MBA Event on 12 October



Slides from my talk on Social Media in Business

Transcript of MBA Event on 12 October

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Social Media in BusinessDr Nadia Amin

Principal Lecturer in Information Management

Westminster Business School

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @nadia_mk

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Evolution of web technologies

Source: Adapted from Spivack (2007)

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The Emergence and Rise of Mass Social Media

Source: D.Hinchcliffe, Web 2.0 Blog, cited in Turban et al, 2010]

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Social Media

“ the online platform and tools that people use to share opinions, experiences, insights, perceptions and various media, including photos, videos, and music with each other””

“Social network: a special structure composed of individual (or organizations) that is based on how its members are connected through various social familiarities”

*[Turban, King and Lang, 2009, Introduction to Electronic Commerce, 2nd ed]

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Top 5 Social Media Myths

1. Employees will waste time

2. Social media is for kids

3. We will lose control to the ’nutters’

4. Social media is a security risk

5. There is no clear ROI

[source: Matthew Hodgson, September 20, 2009, ]

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Social Media Revolution

[][Erik Qualman: Socialnomics]

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– More than 500 million active users– 50% of active users log on to Facebook in any given

day– Average user has 130 friends– People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on

Facebook– About 70% of Facebook users are outside the US– There are more than 150 million active users currently

accessing Facebook through their mobile devices. – People that use Facebook on their mobile devices are

twice as active on Facebook than non-mobile users.

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Ford Explorer Facebook Reveal


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Amazon starts selling stuff through Facebook

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Gap Asks Facebook Fans for New Logo Designs

– Gap announced new “contemporary” logo– New logo outrages customers– Negative feedback on Facebook – Parody accounts on Twitter– Is Crowdsourcing an alternative?

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– a micro-blogging social network to share content via short messages

– Used by businesses, celebrities and media – A post (tweet) is a 140-character message– You can ‘follow’ people, and they can ‘follow’ you too – You can protect tweets (privacy option) – You can create lists and follow others’ lists– A survey in January 2010 found there to be 75

million Twitter users. Many of these accounts were inactive; 40% had never sent a single tweet. There are around 10 to 15 million "active" Twitter accounts.

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Reputation Management:BP and Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico

– Was BP oil spill the world’s worst PR disaster? – Fake BP Public Relations Twitter Account a Viral

Hit– BP Oil Spill Response Parodies Flood YouTube

– BP has purchased Google and Yahoo search terms in order to influence consumers’ views on the oil spill

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BlendTech Marketing on YouTube!

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YouTube:“United Breaks Guitars”

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Other ...

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Obama’s Presidential Campaign

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Government and Social Media

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Email is important!

– Email is needed and complements social media – What happens when you sign up to network?

– What happens when you buy a product online?

– What happens when you receive a DM on Twitter?

– 92% of adult Internet users send or read email more than regularly visit any social network

– email marketing outperforms virtually all other media in terms of ROI

Liz Azyan,]

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Remember Google Wave?

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Creating links between social media and e-mail marketing provides more ways for people to share



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Mobile phones / Tablets

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Location-based services:Foursquare teams with Starbucks

Barista badge

Mobile coupons

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Social Media ROI[Erik Qualman, Socialnomics]

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Investment in social media still modest*

*Social media and Online PR Report 2010 by Econsultancy, September 2010

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10 ways to measure social media success

1. Traffic

2. Interaction

3. Sales

4. Leads

5. Search marketing

6. Brand metrics

7. PR

8. Customer engagement

9. Retention

10. Profits []

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The marriage of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Social Media Optimization (SMO)

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Tools to Monitor you Social Media Accounts

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– Electronic Commerce 2010:Global Edition, 6/E, Efraim Turban, Jae

K. Lee, David King, Ting Peng Liang.

– Mashable Social Media Guide


