Max Get Lean Complete

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  • 8/7/2019 Max Get Lean Complete


  • 8/7/2019 Max Get Lean Complete


    Copyright 2006 by Joe Wells Enterprises, Inc., all rights reserved.

    Published by Max Muscle Marketing, Inc., a division of Joe Wells Enterprises, Inc., 1641 S. Sinclair St., Anaheim,California 92806. No part of the content herein may be reproduced, published, copied, or in any way distributed inany form or nature whatsoever without the prior written consent of Joe Wells Enterprises, Inc.

    Printed in the United States of America.

  • 8/7/2019 Max Get Lean Complete


    Max Muscles

    Top 10 Secrets to



    The Max Muscle Sports Nutrition

    Research & Development Team

  • 8/7/2019 Max Get Lean Complete


    CLA and a good essential fat supplementcontaining EPA and DHA is highly rec-ommended for everyone, especially dieters.Do not be afraid of good omega 3 fats from

    fish and of course CLA is good too!

    Carb Blocking and

    Fat Binding

    In the past few years we have seen tremen-dous new and innovative carbohydrateblocking and fat binding products hit themarket. These products have been shown instudies to have the ability to block theabsorption of the calories from these

    macronutrients.Phaseolus Vulgaris: This is currently

    the most popular carbohydrate/starchblocker. It is derived from white kidneybeans, and has been shown to block com-plex and starchy carbohydrates frombeing absorbed. It works by inhibitingthe alpha-amylase enzyme whichbreaks down certain starchy carbohy-

    drates. Phaseolus vulgaris has beendemonstrated effective against a place-bo in randomized clinical tests.

    Chitosan: This hasbecome a very popu-lar ingredient tohelp bind somefats fromabsorption.Chitosanis a fiberthat canbind tos o m edietary fatsand carry themthrough the digestivesystem without beingabsorbed. This helps reduce

    the amount of fat caloriesdigested and absorbed by thebody. Some studies have

    shown that chitosan can attract and hold upto six times its weight in fat.

    Opuntia ficus-indica: Also known asNopal cactus, it contains fibers such as

    pectin and mucilage. These cactus fibershave the ability to help bind certain fats andslow the absorption of sugars as well. Bybinding to dietary fats opuntia can reducesome of the fat calories you get from yourfoods. Studies show that opuntia can attractand hold up to three times it weight in fat.Opuntia is 100 percent vegetable-based.

    With proper use of dietary supplements,diet, and exercise, these new age blockers

    can really help you accomplish your goalsfaster than ever. It should be noted that youdo not want to take a fat binder when youare taking your fat-soluble vitamins A, D,E, and K or your essential fatty acids (from

    fish, fish oil, or flax) as chitosanand opuntia will bind these goodnutrients too. Wait at least twohours before and after you take

    your fat-soluble nutrients. Yourbody needs the healthy fats and

    fat-soluble vitamins, which helpmaintain a healthy metabo-

    lism and many otherbodily functions. They

    are best used whenknowing you are

    going to pig out

    Jared Judge lost 50pounds in 3 months.


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    appetite and a 15-percent decrease in glu-cose (blood sugar) levels. There was also acorresponding loss of body weight in the ratswith no negative side effects. Hoodia grows

    exclusively in the Kalahari desert in southernAfrica and, althought more evidence isneeded, it appears that animal and humandata support the weight loss application.

    Citrimax (Garcinia cambogia): Thisingredient works by limiting or slowing fatconversion. This is known as lipogenesis,when the body normally converts carbohy-drates to fat. When you ingest carbohy-drates, they are broken down into their

    mono and di-saccharides (simple sugarssuch as glucose, fructose, and galactose) tobe used as energy. Saccharides that are notimmediately used for energy can be storedas glycogen in the liver and muscle or as fatin fat cells. Muscle cells can only hold alimited amount of glycogen, the excessamount must be stored as fat. The enzymeneeded to convert glucose to fat is called

    ATP-citrate-lyase. Citrimax is a competi-tive inhibitor of ATP-citrate-lyase, mean-ing it can prevent some of the excess glu-cose from converting to fat. Animal studieshave shown that administration of hydrox-ycitric acid (the active ingredient in citri-max) also reduces appetite. It is believedthat this is because the liver is reducing theconversion of carbohydrates to fat, andinstead making them available for glycogenstorage in the muscle, thereby reducing theappetite and carbohydrate cravings, not tomention storing fewer carbohydrates as fat.

    Calcium Pyruvate: Research on calci-um pyruvate has shown it to be beneficialfor exercise performance and reducing bodyfat levels. Studies on pyruvate have shownto increase overall weight loss in dieters by37 percent, and increase overall fat loss by

    48 percent. Two potential mechanisms bywhich pyruvate enhances fat and weightloss are through increasing metabolism and

    fat utilization. Pyruvate works by enhanc-ing or increasing fat metabolism as energy,rather than glucose or glycogen particularlywhen a person is on a low carb high protein

    diet. Perfect for losing body fat! Thisprocess helps muscles retain vital nutrientsthat keep them strong and enduring, whilereducing body fat levels.

    Guggul Sterones (Commiphora mukulextract): This beneficial nutrient has beenstudied for its ability to support healthycholesterol levels. Guggul has also beenstudied for its natural anti-inflammatoryproperties. When choosing a guggulipid

    product, make sure it is from the plantCommiphora mukul. When you look at allthe testing and benefits of this ingredient Iwould consider it a must for virtually allathletes and active individuals trying to loseweight and maintain joint health.

    Ginger (Zingiber officinale): Commonlyknown as a spice or flavor, in China it hasbeen used for thousands of years for a mul-

    titude of medicinal purposes. Research sug-gests that ginger may support circulationand can have a warming effect on the body.It is also an excellent addition to your diet,as it calms stomach activity and is consid-ered by many to be a digestive aid. Gingerhas many healthy benefits, in addition tobeing mildly thermogenic.

