May 2015 Enchanted Forest Magazine



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Transcript of May 2015 Enchanted Forest Magazine

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    Shadow and Breeze

  • Enchanted Forest Magazines

    These are magazines we put together from articles posted on site by all members.

    These magazines are Free!! We have done these since almost the beginning and have

    over 70 in our Scribd Library.

    On the right side of the Forest pages you will see current magazine covers shown..

    Just click on those and they will take you to the magazine.. no sign up required and

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    to Thank all those who have supported our magazine through the years.. great read

    with allot of helpful information.

    Thank you

    Shadow and Breeze

  • We at the Enchanted Forest are honoured to support and host the live chats given by Susun Weed on a monthly basis. Susun is an expert in her field of

    Herbs and this is a great opportunity for all to increase their knowledge and skills by learning from Susun FREE !!!

    To come along to these chats join Times of classes below USA Central - 6 pm Eastern - 7 pm Western 4 pm Mountain Time 5 pm Australia (Melbourne) - 11 am UK - Midnight

  • The Magic Of Love Posted by Sunshine-Chayenna

    Love is like magic And it always will be. For love still remains Life's sweet mystery!! Love works in ways That are wondrous and strange And there's nothing in life That love cannot change!! Love can transform The most commonplace Into beauty and splendor And sweetness and grace. Love is unselfish, Understanding and kind, For it sees with its heart And not with its mind!! Love is the answer That everyone seeks... Love is the language, That every heart speaks. Love can't be bought, It is priceless and free, Love, like pure magic, Is life's sweet mystery!!

  • Self-Love Spell Posted by Whispr

    Self-Love Spell Needed: mirror (bigger than compact!) and 2 candles - pink brings friendship and romance Place the candle on each side of you. Light them. Remove all artificial light. Sit in front of the mirror and gaze onto your reflection. Relax. Notice your good qualities, all of them! Focus on them. Say out loud how wonderful each feature is. Notice the shape, color - speak them out loud. Do this with all your positive features. Smile at yourself. Tell yourself that you are wonderful. State all positive aspects of your personality, name all beautiful traits. Speak of them, and your self confidence will improve. "I am beautiful I am wonderful within I am special unto myself So let the love come in Negative thoughts, they vanish I now toss them out Negative feelings be banished To let my love shine out" Repeat this minimum 5x/sitting. Perform the ritual as often as possible. You can reuse the candle :) Find a charm that perfectly fits you, drape it over the mirror while doing your spell. The charm gains strength as you continue to work the spell.

  • How to Get in Touch with a Plant Spirit

    Posted by Whispr 1. If possible, grow the plant yourself. This will give you direct physical contact with it regularly before attempting spiritual contact. 2. If the plant is edible, add it to your diet regularly for an entire week before trying to make contact. This internalizes the plant's energy and creates an inner harmony with that plant's matrix, which will ultimately improve your results. 3. Sensually experience the plant--touch it, smell it, listen to the sound it makes in the wind or rain, and look at it from different angles (above, below, and from all sides). Again, it is suggested that you do this for an entire week before attempting to make contact. 4. Bring the plant into your life in as many ways as possible, like wearing its pattern in a tie or shirt, hanging a picture of it near your desk, burning incense in its aroma, and so forth. 5. When you feel ready, meditate with the plant nearby. Try to make sure you won't be disturbed for at least twenty minutes. 6. As you meditate, breathe deeply and wait until you feel "transported," maybe a little fuzzy around the edges of your being (some people describe this as tingling or hearing a far-off humming sound). 7. Now, visualize yourself in an environment in which that plant would naturally grow. See yourself sitting in the middle of a circle of these flowers or plants. Allow this visualization to become as real as possible, bringing to memory the smell of the plant, its texture, and everything else you learned about it in the previous steps.

    8. Reach out spiritually toward the plant. Don't open our physical eyes, open your psychic ones. Be patient and wait, making mental notes of any imagery or feelings from this point forward.

