May - June 2020 Riverside UMC Reminder · Riverside United Methodist Church Ignites Faith –...

May-June 2020 Riverside UMC Reminder Riverside United Methodist Church Ignites Faith – Invites Others – Involves Service Page 1 Keith’s Corner Dear Riverside United Methodist Church, Grace and peace to you in the Name of the Risen Christ! “April showers bring May flowers.” Maybe you have heard that familiar idiom over the years. I grew up hearing it and always anticipated seeing Spring blooming and vibrant colors span the landscape. Watching it unfold day after day signifies that transformation and new life is a process that takes time. It never happens in an instant. Maybe you have also heard the new phrase going around, “April distance brings May existence,” signifying the important of social distancing. Terms like “social distancing,” “quarantine,” and “self- isolation” are now part of our everyday vocabulary. Face masks are now being marketed as a fashion accessory. All of these changes remind us that much more than our natural world is transforming in this season. Over the past couple of months, life at Riverside UMC seems to have undergone transformation too. If you have driven by the church recently, you may have noticed the magnolia tree in bloom or the construction underway at the main entrance. I loved seeing the contrasts of blooming and demolition on both sides of the church. The rich symbolism reminds us that life is filled with bursting forth and tearing down. Certainly, the writer of Ecclesiastes was right when s/he wrote, “To everything there is a season…a time to tear down and a time to build up.” Our ministry and outreach through our online worship services and YouTube presence has also witnessed to transformation. On a given week, more than 200 people tune in to watch our worship services online! That is incredible! To which I say, “Praise God!” As we move forward, we will look into ways to expand and to perfect our media ministry, which has proven to be vital and necessary in moving forward as a church. I want to extend my thanks to all of you who worship with us online. I am blessed to be a part of these weekly online services, and I hope they are a blessing to you as well. I also want to give a special thank you to our musicians, Rebecca Dorn, Daniel Kuhn, and Julia Pittenger, who faithfully come every week for our recording. I also want to especially thank Mark and Amy Clevenger, who come in each week to operate sound and videography. As this season continues to unfold, I also wanted to notify you of how we will approach “reopening” the Church. First, it will not be a unilateral decision on my part. I will be in communication with other leaders in the Church as well as health professionals in our community, taking heed to their guidance. Second, we will also follow the guidelines of the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and also the orders from national and local governments. PLEASE NOTE: the church building will remain closed to the public until further notice. Only essential church business and personnel are permitted inside the building during this time. Third, reopening the church will only be done when we can maximize the safety and well-being of ALL in our congregation, including preparing the space for communal gathering. There are still many questions I do not have answers to, but I will send out official church communication via “Pastoral Letters.” These letters will be sent via email and will be made available on our church website and Facebook page. Now that I have covered updating and direction, I want to conclude this column, speaking as your pastor. I know that this season has been difficult for all of us in varied ways. Some are feeling stress, grief, and anxiousness (or a combination of the three). Pay attention to your feelings. Sit with them. Process them. Do not suppress or deny them. I encourage you to practice self-care and self-compassion during this time. I am inspired by the many ways our congregation has taken to caring for each other and others in the Muncie community. Every phone call, every act of kindness, every Facebook post or email, bears witness to the Realm of God. We are still the Church. We are still spiritually connected. But do not be afraid to be connected with your own body, soul, and spirit. As you care for others, allow others to care for you and care for yourself. A daily walk, preparing your favorite foods, watching your favorite movies, or reading your favorite books can be transformative practices. And yes, I know I must also “practice what I preach.” Remember, too, that I am still your pastor even though we cannot worship together and I cannot visit with you in person. If you need anything at all or just need someone to talk to, I am only a phone call away. If you do not have my cell phone number, it is (304)993-2095. May we continue to be transformed for the good in this season. May we continue to be the Church as we walk our Easter journey. Sincerely, in Christ Reverend Keith A. Turner Pastor, Riverside United Methodist Church

Transcript of May - June 2020 Riverside UMC Reminder · Riverside United Methodist Church Ignites Faith –...

