Maximizing Your Career Fair Experience

Maximizing Your Career Fair Experience Cindy Broderius, M.Ed., NCC Assistant Director, Counseling & Programs January 14, 2015 Career Center

Transcript of Maximizing Your Career Fair Experience

Page 1: Maximizing Your Career Fair Experience

Maximizing  Your    Career  Fair  Experience  Cindy  Broderius,  M.Ed.,  NCC  Assistant  Director,  Counseling  &  Programs  January  14,  2015  

Career Center

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Steps  to  Maximizing  Your  Career  Fair  Experience  

1.   Prepare:  what  to  do  before  a  Career  Fair  

2.   Ac=on:  what  to  do  at  the  Career  Fair  

3.   Follow-­‐up:  what  to  do  a(er  a  Career  Fair  

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What  is  a  Career  Fair?  

A  career  fair  is  a  forum  where  a  job  seeker  or  career  explorer  meets  with  employers  to  learn  about  career  opKons  and  work  opportuniKes.  The  poten=al  candidate  (you!)  and  the  employer  exchange  informa=on,  assess  if  the  company  could  be  a  good  fit,  and  oPen  a  determinaKon  is  made  as  to  whether  or  not  there  will  be  a  next  step.    

The  fair  also  offers  employers  an  opportunity  to  meet  a  large  number  of  poten=al  candidates.  

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What  does  a  Career  Fair  look  like?  

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When  is  the  Career  Fair?      

Thursday,  January  22•  10am  to  3pm  •  Wilson  RecreaKon  Center      

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Preparing  for  the  Career  Fair:  Research  

1.  Check  the  Career  Center  website  for  a  list  of  employers  aVending  the  fair  

2.  Access  eRecruiKng  for  up-­‐to-­‐date  informaKon:  posKngs?  

3.  Conduct  employer  research    

4.  PrioriKze  a  list  of  employers  according  to  your  interest  

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Research:    What  To  Know  about  a  Company  

ü Services  &  Products  ü Industry  Standing  ü Customers  ü CompeKtors  ü #  of  Employees  ü Industry  Trends  

ü Revenues  ü Projected  growth  ü LocaKons  ü Rankings/RecogniKons  ü News  &  Headlines  ü Training  Program  

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Where  Do  I  Research?  For  Corporate:  •      Employer’s  website    

•  Hoover’s  online    

•  Forbes,  The  Wall  Street  Journal,  Business  Week,  Fortune  


•  CareerBeam  

•  Duke  Library  Job  &  Career  Research  Guide  e.g.  LexisNexis  

For  Government:    •    For  Non-­‐Profit:    •  

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And  More  Research!    

UKlize  social  networking  sites  to  locate  employers,  research  the  company,  and  learn  

about  job  opportuniKes.          

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Prepare:  Polish  Your  Resume  •   Objec=ve:  To  have  or  not  to  have…    •   NOT  merely  a  list  of  job  responsibiliKes    •   DO  highlight  qualificaKons,  skills,    and  accomplishments      •   BRING  10-­‐12  copies  of  your  resume  on  resume  paper  (or  24  lb  white)    •   Don’t  be  offended  if  a  recruiter  does  not  take  your  resume  or  asks  you  to  apply  on  their  website  

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Prepare:    Have  Your  Resume  Cri=qued!  

Career  Center  Drop-­‐in  Advising  Hours  in  Smith  Warehouse:    

•  Weekly  M-­‐F  1:30pm  to  4:30pm  

Resume  Reviews  on  West:  •  January  15  &  16  •  9:30am  to  11am  •  Griffith  Board  Room  in          Bryan  Center  

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Prepare:  Career  Fair  A`re  



Source:Tarelton  State  University  Career  Services    

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Prepare:  Be  Smart  Perfume Cologne

Visible piercings Tattoos

Cell Phones

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Prepare:  “30-­‐Second  Intro”  •  Also  known  as  an  “elevator  pitch,”  your  30-­‐second  intro  is  your  first  chance  to  introduce  yourself  to  someone  and  give  them  a  short  synopsis  of  your  skills  and  experience  with  the  goal  of  gekng  them  to  ask  you  for  more  informaKon.    

•  Key  Kp:  PRACTICE!!!  Out  loud,  in  front  of  mirror,  with  friends,  etc.    

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Your  Approach:    The  Pitch   •  Name  •  Degree  level,  GraduaKon  date,  study  areas  (major/minor/cerKficate)  

•  State  your  interest  in  the  company  –   Job  FuncKon  –   Industry  – What  YOU  have  to  offer,  not  what  you  want  

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Your  Approach  

•   Highlight:  internship,  experience,  and  skills  •   Reason  you  selected  this  parKcular  employer  •   Use  informaKon  from  your  research    

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Your  Approach:  The  Right  Ques=ons  

•   CharacterisKcs  of  ideal  candidate  •   Hiring  projecKons/trends  •   Staffing  needs  of  your  locaKon  preferences  •   Travel  opportuniKes/requirements  •   What  are  the  next  steps?  NOTE:  Speak  posiKvely  and  enthusiasKcally    

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Examples:  Ques=ons  •  How  would  you  describe  the  ideal  candidate  for  <interesKng  posiKon>?  

•  I  saw  on  your  website  that  your  company  is  involved  in  <interesKng  new  iniKaKve>.  What  impact  do  you  expect  that  having  on  your  company  in  the  next  few  years?  