  • * Plant spirits will generally communicate empathically or through your senses, so be alert. * Once you have established a rapport with the plant, let it know the purpose of your visit quickly and respectfully. * How the plant communicates with you will be very personal and based on the questions you have in mind. * At some point the plant will withdraw, signaling that it is time for you to go back to a "normal" level of awareness. * No experience will be the same, even with the same type of plant or flower. One lily conversation will not be the same as the next lily. Harvesting a magickal plant or timing your use of greenery in a spell, ritual, or charm by the moon * Waxing moon: Suited to magickal matters that require steady growth, even pacing, and positive development. * Full moon: The mystical themes of this phase are maturity, fertility, productivity, manifestation, and creativity. * Waning moon: Time your spells or pick your herbs during a waning moon to banish negativity or decrease unwanted energies. * Blue moon: Blue moons are ideal for planning wish magick or anything that requires a metaphysical miracle. * Moon in Aries: Use this sign for overcoming obstacles and developing personal skills. * Moon in Taurus: A Taurus moon helps develop tenacity, and provides energy for abundance. * Moon in Gemini: A Gemini moon encourages balance and positive transformation. * Moon in Leo: Leo's moon guides us in finding our "voice," especially in the magickal arts. * Moon in Virgo: The Virgo moon provides supportive energy for prosperity and success. * Moon in Libra: Libra's moon emphasizes balance. It also helps in uncovering mysteries or secrets. * Moon in Scorpio: Scorpio's moon is one of focus, especially on physical issues like the expression of passion. * Moon in Sagittarius: The Sagittarius moon builds self-control and helps manifest goals. * Moon in Capricorn: Capricorn's moon makes you aware of the true you, and provides spiritual sustenance. * Moon in Aquarius: The Aquarian moon develops an awareness of the simple beauties and potentials, which makes it very suited to green witchery. It also increases your energy for adventures.

  • Seasonal Symbolism for the Green Witch * Spring: The themes for this season are fertility, hope, inspiration, growth, and renewal. In particular, consider using new grass, tree blossoms, or an early budding flower in your green magick to represent the season of rebirth. * Summer: The themes for this season are prosperity, energy, health, abundance, socialization, and playfulness. In particular, consider using fresh sunflowers, daisies, and fire-associated herbs like rosemary in your summertime green magick. * Fall: The themes for this season are in-gathering (manifestation), protection (especially health), frugality, and harvesting the fruits of your labors with thankfulness. In particular, consider using any traditional harvest plant in your magick (like apples or corn). * Winter: The themes for this season are rest, home and family, tradition, and safeguarding your resources in both literal and figurative terms. In particular, consider using dried flowers and plant parts to honor the season, or perhaps berries to symbolize spring's forthcoming abundance. Gardening by the Moon * Moon in Aries: plant only garlic and onions. * Moon in Taurus: plant potatoes or leafy vegetables. * Moon in Gemini: weed and cultivate. Do not plant or transplant. * Moon in Cancer: graft, transplant, sow, or force budding. This is a very productive sign. * Moon in Leo: focus on ridding your garden of unwanted insects or weeds. * Moon in Virgo: fairly barren. Don't do any extensive gardening during this sign other than basic maintenance. * Moon in Libra: sow flowers, root crops, vines, and lettuce. * Moon in Scorpio: excellent for promoting plant growth, so fertilize now. * Moon in Sagittarius: productive for onions. * Moon in Capricorn: plant tubers and root crops only. * Moon in Aquarius: cultivate and turn the soil. * Moon in Pisces: excellent for flora requiring good root growth. * First Quarter: plant leafy annuals with above-ground yields like broccoli, cauliflower, celery, spinach, and lettuce. * Second Quarter: plant rounded flowers and plants like cantaloupe, eggplant, peas, tomatoes, and cucumbers. * Third Quarter: sow bulbs, root crops, beets, garlic, carrots, and anything else that has an underground yield. Also, fruit bushes seem to do well when planted during this phase.

