,at t,e $rime &e $ommitted1 Onow t,e )rimar! a$tor is going to $ommit t,e o--ense /(A2

    a Presen$e )ursuant to an agreement to aid is su--i$ient to s,ow )arti$i)ation& /n aider and a&ettor $an &e $oni$ted een i- t,e )rimar! a$tor is a$quitteda


    /ttem)t 1

    2 ;it, intent to $ommit t,e $rime(8 de-ense

    a L+?/L im)ossi&ilit! is a de-ense& /C4*/L im)ossi&ilit! is (84 a de-ense$

    (8 de-ense &$ t,is is -a$tual im)ossi&ilit!

    elon! urder:!standers

    an! $ourts dont a))l! -elon! murder i- t,e -atal s,ot was not -ired &! one o- t,e-elons

    Courts are most relu$tant to a))l! -elon! murder w,en t,e )erson =illed is one o- t,e

    Some S4/4*4+S la&el as 1st degree: $ertain -elon! murders and )remeditatedSome $ons$ious deli&eration oer w,et,er or not to =ill ' a )roo=ing in$ident usuall!s,ows a&sen$e o- )remeditation



    Intentional =illing t,at would ot,erwise &e murder is redu$ed to oluntar! manslaug,ter

    i- 3 t,ings are s,own:

    Inoluntar!anslaug,ter Oilled wit, criminalnegligen$e

    A ,ad a legal dut! to a$t ' arises -rom: $riminal lawH tort lawH O lawH or an! ot,er &od!

    Ra)e or Sexual/ssault

    Ra)e ' sexual inter$ourse &! a male wit, a woman not ,is s)ouse wo t,e womanse--e$tie $onsent

    raud renders t,e womans $onsent ine--e$tie onl! i- t,e -raud goes to t,e nature o-t,e a$t #w,et,er is sex or not%

    ;,ere t,e i$tim o- a $rime su$, as ro&&er! or ra)e is $on-ined or moed during t,e$rime" man! $ourts ,old t,at =idna))ing does not o$$ur unless t,e $on-inement ormoement in$reases t,e ris= o- ,arm to t,e i$tim and is not merel! in$idental to t,eot,er $rime.

    ;,en !ou $an &eguilt! o- a $rime

    /iding and /&etting+lements

    Parti$i)ation in t,e o--ense ' en$ouraging or assisting #aid" a&et" en$ourage% t,e)er)etrator in t,e $ommission or attem)ted $omission o- t,e $rime #&ut (84 mere

    /iding and /&etting:Intent Intent #wantdesire% to en$ourage or assist ,im in doing so ' loo= -or a motie -or

    wanting t,e )rimar! a$tor to su$$ess-ull! $ommit t,e $rime

    /iding and /&etting:Rules

    /iding and /&etting:+x$e)tions to lia&ilit!

    4,e )arti$i)ant is a mem&er o- t,e $lass o- )ersons )rote$ted &! t,e $rime #ex: &u!erin a drug sale $ase% 8R

    4,e $rime in,erentl! inoles seeral t!)es o- )arti$i)ants and onl! some are made

    ?o -ar enoug, ' i.e. ' do somet,ing $onstituting a su&stantial ste) towards $ommission

    o- t,e $rime

    /&andonment o-/ttem)t

    Im)ossi&ilit! de-ense-or /ttem)t

    Im)ossi&ilit! is 8(L> a de-ense in an attem)t $ase ' t,ese inole mista=en &elie-s &!t,e As t,at t,e attem)ts will &e su$$ess-ul

    Im)ossi&ilit!: ista=e

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    1 Im)ossi&le -or A to )er-orm t,e $ondu$t ,e set out to )er-orm 8R2 Cause t,e result ,e set out to $ause3 *4 mista=enl! &eliees ,e will &e su$$ess-ul

    4,is is L+?/L im)ossi&ilit!(8 de-ense ' t,is is -a$tual im)ossi&ilit!

    Soli$itation 1 Requesting someone to $ommit an o--ense #een i- it is ree$ted immediatel!%2 ;it, t,e intent t,e! $ommit it

    Cons)ira$! 1 +ntering into an agreement to $ommit a $rime2 4,e intent t,at t,e $rime &e $ommitted3 /n oert a$t in -urt,eran$e &! 8(+ mem&er o- t,e grou)

    Co'Cons)irator Rule

    1 Committed in -urt,eran$e o- t,e s$,eme /(A2 / -oreseea&le result o- t,e s$,eme' (84 a de-ense to $ons)ira$!" &ut is a de-ense under t,e $o'$ons)irator rule' +--e$tie wit,drawal as a de-ense to t,e $o'$ons)irator rule:1 ull! $ommuni$ated to all ot,er mem&ers o- t,e agreement

    2 e-ore t,e $rime is $ommittedR:

    +quialents o- /$quittal a (ot guilt! &! reason o- insanit!& Person did not intend to go t,roug, wit, t,e $rime


    1 +--e$ts $riminal lia&ilit! 8(L> is it s,ows A la$=ed t,e intent required -or t,e $rime /(A

    2 4,e mista=e was o&e$tiel! reasona&le'

    S)e$i-i$ Intent Crimes Lar$en!" ot,er )ro)ert! $rimesurglar!

