Maximize the Moment with Real-Time Engagement

© 2014 IBM Corporation Maximize the Moment with Real-Time Engagement Erin Jaeger, IBM


It's no secret that the best marketers deliver personalized, dynamic content to their customers in real time. How can your brand start on the real-time path? I delivered this presentation at IBM Connect in Orlando, Florida, in January 2013. It lays out five questions to ask when laying the foundations for a real-time marketing strategy.

Transcript of Maximize the Moment with Real-Time Engagement

Page 1: Maximize the Moment with Real-Time Engagement

© 2014 IBM Corporation

Maximize the Moment with Real-Time Engagement

Erin Jaeger, IBM

Page 2: Maximize the Moment with Real-Time Engagement

Today’s consumer is more connected and more demanding than ever

58%are more price-conscious today

than they were a year ago

70%of a B2B purchase decision is

made before a rep is contacted

19%increase in

mobile sales on Black Friday 2013

vs. 2012

71%of smartphone users compare

prices in stores

5.9B mobile phone subscribers across

the globe in 2013

92%of consumers research online and seek

opinions via earned media before a


*SOURCES: IBM Institute for Business Value; IBM 2012 Holiday Benchmark Reports;

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Marketers must engage today’s consumer in context, at every point in the lifecycle

Continuous Customer Engagement

Make useful recommendations about products and


Give customers a means to share ideas and opinions Intervene when customers are struggling

Provide relevant content that informs the buying


Send offers when customers are most likely to buy

Understand and respect

customers’ preferences

Identify, develop, and reward brand advocates

Rescue at-risk customers before they churn

Match service levels with expectations

Arm workforce with the knowledge customers wantServe and sell to customers in their preferred channels

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In a global study of marketers, IBM found 20% outperform the rest

1.8x higher

3-yr gross profit growth

3.4x higher

3-yr net income growth

2.4x higher

3-yr stock price growthAnd achieve:

The top

20% of marketers:

•Adopt cross-channel optimization technologies

*SOURCE: The State of Marketing 2013: IBM’s Global Survey of Marketers, IBM Center for Applied Insights

•Take proactive ownership of the customer


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These outperformers employ four specific practices

Get the report:

Break down silos

to better engage customers and deliver exceptional customer experience

Maximize the moment

with real-time and predictive analytics to delight customers in context

Deliver an omni-channel experience

to ensure the right experience is delivered via the right channel every time

Consistently measure results

to improve customer insight, responses, and ROI





*SOURCE: The State of Marketing 2013: IBM’s Global Survey of Marketers, IBM Center for Applied Insights

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Leading marketers maximize every moment with their customers – significantly more so than their peers

2.6xmore likely to adjust real-time offers based on context

Leading marketers are:

1.4xmore likely to integrate inbound and outbound efforts

*SOURCE: The State of Marketing 2013: IBM’s Global Survey of Marketers, IBM Center for Applied Insights

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So, how can we build a real-time engagement strategy?

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1. Who is the customer or prospect? How much do we know about her?

Behavioral data:

Page views, location, reason for call, products in cart

Customer data:

Demographics, psychographics, account details, purchase history

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Many approaches to personalization use one type of data

Product recommendation


Online behavioral


Search engine marketing


Display adsSPAMPre-calculated




Less personalized More personalized

Customer data:

Demographics, psychographics, account details, purchase history

Behavioral data:

Page views, location, reason for call, products in cart

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But, your customers are multidimensional – and so are successful personalization strategies

Product recommendation


Online behavioral


SEMDisplay adsSPAM





Good approach

Behavioral data:

Page views, location, reason for call, products in cart

Customer data:

Demographics, psychographics,

account details, purchase history

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WOTC powers insight

beyond just related or

bestselling products

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2. What gets personalized?

The look and feel:

• Background/ layout: e.g., season-specific, optimized for certain device

• Images

The message:

• Special offer: 10% off, BOGO

• Recommended products

• Thematic message: “Stay warm this winter”

• Follow-up/ other action – even if it’s not a traditional marketing message!

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3. Where does the interaction happen? How connected is it to my other marketing efforts?

Marketer Customer

Can you:

• Reinforce offers and messages across


• Learn from every interaction?

• Use what you learn to power future


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You forgot your cash – but it’s

safe and sound.

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4. When are the personalization decisions made?

Behavioral data:

Page views, location, reason for call, products in cart

Customer data:

Demographics, psychographics, account details, purchase history

Before the interaction(based on what you already know)

Before the interaction(triggered, but not decided, by context)

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Better approach: Decide during the interaction

Product recommendation


Online behavioral


SEMDisplay adsSPAM





Good approach

Behavioral data:

Page views, location, reason for call, products in cart

Customer data:

Demographics, psychographics,

account details, purchase history

During the interaction(drawing on history AND context)

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Time: a key third dimension of real-time engagement

Changes over time:

Patterns of behavior, account status

change, credit score



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Your flight’s been moved to gate C6. Here is an

updated boarding pass:

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5. How is the personalized message selected?


Marketers structure end-to-end logic before deployment


Software uses algorithms to determine the best course of action



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What does this look like?

perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium,

totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae

dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut

fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro

quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam

eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat

enim ipsam




35 years old

• Loyalty program member

• Researches via mobile

• Purchases in store


42 years old

• Returning customer

• Researches & purchases online after business




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Access Connect Online to complete your session surveys using any:– Web or mobile browser – Connect Online kiosk onsite

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