MBA IITR Placement Brochure

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Transcript of MBA IITR Placement Brochure

  • 8/9/2019 MBA IITR Placement Brochure


    Directors Welcome 2

    HODs Address 3

    The Institute 4

    About DoMS 5

    The MBA Program 6

    The Pedagogy 7

    Faculty List - DoMS, IIT Roorkee 8

    Program Highlights 9

    Activities: Play and Learn 10

    Our Achievements in the year gone by 12

    Executive Placements 14

    Our Recruiters 15

    Summer Internships : 2009 16

    CompetencyWatch - MBA Class of 2010 17

    Batch Statistics - MBA Class of 2010 33

    Batch Prole -MBA Class of 2011 34

    Table of Contents


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    Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, with a legacy of over 160 years, has a tradition of

    excellence. Our Institutes mission isTocreate an environment thatshall foster the growth of

    intellectually capable, innovative and entrepreneurial professionals, who shall contribute to

    thegrowth of Science andTechnology in partnership with industry anddevelopand harness

    it for the welfare of the nation and mankind. In order to achieve this mission we strive to

    create an environment that fosters creativity and supports interdisciplinary research and


    Department of Management Studies, now entering its 12th year of existence, was started

    with the goal of developing competent management professionals committed to pursueexcellence. Increasing recognition and constantsupport fromthe industry bearstestimonyto

    the fact that the department has been successful in achieving this goal. The synergistic

    relationshipthat thisdepartmentenjoys withthe scienceand engineeringdepartments of IIT

    Roorkee helps it in creating managers equipped with unique skill sets and enhanced


    I feel happy to mention that despite the wave of economic recession aecting the moral of

    employers, institutes and studentsaround the country,Department of ManagementStudies

    at IIT, Roorkee got ahead undeterred last year and our students got excellent placements in

    all spheres of corporate and public sector world.

    We invite you to avail of our talent pool and look forward to forging a fruitful long term

    association with your esteemed organization.

    Prof. S.C. Saxena

    Director, IIT Roorkee

    Directors Welcome

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    It gives me immense pleasure in invitingyou forthe Executive Placements 2010 for

    the2008-2010batch at the Departmentof Management Studies, Indian Institute of

    Technology Roorkee.

    As the Global Financial crisis showed its brunt on India, the industry needs a well

    equipped pool of high quality management personnel. A fast changing global

    corporate scenario has further fuelled this need. The Department has a very

    pragmatic approachto cater to theneeds of theever-changingface of the industrial

    world. It exposes the students to diverse quadrants of the society like the

    government, industries, student and social communities. The environment at thisdepartment is highly conducive for preparing management professionals well

    trained tohandle therigors of thejob andsocietyby virtueof their talent, sincerity,

    commitment, skill - attributes that are meticulously nurtured during their stay at

    the Department of Management Studies.

    The two-year intensive MBA program is designed to produce a skill-set that has

    optimal compatibilitywith the competencyset desiredby employers and aresuited

    fortodays businessworld. I am sure that thestudentsselected from this department

    will perform to the satisfaction of the employers.

    Prof. Vinay K Nangia

    GoI Chair Professor in Knowledge Economy and

    Head of Department: Management Studies

    IIT Roorkee

    HODs Address

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    Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, established as Roorkee College in 1847, has the unique distinction of being the

    countrys oldest technologicalinstitution.In recognitionof its distinguishedrecord of impartingqualitytechnical education

    for over 100 years, it was elevated to the position of rst technical University of the country in 1949 as the University of

    Roorkee. In the year 2001 it was declared as anInstitution of National Importanceand re-christened as Indian Institute

    of Technology. Cynosure of engineering institutions in the country, the Institute boasts of distinguished faculty supported

    by state-of-the art infrastructure and teaching pedagogy.

    The Institute oers 11 under graduate courses in engineering and architecture and ve integrated dual degree programs.

    There are61 postgraduate courses in engineering,technology, architecture,scienceand managementalong withresearch

    at doctoral and post doctoral levels. The institute has 18 academic departments, 1 academic center, 4 supporting service

    centers and a largenumber of research centers. Additionally, interactive seminars,workshops and guestlectures areregularly

    conducted. Frequentconferenceson contemporary topics notonly facilitateexchangeof ideasbut alsostimulateresearch.

    Indian Institute ofTechnology Roorkeeis particularlyrenownedfor itsconsultancy services tothe governmentand industry.

    The Institute

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    In the emerging global competitive environment need was felt for providing management

    discipline supportin therst technicaluniversityof India.Recognizing this, theInstituteestablished

    the Department of Management Studies in 1998 to impart high quality formal education in

    management through a comprehensive two year full time residential MBA program.

    The Department of Management Studies in a shor t period has acquired and developed adequate

    infrastructure, expertise and resources for imparting quality management education. The

    Department is housed in a modern aesthetically designed double storied structure and has

    developed excellent infrastructure to provide students with necessary requisites for learning and

    development.An exclusivedoublestoriedlibraryhas someof the modern managementliterature

    by the leading publishers and subscription to worlds leading online databases.

    The Department is completely Wi-Fi enabled in addition to over 60 networked nodes through

    TCP/IP based high speed LAN, supported by 45Mbps leased line and 5.2 VSAT line with internet

    connectivity in a distributed environment. State-of-the-art class rooms have some of the best

    learning aids along with a large central atrium. Besides covering the course curriculum the

    Department keeps the students acquainted with the real world. In doing so the past academic

    year saw a new event - CONFLUENCIA, a four-day long Symposium which served as an ideal

    platform for the big-wigs of the corporate world to converge with ideas and perspectives. The

    Departmentalsohostsa wide varietyof activitieslikeguestlecturesfromeminentcorporateand

    academic personalities alongwith various seminars andworkshops to helpbroadenthe students


    The most essential catalyst in transformation of students is the highly accomplished and erudite

    faculty.The faculty members areinvolvedin teaching,consultancy,as wellas pioneeringresearch

    in key managerial areas. Most of them have multiple books and publications to their credit.

    Students are also encouraged to participate and contribute in these consultancy projects. The

    Department hasalso beenexecutinga projectworthRs. 495lakhsfromDepartmentof Information

    Technology, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Government of India titled

    "National Competitiveness in Knowledge Economy". This is a multi-institutional project with IIT

    Roorkeein the lead.A Professorial Chairhas beeninstituted in theDepartmentunder thisproject.

    About DoMS

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    With theadvancementin communication andtechnology,the barriersbetween nationsare

    disappearing and the competition has become global. Under such circumstances there is

    an escalatingdemandfor managerswho arewell-equipped withlatesttechnical skills and

    sharp commercial acumen. Today, the very essence of business is creating protable

    opportunities through a team of managerial talent adept at applying quantitative

    techniques along with astute knowledge of commerce and industry.

    Thus eective managementin the present scenario demands morethan justthe requisite

    know-how to excel. What is needed further is exposure and experience. In line with this

    thought, DoMS, IIT Roorkee provides its students with an opportunity to explore beyond

    their limits and enrich their thought processes through a rigorous academic course

    combining an exhaustive curriculum and cutting edge teaching methodolgy. A plethora

    of live projects, guest lectures and mentorship programs give the managers-in-making a

    taste of applying theory in practice.

    Thetwo yearMBA programat theDepartmentof ManagementStudies, IndianInstitute of

    Technology Roorkee develops and nurtures the managerial talent in its students so that

    theyenterthe corporateworld equipped withall thenecessary prerequisitesfor a successful

    management career.

