Mayor Debra L. Garnes - City of Rio...

PRSRT STD ECRWSS U.S. POSTAGE PAID EDDM Retail ****************ECRWSS**** LOCAL POSTAL CUSTOMER Spring 2020 Newsletter Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID19) Special Edition II City of Rio Dell 675 Wildwood Avenue Rio Dell, CA. 95562 City Hall: (707) 7643532 Police Department: (707) 7645641 City Council Members: Mayor Debra Garnes, Gordon Johnson, Sue Strahan, Frank Wilson and Julie Woodall. For information about COVID-19, please email [email protected], phone the Community Information Line at 707-441-5000 or visit Humboldt Health Alert.

Transcript of Mayor Debra L. Garnes - City of Rio...

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Spring 2020 Newsletter 


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‐19) Special Edition II  

City of Rio Dell 675 Wildwood Avenue Rio Dell, CA. 95562 

City Hall: (707) 764‐3532 Police Department: (707) 764‐5641 



City Council Members: 

Mayor Debra Garnes, Gordon Johnson, Sue Strahan, Frank Wilson and 

Julie Woodall.  




For information about COVID-19, please email [email protected], phone the Community Information Line at 707-441-5000 or visit Humboldt Health Alert.

Page 2: Mayor Debra L. Garnes - City of Rio · 02/04/2020  · tiene espacio en el patio, hay hierbas que puede

 Rio Dell City Hall 675 Wildwood Avenue Rio Dell, CA 95562 (707) 764‐3532   

Citizens of Rio Dell                  April 2, 2020 Rio Dell, CA 95562  My fellow Rio Dellights,  We are living through a time like none other we have seen before; even the oldest among us have not experienced a crisis of this magnitude.  The stress is greater, the fear is greater, and the anxiety is greater.  Some of us may feel out of control and to the extent that our daily actions are being driven by a virus; we are out of control.    However, there are things we CAN do to reassert some control and push back against our common enemy; the Coronavirus.  The number one thing we can do is social distancing.  

30 DAYS TO SLOW THE SPREAD  Every one of us must take personal responsibility in maintaining social distance ‐ staying 6 feet apart from one another.  We must as a community understand that 25% of the population will NOT show symptoms, yet will be infected and spread the virus.  Therefore, social distancing is CRITICAL to stopping the spread of this deadly virus.  This is the most effective means we have for fighting this virus! 



 Things we CAN control:   

Practicing Humanity.  By that I mean exercising kindness, compassion, empathy and patience both with others and ourselves.  

Use technology, old and new. For example, phone calls, video calls, write a note and send it to someone you know who is living alone and feeling more isolated than ever. 

Remember to exercise because doing nothing will be harmful both mentally and physically.  You don't have to leave home to do chair exercises, walk around your yard or do sit ups. 

Try to find something joyful in your day.  Look outside and notice a spring flower in bloom or the fog playing through the trees on the bluffs. 

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As much as I hate cleaning, this is a perfect time to get things organized; do some spring cleaning or even sort through the thousands of pictures you have on your phone to clear up space.  There will surely be some chuckles looking through your pics. 

Garden, plant any seeds you have so you'll have your own source of veggies.  If you don't have yard space there are herbs you can grow on your counter top or small container veggies on your balcony. 

Try and remember how happy you would be to stay home if you weren't being told to do so. 

 Finally, don't forget the true heroes!  Here in Rio Dell, our Fire Fighters, Police Officers, Rio Dell School District, City Staff and the Employers and employees of all essential businesses who are risking their own health in order for the rest of us to have groceries, prepared food, clean water, and to be able to meet our basic needs.  Our County Heroes are Cal OES, the doctors, nurses, aides, hospital housekeeping staff, grocers, gas station employees, police, fire fighters, emergency response personnel; we are all so very thankful for their service! AND thank you to our other community members that are helping by acting responsibly and taking this crisis seriously by social distancing and staying home.    

Stay Home.  Stay Safe.  Save Lives.  

30 Days to Slow the Spread  With Respect and Unity,  

Mayor Debra L. Garnes  

 Mayor Debra Garnes presides over a special City Council meeting from her home via video chat on March 27, 2020. 


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 Rio Dell City Hall 675 Wildwood Avenue Rio Dell, CA 95562 (707) 764‐3532   

Ciudadanos de Rio Dell                Abril 2, 2020 Rio Dell, CA 95562  Mis compañeros de Rio Dell,  Estamos viviendo un tiempo como ningún otro que hayamos visto antes; Incluso los más viejos entre nosotros no han experimentado una crisis de esta magnitud. El estrés es mayor, el miedo es mayor y la ansiedad es mayor. Algunos de nosotros podemos sentirnos fuera de control y en la medida en que nuestras acciones diarias están siendo impulsadas por un virus; Estamos fuera de control.  