    /ttem)t and $ons)ira$!/n! o--ense de-ined as doing somet,ing Dwit, intent to . . .D/rson and Ra)e are (84 s)e$i-i$ intent $rimes

    Criminal Intent 1 A must ,ae &een aware o- t,e -a$ts t,at $onstitute t,e $rime2 A need not ,ae =nown an!t,ing a&out t,e lawa Pur)ose ' $ons$ious desire& Onowledge ' awareness o- a )ra$ti$al $ertaint!$ Re$=lessness ' awareness o- a su&stantial ris=d (egligen$e ' Reasona&le )erson would ,ae &een aware o- a su&stantial ris=

    +x$e)tion to mens rea requirement:a Statutor! ra)e ' no need to =now t,e i$tims age& igam! ' dont need to =now !ou are still married

    $ Regulator! $rime ' low )enalt! en-or$ement dei$e4rans-erred Intent

    (84 a de-ense to sa! !ou were ignorant o- t,e law" *(L+SS1

    2 4,at &elie- was o&e$tiel! reasona&le3

    a&out ones a&ilit!

    Im)ossi&ilit!: ista=ea&out $riminal law

    A t,in=s ,is $ondu$t would $onstitute a $rime" &ut ,e is mista=en a&out t,e $riminal

    Im)ossi&ilit!: ista=ea&out $ir$umstan$es As intended $ondu$t i- $om)leted would not $onstitute a $rime &$ one o- t,e

    $ir$umstan$es is not w,at is required -or t,e $rime '' I- t,e $ir$umstan$es were as A

    &elieed" ,is intended $ondu$t would $onstitute a $rime

    /ll mem&ers o- a $riminal $ons)ira$! are guilt! o- $rimes $ommitted &! ot,er mem&erso- t,at $ons)ira$! i- t,ose $rimes are &ot,:


    Cons)ira$!: Ae-enseo- (o eeting o-

    ?uilt! inds

    I- /LL ot,er mem&ers o- t,e alleged $ons)ira$! ,ae &een a$quitted #or t,e equialent%t,en A must &e a$quitted

    Ignoran$e or ista=eo- a$t

    I- t,e mista=e s,ows an a&sen$e o- a ne$essar! s)e$i-i$ intent" it need not &e

    odern ens ReaAe-initions

    Stri$t Lia&ilit! (8mista=e o- -a$t


    I- A intends to inure one )erson and a$$identall! in-li$ts a similar inur! u)on anot,er)erson" ,e will &e treated as i- ,e intended to inure t,e )erson a$tuall! ,armed

    Ignoran$e or ista=eo- Law / As affirmative#&ut mista=en% &elie- t,at t,e $riminal law did not )ro,i&it ,er $ondu$t

    is a de-ense i-:

    4,e A relied on eit,er: a statute later ,eld inalidH a udi$ial de$ision later oerruledH8R an o--i$ial inter)retation o- t,e law &! apublico--i$ial

    ista=e o- Law:/di$e o- $ounsel

    (84 a de-ense unless t,ere is a s)e$i-i$ =nowledge mens rea t,at t,e law is &eingiolated.

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    1 a$ts s,ow t,at A ,ad a serious mental illness 8R de-e$t2 t,is $aused a de-e$t in ,is reasoning a&ilities3 /s a result ,e did not eit,er:a understand t,e nature o- t,e a$t ,e was doing 8R& understand t,at ,is a$t was wrong

    Insanit!: /nal!sis 1 /ssume t,e situation as t,e A )er$eied it2

    ' *nder (ag,ten it is (84 a de-ense'

    Intoxi$ation Ae-ense Is inoluntar! onl! i-:1 A did not =now t,e su&stan$e was intoxi$ating 8R2 A $onsumed su&stan$e under duress(ote: I- inoluntar " we treat as a mental illness and a l t,e insanit test'

    ' 4,is $an dis)roe )remeditation &ut (84 mali$e a-oret,oug,t

    ' Courts $an -ind t,at oluntar! intoxi$ation is irreleant to $riminal lia&ilit!+ntra)ment Ae-ense 1 4,e A was not )redis)osed to $ommit $rimes li=e t,is /(A

    2 Poli$e o--i$ers $reated t,e intent to $ommit t,e o--ense in ,er mind'

    1 A &elieed t,at $ommitting t,e $rime would )reent an imminentl! t,reatened ,arm


    3 4,ese &elie-s were o&e$tiel! rn&le1 A wrong-ull! $reated t,e situation ma=ing t,e $,oi$e ne$essar! 8R2 4,e A =illed anot,er to aoid ,is own li-e1

    2 Immediate and ),!si$al ,arm3 4o A or a t,ird )erson

    +x$e)tion ' (ot a de-ense to a $rime t,at $onsists o- an intentional =illingSel-'Ae-ense 1 A &elieed ,e was in imminent danger o- &eing ,armed &! anot,er

    2 4,e -or$e ,e used was ne$essar! to )reent t,e t,reatened ,arm3 4,ese &elie-s were o&e$tiel! rn&le1 A rn&l! &elieed s,e was t,reatened wit, imminent deat, or serious &odil! inur! /(A

    2 Aeadl! -or$e used was ne$essar! to )reent t,e ,arm to ,er.Aeadl! or$e: Retreat a ?eneral rule ' o))ortunit! to retreat is a -a$tor to $onsider reasona&leness


    ' (o dut! to retreat w,en atta$=ed in ones own ,ome1 / )erson w,o starts a -ig,t $annot use -or$e in sel- de-ense during t,e -ig,t2 /n aggressor regains t,e rig,t to use -or$e in sel-'de-ense during a -ig,t &! eit,er:a ;it,drawal -rom t,e -ig,t 8R& ?iing noti$e o- desire to do so


    Insanit! Ae-ense#(ag,ten%

    *nder t,ose $ir$umstan$es" would A ,ae &een legall! entitled to do w,at ,e did ' i-

    !es" a$quit #6+R> rare%Loss o- Control and

    Insanit! a! &e a de-ense under statutor! ersions o- insanit! &ased on t,e odel Penal Code8R t,e irresisti&le im)ulse ersion o- insanit!