    The MBA Program

    Key highlights of the program

    Dual specialization in Finance, Marketing,Operations and Information Technology

    Distinguished faculty from academia and industry Live projects during summer training and nal semester Eminent guest speakers from the corporate world Two-year residential program Extensive student-faculty interaction

    Intake through JMET, common for all IITs.

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    The rst year of the MBA program aims at imparting the knowledge of core management concepts and

    processes. These are then upgraded to a comprehensive study in the area of specialization selected by a

    studentduringthe second year.With conventional teachingbeing pass,the classroomenvironment is made

    academically morechallengingwith interactivecase studies,groupdiscussions, role play, seminars,projects

    and workshops.

    The teaching methodology at the Department of Management Studies is not governed by the rule-book,

    butby the emancipation of thought processes. It nurtures openminds andcreatesa conduciveenvironment

    for free ow of ideas.

    The Pedagogy

    Emphasis is laid on...

    1. Value building to keep pace with the evolving

    organizations and concepts of management.

    2. Attitude building to instill a sense of camaraderie,

    responsibility and integrity.


    latest developments in today's dynamic world, the

    pedagogy forms a good mix of continuous interaction

    between academia and industry. This encourages

    exibility in thecoursestructureand providesenhanced

    learning and thus equipping the students to be better

    prepared to face the challenges of the corporate world.

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    Faculty List - DoMS, IIT Roorkee

    Core Faculty

    Prof. Vinay K. Nangia, Ph.D., MBM,(GoI ChairProfessorin

    KnowledgeEconomy and Head, Departmentof Management


    Prof. J. P. Singh, Ph.D., M.Sc.(Phy.& Maths.), FCA,FCS,

    AICWA, AMIE,LL.B.,Dip. Op.Res.

    Dr.Santosh Rangnekar, Ph.D., MBA

    Dr.Zillur Rahman, Ph.D., MBA

    Dr. Anil K. Sharma, Ph.D., M.Phil.(Gold Medal), M.Com.

    Dr.Rajat Agrawal, Ph.D., MBA,B.Sc. Engg.(Mech.)

    Dr.Vinay Sharma, Ph.D. MBA

    Joint Professors

    Prof. Pradeep Kumar, Department of Mechanical

    and IndustrialEngineering

    Prof.T.R. Gulati, Departmentof Mathematics

    Prof. Renu Rastogi, Departmentof Humanitiesand

    Social Sciences

    Institute Faculty

    Prof. H Sinvhal, Departmentof EarthSciences

    Dr. Nagendra Kumar, Departmentof Humanities

    and SocialSciences

    Dr. Babita Sinha, Department of Humanitiesand

    Social Sciences

    Guest Faculty

    Mr. Gyanendra Pahawanee, IBM

    Mr. LoveneeshChanana, IBM

    Mr. Kamalendu Bali, IBMDaksh

    Mr. Pulkit Trivedi, Intel

    Mr. Pankaj Sinha, Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt.Ltd.

    Mr. M. C. Chaudhary,FormerD irector, TCIL

    Mr. G.J.Kulkarni, CEOHumanitics

    Mr. Sharath Hangal, Principal Consultant, eGestalt

    Mr. VimalKishore, CharteredAccountant

    Prof.J. L. Gaindhar, formerlyprofessor IIT Roorkee

    Prof. O.P. Wali, IIFT, NewDelhi

    Prof. Shantanu Roy, Professor, IMT Ghaziabad

    Prof. Vivek Kumar, FORESchool of Management

    Dr. V.J. Sebastian, IMT, Ghaziabad

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    The main thrust of MBA education in the institute i s to develop and nurture a sense of strategic perspective of management and business related contemporary issues.The department

    encourages students to identify issues that confront todays industry and seek solutions which are most applicable to the business practically and can be utilized once they formally

    commence their career. The focus therefore, is on empowering students to develop a globalized view of economic, technological, cultural and political environment of the business.

    The Department oers four major specializations namely Finance, Operations, IT and Marketing among which two have to be selected.

    Following are the courses oered in DoMS, IIT Roorkee spread over 4 semesters.

    Program Highlights

    Semester IQuantitative Methods in Management

    Operations Research

    Management Processes and Organizational Behavior

    Managerial Economics I

    Managerial Economics II

    Computer Applications In Management

    Business Communications

    Financial Accounting

    Marketing Management I

    Semester IIBusiness Statistics

    Management Accounting

    Financial Management

    Business Environment

    Managing Human Resources

    Management Information Systems

    Marketing Management II

    Operations Management I

    Operations Management II

    Technology Management

    Semester III & IVStrategic Management

    Legal Aspects of Business

    Summer Training

    Computer System II

    Final Semester Project/Seminar

    Open ElectivesManagement of Self and Interpersonal

    Industrial Waste Management

    Entrepreneurship Development

    Seminars in Management

    Management of Large Systems

    Environment Management

    Management of Change

    Managing Innovation and Creativity

    Organisation Development

    Labour Legislation and Industrial RelationsCareer Planning and Performance Audit

    International Business

    Knowledge Management

    Intellectual Property Rights

    Information Technology

    Management of Information Technology

    Database Design and Data Management

    Distributed Computing and Managing


    Software Engineering and Management

    Design of On-Line Systems

    Decision Support and Expert Systems

    Object Oriented ProgrammingE-Commerce


    Advanced Marketing Research

    Product Management

    Advertising Management

    Sales and Distribution Management

    International Marketing

    Industrial Marketing Management

    Service Marketing

    Consumer Behavior AnalysisInternet Marketing


    Manufacturing Strategy

    Computer Integrated Manufacturing

    Operations Planning and Control Systems

    Supply Chain and Logistics Management

    Systems Reliability, Safety and Maintenance


    Project Management

    Productivity ManagementQuality Management


    Quantitative Analysis for Financial Management

    Working Capital Management

    Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

    Indian Financial System

    International Financial Management

    Financial Management Control Systems

    Merchant Banking and Financial Services

    Taxation and Tax Planning

    Specializations Electives

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    DoMS, IIT Roorkee has always been abuzz with activities all through the year that contribute to the development of organizational

    capabilitiesof thestudents.All theseactivitiesare completely managedby studentsof theDepartment.Theexcellentand smooth conduct

    of each activity adds to the credibility of the managerial abilities that are being cultivated in these future managers.

    Activities: Play and Learn

    Conuencia08: A National level Symposium.

    Workshop on Public Private Partnership (PPP).

    Workshop on Information and Communication Technology

    and e-Governance in India.

    Workshop on Demand / Sales & Operation Planning.

    Spornado09: Annual Sports meet between the Management

    Students of IIT-R, IIT-D, IIT-K & IIT -KGP.

    Jigyasa09: A National level paper presentation contest.

    Exuberance09: An Intra-Departmental Sports Meet.

    Cognizance09: The annual technical festival of IIT Roorkee.

    Corpostrat09: A national level B- Plan Competition.

    Regalia09:The annual alumni meet.

    List of EVENTS IN 2008-09

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    Conuencia08: A NationalLevel Symposium hostedby Department of ManagementStudies, IITRoorkee,whichbrought together luminaries from industryand academiato share theirviewson current

    industry trends and practices. Each day of Conuencia was dedicated to a particular management stream and eminent speakers from relevant elds enlightened the students with their insight and

    expertise on the theme chosen for that day.