30 DÍAS PARA DESPACIAR LA PROPAGACIÓN  Cada uno de nosotros debe asumir la responsabilidad personal de mantener la distancia social: mantenerse a 6 pies de distancia el uno del otro. Como comunidad, debemos entender que el 25% de la población NO mostrará síntomas, pero se infectará y propagará el virus. Por lo tanto, el distanciamiento social es CRÍTICO para detener la propagación de este virus mortal. ¡Este es el medio más efectivo que tenemos para combatir este virus!  Sin embargo, hay cosas que PODEMOS hacer para reafirmar cierto control y rechazar a nuestro enemigo común; el coronavirus. Lo primero que podemos hacer es el distanciamiento social.  



Practicando la humanidad. Con eso me refiero a ejercer bondad, compasión, empatía y paciencia tanto con los demás como con nosotros mismos. 

Usar tecnología, antigua y nueva. Por ejemplo, llamadas telefónicas, videollamadas, escribir una nota y enviarla a alguien que conozca que vive solo y se siente más aislado que nunca. 

Recuerde hacer ejercicio porque no hacer nada será perjudicial tanto mental como físicamente. No tiene que salir de casa para hacer ejercicios de silla, caminar alrededor de su jardín o hacer sentadillas. 

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Trata de encontrar algo alegre en tu día. Mire afuera y observe una flor de primavera enflor o la niebla que juega a través de los árboles en los acantilados.

Por mucho que odie la limpieza, este es un momento perfecto para organizar las cosas;haga una limpieza de primavera o incluso clasifique las miles de imágenes que tiene ensu teléfono para liberar espacio. Seguramente habrá algunas risas mirando a través detus fotos.

Jardín, planta las semillas que tengas para tener tu propia fuente de verduras. Si notiene espacio en el patio, hay hierbas que puede cultivar en su encimera o vegetalespequeños en su balcón.

Intente y recuerde lo feliz que sería quedarse en casa si no se lo ordenaran.

¡Finalmente, no olvides a los verdaderos héroes! Aquí en Rio Dell, nuestros bomberos, oficiales de policía, el distrito escolar de Rio Dell, el personal de la ciudad y los empleadores y empleados de todas las empresas esenciales que están arriesgando su propia salud para que el resto de nosotros tengamos alimentos, comida preparada y agua limpia,y poder satisfacer nuestras necesidades básicas. Nuestros héroes del condado son Cal OES, los médicos, enfermeras, ayudantes, personal de limpieza del hospital, tiendas de comestibles, empleados de estaciones de servicio, policías, bomberos, personal de respuesta a emergencias; ¡todos estamos muy agradecidos por su servicio! Y gracias a nuestros otros miembros de la comunidad que están ayudando actuando de manera responsable y tomando en serio esta crisis al distanciarse socialmente y quedarse en casa. 

Quedarse En Casa. Mantenerse A Salvo. Salva Vidas. 

30 Días Para Despaciar La Propagación 

Con respeto y unidad, 

Alcalde  Debra L. Garnes 

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Coronavirus and Drinking Water and Wastewater

Drinking Water

Do I need to boil my drinking water? Boiling your water is not required as a precaution against COVID-19.

Is tap water safe to use for hand washing? EPA recommends that Americans continue to use and drink tap water as usual. According to the CDC, washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds helps prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Is drinking tap water safe? EPA recommends that Americans continue to use and drink tap water as usual. The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that the, “presence of the COVID-19 virus has not been detected in drinking-water supplies and based on current evidence the risk to water supplies is low.” Additionally, according to the CDC, COVID-19 is mainly thought to spread between people who are in close contact with one another. Further, EPA’s drinking water regulations require treatment at public water systems to remove or kill pathogens, including viruses.

Do I need to buy bottled water or store drinking water? EPA recommends that citizens continue to use and drink tap water as usual. At this time, there are no indications that COVID-19 is in the drinking water supply or will affect the reliable supply of water.

What should I do If I’m concerned about my drinking water? The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that the, “presence of the COVID-19 virus has not been detected in drinking-water supplies and based on current evidence the risk to water supplies is low.” Homeowners that receive their water from a public water utility may contact their provider to learn more about treatments being used. Treatments could include filtration and disinfectants such as chlorine that remove or kill pathogens before they reach the tap. Homeowners with private wells who are concerned about pathogens such as viruses in drinking 

water may consider approaches that remove bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens, including 

certified home treatment devices. 

Wastewater Can I get COVID-19 from wastewater or sewage? The World Health Organization (WHO) has indicated that “there is no evidence to date that COVID-19 virus has been transmitted via sewerage systems, with or without wastewater treatment.” EPA also encourages the public to help keep household plumbing and our nation’s water infrastructure operating properly by only flushing toilet paper. Disinfecting wipes and other items should be disposed of in the trash, not the toilet.

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A Side Effect of COVID‐19: Impacts on the Sewer System 

People are spending more time cleaning their homes and businesses as a result of COVID‐19. 

This is a good thing! However, some folks use wipes and then flush them down the toilet. This is 

a bad thing! Even wipes that are labeled and sold as “flushable” will clog sewer system pipes. 

These wipes can even lead to sewage water backing up into your home! Next time, don’t flush 

wipes, simply throw them away. Thank you! 