  • Kitchen Herbs & More Posted by Whispr

    Common Herbs/Plants and Some Possible Uses I would like to preface this sections with a fairly general announcement about the following herbs, plants, spices, etc. This is only a guide! Depending on what culture or folklore you use, you may find completely different correspondences to any and all of these herbs! In fact, as I tried to cross-reference from different sources, I found widely differing correspondences for most of them. So what's a witch to do? I say go with your instinct. If that amulet bag seems to need a pinch of a certain something, listen to that inner voice. (Exception - anything you are going to eat needs to be checked and double checked. You don't want to get sick or poison your family and friends because you just felt like adding that untested, untried and unresearched plant.) This list is most definitely remedial and doesn't cover many exotics. In fact, this list covers most easy to get and to grow plants found in the garden. Oh, a few more exotic things are listed, but they are most definitely the exception, not the rule. The great thing is, with very little time and money, you can have a fairly comprehensive home herb garden. If you are really interested in exotics or less well-known plants, then I strongly suggest purchasing a couple of the books listed in the herbal reference section of our library. You will easily be able to look up just about anything you want to know about plants - be they in your garden or you kitchen cupboard! Maybe at some point this list will be expanded, but I suggest getting the books instead of waiting on us! Plants in the Garden

  • Growing Your Own Plant seeds and seedlings according to the given directions. Also, make absolutely sure that the plants you are planning to consume are safe varieties. Be sure to know which parts of the plant are edible! (Some parts can be edible while other parts deadly!) Getting seeds and plants from reputable companies can save you lots of time in research.

    Key Element - E(arth), A(ir), F(ire), W(ater) Gender - M(asculine)/ F(eminine) Properties - Pr(otection), Pu(ification), L(ove), H(ealing), Ps(ychic), F(ertility), M(oney), Ha(ppiness), Pe(ace)Herb/Plant Legend: Element Gender Properties Basil - Most varieties edible F M L, Pr, M Chamomile - Edible W M M, L, Pu Chives - Edible F M Pr Coriander - Edible F M L, H Cypress Spurge - *DON'T EAT* E M H, Pr Dill - Edible F M M, L, Pr Fennel - Edible F M Pr, H, Pu Garlic - Edible F M Pr, H Geranium - Some varieties edible Note: Scented varieties take on the properties of its specific scent. W F H, L, Pr, F Lady's Mantle W F L Lavendar - Edible A M L, Pr, Pu, H, Pe Lemon Balm - Edible F M L, Ps, Ha Lemongrass - Edible A M Ps

    Marigold - Some varieties edible Note: Try looking under Calendula. F M Pr, Ha, Ps Marjoram - Edible A M L, Pr, H, Ha, M, Pe Mugwort E F Ps, Pr, H Oregano - Edible A M Pe Orris - Bulb of specific type of iris. Often used as a scent fixative. W F L, Pr Parsley - Edible A M Pr, M, Pu Peppermint - Edible A M Pu, H, L, Ps Rose - Most varieties edible W F L, Ha, Ps, H, Pr Sage - Some varieties edible A M H, Pr Snapdragon - Flowers edible F M Pr Spearmint - Edible W F H, L Summer Savory - Edible A M Mental Powers Sweet Grass (Native) Attracts Good Spirits Thyme - Most varieties edible W F H, L, Ps, Pu Vervain E F L, Pu, Pr, H, Pe, M Yarrow - Used in teas W F L, Ps

