May 1st - Last Day to Turn in ALL Gold Coin, Gold Bullion and Gold Certificates

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Transcript of May 1st - Last Day to Turn in ALL Gold Coin, Gold Bullion and Gold Certificates

  • 8/9/2019 May 1st - Last Day to Turn in ALL Gold Coin, Gold Bullion and Gold Certificates




    Issued April 5, 1933

    all persons are required to deliverON OR BEFORE MAY 1, 1933


    BULLION, ANDnow owned by them to

    a Federal Reserve Bank, branch or agency, or toany member bank of the Federal Reserve System.

    iExerutiue rber' O U LODINO TK I HO ARD ISC 0 ' CO LD CO I!,(. COL D I ULU ON

    AS D OOL D C t I T U' IC.l.T U ,

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    :d l Cold "" I .... d b ullioo Ll.. . od I" , o"",,r Prol"" t .......0.oo11NowLLi.. . .. , old _ I . t k . . .u e Io0. . . . . . . . dID.; . . . .. th _ , " ' . u clt, old "" 0 or buY, ..... . Ie"" """ , . . . . " " I i u l " I.. _ ~ .... " . . "" . . . . I.b&r- . .

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  • 8/9/2019 May 1st - Last Day to Turn in ALL Gold Coin, Gold Bullion and Gold Certificates


    EXECUTIVE ORD ER (Enl arge d for your conve nience)


    By virtue of the author ity vested in me by Section 5 (b ) ofthe Act of October 6 , 1917 , as am e nded b y Sect io n 2 of theAct of Marc h 9 , 1933 , en titled "An ac t to prov ide re lief In theeXlsling nat iona l emergency in bank ing , and for otherp urposes" , in wh ich amendatory Act Congress declared thata s e rious emergency eXists . I, Frank lin 0 Roosevelt ,President of the Un lled Stales of Am e rica , do decl are thatsaid nat iona l emergenc y still cont inues to ex ist and pursuantto said sect ion do hereby proh ibit the hoard ing o f go ld com ,gold bull ion , and gold certificates withm the continenta lUnited States by indiv iduals , partnerships , associations andcorporations and hereby prescnbe the followmg regu lat ionsfor canymg out the pu rposes of th is order:

    Section 1 For the purposes of th is regulat ion the term"hoa rdi ng" means the withdrawa l and wlth ho ld lnQ of go ldco in , gold bull io n or go ld certificates f rom the recogn izedand customary channels of t rade . The te rm "person " meansa ny ind ividu a l, partnersh ip, assoc iat ion o r corporat ion.

    Sec t ion 2 All persons are hereby required to del iver on orbefore May 1, 1933 , to a Federa l reserve bank or branch oragency thereof or to any member bank of the Federa lReserve System all go ld com , gold bullion and goldc ert ificates now ovmed by them or coming into theirovmer sh ip on o r b efore April 28 , 1933 , except the follow ing .

    (a ) Such amount of gold as ma y be required f o rlegitimate and customary use In industry ,p rofession or art within a reasonab le time,including gold prior to refining and stocks of go ld inreasonable amou nts for the us ua l tradereqUirements of owners m ining and ref in ing s uchgold .

    (b) Gold coin and go ld cert ificates in a n amount notexceeding in the agg regate $10 0 00 belong ing toanyone person ; and go ld coins haV ing arecogn ized special value to collectors of rare andunusual cOins .

    (c ) Gold coin and bull ion earmarked or held m trust

    for a recognized fore ign government or fore igncentral bank or the Bank fo r InternationalSettlem e nts .