    Jigyasa09: Jigyasa is a NationalLevelPaperPresentationcontest organized annuallyby Departmentof ManagementStudies at IITRoorkee.The event is primarilyorganizedto exploreand understand

    various perspective and ideas to get a broad insight into dierent aspects of knowledge. The theme of Jigyasa 2009 was New Global Financial Structure- Once the dust settles down, which took intoaccount the after eects of present ongoing nancial crisis in world economy.

    Spornado: Spornado09 was a congregation of management students from the various IITs, an event that became a melting pot of ideas and thoughts originating from the interaction between the

    buddingleadersand managersfrom theinstitutes. It spanned over4 daysand featured10 gameslikefootball, basketball,cricket, table tennis,badminton, lawntennis,squash, chess, pooland snooker.

    Exuberance:This event is intra-departmental sports meet between the rst and second year students.

    Cognizance:Theannual technicalfestival of IndianInstitute ofTechnology,Roorkee, is arguablythe second biggest technicalfestival of India.Department of ManagementStudiesplays an important

    role by adding the management facet to this technical festival. The department organizes a gamut of Business events and games under this festival.

    Corpostrat: A national level B- Plan competition, aims to capture the imagination of the young and vibrant minds of the country and help them to convert the nest of their ideas into a real time

    venture through guided channels.

    Regalia: With a vision to build a strong alumni network and to keep the alumni in constant touch with it, the Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee organizes an alumni meet Regalia

    every year. It is a congregationof people coming fromthe corporate & industry who share the common thread that binds them to thedepartment. They come together to celebrate the achievements

    of DoMS and its students over the years.

    Work-Shops: For expanding the knowledge base of students, a number of workshops were conducted at Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee. Mr. Amarendra Sinha, Secretary, UrbanDevelopment,Planningand ExternallyAssistedPrograms,Uttarakhandconducteda workshopon ICT (Information andCommunicationTechnology)and e-Governance in India. Mr. RakeshKumar, COO

    ofMoser BaerPhotoVoltaic Ltd. andMr.GirishMittal,HeadSupplyChainGuardianLifecare Pvt.Ltd.conducted an informativeworkshopon Demand/ Sales&Operation Planning. Mr. AnilShukla, Resident

    Director, PHD, Lucknow and Mr. Neeraj Agarawal, Head of Operations, Uttarakhand Infrastructure Development Company Limited, also conducted a workshop on Public Private Partnership.

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    Our Achievementsin the year gone by

    1st Position inCarbon Credit Simulation@ Manfest (IIM- Lucknow)

    1st Position inJigyasa@ DOMS (IIT-Roorkee)

    1st Position inFintoon@ Finatics (IIT-Kanpur)

    1st Position in FlabberGasted @ Samanvay (IIT-Madras)

    1st Position inStratman@ Cognizance (IIT-Roorkee)

    1st Position in Corpothics: Paper Presentation@ Cognizance (IIT-Roorkee)

    1st Position in E SUMMIT @ (IIT-Roorkee)

    1st Position inPhotography Quiz @ Srishti (IIT-Roorkee)

    2nd Position in "Silk Route" @ IMT Ghaziabad

    2nd PositionBrand Mavericks@ Parivartan (IIT-Delhi)

    2nd Position in "ArthDhrona" @ DFS-Delhi University

    2nd Position inParikrama@ Xpressions (XIM-Bhubaneswar)

    2nd Position inSpartan@ Cognizance (IIT-Roorkee)

    3rd Positon in SUN Microsystem Open Source Innovation Competition, USA (Global Level)

    3rd Position inINFOCOM Future Leadership Awards@ INFOCOM

    3rd Position in Spar tan@ Cognizance (IIT-Roorkee)

    3rd Position in FlabberGasted@ Samanvay (IIT-Madras)

    3rd Position inJigyasa@ DOMS (IIT-Roorkee)

    Finalists @ many other national level competitions

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    Passed CFA level 1 in 2009 from CFA Institute, USA

    NSE's Certication in Financial Markets (NCFM)

    AMFIs Certications in Financial Markets


    Six Sigma Black Belt Certication from Benchmark Six SigmaYellow Belt in Lean Six Sigma from Deloitte


    Certied Information Security Auditor for Financial Markets

    Oracle Certied PL/SQL Developer Associate (OCA)


    Harvard Business School Certications

    There are other certication exams in the areas of Financial R isk

    Management, Supply Chain Management, Inventory Management

    etc that many students will be appearing for this year.

    As a testimony to the immense perseverance, dedication,

    integrity and competenceof thestudents of thisdepartment, the

    students have pursued various internationally recognized

    certications in Finance, Strategy, Operations and IT. The list of

    the certications that the students have successfully completed

    till date is mentioned below.

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    The Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology has a proven record of placing its students in the best of

    organizations.The Department has a dedicated Placement Cell which works in association with the Institutes Placement Cell to take

    care of all the activities with respect to placements. Decisions related to companies visiting the campus for recruitment are broadly

    based on parameters such as job prole, growth prospects, remuneration, packages, and number of students the company intends to

    select. Overthe years, theDepartmenthas beenrecording100% On-CampusPlacementsfor bothnalsas wellas Summer Internships.

    Executive Placements

    Executive Placements 2009

    Profiles Break - up



    Corporate Strategy


    Consulting & Analytics



    Banking & Finance




    Sales & Marketing


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    A C Nielsen

    A F Ferguson


    Andhra Bank

    Bajaj Auto

    Bajaj Allianz

    Bank of Baroda

    Basic Healthcare



    Bristlecone Consulting

    BSES (Reliance Energy)

    Career Launcher


    Consulting Engineering Services

    CSG Systems India

    DCM Shriram Consolidated


    DS Group

    Empower Research

    Eicher Motors

    ESAB (India)


    First Global

    Feedback Consulting

    Frost & Sullivan


    GE Plastics

    HCL Comnet

    HCL Infosystems


    HDFC Bank

    Hero Honda

    Honda Siel Cars


    IDBI Bank

    Idea Cellular Ltd.

    IBM Global Services


    IKM Investor Services


    India Bulls Financial Services

    Indian Express


    Ingersoll Rand

    Ion Exchange


    Jindal Group

    Kale Consultants

    Megharaj Financials

    Mc Kinsey Knowledge Centre

    Newgen Software


    Oriental Bank of Commerce

    Punj Lloyd


    Reliance Infocomm

    Renoir Consulting

    Satyam Computer Services


    SBI Caps


    Shriram Polytech

    Solutions Integrated

    Synergy Software


    Tech Mahindra


    TNS Global


    Usha International and Zenith Computers

    Our Recruiters

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    The summer internship program at DoMS, IIT Roorkee, provides students with an opportunity to apply what they have learnt in the

    classroom,while getting a hands-on experienceof the corporate world. If there is one phrase that can aptly capture the summers 2009 at

    DoMS, IITRoorkee itschoice of plenty toits students.Without soundingimmodest,IIT Roorkeeproudly claims tohave dodged theslowing

    down summer placementtrendsacrossthe institutesdue to global economic stagnation. Summer2009at DoMS, IITRoorkeereiteratesthe

    overwhelming condenceof the corporate in the students of the institute andthe quality of training imparted to students at the institute.