  • >From the Indoor or Moveable Garden Legend: Herb/Plant Element Gender Properties Bay - Leaves used in seasoning. Do NOT eat leaf. Remove before serving. F M Pr, Ps, H, Pu Ginger - Edible F M L, M Rosemary - Most varieties edible F M Pr, H, L, Pu Strictly from the Kitchen Cabinet - (all edible!) Legend: Herb/Plant Element Gender Properties Black Pepper F M Pr, Pu Cinnamon F M H, Pr, L, Ps, M Clove F M L, M, Pr Mace E M Ps Mustard F F Pr, F Nutmeg F M Ps Poppy W F F, L, M Vanilla W F L Essential oils that I know and love... Over the years I have worked with a lot of different essential oils. Of all my oils I feel the following 12 are the most valuable. By combining these 12 into various formulas you are capable of making hundreds of different useful combinations. What follows is a little bit about each one. Just the basics to get you started in the right direction. For a more detailed look there is now a wonderful book out, 'Aromatherapy Through the Seasons' which, amazingly enough, features these 12. Do check it out, it's a great addition to any collection.

  • Following the oil descriptions are some of hteir magickal properties. For more comprehensive descriptions check out Cunningham's Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews (some of the oils here are in the book). Lavender (lavendula angustifolia): Perhaps the most versatile, useful oil there is. Lavender blends well with any of the other oils, provides balance to an unsettled blend and is one of the few oils you can use neat (undiluted). When in doubt, use lavender! Fantastic for bug bites, bee stings, cuts, scrapes, burns (sun and other types), headaches and for providing a sense of calm. Lavender's scent is fresh and crisp, but not overpowering. The best to use is true lavender and not one of the inferior lavendins. A welcome addition to any formula, whether it be for household cleansing, calming a sick child or a healing salve. Keep a bottle close to the stove for immediate application when burned. Magickal uses: love, serenity, peace, higher consciousness, balance, healing Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.): Eucalyptus has long been an ingredient in cold remedies, and for good reason. It provides wonderful relief for a congested state. It's strong antiseptic properties make it an essential ingredient in mouthwashes, antiseptic sprays and household cleansers. Eucalyptus has anti-inflammatory & analgesic properties as well, making it useful for muscle strain, flu-related aches and sprains. It's fragrance is powerful, but not overpowering. There are many varieties of eucalyptus to choose from, each with it's own unique scent and properties. Magickal uses: healing, banishing, purification Sweet Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare): Fennel is used primarily in remedies for overindulgence. Whether it's from food or too much alcohol, fennel provides much needed relief. It helps ease the symptoms of PMS, primarly the cramping associated with it. A valuble oil for nursing mothers, it helps increase milk production. Gentle enough to be used for relieving a baby's gassiness by simply rubbing it upon their tummy (diluted into a carrier oil). Also valuable in facial blends, it helps tone and strengthen the skin. It will also help reduce wrinkles if used regularly. Added to a bath it provides a sense of peace. Fennel's fragrance is reminiscent of licorice. Magickal uses: purification, balance, rituals for Menarche, Mothering and Croning

  • Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens): Geranium is one of my all time favorites. It balances out and enhances any blend due to it's adaptive qualities. It can mimic the scent of other oils while still maintaining it's own personality. It provides deep healing to damaged skin, balances excessive or insufficient hormonal conditions, soothes irritated flesh, and promotes a sense of overall well being. Egyptian Geranium is the best by far. It has superior healing capabilities and it's scent is pure and refreshing. Some may find geramium's heady fragrance overpowering, but if used sparingly it will outshine all the other scents. Magickal uses: balance, emotional healing, protection, women's rites Lemon (Citrus limon): Lemon is vibrant, refreshing, purifying and stimulating. It's presence in a blend adds zest and rejuvenation. Perfect in a blend formulated for study, concentration or as a pick me up. A nice addition to your laundry water, it adds a fresh, clean smell as well as helping to stave off bacteria. Combined with eucalyptus it provides relief from colds and flus. It can even be used in a homemade furniture polish. Lemon is as versatile as all the rest of the oils listed here. It's fragance is sunny, invigorating and tangy. Magickal uses: Full moon rites, purification, healing, Solar rites Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia): Tea Tree oil has become very popular over the past 10 years. There's even a company who's entire product line and name is based upon this healing plant. It's antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties make this oil a strong germ fighter. It's an especially valuable oil for winter time use when viruses and bacteria are at their highest. Tea tree has many uses in all areas of the house, but is especially effective in the kitchen and bathroom where bacteria tend to thrive. A simple wash made with hot water and some tea tree oil goes a long way towards keeping things sanitary. All manner of fungus, from jock itch to athlete's foot, are no match for this oil. Especially if combined with black walnut oil, which is one of the strongest antifungals known. It helps dandruff, coughs, cuts & scrapes, bug bites, bee stings, irritated skin and provides deep tissue healing. Tea Tree's fragrance is spicy, fresh and somewhat medicinal. Magickal uses: cleansing, banishing, healing, protection

