May 2014 Joyful Noise

Canyon Hills Presbyterian Church May 2014 Important Dates Inside... 5 Adult Education Class 7 Eat, Pray, Lose! Class 11 Happy Mother’s Day 16 Parent’s Night Out 18 New Members Class 27 Women’s Book Group 2 Youth Ministries 3 Children’s Ministries 4 Adult Education Classes 5 Calendar 6 Birthdays & Anniversaries Fellowship 7 Fellowship & Outreach Women’s Book Club 8 Continuation of Lissa’s Ponderings New Members Class While listening to the FISH radio station 95.9 FM the morning show DJs shared a story about the cast of the Lion King Australia breaking out in spontaneous song while on a flight to Brisbane entertaining the other passengers with “The Circle of Life” live on the plane. Many of the passengers were smiling and glad for this impromptu sharing of the gift of song from these talented performers as they brought joy and delight to everyone who heard. These singers for sure were taking a chance maybe the other passengers would be annoyed or maybe they would not sing on key but they decided to spontaneously share their gift anyhow and it became a blessing to others. These spontaneous singers makes me wonder if there are ways we can be more spontaneous in how we share our gifts with others, how we might share our faith, our joy, God’s love with others. Haven’t we all experienced times when we felt the urge to do something or say something to someone else but resisted that urge because we thought we might look foolish or misunderstood? The Apostle Paul knew all too well how non-believers might perceive the Good News about Jesus Christ and those who claimed faith in the resurrected Lord. In 1 Corinthians he declares: “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. Where is the wise person? Where is the teacher of the law? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?...but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. (1 Cor. 1:18-25) When spontaneously sharing our faith, sharing our gifts, sharing joy and love with others we might feel foolish and awkward and outside our comfort zone and yet God is pleased to use even our foolishness for His good purposes and God has seen fit to use what others may see as foolishness as wisdom for the ages. I tend to over analyze most situations in my life which often prevents me from acting spontaneously, acting in ways I think God would want me to act but out of caution and fear of being unwise I miss opportunities to share genuine joy and compassion. (ponderings continued on last page)


May 2014 Joyful Noise

Transcript of May 2014 Joyful Noise

Canyon Hills Presbyterian Church May 2014

Important Dates


5 Adult Education Class

7 Eat, Pray, Lose! Class

11 Happy Mother’s Day

16 Parent’s Night Out

18 New Members Class

27 Women’s Book Group

2 Youth Ministries

3 Children’s Ministries

4 Adult Education Classes

5 Calendar

6 Birthdays & Anniversaries Fellowship

7 Fellowship & Outreach Women’s Book Club

8 Continuation of Lissa’s Ponderings New Members Class

While listening to the FISH radio station – 95.9 FM the morning show DJs shared a story about the cast of the Lion King Australia breaking out in spontaneous song while on a flight to Brisbane entertaining the other passengers with “The Circle of Life” live on the plane. Many of the passengers were smiling and glad for this impromptu sharing of the gift of song from these talented performers as they brought joy and delight to everyone who heard. These singers for sure were taking a chance – maybe the other passengers would be annoyed or maybe they would not sing on key but they decided to spontaneously share their gift anyhow and it became a blessing to others. These spontaneous singers makes me wonder if there are ways we can be more spontaneous in how we share our gifts with others, how we might share our faith, our joy, God’s love with others. Haven’t we all experienced times when we felt the urge to do something or say something to someone else but resisted that urge because we thought we might look foolish or misunderstood? The Apostle Paul knew all too well how non-believers might perceive the Good News about Jesus Christ and those who claimed faith in the resurrected Lord. In 1 Corinthians he

declares: “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. Where is the wise person? Where is the teacher of the law? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?...but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. (1 Cor. 1:18-25) When spontaneously sharing our faith, sharing our gifts, sharing joy and love with others we might feel foolish and awkward and outside our comfort zone and yet God is pleased to use even our foolishness for His good purposes and God has seen fit to use what others may see as foolishness as wisdom for the ages.