    Summer Internships



    General Consulting

    IT Consulting


    Profiles Breakup - Summers 2009







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    Name:Abhishek Sharma Educational Background: B.Tech (InformationTechnology)

    College/ University: Institute of Engineering and Technology aliated to UPTU, Lucknow

    Specialization: Finance Marketing

    Summer Project @ Religare Securities Ltd. (RSL)

    Marketing of products of RSL at a branch of IndusInd Bank and analysing the processes of equity and commodity trading, and portfolio

    management at RSL.

    @ i360 Stang and Training Solutions Pvt. Ltd Devise marketing strategy based on market research and competitors analysis.@ Euromonitor International Marketing Research of alcoholic drinks in India (New Delhi specically) and analysing growth trends of leading brands.

    Name: Ali Asgar Malak Educational Background: B.E. (Mechanical)

    College/ University: Institute of Engineering & Technology aliated to Devi Ahiliya Vishwavidhyalaya, Indore

    Work Experience: Infosys Technologies Ltd (14 months)

    Specialization: Finance Marketing

    Summer Project @ Dainik Bhaskar

    Brand Personication of Dainik Bhaskar and analysing brand salience of competitors & strategize the

    communication channel to project the brand in the time of recession.

    Name: Ankur Garg Educational Background: B.Tech. (Electrical)

    College/ University: College of Technology, GBPUAT,Pant Nagar

    Work Experience: Perot Systems (31months)

    Specialization: Operations-Finance

    Summer Project @ CB Richards Ellis

    Business Study in Facilities Management - Understanding the various operations involved in Facilities Management

    of CB Richard Ellis and to suggest the forecasts according to the ndings made.

    Name: Abhishek Kumar Sinha Educational Background: B.E. (Computer Science)

    College/ University: R. V. College of Engineering aliated toVTU, Bangalore

    Specialization: Finance IT

    Summer Project @ National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.

    Evaluating Risk by comparing SPAN and CCIL margining system for futures and options.

    Assist NSCCL team in daily settlement and clearing of derivatives.

    Competency Watch

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    Name: Ankur Jain Educational Background: B.Tech (Computer Science)

    College/ University: Institute of Engineering and Technology aliated to UPTU, Lucknow

    Work Experience: TCS (25 months)

    Specialization: IT Finance

    Summer Project @ IBM India Software Labs - Extreme Blue Internship

    To design and develop a web based home delivery solution for organized retail in India.

    Study of current Public Distribution System in India, analyze and suggest use of IT and Open Standards to make

    it more ecient and eective.

    Name: Anubhav Aggarwal Educational Background: B.Tech (Mechanical)

    College/ University: Dehradun Institute of Technology aliated to UPTU, Lucknow

    Work Experience: Satyam (25 months)

    Specialization: Operations Marketing

    Summer Project @ DCM Shriram Consolidated Ltd.

    ISO implementation for Commercial Department of Sugar Division of DSCL. SAP enhancements in Purchase Process of DSCL, Sugar.

    Name: Anup Shukla Educational Background: B.Tech (Computer Science)

    College/ University: Guru Premsukh Memorial College of Engineering aliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi

    Work Experience: Centre for Railway Information System (13 months)

    Specialization: Finance Marketing

    Summer Project @ Thomson Press Financial Modeling and analysis of the accounting ofThomson Press and its subunits across the country.

    Name: Arshad Ahmad Khan Educational Background: B.Tech.(Mechanical)

    College/ University: ZHCET Aligarh Muslim University

    Work Experience: Accenture (18 months)

    Specialization: Finance MarketingSummer Project @ Deloitte Consulting

    Strategic consulting in development of the Corporate Governance Model and Pricing Strategy for an association in the hospitality industry.

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    Name: Arti Dubele Educational Background: B.E. (Bio-Technology)

    College/ University: Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida

    Work Experience: 11 months - Nandan Biomatrix (7 months), Bluele Solutions (4 months)

    Specialization: Finance Marketing

    Summer Project @ National Thermal Power Corporation

    Long-term Financial planning of NTPC and its appraisal.

    Name: Barapatra Rishikesh Devidas Educational Background: M.Sc. (Biotechnology)

    College/ University: Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Banaras Hindu University

    Work Experience: TIME Education (16 months)

    Specialization: Marketing - Operations

    Summer Project @ Medley Pharmaceuticals

    Feasibility study for the launch of an iron injectable drug in the market.

    To assess the preference of gynecologists for Drotavarine. To nd out whether dentists prefer Lornoxicam and Paracetamol in combination for pain and inammation.

    Name: Bhavya Educational Background: B.E. (Information Science)

    College/ University: Pallikere Engineering College aliated to VTU, Banglore

    Work Experience: TCS (36 months)

    Specialization: IT Marketing

    Summer Project @ Apollo Health and LifestyleMarketing Research for setting up new clinics in Pune, Ahmedabad, Goa and Navi Mumbai.

    Name: Deepika Sihmar Educational Background: B.E. (Electronics and Communication)

    College/ University: Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology aliated to GGSIP University, New Delhi

    Specialization: Operations - Marketing

    Summer Project @ Mimo Finance To operationalize the Supply Chain Management of the product Max Vijay by Max NewYork Life with their

    corporate agent Mimo Finance.

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    Name: Devbrat Bhaduri

    Educational Background: B.Tech (Electronics and Communication)

    College/ University: AVV, Coimbatore

    Specialization: Finance - Marketing

    Summer Project @ Motilal Oswal Securities limited

    Marketing of products of MOSL

    Analysing the processes of equity and commodity trading, and portfolio management at MOSL

    Name: Dharmendra Kumar Educational Background: M.Sc. (Chemistry)

    College/ University: IIT Delhi, New Delhi

    Specialization: Finance - Marketing

    Summer Project @ i360 (Sister concern of UNICON Investments)

    To conduct Market Research which includes studying players in the market, marketing strategies, competitive analysis,

    etc and on the basis of this study, framing the marketing strategy for i360

    Name: Ashish Gangwane Educational Background: B.Tech (Biotechnology)

    College/ University: Dr .D.Y. Patil Institute for Biotechnology & Bioinformatics aliated to Dr. D.Y. Patil University, Navi Mumbai

    Work Experience: Cobra Group (6 months)

    Specialization: Marketing - Operations

    Summer Project @ Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.

    To study the existing business operations, nding loopholes and suggesting ways to improve the same To study the logistics system and suggests ways to improve dealer protability

    Name: Gaurav Kukreja Educational Background: B.Tech (Computer Science)

    College/ University: B.C.E.T aliated to Gurdaspur PunjabTechnical University,Punjab

    Work Experience: SpringTime Software (12 Months)

    Specialization: IT - Marketing

    Summer Project @ IBM, Global Business Services

    To assist in various projects at Strategy & Change and to createKnowledge Assets which were used in consulting approach for:

    Smart City: Infrastructure Development Project

    Smart Partnering: Collaboration Assessment Project

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    Name: Girish Dewan Educational Background: B.E. (Electronics and Communication)

    College/ University: Apeejay College of Engineering aliated to Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak

    Work Experience: Infosys Technologies Ltd. (25 months)

    Specialization: Operations Marketing

    Summer Project @ Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd.

    To improve the production line eciency and productivity by time measurements, motion study, process ow analysis and Kaizen activities.

    To optimize the Daily Production Plan to improve the operational eciency and reduce the setup time.