    I- t,e A was un$ons$ious" ,is &e,aior $annot $onstitute t,e ne$essar! 68L*(4/R>a$t

    6oluntar! Intoxi$ationAe-ense

    ;ill a$quit 8(L> i- t,e $rime requires )roo- o- s)e$i-i$ intent #,ig,er t,an re$=lessnessunder modern statutes% and t,e intoxi$ation s,ows ,e la$=ed t,at intent

    inorit! rule ' o&e$tie test ' )oli$e a$tiit! would $ause a rn&le )erson andun)redis)osed )erson to -orm t,e intent to $ommit t,e $rime

    (e$essit! or C,oi$eo- +ils Ae-ense

    A &elieed t,is t,reatened ,arm would &e greater t,an t,e ,arm t,at would result -rom$ommission o- t,e $rime

    (e$essit! is (84 ade-ense

    Auress or $oer$ionAe-ense

    A was $om)elled to $ommit t,e $rime &! a t,reat t,at i- ,e did not do so" t,et,reatening )erson would do:

    Sel- Ae-ense wit,Aeadl! or$e

    inorit! rule ' an! o))ortunit! to retreat must &e ta=en &e-ore using deadl! -or$e 8(L>

    i- retreat is )ossi&le wit, $om)lete sa-et!

    Sel- Ae-ense:/ggressor

    Aeadl! -or$e inEomi$ide Cases

    / A $,arged wit, murder w,o a$tuall! &ut unrn&l! &elieed =illing was ne$essar! insel- de-ense is (84 entitled to a$quittal" &ut s,ould &e $oni$ted o- manslaughterinstead o- murder.

    Ae-ense o- 8t,erPersons Ae-ense

    4,e A &elieed t,at anot,er )erson was t,reatened wit, imminent unlaw-ul ,arm &! at,ird )erson

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    2 4,e A &elieed t,at t,e -or$e s,e used was ne$essar! to )reent t,e ,arm3

    Limits:a 8nl! (8(A+/AL> -or$e $an &e used&

    4,ese &elie-s were o&e$tiel! rn&le ''Bdid it rn&l! a))ear to A t,at t,e )erson s,eaided was in t,e rig,t

    Ae-ense o- Pro)ert!Ae-ense

    ?eneral rule ' it is a de-ense t,at -or$e was used in t,e rn&le &elie- t,at it wasne$essar! to )reent unlaw-ul inter-eren$e wit, real or )ersonal )ro)ert!

    or$e $an onl! &e used to )reent t,e inter-eren$e" and (84 to L/4+R regain t,e

    )ro)ert!" ex$e)t in immediate )ursuit

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    1 /rrest2 Presentment &e-ore magistrate3 +xamining trial Consideration &! grand ur!5 Presentiment o- indi$tment #-rom ,ere on" must &e in distri$t $ourt%N /rraignment7 Pretrial ,earing

    K 4rial' guiltinno$en$e 4rial' )enalt!10 Pronoun$ement o- senten$e11 otion -or new trial12 otion to arrest udgment13 (oti$e o- a))eal1 /))eal to t,e $ourt o- /))eals #t,is is a RI?E4%15 Reiew &! Court o- Criminal /))eals1 elonies2 isdemeanors inoling o--i$ial mis$ondu$t3 4rans-erred $ount! $ourt )rose$utions -or misdemeanors )unis,a&le &! ail time

    8--enses )unis,a&le 8(L> &! a -ine' t,is $ourt ,as ex$lusie urisdi$tion oer (84EI(?




    /t su$, ,earing t,e magistrates duties in$lude:1 In-orm arrested o- t,e $,arges2 In-orm arrested o- ,is rig,t to $ounsel3 In-orm arrested o- ,is rig,t to examining trial iranda t!)e rig,ts:

    a. Remain silent&. Eae an attn! )resent during questioning$. /n! stmt ma! &e used against ,imd. Request an a))ointed attn!e. /t an! time ,e $an terminate an interiew wit, t,e )oli$e

    5 Set &ail1

    a. In -elonies ' release wit,in K ,ours o- arrest on &ond&. In misdemeanors ' release wit,in 2 ,ours o- arrest on &ond

    2 agistrate $an (84 dela! release -or more t,an a total o- 72 ,ours8(L> in t,e -ollowing $ases:

    1 Ca)ital murder )rose$utions2 (on$a)ital -elonies i-:

    a. Su&stantial eiden$e o- As guilt o- t,at $rime /(A&. 8ne o- t,e -ollowing:2 )rior -elon! $oni$tions 8RPresent o--ense $ommitted w,ile out on &ail -or a -elon! 8R8ne )rior -elon! $oni$tion /(A )resent o--ense inoled use o- a deadl! wea)on 8R


    ' I- &ail is denied t,at order is a))eala&le to t,e Court o- Criminal /))eals

    Ste)s in a elon!Prose$ution

    Aistri$t $ourt

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    ' A s,ould -ile a motion to set &ail' /s= t,e /?IS4R/4+ to w,om t,e A is )resented' Prose$ution must s,ow:a. 4,e A is $,arged wit, $a)ital murder&. Li=eli,ood t,at ,e will &e $oni$ted o- t,at $rime /(A$. Li=eli,ood t,at deat, will &e im)osed

