Maya Cinemas Safety Instruction Manual__Final

Page | 1 Maya Cinemas Workplace Safety Manual November 2010 Workplace Safety instruction manual

Transcript of Maya Cinemas Safety Instruction Manual__Final

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This manual is designed as a guide to workplace safety instruction. It is imperative to a safe working

environment that not only are the guidelines set forth in this manual and the Injury and Illness Prevention

guide followed; each employee must use their own good judgment and common sense to insure all team

members are kept safe and secure.

This manual will constantly be updated and improved based on: discovered hazards, new and improved

training methods, as new equipment is brought into our cinemas, etc. This manual will be kept in a

common area to all employees as a guide and resource; it is the responsibility of each employee to ask

questions in regard to safety as well as to keep management apprised of any safety concerns which may

come to light.

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Slip and Fall Injury Prevention


Slip and falls are one of the most common injuries to occur in a theatre not only for guests but for

employees as well. Some causes of slip and falls include: slipping on liquid, tripping over hazards, tripping

or falling from stair risers, etc. Accidents can occur even in the safest of environments but here are some

steps to take to minimize slip and falls:

Wipe up spills: At any time liquid is seen on the floor (in the lobby, restrooms, auditoriums, etc)

immediately correct the problem.

o One employee should stand “over” the spill to ensure no one slips in the process of getting

the proper tools to clean up the spill

o Use a dry mop to absorb most of the moisture

o Use a broom and butler to sweep up and ice or debris left over

o Use a dry cloth or paper towel to wipe up any residual moisture the dry mop may have left


o If the floor is sticky after cleaning, obtain a clean mop and mop the soiled area and then re-

dry using the steps shown above

Use Mats Properly:

o In the case where floor mats are used (when tile is not approved as non-slip tile or when

used to prevent fatigue)- ensure that they are laid out properly and do not actually create

MORE of a hazard than not using them at all:

Mats are to lie flat on the floor (no edges over laid to create a trip hazard)

Torn mats should be discarded and replaced immediately

Mats should be cleaned (mopped) daily and scrubbed a minimum of once per week

to prevent build up of dirt and potentially slippery “slime”

Use the RIGHT tool for the job:

o NEVER use a chair, table, boxes etc, in place of a ladder or step ladder.

o In the event that the proper tools are not in place at your location contact purchasing to

order the correct tools. The cost of a ladder or step stool is much less than the potential

injury it could cost a team member.

o Use box cutters and not scissors to open boxes

o Do not “MacGyver” or create your own tools to accomplish a task. Ask a manager or lead

where the proper tools are kept and if it is not available request that the correct tool be


Use the right tool PROPERLY:

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o In using step ladders or ladders ensure that they are utilized properly (unfolded and

positioned properly for the task)

o Ensure that the ladder or stool is in good working condition (i.e. it sets level to the floor, has

no broken or loose rungs, is secure to stand upon)

o NEVER stand on the top two rungs of any ladder. This can cause overbalancing and can very

easily lead to an accident

o When on a ladder or step stool never over reach to grab an item. If it not within easy reach

ask for help!

o When getting a heavier item that may have been placed on a high shelf, always ask for help

and hand the items down to another employee. Do not attempt to hold the item as you

descend the ladder

Proper Lifting Injury Prevention


Improper lifting is another of the most common injuries seen by workers in all industries. No one needs to

be a “superhero” or prove their strength in the work place. Nearly all lifting injuries are preventable and

are caused by someone failing to ask for assistance or not following the proper techniques in lifting. Below

are steps to take to ensure proper lifting techniques are used and injury prevented:

General Lifting:

o Lift all items by holding them close to the body and lifting with your legs and keeping your

back straight. Take special care when lifting heavy items like soda syrup or popcorn seed.

Never twist your back while in the process of lifting,

o If you need to turn, set the item down, reposition your body and then pick up the item


o Always keep in mind that you should already know where the item is going to be placed

and that you have verified that there are no obstructions in your path prior to picking up

the item.

o When you set the item down: keep back straight, bend knees (allowing legs to take on the

weight of the item) and set the item where it needs to go.

Lifting soda syrup:

o One of the most common lifting injuries in the theatre industry is in the lifting of soda syrup

in the process of changing the syrup out.

o Never lift soda syrup boxes above shoulder height. If the Bag in Box (BIB) that needs to be

changed is over your shoulders height; ask for help.

Ask For Help:

o For heavier items do not attempt to lift alone, ask a fellow employee for help!