    CLA: CLA or conjugated linoleic acidis found naturally in a variety of dairy andbeef products. It can be very hard to getbeneficial amounts from the diet withoutalso getting a lot of saturated fats, so manysupplement companies have formulatedsome great products using natural vegetableoil source CLA. Research at the Universityof Wisconsin indicates that CLA may helppartition the way energy is stored and uti-lized by actually diverting calories to

    healthy muscle tissue, resulting in a reduc-tion of lipogenesis. There are many morehealth benefits than those listed here, but

    16 Max Muscle Sports Nutrit ion

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    they are in need of additional calories.As your metabolism increases, so does

    your ability to assimilate protein and othernutrients. It is possible to gain 3 to 4 pounds

    of muscle while losing several pounds of fatin as little as 30 days. Ultimately yourweight could remain the same, howeveryour body fat percentage would decreasesignificantly. On a 200 pound person thiswould represent a 2 to 3 percent drop intheir overall body fat percent. That isincredible, but definitely possible!

    So get to the gym and begin a solidweight-training program. It is advisable to

    train with a partner or hire a certified per-sonal trainer in the beginning to make sureyou develop a solid foundation. Seek some-one who is certified and has a college degreein exercise science, exercise physiology, orkinesiology. These individuals will be ableto greatly improve your results in less time.

    S E C R E T 9

    Use Fat Burning andBlocking Nutrients

    TO D AY T H E RE A R E many fat-burningand blocking products on the market.Many of these ingredients have been shownin studies to help lower body fat levels.Many of these products contain some sortof stimulant or appetite suppressant in an

    effort to help offset the negative energyaffects of dieting. As we discussed earlier, inorder to lose weight you must burn morecalories than you consume in order to cre-ate a negative energy effect. By consuminghighly nutritious foods, we can offset thisaffect somewhat, but ultimately a littleextra energy booster is beneficial. Caffeineseems to be the most popular and effectivediet stimulant at this time. Here are few

    more herbs and nutrients that have shownor have been theorized to have a fat burn-ing effect.

    Citrus Aurantium: Is an extract of abitter orange citrus fruit that has beenshown to facilitate utilization of energysubstrates, stimulate metabolic processes,

    favor uptake of amino acids into muscle,increase lipolysis (breakdown of fat) andcan exert mild hunger-suppressant effects.Advantra Z is the only patented Citrusaurantium extract for weight loss and phys-ical performance on the market today. Thisthermogenic ingredient serves as an idealalternative to the controversial herb, mahuang/ephedra. Look for formulas thatcontain this herb if you want to take advan-

    tage of the effects as mentioned above.Coleus Forskolii: This Ayruvedic herb

    may be the thermogenic agent we have allbeen waiting for. It has been shown to be anatural fat burner. The active ingredient incoleus is forskolin. This key ingredientdirectly activates a substance in the bodycalled adenylate cyclase. This substancetriggers an increase in a metabolic sub-

    stance called cyclic adenosine monophos-phate or cAMP. By increasing cAMP, itis helps turn on the system responsible forrelease of fat from the cells of the bodywhere it is stored. Presently, forskolin is theonly substance known to turn on thismechanism without triggering the centralnervous system and mimicking adrenaline(epinephrine). Ephedra also increasescAMP, but it uses the nervous system to doso. When we bypass the nervous system, wecan avoid the stimulating effects common-ly seen with other thermogenic agents.

    Evodiamine: Evodiamine is a con-stituent Fructus Evodiae, referred to as ahot herb in Chinese medicine.Evodiamine is active at the vanilloid recep-tor which is also where capsaicin from hotpeppers works. So evodiamine increases

    your body temperature, which is thermo-genic, but it also has the unique ability tocause vasodilation of blood vessels, which

    14 Max Muscle Sports Nutrition

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    and want to block starchy carbohydratesand unhealthy fats. Remember they do notwork to block sugar!

    SECRET 10Cleanse for Weight Loss

    A GOOD CLEANSING PROGRAM cleansout your colon. When you think about it,your colon is handling a pretty amazing job.Its primary purpose is to expel the toxins andwastes that it collects from your body. Overthe years, sediment builds up in your colonand begins to putrefy (decay). If the colon is

    not operating efficiently it may not be effec-tively eliminating waste. The longer yourbody is exposed to putrefying food in yourintestines, the greater your risk of toxinsbuilding up and causing you to not to absorbnutrients effectively. These toxins have beenlinked to cancer and other diseases.

    Another problem people experiencetoday is constipation. Constipation can

    often be attributed to a low-fiber diet andnot enough water, causing fecal matter tobecome condensed and compressed, clog-ging us up. It has been estimated that 4 to5 pounds of putrefying food may be in yourintestines. If you could remove this excessweight from your lower abdomen youwould look and feel better than ever. Besure to drink plenty of fluids as mostcleanses will have a diuretic (water loss)effect on the body. Many supplement com-panies make great cleansing/diuretic for-mulas comprised of a blend of herbal ingre-dients to loosen, soften, and eliminatecolon sediment, excess water, and improvethe function of your colon. Visit a healthfood store or your local Max Muscle Store,which has several very good formulas tohelp you.

    Obesity Related

    Health Risks

    Although appearance plays a major role in

    motivating us to get in shape, its not themost important reason to get rid of the fat.Obesity has become a growing epidemic inAmerica today. Even worse, its now affect-

    ing our children. Heart failure, diabetes,cancer, arthritis, breathing problems, andpremature death are just a few of the manyhealth problems that start with beingoverweight.

    If we havent convinced you to get mov-ing, consider these facts. An estimated300,000 deaths per year may be attributableto obesity and its related diseases. Evenmoderately overweight people, 10 to 20

    pounds overweight, are at increased risk ofdisease and death, particularly amongadults aged 30 to 64 years. Obesity is oftenlooked at in comparison to somethingcalled Body Mass Index or BMI. If you areconsidered obese, with a BMI of greatherthan 30, you have a 50 to 100 percentincreased risk of premature death from allcauses, compared to individuals with a

    healthy weight.

    18 Max Muscle Sports Nutrition

    (height in inches) X (height in inches)

    (weight in lbs.)BMI = X 703

    Calculate Your BMI with this Formula

    Example: Calculate BMI for a male 5 feet10 inches tall, 185 pounds

    BMI = (185 pounds) divided by (70 inchesx 70 inches)] x 703

    BMI = (185 pounds) divided by 4900inches] x 703

    BMI = 26.5

    Below 18.5 Underweight18.5 24.9 Normal25.0 29.9 Overweight30.0 and Above Obese

    Categories of BMI

    Weight StatusBMI

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    fact that you are increasing your proteinintake? I believe it is a combination of both.A low-carbohydrate diet will definitely helpyou get leaner, and a high-protein diet has

    many benefits as well. Once again, body-builders have known for years that eating ahigh-protein diet helps you get lean fast. Infact, recent research has indicated that pro-tein may even have a thermogenic (fat-burning) effect. A popular peer-reviewedjournal stated that Harvard Scientists, inreview of the literature, concluded thathigh-protein diets are thermogenic, mean-ing more heat is lost during the digestion

    and metabolism of protein than of fats andcarbs (J AM Coll Nutr, 23: 373-385,2004).