Page 1: May - June 2020 Riverside UMC Reminder · Riverside United Methodist Church Ignites Faith – Invites Others – Involves Service Page 1 Keith’s Corner Dear Riverside United Methodist

May-June 2020 Riverside UMC Reminder

Riverside United Methodist Church Ignites Faith – Invites Others – Involves Service Page 1

Keith’s Corner Dear Riverside United Methodist Church, Grace and peace to you in the Name of the Risen Christ! “April showers bring May flowers.” Maybe you have heard that familiar idiom over the years. I grew up hearing it and always anticipated seeing Spring blooming and vibrant colors span the landscape. Watching it unfold day after day signifies that transformation and new life is a process that takes time. It never happens in an instant. Maybe you have also heard the new phrase going around, “April distance brings May existence,” signifying the important of social distancing. Terms like “social distancing,” “quarantine,” and “self-isolation” are now part of our everyday vocabulary. Face masks are now being marketed as a fashion accessory. All of these changes remind us that much more than our natural world is transforming in this season.

Over the past couple of months, life at Riverside UMC seems to have undergone transformation too. If you have driven by the church recently, you may have noticed the magnolia tree in bloom or the construction underway at the main entrance. I loved seeing the contrasts of blooming and demolition on both sides of the church. The rich symbolism reminds us that life is filled with bursting forth and tearing down. Certainly, the writer of Ecclesiastes was right when s/he wrote, “To everything there is a season…a time to tear down and a time to build up.” Our ministry and outreach through our online worship services and YouTube presence has also witnessed to transformation. On a given week, more than 200 people tune in to watch our worship services online! That is incredible! To which I say, “Praise God!” As we move forward, we will look into ways to expand and to perfect our media ministry, which has proven to be vital and necessary in moving forward as a church. I want to extend my thanks to all of you who worship with us online. I am blessed to be a part of these weekly online services, and I hope they are a blessing to you as well. I also want to give a special thank you to our musicians, Rebecca Dorn, Daniel Kuhn, and Julia Pittenger, who faithfully come every week for our recording. I also want to especially thank Mark and Amy Clevenger, who come in each week to operate sound and videography. As this season continues to unfold, I also wanted to notify you of how we will approach “reopening” the Church. First, it will not be a unilateral decision on my part. I will be in communication with other leaders in the Church as well as health professionals in our community, taking heed to their guidance. Second, we will also follow the guidelines of the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and also the orders from national and local governments. PLEASE NOTE: the church building will remain closed to the public until further notice. Only essential church business and personnel are permitted inside the building during this time. Third, reopening the church will only be done when we can maximize the safety and well-being of ALL in our congregation, including preparing the space for communal gathering. There are still many questions I do not have answers to, but I will send out official church communication via “Pastoral Letters.” These letters will be sent via email and will be made available on our church website and Facebook page. Now that I have covered updating and direction, I want to conclude this column, speaking as your pastor. I know that this season has been difficult for all of us in varied ways. Some are feeling stress, grief, and anxiousness (or a combination of the three). Pay attention to your feelings. Sit with them. Process them. Do not suppress or deny them. I encourage you to practice self-care and self-compassion during this time. I am inspired by the many ways our congregation has taken to caring for each other and others in the Muncie community. Every phone call, every act of kindness, every Facebook post or email, bears witness to the Realm of God. We are still the Church. We are still spiritually connected. But do not be afraid to be connected with your own body, soul, and spirit. As you care for others, allow others to care for you and care for yourself. A daily walk, preparing your favorite foods, watching your favorite movies, or reading your favorite books can be transformative practices. And yes, I know I must also “practice what I preach.” Remember, too, that I am still your pastor even though we cannot worship together and I cannot visit with you in person. If you need anything at all or just need someone to talk to, I am only a phone call away. If you do not have my cell phone number, it is (304)993-2095. May we continue to be transformed for the good in this season. May we continue to be the Church as we walk our Easter journey.

Sincerely, in Christ Reverend Keith A. Turner Pastor, Riverside United Methodist Church

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May-June 2020 Riverside UMC Reminder

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Notes from Riversiders during Our Social Distancing Tom Schamp writes:

Hello Riverside,

I hope this note finds you feeling healthy and well. It’s hard to believe that this Sunday will mark the sixth

Sunday since we’ve been together at Riverside. Hopefully and Prayerfully we’ll be back together very soon.

Our current shutdown period ends May 1. Someone said that’s 40 days since the first shutdown began.