I tend to over analyze most situations in my life which often prevents me from acting spontaneously, acting in ways I think God would want me to act but out of caution and fear of being unwise I miss opportunities to share genuine joy and compassion.

(ponderings continued on last page)

Joyful Noise May 2014 2

YOUTH MINISTRIES Mexico Mission 2014

Build Your Kingdom Here Matthew 6:33

Our team of students and adults had an incredible time building houses in Mexico last month! We hope you enjoy these photos and they give you a glimpse into our time together serving God by serving the families in Mexico.

Stoney Point Rock Climbing

Our senior higher’s spent a Saturday together at Stoney Point rock climbing! A huge THANK YOU to Alan Smith, Spencer Smith, and Mary Byrne for planning our outing, driving us to the park, setting up all of the climbing equipment, and encouraging us throughout the day. It was an adventurous day to say the least!

Here Comes Summer!

Summer is quickly approaching! Here’s what we have planned for summer 2014 so far.

Senior High California Adventure Dates: June 20-27 Join us for the adventure of a lifetime! White water rafting on the American River, camping and hiking in Yosemite, and service in San Francisco.

Cost: $350 covers transportation, lodging, activities and most meals.

Middle School Summer Camp at Calvin Crest Dates: July 13-19

Cost: $350 covers lodging, transportation, and meals.

We will also gather during summer months for Bible study, game nights, and all sorts of activities. Summer Calendars are coming soon!

Joyful Noise May 2014 3

Parents Night-Out Children’s Ministry is hosting on May 16, 2014 from 6:00 to 8:30 our second Parents Night-Out. This is for children nursery to 5th grade. Parents your roll is to drop-off and pick-up, the kids roll is to just have fun. The kids get to play games, do crafts, have a snack and end with a movie. Please invite your family and friends to bring their children too. Please register on-line at [email protected] or register on the patio on Sundays. If you have any questions please contact Kathie Consalvi 714-420-4846.

This year’s theme is Weird Animals, Where Jesus’ Love is One-of-a-Kind. VBS will be the week of July 21-25, 2014. We are going to have Fun, Fun, Fun meeting all the Weird Animals, going to untamed games, doing crafts, having snacks at Critter Café, and going to one-of-a-kind Bible adventures. Please pass on the word to your family and friends. Sign-ups will start on April 6, you will also be able to sign-up on the church’s website. If you have any questions please contact Kathie Consalvi.

Easter Egg Hunt and Continental Breakfast

Thank you to Children’s Ministry for hosting a very successful Easter Egg Hunt and Continental Breakfast. The children enjoyed visiting with the Easter Bunny and hunting for the Easter Eggs. The congregation enjoyed their breakfast and watching the children running around collecting all the Easter Eggs.


Joyful Noise May 2014 4

Creating Healthy Minds, Bodies and Souls! Opportunities for Spiritual Growth and Wise Living

Navigating the Word of God

Does the Bible seem like a maze of stories and sayings and rules that have you wandering and wondering how to make sense of it all? Do you wish you knew more about the historical background of the scriptures and their original contexts? Have you found yourself trying to read the Bible on your own but have no idea where to start?

Beginning Monday, May 5, Rev. Smith will lead a class on the Foundations of Faith that will focus on an overview of the holy scriptures that is intended to help you get your “Bible Bearings” so you can begin to navigate yourself through the Word of God in a more thoughtful and meaningful way.

This four week class will include an introduction to the Old and New Testament, information about the original languages of the Bible, how it was canonized, the historical context for the major writings and an overview of the Old and New Testament highlighting the major Biblical characters, timelines and writers.

Classes will be held Monday evenings, May 5, 12, 19 and June 2 from 7 to 8:30 PM at the church. You may register for the class online through our web site or by using the registration form in the Sunday worship bulletins. You may also call the church office to register, 714-637-7660.