    It is theorized that a high-protein diethelps reduce fluid retention and elevatesnitrogen levels to ensure optimal musclerepair and recovery. This also insures thatyour weight loss is a higher percent of fatthan muscle. I like to ask everyone I workwith regarding diets and losing weight to

    answer this simple question: If you lose 50pounds and 25 pounds is fat and 25 poundsis muscle, is your body fat percentage anybetter? You dont need to be a Rhodesscholar to answer that question. It is fairlyobvious that even though youve lost 50pounds, you are simply a smaller version ofyourself with the same percentage of bodyfat. Protein plays a huge role in making surethat your weight loss is a greater percentageof fat and a lower percentage of muscle.

    Protein is a very essential element inyour arsenal for eliminating body fat. Onceagain it may not be convenient to prepare 5to 6 servings of protein per day. Nutritionalcompanies have again made it very simpleand convenient to ingest high amounts ofquality protein conveniently. Look for aquality brand that contains at least 3 to 4

    different types of protein. We call thismulti-source protein. Multi-source pro-teins, help elevate your nitrogen balance

    longer and this helps ensure that you losemore fat than muscle while dieting.Depending on your size and weight yourprotein requirements will vary greatly. The

    boxed information on the left will serve asa basic guide to help you determine yourprotein needs by your weight.

    This diet gives you choices and examplesof how to consume protein servings. Ofcourse read the labels and if you want toreplace items, then you can always substitutethem for similar foods or supplements. Justmake sure that the protein you use does notcontain too many fats or carbohydrates.

    S E C R E T 7

    Choose Low-CalorieCarbohydrates

    WE H A VE A L L B E C OM E conditioned tothe marketing phrase Low Carb or LowGlycemic. Most people associate carbohy-drates negatively because of this phrase.

    Before this, everything was low fat. Onceagain fat had a negative connotation associ-ated with it. What most of us dont realizeis that there are good fats that actuallycounteract the bad fats in terms of choles-terol management. Carbohydrates are nodifferent than fats.There are good carbohy-drates and there are bad carbohydrates.Sugar is a Carbohydrate that if not con-

    sumed in small quantities can be very badfor you. Many starchy carbohydrates canlead to excessive weight gain and have verylittle nutritional value. Starchy carbs suchas pasta and rice make it easy to consume alot of calories quickly, which is not con-ducive to weight loss for obvious reasons.

    The Glycemic Index (GI) was devel-oped in 1981 to help people to maintainmore stable blood sugar levels by under-

    standing how food affects blood sugar. TheGI is a ranking of foods on a scale from 0to 100 according to how they raise blood

    Top Ten Secrets to Get Lean Fast! 11

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    releases heat from the body. It is a bit of aself-regulating effect which minimizes thepossibility that you will overheat whileexercising. Evodiamine appears to increase

    the release of catecholamines, epinephrine,and norepinephrine, which in turn stimu-lates the release of body fat. There may alsobe a cholecystokinin (CCK) response,which is the hormone that slows gastricemptying making you feel full. This herbneeds more research, but it is promising asa fat loss aid.

    Octopamine: Octopamine is a Beta3agonist. Octopamine is found in Citrus

    aurantium in small amounts but some com-panies are using it as a single ingredient.While Beta3 receptors do cause the releaseof body fat the more important point heremay be the sparing of muscle mass whiledieting. It appears that Beta3 receptors maybe involved in nutrient partitioning causingless lipogenesis and more lipolysis whilesparing protein. Octopamine is also able to

    go towards the production of norepineph-rine, which will cause body fat release.

    Vinpocetine: Made from the Periwinkleplant (Vinca minor), vinpocetine is primari-ly been used for the treatment and preven-tion of strokes and other cerebrovasculardiseases. Animal research shows vinpoce-tine has a neuroprotective and memory-enhancing effect along with other benefi-cial properties. Many of these benefits arefrom an enhanced blood flow. Humanstudies show that vinpocetine improvedattention, concentration, and memory.Studies in chronic stroke patients demon-strated improved cerebral glucose metabo-lism, oxygenation, and blood flow. Whilevinpocetine has no direct fat-burningeffects, it may help you with your drive toworkout and ability to maintain intensity

    and focus during your workouts.Green Tea EGCG: Green tea has many

    wonderful benefits, most notably as a

    potent antioxidant and now as a metabolicenhancer. For centuries Asian cultures haveconsumed copious amounts of green teaevery day. Recent research revealed one of

    the components in green tea, known as epi-gallocatechingallate (EGCG), has a benefi-cial effect on the metabolism. By taking aproduct that contains EGCG and caffeineyou will help to maintain a higher metabol-ic rate when combined with regular exer-cise. A higher metabolic rate means morecalorie burning leading to more fat loss.

    Yohimbine: Yohimbe is the bark of anevergreen tree (Pausinystalia yohimbe) that

    grows wild along the coasts of west-centralAfrica. Yohimbine is the active constituentand has effects on the monoamineoxidaseMAO enzyme. By inhibiting this enzymeand the alpha2a receptor yohimbineincreases the effectiveness of epinephrineand norepinephrine, chemicals released inresponse to fear, exercise, and certain herbs,causes your body to release more stored fat.

    Yohimbine should not be taken with highdoses of tyramine or certain anti-depres-sants that work on the MAO pathway. Incombination with exercise and diet yohim-bine can assist in the fat loss process.

    Salvia Sclarea: Known as fermentedsage, sometimes called sclareolude ornorambrolide, this ingredient activates theadenylate cyclase, which produces cellularcAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate).cAMP activates hormone sensitive lipasewhich releases fat from fat cells to help pro-mote weight loss. Unlike ephedra, salviasclarea bypasses the adrenal glands, increas-ing cAMP levels without unwanted stimu-lant effects. This new ingredient has a lot ofpromise for future research on fat loss.