So, what have I been doing to keep busy? Well, when the weather cooperates I’m outside. Usually doing some

work in the yard or going for a short jog. Sometimes a neighbor will be out too so I can talk with someone

besides Janet for a while. When I’m inside I pass the time doing easy crossword puzzles, watching tv (ESPN,

Weather Channel, Perry Mason and other programs I’ve recorded). Dick Murray got me interested in solving

the Word Jumble puzzle in the Star Press. On somedays that takes a while.

I also spend some time on the computer updating the Riverside website and posting on the Riverside

Facebook page. I started a picture puzzle a couple weeks ago. It’s a thousand pieces and each piece is no

more than one inch in size. Oh, it’s a picture taken inside Assemble Hall at IU when they were playing North

Carolina in front of a packed house. It’s really difficult. Once a week I go to Payless and take advantage of

their free pick up service. It’s been working pretty well. We don’t always get everything we ordered and some

items can’t even be ordered on line for some reason. Fortunately we have some young neighbors that will pick

up a few things for us too.

I miss seeing you all. God Bless…

Judy Turner writes:

Barry and I have been keeping busy and staying out of each other’s way!!! He has his workshop and I have

the closets! Barry now has a CLEAN workshop, at least that is what he says! We have enjoyed sorting

through old pictures and movies and reminiscing about fun, family and how we are so blessed! I am not sure

we would have ever taken the time to look at ALL those pictures had it not been for our “shelter at home”

period. I have enjoyed calling and TALKING to old friends and family, something I haven’t done for awhile,

so good to hear their voice! It has been GREAT talking and facetiming with the family and trying to keep in

touch – thank you technology! We are so thankful for the warm sunshine and the opportunity to work out in

our yard and flower beds! God’s World is BEAUTIFUL – be sure to take time to enjoy it and say THANK

YOU! Looking forward to worshipping together soon!

Hope this is what you need. Let me know if you have any questions.

Have a Great weekend and STAY WELL!

Amy Clevenger writes:

We miss our Riverside family a bunch! We are both still working, me from home, and Mark's considered "essential" so he's still delivering parts and helping keep all those service and personal vehicles running. When we're not working, we are trying to stay busy. We've played Bananagrams a few times, but on nice days we're getting outside and trying to get our yard in order. We pulled one of our campers out of the barn and the plan is to make that our escape as weather permits in our "driveway campground." We've enjoyed a few videochats with our grandkids and with mom too at the nursing home. She looked well, but like so many, doesn't understand what is happening to us right now. Our next plan is to get some vegetable seeds going (a little late) to get in the ground soon. We pray that our Riverside family remains well, and if anyone wants to do a virtual fellowship hour, let us know!!

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Janet Schamp writes: Well hello Riverside. I hope this finds you all safe and well. This pandemic is something I never thought I

would have to experience in my lifetime but I have had to learn to deal with it. I am ordering our groceries

on line and Tom goes and picks them up.

Yesterday I was excited to get out for a short time. I went to the Cancer Center to get lab work and an

injection. Now isn’t that crazy to get excited over being stuck with needles.

Pastor Keith I enjoyed your videos on the stain glass windows. We are enjoying the church services on line

and appreciate the time it takes to record it for all of us but we will be so glad to be in the Sanctuary again to

enjoy the service and see all of you.

Lynn Wright writes:

During this stay at home time I have been making masks for family and friends locally as well as in Florida

and Kansas. Great way to help others and use up scraps! Now I must start cleaning up my sewing

room. Cooking, taking walks and playing a fun card game, Hand and Foot, has helped us to entertain

ourselves. Working outside the past few days has really been lovely. We look forward to the day when we

can visit with friends and get back to a normal life. Hope all of you are safe and healthy.

From Laura and Gary Shadoin:

I'm working from home several hours a day, but the other things that I'm doing to fill my days I've

enjoyed. Gary and I got some cleaning done and put things out for the trash from the garage and attic. The

yard and vegetable gardens are ready for planting, and I've been giving my grandchildren sign language

lessons on Facetime. It's a good thing I'm seeing them on Facetime everyday. By the time I see them in

person again they will each be inches taller than when I saw them last.

Everyone stay home and healthy. Love and prayers to you all.

From Joe and Betty Speece:

I have been staying home and taking care of the yard, cleaning files and my office, cleaning the garage and

other to do items that would normally be moved to the bottom of the list. I used some lumber I have had for

about 6 years and built 6 flower boxes without a trip to the hardware store. I also visited the water falls of the

Great Smokey Mountains (I put a puzzle I have had for 5 years together.) Betty has been taking good care of

me and making masks. She cut out some hearts and placed them in the front window. She has also done a lot

of cleaning. We walk the dog twice a day and have gone to the park with the pup.

