May 2013 - Christian Motorcyclists AssociationUserFiles/YMMAY13.pdf · May 2013 P.3 Note from the...

There is always something exciting in the life of a follower of Christ. It’s a journey, some would even say a rollercoaster. As a family, we find our lives are constantly changing and growing but always nurtured and blessed by God. 2013 has already been an incredible year for the McPher- sons with much more in store. It’s with much joy and anticipation for the future that we cele- brate our oldest son’s graduation from high school. Zeke has been a member of CMA since he was 12, has participated in youth events at CMA state rallies and Seasons of Refreshings all over the country. He has been on 3 international Youth Movement mission trips, and served at many MX tracks around the country. Together with his friends and brothers and sisters, He has been instrumental in the growth and the development of CMA Youth Movement’s Flame On and the facebook group REVOLUTION OF YOUTH EVERYWHERE. Most of all he’s a young man working hard to follow Christ and serve others...and he’s our son. :) With many other CMA Youth Movement students beside him, graduating from high school and embarking on the next adventure, we pray God’s blessing and guidance over every mile on the road. Growing and Going jerodmcpherson OUR VISION: Changing the world, one young heart at a time. OUR MISSION: To love, support, and connect young people to the Kingdom of God and to the ministry of the Christian Motorcy- clists Association. May 2013 May 2013 THE GOODS: YM Evangelists’ Check In 1 YM Reports 2 Getting the Man Right 3 From the Front Lines 4 Jerod & Jennifer McPherson National Evangelists CMA Youth Movement CONTACT US: [email protected] Newsletter Editor: Jennifer Dawson [email protected] Visit us on the web... Click on CMA Youth Movement

Transcript of May 2013 - Christian Motorcyclists AssociationUserFiles/YMMAY13.pdf · May 2013 P.3 Note from the...

There is always something exciting in the life of a follower of Christ. It’s a journey, some would

even say a rollercoaster. As a family, we find our lives are constantly changing and growing but always nurtured and blessed by God. 2013 has already been an incredible year for the McPher-sons with much more in store. It’s with much joy and anticipation for the future that we cele-brate our oldest son’s graduation from high school. Zeke has been a member of CMA since he was 12, has participated in youth events at CMA state rallies and Seasons of Refreshings all over the country. He has been on 3 international Youth Movement mission trips, and served at many MX tracks around the country. Together with his friends and brothers and sisters, He has been instrumental in the growth and the development of CMA Youth Movement’s Flame On and the facebook group REVOLUTION OF YOUTH EVERYWHERE. Most of all he’s a young man working hard to follow Christ and serve others...and he’s our son. :) With many other CMA Youth Movement students beside him, graduating from high school and embarking on the next adventure, we pray God’s blessing and guidance over every mile on the road.

Growing and Going jerodmcpherson


Changing the world, one young heart at a time.


To love, support, and connect young people to the Kingdom of God and to the ministry of the Christian Motorcy-clists Association.

May 2013

May 2013


YM Evangelists’ Check In


YM Reports 2

Getting the Man Right


From the Front



Jerod & Jennifer

McPherson National Evangelists

CMA Youth Movement


[email protected]

Newsletter Editor:

Jennifer Dawson

[email protected]

Visit us on the web...

Click on CMA Youth



Do you want to contrib-ute to the Youth Movement Email

Update? Send articles, pictures,

testimonies to Jennifer Dawson at

[email protected]

An expired coupon. A voided check. An

empty candy wrapper....Me. I think that too many of us struggle with

feeling worthless sometimes including me. Though I believe that young women often struggle with this, we often forget that our brothers in Christ struggle with this too. I want all my brothers out there to know that I am writing this to encourage everyone!

God cares for all of us, even more than sparrows. I know that doesn’t sound like much, but when you think about it, if God provides for those little birds, how much more will He provide for those He made in His image? You are made in HIS image! God does not make mistakes; He does not make things ugly or worthless! When we tell our-selves that we won’t amount to anything, we are unloved, and we have nothing to offer this world, we are telling ourselves lies.