    Hoodia Gordonii: Hoodia is a cactustraditionally used in South Africa for

    endurance and to suppress hunger. Researchon obese rats demonstrated that hoodiacaused up to a 50-percent decrease in

    Top Ten Secrets to Get Lean Fast! 15

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    10 Max Muscle Sports Nutrition

    Protein Needs By Your Weight

    80 to 120 pounds: 15 to 20 grams of protein, four to six times a day.

    125 to 160 pounds: 20 to 25g of protein, four to six times a day.165 to 200 pounds: 25 to 30 g of protein, four to six times a day.

    200 to 235 pounds: 30 to 35 g of protein, four to six times a day.

    235+ pounds: 35 to 50 g of protein, four to six times a day.

    A good example of how to consume this amount of protein is as follows, I use a165-pound individual for this sample protein regimen.

    It is important to note that if you have any kidney, liver, phenylketonuria, or other health disordersthat affect protein metabolism, you should consult a doctor regarding consuming a high-protein diet.

    It should also be noted that a high-protein diet requires a significant amount of fluid consumption tocontinuously flush the kidneys. Drinking 1 to 2 gallons of water per day, depending on your size, issuggested.

    7 am: Any of the following or combination

    # High protein shake:25 grams of protein.

    # 2 to 3 ounce lean breakfast steak:20 to 25 grams of protein.

    # Six egg whites:About 20 grams of protein.

    10 am: Any of the following or combination

    # High protein shake: 25 grams ofprotein.

    # Three to four boiled eggs, whites only:About 12 to 15 grams of protein.

    # Protein bar: 15 to 25 grams of protein.Choose one with less than 12 gramsof sugar.

    1 pm: Any of the following or combination

    # 8 oz Chicken breast:About 25 to 30 grams of protein.

    # 3 oz of Sirloin or filet:

    About 25 grams of protein.

    # 3 oz of fish: About 25 grams of protein.

    # Meal Replacement shake:25 to 45 grams of protein.

    4 pm: Any of the following or combination

    # High Protein Shake:About 25 grams of protein.

    # Three to four boiled eggs, whites only:About 12 to 15 grams of protein.

    # Protein bar: 15 to 25 grams. Chooseone with less than 12 grams of sugar.

    6 pm: Any of the following or combination

    # 8 oz Chicken breast:About 25 to 30 grams of protein.

    # 3 oz of Sirloin or filet:About 25 grams of protein.

    # 3 oz of fish: About 25 grams of protein.

    # 3 oz of lean hamburger or turkeyburger: 25 to 30 grams of protein

    # Meal replacement shake:25 to 45 grams of protein.

    Before Bed:A serving of low calorie amino acids

    capsules or a liquid collagen protein for-mula. This will supply 10 to 15 grams ofprotein and elevate your nitrogen levelto assist in repair and recovery while yousleep. Liquid collagen formulas are anexcellent source of protein before bedand may also help to increase yourmetabolism during your sleeping hours.

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    such as refined white sugar, brown sugar,turbinado sugar, corn syrup, high fructosecorn syrup, fructose, barley malt, maltodex-trin, dextrose, and sucrose.

    My first choice for good low-calorie andnutritious carbohydrates is from the fibrousvegetable family. These include fibrous andmostly colorful vegetables. A good exampleof these types of carbohydrates are: broc-coli, leafy and colorful salad mixes, zucchi-ni, squash, cabbage, cucumber, tomatoes,carrots, cauliflower, and celery.

    This gives you a fairly good idea of whattype of carbohydrates are low calorie and

    packed with nutritional value. The reasontheyre so low in calories is because theyreprimarily made up of water and fiber. Inaddition to this, they have very little sugarand are primarily comprised of complexcarbohydrates as well as vitamins and min-erals. These types of carbohydrates alsohelp the body stay hydrated, particularlywhen consuming a high-protein diet. As

    mentioned earlier, it is very important toconsume plenty of fluid while eating ahigh-protein diet. They also contain crudefiber, which is beneficial for a healthy diges-tive system. To give you an example of justhow low in calories these types of vegeta-bles are look at the following: Three andone-half ounces of broccoli contains onlyabout 25 to 30 calories. If you dont gocrazy with salad dressing and butter, youcan pretty much eat all the broccoli andfibrous carbohydrates that you want whileyou diet.

    Lets talk about fruit carbohydrates aswell. One orange contains approximately50 calories. Most of the calories come fromsugar, but it is only about 10 g of sugar.Thevitamins and fiber definitely offset the neg-ative effects of the sugar.

    Apples are one of the better fruits. Theycontain a fiber called pectin that bluntstheir glycemic effect. Most other fruits do

    not contain fiber to blunt their glycemiceffect. Most fruits have approximately thesame nutritional profile in terms of carbo-hydrates and sugar. I believe two servings

    per day of fresh fruits are very healthy aswell as low in calories. What you have toaware of is eating too much fruit. Onepound of grapes would be far too muchsugar. A handful however, would be verylow in sugar and a great fruit snack withvery few calories.

    So go ahead and pile on the carbohy-drates, just make sure that they are fromhealthy and fibrous veggies and fruits as

    mentioned above. Remember, all carbohy-drates are not created equal!

    S E C R E T 8

    Incorporate a WeightTraining Program

    WE IG H T T R AI N I NG I S very beneficialfor losing body fat and body weight.

    Weight training breaks down muscle fiberand causes your body to build and repairmuscle tissue. We have been encouraging ahigh-protein diet, and it works very well inconjunction with weight training. Whenyour body begins to build and repair itself,it needs vital amino acids from protein inaddition to energy and calories to assist inthis process. More simply stated your

    metabolism increases even after you aredone weight training. It has been estimatedthat your body builds and repairs muscle forapproximately 48 to 72 hours after you aredone weight training depending on theintensity.