From Judy Shelby Kiproff: I’ve been blessed enough to work from home - challenging, but I love the commute!

For fun I try to find hilarious things from the internet to send to my kids who are both quarantined with their

kids. Yikes!

I’ve been organizing my pantry and other food/supplies so I don’t buy more than I need. I have enjoyed

catching up with old Sunday School and other friends, and talking to my mom every day. I’ve also been

gathering up items to donate when we can safely get out again.

Stay safe. Stay encouraged.

From Karen Blank:

I am pretty sure that no one will have any sympathy for our time coping. We spend 2 months in Florida each

year. Because of the virus and that the people we rent from live in England, they asked us if we wanted to

stay on another month. Well, we thought about that for a nano second and said yes. If we can't see our

family, this is a pretty nice place to cope.

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From Wilma Grile:

I'm so blessed that I can walk a mile + almost everyday. Family and neighbors help with groceries.

Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart for…

Pastor Keith and our wonderful musicians, Julia Pittenger, Daniel, Noah and Dawson Kuhn

and Rebecca Dorn for providing inspirational services each Sunday and for Mark and Amy

Clevenger for recording video and providing sound.

Judy Turner, Linda Keyton for delivering meals to the Sleep Room at Christian Ministries that

was provided by many members of Riverside.

From Nancy and Larry Campbell:

Services are great. Thanks for all your hard work each week. Easter week was

wonderful Bless you all.

From Ken & Debbie Vance:

An update on Debbie’s health.

A year ago, on March 17, 2019 was when Debbie had her fall! The knee replacement went

out, and she had no control over her leg. She went down, falling and shattering the bone at the

femur above the knee. She said the pain was more than childbirth or her snake bite.

The surgery was complicated with life threatening encounters. She was in ICU for 5 days

followed by a week of physical therapy in the hospital. She has had a lot of therapy since then

and continues to be in much pain.

A year later and Debbie still must use a walker or cane.

The most touching and amazing part of the entire ordeal was the way that you all came

together on our behalf. We had no insurance in South Africa, and the bill had to be paid in US

dollars before Debbie could have surgery. The response from you all made that possible! Your

love and generosity went way beyond the second mile. We continue to be humbled and deeply

touched by each of you. Thank you is so inadequate, but from the bottom of our hearts we are

truly grateful.

Riverside contributed $280.00.

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Endowment Committee (Darwin Keyton, Chair)

As you can imagine when Wall Street took a downturn so did the Riverside Endowment Fund.

Our broker advises sitting tight. He believes the fund will rebound when our economy returns

to normal. As you know construction has begun on rebuilding the main church entrance and

the bills are beginning to come in. We have withdrawn from the Endowment Fund money to make two payments towards the construction project & have alerted our Broker that we will need additional money to complete the project.

Habitat for Humanity (Joe Speece, Coordinator)

Habitat is not taking groups to volunteer at this time. They may still be working with some individual volunteers however, I have not volunteered for over 2 months now. They have cancelled their major fundraiser but continue to need funds to finish houses they started before covid 19. Anyone wanting information re how to contribute are free to contact me.

Facilities Team (Larry Souders, Chair)

If any good news can be found in the closing of our church, it might be that the new entrance

construction project has been able to proceed unobstructed by our normal activities. Jud

Construction expects the stone veneer for the project to be delivered by early May and will

take about 2 weeks to install. The delivery date for the new doors is not known yet, but Jud is

hopeful to have the whole project completed by June 1st.

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The Facilities Team would appreciate your help at Riverside. Evidently someone forgot to tell the weeds the church is closed because they’re still growing. What a great way to get outside and enjoy a beautiful day and do a huge great deed at the same time. Of course we encourage everyone to exercise social spacing.

Mission News Even though we have been dealing with the restrictions of COVID-19, Riverside’s Mission heart has been at work and reaching out to the Muncie community!

March 15 – served a Lenten Soup Dinner to Covenant Partners March 25 – delivered 50 bags to Covenant Partner’s Community Day March 29 – April 3 Prepared evening meals and provided food items for breakfast to the Men’s Sleep Room April - Delivered cookies to emergency responders April – Provided Covenant Partner Bags for Community Day April 29

THANK YOU to the people who prepared soup and furnished food for the Covenant Partner meal. THANK YOU to everyone who prepared meals and donated food for the Men’s Sleep Room, THANK YOU Riverside for faithfully providing Covenant Partner Bags during this pandemic! At this time we do not know when we will be able to resume our activities. We are hoping to have our M&M Mission Sunday and Lunch in June. Susan Bennett from the Indiana Methodist Children’s Home will be our program speaker. Please continue to pray for the children and staff at the Children’s home during this difficult time. Keep filling you M&M Mission Jars to help us support our Mission Projects. These next few months there will be MANY NEEDS in our community which will give us more opportunities to reach out to those who are hurting and in need. Keep your eyes and ears open to the needs in your neighborhood, Riverside family and friends, and the Muncie community and share GOD’S LOVE! GOD is at work in the kindness that is being shown – this is opportunity to bring people to Christ!

Covenant Partner Supply Bags Bring to the church by Monday, May 25 and Monday, June 22

Please put the following in plastic bags:

1 hand soap, 1 dish washing liquid

1 box of tissues 4 rolls of toilet paper

1 small bottle/box laundry detergent 1 shampoo

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Noah Holt 6/1 Barbara Hewitt 6/9 Mick Phelps 6/14 Steve Kreps 6/17 John Young 6/18 Herb Blank 6/22 Larry Campbell 6/22 Della Stafford 6/25

Joe & Sara Mitchell May 26

Joe & Betty Speece June 2

Mick and Jan Phelps June 3

John & Missi Young June 6

Gary & Laura Shadoin June 12

Barry & Judy Turner June 17

Caring Friends Card List

Pat Ashcraft, The Hearth at Tudor Gardens, 11755 N Michigan Rd. Apt. 234, Zionsville, IN 46077-9325

Leona Barber, Albany Health Care, 910 West Walnut, Albany, IN 47320

Mary Ann Beuoy, Palmer Hills, 2617 Maplecrest Rd., Apt. 116 Bettendorf, IA 52722-7807 (563)742-1985

Dorothy Bowman, 6609 Brindale, Muncie, IN 47304

Wilma Carney, 1600 N Walnut St, Muncie 47303

**Maurice Carver, 1029 7th Avenue E, Bradenton FL 34208 PLEASE SHARE IF YOU HAVE MAURICE’S UPDATE ADDRESS Jo Clevenger, 1700 W Riggin Rd, Muncie, IN 47304 Julia Cougill, 800 Antler Dr Apt. B, Middlebury, IN 46540-9441

Odessa DeHaven, 2300 W White River Blvd., Apt #12, Muncie, IN 47303

Mary Jane Eiler, 108 Roosevelt Road, Muncie, IN 47303

Kay Farling, Hickory Hall, 5929 Snowbell Lane, B6, Indianapolis 46268

Ruth Garringer, Water’s Edge Village, 2200 W White River Blvd, Muncie, IN 47303

Barbara Hewitt, 4301 W Laurel Oak Lane, Muncie 47304 Peggy Park, Room 532, 5801 W Bethel, Muncie 47304 Roberta Phelps, Park Place Room 106, 359 Randolph St, Parker City, IN 47368, (mother of Mick Phelps) Joan Strait, 5801 W Bethel #162, Muncie 47304

Lila Thompson, 708 S Rambler Rd, Muncie 47304

Melissa Wallace, 1412 W. Tree Lane, Muncie 47302, (daughter of Fred Wallace)


Shelby Murphy 5/2 Mark Clevenger 5/4 Earlene Harvey 5/12 Kalie Holt Bales 5/19 Jolene Murphy 5/20 Carl Baney 5/22 Jay Pugsley 5/29 Florence Shelby 5/29

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Greeter Schedule

When we’re able to resume services in the sanctuary this schedule will be followed. Each

person will be contacted to confirm their ability to perform these duties in this important

Riverside Ministry.

May 3 Darwin Keyton Linda Keyton

May 10 Herb Blank Karen Blank

May 17 Sandy Hunter Cindy Miller

May 24 Barry Turner Judy Turner

May 31 Alan McGee Mary Schumacher

June 7 Ron Brown Pat Brown

June 14 Fred Wallace Wilma Grile

June 21 Bob Harrison Sharon Harrison

June 28 Dick Murray Marge Salisbury