  • Peppermint (Mentha x piperita): Peppermint is one of the best oils for gastrointestinal upsets. It is useful for combating nausea, flatulence, indigestion, stomach cramps and vomiting. One drop placed in a glass of tepid water is all you need. Sip slowly! It may also be mixed with a carrier oil and rubbed over the stomach area to soothe distress. Valuable for motion sickness, fevers, headaches, flu and for soothing sore, aching feet. It has wonderful anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and antiseptic properties, which make it valuable in all areas of healing and cleansing. On an emotional level peppermint is good for sharpening focus, concentration and increasing memory function. It's fragrance is strong, invigorating and, well, minty. NOTE: Peppermint is not compatable with homeopathic treatments. Magickal uses: purification, focusing intent, increasing power, banishing

  • Get over social anxiety Posted by Crystalsmuse

    1. Make three lists: one of your strengths, one of your achievements, and one of the things that you admire about yourself. Try to get a friend or relative to help you with these lists. Keep the lists in a safe place and read through them regularly. 2. Think positively about yourself. Remind yourself that, despite your problems, you are a unique, special, and valuable person, and that you deserve to feel good about yourself. Identify and challenge any negative thoughts that you may have about yourself, such as I am a loser, I never do anything right, or No one really likes me. 3. Pay special attention to your personal hygiene: for example, style your hair, trim your nails, floss your teeth. 4. Dress in clothes that make you feel good about yourself. 5. Eat good food as part of a healthy, balanced diet. Make meal times a special time, even if you are eating alone. Turn off the TV or radio, set the table, and arrange your food so that it looks attractive on your plate. 6. Exercise regularly: go out for a brisk walk every day, and take more vigorous exercise (exercise that makes you break into a sweat) three times a week. 7. Ensure that you are getting enough sleep. 8. Manage your stress levels. If possible, agree with a close friend or relative that you will take turns to massage each other on a regular basis. 9. Make your living space clean, comfortable, and attractive. Display items that remind you of your achievements or of the special times and people in your life. 10. Do more of the things that you enjoy doing. Do at least one thing that you enjoy every day, and remind yourself that you deserve it.

  • 11. Get involved in activities such as painting, music, poetry, and dance. Such artistic activities enable you to express yourself, acquire a sense of mastery, and interact positively with others. Find a class through your local adult education service or community centre. 12. Set yourself a challenge that you can realistically achieve, and then go for it! For example, take up yoga, learn to sing, or cook for a small dinner party at your appartment or house. 13. Do some of the things that you have been putting off, such as clearing out the garden, washing the windows, or filing the paperwork. 14. Do something nice for others. For example, strike up a conversation with the person at the till, visit a friend who is sick, or get involved with a local charity. 15. Get others involved: tell your friends and relatives what you are going through and enlist their advice and support. Perhaps they have similar problems too, in which case you might be able to band up and form a support group. 16. Try to spend more time with those you hold near and dear. At the same time, try to enlarge your social circle by making an effort to meet people. 17. On the other hand, avoid people, places, and institutions that treat you badly or that make you feel bad about yourself. This could mean being more assertive. If assertiveness is a problem for you, ask a healthcare professional about assertiveness training. 5 quotations about self-esteem and self-confidence Adversity and perseverance and all these things can shape you. They can give you a value and a self-esteem that is priceless. Scott Hamilton Giving people self-confidence is by far the most important thing that I can do. Because then they will act. Jack Welch Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. Helen Keller Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend. Lao Tzu To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are. Anonymous