    If you train at least every other day, thenit is easy to see that you are in a constantstate of recovery and building, thereforeyour metabolism speeds up. Most people

    notice that they get hungrier when theybegin a weight-training program. This isbecause their metabolism has increased and

    Top Ten Secrets to Get Lean Fast! 13

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    sugar levels. Individual foods with a highGI release glucose into the bloodstreamquickly causing blood sugar levels to riserapidly. Individual foods with a low

    glycemic index release glucose more steadi-ly over several hours, which help to keepblood sugar in check. Pure glucose has aranking of 100 on the GI scale. All otherfoods are ranked in relation to glucose.Foods that rank as high on the GI scaleinclude ice cream, croissants, raisins andother dried fruit, bananas, carrots, andwatermelon. Foods that rank as moderateon the GI (45-60) include most types of

    pasta, baked beans, green peas, sweet pota-toes, orange juice, blueberries, and rice.Low GI foods (under 45) includebeans, cruciferous vegetables, andhigh-fiber, low-sugar cereals,low-fat unsweetened plainyogurt, grapefruit, apples, andtomatoes. The GI does nottake into account the effect

    of eating a mixed meal, itonly looks at individualfoods eaten alone, soit does have somedrawbacks.

    G l y c e m i cLoad is ameasure ofthe den-sity anddigestionspeed of car-bohydrates (theglycemic index of afood multiplied by theamount of carbohydratesper serving). The goal ofZone eating is to keep theglycemic load low. Carrots,

    for example, even thoughthey have a high glycemicindex, have a much lower

    glycemic load than pasta because they areless carbohydrate-dense.

    Carbohydrates can be

    broken down into 5categories as follows:

    Fibrous Vegetables, which include allleafy-greens, orange and non-orange fleshedvarieties, root vegetables, tubers, legumes,and herbs. But excludes starchy vegetation(such as peas, corn, and most beans).

    Starchy, which include foods such aspotatoes, most grains such as rice, millet,wheat, corn, (excluding non-starchy grains

    such as oats), man-made grain products,such as bread and pasta.

    Non-Starch/Low Glycemic,which include things such aswhole rolled oats, barley, bran,

    most beans, yams, and a smat-tering of foods from eachneighboring category thatdont quite conform to their

    own category standard.Fruits, which

    include all species ofrind, and non-rind

    fruits.S u g a r s ,w h i c hincludef o o d s

    Christina Lawson lost 50pounds in 4 months.


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    To calculate your BMI see the chart onthe left. After looking at these statistics Iknow you will see no other option than toget started on your weight-loss program

    TODAY!As you can see, obesity is a serious threatto our nations health and its not goingaway any time soon. What we can do asindividuals to counteract this problem istake action ourselves and start leading byexample. Its time to take the first step bytaking action.

    Now you have the Top 10 Secrets To GetLean Fast!No ExcusesGet started today.

    Remember to see your doctor if you haveany health problems or are more than 20pounds overweight before beginning thisprogram. You now have all the tools youneed to lose fat fast. With a little obsessionand focus, you will soon be on your way tothe new you!

    As I said in the beginning of this infor-mational guide, Failure is the by-product

    of Procrastination. Its up to you at thispoint.

    You can put this guide down, go back toyour normal routine and in a few weeks for-

    get that you even read this. Or you can makethe right choice and do every step withinthis guide. Plan your program and followeach step religiously. Its my sincere hopethat each of you reading this makes the com-mitment to take control of your weight andultimately your health. Good Luck!

    Top Ten Secrets to Get Lean Fast! 19

    Many of the ingredients listed in the

    fat burning and blocking section areavailable in a variety of fat lossproducts at most reputable sportsnutrition stores. Max Muscle SportsNutrition has been a trusted sourcein the industry for over 10 years.You can go to www.maxmuscle.comto find a retailer near you.

  • 8/7/2019 Max Get Lean Complete



    For years Americans have struggled withthe battle of the bulge. Both men andwomen alike share in this obsession. If I

    had a dollar for every time someone askedme how to get rid of this potbelly or howcan I make my butt smaller, I bet Id haveclose to a million dollars in the bank. Whatmay surprise you is that despite all the so-called experts preaching confusing andsometimes contradictory information abouttheir way of getting in better shape, theanswer to these questions is really funda-mentally simple. Max Muscle has helped

    thousands of customers win this battle overthe past 10 years. It is possible and there ishope for each and every one of us.

    The main reason that I decided to writeour Top 10 Secrets To Get Lean Fast isbecause so many people just dont knowwhat to do and where to start to lose fat.Not only can we help you accomplish this,we can also help you do it relatively quick-

    ly, provided you follow the 10 Secrets to theletter. It has become a little overwhelmingfor me to personally coach each and everyperson who asks for help. Ive spent count-less hours talking with and helping peopleaccomplish their goals. Now Ive writtenthe same exact secrets down in this easy-to-read guide to help you too lose the fat fast!The best reward is when someone followsmy advice and becomes the lean, muscularperson that they always wanted to be, butnever thought they could actually become.

    One of the greatest compliments I everreceived was when a friends wife called mea liar. There is no way that these before andafter photos of the MaxFormation FitnessQuest winners are real; no one could accom-plish this in such a short amount of time, shesaid. I reassured her that we have thousands

    of testimonials from customers who havehad unbelievable success. It would be liter-ally impossible to be anything less than

    honest with thousands of customers offer-ing personal testimonials. Rather than getupset, I took it as the greatest of compli-ments. She literally could not believe the

    results our customers were getting. TheMaxForm Your Life; 12 Weeks to anIncredible New You book is available in anyMax Muscle store for purchase or free ifyou enter the MaxFormation FitnessQuest. This book contains many of our for-mer champions results. You can also checkout more winning MaxFormations

    Take a close look at the photo sequences

    of April Nairn (Fig. A). If you look at thefirst photo and the last photo, it is reason-able to assume it may be a different person.But now look at each photo with intervalsof her progress, and it is possible to see howreal the metamorphosis actually is. Mypoint is not to brag about our great successstories, but to give you hope that you cando it to. Stop procrastinating, stop disbe-

    lieving and make a commitment now. Letus get you started today, remember, Failureis the by-product of procrastination.

    The following is information regardinghow and why you gain or lose weight. Readit so that you will have a better understand-ing of how your body works.

    Personal Evaluation

    One of the first things you need to dobefore beginning this program is to make apersonal evaluation of yourself. Be honest,because this will have a strong bearing onhow you set your goals. There are threebasic body types that we are all a combina-tion of. The following is information onthese specific body types.