    ' / denial o- &ail is $,allenged &! writ o- ,a&eas $or)us in Aistri$t Court

    a$tors in Setting ail L/SS81 ile a))li$ation -or writ o- ,a&eas $or)us in Aistri$t Court2 /t ,earing introdu$e eiden$e s,owing:

    a. ail was ex$essie&. A $annot meet &ail set$. /mt o- &ail t,at A $ould meet

    3 4,e Aistri$t udge ma! order &ail redu$ed I- not" A $an a))eal to t,e Court o- /))eals +8R+ trial

    Personal &ond is t,e As )romise to )a! t,e amt i- t,e &ond is -or-eitedail &ond requires a suret! or $as, de)osit

    +xamining 4rial

    Rig,ts o- t,e A at t,e examining trial:a. e )resent&. e re)resented &! $ounsel$. Eae t,e rules o- eiden$e a))liedd. Cross examine t,e States witnessese. Su&)oena and )resent de-ense witnesses


    Indi$tments' to do t,is t,e grand ur! must -ind t,at )ro&a&le $ause exists to -ind A guilt!

    A must &e re)resented &! $ounsel;aier must &e &! written instrument or in o)en $ourt /(A;aier must &e oluntar!

    In-ormation Ae- ' a )leading -iled &! t,e state $,arging a )erson wit, a $riminal o--ense

    *sed to $,arge a A w,en t,e indi$tment ,as &een waied

    Com)laint?rand t,e )rose$utor and grand ur! ma! question t,e witnesses3

    / denial o- &ail in a non$a)ital $ase lasts 8(L> N0 da!s as long as t,e de-ense doesnot moe -or a $ontinuan$e

    Pro$ess to Aen! ailin a Ca)ital Case

    ' a ,earing is ,eld and i- t,e udge ,olds &ail to ,ae &een )ro)er t,ere is a rig,t o-immediate a))eal to t,e Court o- /))eals

    Li=eli,ood o- A a))earing -or trialA&ilit! o- t,e de-endant to ma=e &ailSeriousness o- t,e $rime $,argeduture Sa-et! o- t,e i$tim and t,e $ommunit!Required &ail is not to &e an instrument o- O))ression

    Pro$edures to redu$e&ail t,at is set

    Personal ond . ailond

    Pur)ose ' )retrial ,earing &e-ore a magistrate requiring t,e )rose$ution to )rodu$eeiden$e s,owingprobable causeo- t,e As guilt

    ' i- no PC is -ound" A gets to go -ree" &ut t,e State $an $ome &a$= and see= a$oni$tion later

    A ,as an a&solute RI?E4 to an examining trial i- $,arged wit, a -elon!" *(L+SSt,ere ,as &een an indi$tment

    4o get one a grand ur! must ote #&! at least out o- 12% to return a Dtrue &illD against

    Rig,t to a grand ur! /> &e waied in all $ases ex$e)t Ca)ital murder &! doing t,e-ollowing:

    Ai--erent -rom an indi$tment in t,at it need onl! &e a))roed and signed &! t,e)rose$utor" w,ere an indi$tment must &e a))roed &! a grand ur! and signed &! t,e

    ' an in-ormation must &e su))orted &! a alid and sworn $om)laint" w,i$, must &eCan &e used w,en t,e A is $,arged onl! wit, a misdemeanor in muni$i)al or

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    A ma! &e su&)oenaed" and i- ,e is:a. ,e ,as t,e rig,t to re-use to answer in$riminating questions&. ,e ,as t,e rig,t to t,e -ollowing warnings:

    ' t,e o--ense o- w,i$, ,e is sus)e$ted' t,e $ount! in w,i$, it was $ommitted' t,e time o- its o$$urren$e

    5 4,e questions as=ed and As testimon! *S4 &e re$orded?rand

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    Aetermines t,ose o--enses -or w,i$, t,e a$$used $an &e $oni$ted




    3 It requires onl! a less $ul)a&le mental state t,an t,e more serious o--enseH or It $onsists o- an attem)t to $ommit t,e more serious o--ense1 4,e ot,er o--ense is a lesser in$luded o--ense o- t,e $rime $,argedH and2 4,e eiden$e &e-ore t,e ur! is su$, t,at t,e ur! $ould -ind &ot, t,at:a&


    1 4,e A must raise t,is at t,e arraignment2 4,e A must s)e$i-! ,is true name and3 4,e udge is t,en to $orre$t t,e indi$tment so it a$$uses t,e A &! ,is own true name


    ?eneral rule /ll de-e$ts must &e raised +8R+ trial+x$e)tion

    4imeliness otion must &e -iled &e-ore t,e da! trial +?I(S4a=e an a))eal8&tain a new indi$tment or

    /mend t,e indi$tment1 +x$e)t to t,e 8R o- t,e indi$tment2 +x$e)t to t,e S*S4/(C+ o- t,e indi$tment' (ote: 4,ese motions are in-ormall! $alled Dmotions to quas,D #4% t,e indi$tment' (ote: 4,ese motions must &e -illed &e-ore t,e da! on w,i$, trial &egins' I- it was not -undamental error ' t,en t,e de-e$t is waied




    1 / de-e$t o- -orm 8(L> i- t,e A s,ows E/R2 / de-e$t o- su&stan$e ;I4E8*4 inquir! into ,arm