As an LIT, I have learned a lot about self-worth and trusting that God will get me through anything. I have learned that God likes to use our so-called ‘weaknesses’ for His glory. I do not consider myself a speaker, yet God called me to share my story in front of everyone at Flame On this year. I do not consider myself a writer, yet here I am writ-ing an article for a nationwide newsletter. Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” This is one of my life verses because I have done many things as an LIT that I never would have done without God giving me the strength to do everything He has called me to do.

Job 28:13 says, “Man does not compre-hend its worth; it cannot be found in the land of the living.” Though this verse is re-ferring to wisdom, I believe God showed me this verse because we cannot comprehend our worth as humans, we will never find our worth on this earth. Only in God can we find our worth and our purpose in life. We are who He says we are. We are co-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17). We are dearly loved (Colossians 3:12). We are God’s workman-ship (Ephesians 2:10).

Many times in our lives we have people who speak badly about us. We might be our own worst enemy and speak badly about ourselves. We need to do as the Word says and “take every thought captive”. We need to stop these terrible thoughts in their tracks. We transform our minds, with the Holy Spirit’s help, by doing this. It is so im-portant to memorize Scripture to confront the lies spoken to us.

We are most definitely not disposable.

We are not trash to be swept away. God’s

infinite love gives our lives worth and pur-

pose. We need to stay grounded in His Word

and throw away all the junk that the world

tries to lay on us. Take courage! God would

never consider you equal to an empty candy

wrapper. You are His child, and He longs for

a relationship with you. He will help you un-

derstand this fact through this life, all the

way to heaven. I want to leave you with this-

you are all priceless works of art!

LIT Corner, Mel Swartzfeger, LIT CMA NE


“The Spirit

Himself testifies

together with our

spirit that we are

Gods’ children,

and if children,

also heirs-heirs

of God and co-

heirs with Christ-

seeing that we

suffer with Him

so that we may

also be glorified

with Him”

-Romans 8:16-17

Download the registration and information packet at!UserFiles/2013%20MX%20Mission%20Trip%

May 2013 P.3

Note from the Editor Jennifer Dawson, Area Rep - YM N-TX

Mistakes. I don’t like mistakes. Last month, in

this space, I made a mistake. I left a typo in my own story! What kind of an editor does that? A human editor does that.

See, we all make mistakes. We make mis-takes every day but God never makes a mistake. Mel reminded us of this in her article. Even when we feel like an empty candy wrapper, we can know that we are loved by God.

God knows we are going to mess up. That’s why God sent Jesus. Because of Jesus, I don’t have to be perfect. I only have to be saved.

YM is growing across the country. Young men and women are standing firm for a different way of being. Students who choose each day to live for Christ are changing our world.

Thank you for being part of this revolution. Remember to forgive each other and forgive yourself. Enjoy life and watch for opportunities to be a God link.

Getting the Man Right Jerod McPherson

Once there was a business owner of a large

successful business. Over the years, he had grown his endeavor into huge profits, but as things sometimes go, the tide had turned and his business was experiencing some downturn. Competitors circled as he struggled to find a way to turn the whole thing around. The man was convinced if he could just get all of his em-ployees together for a dinner, he could encour-age and share with them a plan to bring re-newal to the business. The morning of planned dinner, he was sitting at home working on his thoughts, outlining his plan of what he is going to say, when his wife entered and informed him she was going to go out for a few hours to shop. She asked if we would look after their seven year old son. So the wife went shopping and the man continued to work on his speech. Af-ter five minutes there was a knock at the study door and young boy appeared in the doorway saying, “Daddy, I’m bored; I’ve got nothing to do.” Knowing he needed to be left alone to work, the father quickly grabbed a magazine, turned through the pages and found a full page color map of the world. He ripped the page out and then carefully tore the map into small little pieces. He said to his son, “If you can put the map of the world back together, I will give you twenty dollars.” The son rushed off with all of the pieces and the father figured he has bought himself at least two or three hours of free unin-terrupted time to finish his speech. He knew his son had no idea what the map of the world looked like.