    Ectomorph: Ectomorphs are generally

    lean individuals with very long bonestructure. Tall and lanky may be the bestdescription for ectomorphs. Ectomorphs

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    Other Educational and Support ToolsExclusively from Max MuscleMax Muscle emphasizes the importance of education and knowledge

    in helping our customers achieve results. Many educational supportresources have been created to support this philosophy.

    MaxForm Your Life: 12 Weeks To An IncredibleNew You contains everything you need toachieve your health and fitness goals. The bookincludes the latest advances in sports nutrition,why fad diets don't work and how to get tone &

    lean sensibly. It also includes workouts and dietsfrom several MaxFormation champions. Thisbook, a $25.00 value, is free to anyone whosigns up for the MaxFormation Fitness Quest.

    Max Sports and Fitness magazine is a full-color,high-quality, monthly publication made avail-able exclusively to Max Muscle customers. Eachissue is jammed packed with important editori-al pieces that cover topics such as nutrition,training, motivation and the latest advances insupplementation.

    Max Muscle Sports Nutrition Educational SeriesDVDfeatures sports nutrition experts discussingvaluable topics, such as the benefits of protein,and dieting dos and donts. This is the sameDVD that plays throughout each Max Musclestore.

    All of these educational tools are available at all

    Max Muscle stores or on

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    usually do not have a problem withweight control; however later in life it ispossible for them to become overweightas well. Michelle Pfeiffer, CalistaFlockhart, and Heather Locklear areexamples of in-shape ectomorphs.

    Endomorph: Endomorphs are general-ly what most people consider stocky,round with heavy bones. NFL linemenwould typically be considered mostlyendomorphs. Endomorphs need to

    work much harder to stay lean. Theytend to gain weight in fact quickly andeasily. Jennifer Lopez, Bill Clinton, and

    Oprah Winfrey are good examples ofin-shape endomorphs.

    Mesomorph: Mesomorphs have a ten-dency to be muscular and lean. We allknow somebody who can eat prettymuch anything they want and look leanand muscular all the time. Most greatbody builders are good examples ofmesomorphs. Madonna, ArnoldSchwarzenegger, and Tina Turner areexamples of in-shape mesomorphs.

    Now that you have a general under-standing of the three basic body types, it

    Top Ten Secrets to Get Lean Fast! 3

    Figure A. April Nairn



    April Nairn losta total of 95pounds in just

    52 weeks aftercompleting theMaxFormationFitness Quest.

    4 WEEKS

    8 WEEKS 12 WEEKS

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    will be much easier for you to evaluateyourself and set your goals accordingly. It isnot uncommon to be a combination of oneor two of the above body types. If your

    mother was an endomorph and your fatherwas a mesomorph it would not be unlikelythat you could be a combination of both.Every body type is different. We all have adifferent genetic makeup. Our metabo-lisms, muscle structure and fat compositionvary considerably between individuals.

    Endomorphs obviously have to workmuch harder to get the same results as amesomorph. A pure ectomorph can eat

    pretty much anything theywant and stay fairlylean. Remember, veryfew of us are 100percent of any of thedifferent body types.It is more likely thatwe are a combinationof them. If you believe

    that you are mostly endo-morph, this informa-tion is not meantto discourage youby any means.Just know thatyou will need towork a littleharder than theother two bodytypes to getresults. Thegood news is, Ihave seenendomorphsc o m p l e t e l y M a x F o r mtheir bodies. Itcan be done!

    What Makes Us Gain or

    Lose Weight And Fat?

    While the answer is a simple formula, thereality of losing weight and fat is not always

    that easy. Our goal is not necessarily toteach you how to lose weight, but to teachyou how to get lean. Many times the tworun hand in hand, particularly if you aremore than 20 pounds over your idealweight. Ideally, if you lose 20 pounds wewant to make sure that at least 15 of thosepounds are from pure fat! This will loweryour body fat percentage and, of course,make you look leaner.

    Think of your body as a car. You put ingas and it goes, until of course it runs out.When it is tuned up properly it gets bettergas mileage and performs better. Our bod-ies are not much different. If we keep themin good shape by exercising and eatinghealthy, we perform at a higher level. Food

    is our fuel and it plays a major role indetermining how much energy we

    have and whether or not weare fat or lean. If we eat an

    abundance of calories,then we may tend to

    store fat very quickly.The simple formulafor weight loss is:you must consumefewer calories thanyour body burns(metabolic rate) orburn more calo-ries than you con-

    Tim McLaughlinlost 50 poundsin 4 months.


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    sume. I told you it was simple! Now comesthe harder part. This, of course, creates anegative energy balance when you eat fewercalories than you burn or burn more calo-

    ries than you eat. And this is what makesdieting hard. Hey if was easy we would alllook great right!

    We want to help you learn to consumefewer calories and create more energy. Thiswill speed up your metabolism and you willbegin to burn more calories while feelingbetter, and ultimately losing weight. Thefaster your metabolism gets, the more foodyou can eat and maintain your weight. Once

    you reach your ideal weight or appearance,your ultimate goal is to burn as many calo-ries as you consume, achieving a neutralenergy balance. This will assure that youmaintain your ideal weight. The good newsis that the more lean muscle mass you have,the faster your metabolism will operate.Lean, muscular bodies require more caloriesto maintain their ideal weight. Simply stat-

    ed, you will be able to eat more and main-tain your appearance!

    S E C R E T 1

    Set a Goal and Dont LetAnything Stop You!

    T WO POWERF UL WORDS that I contin-ue to hear among successful people: goal

    setting. Find me a super-successful personwho doesnt incorporate goal setting intheir everyday lives, and Ill show you a verylucky person. Donald Trump, Lee Iacocca,and Arnold Schwarzenegger are all avidgoal-setters that will readily attest to thesuccess that it creates. They start withshort-term goals that eventually lead tolong-term results. Long-term goals can lit-erally change your life.