    '' Ae-e$ts o- 8R $onsist o- most ot,er de-e$ts




    8n da! o- trial (8 amendments are )ermitted on da! o- trial +8R+ trial &egins

    Signi-i$an$e o-Indi$tment -or 4rial o- an o--ense $,arged in t,e indi$tment" *(L+SS t,ere is a

    lesser in$luded o--ense

    8ne o--ense is alesser in$luded

    o--ense o- anot,er#and more serious% i-:

    It is )roided &! some &ut not all o- t,e same -a$ts required to )roe t,e more seriouso--enseH or

    It requires onl! a less serious inur! to t,e same )erson" ))t!" or interest as t,e moreseriousH or

    / ur! s,ould &einstru$ted on an

    un$,arged o--ense i-: A is 1OTguilt! o- t,e $,arged o--enseH andA ISguilt! o- t,e lesser in$luded o--ense

    I- t,e A &eliees t,ename on t,e

    indi$tment is not ,is

    Ae-e$ts t,at )reent instrument -rom &eing an indi$tment or in-ormation $an &e raisedat /(> time

    I- 4C quas,esindi$tment" State ma!

    Eow does A$,allenge t,e


    ;,at i- t,e A does(84 assert a timel!

    $,allenge toindi$tment

    I- t,e error is -undamental and renders t,e instrument not an Dindi$tmentD ' t,en itneed not &e raised in t,e 4C:

    /s a result o- t,e error" t,e instrument -ails to s)e$i-! an! )erson as $,arged wit, t,eo--enseH or

    4,e error ma=es t,e instrument so un$lear t,at t,e a$$used $annot determine w,at$rime t,e State $laims ,e $ommitted

    8n a))eal" a$oni$tion will &e

    reersed -or error inoerruling a 4 -or:

    Aistin$tions tw ormand Su&stan$e

    Ae-e$ts o- S*S4/(C+ $onsist )rimaril! o- -ailures to allege /LL elements o- t,e

    ;,en amendment issoug,t +8R+ t,e

    da! o- trial

    ?eneral rule: /n! amendment is )ermitted w,et,er it is o- 8R or S*S4/(C+Limits ' /n amendment is not )ermitted oer t,e As o&e$tion i- t,e amendment would#1% $ause t,e indi$tment to allege a di--erent or additional o--ense or #2% )reudi$e t,esu&stantial rig,ts o- t,e A

    Prote$tion -or A: #1% /dan$e noti$e o- )ro)osed amendmentH #2% 4rial udge mustaut,orie an amendmentH and #3% I- t,e indi$tment is amended and A so requests" Amust ,ae not less t,an 10 da!s to )re)are -or trial on t,e amended indi$tment" andto dela! in trial i- ne$essar! to )roide t,is ' i- less t,an 10 da!s remain" t,en t,e Amust R+*+S4 a $ontinuan$e

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    ' ile a motion -or leae to amend' A must &e gien adequate noti$e' 4rial udge ,olds a ,earing and de$ides w,et,er to amend

    'Preudi$e to A


    Summar! ' 4a=es )la$e in 4C ' /$$used enters a )lea' 4,is is t,e )oint -or -ixing t,e a$$useds identit!" and' 4E+ /CC*S+APleas aaila&le to A 1 ?uilt!

    2 (ot guilt!3 (olo $ontendere

    (o $ontest . guilt!

    +iden$e o- insanit!

    ' In-orm A o- t,e range o- )unis,ment' In-orm A t,at re$ommendations &! State are not &inding' In-orm A o- t,e ltd rig,t" a-ter a guilt! )lea" to a))eal'' Inquire as to w,et,er t,ere is a )lea &argain

    ' (ote: 4,e A ,as t,e rig,t to wit,draw t,e )lea i- ,e wantsPR+4RI/L /44+RS

    ' / trial udge /> set a $ase -or a )retrial ,earing and $on-eren$e' I- one IS set ' t,e )arties must do t,e -ollowing 7 da!s +8R+1 enter an! s)e$ial )leas2 a=e $,allenges to t,e indi$tment3 a=e motions -or $ontinuan$e a=e motions -or $,ange o- enue5 a=e motions to su))ressN a=e dis$oer! requests7 Raise $laims o- entra)ment

    (ote: A $an testi-! &ut 8(L> on an issue related to t,at ,earing

    4 '

    ' / )retrial ruling on 4S A8+S )resere t,e issue -or a))eal' / )retrial ruling on a IL does (84 )resere a matter -or a))eal


    ;itness Lists '


    Ae)osition / A ma! &e )ermitted to de)ose a witness:a

    & Ae)o ma! &e used1. or dis$oer! ' o&taining in-o to )re)are -or trial 8R2. 4o )resere testimon! -or later use at trial

    4o get indi$tmentamended"

    Prose$ution must

    I- aut,oried" t,e amendment must &e made on t,e a$tual indi$tment/n amendment to an indi$tment )reudi$es t,e As Dsu&stantial rig,tD to &e tried onl!on a grand ur! indi$tment i- t,e amendment so $,anges t,e allegations t,at t,e A$an &e $oni$ted on t,e &asis o- a di--erent indi$tment t,an t,at $onsidered &! t,egrand ur!

    4,ere is no di--eren$e in a $riminal $ase. *4 in a $iil $ase ' a )lea o- ?*IL4> $ould&e used against t,e A ' &ut a )lea o- (8 C8(4+S4 $ould not.

