3Sfi COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS—AUGUST 30, 1007. Council Chamber, Ann Arbor, MICUM A u g u s t 30, 10U7. Special Session. ^Meeting called to order by clerli. Aid. FisL-her called lo the chair. Present—Aid. Snauble, Stark, Maul- letsch, Markoy. Sherk Manwaring, Go;Gdyear, Fischer, Abbott.—9. Absent—Aid. Schneider, Hochrein, Sweet, St James, Blaich and Pres. \V<iU.—0. The Call. Ann Arbor, Mich., Aug. 27, 1!;07. lioss Granger', City Clerk. Dear Sir:—You will please call a special meeting of the Council, to meet in the council chamber Friday night, August 80th,., 1907, 7:30 o'clock. To pay salaries and g^r-neral blils, also to transact such other business as may eome before the meeting. J. C. HENDERSON. Mayor. Receive and ordered on tile. Communelation from Chamber of Commerce of Shawnee, Oklahoma, stating that 25 or 30 gentlemen, re- pi-osenling all departments of com- mercial and municipal atlairs, will visit the city of Ann Arbor September 20th and that they will appreciate be- ing brojght in contact with business men and municipal officers. Aid. JNirnwaring moved that com- mittee, consisting of Mayor and city otiicials, take matter in hand and do Avhat ;s possible in direction requer>t- ed. Adopt.'d. Ann Arbor. Mich.. Aug. 30. 1007. To the Honorable the Common Coun- (11 of the City of Ann Arbor. Gentlemen:—Your petitioner, Frank P. (Manlier, respe-jtfnlly I'epresents to your honorable body, that he is the owner of the new l)uilding be'ng ereo ed on the corner of Huron and ilain streets in the ctity of Ann Ai*bor. and that in ordcn* to get to the press room in the basement of the building it will l>e necessary to have a stairway lead- ing from the outsid.' down to tlie press room and will be enclosed by (U'namental railing. Therefore, your petition^^'r respect- fully asks that your honorable body permit him to go from the Pluron rtreet side of said building to the press room by means of a stairway. not to exceed three foet, to be erect- ed when permission is granted to your petitioner by this honorable body. Respectfully submitted, FRANK P. GLAZIER. Moved by Aid. Markey that peti- tion be gi'anted. Adopted as follows: Yeas—Aid. Snauble. Stark, Maul- betsch, Markey. Slierk, Manwaring. Goodyear. Fischer, Abbott.—9. Nays—None. PETITIONS. Of Rev. E. I). Kelly et al. relative to Spring street grade, received and referred to street committee. Of Emmit McMahon et al. relative to ordinance governing the delivery of baggage. Received and referred to committee of three consisting of Aid. S;ark, Markey and Manwaring. En^er Pres. Walz. FINANCE REPORT. Ann Arbor, Mreh., Aug. 30. 1907- To the Honorable the Common Coun- cil: Gentlemen:—Y'our committee on fin- ance have had the following 'billis un- dei" consideration and Tecommend their allowance and warrants drawn for the following amounts. WM. GOODYEAR. HORATIO J. AP>BOTT, y. L. SNAUBLE. Finance Committee. ONTINGENT FUND. Ross Granger, salary and clerk hire . ' j> 100 m D. A. Flani'mondj. salary and clerk hire 70S 33 S. W. Reak'es. salary 12r) 00 E. W. Groves, salai-y 125 00 .Tohn Wiisner. salary luu 00 Jolm W. DAA-yer, sailary .... 50 00 James F. Breakey, salary . . 50 00 James Barry, salary 40 00 Napolian Broiigh. salary .... 40 00 M. E. Easterly, salary 20 0!» MaiTin Davenport, salary. .. fi 2.'> Zenns Sweet, milk inspetcor. . 15 00

Transcript of rROCEEDINGS—AUGUST...

Page 1: rROCEEDINGS—AUGUST 30. 1907. 60 80 00 (»0 40 80 Will Bary. lattor 14 00 Chas. Fox, labor 2 80 Adolp'h

3Sfi COUNCIL P R O C E E D I N G S — A U G U S T 30, 1007.

Council Chamber, Ann Arbor, MICUM A u g u s t 30, 10U7.

Special Session.

^Meeting called to order by clerli. Aid. FisL-her called lo the chair.

Present—Aid. Snauble, Stark, Maul-letsch, Markoy. Sherk Manwaring, Go;Gdyear, Fischer, Abbott.—9.