  • Let go of things and live your life Posted by Crystalsmuse

    Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it. Ann Landers Letting go doesnt mean you dont care about someone or something anymore; its just realizing that the only thing you truly have control over is yourself, right here, right now. Its a necessary process of adapting to the ever-changing realities of life leaving behind the past to make way for the present. Here are 50 quotes gathered from recent entries in our blog archive that will help you let go and live well. As we grow older and wiser, we begin to realize what we need and what we need to leave behind. Sometimes walking away is a step forward. You will never achieve what you are capable of if youre too attached to things youre supposed to let go of. Sometimes there are things in our lives that arent meant to stay. Sometimes the changes we dont want are the changes we need to grow. Growth and change may be painful sometimes, but nothing in life is as painful as staying stuck where you dont belong. The hardest part about growing is letting go of what you were used to, and moving on with something youre not. Accept what is, let go of what was and have faith in what could be. Dont be afraid of change. Change happens for a reason. Roll with it. It wont be easy, but it will be worth it. Its usually quite hard to let go and move on, but once you do, youll feel free and realize it was the best decision youve ever made. Never let your fear decide your future.

  • Fear doesnt exist anywhere except in your mind. Its difficult to follow your heart, but its a tragedy to let the lies of fear stop you. (Read Daring Greatly.) You cant always wait for the perfect moment. Sometimes you must let go and dare to do it because life is too short to wonder what could have been. Youre not the same person you were a year ago, a month ago, or a week ago. Youre always growing. Experiences dont stop. Thats life. One of the most rewarding moments in life is when you finally find the courage to let go of what you cant change. Never force anything. Give it your best shot, and then let it be. If its meant to be, it will be. Dont hold yourself down with things you cant control. When you stop expecting people and situations to be perfect, you can start to appreciate them for who and what they are. Live simply. Love generously. Speak truthfully. Breathe deeply. Do your best. Leave everything else to the powers above you. Giving up and moving on are two very different things. Moving on doesnt mean forgetting, it means you choose happiness over hurt. Giving up doesnt always mean youre weak; sometimes it simply means you are strong enough and smart enough to let go and grow. Stop focusing on how stressed you are and remember how blessed you are. It could be so much worse. Whatever is bringing you down, let it GO! You dont need that negativity in your life. Keep calm and be positive. Good things will happen. Some people cannot stand that youre moving on with your life and so they will try to drag your past to catch up with you. Do not help them by acknowledging their behavior. Keep moving forward. No matter how you live, someone will be disappointed. So just live your truth and be sure YOU arent the one who is disappointed in the end.

  • Love yourself! Forgive yourself! Accept yourself! You are YOU and thats the beginning and the end - no apologies, no regrets. You are GOOD enough, SMART enough, FINE enough, and STRONG enough. You dont need other people to validate you; youre already valuable. (Read 1,000 Little Things Happy, Successful People Do Differently.) One of the most freeing things we learn in life is that we dont have to like everyone, everyone doesnt have to like us, and its perfectly OK. Try not to take things other people say about you too personally. What they think and say is a reflection of them, not you. If you care too much about what other people think, in a way, you will always be their prisoner. Sometimes we expect more from others because wed be willing to do that much for them. Keep loving. Youll learn whos worth it in the end. Not everyone will appreciate what you do for them. You have to figure out whos worth your attention and whos just taking advantage of you. Saying yes to happiness means learning to say no to the people and things that hurt you. Be wise enough to walk away from the negativity. What you allow is what will continue. Its better to be lonely than allow negative people and their opinions derail you from your destiny. If you feel like your ship is sinking, it might be a good time to throw out the stuff thats been weighing it down. Let go of people who bring you down, and surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you. Just because someone has been in your life for many years, doesnt mean there shouldnt be a point at which you finally decide to let go. One of the most difficult tasks in life is removing someone from your heart. You have to understand that people come and people go. Thats life. Stop holding on to those who have let go of you long ago.