    (d) Gold coin and bu llion licensed fo r oth er prope rtransactions (not In ... o lving hoarding ) Includ ing go ldco in and b u llion imported for re-export or heldp e ndi ng action on ap p licatio n fo r export licenses

    Section 3 . Unt il otherwise ordered by any person becom ingthe owner of a ny gold COin, gold bull ion or go ld cert ificatesafter Apn126 , 1933, sh a ll, within three days after receiptthe reof , de liver same In the ma nner p re sc ribed in Sec tio n 2;

    u nles s such gold coin , gold bullion or gold certi ficates arehel d in any of the purpos e s specif ied 10 paragraph (a ), (b ) or(c) SectIOn 2 ; or un less such gold co in , or go ld bull io n ishel d fo r purposes spec ified in paragraph (d ) or Sectio n 2an d th e p er s o n holdi ng it is, with respec t to such gold coinor b u llion, a licensee or app lica nt for license pending ac t ionthereupon .

    Sect ion 4 Upo n rece ipt o f go ld co in, go ld bul lion or goldcert ificates delivered to it in accordance w ith Section 2 o r 3,the Federal reserve ba nk o r member bank w ill pa y thereforean equ ivale nt a m o u nt of an y form o f cO in o r currency comedo r Issued u nder the lavvs of the Uni ted Sta tes

    Sect ion 5 . Member banks shall deliver a ll gold COin, goldbull ion a nd gold certif icates owned or received by them(othe r th a n as e xe m pted u nder the pro ... ision of Sect ion 2) tothe Federa l reserve banks of thelT respectl ... e d lStflctS andrece l ... e cred it o r payment therefo re .

    Section 6 . The Secretary of the Treasury , ou t of the summade ava ilab le to the President b y Sect ion 501 of the Act ofMarc h 9 , 193 3, w ill In all prope r cases pa y the reasonab lecos t of transportatio n of gold co in , go ld bull ion o r goldcertificates delivered to a member bank or Federal ReserveBank in accorda nce with Sect ion 2 , 3 , or 5 hereof , Includingthe cost of insu ra nce , protect io n , and suc h othe r i ncidentalcosts as ma y be necessary , upon production of sal1sfactorye ... iden c e of such costs . Voucher forms for th is p urpose ma ybe procured from th e Federal reserve banks.

    Section 7 In cases whe re th e del i ... e ry of gold coin , goldbu llion or gold c er t ificates by the owner s thereof Within thet ime set forth above Will inv o lve extraordi nary hardsh ipdifficulty , the Secretary of the Treasury may. In hisdiscret ion, extend the t ime w ithin wh ich such del ivery mustbe made App llcal10ns for such extension must be made Inwr iting under oa th addressed to the Secretary of theTreasury and filed w ith a Federa l reserve bank . Eachapplication must state the date to which the extens ion isdes ired , the amount and locat ion of the gold coin , go ldbu llio n a nd go ld cert ificates in respect of wh ich suc happ licat ion IS made and the facts shOW ing extens ion to benecessary to avoid extraordinary hardship or difficulty.

    Section B. The Secretary of th e Treasury is herebyau t horIZed and empowered to issue such furthe r regulationsas he may deem necessary to carry out th e purposes of th iSorde r and to issue l icenses the re unde r, through such offic e sor age ncies as he ma y deSignate, Inclu d ing licensesperm itt ing the Federa l reserve banks and member banks ofthe Federa l Reserve System , in return fo r an equivalent

    amount of other COin, currency or credit , to d e lIVer , earmarkor hold in t rust gold coin a nd bull ion to or for personsshowing the need fo r the s a me fo r any of the purposesspec ified in Paragraphs (a ), (c ) and (d ) of Sect ion 2 of thesereg ulatIOns

    Section 9 Whoever willfully violates any provision of thisExecutl ... e Order or of these regulations or of any ru le,regu lat io n or license issued there under ma y be fined notmore than $1 0,000 or If a nat u ra l person , may beimprisoned fo r not more tha n ten years, or both ; and anyofficer, director or agency of any corporation wh o knowinglyparticipates in any such violation ma y be punished by a like

    fine , Im p riso n ment , or both .

    This order and these regu lat ions ma y be modif ied o rrevoked at any time.

    THe: WHITE.HOUse:~ I S . 1933