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o Use flat bed carts and dollies to take the brunt of the weight

o When moving or using heavy equipment always ask for help

Lifting Do’s and Do not’s:

NEVER lift with your back

NEVER lift items over your head

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Follow the steps shown above when lifting

Above is another acceptable type of lifting procedure

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Cutting Injury Prevention


Employees will often use box cutters to open boxes or utilize pizza cutters for pizza preparation. As

mentioned earlier it is imperative to use the proper tool for the job; it is also imperative that the proper

safety steps are used when using tools

Box Cutters:

o Always use box cutters for their appropriate use: opening boxes (not in situations where

scissors should be used)

o Always cut with the blade of the cutter facing AWAY from you

o Always use cutters with a sharp blade. If blades become dull they should be discarded (only

the blade not the entire box cutter)

o When finished using box cutters ensure they are closed with the blade tucked away

o Ensure no one is near the box which you are cutting open

Pizza Cutters:

o Only use pizza cutters for their intended use: cutting pizza (not opening boxes or other

unapproved uses)

o When cutting pizza:

Place cooked pizza in the pizza box

Hold the box firmly in place by the edge

Use the pizza cutter in a direction AWAY from you

Do not roll pizza cutter back toward you; instead pick up the cutter and go through

the first cut AWAY from you

Rotate the pizza box to make cuts in varying direction

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NEVER cut with pizza cutter toward the body

ALWAYS cut with cutters AWAY from the body

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Burn and Fire Injury Prevention


Another common injury in the theatre industry is burns from popcorn poppers. Nearly all of these injuries

are preventable by following the proper uses of the popcorn popper:

Popcorn Poppers:

o When Popping Corn follow these steps:

The inside of popcorn kettles can reach temperatures over 400 degrees! Popcorn is

cooked in oil and if not used properly the popper can cause many injuries

Always keep popper doors closed while popcorn is popping (until the popcorn is

dumped the doors should be closed)

Once the kettle lid opens do not open popper doors until the corn is ready to be

dumped (utilize a different popper to get popcorn if the lid on the machine closest

to you is open)

NEVER close the lid of the popper once it has opened until the popcorn has been


When popping popcorn always put popcorn seed in and then oil! With the high

temperature of the kettle pouring oil onto a hot kettle without the seed to absorb

the heat is a recipe for fire!

o When Cleaning Popper:

When dumping boiled kettle water during the cleaning process ensure that the lid is

completely open, pour water slowly into an appropriate bucket or container

During the rinse cycle of the kettle cleaning allow the water to boil, turn heat off and

allow cooling for 15 minutes. Dump rinse water into an appropriate bucket or


Allow another 15 minutes for the popper to cool prior to wiping down the inside or

outside of kettle

Be sure to use a sponge or thick cloth to wipe inside and outside of kettle to keep

heat away from hands

Wait for exterior of kettle to be cool enough to touch with the hand before reaching

inside and around the kettle for cleaning windows to prevent burns to hands and


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Sharps Injury Prevention and Disposal


Blood-borne pathogens (BBP’s): Microscopic organisms that can cause diseases in humans and that may

be present in blood or other human bodily fluids. The organisms of the greatest concern are: HIV, Hepatitis

B and, Hepatitis C due to the serious nature of these diseases that an employee could contract as a result

of exposure to blood and other bodily fluids infected with these viruses.





Sharps: Sharp objects such as: needles, knives, razors, scissors, scalpels or other items which could pierce

the skin. These used “sharps” could potentially be infected with a BBP.


Exposure to BBP’s in the theatre exhibition industry is extremely rare but as we service the public it is

important that all employees be aware of potential risks. Some patrons through accident or intentionally

may leave behind potentially hazardous materials in restrooms, auditoriums, trash cans. It is imperative to

follow these steps to ensure your safety in the event that a potentially hazardous BBP is discovered:

Safe Practices:

Preventing Injury: Always be careful when cleaning to look: under tables, under seating areas, in

restrooms, etc to see if any sharps may be present. LOOK BEFORE REACHING

o In the event a potentially hazardous item is found, do not touch with bare hands for ANY

reason. If possible sweep into an empty butler and dispose of in a secure sharps container

o Never reach into trash cans to push down trash. Always empty trash receptacles when they

reach 1/3 full. Hold trash bags AWAY from body (gloves should be worn when trash is being

disposed of)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Is protective tools to be used in the event that any

potentially hazardous BBP’s are discovered. Included in the protective equipment:

o Face Mask

o Safety Glasses/goggles

o Gloves

o Tongs

o Apron (as needed. A standard apron can be utilized, it will need to be disposed of in the

event it becomes soiled with a potential BBP)

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Proper Cleaning Practices: During the course of normal day to day cleaning it is important that

employees be observant of potential hazards. Here are some steps to follow during normal day to

day cleaning:

o Use common sense!

o When removing trash be sure to check that no sharps are protruding from the bag

o When cleaning in auditoriums do not clean until the house lights are on full (this will allow

better visibility of potential hazards)

o When sweeping or mopping be on the lookout for items that could be carrying BBP’s (dirty

diapers, bandages, gauze, sharps, etc). If any of these items are discovered be sure to utilize

PPE to dispose of items properly

o Never reach into bags (purses, backpacks, trash, etc)

o Utilize flashlights when cleaning areas that are not well lit

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Cal OSHA requires that easy reference materials be made available to all employees in regard to the use of

any potentially hazardous materials that are used in the work environment (i.e. for any chemicals used in

the work place). This reference guide is called Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). MSDS should be used

prior to using any chemical for the first time. These are kept in the area where all other employee posted

materials are kept.