    Name: Gopal Kumar Educational Background: B.E. (Computer Sceince)

    College/ University: M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology aliated to Bangalore University

    Work Experience: TCS (56 months), Medicom (8 months)

    Specialization: Marketing - Finance

    Summer Project @ IBM India Software Labs - Extreme Blue Internship

    Optimization of wiring and creation of new Widgets in IBM Filenet Product Suite. It involves project planning and businesscase formulation for implementation along with client interaction for Gap Analysis, Market Research and Competitor Analysis.

    Name: Gourav Rathi Educational Background: B.Tech (Electronics and Communication)

    College/ University: YMCA Institute of Engineering aliated to Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak

    Specialization: Finance Marketing

    Summer Project @ IBM India Software Labs - Extreme Blue Internship

    Business case feasibility of Advanced IT Analytics including market research, competitive analysis, cost and pricing models. Project Management of a prototype model for Advanced IT Analytics for a demo to key executives in IBM.

    Name: Himanshu Martolia Educational Background: B.Tech (Computer Science)

    College/ University: IIT Delhi

    Specialization: Finance IT

    Summer Project @ Angel Broking Limited

    Studying Security Market System. Forecasting share price movements with the aid of statistical tools.

    Measurement and analysis of performance of the business using Productivity Analysis, Activity Ratio and Cost Benet Analysis.

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    Name: IshaToor Educational Background: B.Tech (Electrical and Electronics)

    College/ University: Bharti Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, New Delhi

    Specialization: IT Marketing

    Summer Project @ Mahindra FirstchoiceWheels Ltd.

    Strategy of Mahindra FirstChoice for network expansion as

    compared to its competitors

    Name: Jatin Anand Educational Background: B.E. (Instrumentation and Control)

    College/ University: Netaji Subhas Institute Of Technology,New Delhi

    Work Experience: Perot Systems (36 months)

    Specialization: Marketing Finance

    Summer Project @ Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.

    Assessment & identication of feasible enablements for commercial vehicles through community marketing thrustalong with client interaction, market research and competitor analysis

    Name: Kuldeep Khubchandani Educational Background: B.E. (Civil)

    College/ University: Kavikulguru Institute ofTechnology and Science, Nagpur

    Work Experience: Ambika Building Construction (60 months)

    Specialization: Operations Marketing

    Summer Project @ Mimo Finance

    To operationalize the Supply Chain Management of the product Max Vijay by Max NewYork Life

    with their Corporate agent Mimo Finance.

    Name: Manish Kumar Educational Background: B.Tech (Computer Science)

    College/ University: National Institute of Technology, Bhopal

    Work Experience: TCS (12 months)

    Specialization: Finance ITSummer Project @ JRG Securities Ltd.

    Analysis of risk factors of project in terms of socio, economical and technical view point.

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    Name: Manjot Kanwal Educational Background: B.Tech (Computer Science)

    College/ University: Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar

    Specialization: IT Marketing

    Summer Project @ Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.

    Project on Bunkering potential and Infrastructure Facilities at Indian ports and devising an action plan.

    Name: Mithilesh Jha Educational Background: B.E. (Mechanical)

    College/ University: Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi

    Work Experience: KMG Info Limited (24 months)

    Specialization: Marketing Finance

    Summer Project @ Milagrow Business and Knowledge Solutions

    A study of Retail industry and the best practices in Retail Supply Chain

    Name: Neeraj Jain Educational Background: B.E.(Electronics & Communication)

    College/ University: LNCT, Bhopal(M.P.) Own

    Work Experience: Business-(36 months)

    Specialization: Operations Marketing

    Summer Project @ Mahindra and Mahindra Limited - Swaraj Tractors Division

    Development of an inventory optimization model & storage system in Warranty Claim Dpt & advancement of a Shortage model in PPC.@ Company: Silicon India Private Limited

    Project on Fresher combo, Q & A section, and Blog section promotion & marketing.

    Name: Nidhi Kaushik Educational Background: B.Tech (Electronics and Communication)

    College/ University: CET-IILM, UPTU, lucknow.

    Work Experience: Ngenox (18 months)

    Specialization: Finance Marketing

    Summer Project @ PricewaterhouseCoopers Analysing the Indian Higher Education Sector and nding out how technology will change the dimensions of the sector in future.

    Conducting Primary Research to nd out the extent of technology penetration in Higher Education and where is the industry heading.

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    Name: Nishant Shrivastava Educational Background: B.Tech (Computer Science)

    College/ University: Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida

    Specialization: Finance Marketing

    Summer Project @ Reasoning Global eApplications

    Competition mapping and analysis of technical features of a Multichanneling e-commerce Platform, MartJack.

    Designing the marketing collaterals for the company.

    Renovation of the website to make it more consumer-centric.

    Name: Nitin Agarwal Educational Background: B.Tech (Computer Science)

    College/ University: HBTI Kanpur, UPTU, Lucknow

    Specialization: Finance Marketing

    Summer Project @ Mahindra and Mahindra Limited Swaraj Tractors Division

    Analysis of Billing, Collection & Installation procedure of Sales Administration & Support functions Department.

    Analysis of impact of infrastructure of tractor dealers on the sales of tractors.

    Analysis of Below the Line promotional activities, their impact on sales & their budgetary review.

    Name: Nitin Diwaker Educational Background: B.E. (Computer Engineering)

    College/ University: Shri G.S. Institute of Tech. & Sciences (SGSITS), Indore.

    Work Experience: HSBC Software Development India Private Ltd. (35 months)

    Specialization: Finance Marketing

    Summer Project @ Ernst & Young Pvt. Ltd.

    Study of state nances (in India) with respect to:

    - Increase non-tax revenues- Optimum utilization of state funds

    - Generation of incremental revenues for infrastructural development

    Name: Nitin Gulab Bhasarkar Educational Background: B.E. (Electronics)

    College/ University: Shri Ramdeo Baba Kamla Nehru Engineering College, Nagpur

    Work Experience: Regard Solution Pvt. Ltd. (24 months)

    Specialization: Finance MarketingSummer Project @ Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.

    Financial and Budgeting system at ONGC.

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    Name: Prateek Jain Educational Background: B.E. (Computer Science)

    College/ University: JIET, Jodhpur aliated to University of Rajasthan

    Work Experience: PT Education (12 months)

    Specialization: IT Finance

    Summer Project @ IBM India Software Labs - Extreme Blue Internship

    Desktop Repurposing, Virtual Client Solution - Strategy formulation for upgrading to thin desktops

    that consume less power and can easily be integrated with several other features of thin clients.

    Name: Puneet Bhandari Educational Background: B.E. (Electronics and Communication)

    College/ University: Shri Vaishnav Institute ofTechnology and Science aliated to RGPV, Bhopal

    Specialization: Finance Marketing

    Summer Project @ Reasoning Global eApplications

    Designing of marketing collaterals for the company.

    Competition mapping and analysis of the technical features of a Multichanneling e-commerce Platform, MartJack.

    Rennovation of the website to make it more consumer-centric.

    Name: Rahul Batra Educational Background: B.E. (Mechanical)

    College/ University: Kavikulguru Institute of Technology and Science, aliated to Nagpur University

    Work Experience: Hema Engineering Industries (24 months), Jindal Architecture Limited (32 months)

    Specialization: Operations Finance

    Summer Project @ Samtel Color Ltd. (SCL) Identifying and evaluating business models, strengths, key success factors and core competencies of competitors.