  • Sometimes we dont forgive people because they deserve it. We forgive them because they need it, because we need it, and because we cannot let go and move forward without it. The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to move forward is the happiest. Dont cry over the past, its gone. Dont stress about the future, it hasnt arrived. Do your best to live in the NOW and make it beautiful. (Read The Power of Now.) Be wise enough to let go when you should and strong enough to hold on when you must. Dont let dumb little things break your happiness. True wealth is the ability to experience and appreciate each moment for what its worth. Life is too short to spend at war with yourself. Practice acceptance and forgiveness. Letting go of yesterdays troubles is your first step towards happiness today. Worry gives small things a big shadow. In the end, you can either focus on whats tearing you apart, or whats holding you together. Old worries are down payments on problems you may never have. Let them go. Today is a NEW beginning; take a deep breath and START AGAIN. Smile, even when it feels like things are falling apart. Smiling doesnt always mean youre happy; sometimes it simply means youre strong. There comes a time when you have to stop thinking about your mistakes and move on. No regrets in life just lessons that show you the way. Remember the good times, be strong during tough times, love always, laugh often, live honestly, and be thankful for each new day. You cant let one bad moment spoil a bunch of good ones. Dont let the silly little dramas of each day get you down. If you are diligent and patient, everything you truly need in your life will come to you at the right time. Everything will fall into place eventually. Until then, learn what you can, laugh often, live for the moments, and know its all worthwhile.

  • Orange vinager Posted by lillie watcher

    This is one of my favorite cleaners I make at home and so simple. In any kinda of glass jar add orange peels i usal try to use three orange peels or more in a jar but can vary to size of jar. then add vinager and put lid on and put it in the fridge. I personally like to let mine sit for 3 days. I then take it out of fridge and using a coffee filter strain it into another glass jar. This can then be diluted to what ever strength you need just with water. I use this in the bathroom and kitchen alot. this can also be done with lemons and grapefruit I some times even mix the peels to change it up.

  • Mindfulness Techniques to Reduce Stress

    Posted by Crystalsmuse Mindfulness Techniques to Reduce Stress Sometimes, life can get so hectic it can be hard to stop and find a few moments for ourselves. The constant hustle and bustle of daily life can start to add up and have detrimental effects on our emotional and physical wellbeing. However, by simply taking 15 minutes each day for yourself you can greatly reduce your stress levels. Here are five mindfulness techniques that will help to reduce stress: Mindful Breathing Step 1: Choose a down time: on the subway, in the shower, making breakfast. Step 2: Shift your focus to your breathing and pick a single aspect to focus on: the rising and falling of your chest or the sensation in your nose. Step 3: Spend at least five minutes in this state of awareness; when your mind wanders, gently direct it back to your breath. Why it works to reduce stress: Focusing on a single sensation can help still a racing mind. Focusing on the breath can also lead us to breathe more slowly and deeply, leading to a slower heart rate and a more relaxed state. Mindful Eating Step 1: Choose a convenient mealtime when you wont be expected to socialize. Step 2: Eat slowly. Focus on each sensation of your first bite in turn: smell, sight, touch, sound, and taste. Step 3: Immerse yourself in the richness of the practice of eating, and try to eat your whole meal slowly with appreciation. Why it works to reduce stress: Taking time to appreciate the small things we often miss can liberate us from ruminating on our daily concerns. Eating more slowly can give our bodies the proper amount of time they need for digestion to avoid some common physiological triggers of stress.