Eat, Pray, Lose: A search for healthy eating and weight loss support

If you find yourself struggling to create a healthier lifestyle through nutrition and weight loss and are seeking guidance and support we would like to help. Beginning Wednesday, May 7 and continuing for 5 weeks, Malia Lewis will lead a workshop which will address weight loss and healthy eating. The 5 week workshop will stress ways to create a life-long eating plan as opposed to a “diet” and will address problem areas participants would like to discuss, the role of exercise, healthy weight and weight loss, eating out and holidays, the benefits of teams and partners in weight loss and learning how to spot harmful ingredients in our diet. Malia has created this program for our church from her desire to give back more to the community using the skills and gifts God has given. Malia holds a PhD in anatomy and has worked as a nutrition consultant, personal trainer and aerobics instructor among other areas

related to health and well being. It is her passion to help people who struggle with nutrition and weight loss and would like to offer her guidance to those who are interested. Workshop gatherings will be held on Wednesday evenings, May 7, 14, 21, 28 and June 4 from 7:00 to 8:00 PM at the church. You may register for the class online through our web site or by using the registration form in the Sunday worship bulletins. You may also call the church office to register, 714-637-7660.

Adult Education

Joyful Noise May 2014 5

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


6:00 PM Worship &


7:30 PM Chancel



Office Closed


9:00 PM PW

Coordinating Team


8:45AM Bible Study

10:00 AM Worship &

Sunday School

11:30 AM Confirmation


11:30 AM GALS Group

6:30 PM Youth



12:00 Noon

All Staff Meeting

7:00 PM

Admin. Committee

7:00 PM Navigating

the Word of God



9:30 AM Women’s Bible


7:00 PM Fellowship


7:00 PM Boy Scouts in FH

7:15PM Deacon’s


7:00 AM Men’s Breakfast

6:30 PM WNF

7:00 PM Eat, Pray, Lose


7:00 PM Godsend

7:15 PM Hand Bells


9:30 AM Lydia Cir.

7:30 PM Chancel



Office Closed



Happy Mother’s Day

8:45AM Bible Study

10:00 AM Worship &

Sunday School


6:00 PM Itchin’ to


7:00 PM Facilities

7:00 PM Navigating

the Word of God



9:30 AM Women’s Bible


7:00 PM Deborah Circle

7:00 PM Boy Scouts in FH


7:00 AM Men’s Breakfast

9:30 PM Ruth Circle

6:30 PM Outreach

6:30 PM WNF

7:00 PM Eat, Pray, Lose


7:00 PM Godsend

7:15 PM Hand Bells


3:30 PM Abigail Cir.

7:30 PM Chancel



6:00-8:30 PM


Night Out

Sponsored by



Office Closed



8:45 AM Bible Study

10:00 AM Worship &

Sunday School

11:30 AM Phoebe Circle

11:30 PM GALS Group

11:30 PM New Member


6:30 PM Youth



Don Jose

Fundraiser all day

7:00 PM Navigating

the Word of God



9:30 AM Women’s Bible


7:00 PM Naomi Circle

7:00 PM Boy Scouts 8/9

7:15 PM Session

(Newsletter Articles due)


7:00 AM Men’s Breakfast

6:30 PM WNF

7:00 PM Eat, Pray, Lose


7:00 PM Godsend

7:15 PM Hand Bells


7:30 PM Chancel



Office Closed



8:45 AM Bible Study

10:00 AM Worship &

Sunday School

6:30 PM Youth



7:00 PM Alzheimer’s


27 9:30 AM Women’s Bible


7:00 PM Boy Scouts in FH


7:00 AM Men’s Breakfast

6:30 PM WNF

7:00 PM Eat, Pray, Lose


7:00 PM Godsend

7:15 PM Hand Bells


7:30 PM Chancel



Office Closed


Joyful Noise May 2014 6

May Birthdays

Eric McCaleb 1 Margaret Londre 2 Joel Oakford 2 Martha Prince 3 Colleen McGuire 4 Doug Schroeder 5 Eric Eshelman 6 Evan Webber 7 Brynn Martindale 8 Ann Cockrell 10 Carolyn Tadeja 10 Austin Bell 12 David Byrne 12 Dean Benter 13 Denise Goldstein 13 John Thompson 13 Beverly Wurgler 13 Scott Barton 14 Kristin McMillan 14