    Name: Rahul Sharma Educational Background: B.Tech (Electrical and Electronics)

    College/ University: Engg. Dr. MGR University, Chennai

    Work Experience: Keane India (7 months)

    Specialization: Operations Finance

    Summer Project @Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd. To perform time measurement and motion study, to implement kaizen activities and thus improve

    the line eciency and the productivity of the conveyors.

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    Name: Rajarshi Mukherjee Educational Background: B.E. (Instrumentation Technology)

    College / University: RV College of Engineering aliated to VTU, Bangalore

    Work Experience: Infosys Technologies Limited (24 months)

    Specialization: Marketing Operations

    Summer Project @ Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited

    Analysis of operational issues in the distribution and sales of petroleum products, design of a module on behavioural

    and functional training to deal with the clash of interests of the planning ocers and sales force of HPCL.

    Name: Rajesh KumarThayalan Educational Background: B.E. (Electronics and Communication)

    College / University: Sri Muthukumaran Institute of Technology aliated to ANNA University, Chennai.

    Work Experience: Fidelity Information Services (5 months)

    Specialization: IT Marketing

    Summer Project @ eGestalt Technologies Pvt. Ltd

    Market Research on need of Hotel Industries for the proposed Food Waste Digesters, feasibility analysis and promotional strategies for the same.

    Name: Rajneesh Bhatia Educational Background: B.Tech (Electronics and Communication)

    College / University: YMCA Institute of Engineering aliated to Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak

    Specialization: Marketing - Finance

    Summer Project @ ABN AMRO Bank

    Evaluation of risk issues involved in business lending for working capital.

    Optimization of Client Onboarding for Non Bank Delivery Channel in Embassy segment.@ Company: i360, UNICON Investments

    Formulating marketing strategy for i360 based on competitors analysis, market research, consumer bahaviour analysis, etc.

    Name: Ratnesh Kumar Sagar Educational Background: B.Tech (Electrical and Electronics)

    College / University: IIT Kanpur

    Work Experience: BSNL (65 months)

    Specialization: Finance

    Summer Project @ Reliance Energy A detailed analysis of the emerging trends in conventional, non-conventional and nuclear sources of energy with

    emphasis on determining on how much contribution can be made by green energy and its impacts on technology.

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    Name: Ravinder Singh Kantiwal Educational Background: B.E. (Computer Science)

    College/ University: Poomima College of Engineering aliated to University of Rajasthan

    Work Experience: IBM (18 months)

    Specialization: Operations IT

    Summer Project @ Hindustan Copper limited

    Working capital management and inventory control at HCL.

    Name: RaviRaj Salecha Educational Background: B.Tech (Electronics and Communication)

    College/ University: R.V.R. & J College of Engineering aliated to Acharya Nagarjuna University.

    Specialization: Finance - IT

    Summer Project @ Reserve Bank of India

    Understanding and analysing the policy reforms under FEMA and its impact on Indian Economy with special

    reference to Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand.

    Name: RuchiVerma Educational Background: B.Tech (Electronics and Communication)

    College/ University: Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi

    Work Experience: CSC (23 months)

    Specialization: Marketing Finance

    Summer Project @ Reserve Bank of India Trend analysis of Overseas Direct Investments by Indian companies and study of impact of RBI policy changes on the same.

    Name: Rukshar Ahmad Educational Background: B.Tech (Electronics and Communication)

    College/ University: Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida

    Work Experience: Sapient (26 months)

    Specialization: Finance IT

    Summer Project @ Reliance Capital Ltd. Calculation of risk (Market, Credit, Liquidity, Operational, Insurance) for all the ve businesses of Reliance Capital

    Calculation of Economic Capital Requirement of Reliance Capital (Life Insurance, General Insurance, Money, Consumer, Finance, Asset Management)

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    Name: Amarnath S Educational Background: B.Tech (Electrical & Electronics)

    College/ University: VSCE,Kakatiya University, A.P

    Work Experience: India Infoline (26 months), TIME Education Centre (18 months)

    Specialization: Finance Operations

    Summer Project @ Planning Commission of India

    Project Appraisal of following projects:

    - Hindustan Paper Corporation

    - Electrication of Gondia Ballharshah Railway line

    - Incentivizing the state governments to set up new universities

    Name: Saikat Chakraborty Educational Background: B.Tech (Manufacturing)

    College/ University: National Institute of Foundry and ForgeTechnology, Ranchi

    Work Experience: D.G.P. Hinoday Indutries Ltd. (8 months), Infosys Technologies Ltd. (15 months)

    Specialization: Operations IT

    Summer Project @ Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.

    Benchmarking of expenditure (controllable) for marketing locations under the Operations and Distribution department.

    Name: Saumy Navit Educational Background: B.Tech (Electronics and Communication)

    College/ University: School of Engineering, Cochin University of Science and Technology

    Specialization: Finance Operations

    Summer Project @ Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.

    Project Appraisal of exploratory and development projects using real options and

    stochastic processes such as modeling of future oil prices, Monte Carlo simulation of

    project NPV etc. to reduce the current losses.

    Name: Serah Sajan Educational Background: B.E. (Electronics and Telecommunication)

    College/ University: SIESGST aliated to Mumbai University, Navi Mumbai

    Work Experience: Axiom Education (7 months), Tech Mahindra (3 months)

    Specialization: Finance - Marketing

    Summer Project @ Future Generali India Life Insurance Co Ltd To review all the processes in the nance department of the company, gap analysis and make recommendations for

    streamlining them to increase the eectiveness and eciency of the processes.

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    Name: Shashi Kant Educational Background: B.Tech (Electronics and Communication)

    College/ University: Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, GGSIPU, New Delhi

    Specialization: Marketing Operations

    Summer Project @ Feedback Business Consulting Pvt. Ltd.

    Evaluate the market for Masterbatches in India and understand the current and emerging opportunities in this space

    Develop a Business Idea/Concept and evaluate the market in India by Marketing Research keeping corporate,

    Government and Customer as focus area.

    Name: Shikha Sharma Educational Background: B.Tech (Computer Science)

    College/ University: Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi

    Work Experience: CSC (14 months)

    Specialization: Finance - Marketing

    Summer Project @ Vertebrand Management Consulting Pvt. Ltd

    Consumer and Trade Research for the shawl market in NCR region by conducting centre location tests and focus group discussion.

    Prepare a business plan for a mid range Day spa

    Name: Shivendra Nigam Educational Background: B.E. (Computer Science)

    College/ University: Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Pune

    Work Experience: Symantac Corporation (34 months)

    Specialization: IT Marketing

    Summer Project @ Stowarzyszenie Na Rzecz Spdzielni Socjalnych, POLAND, EUROPE

    Changing amendment stature of social economy in Poland, integration of social cooperatives to form a cluster. Consultancy: Worked with ve polish social cooperatives, developed strategies for each cooperative for business line

    extension and cost reduction and suggested integrated business plan.

    Name: Shobhan Majumdar Educational Background: B.E. (Electronics and Telecommunication)

    College/ University: National Institute of Technology, Bhopal

    Work Experience: Coaching CenterTeaching (24 months), Syntel International (25 months)

    Specialization: Finance Marketing

    Summer Project @ IBM India Software Labs - Extreme Blue Internship Market analysis of Performance TroubleshootingTools, analysis of competing products vis-a-vis Performance

    Expert (Application Performance Analyzer Software),Value Addition to IBM's System Director Tool.