•  I  noKce  that  your  posted  posiKons  include  <parKcular  jobs>.How  might  I  connect  with  someone  in  your  company  about  my  interest  and  skills  in  <a  different  type  of  job>?  

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Your  Approach:  Inappropriate  QuesKons  

•  What  jobs  are  you  offering?  •  What  is  the  salary  for  this  posiKon?  •  What  benefits  do  you  offer?  •  What  can  I  do  with  a  major  in…  •  What  is  your  background?  •  Why  did  you  select  XYZ  employer?  

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Examples:  30-­‐Second  Intro  •  Hello,  Ms.  Recruiter,  my  name  is  Candy  Apple  and  I  will  

graduate  in  May  2015  with  a  bachelors  degree  in  Psychology.  I  read  that  your  company  is  looking  to  hire  ambiKous  students  into  your  management  trainee  program  and  I  wanted  to  speak  with  you  more  in  depth  about  the  program.  I  have  been  heavily  involved  on  campus  and  served  in  several  leadership  roles  through  my  sorority  and  feel  that  my  recent  internship  working  in  customer  service  has  equipped  me  with  the  skill  set  needed  to  be  successful  with  your  company.  Can  you  tell  me  more  about  the  program  and  how  to  apply?  

•  Charlie  Wilder  and  the  Career  Fair  (Elevator)  Pitch  •  Dr.  Gail  Rooney  and  the  INFOmercial  

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Drad  Your  Own  30-­‐Sec  Intro:  

•  Sketch  out  rough  draP  of  your  own  pitch:  – Basic  info:  Name,  Major/Minor/CerKficate,  GraduaKon  Year  

– Why  that  company:  your  interest,  company  mission/goals,  new  iniKaKves,  etc.  

– Which  posiKons  of  interest  (or  general  career  goals)  

– What  YOU  have  to  offer,  e.g.  related  experiences,  skills,  etc.  

•  CriKque  

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Ac=on:  At  the  Fair  •  Use  your  Kme  wisely    -­‐  arrive  early    •  Register  your  aVendance  and  make  a  nametag  •  Get  a  map  of  Wilson  Gym  to  familiarize  yourself  with  company  locaKons  

•  Stash  backpack,  if  brought  one,  in  Career  Center’s  storage  area;  use  padfolio  to  transport  resume  copies  and  store  business  cards  you  receive  

•  Check:  hair  combed,  no  wrinkles,  materials  organized  

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At  the  Fair,  cont.  

•  Talk  to  lower  priority  companies  on  your  list  first  •  Exhibit  professionalism    1)  focus  on  the  recruiter,  not  the  freebies        2)  wait  your  turn    3)  allow  space    

•  Be  confident  and  network  independently    

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Ac=on:  Engaging  Recruiters  

•  Be  aware  of  non-­‐verbal  communicaKon,  e.g.  walk  confidently  with  good  posture,  make  good  eye  contact  

•  Shake  hands  with  recruiter  if  offered  •  Use  your  pitch,  tailored  to  recruiter,  to  begin  conversaKon;  listen  carefully  

•  Smile  and  show  your  enthusiasm!  •  Have  fun  learning  about  opportuniKes!    

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Closing  the  Deal:  Follow  the  Lead  

•  Ask  for  a  business  card  from  the  recruiters  before  stepping  away  from  the  conversaKon  

•  Determine  follow-­‐up:    know  the  next  step  in  the  process  

•  Say  “Thank  You”  as  you  conclude  conversaKon  •  APer  stepping  away  from  recruiter,  jot  down  

notes  on  conversaKon  for  later  reference  

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Ader  the  Fair:  Follow-­‐up  Send  thank  you  notes  to  all  recruiters  you  met:  

•  Indicate  your  appreciaKon  for  Kme/advice/interesKng  Kdbit  of  informaKon  from  conversaKon  

•  Share  steps  you  may  have  taken  since  talking  •  E-­‐mail  vs.  hard  copy;  24-­‐48  hours  aPer  fair  

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Ader  the  Fair:  Apply  

•  Follow  employer’s  preferred  method  for  applying  for  posiKons  within  organizaKon  

•  CriKcal:  stay  organized  and  pay  aVenKon  to  applicaKon  deadlines!  

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Video  Clips  of  Career  Fair  Advice  

•  Mark  Strom  ’11  with  Cisco:  transformed  a  career  fair  conversaKon  with  an  engineering  recruiter  into  a  job  in  finance  

•  Adedayo  Aderibigbe  ‘10  with  Accenture:  be  acKve—have  conversaKons!  

•  Melissa  Desnoyers  with  GE  Healthcare:  we’re  here  to  have  conversaKons  

•  Karla  Morrison  with  T.  Howard  FoundaKon:  what  NOT  to  do  at  a  fair  

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Remember  to...  •   Bring  10-­‐12  copies  of  your  resume.  •   Carry  a  padfolio.  •   Check  in  so  we  (and  employers)  know  you’ve  aVended!    

•  Wear  your  name  tag  on  your  right.  •  Network  independently.  •  Be  professional  and  confident.  •  Show  enthusiasm.  •  Turn  your  cell  phone  on  silent.  

Note to self: Imagine the Possibilities!

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Get  your  resume  reviewed!    

Resume  Reviews  on  West    Jan.  15  &  16  9:30-­‐11am  Griffith  Board  Room  (BC)  


@  Smith  Warehouse  M-­‐F  1:30pm  to  4:30pm  

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Contact  Us

Career Center

(919)  660-­‐1050  hVp://