Ten minutes later there is another knock on the study door and this time, there stood the son, smiling, with a completed puzzle in his hands. The father looked at the boy in amaze-

ment and asked, “Son, how did you do this so quickly?” The boy smiled and replied, “Did you know Dad, I had no idea what the map of the world looked like. But as I was looking through the pieces I noticed that on the back there was a picture of a man. I knew what the man looked like, so I put a piece of paper down, put the picture of the man together, put another piece of paper on top of it, held it tight and flipped it over, and there was the world.” The man looked at his son in amazement. The boy continued, “You know Dad, I figured if I got the man right, I would get the world right.”

Our challenge to change the world and transform the environment we live in is always going to be a challenge to transform individu-als. “One heart at a time” is the focus of CMA and it has never been more appropriate. The unanimous conclusion is that our world needs changing. Our nation needs renewal, the world needs transformation, but it starts with indi-viduals. We will never see the culture of the world impacted if we do not see individuals transformed in their own personal lives. If we see God change young people’s hearts, we will see a nation changed. This is why personal change through the Spirit of Christ is desper-ately needed in our own lives. This is why every young person is important, every young life critical to the future of the faith and our nation. Want to impact the culture for God? Want to literally change the world? Invest in one young person. We each have the opportunity to do this at each MX track, at each Youth Movement meeting and in the heart of each young life we touch. Get that one young man or woman pointed in the right direction and the world will follow.

“Therefore, God’s

chosen ones, holy

and loved, put on

heartfelt compas-

sion, kindness, hu-

mility, gentleness

and patience.”

- Colossians 3:12

Michael & Jennifer

Dawson Area Rep - YM N-TX

May 2013 P.4


Recall our previous talk on God Winks? Have you had any encounters to share? God is acutely aware of us - He wants to take care of us. He lives in us, through us, for us♥ Sometimes we serve as God Links - messengers who will alter the course of someone's day or life... helping real life people to move forward toward certainty and to keep the faith. Here is a real life story ~

A nurse took the tired, anxious serviceman to the bedside. "Your son is here," she said to the old man. She had to repeat the words several times before the pa-tient's eyes opened.

Heavily sedated because of the pain of his heart at-tack, he dimly saw the young uniformed Marine standing outside the oxygen tent. He reached out his hand. The Marine wrapped his toughened fingers around the old man's limp ones, squeezing a message of love and en-couragement.

The nurse brought a chair so that the Marine could sit beside the bed. All through the night the young Ma-rine sat there in the poorly lighted ward, holding the old man's hand and offering him words of love and strength. Occasionally, the nurse suggested that the Marine move away and rest awhile. He refused.

Whenever the nurse came into the ward, the Marine was oblivious of her and of the night noises of the hospi-tal - the clanking of the oxygen tank, the laughter of the night staff members exchanging greetings, the cries and moans of the other patients. Now and then she heard him say a few gentle words. The dying man said nothing, only held tightly to his son all through the night.

Along towards dawn, the old man died. The Marine released the now lifeless hand he had been holding and went to tell the nurse. While she did what she had to do, he waited.

Finally, she returned. She started to offer words of sympathy, but the Marine interrupted her, "Who was that man?" he asked. The nurse was startled, "He was your father," she answered. "No, he wasn't," the Marine replied. "I never saw him before in my life." "Then why didn't you say something when I took you to him?"

"I knew right away there had been a mistake, but I also knew he needed his son, and his son just wasn't here. When I realized that he was too sick to tell whether or not I was his son, knowing how much he needed me, I stayed. I came here tonight to find a Mr. William Grey. His son was killed in Iraq today, and I was sent to inform him. What was this gentleman's name? "

The nurse with tears in her eyes answered, "Mr. William Grey........."

The next time someone needs you ... just be there. Stay. God will use you as His Link to touch another with His love and care. There comes a time, a day, when we feel unwanted, unworthy, or unloved. No matter how tough you think you are, there comes a time we just need a hug. God winks of comfort at just the right mo-ment and for no other reason than to deliver a personal heavenly hug. Connect to the Power; receive your as-signment, deliver His messages, be the Link to His Wink.

*Story from our friends at Operation Ooh-Rah

Winks and Links, Dianne Dunning, Area Rep - YM NY