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    Name: Shweta Poddar Educational Background: B.E. (Electronics and Communication)

    College/ University: Mody Institute of Technology and Science aliated to Rajasthan University

    Work Experience: Accenture Services Pvt. Ltd. (11 months)

    Specialization: Finance - Marketing

    Summer Project @ Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd.

    Hedging of Interest Rate risk and Forex exposure of the External Commercial Borrowings (ECB)

    using options and swaps.

    Name: Siddharth Sinha Educational Background: B.Tech (Civil)

    College/ University: National Institute of Technology, Bhopal

    Work Experience: Accenture (26 months)

    Specialization: Operations IT

    Summer Project @ FINO

    To gather business and technical requirements for establishing the companys datawarehouse.

    Evaluating BI tools to come out with the best possible solution to support the established DW.

    Name: Sneh Educational Background: B.E. (Computer Science)

    College/ University: MBM Engineering College aliated to JNVU

    Specialization: Marketing IT

    Summer Project @ Bharti Airtel Ltd.

    To conduct Market Research and analysis ofWi-Fi Hotspot in India.

    To analyse theWi- penetration and market strategy of other players and suggest new venues for Wi-Fi Hotspot

    implementation and give recommendation.@ Talent Corner HR Services Pvt. Ltd.

    To conduct Market Research to determine awareness of Talent Corner.

    Name: Subandhu Samdarshi Educational Background: B.Tech (Electronics and Communication)

    College/ University: Vellore Institute of Technology,Vellore

    Work Experience: IBM (25 months)

    Specialization: Operations - Marketing

    Summer Project @ Samtel Color Ltd. Market Research for estimation of market size and marketing strategies to be adopted for industrial displays and

    to identify potential customers and competitors for SAMTEL's industrial displays.

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    Name: Sunil M Shankarappa Educational Background: B.E. (Mechanical)

    College/ University: B M S College of Engineering aliated to VTU, Bangalore

    Work Experience: Godrej and Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. (12 months), Adithya Systems and Servi ces (21 months)

    Specialization: Marketing Operations

    Summer Project @ Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.

    Customer Purchase Behavior & Market Potential study of Bharat Petroleum Lubrication products for Bazaar Segment in Erode

    district using Six Sigma approach.

    Name: Tulima Ranjan Educational Background: B.E. (Information Science)

    College/ University: Bangalore Institute Of Technology aliated to VTU, Bangalore

    Work Experience: Wipro (21 months) Specialization: Marketing Operations

    Summer Project @ DCM Shriram Consolidated Limited

    Trend analysis and estimation of market size and growth in theWires and Cables Segment focusing on:

    - House Wiring Segment - Power Segment

    - Mining Cables - Cables required in Telecommunication

    Name: Vaibhav Rakheja Educational Background: B.Tech(Civil)

    College/ University: National Institute of Technology, Jaipur

    Work Experience: TCS (25 months)

    Specialization: IT Finance

    Summer Project @ Reserve Bank of India Project on Currency Management

    Name: Varun Kumar Garg Educational Background: B.E. (Civil)

    College/ University: Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi

    Work Experience: HPCL (4 months),TCS (18 months)

    Specialization: Finance-Operations

    Summer Project @ Future Money Study the business & functions of loan sector in Retail Banking industry of an NBFC.

    Deploy automated Business Objects - MIS & understand its impact on business

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    Name: Vikas Pachauri Educational Background: B.E. (Electronics and Communication)

    College/ University: IET Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra

    Work Experience: Infosys Technologies Limited (32 months)Specialization: Finance - Marketing

    Summer Project @ Bharti Teletech Limited (Beetel)

    Study of the Working Capital Management processes in the company in order to provide the suggestions to

    improve the whole process.

    Name: Vikas Saini Educational Background: B.Tech (Mechanical)College/ University: MJPRU

    Specialization: Operations - Finance

    Summer Project @ Mimo Finance

    To operationalize the Supply Chain Management of the product Max Vijay by Max NewYork Life with

    their Corporate agent Mimo Finance.

    Name:Vivek Bhatia Educational Background: B.Tech (Electronics & Communication)

    College/ University: BharatiVidyapeeth's College of Engineering aliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprstha University, New Delhi

    Specialization: Finance - Marketing

    Summer Project @ Vodafone Essar Mobile Services Limited

    Marketing Research for improvement inTrade Relations for Vodafone Essar.

    Evaluating the competition in terms of brand value being delivered and formulating a strategy for weak market areas.

    @ Company:Talent Corner HR Services Pvt. Ltd.

    Branding and PromotingTalent Corner HR Services Pvt Ltd

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    Batch Statistics


















    ITIT Freshers

    1 - 12

    13 - 24

    25 - 36

    37 - 48





    Master of Science


    Electrical Engineering

    Electronics & Communication

    Mechanical Engineering

    Computer Science / IT

    Civil Engineering

    Batch 2010 Specialisation

    Break ups

    Batch 2010 Educational


    Batch 2010 - Work Experience

    ( in months)

    B t h P fil MBA Cl f 2011

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    Batch Profile - MBA Class of 2011

    1 Aartika Sardana B.Tech (IT) Amity School of Engineering and Technology, I.P. University -

    2 Abhijit Singh B.E. (IT) University Institute of Engineering & Technology,

    Panjab University, Chandigarh 5 months (TCS)

    3 Abhimanyu Yadav B.Pharmacy Department of Pharmaceutical sciences, GJUS&T, Hisar, Haryana -

    4 Aan Alavi B.Tech (ElectricaI) ZHCET, AMU, Aligarh 36 months (Siemens)

    5 Akanksha Tikku B.Tech (Biotechnology) Jaypee University, Noida -

    6 AkhilVerma B.Tech (Electronics & Communication) GuruTegh Bahadur Institute ofTechnology,GGS IPU,

    Delhi 26 months (Accenture Services Pvt. Limited)

    7 Amal M. B.Tech (Electronics & Communicat ion) Government Raj iv Gandhi Institute ofTechnology,

    Mahatma Gandhi University. 34 months (Infosys)3 months (Lecturer)

    8 Amandeep Singh B.Tech (Electronics & Communication) GTBIT, Delhi 20 months (Sapient & CDAC)

    9 Amit Sharma B.E. (Electronics & Instrumentation) IET-DAVV, Indore 46 months (Infosys)

    10 Anil Kumar Singh B.Tech (Hons.) (Computer Science) NIT Jamshedpur 18 months (AricentTechnologies)

    18 months (Self Owned Business)

    11 Animesh Agrawal B.E. (Electronics & Communication) SVITS-Indore (R.G.T.U.) 37 months(Cape Gemini Consulting Pvt Ltd)

    12 Ankit Jain B.E.(Telecommunication & IT) Panjab University, Chandigarh 19 months (MindTree Ltd.) 4 months(TIME)

    13 Anuj Jindal B.Tech (IT) MAIT, IP University 26 months (Absolutdata Research and Analytics)

    14 Anupam Siingh B.Tech (Electronics & Communication) JSS Academy of Technical Education - UPTU -

    15 Arpit Agrawal B.E. (Electronics & Electrical) Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh 36 months(Compro Technologies)

    16 Arushi B.Tech (Electronics & Instrumentation) IET, Agra -

    17 Astha Ahir B.Tech (IT) Amity School of Engineering & Technology , IP University -

    18 Atin Srivastava B.E. (Electronics & Electrical Communication) Chandigarh College of Engineering andTechnology,

    Panjab University, Chandigarh. 22 months (Satyam Computer Services Ltd)