Rio Dell Wastewater Superintendent Derek Taylor manually evacuates a sewage line clogged 

with “flushable” wipes.  

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Announcement from the State Water Resources Control Board

While the State Water Board and other public agencies encourage Californians to follow the Centers for Disease Control recommendations to clean surfaces with disinfecting wipes to reduce the spread of COVID-19, it is important to discard those items in the trash, not the toilet.

Flushing wipes, paper towels and similar products down toilets will clog sewers and cause backups and overflows at wastewater treatment facilities, creating an additional public health risk in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Even wipes labeled “flushable” will clog pipes and interfere with sewage collection and treatment throughout the state.

Wastewater treatment facilities around the state already are reporting issues with their sewer management collection systems. These facilities are asking state residents to not discard wipes in the toilet, but instead to throw them in the trash to avoid backups and overflow. A majority of urban centers are on centralized sewage collection systems depend on gravity and enough water flow to move along human waste and bio-degradable toilet paper.

The systems were not designed for individual nylon wipes and paper towels. The wipes and paper towels do not break down like toilet paper, and therefore clog systems very quickly.

Wipes are among the leading causes of sewer system backups, impacting sewer system and treatment plant pumps and treatment systems. Many spills go to our lakes, rivers, and oceans where they have broad ranging impacts on public-health and the environment. Preventing sewer spills is important, especially during this COVID-19 emergency, for the protection of public health and the environment.

Please do not flush disinfectant wipes or paper towels down the toilet.

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What will it do? 


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Need to Make Water/Sewer Payment?  

To protect public health and slow the rate of transmission of COVID-19, please use one of our three safe and convenient ways to process your Rio Dell water/sewer payment:


1. Slide payment into the Drop Box, located in the parking lot at City Hall.

2. Visit us online at:

3. Make your payment over the phone. Office Hours: Monday- Friday 8 am–5 pm (707)-764-3532

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Due to the unprecedented public health threats posed by COVID‐19 and the resultant need for social 

distancing, changes to the City Council meeting format are required. Executive Orders N‐25‐20 and N‐

29‐20 from Governor Gavin Newsom allow for telephonic Council meetings of the City Council and 

waives in‐person accessibility to Council meetings provided that there are other means for the public to 

participate.  Therefore, and effective immediately, and continuing only during the period in which state 

or local public health officials have imposed or recommended social distancing measures, the Rio Dell 

City Council will only be viewable via livestreaming through our partners at Access Humboldt via their 

Youtube channel or Suddenlink channels on Cable TV.   

In balancing the health risks associated with COVID‐19 and need to conduct government in an open and 

transparent manner, public comment on agenda items can be submitted via email at 

[email protected]. Please note the agenda item the comment is directed to 

(example: “D. Public Comments for items not on the agenda.”) And email no later than one hour prior to 

the start of the Council Meeting. Your comment will be read out loud, for up to three minutes.  

Meetings can be viewed through Access Humboldt’s website at 

Suddenlink Channels 10,11 & 12 or Access Humboldt’s Youtube Channel at    Public comments can be emailed to:     

[email protected]  


Are you 65 years of age or older or disabled? 

And, do you need help with food or other 


A Rio Dell Volunteer Corp has formed to help you through the 

COVID‐19 crisis.  

Call City Hall with your needs 707‐764‐3532. 

The City will catalog requests and the Chamber of Commerce and Rio Dell 

Community Resource Center will try to fill your need in this crisis.    


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For information about COVID-19, please email [email protected], phone the Community Information Line at 707-441-5000 or visit Humboldt Health Alert.


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Rio Dell Community Resource Center 99 Wildwood Avenue, Rio Dell

We offer a wide variety of services, classes, support groups, referrals, health information, and workshops geared toward every member and age group in our North Coast community. The Community Resource Center is a non-profit community outreach service of St. Joseph Health-Humboldt County. Services of this and other area Resource Centers are available to all community residents, regardless of age, sex, religious affiliation, economic status, or cultural background.

We Can Help

Our professional staff is assisted by specially trained volunteers. All discussions are confidential. We can also link you to community services and/or give you information about these topics to keep you healthy, happy and safe:

Food For People food pantry, offered on a monthly basis Weekly First Five Playgroup for ages 0-5 Assistance with resume creation, job searching and assistance with applications Access to Computer/Phone/Fax Emergency food bags Bus tickets for medical appointments Hygiene items (as available) Holiday assistance and, as funding is available, assistance with other urgent needs Housing and emergency shelter referral assistance Childcare referral assistance Alcohol and other drug programs referral assistance Assistance with healthcare needs (referrals and appointment making) Connection to public benefits, such as CalFresh and Medi-Cal applications Mental health referrals Counseling referrals and information Youth programs: local information, referrals and assistance with programs in Humboldt Senior, Disabled and Veteran resource and referral assistance

Sara Faught, Community Coordinator, and her staff can be reached at 707-764-5239 or at 99 Wildwood Ave., Rio Dell., from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday.