May 24 - Kaloyan

24 may is official holiday in Bulgaria. This is the day of Bulgarian education and culture. On this day in Bulgaria we celebrate creation of Slavic writing- Glagolitsa. The Glagolitsa was written from brothers Kiril and Metodius in 885 year. They are also known as Salonika brothers. In IX century they are perceived as saints. In 1892 year Stoyan Mihaylovski wrote anthem ,,Go folks revived”. We are still singing it today. Feast of the Cyrillic alphabet is celebrated in other countries such as Russia, Czech Republic, Macedonia .

Transcript of May 24 - Kaloyan

Page 1: May 24 -  Kaloyan

24 may is official holiday in Bulgaria. This is the day of Bulgarian education and culture. On this day in Bulgaria we celebrate creation of Slavic writing- Glagolitsa. The Glagolitsa was written from brothers Kiril and Metodius in 885 year. They are also known as Salonika brothers. In IX century they are perceived as saints. In 1892 year Stoyan Mihaylovski wrote anthem ,,Go folks revived”. We are still singing it today. Feast of the Cyrillic alphabet is celebrated in other countries such as Russia, Czech Republic, Macedonia .