Colby Egkan 16 Diane Gates 16 Mia Johnson 16 Nichole Martinez-Cade 16 Helen Byrens 17 John Douglas 17 Chad Stewart 17 Malia Lewis 18 Joyce Benefiel 19 Michelle Gray 20 Ruby McMillan 20 Mike Genrich 21 Glenna Hudson 22 Lauren Byrne 23 Brian Counter 23 Isabel Little 24 Tom Yasger 24 Jacob Hart 25 Shannon Sheehan 25 Connor Mitchellweiler 25 Betsy Kasten 26

Steve Burgess 27 Michael Erickson 28 Brooke Barton 29 Ann Kaiser 29 Erica Martinez 29 Fred Mendez 29 Tom Rapport 29 Linda Farrow 30 Bob Lewis 30 John Jones 31

May Anniversaries

David & Malia Lewis 3 Bryce & Pat Pennington 4 Peter & Deanna Simeone 4 Ann & Randy Cockrell 6 Greg & Kelly Adams 7 Doug & Connie Watson 7 Rich & Diane Gates 8 John & Nancy Jones 9 Mike & Kathleen Genrich 10 Rob & Andrea McMillan 12 Sandy & Marilyn Brainerd 13

Eric & Peggy Eshelman 17 Mike & Marlin Solo 21 Tom & Deborah Rapport 22 Mike & Faye Sosnoski 23 Damien & Vanessa Bates 30 Gary & Maria Lindsey 30

Fellowship Happy 35th Birthday Canyon Hills! Please come and join your Fellowship committee for a Bar-b-cue celebration of Canyon Hills Presbyterian Church 35 years. We will be serving lunch immediately following worship consisting of Hamburgers, Veggie burgers, Hot Dogs, Fumi salad, pasta salad, chips, watermelon, pies and Ice cream for the kids! The Youth ministry committee (Mary Byrne) and Children’s Committee(Denise Behle) will be hosting some games for the children and there will also be two bounce houses. This event is free to all so please invite your entire family to come and join us in the fun! Please call Joan Coy in the church office to let her know how many in your family will be attending 714-637-7660. Tim Consalvi - Fellowship Elder

Joyful Noise May 2014 7


Women’s Book Group

Watch for it! CHPC will soon have a new website! The Outreach Committee (with special thanks to Suzanne Teuben, Bob Coleman and Laura Kidd) has been working on a new, more up-to-date website. Our goal is that it will be user-friendly to the congregation as well as attractive to those who visit the site from the community. We will also have a new Facebook page, Twitter account, Instagram account and other ways for the outside world to find us. Our website can be a useful tool for outreach by creating links to other sites used by the families whom we are trying to attract to our church. Door hangers and print news ads are no longer the way to find the people who are searching for what we have to offer. Social media and an interesting website are the new way of ‘getting the word out’. On the other hand, the website should be the first place our own members go to seek information about our church and current events. We will have a new blog to keep everyone informed about upcoming events and some short articles to stimulate thoughtful response. We hope to go live with the new website in May.

Women’s Book Group is asking a question: Do you want to read a book that you can’t put down and yet not want it to end? Popular author Sue Monk Kidd’s The Invention of Wings is our book selection for May. Kidd tells the story of Sarah Gremke, one of the most infamous women in America in the early 1800s, as well as the story of Handful, a ten-year old slave given as a “human gift” to Sarah for her eleventh birthday. Both women are linked by the horrors of slavery and an unlikely friendship, and while their pain and struggle cannot be equated, both strive to be set free – Sarah from the bonds of patriarchy and Southern bigotry, and Handful from the inhuman bonds of slavery. Family drama, religion, the abolitionist and suffragist movements, and the struggles of women – this book has it all! We will meet at the home of Mary Douglas on Tuesday, May 27, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. Please plan to join us for a lively discussion. New members are always welcome. Contact Mary Douglas (714-281-1472) or Betsy Kasten (714-998-2522) for more information.