    19 Beenu B.Tech (Computer Science) Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, IP University -

    20 Chacko.J.Kuttisseril B. Tech (Mechanical) N.I.T. Warangal 26 months (MindaValeo Security Systems Pvt Ltd)

    12 months (College of Engineering, Chengannur)

    21 Divya Jain B.E. (Civil) MBM Engg. College, JNVU -

    22 Gaurab Biswas B.Tech (IT) Haldia Institute of Technology 36 months (Infosat Corporation and Block

    Developmet Oce)

    23 Gaurav Gupta B.Tech (Computer Science) NIEC, GGSIP University, Delhi -24 Girish Kumar B. Tech (Mechanical) YMCA, Faridabad 24 months (BCH Electric Ltd)

    Sr No. Name Education Background College/University Work Experience

    Sr No. Name Education Background College/University Work Experience

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    25 Hema Singh B.E. (Mechanical) Engineering College, Kota 26 months (Cognizant)

    26 Himanshu Mishra B.Tech (Computer Science) UIET, CSJMU -

    27 J Pooja B.Tech (Computer Science) Kalinga Institute of Industry and Technology, Bhubaneswar -

    28 J. Arjun Padmanabhan B.E. (Hons.) (Chemical)

    M.Sc. (Hons.) (Mathematics) BITS, Pilani -

    29 Jasmeet Singh B.E. (Food Technology) Department of Chemical Engg. & Technology,

    Panjab University, Chandigarh -

    30 Jatinder Singh Malhotra B.Tech (Computer Science) Gurutegh Bahadur Institute ofTechnology, GGSIPU, Delhi 25 months (Sapient)

    31 Kannan Sekar B.Tech (Elec trica l & Elec tronics) Government College of Engineering,Trivandrum 28 months (Infosys)

    12 months (IMS & KAPLAN)

    32 Karthik R B.E. (Mechanical) Vel Tech, Anna University 35 months (SatyamVenture, Ford)

    33 Kumar Shakti Sethi B.E. (Production Engg.) BITS Ranchi 37 months (TCS)

    34 Lalit Kumar Bari B. Tech (Mechanical) IIT Kharagpur 96 months (Tata Motors Ltd)

    35 Lekshmi P B.Tech (Electrical & Electronics) Govt Engineering College, Thrissur, Kerala 23 months (Accenture)

    36 Mamta Singh B.Tech (Electronics & Communication) SDMCET, Dharwad, karnataka -

    37 Mayank Bajaj B.E. (Computer Science) GEC Jabalpur, RGTU, Bhopal -

    38 Mayank Jain B. Tech (Mechanical & Automation) MAIT, (GGSIP University), Delhi 24 months (Sapient Co. Pvt. Ltd.)

    39 Mayur Gurjar B.Tech (Instrumentation & Control) SriVaishnav Institute ofTechnology and Science 6 months (Infosys)

    40 Milind Ramteke B.E. (Computer Science) Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Pune University 12 months (Cybage Software Ltd)

    41 Mohit Jain B.Tech (Electronics & Communication) HCE, Sonipat -

    42 Neelesh Pal B.E. (IT) VCET, Mumbai university 27 months (Citigroup Global Services -Technology)

    12 months (Citiustech IT Solutions Ltd)

    43 Niranjan Rajpurohit B.E. (Electronics & Communication) M.B.M. Engineering College, Jodhpur -

    44 Nishant Gulati B.E. (IT) Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology,

    Management and Gramothan, University of Rajasthan -

    45 Nit in KumarT iwari B.Tech (Computer Science) Bundelkhand Institute of Engineer ing &Technology), Jhansi 32 months (TCS)

    46 Parag Kasrekar B.E. (Production) VJTI, Mumbai 36 months (General Electric)

    47 Pooja Mahamna B.E.(IT) Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi -

    48 Prabhav Azad B. Tech (Mechanical) YMCA College of Engineering, Faridabad, MDU Rohtak 12 months (NewTech Engineering)

    49 Prashant Endley B.Tech (Electronics & Communication) NIT, Hamirpur -

    50 Prashant Kumar B.Tech (Computer Science) Bundelkhand Ins ti tute of Engineering & Technology 34 months (HCL)

    51 Prashant M B.E. (Computer Science) Anna University, Chennai -

    52 Prateek Singh B.E. (IT) University Institute of Engineering and Technology,

    Panjab University -

    g g y p

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    Sr No. Name Education Background College/University Work Experience

    53 Pritam Sonawane B.E. (Textiles) DKTE, Kolhapur 18 months (Donear Suitings)

    4 months (Textrade International)

    12 months (DamodarThreads)

    54 Purushottam Mahawar B.E. (Electrical) MBM College of Engineering, Jodhpur -

    55 Rahul Mondkar B.E. (Electronics) RAIT, Mumbai University 10 months (Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd.)

    56 Rama Pruthi B.Tech (IT) YMCA Faridabad -

    57 Ramit Bansal B.E. (Computer Science) Manipal Institute of Technology,Karnataka 12 months (IBM)

    58 Rishi Kesh Kaushik B.Tech (Hons.) (Mechanical) JMIT, Radaur, Kurukshetra University 15 months (LPS Ltd.)

    15 months(Caparo Engg. India Pvt. Ltd.)

    59 Sanjeet Kumar Suman B. Tech (Mechanical) SASTRA Deemed University, TN 33 months (Infosys)

    60 Saurabh Singh B. Tech (Mechanical) JSS Academy of Technical Education, UPTU -

    61 Shubham Jain B.Tech (Electronics & Communication) Maharaja Agrasen Institute ofTechnology, GGSIPU, Delhi -

    62 Siddharth Srivastav B.Tech (Computer Science) JSS, Noida 22 months (Infosys)

    63 Siddhesh Joshi B.E. (Electronics & Communication) K.J. Somaiya, Mumbai 31 months (Infosys)

    5 months (Cognizant)

    64 Sushant Sharma B.E. (Electronics & Telecommunication) Maharastra Academy of Engineering 20 months (Cognizent)

    65 Tanuj Kumar Shukla B.Tech (Mechanical) Skyline Institute of Engineering & Technology, UPTU 22 months (MothersonTechnoTools Limited)

    66 Tanvi Srivastava B.Tech (Electrical) Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College,Ghaziabad,UPTU 33 months (WiproTechnologies)

    67 Tarun Sethi B.Tech (Electronics & Communication) NSIT,DELHI 36 months (Alcatel-Lucent)

    68 Udit Jain B.Tech(Computer Science) Jaypee University, Noida 21 months (Infosys)

    69 Vamsi Somesh Marepall i B.E. (Electronics & Communicat ion) GITAM, Andhra University,Visakhapatnam 13 months (Accenture Services Pvt Limited)

    70 Varun Chandra B.Tech (Electronics & Communication) IEC-CET, UPTU -

    71 Varun Goel B.Tech (Electronics & Communication) IEC-CET,UPTU -

    72 Vineet Malpani B.Tech (Electronics & Communication) Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology 24 months (HCLTechnologies)

  • 8/9/2019 MBA IITR Placement Brochure



    Batch 2011Work Experience

    0 - 12

    13 - 24

    25 - 36


    Information Technology

    Electronics & Communication Engineering


    Mechanical Engineering



    48 %








    Batch 2011Educational Background

    Batch Statistics

    (in months)

  • 8/9/2019 MBA IITR Placement Brochure


    Motivating the present,

    Leading the future..