    (oti$e o- t,e de-ense intent to introdu$e su$, eiden$e must &e -iled 10 da!s &e-ore

    ;,at must udge tellA &e-ore a$$e)ting a-elon! )lea o- guilt! or

    no $ontest In-orm A t,at )lea ma! result in de)ortation ex$lusion -rom *S to denial o-

    Pretrial ,earing and$on-eren$e

    I- t,ere IS a )retrial ,earing set ' t,e de-ense $ounsel ,as to -ile t,e motion to quas,+8R+ t,e ,earing

    otion to Su))ress .otion in Limine

    ?enerall!: 4rial udge ,as dis$retion to order t,e State to )roide t,e de-ense wit, alist o- witnesses t,e State intends to $all

    +x)ert ;itness List: 4rial udge ,as dis$retion to order eit,er&ot, sides to )roide t,eot,er wit, list o- ex)ert witnesses it ma! $all at trial #at least 20 da!s &e-ore trial date%

    4,e trial udge must issue an order aut,oriing t,e de)o i- t,e A s,ows Dgood reasonD-or t,e de)o

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    ' Ins)e$tion" i- ordered" $annot require t,e State to gie u) )ossession o- t,e time'

    4,e trial udge ,as dis$retion to ex$lude or admit &ased on :1 ;,et,er omission was intentional and2 ;,et,er t,e de-ense re$eied a$tual noti$e t,at witness would testi-!' (amesaddress o- ex)erts ' >+S

    ' Summar! o- ex)ert testimon! ' (8' /(> in-o o- -a$t witnesses ' (81

    2 4,e aut,orities O(8; t,isIn-ormant Ais$losure


    1 4,e )rose$ution -ails to dis$lose ex$ul)ator! in-ormation t,at is in its )ossession /(A2

    8 Prose$ution ,as a due )ro$ess dut! to dis$lose su$, eiden$e= +iden$e t,at im)ea$,es a )rose$ution witness is ex$ul)ator!> +iden$e must &e dis$losed i- it is in t,e )ossession o-a 4,e trial )rose$utor& /not,er )rose$utor!H or$ 4,e )oli$e?

    1 / de-endant is in$om)etent to stand trial i- eit,er:a.&. S,e la$=s a rational and -a$tual understanding o- t,e $,arges

    2 I- a-ter &eing -ound in$om)etent to stand trial t,e a$$useds $ondition im)roes:a. 4,e de-endant $an &e determined to &e $om)etent" and&. 4,e )rose$ution $an )ro$eed

    Eow is t,e issue o- $om)eten$! raisedJ

    1 4,e de-ense ma!" &! motion" suggest t,e de-endant ma! &e in$om)etent" or2 4,e State ma!" &! motion" suggest t,e de-endant ma! &e in$om)etent" or3 4,e trial $ourt ma!" on its own" suggest t,e de-endant ma! &e in$om)etent

    Eow is t,e issue o- $om)eten$! resoledJ'

    Ins)e$tion #RealAis$oer!%

    Ins)e$tion /> &e ordered i- #1% t,e t,ing is tangi&leH #2% $onstitutes or $ontainsmaterial eiden$eH #3% is in t,e )ossession o- t,e StateH #% is not Dwor= )rodu$tD o- t,eState Uex: a re)ort &! t,e State Crime Law" )oli$e re)orts o- t,e inestigating o--i$ers"written stmt gien &! State witnesses to t,e )oli$eV

    Ins)e$tion *S4 &e ordered i- t,e item is eiden$e +SS+(4I/L to t,e States $ase#As $on-ession" sam)les o- ),!si$al eiden$e to ena&le t,e A to est t,e material

    4,e ins)e$tion must &e su--i$ient to gie t,e a$$used t,e in-ormation ne$essar! to

    )re)are -or trial;itness le-t o-- anordered witness list

    Can t,e $ourt $om)eldis$oer!J

    /ut,orities must)resere A(/ i-:

    4,e eiden$e $ontains &iologi$al material t,at i- su&e$ted to s$ienti-i$ testing wouldesta&lis, t,e )er)etrators identit! or ex$lude someone -rom t,ose w,o $ould ,ae$ommitted t,e $rimeH and

    Ru#e@4,e identit! o- an in-ormer is generall! )riileged and C/( &e wit,,eld &! t,eE,cetion: I- t,e in-ormant )roided in-ormation &! w,i$, t,e State o&tained

    eiden$e in a wa! t,e A $laims was illegal ' t,e $ourt ,as dis$retion to requiredis$losure i- ne$essar! to esta&lis, t,e in-ormers relia&ilit!

    E,cetion@ *)on a s,owing t,e in-ormant $an )roide testimon! ne$essar! to a -airdetermination o- guiltinno$en$e" t,e $ourt must order dis$losure

    / As Aue Pro$essRig,ts are iolated i- 4,is in-ormation is DmaterialD w,i$, means t,at i- it ,ad &een dis$losed" t,ere is a r&l

    )ro&a&ilit! t,at t,e out$ome o- t,e $ase would ,ae &een di--erent

    ;it, regard toex$ul)ator! eiden$e:

    / $oni$tion is inalid -or nondis$losure onl! i- t,e nondis$losed ex$ul)ator! eiden$eis material

    Com)eten$! to Stand4rial S,e la$=s t,e a&ilit! to $onsult wit, $ounsel wit, a r&l degree o- rational

    (ote: I- eiden$e $omes to t,e trial $ourts attention t,at t,e de-endant ma! &ein$om)etent" t,e trial $ourt must" on its own motion" suggest t,e de-endant ma! &ein$om)etent

    4rial udge must ma=e a )reliminar! inquir!. I- t,is s,ows signi-i$ant eiden$e o-in$om)eten$!" t,e udge must ,old a -ull ,earing. I- eit,er )art! or t,e udge requests"t,e determination must &e made &! a ur!.