Absent—Aid. Schneider, Hochrein, Sweet, S t James, Blaich and Pres. \V<iU.—0.

The Call. Ann Arbor, Mich., Aug. 27, 1!;07.

lioss Granger', City Clerk.

Dear Sir:—You will please call a special meeting of the Council, to meet in the council chamber Friday night, August 80th,., 1907, 7:30 o'clock. To pay salaries and g^r-neral blils, also to t ransact such other business as may eome before the meeting.


R e c e i v e and ordered on tile. Communelation from Chamber of

Commerce of Shawnee, Oklahoma, stating t ha t 25 or 30 gentlemen, re-pi-osenling all depar tments of com­mercial and municipal atlairs, will visit the city of Ann Arbor September 20th and that they will appreciate be­ing bro jght in contact with business men and municipal officers.

Aid. JNirnwaring moved that com­mittee, consisting of Mayor and city otiicials, take mat ter in hand and do Avhat ;s possible in direction requer>t-ed. Adopt.'d.

Ann Arbor. Mich.. Aug. 30. 1007. To the Honorable the Common Coun-

(11 of the City of Ann Arbor. Gentlemen:—Your petitioner, F rank

P. (Manlier, respe-jtfnlly I'epresents to your honorable body, tha t he is the owner of the new l)uilding be'ng e r e o ed on the corner of Huron and i l a in streets in the ctity of Ann Ai*bor. and that in ordcn* to get to the press room in the basement of the building it will l>e necessary to have a stairway lead­ing from the outsid.' down to tlie press room and will be enclosed by (U'namental railing.

Therefore, your petition^^'r respect­

fully asks tha t your honorable body permit him to go from the Pluron r t reet side of said building to the press room by means of a s tairway. not to exceed three foet, to be erect­ed when permission is granted to your petitioner by this honorable body.

Respectfully submitted, F R A N K P. GLAZIER.

Moved by Aid. Markey tha t peti­tion be gi'anted.

Adopted as follows: Yeas—Aid. Snauble. Stark, Maul-

betsch, Markey. Slierk, Manwaring. Goodyear. Fischer, Abbott.—9.


Of Rev. E. I). Kelly et al. relative to Spring street grade, received and referred to street committee.

Of Emmit McMahon et al. relative to ordinance governing the delivery of baggage. Received and referred to committee of three consisting of Aid. S;ark, Markey and Manwaring.

En^er Pres . Walz. FINANCE R E P O R T .

Ann Arbor, Mreh., Aug. 30. 1907-To the Honorable the Common Coun­

cil: Gentlemen:—Y'our committee on fin­

ance have had the following 'billis un-dei" consideration and Tecommend their allowance and w a r r a n t s d rawn for the following amounts .


Finance Committee. ONTINGENT FUND.

Ross Granger, salary and clerk hire .'j> 100 m

D. A. Flani'mondj. salary and clerk hire 70S 33

S. W. Reak'es. salary 12r) 00 E. W. Groves, salai-y 125 00 .Tohn Wiisner. salary luu 00 Jolm W. DAA-yer, sailary . . . . 50 00 James F . Breakey, salary . . 50 00 James Barry, salary 40 00 Napolian Broiigh. salary . . . . 40 00 M. E. Easterly, salary 20 0!» MaiTin Davenport, sa lary . . . fi 2.'> Zenns Sweet, milk inspetcor. . 15 00

Page 2: rROCEEDINGS—AUGUST 30. 1907. 60 80 00 (»0 40 80 Will Bary. lattor 14 00 Chas. Fox, labor 2 80 Adolp'h

3S7 COU^'CIL rKOCEKl>IN(4S—Ar<{L\ST 80. 190T.

"Mrs. C. A. Green, rent . . . . David Taylor, making maps . Harvey Cornwell, inspector'. . Kenny tfe Co., Sewer connec­

tions (jeo. H. Fischer, committee

expenses I'olliemus Transfer Line, liv­

eries ^Muelilij: & Schniicl. snpplio,s

(Fruit and Orchard) P.nrroughs Adding Machine

C'o., supplies Michjg-ui State Telephone Co.,

services Wnshtenaw Home Telephone

Co., Phones Ross Gi'^anger, express paid. . Tjouis Miley. draying EtT. Easterly, labor election. .

Election Pay Roll. E. I). Hiscoek. inspector . .