    As I began my training program, I set asemi-long-term goal of being able to jumprope for 30 minutes in 5-minute intervals

    of six sets. The first day I struggled to do itfor 5 minutes, but that was my immediateor short-term goal, so I felt good aboutthat. By the fourth day 5 minutes was get-

    ting easier and I was pushing for 10 min-utes. My short-term goal was to increasemy jumping in 5-minute increments everyfew days, while my long-term goal was tojump rope for 30 minutes within 3 weeks.Within the first 18 days I had accom-plished my goal of jumping rope for 30minutes. I must admit that that on the firstday when I was toiling to jump for only 5minutes, I would have never believed that I

    could do 30 minutes in less than 3 weeks.Im sure this feat would be consideredinsignificant to the likes of a pro-boxer, butto me it was a major accomplishment thatgave me a feeling of success. Short-termgoals should be very simple, and somethingthat you can accomplish quickly. They serveas motivational stepping stones towardsaccomplishing your long-term goals. Just as

    every journey is completed with a series ofsteps, every long-term goal is completedwith a series of short-term goals.

    Lets start practicing right now. I wantyou to set a short-term goal. Lets start offwith something simple that you can accom-plish today. You Are Going to Ride YourBike for 30 Minutes Tonight, now write itdown and begin giving yourself constantmental memos of your commitment. Seehow easy that was? Youll be surprised athow powerful this can be. Apply pressure toyourself in order to accomplish these goals.What good are goals if do not have themotivation to put them into action. Writeyour goals down! By doing this you are pro-gramming yourself to accomplish that goal.Goal setting can also be very subliminal,especially if you constantly reinforce your

    goals by repeating them to yourselfthroughout the day. I call this MentalMemos. Mental Memos really do work

    Top Ten Secrets to Get Lean Fast! 5

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    and can be a very powerful tool in makingsure you accomplish your goals. Tell yourselfthat you cant wait to get to the gym; what arelief it will be to get out of the office and

    get in a great workout. If your long-termgoal is to lose 40 pounds and define yourbody, then you must constantly remindyourself that each rep, each set, each work-out, each day gets you a little closer toaccomplishing your long term goal. By theend of the day you dont even need to thinkabout it, you just do it, because youve beenthinking about doing it all day.

    Remember, short-term goals can be very

    short and simple. They can be set on a dailyor weekly basis. Your short-term weightloss goal could be to lose 3 pounds the firstweek. Make it happen! Then reward your-self with some sort of treat. Then get backon the program and do it again next week!These short-term goals will challenge youto make sure that you are focused onaccomplishing your long-term goals daily.

    Set your diet and fitness goals today anddont let anything stop you from accom-plishing these goals.

    S E C R E T 2


    I L I K E T O R E F E R to visualization as theminds method of goal setting. This can beeven more powerful than writing downyour goals and works hand in hand withMental Memos. Envisioning exactlywhat you want to look like in your mindcan be very inspiring. I was first introducedto visualization as a rookie in training campwith the Seattle Seahawks. In an effort toimprove a general lackluster attitude intraining camp, the coaching staff enlistedthe services of a hypnosis and visualization

    expert. Imagine 60 professional footballplayers in one room visualizing that wewere the fastest, strongest, and toughestguys on the planet. The energy in the room

    was unbelievable! We were all ready to goto war. We all learned how very powerfulthe mind could be.

    Visualization works best if you can find

    a quiet area to allow yourself to concen-trate. Try to get at least 5 minutes of non-interrupted time, in a comfortable position.You have to concentrate on how you wantto look, how others will treat the new you,buying clothes for the new you, the newlove of your life, your new job, driving yournew car! Go through anything and every-thing that you want to see yourself doing.You dont necessarily need the perfect envi-

    ronment to visualize; you can do it in yourcar, between sets, while riding a bike, wher-ever and whenever. The more you practicethe better you will get.

    The mind is a very powerful tool thatcan also give you negative feedback. Makesure you concentrate and even meditateabout all the positive aspects that will comeas a result of the new you. I guarantee you

    professional athletes like Kobe Bryant usevisualization, and I know his mind nevermisses a shot. Picture exactly what youwant to be, and react by executing each goalstep by step, and dont be surprised whenyou wake up one day and achieve exactlywhat youve been visualizing. All this worksinto our next topic; Getting Obsessed.

    S E C R E T 3

    Get Obsessed

    ON E O F T H E C O M M O N denominatorsthat each and every MaxFormation winnerhad is that they became somewhat obsessedwith their results. When you becomeobsessed, you become more focused onachieving your goal. Obviously, it is veryimportant that you prioritize your life, so

    that your newfound obsession does notallow you to ignore your job, children, orsignificant other. It is possible to keepeveryone happy while achieving your goal.

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    If you plan and strategize your obsessionwith your family and co-workers, manytimes they will want to be involved as well.This will lead to a stronger support system

    while you achieve your goal and, of course,as you achieve your goal they will feel asense of accomplishment as well. So allowyourself to become a little obsessed, partic-ularly in the beginning stages. It is vital foryou to achieve results within the first fewweeks of beginning your program. Resultsequal motivation! As we see results, webecome even more motivated to get betterand better!

    S E C R E T 4

    Double SplitAerobic Training

    TH IS I S P ER HA PS the most powerfulmethod for increasing your metabolismfast. The Max Muscle Double-splitAerobic Training Principle is a very simple

    and effective way to increase your metabol-ic rate while optimizing your bodys abilityto burn stored fat... Fast! I have seenincredible results from hundreds ofMaxFormation competitors whove usedthis principle as the cornerstone of theirMaxFormation program. It is incredible tosee results as your body burns away the fatand your muscle definition begins to show

    through. It is possible to literally see yourbody change from day-to-day if you followthe program as outlined. Yes, it does soundcomplicated, but let me explain to you justhow easy and simple this program is.

    The key to the success of this program isto do at least 20 minutes of aerobic trainingtwice per day, preferably 30 minutes in themorning and 30 minutes in the evening.Aerobic training in the morning should be

    done immediately upon rising, while thetraining in the evening should be done afteryou eat your last meal.This ensures that your

    body is in an optimal mode for burning fat.Hit it hard in the beginning so that you cansee results as soon as possible.This will moti-vate you and enable you to accomplish your

    goal faster than ever. Typically this worksbest if you do it at least 6 days a week. I knowthis sounds a bit intense, but in reality it is asimple and healthy change of lifestyle.

    Great results can be accomplished doingaerobics only once per day, but to get fastresults, try this double-split aerobic train-ing. As I mentioned earlier, I have seenremarkable changes in a short period oftime from people who have utilized the

    double-split method of aerobic training. Ipersonally lost more than 30 lbs. and low-ered my body fat percent from 18 percentto 9 percent in less than 10 weeks.