Bowling League Winter Season Results Our Canyon Rollers Sunday Night Bowling League finished its eight week winter season on March 30th with Team Ryan’s Rollers, led by Diane Roper, taking first place. Members of the team included Dennis Sepulveda and Craig and Kristen McMillan. Members of the league were: Jerry Conrey, Dwight Peterson, Sheree Subramanyan, Jerry and Bari Rudmann, Ron and Ellen Dunlap, Eric and Debbie Coulter, Russ and Patti Price, and Tom and Trey Yasger. Many thanks to several members and friends of CHPC who served as subs during the season and to Ruby McMillan, our league’s best cheerleader . Everyone had a great time building new friendships, improving their scores and raising money for the Fellowship Fund. A big thanks to all of our bowlers and Concourse Bowling Alley for making our winter league such a success. The league will be hosting an all-family bowling night during the summer. Information will be published soon about this fun event for kids and adults. We invite all of you to save the date and join in the fun.


Joyful Noise May 2014 8

Joyful Noise is a monthly publication of Canyon Hills Presbyterian Church. If you need more information about our church or about upcoming events, please call the church office. Pastor: Rev. Melissa J. Smith

Staff: Staci Ashby ……………… Family Ministry Coordinator Kathie Consalvi .. ….Director of Children’s Ministries Leslie Berger……………………………. Minister of Music Deanne Simeone……………………..Hand Bell Director Craig Coy………………………………...Godsend Director Joan Coy………………………….Administrative Assistant Laura Kidd …………..Office Administrative Manager

Pam Danile……………………………………….Accountant Phone…………………………………………….714-637-7660 FAX……………………………………………….714-637-8652 e-mail…………………………[email protected] web…………………………………………

(continued from front page, Ponderings from Lissa) Last week as I was leaving the market a man who appeared to be from the Knights of Columbus was outside raising funds to help those with mental health issues. He was just holding a donation jar and did not speak or ask for a donation. I passed him by thinking it might be a scam. And then all at once my head was flooded with information, I had the voice of Bob Eubanks in my head introducing the Knights of Columbus in the Rose Parade and the announcers of our 4th of July Parade talking about the good works done through the Knights of Columbus while simultaneously remembering a conversation I had just had with one of our members who has been caring for a family member who has struggled with mental health issues for decades.

The voices in my head were creating a chorus as I tried to calculate the odds that this might be a scam against my heart telling me to make a donation. By the time my internal debate was finished I had long passed the man and was half way to my car, oh well missed opportunity. But then I decided to turn back and I returned to the man and made a donation. If he was legit then I was helping a vast and silent group of people who need support and if not he probably needed the support himself.

I would wager that most of us are presented with spontaneous and impromptu opportunities to share ourselves, our joy, our gifts and our faith with others each day but we may forego those chances out of fear of foolishness. We have probably all missed some great occasions to allow God to use our foolishness for His wisdom. So, take a chance, be spontaneous, share God’s great love, be a fool for Christ because even the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of humanity. We are in good company with our Lord and Savior

Jesus Christ. Lissa

New Member Class: As our church family continues to grow we are hosting an opportunity on Sunday, May 18 for friends and visitors of our church to learn more about Canyon Hills Presbyterian Church and the Presbyterian Church, USA including membership at our church. Our New Member Class includes information about our particular congregation and the foundations of faith that define the Presbyterian Church. You will meet new friends and learn about the many opportunities for involvement we have in our church family. Near the end of the class you may choose to become a member of our congregation, however membership selection is not a requirement to attend the class. All inquirers about our church are welcome. If you are interested in learning more about our church please join us at our New Member class on Sunday, May 18, following worship. The class will begin around 11:30 AM and will conclude by 2 PM and will include a light lunch. Childcare will be provided upon request. The class will be co-led by Jana Kidd, our Elder responsible for Outreach and Rev. Lissa Smith. You may register for this class online through our church web site, or by using the registration form in our Sunday worship bulletins or you may contact the church office at 714-637-7660 Monday-Thursday from 9:30 to 2:30 PM. When you register please let us know if you will need child care or if you have any dietary restrictions. We look forward to getting to know you better.