Eugene CePterlin. inspector. . F rank Pardon, inspector . . . . Herman Krapf, inspector . . Geo. W. W;'ek,s. Sr. inspec-tor A. V. i l a r t iu , inspector . . . . I^. F . Scluimacher, inspector \y. E. vSnanble.inspector. . . . W. H. Stark, inspector E. E. Bc'^.neider. inspector . . Henry Hochrein, inspector. . (•. J. Sweet.. inspc'Ctor . . . . J. Fred Maulbet^-'cli. inspector J. \y. Mrrkey, inspector . . . . I*. St. James , inspector . . . . T. T-. Sherk, inspector E. r>. IManwai^ing. inspector. . George Rlaicli, inspector . . . . Wm. Goodyear, Inspector . . G. H. Fischer, Inspector. . . . H. J. Abliott. inspector . . . . T. P. Stowe. clerk W. C. Hollands, clerk John Gehringer. clerk W. R. Schneider, clerk . . . . "M. M. Stefty. clerk C. J. Reule.. clerk John Raun)gardner, clerk . . Geo. H. Pond, clerk Earl Ware, clerk Eli ;Moore. clerk Edwai-<1 Dulfy. clerk Clianning Smith, clerk •\Vm. Dansingburg. clerk . . . . Ernest Eberbach, clerk

07 U 54






50 00 00








1 G

00 30 U) 00

4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 4 4 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 30

00 00 00 00

o:) 00 a) 00 00 00 00

10 00 10 10 10 10 10 4

00 00 00 00 00 00

4 00 4 00 4 00 4 (X > 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00

C. O. Feiner, gate keeper . . Fred Hului, gate keeper . . . . Fred Gakle, gate keeper Mat thew Dalton, gate keeper Thonuis Burke, gate keeper . . Joseph Donnelly, gate keeper .facob Frank, gat.^ keeper. . . Jacob Kahnbaich. gate keeper Ernes t Gutekunst, gate keeper Wm. Ferrier, gate keepor . . B. St. James , Sr., gate keeper Se'iastian i-^eytried, gate kpr ^irs. Oretha Brown, meals . . E. L. Schneider, meals J. E. iBeal, rent ot store . . . . J. G. Fred S'chmid, rent of

store Clay, (xreen, rent of store. . . . Henne & Stanger, rent tables,

etc L, C. Gillette, posting notices Ann Arbor News-Argus, print­

ing Ann Arbor Times Co., print­

ing r.:-i!airer tV; Kerr, pr int ing. . S:d W. Millard, print ing . . . . Olias. F . Meyers, pr int ing . . K. E. Gauss, binding, etc. .

Schmidt, repairs, etc. . Willey. milli anaiysis Light & Power Co., clock and

2 00 2 00 2 00 2 (10 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00

. .3 50 10 00

10 00 10 00

4 20

3 00

54 90

45 57


A. G. G. F . Wash.

City booths

Robinson & Co.,. liveries. . . . F rank Perkins, collecting gar­

bage C. A. Saner & Co., s takes . . . Herrick & Bohnet. siiiiplies., .John Baumgarduer , meals,

election Ston:* Catei ing Co.. meals,

election Wni. Fen ior , care Oth ward

voting place Cook House, meals, election Thoo. Procknow. meals, elec­


1 15 2 4 1

00 75 50 50 45

14 50

8 75 5 50

2(X) 00 10 00 3 20

3 50

3 50

3 00 3 50

5 00

$1-800 28 F I R E FUND.

Chas. Andrews, salary $ 37 50 Chas. Edwards , salary 33 00 Eugene Williams, salary 33 00 Herman Kirn, salary 30 00 Fred Nordman, salary 30 00

Page 3: rROCEEDINGS—AUGUST 30. 1907. 60 80 00 (»0 40 80 Will Bary. lattor 14 00 Chas. Fox, labor 2 80 Adolp'h


Ualpli EdwEiirds, salary 30 00 Wm. Rettich, Salary 30 00 Dean Seabolt. salary SO 00 Fred Stein 32 50 Geo. Hot-lzle, salary 27 50 Fred Jolly, sa lary . ..'. 27 50 Uex Huruett, salar,y 27 50 Carl J^ubn, salary 27.50 Jack Fiyun, salaiy 27 50 Jacob Gwinuer, ssalary 27 TO Wni. Rerauek, salary 27 50 Henry McLai-on, salary 30 00 Arthur Clark 25 0(;