    Be creative, there are hundreds of meth-ods for aerobic training. Walking hasproven to be a pleasant yet physically invig-orating experience. Aerobic training can beas simple as running or jumping in place,

    doing squats with no weights, push-ups, oranything that elevates your heart rate. Istart my day by biking for 30 minutes whileI drink my coffee and watch the news. Inthe evening, I do the same except I like towatch a comedy show after my last meal.You will be surprised how easy and effectivethis will be for igniting your metabolism.You dont need to accelerate your heart rateextremely fast. This is not about gruntingand sweating, its about elevating the heartrate slightly for at least 20 minutes. Ofcourse you can increase the intensity, buttime is more important than the intensity.30 minutes of easy bike riding or a briskwalk is actually more beneficial for fatburning than 15 minutes of high-intensitysprinting. Longer periods of aerobic activi-ty at the lower end of your heart rate range

    is actually more beneficial than shorterperiods of aerobic activity at the higher endor your heart rate range for burning body

    Top Ten Secrets to Get Lean Fast! 7

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    fat. However if you are a conditioned ath-lete, then you can probably work out forlonger periods of time at the higher-end. It

    is always advisable to consult a physicianbefore beginning any type of physical train-ing. This is particularly important if youhave any health problems.

    SECRET 5

    Eat Smaller Meals,More Frequently

    Throughout the DayM A NY P E OP LE H AV E a hard timeunderstanding why eating more frequentlycan actually help you stay leaner and

    healthier. Research has shown a correlationbetween meal frequency and the amount ofbody fat we have. One study revealed that

    individuals who ate four to six smallermeals per day had less body fat than thoseeating two to three larger meals per day.Both groups consumed about the sameamount of calories.

    Body builders have known about this foryears. As a bodybuilder diets down for ashow, he or she will consume six to sevensmaller meals per day. Weve all seen howlean a bodybuilder gets when they are get-ting ready for a competition. Every muscleis striated and their abdominals are a rock-hard six-pack.

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    Calculate Your Aerobic Training

    Heart Rate Range

    The following is an example of how to calculate your heart rate to determine your

    ideal aerobic training levels. You are born with a maximum heart rate of 220 beatsper minute. For each year that you age, your heart loses one beat per minute. Thisis how you calculate your maximum present heart rate: 220 (age in years) = max-imum present heart rate.

    If you are 30 years old, this is how you would calculate your present heart rate:220 30 = 190 (maximum present heart rate).

    It has been determined that the ideal range to burn fat during aerobic trainingis between 60 to 85 percent of your maximum present heart rate. This iscommonly referred to as the target training zone. To establish the lower limitfor the 30-year-old example above you would simply multiply your calculationfor present maximum heart rate, which was 190, by .60 or 60 percent.

    190 x .60 = 114 beats per minute for the lower limit.

    To establish the upper limit for this example you would do the same as you didfor the lower limit, except you multiply your calculation for present maximumheart rate by .85 or 85 percent.

    190 x .85 (85 percent) = 161 beats per minute for the upper limit

    We have now established a target-training zone of 114 to 161 heartbeats perminute as our ideal aerobic training zone for someone who is 30 years old.Beginners should start at the lower level of the range and gradually work into ahigher range.

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    Consuming large meals increases fatstorage. It is theorized that when you eatlarge and infrequent meals the circulatinglevels of blood fats and sugars rise dramat-

    ically. The increase in blood fat after con-suming a large meal encourages fat cells totake fat from the blood and this, of course,makes your existing fat cells get bigger.Likewise, the large increase in blood sugarelevates the powerful hormone insulin, pro-moting even more fat storage and prevent-ing any fat burning. If you think about, itmakes perfect sense. When you eat less fre-quently, your body adapts to the fact that it

    does not know exactly when you will con-sume food again. As a survival mechanismit begins to store fat in an effort to help yousurvive longer without food. Your body issimply adapting to its environment. If youeat smaller meals more frequently, yourbody will process and assimilate nutrientsmuch more efficiently. It will have a ten-dency to use these nutrients, including fat,

    rather than to store them. On top of thatyou dont get overly hungry from going solong between meals.

    The biggest obstacle in meal frequencyis, of course, taking the time to prepare andeat the meals. In todays fast-paced society,eating is often over looked. NumerousNutrition companies, including MaxMuscle, have designed products specificallyto make it convenient to provide the bodythe necessary nutrients it needs for optimalassimilation. High-Protein meal replace-ment products are readily available and easyto work into your program. Some mealreplacements contain more nutrients thanyou could get from most normal meals. Sothere are no excuses, there are ways to easi-ly increase the frequency of your meals andenable your body to operate much more

    efficiently, meaning your metabolismincreases and the amount of calories yourbody is able to burn will increase. When

    your metabolism increases and you begin toburn more calories, weight loss is obviouslymuch easier. Remember, this all boils downto using more calories than you take in on a

    daily basis.

    SECRET 6

    Eat a High Protein DietA R E Y OU A S C ON F U SE D as I amregarding low-fat, high-protein, low-carbo-hydrate diets? When the marketing worldfirst embraced the term low fat every-thing became low fat. Cottage cheese, milk,

    and just about any food item that did nothave a significant amount of fat, waslabeled low fat. Consumers bought into thehuge marketing campaign for low-fatitems. Granted Americans eat far too muchfat, but many of us were cutting necessaryessential fats while cutting the bad fats. Ontop of this the food companies replaced badfats with an ever-increasing amount of sug-

    ary and starchy carbohydrates. The prob-lem with increasing the amount of sugarand carbohydrates in our diet was that itbegan causing an elevation of insulin levels,which ultimately leads to storing morebody fat. Eat less fat, yet store more fat?Consumers could not understand that,until they realized they were getting fatterand fatter.

    Enter the low-carbohydrate diet craze.Now everything is labeled low carbohy-drate and guess what, consumers are get-ting leaner. Low carbohydrate is actuallysynonymous with high protein. Unless, ofcourse, you are eating primarily carbohy-drates and fat, and Im sure that no one isor should be. More and more companiesare developing low-carbohydrate products,and the primary ingredient in many cases

    to replace the diminishing carbohydrates iswhey and or soy protein. So we asked our-selves, is it the low-carbohydrate diet or the

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