Maya Realities Second Life Metrics Analysis Suite

Each point in this figure represents a visitor's position on a one minute interval. Over time, this creates a type of heat map where a land owner can determine where visitors spend time in their virtual land. Red points highlight where a visitor entered an extended idle period. © 2007 Maya Realities


The importance of understanding customer behavior is critical for a successful business. Until recently, the necessary tools have not existed for virtual world environments like Second Life. Provided here are samples of Maya Realities Second Life analysis suite. They allow your 3-D web site based in Second Life to connect with visitors at a new level of analysis. As the emerging 3-D Internet takes shape, what better way is there to verify the return on your investment? Please consider downloading the show to see higher resolution slides.

Transcript of Maya Realities Second Life Metrics Analysis Suite

Page 1: Maya Realities Second Life Metrics Analysis Suite

Each point in this figure represents a visitor's position on a one minute interval. Over time, this creates a type of heat map where a land owner can determine where visitors spend time in their virtual land. Red points highlight where a visitor entered an extended idle period.

© 2007 Maya Realities

Page 2: Maya Realities Second Life Metrics Analysis Suite

Each point in this figure represents where an avatar first appeared in a sim. In areas where there are a cluster of points a sim owner can make informed decisions as to where to create content "hooks."

© 2007 Maya Realities

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Each point in this figure represents where an avatar left a sim. In areas where there are a cluster of points a sim owner can try to persuade an avatar by making improvements to the content.

© 2007 Maya Realities

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This graph shows how many unique avatars visited your land broken down by the hour of day. It helps determine what hours of the day you should consider staffing your business.

© 2007 Maya Realities

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This graph shows how many unique avatars visited your land broken down by the day of week. It helps determine what days of the week you should consider staffing your business.

© 2007 Maya Realities

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Each step in this figure represents the total time that all visitors spent on your virtual land summed over the hour. A value of one means that on average you have at least one visitor all the time.

© 2007 Maya Realities

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Each step in this figure represents the total number of unique visitors that spent time on your virtual land summed over the hour.

© 2007 Maya Realities

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This graph shows how often a visitor returns to a virtual area measured by the number of days into the past. The more negatively sloped the trend line, the more frequent your return visitors. An avatar must visit an area at least twice before being counted.

© 2007 Maya Realities

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This graph shows how many times visitors come to your virtual space. A sharp upward turn near the left usually indicates a developer group or a dedicated group of regular visitors.(Feted Inner Core?)

© 2007 Maya Realities

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This graph show how many frames per second the Second Life physics engine is able to calculate. A number of 45 equates to normal operation of your virtual land. If the number drops below 15, your land is in danger of rebooting. Numbers below 35 warrant attention.

© 2007 Maya Realities

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Equally important to where visitors spend time on your land is where they are located in real life. This map helps determine what languages to offer your products and services or what cultures warrant focused resources.

© 2007 Maya Realities

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This figure shows the top visiting countries from around the world. It helps determine what languages to offer your products and services or what cultures warrant focused resources.

© 2007 Maya Realities