Obas. Carroll, salary 20 00 F rank Kapp, salary 20 00 N'arsity S.eani Laundry, laun­

dry ' 4 02 Anu Arbor Gas Co., lig-hts,

L'tc 8 14 Wasl!. Light *fc l*ower Co.,

liu"hts. e c 3 08 !\fai'tiu IlijKer. supplies . . . . 15 85 Chixa. A. Saner & Co.. supplies 10 00 .fohii I le 'n ;nninn, supplies . . 12 00 ( \ H. Overber-k. .appl ies 1 20 M. M. Seabolt, supplies 3 01 Kenny ^. Co.. supplies, e t c . . -4 31 I>. J. Malloy. supplies and re-

pau-s 12 40 H. Otto & Son. hor?es-hoeing 2 00 A. ('. Hetsler, liorso>hoeam\ . 1 20

if OOO 0 1 r O U C E FUND.

Theo. C. Apfel, salary $ Geo. \y . Weeks, Jr., s a l a r y . . David Collins, salary John O'Mara. salary Wm. Walsh, salary Zeaus Sweet, salary Tom O Rrien. salary "Mat Tuax. salary Wm. E. Rlackburn. s a l a r y . . . E. T. Alber. special Wm. J lc lu tyre . special . . . . Adelbert Keeler. spv^cial . . . . . Har r j ' Miller, special Wm. Loiu'in. special Harr i s Ball, special Nate Horning-, special Wm. Eldrrt , special James Barry, special Robert Leonard, special . . . . <iotMob ^Maulbetsch. special. Robinson t!c Co.. livery . ..». Rolbemus Transfer TJue.

41 TiO 30 do

4 0\) 30 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 5 00 8 00 8 00 8 00

20 00 12 00 10 00 22 <.R)

2 00 2 00 2 00 1 no

C ^ hacks

i l icb . Sft:it:e Telepllione services

S^'hairer tV: Kerr, supplies, D. J. i lalloy, supplies . . . Jno. C. Fischer, supplies .

DOG FUND. Harr is Ball, services . . . . J. W. Green, burying dog. .

21 50

70 . 25

1 40 20 80

$409 31

8 00 1 50

W. E. Rlackburn, burying dog 50

$10 00 r O O R FUND.

Haas (S: Heiben. supplies . .$ 2 18 C. H. Overbeck. supplies . . 3 05 Fischer & FinuL^ll. supplies. . 6 GO :M. M . Seabolt, supplies 0 99 GjTuer & Co., supplies - 50 lEinsey Sz Kjev. supplies. .".. . 12 40 I). C. Frocknow, supplies . . 1: 57 S'hadt'ord & Zeigler, supplies 3 70 driller & Fray, supplies 0 00 J. Eschelbach, supplies 7 75 R. St. James , supplies . . . . 5 20 (^ispar I'.insey, supplies. . . . 2 41 A-t . D. .L A: C . Ky. t i cke t . . 1 40 Herrick & Rohnet. supplies. . 8 89 >r. J. :\lartin. salary 10 00

, , $78 70 PARK FUND.

J. W. O'fRriPu. labor $ 14 25 W. J. Kandel. labor Da^'id WallingmaiL^r. t eam. N. Woodmansee. team A. J. Mummery, taxes .... A. R. Walker, liveries Roi>'n^-on Sz Co.. liveries . . . A. G. Schmidt, repairs

21 (iO 11 11 7 11

10 45 10 50

8 00 3 50


L. I). Grose, salary $ 29 10 STREET L I G H T I N G FUND.

^^'asll. Li.urht *S.' Power (,'o., liii-hts $ 874 13

Welsbach St. Lightini? Co. .li.a-hts 170 03

.Ann Arb.or Gas Co. moving lia-hts ~. 1 75

$1,045 91 STREET FUND.

King Rruce. labor $ 7 20

Page 4: rROCEEDINGS—AUGUST 30. 1907. 60 80 00 (»0 40 80 Will Bary. lattor 14 00 Chas. Fox, labor 2 80 Adolp'h

COUNCIL r R O C E E D I N G S — A U G U S T 30. 1907.