  • Body Scan Meditation Step 1: Set aside a time and place in your day where you can sit comfortably and wont be distracted or disturbed. Step 2: Find a comfortable but attentive seated position, close your eyes, and bring your attention to your toes. Step 3: Working up from your toes, bring awareness to each body part in turn: your feet, ankles, calves, knees, etc., up to your head. Why it works to reduce stress: Body scan meditations encourage self-awareness of sensations we might otherwise ignore. When you notice excessive tension in your body, you can consciously relax the muscles in that area. You may not even realize how tense you are until you intentionally bring awareness to your whole body.

  • Reflection Posted by Amitiel Nightstar

    Is life a series of reflections? Do we live constantly repeating the very actions of our past? When do we stop reflecting not only our emotional views but our thoughts on how the world should be. Can we ever step back and just see our world how it is and not how we wish it was. Our are we hardwired to strive continuously and yet reflecting our desires upon this world. I have observed that the way we choose to perceive the world is based on how we are taught to see it. So how does one go about throwing aside this need to reflect ourselves with in the world If one can only see the negative aspects of themselves in others. Then does that not also mean that they are capable of seeing the good in themselves in others also. And yet we are always drawn to the negatives, Why? Are human beings as a whole incapable of being able to stop reflecting ourselves on the world around us. I wonder?

  • Happy Mothers Day Posted by Crystalsmuse


    Posted by BZ What are we in life ?? Do our actions and motives BUILD UP others or do they DESTROY ??? We have a responsibility to others and to ourselves to make sure our actions are always with good intent and motives - remembering each act has a ripple effect on those around us. We must take responsibilty for our actions and words ............. Ask ourselves - does my actions and words build others or do I destroy and breakdown ???

    I watched them tearing a building down, A gang of men in a busy town.

    With a ho-heave-ho and lusty yell, They swung a beam and a sidewall fell.

    I asked the foreman, Are these men skilled, As the men youd hire if you had to build? He gave me a laugh and said, No indeed!

    Just common labor is all I need. I can easily wreck in a day or two

    What builders have taken a year to do. And I thot to myself as I went my way,

    Which of these two roles have I tried to play? Am I a builder who works with care,

    Measuring life by the rule and square? Am I shaping my deeds by a well-made plan,

    Patiently doing the best I can? Or am I a wrecker who walks the town, Content with the labor of tearing down?


  • Wisdom From The Roji Path (my new Blog Series) Blog#1 No need to fight

    Posted by Sage Roji Path In case anyone is wondering -a Roji Path ,is a winding path of stepping stones and moss , that leads to a Japanese Tea House. The path is sacred and the stepping stones encourage us to slow down and walk mindfully and in silent contemplation. There is no need to fight in life against other beings because all beings' are One being. It is good , effective and ok to fight for causes you believe in etc because on a material level things can change. On the spiritual level is what i'm referring to. Lets say a guy on the street begins cursing at me for no reason: My ego will try to convince me to "tell him off" , stand up to him. My first emotional responses are anger and fear . In some way i'm feeling threatened by him . My spiritual self , tells me "You and this man are the same person , just different sides of each other". He is attempting to fight against himself by attacking you. For you to attack back would be to fight against Yourself . I say nothing and go my way , slowly and peacefully. I know My Higher Spirit Self is correct. This is the way to resolve conflict not simply by walking away but by knowing the man and i and God/Spirit are all one. Namaste. Sage

  • The Window of your Soul. Posted by Grace

    It is known that our soul is relfected in our eyes, hence the heading. Our eyes are a dead give away of many things and are responsible in the way we connect with one another. In saying this , eyes reveal many shades of how a person is and can be. It's like when we meet someone for the first time, something about them makes you either uncomfortable or wanting to know more about them an so forth. Where does this normally come from? How do we feel this or know this? Yes the auric field plays a big part sensing a person's vibration etc.. and in most cases we go by our gut feeling. But I feel the biggest give away are the eyes. The warmth or coldness of them determines what type of frienship, relationships etc. Of course there are many factors that are essentional in being able to idenify what is what who is who, negative and positive and so on. What are you thoughts on this.


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