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    ' 4,ere is a legal )resum)tion t,at t,e de-endant IS $om)etent'

    '1 )reudi$e in $ount! would )reent a -air trial" or


    '1 Com&inations or in-luen$es in -aor o- de-endant would )reent -air trial" or2 Li-e o- de-endant or a witness would &e eo)ardied &! lo$al trial


    4o o&tain a $,ange o- enue" t,e de-ense $ounsel must -ile:12 /--idaits t,at a -air trial $annot &e ,eld in t,e $ount! signed &!:a. 4,e de-endant" and


    / udge ma! &e disquali-ied on t,e -ollowing grounds:1

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    ' Seeral de-endants ma! &e oined -or trial i-:1 4,e! are $,arged wit, t,e same o--ense" or2 4,e! are $,arged wit, di--erent o--enses arising out o- t,e same transa$tion



    ?enerall!" a motion -or $ontinuan$e must &e:1 In writing" and

    2 Su))orted &! a s,owing o- good $ause" and3 Sworn

    1 ased on an o$$urren$e t,at ,a))ened a-ter trial &egan" and2 /nd t,at o$$urren$e $ould not ,ae &een anti$i)ated" and3 Sur)rise must &e su$, as to )reent a -air trial

    Ae-endants motion -or $ontinuan$e to o&tain a missing witness must $ontain:1 (ame and residen$e o- missing witness" and2 +--orts made to se$ure witnesss )resen$e" and3 aterial -a$ts de-ense ex)e$ts to )roe &! witness'a.&.

    / A ,as a Nt, /mendment rig,t to re)resent ,imsel-'



    / A ,as a Nt, /mendment rig,t to e--e$tie re)resentation t,at is iolated i-:



    Re)resentation is (84 e--e$tie w,ere $ounsel:1 ails to $ondu$t adequate inestigation" or2 ails to $one! to t,e $lient an o--er o- a )lea &argain

    Aismissal &! t,e State 4,e State ma! dismiss some or all o- t,e $,arges &roug,t )roided it:1 iles a written statement o- t,e reasons" and2 4,e trial udge a))roes

    / A w,o is s$,eduled -or trial toget,er on multi)le $,arges &e$ause t,ose $,argesarose -rom t,e same $riminal e)isode ,as t,e a&solute rig,t to ,ae t,e $,argesseered -or se)arate trial

    *4 a A w,o ino=es t,e rig,t to seeran$e in$urs a )otential disadantage9t,e trialudge ,as t,e dis$retion to ma=e t,e )rison terms $onse$utie

    (ote: I- t,e $,arges were tried toget,er9t,e )rison terms must run $on$urrentl!

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    1 Raised t,is &e-ore t,e erdi$t was entered" or2 S,ows signi-i$ant ,arm as a result o- t,e urors seri$e




    ' I- ma=ing a atson $,allenge" $ounsel s,ould:1 State t,e grounds o- t,e $,allenge #ra$ial" gender%2 oe to dismiss t,e arra! o- )ros)e$tie urors3


    '1 Aismiss t,e arra! and start ur! sele$tion oer" or2 Reinstate t,ose urors stru$= -or dis$riminator! reasons

    4rial Pro$edure / trial )ro$eeds as -ollows:1

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    1 /t t,e $lose o- t,e States $ase'in'$,ie-" and2 /t t,e $lose o- all t,e eiden$e


    Eearsa! 1 /dmissions o- a Part! 8))onent are admissi&le

    2 Statements /gainst Penal Interest are admissi&le i-:a. 4,e statement is s,own to &e in$riminating regarding t,e de$larant"&. / r&l )erson would not ,ae made it unless s,e &elieed it to &e true" and$.


    ' *S4 la! t,e )ro)er &usiness re$ords )redi$ate'


    &.C,ara$ter +iden$e '

    ' 4,e State $an )roe t,e As &ad $,ara$ter:a.

    &. at t,e )unis,ment stage o- t,e trial

    ' C,ara$ter witness ma! gie two =inds o- testimon!1 Personal o)inion as to t,e )ersons $,ara$ter" or2 4,e )ersons re)utation -or t,e $,ara$ter trait

    ' C,ara$ter eiden$e C/((84 &e )roed &! eiden$e o- s)e$i-i$ instan$es o- $ondu$t

    ' Re)utation testimon! is (84 ,earsa!

    ' oundation -or $,ara$ter testimon!a. 8)inion testimon!: )ersonal -amiliarit! wit, t,e )erson&.