In the event of exposure to a potentially hazardous chemical refer to MSDS sheet for proper steps on what

to do. Included on every MSDS sheet is as follows:

o What the chemical is

o What company makes or distributes it

o Where the chemical manufacturer is located

o Why it is potentially hazardous

o How someone can be exposed to the hazard (i.e. through ingestion, getting in eyes, etc)

o How to properly handle the chemical

o What protection to use while utilizing the material (i.e. gloves or a mask)

o What to do in the event someone is exposed to the potentially hazardous material

o What to do in the event of a spill or emergency

ONLY approved chemicals with appropriate MSDS sheets are allowed to be used in any Maya Cinemas

Any questions in regard to the safe handling, use and disposal of potentially hazardous materials should be

directed to Maya Cinemas Corporate Office at: 714-529-2059

It is up to each employee to follow proper steps to maintaining a safe working environment. Please never

deviate from any of these steps:

o Never store chemicals in a container that is not labeled with all instructions contained on

the original packaging

Never pour a chemical into an unlabeled or improperly labeled container

Do not use the improper spray bottle with any chemical (i.e. do not dispense neutral

cleaner into a glass cleaner spray bottle)

In the event that the label for a chemical is damaged or otherwise unreadable the

container should be disposed of immediately (even if it means disposing of the

chemical inside the bottle)

o Follow instructions on product use as detailed on the label of the chemical

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o Never leave any chemical out where an employee or patron could accidentally ingest or be

exposed to the chemical

o Never leave chemicals in food service or food storage areas that could contaminate food

(i.e. do not leave chemicals stored over food prep or food storage areas)

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Fire Prevention


Fires in theatres are rare but they can happen. Fire extinguishers are provided throughout each of our

theatres but employees should never utilize fire extinguishers at the risk of their or others safety. In the

event of fire the number one priority is the preservation of life. Everything within our theatre can be

replaced, employees cannot.

Safe Practices:

o Always maintain 18” of clearance below fire sprinkler heads (do not store stock all the way

to ceiling level)

o Remove combustibles from the theatre immediately

o Maintain a minimum of 36” clearance around all electrical panels

o Follow Proper procedures when using popcorn poppers

o Utilize proper procedures when changing out xenon bulbs in projection areas

Fire Extinguisher Practices:

o All of our locations are built to meet all fire code policy and procedures. Employees should

never move fire extinguishers from their originally mounted destination at installation. In

the event a fire extinguisher is used it should be serviced or replaced immediately and then

placed back in its original place

o Fire extinguishers are to be visually inspected a minimum of once per month

o Fire extinguishers are required to be serviced a minimum of once per year

Fire Extinguisher Classifications: Maya Cinemas only utilizes ABC classified extinguishers in our

locations. The various classifications of extinguishers are:

o A For use on wood, paper, trash and other materials that are easily combustible and

burn easily

o B For use on chemical fire (i.e. fuel oil, gas, paint or other flammable liquids)

o C For use on electrical fires (equipment, electrical panels, fuses or other appliances)

o ABC To be utilized on ANY material listed under A, B or, C

o D For use on combustible metals (such as magnesium or sodium fires)

Proper Use of a Fire Extinguisher: As stated above fire extinguisher use is not required by

employees. The preservation of life is Maya Cinemas top priority. In the event that an employee is

capable, trained and it is safe to do so they may utilize an approved ABC fire extinguisher. Below

are the steps to be followed (after training) to properly utilize a fire extinguisher:

o Pull Pin

o Aim hose of extinguisher at the base of the fire. Aim accurately. Extinguishers are designed

for a maximum dispense time of 20 seconds

o Squeeze the trigger

o Use a side to side slow sweeping motion at the base of the fire

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o Fire Extinguishers are only designed to be used for SMALL fires (such as a kettle fire). Do

not attempt to be a hero or utilize extinguishers for large fires. In the event of ANY fire

always alert fire department so they can inspect fire area and ensure the area is safe to

return to

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Responding To Incidents

What you need to know BEFORE an emergency or incident:

In the case of an emergency or incident there will not be time to “search” for necessary items to address

the problem. All employees must know where the following items are at all times (and return the item to

their appropriate place after use):

o Location of First Aid Kits

o Location of Fire Extinguishers throughout the theatre

o Location of emergency evacuation maps, emergency valve shut offs

o Location of MSDS sheets

o Location of flash lights

o Who to contact in the event of an emergent situation (911)

o Location of nearest medical treatment facility (nearest occupational health clinic for non-

emergent injury and the nearest hospital for emergent situations)

o How to safely evacuate the facility in the event of: fire, earthquake or other serious incident

o Where the theatre safe meeting place is in the event of evacuation