60 80 00 (»0 40 80

Will Bary. lattor 14 00 Chas. Fox, labor 2 80 Adolp'h FinkbiudeiS Uibor . . 5 40 Michael Herey, laibor 15 40 Michael Hessiou. labor 21 80 John Leyppold, labor 5 40 Martin Liginian, labor 5 40 J ames Mason, labor 3 50 P a t McDonald, labor 3 August Schmidt, labor 1 Rinhard t Schmidt, labor . . . . 4 .Tacob Shaw, labor 1 L. W. Walker, labor 5 John Weinman, labor 1 Geo. Collins, team 34 (;7 Geo. Lanphear, team 40 00 John McHugh. team 20 0<J John Miller, team 13 78 Chas. ?^eithammer, team 34 07 John Zeeb, team 12 00 Sara Wisner, clerical labor. . 10 00 1). J. Malloy, repairs, e t c . . . . 5 70 A. C. Hetsler, repairs , etc . . 2 20

S I D E W A L K FUND. King Bruce, labor Will Bury, laboi" Chas. Fox, labor Micha?! Herey. laibor J ames Mason, labor Rinhardt Schmidt, labor U. W. Walker, labor John Weinman, laboi* S. A. Elslfer. team John McHvigh, team John Miller, team John Zeeb, team S. A. Klsifer. dir t C. Thompson, building waik . ..>

. 272

1 0 1 1 2 3 1 1 4 4


80 22 80 80 25 60 80 80 00 00

8 00 4 5

.> 10

00 40 00


King Bruce, labor Chas. Fox. labor Adolpli Finkl)maer, lal>or . . Will GiMfs, labor John Holka. labor John L-^y])pol(l, labor Martin Ligmian. labor Julius Loehi'ke. labor James Mason, labor Pa t McI>onald, labor Edv/nr 1 Ross, labor August Schmidt, labor

, r^d 47 CROSS-

.* 0 00 12 60 14 40 19 80 10 80 14 40 14 40 (X) 7") 10 00 14 40

0(> ^^ 40

Rinhardt Schmidt, labor . . . . Chauneey Thompson, labor . . Fred Ullrich, labor John Weinman, labor Geo. Lanphear, team John McHugh, team Louis Miley, draying (Clinton Snyder, gravel Chas. A. Saner & Co., lumber Luick Bros, lumber, etc . . . . W. L. McCuUough Co.; man­

hole Sr-liumaciier H a r d w a r e Co.,

supplies Trussed Concrete Steel Co..


2 2 60 00

24 7*-16 20 4 00 13

7 24 33

78 25 20 73 31

8 25

12 75

184 14


10 00 78 92 20

1,045 272 56 538

76 52 16 91 12 47 57

Contln.L'ont $1,800 28 Fire 660 01 Police 409 31 I>og Poor Pa rk Cemetery Street lighting S:r;^et 272 12 Sidewalk Bridge. Culvert tV: Crossw'Ik.

$4,994 01 Approved and respectfully submit-

tiHl to the F inance Committee. ROSS GRANGER,

City Clerk. Adopted as follows: Veas—Aid. Snauble. Stark, Maul-

betsch. Markey. Sherk. JIanwaring. («oodyear. Fischer, A'bbott, Pres. Walz.—10.


From Board of Public Works, Aug. 21. 1907.

Moved by Mr. Schlenker, tiiat inas­much as Mr. I^ambert Dresselhouso is the lowest bidder for the construc­tion of the Wall street and broadway sewer, the :'Board rfeeonnnend to the council tha t he be given the contract and that the city of Ann Arbor is not to pay any par t of its portion until August. 1908. Supported by Mr. Hub­bard and adopted as follows:

Yeas—:MeK-srs, Hubbard , Mummery.

Page 5: rROCEEDINGS—AUGUST 30. 1907. 60 80 00 (»0 40 80 Will Bary. lattor 14 00 Chas. Fox, labor 2 80 Adolp'h

300 COUNCIL r R O C E E D I N G S — A U G U S T ^.0, 1907.

Cut stone S?hlenker and Cornwell.—4. Nays—None. The following action was taken by

the couiic-il. By Aid. Manwar ing : Resolved, Tha t the report of the

Board of I'ublic Works relative to the Wall street and Broadway sewer be and the same is concurred in, and that the 'contract be made according­ly.

Adopted as follows: Ye;is—Aid. Snauble, Stark, Maul-

hetsfli, Markey, Sherk. Ma.iwjir^iUg Goodyear, Fischer. Abbott, Pres. Walz.—10.

Nays—None. Exit, Aid. Manwaring.

O F F I C E K S R E P O R T .

Ann Arboi\ Aug. 80, 1907. Hon. Common Council.

Gentlemen;—In accordance wtih your resolution of Aug. 5tli. I here­with submit es t imate of cost of pav­ing alley in block 2, south range -I east.

Bri:*k on Concrete:— 470 sq. yds briiek pavement

on concrete at $1.70 ,11700 00 80 cu. yds excavation a t 50c.. 40 00 300 ft. headers a : .30c . . : . 90 00

500 00

$929 00 Conc.'ete pa^'ing—

470 s<i. Yds concrete at $1.00.$ 470 00 SU cu. yds. excavation a t .50 4i) 00

Total $510 00 E. W. GROVES,

City Engineer.

Referred to the street committee. Ann Arbor. Mich., Aug. 30, '07.

To Board of Public Works, Ann Arbor, Mich.

Gentlemon:—Itemized est imate for fourtli payment on contract for L-:ty hall building, viz: 14483 ft. framing lumber and

labor $ 3000 ft. furring annd labor . . 45M com. brick a t $13.00.. 7M paving brick at $30.00 Iron work

503 (iO

.585 :210 700

53 00 00 (10 00

$2558 53 I.eps 15 per cent to be retain­

ed as per contract 383 77

$2174 7(> W I R T CORNWELL.

Pres , B. P . W. O. K.—E. w . GROVES.

City Engineer. Moved by Aid. Markey that the re*

port be accepted and a warr^ant d rawn in favor of Saner & Co. for amount due to date on city hall.

Adooted as follows: Yeas—Aid. Snauble, Stark, Maul-

betsch, Markey, Sherk, Goodyear, Fischer, Abbott, Pres . Walz.—9

Nays—None. Ann Aiibor, Aug. 29, 1907.

Common Council, City.

Gentlemen:—I herewith submit esti­mate No. 2 of labor and material turn-ihsed by .J. A. Black &. Co., in build­ing s^sver on Hill street and Oswego street, a pa r t of sewer district No. 24. 910 ft. of 8 inch pipe a t .13. . 119 OS 20 Y branches at .55 11 00 280 feet of excavation 0-0 ft.

deep at .25 71 .50 070 fe t of excavation. 6-8 ft. deep at .10 208 00

5 raanholos at $40.00 2oO 00

$000 58 Less 10 i^er cent 00 95

Amount due $ 002 03 E. W. GROVES..

City Engineer. Moved by Aid. Markey tha t Avar-

ran t be drawn in favor of Black & Co. for amount due on siewer district No. 24 as shown in engineer's report.

Adopt.^d as follows: Yeas—Aid. Snauble, Stark, Maul-

betsch, :Markey, Sherk. Goodyear, Fischer. Abbott, Pres. Walz.—9

Nays—None. Ann Arbor. Mich.. Aug. 29. '07.

Conunou Council, City.

Page 6: rROCEEDINGS—AUGUST 30. 1907. 60 80 00 (»0 40 80 Will Bary. lattor 14 00 Chas. Fox, labor 2 80 Adolp'h


Gentlemen:—I, herewith submit esti­mate No. 1 of labor and material furnished by J. A. Black & Co. in buildhig Silver on West Washington sti-eefc in district No. 22. 1700 feet 8 inch inpe at AS. .^ 221 00 25 Y Itranches a t .")."> 13 7"> 250 feet excavation (J-8 feet

deep a t .40 100 00 1500 feet excavation 8-10 ft.

deep at .55 825 00

$115it 75 Less 10 per cent 115 07

.Vmount due $1043 78 E. W. GROVES,

City Engineer. Moved by Aid. Fischer tha t war­

rant be d rawn in favor of Black & Co. for amount due on construction of se\y?v No. 22 as shown in en-.aineer's report.

Adopt.^d as follows: Yeas—Aid. Snauble, Stark. Maul-

betsch, Markey, Sherk. Goody oar. Fischer, Abbott, Pres . Walz.—0



Aid. Fis.'her presented an ordinance to amend Sec. 0. of an ordinance en­titled "An Ordinance rela:ive to Nui­sances." wliicli was givv'n i ts tir^;-: reading- by title and^ passed to and g'iven its second reading by the fol­lowing vote:

Adopted as follows Yeas—Aid. Snaubie, Stark. Maul-

betsch, Markey, Sherk. Goody.^ar. Fischer. Abbott, Fres . Walz.—9

Nays—None. Aid. Fisch.ei^ moved that thf ordin­

ance relative to nuisances be referred to the ordinance conimitte?.

Adopted as follows Yeas—Aid. Snauble. Stark. ^Maul-

betsch, Markey, Sherk. Goodyoar, Fiscbor. Abbott. Fres . Walz.—9

Xays—None. Aid. VMsclier presented ' 'An Ordin­

ance Relative to Parks . Boulevards and Lawn Extensions" for its tlurd reading.

An ord inanc- relative to Parks, Boule­vards and Lawn Extensions within tl:e City of Ann Arbor, Mtc-h.

The Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor Ordain:

1. No swine, goat, cattle or other animals excepting horses shall be per-ndt ted on th^ roadways, aiid-^io-dogs peiim_itteil^.,at_Iai:ge^-o^n anjL^^ftrk.

2. No horse or other animal or .«ec-X^oi d horse and vehicle shall be led on

•1'?' roadways. .*!. No s.^cond vehicle shall be

V,ra^^'n on the roadway?-, by any beast of burden or other motive power.

4. No sleighs or sled shall be drawn on the roadways without^ sufficient number of bells at tached to give warn i:i.!C of its approach.

5. No fast driving or speeding per­mitted, except upon places apart for the purpose.

<!. No placard, notice or advertise­ment of any kind or na ture shall be ("'•-itnliiited, posted or attached to any-t'liiug moveable or immovable on park or Boulevard property.

7. No dr iveway K'onnec'iag the Boulevard Avith any premises shall be constru-*ted except by special permit of th:^ Board.

8. No yeloiiip^de, iblcycle. t t icyc^ . wl^eelbarrow, handcar t Or other ve-hiifle or any hor ;e or otheit animal sVall be p:'rmit ed on the foot-walks. sidewalks, grass plats or planting places.

0. No sport or exercise shall be in­dulged in tha t is liable to frighten hor.*es. injure travelers or embarrass the passage of vehicles.

10. No gambling ol^^t^ard-^playUig sli:!ll be permitted.

n . No booth, tent, stall or othe" s t ruciure shall be erected for any pur­pose, and no hawking or peddling shall be clone or article or thing ex­posed for sale exicopt by permission of the Board of P a r k Commissioners.

12. Picnics may be held in suc-h par^s of the P a r k s upon permit, apt «l!all be designated for that purpose. subj;^ct to such regulations as may 1)0 maile by the Board, but no refresh-

Page 7: rROCEEDINGS—AUGUST 30. 1907. 60 80 00 (»0 40 80 Will Bary. lattor 14 00 Chas. Fox, labor 2 80 Adolp'h


luents of any kind shall be permitted to be fold or offered for sale in con^ n^'ctiOii therewith; and no person shall johi any picnics without the consent of the persons of whom it shall be composed, or shall in any manner dis-turl) or interfere with the same.

lo. No indecont exposure of person, disorderly conduct, noise, riot or l:re:U'h of the peace, nor the u-e ot obscene language will be p3rmitted.

14. No person shall solicit passen­gers foi' hire excepting upon sped;;! pei-mit of tl.e Boaid. ing. enclosure or place upon which

ir> No person shall enter any build-the words "no a d m i t t a n c e ' or similar sign is posted.

10. No person shall stand, walk, i lde or he upon any iJlace laid out and appropriated for shrirl)hery or grass when ihore shall have been placed thereon a sign forbidding the same.

17. No person shall stand, walk or lie upon any hnvu extension in any public street.

15. No person i''jl:;all fire or dis-charg3 any gun or pistol; carry tire-arniis, kindle or build fires or throAV stones or other missiles.

11). No person sliall fire, d!!-:charge or set off any rocket, cracker, torpedo, S(piib or' other fir.nvorks or things con­taining any substance of an explosive character Avithout Avritten permission from the Board of Pa rk Commission­ers.

20. No dead carcass, ordure, filth. dirt, stone, wood, ashes, garbage, mat­ter, substance or rubbish of any kind shall be placed or deposited in iiny luiblic park or space.

21. No building, fence or other ol)-strrct ion shall b j pla ted in any public park or space.

22. No animal shall be tied to any tree, shrub, building or otiher park fixture in any public park, space or lawn extension, except as provld.'d therefor.

23. No tree, shrub or plant shall be phicked. broken, t rampled oi climbod upon, peeled, cut, defaced, removed, destroyed or injured in any manner.

24. No fence, brdige. building or

other s tructure or property of any kind shall be defaced, cut, wri t ten ;Tpon, removed or in any manner in­jured or destroyed.

2-"). 'No person shall dig. remove oi* carry away any .sward, sand, earth or material of any kind.

2*;. Intoxicated persons not permit­ted ou Park pr'operty.

Sec. 27. No person shall molest or in any manner dis turb or annoy the fish or other animals which may 1)6 placed in any fountain, poo) or basin in any public park or space.

S ec. 28. The di^iveways of tlie parks known as "Cedar Bend P a r k " and -The Glen'* or ' C e d a r Bend Ave'* are hereby s; t aside for the exclusive use of horses and light carriages.

Sec. 20. No person or persons shall drive or propel any automobile or any other motor, vehicle on the dr iveways of th;* parks known as "Cedar Bend T\ark" and "The Glen.' ' or on "Cedar Bend Ave."

St^?. HO. The person or persons in charge of the public parks or spaces sliall havp and possess the powers of policemen, and it is hereby made the duty of such per?ou or' persons to ob-s;n've that the provisions of this ordin­ance are strictly complied with, and to make complaint to the Just ice Court for any violation of its provis-io;is.

Sec. 31. Any person violating any of the i)rovisions of this ordinance sh:i]l be i)unished by a fin,' not exceed ing fif'v dollars for each offense, and on imposing Fuich fine, the eourt may make a further sentence tha t in de­fault of the payment of such fin?, the offender may be imiprisoned in the co'umon jail for the County of \Yash-teuaw until the payment thereof, for any period not exceeding thirty days.

This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after ten days from legal publication.

Mov d hy Aid. IMarkey. that the ordinance be amended by cutting out Sec. 17.

r.ost as follows: Yeas—Aid. Maulbetsch, Markey,

Sherk. Pr<'^. Walz.—4.

Page 8: rROCEEDINGS—AUGUST 30. 1907. 60 80 00 (»0 40 80 Will Bary. lattor 14 00 Chas. Fox, labor 2 80 Adolp'h


Nays—Aid. Snauble Stark, Good­year, Fischer, A-bbott.—5.

Moved by Aid. FisL-her tha t Sec. 23 be amended by cut t ing out the words "or floAver, wild or cultivated' and in­serting the word "Or" before the word ruu i t .

Adopted as follows: Yeas—Aid. Snauble, Stark, Maul-

hetsch, Markey, Sherk. Goody yar. Fischer, Abbott, Pres . Walz.—9

Nays—None. The chair put the question "Shall

this ordinance pass as amendedV" Lost as follows: Yeas—^Ald. Goodyear, Fischer and

Abbott.—3. Nays.—Aid. Snauble. Stark. MauL

betsch, Markey, Sherk, Pres . \Ya!z.—0 Mov^d by Aid. Sherk tha t the vote

be reconsidered. Adopted as follows: Yeas—Aid. Snauble, Stark, Maul-

betsch, Markey. Sherk, Goodyear, Fischer, Abbott, Pres . Walz.—9

Nays—None. iNIoved by Aid. Abbott tha t the or­

dinance be printed in the minutes of meeting and vote on its passage be deferred.

Adopted as follows: Yeas—Aid. Snauble. Stark, Maul-

betsch, Markey, Sherk. (Goodyear. Fischer, Abbott, Pres . Walz.—9


By Aid. Goodyear: Kesoived, Tha t a crosswalk be con­

structed on Oxfoi-ki Road across South

University avenue, on the west side of the street, also, one on Washtenaw avenue, ^between South University avenue and Hill street.

Referred to street committee. P>y Aid. Stark. Resolved, That S. Wood »S: Co. be

allowed to use North Fifth avenue, from the Hammond Beef Co. property to the Mi:-higan Central railroad i)ro-perty line, until ordered vacated by 01 der of the counc:!.

Referred to City attoriiey and s'.reei committee.

By Aid. Maulbetsch: Resolved, Tha t Board of Public

Works be instructed to open Brooks street, as before proposed.

Referred lo sti'eet committee. By Alderman Sherk: Resolved, That tlie City clerk make

ar rangements for the coming regis tration and election, and tha t the same take place in the usual places. Adopt­ed.

By Aid. Goodyear: Resolved. That hydrants be placed

at the tol 'owing corn. 'rs: One a t the corner of Willard street and Forest avenue; one at the corner of Hill street and Forest avenue.

Referred to the Water committee. Moved by Aid. Sherk that the vot­

ing machines be used during the elec-lion Sept. ITth. Adopted.

The council adjourned.