    ' Cross'examination o- $,ara$ter witnessesa. Inquir! into s)e$i-i$ instan$es o- $ondu$t is allowed

    &. DEae !ou ,eardD questions are o=a! i- re)utation witness$. DAid !ou =nowD questions are o=a! i- o)inion witness




    I- a-ter resting" de-ense $ounsel &eliees t,at t,e State ,as -ailed to )roe t,at t,e$rime o$$urred in t,e s)e$i-ied $ount!" de-ense $ounsel s,ould moe -or a dire$tederdi$t o- not guilt!" s)e$i-!ing t,at t,e eiden$e is insu--i$ient &$ it -ails to )roeenue &! t,e required )re)onderan$e o- t,e eiden$e. 4,is motion s,ould &e made:

    4,ere are $orro&orating $ir$umstan$es t,at $learl! indi$ate t,e trustwort,iness o- t,estatement

    Re$ords o- Regularl! Condu$ted /$tiit! #&usiness re$ords% are admissi&le in $riminallitigation as t,e! would &e in ot,er litigation

    I- a )art! la$=s t,e extrinsi$ eiden$e ne$essar! to admit t,e eiden$e" t,at )art! ma!still ,ae t,e re$ords admitted at trial i-:

    4,e! -ile an a--idait wit, t,e re$ords atta$,ed wit, t,e $ourt at least 8? "&s&e-ore

    trial starts" and4,e! gie t,e ot,er )art! noti$e o- t,e -iling at least 8? "&s&e-ore trial?eneral Rule: t,e State $annot introdu$e eiden$e t,at t,e A ,as a &ad $,ara$ter to)roe As guilt

    I- t,e a$$used )uts ,is $,ara$ter in issue &! exer$ising ,is rig,t to introdu$e eiden$eo- good $,ara$ter

    Re)utation testimon!: witness )arti$i)ated in dis$ussions wit, ot,ers o- )ersonsre)utation" or oer,eard ot,ers dis$ussing t,at re)utation

    /t t,e guilt stage o- a $riminal trial" a $,ara$ter witness is quali-ied to testi-! as to t,eAs $,ara$ter onl! i-:

    8n re)utation" t,e witness was su&stantiall! -amiliar wit, t,e As re)utation )rior tot,e da! o- t,e o--ense" or

    8n )ersonal o)inion" t,e witness was su&stantiall! -amiliar wit, t,e -a$ts on w,i$,t,at o)inion is &ased )rior to t,e da! o- t,e o--ense

    +xtraneous 8--ense+iden$e

    ?eneral Rule: eiden$e o- an extraneous o--ense is I(/AISSIL+

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    +xtraneous o--ense $rime o- w,i$, t,e a$$used $annot &e $oni$ted at t,is triala. (eit,er a $,arged o--ense" or&. / lesser in$luded o--ense


    ' +xtraneous o--ense eiden$e ma! &e admissi&le as releant to #IIC%:1235

    ' / de-endant )uts ,is identit! into issue &! eit,er:a. Introdu$ing eiden$e t,at ,e was not t,e )er)etrator" su$, as ali&i testimon!" or&. Im)ea$,ing all t,e States e!ewitnesses

    ' *)on timel! request &! A" t,e State must gie )retrial noti$e o-:a. Intent to introdu$e eiden$e o- ot,er $rimes" wrongs or &ad a$ts

    &. not arising in same transa$tion as $,arged $rime$. to &e introdu$ed in t,e States $ase'in'$,ie-d. gien in adan$e o- trial'

    1 an! ot,er )art o- t,e writing or re$orded statement" or2 an! ot,er writing or re$orded statement"

    t,at in -airness s,ould &e $onsidered &! t,e ur! at t,e same time

    ' 4,e ot,er )art! is entitled to introdu$e t,is immediatel!

    ' Aoes (84 a))l! in $riminal litigation

    ' In $riminal litigation" t,e $lient o- an attorne! is entitled to ,ae =e)t $on-idential &ot,:1 / )riate $ommuni$ation to t,e attorne! #or re)resentatie o- attorne!%" and2

    1 4,e )rose$ution is -or an o--ense $ommitted againsta. an! minor $,ild&. a ,ouse,old mem&er o- eit,er s)ouse"

    $. t,e s)ouse" or2

    ' 4,e )riilege &elongs to t,e SP8*S+9(84 t,e de-endant



    I- eiden$e s,owing an extraneous o--ense is releant to some issue ot,er t,an t,ea$$useds $,ara$ter" it is admissi&le *(L+SS t,e trial udge is $onin$ed t,at t,e)ro&atie alue o- t,e eiden$e is su&stantiall! outweig,ed &! t,e danger o- un-air)reudi$e

    MotieIntent #or =nowledge%Mista=e or a$$ident #to re&ut%Identit! #w,en A ,as )ut t,at in issue%Common s$,eme or )lan

    ;ritings and re$ordedStatements

    I- one )art! introdu$es all or )art o- a writing or re$orded statement" t,e ot,er )art! isentitled to introdu$e:

    Rule o- 8)tionalCom)leteness

    I- one )art! introdu$es )art o- an a$t" $onersation" or statement" t,e ot,er )art! isentitled to )roe t,e rest o- t,e su&e$t



    /n! -a$t $oming to t,e attorne!s attention &e$ause o- t,e attorne!'$lient relations,i)#$riminal trials onl!%

    Priilege o- t,eAe-endants S)ouse

    ?eneral Rule: t,e s)ouse o- a de-endant ,as a )riilege not to &e $alled as a witnessto testi-! against t,e de-endant

    +x$e)tions: t,e de-endants s)ouse ma! &e $alled i- eit,er:

    4,e s)ouse is $alled &! t,e State to testi-! onl! a&out matters t,at o$$urred )rior tot,e s)ouses marriage to t,e de-endant

    ;,et,er t,e s)ousal )riilege is aaila&le turns on w,et,er t,e witness is married tot,e A at t,e time o- trial



    /n! )erson #in$luding a $riminal A% ,as a )riilege to re-use to dis$lose and to)reent ot,ers -rom dis$losing a $on-idential